Family: Question: How would you stop your 16 year old daughter from being shy and having no personality? |
- Question: How would you stop your 16 year old daughter from being shy and having no personality?
- Question: How will I know how many kids my brother and sister in law might want to have if at all?
- Question: Dysfunctional family! What should I do?
- Question: I don't understand why I'm such an awful daughter.?
- Question: Should I just tell my mom?
- Question: Why is my sister such a toxic person?
- Question: Family moving and I will be alone. What should I do?
- Question: What should I do?
- Question: Sick of my kids fighting all the time?
- Question: Why some people really love money?
- Question: What should I do next?
- Question: I have a seventeen year old who is rebellious and wants to leave home?
- Question: Abusive mother?
- Question: Abusive mother?
- Question: How do I stop my parents wedding?My mom is tricking my dad.?
- Question: Am I verbally abused?
- Question: My uncle is an alcoholic and yells at grandkids. Is this normal for an alcoholic to behave this way?
- Question: Am I being verbally abused?
- Question: My sister has no respect for herself whatsoever?
- Question: My Aunt screamed the word "NO" in my face, what I should I do about this attitude ?
- Question: Do I actually deserve what I am getting?
- Question: Why everyone pretends they cant hear me?
- Question: How do I leave my parents, I'm 22 and want to fast but they won't let me fast?
- Question: I am a working mother who make a very good income, but I feel guilty all of the time for leaving my kids during working hours with a nanny?
- Question: Should you yell at your kid if they're crying?
- Question: Why is my mom so insane?
- Question: Why Do People Think Bullying Is Ok ?
- Question: Should you pursue after a gorl rejected you?
- Question: Is my cousin being callous?
- Question: My stepdad has acted weird around me for years. It’s just gotten worse. What do i do?
- Question: My mother says she would not have alienated me from my father and step-mother had she known what it would do to me. Should I forgive her?
- Question: My sister tells our mother to "Shut up" and she's 25. What might drive a 25 year old who functions on average at her age to behave like this?
- Question: My parents ask me over and the belittle me the entire visit. What should I do?
- Question: I'm going to the same highschool as my religious cousin.?
- Question: How to deal with a relative who bought my 7 year old girl extremely short dresses?
- Question: Why is there pressure on women to be attractive?
- Question: My mom just decided I'm not worthy of getting new school supplies or clothes this year. Is this a reasonable reaction?
- Question: Can I get a protective order with no visible marks?
- Question: Part for the story. This is the last part of the story so make sure you've read the three previous Parts before you answer the question.?
- Question: Is coffee date a cheap date?
- Question: How to deal with strict conservative christian asian parents? please help?
- Question: What is significant about the day January 27, 2008 for you?
- Question: What to do? I’m feeling a bit guilty?
Question: How would you stop your 16 year old daughter from being shy and having no personality? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 02:11 PM PDT |
Question: How will I know how many kids my brother and sister in law might want to have if at all? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 02:03 PM PDT |
Question: Dysfunctional family! What should I do? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 01:55 PM PDT I'm 14 years old and was adopted when I was 4 in 2008. I dance and I am an A student on the honor roll. My dad left my mom and I in 2009, but returned. Then in 2012 my dad left for 9 months and they were in the process of getting divorced. Then he came back. Every month they have a big argument, which always involves me being forced to choose sides. (This has been happening for years). All these years I have been closer to my dad. My mom verbally yells, curses, and says I'm so stupid and fat for no reason. She also yells at my dad for the smallest mistakes. "Mom" has hit and slapped me. She says I don't care about her I don't feel that this is a good environment for me, so what should I do? I have 3 years until I start college. Is this considered abuse? |
