Family: Question: Is it okay to be 30 and living with your parents? |
- Question: Is it okay to be 30 and living with your parents?
- Question: Hate my family?
- Question: Should I tell my sister about this?
- Question: How would you handle lazy family members?
- Question: How do I convince my dad to consider the possibility of taking a loan?
- Question: What do I do when my boyfriend keep comparing every thing we do together to past events with his mom?
- Question: As a mother or father, how would you react if I said your kids are annoying in public?
- Question: Is there a way to find if someone put methadone on food?
- Question: Dealing with controlling family members?
- Question: My solution?
- Question: Raising Children from Different economical backgrounds.?
- Question: Why does he continue to lie to me?
- Question: My brother likes anime and jpop and kpop what should I do?
- Question: My girlfriend is threatening me with child support, but she's not getting it for her other kid. What should I do?
- Question: How to prove a man doesn't care about a child's mother?
- Question: Am I the only one who can’t deal with their family?
- Question: Hi is tough love good pros and cons ex timeouts?
- Question: Giving Up Rights As Dad?
- Question: 17 year old says hes treated like a kid?
- Question: Why is my bf being so petty?
- Question: So my girlfriend she lets a lot of things get to her and it gets the best of her emotions & always expect me to always Attent to her.?
- Question: I (36M) slapped my daughter (15F)?
- Question: So recently my grandma passed away, and I was never close to her and I don’t feel sad,at them same time I do,is it bad that I feel this way?
- Question: Why does she continue this stuff in college?
- Question: Online resources for families?
- Question: My bother is depressed?
- Question: What type of problems or difficulties do rich people have?
- Question: How much do you think this jewelry is appraised at?
- Question: What's a good compromise while mom needs to use my truck?
Question: Is it okay to be 30 and living with your parents? Posted: 10 Feb 2019 12:45 PM PST Assuming you work full-time as a CNA at a nursing home. I always see articles about society being judgmental about grown men living at home, but was wondering about people's views on women. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2019 12:16 PM PST Why was my cousin born with this symmetrical face, small forehead, clear skin, she looks like most conventionally beautiful celebrities do, she could be a model, she's also tall and has a slim figure, everyone would want to look like her. Me, large forehead, asymmetrical face, my nose is wide as doesn't line up, I have multiple moles on my face, it's round, I'm short as fk, most people think I'm ugly, I'm not conventionally attractive, I'm slightly chubby. She is also born into the middle class/rich family, always been popular, gets highly attractive guys. Me? Mostly ugly guys are attracted to me, I have no friends anymore too. I'm 18 and look 12, she's 18 and looks like she's in her 20s in a good way, I HATE looking younger and don't say it's good because at this age no it isn't at all. She's always complimented too, I rarely get compliments. Even my own family never compliment me unlike hers. What doesn't help is I get nasty abusive comments reminding me I'm ugly by my own brother like when he said "do you want fatty coke for fat people" "you have a big head and big belly" I've also had abuse from my own mother saying I was getting spotty and putting weight on. My sister and dad gave me abuse about how my makeup looked a few times. They all think it's funny too and they're the reason I'm starting to go into an eating disorder and starting to over exercise. Also I was born lower middle class now we're working class. |
Question: Should I tell my sister about this? Posted: 10 Feb 2019 09:46 AM PST I am a big fan of our local sports team. I go to every game I can but I can afford only the cheapest seats. One day at a game, I heard someone say "Hello Ann". I turned around and it was John, my sister's ex husband. We talked briefly and he invited him to join him in his luxury box and I gladly accepted. I had never been a luxury box but they are GREAT. I really enjoyed the game a lot more from his box. He told me that any time I was at a game to come by his box and join him in watching the game. I did and each time I had a great time at the game. He had refreshments brought to his luxury box and we just talked. I had a wonderful time. He was the nicest person ever, very polite and never hit on me. We never talked about my sister, his ex. Sometimes his friends would join us in his box. They were all very nice to me and this just made it more fun. I have never told my sister about this so as not to cause her and me any problems. I don't know many details about their divorce. She never says anything bad about him at family gatherings. Should I tell her or is it none of her business as they are no longer married? Please tell me what I should do. Thanks. |
