Family: Question: Is your family history and lineage really worth anything? |
- Question: Is your family history and lineage really worth anything?
- Question: Should I feel guilty about moving out?
- Question: How do I avoid getting caught drinking in my house while my parents are home?
- Question: Relationship advice? My mom wanted me to go to a funeral but I didn’t want to cancel plans until I knew when it was. It is next week.?
- Question: Older sister screwed her disabled lil brother out of a inheritance what to do?
- Question: Please help me with this unusual problem. Thanks.?
- Question: Why the hell would my older brother act this stupidly?
- Question: Parents only call when there's work to be done.?
- Question: How to tell my mom im moving with my dad?
- Question: I am having a really hard time with my parents after they found out my boyfriend come over to my house while they’re not around.?
- Question: My dad wants to divorce but my mom wants me to act the same as always?
- Question: My mom is really needy?
- Question: Can I lock my brother up although he is bipolar? And can I take action against my parents for allowing it to get this far?
- Question: My parents don’t want to meet me when they’re in my town?
- Question: Divorced men in general are considered dead beat parents and why ?
- Question: Would you quit your job if this happened?
- Question: How do I keep my unborn child away from his grandfather?
- Question: How do I deal with an 11 year old kid displaying stalking behaviour towards me and my friends?
- Question: How do I get my parents to let me go to funerals when members of the extended family die?
- Question: My father is narcissist drunk who wont admit he has a problem, he dont care to provide or help in the household, y does he have such an ego?
- Question: My mother in law talked awful about me?
- Question: My family is neglecting me and every solution they come up with dosent come in my best intrist?
- Question: Can my sons father keep my son from me due to my work schedule?
- Question: Am I wrong ?
- Question: My mom found alcohol in my room, please help?
- Question: I was wrong for this??...?
- Question: Is the USA legally responsible for the care custody and control of the 2000+ Immigrant children which were abducted from their parents?
Question: Is your family history and lineage really worth anything? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:51 PM PST If you didn't accomplish anything by yourself and your line, though great, hasn't really left you with much of anything? From both sides of my family I am descended from what is equivalent to nobility in European countries. My country isn't in Europe but the social structures back there were similar. They had different titles but similar rankings. Bc of that my family today has a LOT of land that's just passed down to us around the country. But does that really make me anything?. I'm a working woman, fresh out of high school but I suppose that's all I can really say about myself. My bloodline doesn't matter anywhere outside of the country. |
Question: Should I feel guilty about moving out? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:40 PM PST I'm going to be 18 soon and want to move in with my long term boyfriend and my mom never wants me to leave but she has verbally abused me from the time I was little and now says why should she do things for me if I'm just going to leave her |
Question: How do I avoid getting caught drinking in my house while my parents are home? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:19 PM PST I am 21 but still live with my strict, Muslim parents who believe drinking is a sin. I want to have a small group of friends (maybe 5 or 6) over and drink with them in my basement while my parents are sleeping upstairs (we live on a ranch btw). My parents will know I'm having a "sleepover" and don't mind as long as we don't get too noisy. I'm not gonna drink too much just in case they call me upstairs for something, so that part won't be a problem. They also won't come downstairs unless they're concerned cuz of a loud noise. I am slightly concerned that they may notice the smell or something else. How do I prevent them from realizing that we're drinking? Thanks guys! |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:36 PM PST My mom was upset that I told her that and called my boyfriend at his job!! She told him I'm selfish and cold hearted. To change the subject he asked if I was getting a new car (he's a automotive technician). She told him when I get my license and he doesn't know I only have my permit. She told him yes she lies all the time about silly things. Now he thinks I'm a liar. I did lie because I was embarrassed and ashamed. He told me that my mom had contacted him about the funeral and that not to get upset with her but I felt my mom betrayed me and shouldn't have contacted him behind my back. I told him I wouldn't get angry but I did and my mom sent screenshots of my texts to her. He told me I lied again and I did but it was because I was shocked my mom would do this to me when she knows I am not a horrible person. He told me this is drama and that he needs space to cool down since he has recently lost two family members too! My mom knows this and made this about her she made him get upset so he had to leave work early. I'm so scared he will leave me when I love him so much and wanted to comfort him this weekend. He called me to say think positive and not to cry. Is he done with me? |