Question: I don't understand why I'm such an awful daughter.? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 01:34 PM PDT I love my mum, I really really do but I always really dislike her. We have such a confusing relationship, it was as if it was bipolar. Somedays we get on extremely well but our bad days are awful and sadly are becoming more frequent. It's as if I've lost all respect for her and I understand it, I just need help for us both but I don't know how to get it. Just yesterday we got into a (now seemingly small) argument in the car and as a result she slapped my arm and locked me in and because of my anger and overwhelming feelings I kicked the windscreen and surprise surprise, it smashed. I felt so guilty and embarrassed and I knew it was wrong. When she saw she called me every name under the sun and we've not spoken since. I've offered her money for a replacement but she didn't reply. I'm 15 and I know I'm troubled but I always take the blame and I feel like it can't only be me who's wrong. I just can't believe how upset she must feel that I'm such a disappointment and I feel like I don't belong here at all, I don't deserve her or anyone. She often shouts at me and slaps me and blames me for every single thing. Please help me |
Question: Should I just tell my mom? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 01:00 PM PDT So my mom and I like too watch wheel of fortune and jeopardy on tv at night. For the last month or so I have been watching wheel of fortune and have been kind of pretending that I can see the tv, when I can't see because it is totally blurry. My mom asked me the other day why have I not seemed interested in watching tv and I did not tell her the truth that I can't see well. I am starting school in 2 weeks and will be in 8th grade and I am freaking out that I won't be able to see well. I think I am nervous about getting glasses, because I am on the cheerleading team and volleyball team as well. Should I just be honest with my mom about not being able too see well. Everything is blurry to me and the blurryness doesn't go away unless I squint. |
Question: Why is my sister such a toxic person? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 12:29 PM PDT You would think that since I am the 19 year old one, and she is the 31 year old one, that she would be the more mature one. However, that's far from the truth. I hate to use the term "sister" for her, because I don't believe that's what she is to me. She is a 250+ pound bully. Today she attacked and pushed me, causing me to hurt my hand pretty bad. Why did she do it? Because she came in me and my mom's house with an attitude, and she thought that we were wrong for addressing her nasty deposition. We then got into an altercation, because my mom is disabled and can't really protect herself. For some reason, she though that she had a right to put her hands on me in MY HOUSE, because she didn't like what I said. I told her that I hate her and to get the **** out of our house. I never assaulted her or put my hands on her, whatsoever. She is a very aggressive, deranged, and mean bully. She basically likes to throw her weight around. I am not even 145 pounds so of course she could beat me physically. However, I made a police report on her and I plan to get a restraining order on her. She is too comfortable and so used to assaulting and abusing people, that she thinks that she will get away with this. SHE WILL NOT. She messed with the wrong one this time. |
Question: Family moving and I will be alone. What should I do? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 11:56 AM PDT My grandfather has been helping raise my 5 year old son. However, he's moving to another state this month. I live in a shelter and my sons mom barely communicates with me because her focus is on another man that lives with her. I also so pay child support. What can I do to stay positive? |
Posted: 13 Aug 2018 10:30 AM PDT Okay, I am a 19 year old girl. My sister who is 31 is very aggressive and a fat bully, literally. She likes to through her wait around and intimidate people. Anyways, today she came over my mom's and , with a nasty attitude asking for help. So, like what the typical person would do, I addressed her attitude and asked her what was her problem, because she was in OUR house acting rude. Mind you, my mom is disabled. Therefore, she cannot really take up for herself. Anyways, my sister and got into a really bad argument, and she assaulted me, pushed me down, and messed up my hand. This is the second time she hit someone in out house. She hit my mother quite a few years ago, but my mother didn't report it. Should I call the cops and have her arrested? |
Question: Sick of my kids fighting all the time? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 09:11 AM PDT 3 teenagers. My oldest is 18, she's going to be a senior. My other daughter is 17, and my son is 14. Sometimes the sisters fight, sometimes they gang up on my son, which then forces him to retaliate and get back at them, every day is something it seems. I try yelling, I try not yelling, I try grounding. Nothing works. Why are they always at war? How do I fix it? |
Question: Why some people really love money? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 08:38 AM PDT Everyone like money, but some to the extreme. I know a man and his wife they both work yet they are cheap and they try to steal money from each other. They both have Masters yet they fight over who pay for the bills and they make their kids work and They fight over food too. |