Question: How would you handle lazy family members? Posted: 10 Feb 2019 08:40 AM PST I' m at my wits end. My little sister and dad can be so lazy. My dad works hard long hours. When hes home he is either busy or lounges around. I cant tell you how many times hes left dishes right above the dish washer or next to the sink over night. I dont mind doing the dishes but I do feel like I'm being taken advantage of. My 16 year old sister is just as bad. She expects I'm gonna pick up after her if my mom is at work. She procrastinates like no one ive ever seen. Shes also moody and flat out disrespectful. I would leave his dishes out but then he talks down at me for trying to show Im not their maid. I cant tell you how many times theyve both brought dishes to the sink left them there expecting me to do it. I'm fed up with it so is my mom and my sister. Unfortunately my mom did create this mess by doing everything because she likes things done in a certain way. She has admitted this and feels bad. How can we get my dad and sister to stop being so lazy? |
Question: How do I convince my dad to consider the possibility of taking a loan? Posted: 10 Feb 2019 08:39 AM PST my parents have shown intreats in this house and I've been going over the pros and cons of moving for everyone in the family and its mostly just pros, specially for my younger sisters but also for other family members. now I and my mom think it would be possible to move if we took a loan for the house but my dad thinks that we cant afford it, I've tried talking to my mom to go to the bank to get them to judge whether we can do it or not. She doesn't want to go to the bank without my dad and well, he feels like this would just be a waste of time. is there anything I can do to make him think otherwise? he's the kind of person that always thinks he's right so it's hard to make him consider the possibility that he might be wrong. I never said he wasn't right. I just wanted to check the possibility. I know I might not be right and I'm ready to accept that if thats the case but me and my mom take care ot the money in the house so we should know more about our budget than him and the house were buying is smaller and will be cheaper to heat. stop assuming you know things you don't know, I came here for advise but all you do is assume things that aren't true. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2019 08:11 AM PST My boyfriend keeps comparing every thing I do to his mom. Not just things I do but things we do together. For example if we go shopping he says "oh I remember when I used to go shopping with my mom" or when we go out to eat he says " I remember I always used to go eat every Saturday with my mom and then go shopping". It didn't bother me at first ,but now it's getting annoying and i don't know how to tell him I don't want to be compared to his mom. |
Question: As a mother or father, how would you react if I said your kids are annoying in public? Posted: 10 Feb 2019 07:46 AM PST I'm not a father yet rather a soon-to-be father at 22 and I was just wondering how would you react if someone said your children are annoying? Some stupid parent assumed I said her children are annoying when what I said was that her children are in the way as I was talking to my mum near this lady. This lady wrongfully accused me so I told her to go back to her country (she an Asian). |
Question: Is there a way to find if someone put methadone on food? Posted: 10 Feb 2019 06:32 AM PST My mother was doing stew for lunch, and we both were in the living room. My brother came down and heard him lift the lid and asked what it was. We can't see into the kitchen, but he was acting very suspicious. The food tasted a little weird, and he went away laughing in a maniac manner. I now feel dizzy and my body is shacking like a leaf. He has methadone bottles in his bedroom. I know that for sure, and suspect he maliciously put it in the food. How do I know for sure? |
Question: Dealing with controlling family members? Posted: 10 Feb 2019 05:25 AM PST My mom and grandma for example they always want to know what I'm doing, what I ate, what my kids are doing, whose at my house, is my door locked, etc etc.. I had my mother living with me and she was trying to control me in my house lashing her anger on me in the front of my kids. I had to exit her out my house. I'm trying to set boundaries , but don't know how My mother is extremely bitter and angry about her life |
Posted: 10 Feb 2019 01:06 AM PST My solution to the problem of poverty in America, is not, and never has been to just take them out back or anywhere else, and do a damn thing with them... But I WILL say, and I HAVE done, and WILL always DO, what I have to do, to make sure that I'm still breathing MYSELF tomorrow. That's all I'll say about that bad proposal. Thank you. I don't give a damn that somebody doesn't have any personal background to behave any better... I DO only give a damn, if my sister can visit me tomorrow and that my niece can still call me uncle. That's it, and I WILL do what it takes, no matter what.. to see to it, that she CAN. Period. Now here's my solution to the problem. Let them have what they earned, which is nothing. |