Question: Older sister screwed her disabled lil brother out of a inheritance what to do? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:31 PM PST older sis 66 years old,,lil brother is 52 years old the father died age 92 , mother died at age 74 ,, family had 5 kids and their wishes was to divide among the children whom are living currently their are 3 surviving siblings ,,,all i want is fairness and their wishes carried out |
Question: Please help me with this unusual problem. Thanks.? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 11:45 AM PST I received an inheritance and I would like to save it and make it grow for my kids college if I ever have any kids or my retirement. It is not big enough to pay someone to manage it so I am trying to decide how to best invest it. My husband wants to invest it but he does not know ANYTHING about investing. He can not even balance our check book. I have a friend that is a financial wizard. He has a proven track record of great results from his investments. His honesty and integrity are well known to me. He will manage my inheritance and make it grow and not charge me anything. He is the person I would like to have help me with my investments but there is a BIG problem. He is my ex husband that I am still on friendly terms with. It will be a blow to my current husbands ego if I have my ex husband help me with my investments. I would like to tell my current husband that this is strictly a business relation (as it is) and it has nothing to do with our relationship. I don't think he will buy that. Do you? I don't want to hurt my husband's feeling but I think this is too important to not maximize my investment returns. ANY ADVICE WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. |
Question: Why the hell would my older brother act this stupidly? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:53 AM PST My older brother is 20 and my younger brother is 14. The two of them were talking in the beginning of the day, but then my younger brother started making perverted jokes towards my older brother, making him uncomfortable. My younger brother even put a banana on his crotch area and approached my older brother, purposely poking him and my older brother walked away, trying to ignore it. When my younger brother continued with the banana and the sex jokes and continued to violate my older brother's space, my older brother responded by splashing some of his water at him from the bottle to create space between the two of them. They went to the store, my younger brother continued the jokes and started following my older brother just to keep repeating the same lines. My older brother continued ignoring it, but then he begins pointing at my younger brother. My younger brother hates it when people point at him, as it gets on his nerves, but my older brother continued it. When they were going into the house, my younger brother tried to push the door closed on him while he was in-between it and my older brother responded by pushing it back open and my older brother told the younger one not to get violent or put his hands on him. My younger brother declared that he would do whatever he wanted, my older brother warned that he would hit back and my younger brother declared he'd knock him out. My older brother said he wouldn't initiate violence, but he would kick his *** in self defense. |
Question: Parents only call when there's work to be done.? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 09:05 AM PST Grass is too high call me, Pellet stove needs cleaning Call me. Internet doesn't work, Fill in the blank... We never talk except holidays birthdays etc. They even bailed when we had invited them to dinner after my wife got her nursing license. My wife point blank told them they only call for services rendered and it has us dodging the phone because the voicemail is starting to sound like a To-Do list . They never ask about us or the kids but when they need a favor i feel like i'm on speed dial |
Question: How to tell my mom im moving with my dad? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 09:03 AM PST i just really need advice, i am moving to my dads house because my mom stresses me out, when i am at her house i feel like i cant breathe and that i am not at home. I rotate between my parents every week and again i am always filled with dread.I love my mom and my stepdad but i think it is going to be best for me to move out. I just feel horrible but i cant live like this anymore, just ONE example would be her installing a parent app controller on my phone and she took all of my apps off and she wont even let me do simple things. I am 16 and my dad pays for my phone. I would like to see my mom and stepdad on occasion but idk how to say this all. Also i just colored my hair a bright green and shes going to see it today, i was at my dads all week so this is her first time seeing this. I am prob moving out monday because i expect her to take my phone over the weekend or something like that. someone please give me advice. |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:44 AM PST I am having a really hard time with my parents. They are accusing me so many things i am not. I am on my period and not feeling well so my boyfriend brought food and take care of me. But I am terrified that my parents might misunderstand. and it really happened. I am not scared for