Question: What should I do next? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 08:04 AM PDT What to do next? For the last5 years my stepdaughter has been causing problems in our relationship. From the first day I met her she's had an attitude with me. She would text her dad all night if we had a date. Purposely invite her mom to my in laws house and everyone would ignore me and just talk to them. Never say thank you, if I would buy her something the next time I would see her she would be ugly. I got pregnant her dad didn't want the baby because of her he said. Also, I had to hide being pregnant because it will only make her made. I was devastated. She ignored my baby for 2 -1/2 years. I tried to bring the family together again for the babies sake. Finally she can around. Her dad started treating me like **** when she came around pushing me out the way, be littling me, ignoring me when she was around. When she's around he waits on her hand in foot, sit by her, stands by her. She had the nerve to want to bring my baby to the zoo with her mom. Her dad told her no he said, which was a lie. He can't even take out the garbage, cut the grass, nor do basic things around our house hold yet he took off to her new apartment to put floor in never said by, nor called, nor came home till the next night. Did I mention she has ruined two previous relationships her dad had. She ignores her brother that she was so eager to make piece with just to get back in her dads pocket. He doesn't stand up to her, he lets her control our relationship and I'm done with it. |
Question: I have a seventeen year old who is rebellious and wants to leave home? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 05:20 AM PDT |
Posted: 13 Aug 2018 05:11 AM PDT My mother has also hit and slapped me. We went to a counselor and she called DCF, but somehow my mom got them off her back. What should I do? |
Posted: 13 Aug 2018 05:10 AM PDT |
Question: How do I stop my parents wedding?My mom is tricking my dad.? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 04:59 AM PDT Okay so basiclly my parents are going to be getting Merried on my birthday (April 25th) and they are going to get it done in Las Vegas.Its so stupid.But my dad thinks that my mom loves him but I overheard her say that she only does it bc he has so much money.He lives in another country so he will have to move here.My mom also told me that she hates my dad but he has a lot of money so that makes her like him a little bit.I am 12 years old and idk what to do.I have blocked my dads number and Facebook on my moms phone from her acc.But she will relise that soon problay.Plz help.I need to know how to stop there wedding. |
Question: Am I verbally abused? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 04:43 AM PDT I'm 14 years old. I'm an A student in school. I also dance. I have always been closer to my dad than my mom. My mom yells, curses at me and says I do stupid things and will end up with no future. She criticizes everything about me, my smile, says I'm starting to get fat (5'3, 105 lbs), my hair, my dressing style, etc. She always blames my dad or I for her mistakes and yells at my dad that he's a piece of s*** and other words. My parents were in the process of getting divorced (they didn't) and she said it was all my fault. She doesn't pay much attention to me except to criticize me. She does compliment me, but says something bad about me at the same time or the next day. She always says, "I'm not perfect, but tells me why she's better than me at something." I feel like I can't express my emotions, for fear of being criticized that I'm bad or wrong for feeling that way. I also have low self esteem, cause I feel most everything I do is wrong. Every time she does something nice she Is this verbal abuse? |
Posted: 13 Aug 2018 04:34 AM PDT I don't know him real well but when we saw him at an event last weekend all he did was bark at his daughter's kids and she left early with them. I thought this was so cruel but my mother said he only gets this way when drunk (which is like half the time). Her kids were 3 and 5. |
Question: Am I being verbally abused? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 04:12 AM PDT I'm 14 years old and adopted at 4 years old. I'm an A student in school, I'm homeschooled online. I also dance 5x a week. I have always been closer to my dad than my mom. My mom curses at me and says I do stupid things and will end up with no future. She criticizes everything about me, my smile (which everyone else thinks and great), says I'm starting to get fat (5'3, 105 lbs), my hair, my dressing style, etc. She always blames my dad or I for her mistakes and yells at my dad that he's a piece of s*** and other words. My parents were in the process of getting divorced (they didn't) and she said it was all my fault. She doesn't pay much attention to me except to criticize me. She does compliment me, but says something bad about me at the same time or the next day. She always says, "I'm not perfect, but tells me why she's better than me at something." I feel like I can't express my emotions, for fear of being criticized that I'm bad or wrong for feeling that way. She believes in God, "Gods not given me a spirit of fear." But yet she's always afraid of not having enough. I also have low self esteem, cause I feel most everything I do is wrong. Is this verbal abuse? |