Question: Raising Children from Different economical backgrounds.? Posted: 10 Feb 2019 12:50 AM PST I had my first son very young in high school with my high school sweetheart. The relationship never lasted and I am now married with 2 other children. My eldest is 14 and my younger two are 9 and 7. My eldests father is now extremely wealthy, my son has all these privileges that my younger two don't have. They're beginning to notice and it's been dramatic to say the least and they're beginning to lash out at him in frustration and feel as they get older the resentment will grow. I don't know what the best approach to deal with this is. My sons father, takes him on extravagant trips, buys him the most expensive things, I don't want to take that away from him I want him to be rewarded and spoilt by his father, I just don't know what to do since it's affecting my other children. So I guess I'm asking to see what you guys would do in this situation. |
Question: Why does he continue to lie to me? Posted: 10 Feb 2019 12:38 AM PST Now unfortunately this isn't the first time he has lied to me. Sad part is we are engaged but I called off the engagement . Some months ago he asked how I felt about adding my mom to our cell phone plan? I told him I don't think it's a good idea simply because I went thru hell when I was on her phone plan. Make a long story short I remember the day he came back home with a tablet. He said he took my mom to buy a phone that's under her name. I kept asking him did he add her? He said no. Fast forward to today I found out that he indeed did add my mom. To be honest I'm angry with her because as my mom she should've had a convo with me first simply cause she shouldn't just be able to ask my fiancé for anything and not talk to me. So I found out n told him he still lied about it u til he couldnt lie anymore. He said he don't know why he lied and how he did something nice for my mom. I told him he made me look like a fool. I talk to my mom n I told her how I felt. She claims she thought I knew about it. I did not know until today. He don't see nothing he did wrong. He even told my mom how I really felt n he told her I said I don't really want him to help her. I knew she wasn't lying cause That's exactly what I said . At this point I can't trust him. How can we get married if he betrayed me like this |
Question: My brother likes anime and jpop and kpop what should I do? Posted: 10 Feb 2019 12:16 AM PST My brother is 13 years old and he is very weird, he likes anime, kpop, and jpop. He calls himself an "Otaku" and he even says that he has a crush on a MALE anime character, he watches anime all day and I don't want him to end up being a nerd. What should I tell him to get him to think that anime is lame and weird? I don't want this for my brother, he also has no friends because of this. |
Posted: 09 Feb 2019 10:43 PM PST My girlfriend has a child from a previous relationship. The guy hasn't been around in over a year, literally never calls, and doesn't have anything to do with her or the kid. For two years I've been the one paying for everything for my child and hers. She doesn't work or drive, so all the finances are on me, and anytime there is a doctor appointment, I have to take off to handle it. The relationship has been rocky lately to the point that we may split, and she keeps bringing up child support. I agree I should take care of what's mine, but I think it's wrong that she can't go after him as well. I even said that, and she told me she doesn't think he could handle it. I know it sounds selfish, but I feel used. What should I do? |
Question: How to prove a man doesn't care about a child's mother? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 10:33 PM PST |
Question: Am I the only one who can’t deal with their family? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 08:27 PM PST My father makes me out as a joke all the time, my mother basically tells me that looks are the only thing that matters (she even told me when I was younger that if I didn't maintain myself that no one would ever love me), my grandmother told me I was fat and going to die (WHEN I WAS 8), and all of my siblings ignore me (I'm the youngest). |
Question: Hi is tough love good pros and cons ex timeouts? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 07:54 PM PST |
Question: Giving Up Rights As Dad? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 07:25 PM PST My grown up son decided to end contact with me in the summer of 2016. No reason was given for the separation. He will be 21 in July this year. I am thinking about giving up my rights as a dad. It makes no sense to continue in the illusion that he will return to my life. Child support deductions end on July 17, 20191a. I love my son but he obviously does not feel the same. What do you say? |