what i did. But the reactions and consequences i got from that are so traumatic.I understand they worry about my future. but slapping me so hard and telling other relatives that i am slut is really hard to accept. My dad said he feel disgusted when he see my face and hate me to his guts. My mom said having me as her child is a biggest mistake.I am the youngest daughter in my family. and my family is really old-fashioned. I do everything they want me to. My parents treat my older sister like a princess and they treat me cold since they think i can take care of myself. But somehow I get hurt . I am working while my friends are spending their teenage life having fun and doing what they love. Even though i am trying so hard and study so hard, they never feel satisfied with me. and now this misunderstanding makes everything so hard. Now i am thinking how to kill myself as an escape. Even though i know that is wrong. I had done it twice and when my parents found out ,they said i am such an embarrassment. Just because i am suicidal. Tips- I have lots of mental issues and trauma got from my relationship with my family. |
Question: My dad wants to divorce but my mom wants me to act the same as always? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:39 AM PST my dad has always hinted that he wants to leave us but i never took him seriously, but recently he formally told me and my mom that he wants to leave. i kinda saw it coming but am still upset inside. my problem is mom still talks to him as if nothing happened and expects me to do the same. and whenever im upset about it she acts like im the one whos doing something wrong. knowing that my dad will leave soon, i cant bring myself to be 'friends' with him like i used to. is it weird that my mom still treats him the same? the worst part about it is my dad doesnt want to talk about it, at least talking could help to understand each other, but he just says hes made his mind up and to stop bothering him |
Question: My mom is really needy? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:29 AM PST I'm 23 and I currently live at home, I live with my mom and 21 year old brother. We recently very tragically lost my dad about 5 months ago. Since then my mom needs me to do everything for her and she is constantly seeking my attention. We spend a lot of time together and then at night when I'm home she will barge into my room several times and tell me to come there and she calls me too much when I'm out an doesn't try to do anything for herself because she always wants me to do it for her. I left for a weekend recently and she texted and called the whole time and said she was depressed and miserable without me. I want to have my own life separate from my mom and I want to move out soon but I am worried about leaving her but she is absolutely smothering me. Am I mean for expecting her to figure it out? I want her to be independent and give me my own space. |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:10 AM PST My brother has been diagnosed with bipolar, and it's getting worse he busted my 5 year old brothers lip and tried to get to him through the door out of rage. We were in the room locked up and he was banging on the door trying to get to my younger brother. Keep in mind my brother who is bipolar is 17 years old! My mom and dad are gonna sit back and said well my little brother messed with him and they closed the door. They let my older brother calll them bitches and disrespect them every way possible! I'm 24 and I'm fed up this is starting to effect my younger siblings and their my world! If my mom allows him to disrespect her fine but not my brother and sister! I don't care about my brother anymore dead or alive he's done soo much and I'm just fed up. Also can we send him to a detention center although he has no social security? |
Question: My parents don’t want to meet me when they’re in my town? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:38 AM PST So I moved away from home for work in another city about 4 hours away about 3 years ago. In that time, my parents have never offered to visit me which I'm fine about..but yesterday they had travelled to my town for an to pick up something which took an hour but they did not ask to meet up for even a coffee while they were around. They texted me when they were on their way back home to say they were in my city earliee and on the way back home now. Maybe I'm overreacting but I guess it does bum me out a little that my parents were in town and didn't offer to visit me. I make the 4 hour journey back down home to them once in a while to see them but they don't seem to care whether they see me or not :/ am I being too sensitive here? |
Question: Divorced men in general are considered dead beat parents and why ? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 10:44 PM PST |
Question: Would you quit your job if this happened? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 10:23 PM PST So I'm a part time babysitter for a family and a full time college student. They only use me for 2 hours a day. I told them I will be going on a trip with my family in a month and half and i will be away for around 7 weeks. The mom flipped out! She wrote me a whole paragraph of how immature i am and how im an irresponsible adult for not telling her months in advance to find a replacement! Hello! Im telling you a month and a half in advance. If i wanted to, i could of told you the day before and really messed you over. I have no contract with her that i have to stay with her. Either ways, what she said to me made me really uncomfortable. Should I quit? She pays me very little and I have other families constantly requesting me to babysit for them instead with more hours and higher pay. I'm a 5 star rated babysitter on and I'm giving up a lot of jobs because of this lady. I believe i deserve at least some respect. |