Question: My sister has no respect for herself whatsoever? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 04:04 AM PDT My younger sister (23 years old) has no respect for herself, and it's causing a lot of concern for me and our parents. About 2 or 3 years ago, she earned the reputation as the city's "slapper" after she used to bring home men every night when she was out drinking. It ended last year, but we're fearing it's starting again. On Friday night, she and our mum had a massive argument about half an hour after she came home from drinking. They were arguing because she was going to meet up with someone about 10-15 miles away so they could have sex. Our mum gave her an ultimatum - either make her happy by not going, or make the guy happy by having sex with him. She chose the guy and mum hasn't spoken to her since. At around 4:15am this morning after a long night of heavy drinking, she brought another guy back home and started having sex with him roughly around 4:50am and ending at 5:10am. I confronted her about it just now, but she didn't even say sorry for keeping me up. She just brushed me off. Our parents have given her chance after chance after chance but she keeps blowing every single one. We've had it up to our necks with her and her behaviour. What should we all do? We are in the UK, VonNeueberg. |
Question: My Aunt screamed the word "NO" in my face, what I should I do about this attitude ? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 02:20 AM PDT The last heated debate that I got in with my aunt was about the Democrat's attitude toward me... She screamed "NOOOO, THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY DOESN'T REPRESENT YOU!!!!!" in my face.. and the screamed in my face... "YOU NOW OWE, YOU ARE NOW THE PAYER INTO OUR PROGRAMS... YOU ARE NOT THE BENEFICIARY... WE ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND ANYMORE... ITS YOUR JOB TO PUT MONEY INTO MEDICAID FOR NEW APPLICANTS" What should I do about this attitude from people ? |
Question: Do I actually deserve what I am getting? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 01:35 AM PDT After a bad argument with my aunt, about how I'm not her, I'm not Dad, I'm not Old, I'm not French and This aint France, and the president isn't roosevelt and all that stuff... Do I actually deserve what my family is saying ? I constantly being told things to the effect of.. Go serve your customers, go live in the cruel world that doesn't give a sh!t, and don't forget to pay the taxes or end up in prison, because now you're not considered disabled anymore... so get the f)uck out of my house. That's basically what they are saying.. Do I really deserve this ? |
Question: Why everyone pretends they cant hear me? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 01:12 AM PDT first, I said why you open toilet door when I am in. there is no lock on the door. first, he pretends he can't hear. then I say tell these idiots not open the toilet door. but he didn't say anything. just an idiot that doesn't hear me and doesn't do anything at all. one other time wanted to tell my brother the word hallelujah. he pretends he can't understand what I say though it's very obvious. also, we are in Iran. he told me he knows English. he just pretends he can't understand. then how could he understand the word Hallelujah in lyrics but not when I say it? other time I said " they see me rolling they hating "it's really obvious but again he pretends the same. |
Question: How do I leave my parents, I'm 22 and want to fast but they won't let me fast? Posted: 13 Aug 2018 01:00 AM PDT |
Posted: 12 Aug 2018 11:17 PM PDT , should I quit? |
Question: Should you yell at your kid if they're crying? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 10:10 PM PDT Sometimes when parents are yelling at their kids or teens, they can cry. Is it ok to say things like "stop crying before I give you something to cry about." |