Question: 17 year old says hes treated like a kid? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 06:38 PM PST I have a 17 year old son and an 11 year old daughter. Is it fair I send them both to sleep around 10 on school nights and around 11:30 on the weekend? I also take both their phones away at around 10 and keep them in my room. I got my daughter her phone a couple of months ago and I started applying the rule to her since she got it, and my son has had that rule since he was around 11-12. He claims he is treated like a child and I constantly tell him hes addicted to his phone and doesnt do anything else. He has the phone from afterschool to around 9:30-10, and I ask him why does he need to be stuck on a screen for 5 hours? He showed me a screen time calculator app and it shows around 2 hours and 30 minutes of total screentime a day but I dont believe him. He says its ridiculous he cant keep the phone at night since hes nearly an adult, and that he has the same rules as my daughter. When we go out to eat, or with family, at the dinner table, or anywhere he doesnt take his phone even though we dont prohibit it, even though he knows that if he takes it he will get in trouble. He always argues with me about changing these rules and I constantly tell him that he acts like a little kid and he will be treated as one. He plays around and argues with his sister at times, and overall isnt very mature. He does his homework and gets decent grades at school. Is my child really addicted to his phone?Is it fair the rules im applying for both my children? Should I be more lenient with my son? I tell him if he wants less rules he should act more like an adult and not like his 11 year old sister. He argues with me about it at times and yells and he claims its because he is tired of it |
Question: Why is my bf being so petty? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 06:21 PM PST He's making a big deal out of hair. I am a biracial female (black and white) and I wasn't lucky enough to get my mom's hair, I got my dad's. And my bf is being such a *****. He keeps saying if we have a daughter, he hopes she doesn't have hair like mine. My hair isn't impossible to manage, it just takes a lot more maintenance unlike his Spanish hair. And I told him we could just get her a perm and he's being racist saying things like, "If it gets humid, it will just get poofy like an afro and that it isn't natural". Why is he being such a dick about the type of hair our daughter has? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2019 05:22 PM PST Of course me being her man I'm always here but this is happening every other day and quite frankly it's taking its toll on me. she lets the little things get the best of her and expect me to always be there saying "I need to calm her down" I love her she's the mother of my kids but Im tired of it. Any advice ? Also what indecates daddy issues ? Because I feel she does have that not knowing her dad |
Question: I (36M) slapped my daughter (15F)? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 05:12 PM PST My daughter has recently become extremely rude and disrespectful (sneaking out, yelling, cursing, eye rolling, spitting, etc). at first, i thought it was just a phase and she would soon stop if i punished her by taking her phone away and grounding her. yesterday her and her sister were fighting and i sent them both to their room, as she walked off she rolled her eyes and started muttering about how much she hates everyone and how she wishes we werent her family. I was sick of her bs so i said "wait a second young lady come here right now" she proceeds to say " f*uck you leave me alone " and flipped me off. i lost it and grabbed her wrist and slapped her hard across her face, then slapped her bottom about 4 times. she screamed and spit on me then ran to her room this is the first time ive ever raised a hand to her and i feel horrible. ive always told them to never let a man treat them wrong and then i slapped her like she was garbage. ive apolgised profusely but she wont speak to me and neither will my wife. was what i did wrong? how do i make it up to her? please help! forgot to mention that shes been caught stealing/shoplifting plus cheating on tests multiple times the reason my wife is defending her is because any time someone gives our daughter any form of discipline, she goes into a crying, screaming temper tantrum. my wife feels sorry for her so she suggests we dont do anything which doesnt make sense to me. we took her to counseling and every session she would literally scream and break everything, so we had to stop going. |
Posted: 09 Feb 2019 04:48 PM PST |