Question: How do I keep my unborn child away from his grandfather? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 10:19 PM PST I'm 28 and due in two months. I conceived via a sperm donor because I wanted kids young, and with very few mature male options, I decided to start off as a single parent rather than end up unexpectedly as one. I have had no contact with my father in over four years. It was MY decision to let go of this toxic relationship just so that I could say I had a dad. He was abusive growing up, he once threw me up against a wall and choked me for losing my shoes in the house. While married to my mother he slept with his best friends wife and got her pregnant, causing their divorce. Our relationship growing up was sometimey. He would leave me waiting on him constantly, show up when he felt like it, yet always came to the big events to talk about how hard 'WE' worked. I suffered severe depression for years, until one day I finally had enough of the behavior, the lies, the picking other women and their kids over his own. I was met with constant backlash for cutting him off, even though my lift brightened dramatically. I traveled to two countries in a year and taught English, made a few friends, and even had a few flings (better than when I was being used and abandoned) I don't want my unborn child around him though. Becoming a SMBC I built my support group, one including reliable men who can show my unborn son what it truly means to be a man rather than carry on the curse of the dead beat and just say it's been taught. How do I stop him from trying to use my sons birth as a reason? |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 08:49 PM PST I'm a 16 year old girl. This girl that we don't even know first appeared on social media, and now she's tried showing up at our high school. She keeps making fake accounts. I'm particularly concerned that she showed up at my school once. I told a teacher of mine to ask her to leave. She's easily able to get here because the middle school is literally 2 blocks away from us. She can walk here before/after school whenever she wants. I don't know what she wants but she seems really convinced that it's a good idea to show up at my school again. Even if she was told to leave school grounds and don't ever come back. The girl claims that I'm her "friend" even though I don't know who she is. She probably spends lots of time on her smartphone too, because she seems to have so many fake accounts (we learned to block & ignore) |
Question: How do I get my parents to let me go to funerals when members of the extended family die? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:11 PM PST They feel it is weird but if it is family I know then I feel really uncomfortable missing the funeral even if it is not someone close. I am not talking about cases of relatives I do not know or only met once or twice but referring to active members of the family. My parents feel I should only go if it is a grandparent, siblings, or one of my parents' siblings. The family is big so I am talking about two or three funerals a year. Not like 25 but on average two or three. babyboomer1001----I mean family I know. You could be a relative of mine for all I know as we have 6th cousins twice removed. I am talking about people in the family I know (1st and 2nd cousins in general). The 3rd cousin once removed I met one time at a reunion is not someone whose funeral I am going to go to. The cousin of Dad's I see twice a year is a funeral I wish I could go to. The term active means members of the family I know and are a part of my life even if distant (like great-uncle I see once a year). |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 05:35 PM PST He says he cares about family life and want everyone to have fun in the house but he is the reason why noone is having it! He drinks, does nothing, tries to make you feel like you know nothing and he knows everything and want you to take care of him like a baby. Make him food, make the bed, and more. He's 61 and has been like this all my life.. my younger sister is like him to minus the drinking and ego narcissistic part she just has and attitude and does nothing to provide for the family, i cant stand living here but I have to help my mother. Soon ill leave though. |
Question: My mother in law talked awful about me? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 05:26 PM PST My mother in law sadly passed away 3 months ago today. Our relationship has always been so,so but I did love & cared for her & tried to be there for her as much as she needed me too. I took her shopping, helped her around the house etc. Well I found out today from her daughter how my mother in law really felt about me & it was so awful all the stuff I heard I broke down & cried I couldn t believe she said those things about me. So now I m feeling a little angry but also I feel bad for being mad at someone who has already passed away. It s giving me anxiety cause I just don t understand why she felt that way about me. She was sweet to my face but then talking so bad about me & my family behind my back. My sister in law said the only nice she ever said about me was that I was a good mother that s it. :(. I know I need to let this all go but it s bothering me so much. |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 03:47 PM PST They think I'm useless and they suggest I move out and they give me salary each month to help me they just don't want to see me and I don't feel that they have supported me as other family do sometimes we need to feel love and support any suggestions will be appreciated |