Question: Why is my mom so insane? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 09:24 PM PDT She literally screams her head off about everything that is completely fine, shes ******* crazy. Examples are like this one time we were at a store to pick some stuff up and my baby brother was in the car and I was watching him. My mother was right at the entrance of the store buying stuff and I leave my brother for 10 seconds to walk in the store and remind her to get me a coke and walk back (the car was literally parked right infront of the entrance so from where she was inside of the store the car was very visible) but as soon as I walk in the store and ask for the coke she screams at the top of her lungs in a public store and says something like "ARE YOU ******* STUPID!!!?!!? GO BACK TO THE ******* CAR!!!!" then everyone stares at her and look like they feel bad for me. When she got in the car she screams at me again and when we get home she throws stuff she bought on the floor and screams at me to clean it up. Anything will set her off, literally anything. Most of the time I m being completely normal and most people would agree. Whenever she s being completely ******* insane (multiple times everyday) I try to talk very calmly and have a civil conversation and she will scream "SHUT THE **** UP!!!!!". When I have a panic attack she yells at me more and makes it worse. Sometimes I try to wake her up at like 11 in the morning to bring me to get food because I m so hungry and we have nothing at the house to eat and everytime she will...READ REST BELOW I POSTED IN COMMENTS |
Question: Why Do People Think Bullying Is Ok ? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 09:22 PM PDT So I just got into a huge augment with my oldest brother me & him was arguing back and forth about life being so hard. Hes all saying dude if you wanna be cool be a man be the bully im like wtf bullies are for losers bullies only bully other people because they are sad & low life I will never be a bully. I was yelling at him that why you are such a a$$hole & only care about yourself I mean he is living with me & my other 2 brothers Is only us 2 that is paying rent my oldest brother is not paying for anything at all every time I ask him to help he just say is not my problem is your problem so im like dude you should just gtfo then you dont want to help pay. He has a job too by the way. He just make things worst for this family I always tell him bad things about my 2 brothers that are pretty mean too but atleast they are helping & my oldest brother dont care at all he just pretty much snitch telling my other 2 brothers what I hate about them so my 2 brothers probably hates me now. I think is best to never tell anyone about how mean you feel about that person even if it is your own brother. |
Question: Should you pursue after a gorl rejected you? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 08:42 PM PDT Hey guys, So I went a date with this girl and it was fun. We texted a lot before our date and she was excited to see me. 24 hours later, I text her that she is really cool and I hope to see her again. Then she replied " im sorry if im leading you on to anything. Can we be friends? Im mentally unstable and im not ready to be in a relationship" What can I do at this point lol? I means she is pretty cool but I just got rejected |
Question: Is my cousin being callous? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 08:41 PM PDT 15 years ago, my cousin's daughter died when she was only 3 months old. 10 years after she died, I went to her grave, and I was shocked to find that she still did not have a headstone! I made a promise at her grave that she would get a headstone one day. I started a fundraiser, and my best friend, my church friends, my mother, the baby's grand and great-grandmother all gave money, including the baby's godmother and an old friend of the family. Except for a few people, everyone in the family gave money--except for the baby's mother. I see her on Facebook having fun at clubs, but she won't give one cent towards her own daughter's grave. I know that it hurts her deeply to think about her daughter, but is she being selfish, and should she have a say in the headstone planning? |
Question: My stepdad has acted weird around me for years. It’s just gotten worse. What do i do? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 08:17 PM PDT My stepdad and i haven't always gotten along, but lately we've been bonding more than usual. I haven't been able to talk to my mom about certain things, Because she would never understand my issues like my stepdad would. He's just an easier person to vent to in general. Anyway, for years he's always touched me in weird ways, stared at me, overly- complimented me (perfect body, I would date you, sometimes I wish you & I were together, etc). I've told my mom about most of the things, and I say "most" because she almost never believes me on anything I say about him anyways. So yes, I have confronted my mom on things he's done. And for once she even confronted him, and he ended up apologizing. But he'll lay low for awhile, and then start back up again with his bad ways, of course. I don't ever want to tell him he's making me uncomfortable because I don't want to offend him, or make him mad. But he knows what he's doing is wrong, and he also knows I won't tell mom. Considering several reasons. One being, she won't believe me, or two she will believe me, but everything will be ruined, and three he's our support system, and if we loose him we loose our everything. When i've confronted him on the subject of him staring or some other reason, he simply says "I can't help it, your just so damn beautiful" keep in mind, i'm only 15 years old. |