Question: Why does she continue this stuff in college? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 04:05 PM PST have known this girl for a few years and early on she tried to get my attention and acted flirty. Like she blushed around me and got red couldnt look me in the eyes. She couldnt even say hi first and when I did first blushd and smiled. She got giggly and laughed at all my jokes. Found any excuse to be around me, get close as possible and talk to me. Could only approach me with her friend besides her. Her friend couldn't talk to me. Well her bFF looked at her when I entered a room and said her name. Her BFF helped her approach me. She stared @ me in school. A teacher she talked to told me she talked about me. Well her friends stare at me when they see me around town. Then like family members noticed me like her cousins and they stare at me. I see her around town he places herself in spots she can c me and Ill see her.Well her and her mom have done mean stuff on my fb like they unliked a picture announcing my dads death when I blew her off. Then her mom removed my dad on facebook. Shes done dumb stuff like that. Well I go to the same college as her and she saw me in a class that is her next class. She walked in and saw me then sat down and stared at me for a few seconds. She showed up on time but after that. She shows up 30 minutes early before everyone else and then walk by the room looking in and then walks by the door when its open. She walks by at least 4x then stands in the doorway and then waits outside for when I walk out. She doesnt have her friends to help her. |
Question: Online resources for families? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 03:37 PM PST My family and marriage is, overall, doing well but every family has issues. I have been recommending counseling to my wife for our family. We are not in crisis and the issues we are dealing with are by no means "deal breakers" but I am of the view that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Better to deal with minor issues now lest they fester and become more serious over time. My wife is not very open to opening up to a stranger, so Im not so sure if meeting with a counselor/therapist will happen. Having said that, anyone know of any helpful online tools that could be helpful for us? |
Question: My bother is depressed? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 02:35 PM PST Me and my bother grew up with a alcoholic dad a pretty normal mum and we lived a pretty normal life. We got along ok apart from teenage fights but as we have grown up had our own family's we became friends. Our dad passed away last year and although it was a difficult time we all got though this together but this year he has been drinking a lot and staying out late from his family. We recently attended a family kids party and I accidentally spilt a drink in which his reaction was to throw me across the floor with force in front of my son and showed no remorse. I was very angry at the time n screamed at him my family begged me to forgive him and then my mum has told me his depression is out of control and he wished to kill himself. What should I do apart from give him support or show support. |
Question: What type of problems or difficulties do rich people have? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 02:00 PM PST We keep hearing rich and famous people have depression do drugs or commit suicide. I wonder why when they can eat and buy house and they have good income. What type of problems do they have? |
Question: How much do you think this jewelry is appraised at? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 12:54 PM PST My dad is having a contest between our family to see who can guess the correct value of some jewelry he got appraised. The first ring is a 1.51 carat diamond with 2 ea 0.5 carat sapphires Next sapphire with 1.32 carat with 6 diamonds total o.5 carat Last is one set of earrings, w .75 carat sapphire |
Question: What's a good compromise while mom needs to use my truck? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 10:44 AM PST I bought my uncles 2003 Toyota Tundra last fall after saving money I earned from yard work and other odd jobs. I paid for most of the truck and mom threw in the last $1,200 since I take my 14 year old sister to school and other places. In January, mom's van died so she is driving my truck every day. She is waiting until May to buy a new vehicle so she can save some money. I have no problem with her using my truck during the week, as I know she needs it more. What does bother me is that mom is always the one driving the truck now and after my sister complained about riding in the middle, we have to take turns and I am stuck in the middle between she and mom every other day on odd number days. The only times I get to drive the truck now are if mom needs me to run an errand or take my sister somewhere. I can't use it on the weekend to do things with my friends or girlfriend. I am planning on talking to mom about this and see if we can come-up with a better compromise for sharing the truck and me getting to drive it some. I am fine with mom using the truck during the week since she needs it. If I had it my way, I would drive the truck whenever I am in it, and when mom does need to drive then I ride by the window and my sister gets the middle. I also want to use it on the weekends when I am with my friends. What would be a good compromise to ask my mom for between what I would like and the current of mom driving and my sister and I choosing our seat every other day? |
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