Question: Can my sons father keep my son from me due to my work schedule? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 02:52 PM PST The father has temporary full custody of my 1 year old son. The father was allowing me to come to his house on Mondays or Tuesdays to spend time with my son.I rencently told him about my new schedule.I told him I wouldn t be able to spend time with my son on Mon and Tues due to the time i have to be at work.So i asked him if he would switch Mon and Tues to Saturday and Sunday since I will be off those days every week.He flat out refused even though the weekends is the only time i could see my son.Its like he could care less if i see him or not.Im not sure what to do.I have to take the job since the father has made me pay child support.I live in TN if that helps.Im looking for a lawyer to see what can be done. |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 02:51 PM PST I am 21 years old currently working and living with my brother & sister in law I have only been with them for a month or 2. I have gotten closer to him & my sister in law me & her have a good bond together she's like an older sister to me. I am saving up to move out. My mom has also been living here. I'm with my mom every single day & always listened to my parents I've never talked back as much as now but the only things I say is this is my decision you can't tell me who I can & cannot hang out with especially with my own brother. She still tries to control my life & decisions. If I say something she doesn't like she'll say I'm "grounded" or I can't see my bf for a month or 2. She even doesn't want me with my sister in law or brother hanging out in the living room or something cause they smoke & all. & she thinks I'm being sneaky with them by smoking. (She has also found out I smoke a few months ago) I have talked to her about it & told her how I feel & the choices I make are mine but she still gets mad & tells me to stay with my brother then & she won't have to deal with me anymore & she'll start saying things like that. I do try to talk to her but she still gets mad, I cannot do anything about it. She also says she's leaving out of town if I decide to stay with my brother & not move out with her & my dad But I also don't wanna stop talking to her. Should I still do what's best for me? ( my brother has told me if anything I can stay with him till I find a place ) |
Question: My mom found alcohol in my room, please help? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 02:24 PM PST So I'm 16 and had three bottles of cider in my wardrobe, one was opened but maybe only a sip or two was gone from it because I really hated the taste. I was going through a hard time mentally and needed something to take the edge off but as soon as I took the first sip I realized A) this tastes like piss and B) this will only make me worse so I intended to put the rest back but never got a chance. My mom cleared out my wardrobe and found it but hasn't said anything to yet. I'm really worried I've broken her trust. Do you think she will be angry? She knows about my mental issues so I'm also concerned she might link the two. Do you think she will bring it up at all? What should I do if she doesn't? How do I rebuild her trust? |
Question: I was wrong for this??...? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 02:23 PM PST Okay so I babysit my boyfriends little brother for his mother. He's 3 years old and I decided I wanted to give him something that was for a child , I gave him a small toy truck that came with a small motorcycle... Well I gave them to his father and my question is if the father knew that the toys were too small why didn't he just tell me he can't have them? When I came back the next day to babysit I could hear his mom saying "She knew those toys where too small for him. What the hell was she thinking" I listened.. Or shall I say eased dropped in on the conversation and when I walked in that's when she was cool and didn't bring it up. I didn't expect the dad to give him the toys right away. I thought I was being nice 🤷🏾♀️ but I guess I was wrong. So she ended up throwing the toys away and she didn't ask the dad why would he take them if he knew they were too small... I wouldn't have felt offended. I thought maybe once he got a little bit older he could give them to him.. Next thing I know the dad gave the toys to him knowing that his mother wasn't gunna like it? I guess he liked the simple fact that the attention wasn't on her fussing at him for taking them anyway. I didn't just secretly give the little boy the toys I gave em to the father who then gave them to him knowing what was about to go down. Should I feel bad? |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 12:01 PM PST |
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