Posted: 12 Aug 2018 08:14 PM PDT And if I do forgive her what do I do with the hurt I still feel about it? My step-mother had Bipolar and when she stopped her medicine she would get grouchy (a lot like when someone is alcoholic). My father loved me but did not fight my Mom for visitation like he should have. Meanwhile my mother would tell me "your father doesn't love his 2 kids or he wouldn't have walked out on their mother" and very messy details about his affair with a woman (not the step-mother as she came later). When he got married she would tell us "he sleeps around on your wacko step-mother" and yet he DID NOT cheat on her despite her struggles. My parents married too young (22 and 19) and divorced 10 years later. My mother just used us as venting boards. So now 30 years later I want to forgive my mother. She has expressed she wouldn't do this if she knew the damage it did to me. Should I forgive her and if I do what do I do with the remaining hurt? She took 8 years with my Dad from me but was otherwise a good mother. I am constantly to this day trying to make up to my Dad and his family. My mother still has a chip on her shoulder about them but is a thousand times nicer then when I was a kid. |
Posted: 12 Aug 2018 08:09 PM PDT I can see if she was 12 but she does this at 25. My brother was a violent teen but he straightened out after a year at a program for at-risk teens in Vermont. This sister was never as bad as my brother but at 25 acts like a 12 year old. She demands and throws a fit until she gets what she wants. She sasses like no adult-child I have ever heard of. She lives on her own and I luckily don't see much of her and certainly don't like her. However what drives one to do this? Is it narcissism she could have? Is that even a real condition? |
Question: My parents ask me over and the belittle me the entire visit. What should I do? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 08:06 PM PDT My father degrades me left and right and has a long history of this and since my Mom fears my father she says nervously "listen to your father" fearing his wrath will be on her. So my visits are them degrading me. How do I handle this? I could stop visiting and yet it is my parents. I am 29 and live on my own. One of my siblings disowned them but the other two visit. |
Question: I'm going to the same highschool as my religious cousin.? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 07:47 PM PDT Let's get this out there, I'm an atheist and I'm also bi. Hence, I don't believe in god and I love being in relationships with women. Unfortunately, I come from a conservative Muslim family. We're moving soon and the highschool I'm going to is the same one my cousin is going to, and she's religious. She's not mean or horrible, but she believes I'm Muslim like everyone else in my family. Obviously, I want to date and befriend and act and dress the way I want to in highschool, but I'm scared she'll see me acting in a non-Muslim way and tell on me to her mom or something. And in turn, her mom will tell my mom. And I don't know what to do. I don't want to live like a ******* nun for the next 4 years and abstain from all things I wanted to do in highschool, but I also don't want my parents finding out, because if they do, I might get sent to my grandmother or I'll get the living hell best out of me. My cousin is in the same year as me and she's also known most of the people there since she went to middle school with them. So, I'm obviously at a disadvantage when it comes to the whole hiding it from her thing. Got any advice that could aid me in trying to live my life to the fullest without getting caught? |
Question: How to deal with a relative who bought my 7 year old girl extremely short dresses? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 06:08 PM PDT She literally mailed them to her when she lives an hour away, cut off the tags and threw away the receipt. These dresses are way too short. I am taking my daughter to pick out some dresses, it s not her fault of course. I feel as this is a passive aggressive attack. We arent poor, shes seven years old, and she made it impossible for us to exchange them for a size or two up. We only ask that they are mid knee or below. These are half way up her thigh. I m sorry but shes 7. How to deal with the relative? Obviously my daughter is not wearing them. - Dad |
Question: Why is there pressure on women to be attractive? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 05:31 PM PDT Like when I gained weight at 13 my mom insulted me a lot and say that no man want fat girl as wife, and that if i dont look good then my husband will look at other women. And if im attractive, then I attract a rich man etc. Thing is I had bad experience from life from being fat shamed and i lost weight at 16 now people give me envious stares because im pretty. I really dont care. But why so much pressure? Do beautiful women get more? |
Posted: 12 Aug 2018 05:29 PM PDT Basically I asked my mom to take me to school shopping this Monday, because school is in 2 weeks and we need to get things before it's too late. I also mentioned that in the past when we waited until the last few days, some things were already out of stock. So it's best we start shopping ASAP. Idk how, but I guess I offended her when I said that we basically procrastinate and that I don't want to do that this year. Now she's not getting me anything for school and I don't know what to do. I think she's blowing things out of proportion and misunderstood what I was saying. I was just simply stating that in the past once or twice when we waited until the last week to buy things, a lot of school supplies were out of stock... and some of the clothes that I've wanted in the past weren't on sale anymore by the time we came back for school shopping. I was just trying to suggest that we do some shopping before so we don't have any issues... But apparently I'm a "greedy little *****". How do I change her mind and help her see my point of view? |
Question: Can I get a protective order with no visible marks? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 05:10 PM PDT My childs father beats me but there is no scars or anything. I put him out of my home and now he's threatening to kill me through txt messages, could i get a protective order, or do i have to be bruisedm |
Posted: 12 Aug 2018 04:45 PM PDT |
Question: Is coffee date a cheap date? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 04:19 PM PDT Hey guys, so I asked this girl to go to a coffee shop and get some coffee I pay for her coffee and we sat at a table and talk for an hour. Then she has to go because she got work. I said good bye and I said nice to meet you in person ( We met each other thru an online dating app ) She lives and hour away from me but I wouldnt mind driving up there. Is that a cheap date? |
Question: How to deal with strict conservative christian asian parents? please help? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 03:28 PM PDT i'm a 14 y.o.girl living in texas. my parents are immigrants from china, and they are extremely strict: they won't let me play videogames, watch tv, or have a phone until im 18 im forced to go to church every sunday, even when im feeling sick i cant go to parties or sleepovers, i must stay home to do all my homework i get spanked a lot. like when i get a bad grade or drop my phone, they spank me and i have bruises im forced to sit through violin and piano class; i told my mom i hate music class, but she makes me learn it anyways i cant talk to guys or anyone outside the family other than my teachers im not allowed to wear makeup, dye my hair, wear jewelry, or wear tanktops, croptops, hats, or hoodies. all my shorts/skirts/dresses must cover the knees i cant move out until i get married, and my parents will choose my husband for me i cant choose my college major or my career path; if i dont follow my selected CM/CP, i will face death they often starve me for misbehaving or mistakes, and thats why im 4ft10 and i weight only 85 lbs i cant close my bedroom door. if i need to take off my clothes or anything, i must go to the bathroom in my parent's bedroom, where that is the only place i can close and lock the door my parents monitor me. they track my grades and my computer history im forced to do many chores around the house, and also do yardwork in the scorching sun |
Question: What is significant about the day January 27, 2008 for you? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 03:13 PM PDT That day is when my baby brother was born! |
Question: What to do? I’m feeling a bit guilty? Posted: 12 Aug 2018 03:05 PM PDT Ok my birthday is on the 15th I hate asking stuff for my birthday but I desperately need a new phone (A hacker has access to mine) the one I'm getting isn't coming out tell September it will be expensive but I plan on helping laying for it when I get a job I have been looking and I don't plan on getting anything next year since I don't really need anything I like the brand phone and have so much music my mom says if I didn't take care of my stuff like I do she wouldn't get me it which I understand she said to me not to feel guilty I don't know I always feel guilty asking for expensive things since I was a kid she said I don't even ask for much never had lol but last year I got my cat for my birthday she was a stray cat I wanted a cat like her for a long time but the year before that she nagged me about what I wanted I wasn't sure that time but next year if she does that I might just ask for a gift card or go to the beach or something I don't know she said she'd help get me a car since I recently got my permit I didn't really accept that and said you don't have to I just know that she's not rich so I hate asking her for stuff sometimes she'll transfer a bit of money in my account $20 or $40 for fun I'll say thank you. |
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