Question: Best natural falsh lashes you know of? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:56 PM PDT And please, don't reply with "I like girls better natural" or something like that! I don't want them to impress guys, it's for myself, so I feel more confident! |
Question: Is being hurt by my boyfriend's actions valid? Should I tell him about it? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:53 PM PDT My bf was on vacation. He called me the night before he came back (2weeks ago) and told me he was going to try to see me the next night when I finished with work. He thought he could take a nap while I was at work and then come see me. He would text me to lmk. It came to 5 pm that day (work ended 11pm ) and he sends me a text that says "I sleepy. " I reply, but he never does. I figured he went to sleep. 12 hours pass with no word from him. I'm a little upset he didn't tell me he wasn't coming over beforehand but I think I'm just overtired myself and shouldn't take it personally, the guy was just exhausted. So the next morning he texts me and apologizes for disappearing on me. I assume he accidentally fell asleep and didn't expect to sleep so long do I say it's alright. That night he comes to see me & I'm just happy to see him again. He casually tells me that previous day he had returned home, known he was going to crash hard and so got high and called up one of his girl friends before sleep took him. This bothered me. I thought most of my negative feelings were jealousy & confusion to his actions, so I decided again to be grateful he was there and let it go. I had already said it was ok anyways. I remembered this today & felt hurt all over again. It's been so long now since it happened I don't know how I'd even bring it up, but it made me feel unprioritized. I was fine with it, really, for the last couple weeks, but now it's starting to hit me that that wasn't ok. |
Question: Why do I love male booty? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:45 PM PDT |
Question: How to tell if a guy you don’t talk to likes you? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:42 PM PDT Pretty much this is all dealing with eye contact. I noticed something weird awhile ago when he walked by with his group of friends once. I was still looking at him then he turned around and looked directly at me. Fast forward to yesterday. I saw him waiting with some other friends outside. As soon as I walk by the conversation stops and I noticed one of his friends looking. Today I was waiting by the lunch line for my friends and he was waiting too. I was paying atrention to him in my periphral vision and I noticed his head was kind of facing me and so I looked and I caught him looking at me for like a second. I glanced at his friend and his friend was looking too. At the end of the day my friends and I were walking and he and a group of his friends were sitting at a table then I see his head turn in our direction and the heads of all his friends also. And like before, we walk by and all the conversation stops. I'm talking dead silent. So what does this mean? Me being the paranoid person that I am, I'm convinced someone is spreading some type of nasty rumor about me or something weird because this is all kind of sudden. I know this isn't enough information to know that "he likes me!" but this is not just something that people do if they don't have any kind of reason. Especially the last part with all of his friends (at least 7) including him turning to look in the direction of me and my friends... something's up and I don't know what. Please help me give my brain a rest! |
Question: I need relationship advice, please help whats wrong with me? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:38 PM PDT I feel like ive never been single ive been in three serious relationships between 2015-now. I dated the first two boys for over a year each. and less than two months in between each relationship i do have being alone issues My current boyfriend is perfect he's like something out of movies i didn't even believe guys like him really existed The first 8 months I felt so in love like I found my soulmate and we were going to be together forever Until 3-4 months ago i stopped feeling like having sex anymore when we do have sex i can't wait until it's over I get annoyed by him easily now. He constantly wants to hangout and if it were 3-4 months ago i would love that but now idk whats wrong. He's been on my case a lot more lately because i'm transferring to his school next semester and right now im just at home at a community college so hes worried ill pick school/partying over him because hes two years older than me and is graduating he's even been worrying about what bathing suits and clothes i'm going to wear and i HATE that I can't help but fantasize about what it would be like to be single at college making new friends and experiencing the "single life" that i've never had before and i can't help but think i've lost feelings for him at least sexual feelings for him and maybe i truly just love him as a best friend i'm so confused. because hes perfect. idk whats wrong with me. i'm only 19 and we used to talk about getting married and our future and my heart would melt but now... |
Question: Do Asian guys like white girls? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:30 PM PDT Ok so I'm a white girl, I like all races but I especially like Asian guys for some reason. The ones I've met have said they aren't really into white girls, so I'm just curious as to how many of the people who answer this are into white girls. Also why or why not? (I know a few people doesn't mean everybody is like this, I just wanna get an idea from a bunch of people) |
Question: I like my professor but semester is over. I asked for his number and he gave it to me. I texted him asking about internships but no respond? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:24 PM PDT |
Question: Does she look like she has a big butt? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:16 PM PDT I know you can't see it but does she look like she does? |
Question: Does he like me? (We don’t talk)? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:15 PM PDT |
Question: How come guys have to be over 6 ft and have to be a billionaire like Trump to have a hot girlfriend but hot women don't have to do anything? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:10 PM PDT |
Question: Should I break up with my boyfriend because my best friend doesn't like him? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:52 PM PDT |
Question: Hi hello bye? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:52 PM PDT |
Question: I want to tell boyfriend about birthmark on my face but i am afraid of rejection.? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:33 PM PDT |
Question: How many kids have here? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:27 PM PDT |
Question: I cut communication with my ex about a month ago? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:23 PM PDT My ex and I called it off last month because she went to college and she said that a relationship during school is just too stressful for her and wants to focus on herself. She said that she moved too fast in the relationship and her decision had nothing to do with me and wasn't ready to commit (I think she got cold feet because time came fast and she was moving an hour away). I agreed, but I was upset because I didn't want to lose her. A few weeks after our breakup, I was getting anxiety and had to unfriend her from social media, such as Snapchat so I wouldn't become nostalgic and end up pushing her away even more by contacting her, and the biggest was to heal from the breakup. She unfriended me as well, but we still have eachothers phone numbers. Do you think she will contact me? I miss her alot. Our relationship went really well and what bothers me the most is that I don't want her to think I was being mean by unfriending her, I did it so I can heal and work on myself without worrying about what she is up to. Do you think she would contact me and wonder how I am doing? |
Question: How do I tell if a man likes to control or to be controlled? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:18 PM PDT |
Question: Why do blacks almost never date each other unless it's in the ghetto? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:18 PM PDT Anyplace else they try to guilt every other group into dating them |
Question: My boyfriend is in Puerto Rico with another girl. Advice please!!? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:14 PM PDT My boyfriend told me he was going out of town with his friend and his cousin. He told me they were going to Florida and would be back in 4 days. We don't follow each other on social media but based on some weird vibes I have been getting from him lately I found myself feeling suspicious. I snooped and found a way to see his Snapchat stories and saw that not only did he lie about where he went, but also who he was with. He actually is in Puerto Rico right now and although I didn't see her face, I could see the same girl in the background of a lot of posts. Not to mention I didn't see a single cousin or friend with him in sight. I looked on their pages and they are all still home. Obviously you will all likely to tell me to leave him. My question is should I wait until he gets back in town and talk face to face, try to get an explanation? Or should I ghost him and just cut off all communication now. I attempted to FaceTime him multiple times and no answer. |
Question: Does a guys job matter to a woman? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:08 PM PDT When looking for a husband how much does his job/income matter? |
Question: Idk how 2 feel? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:01 PM PDT There's a guy that's been one of my favorite people for the longest time (4 years) and I've always known that would be the case. At first I had a crush on him, which kinda died out but then I had a crush on him again and ever since then I don't stop thinking about him?? But I don't like him like that??? Especially now that I'm older and more mature but it still shocks me because he's older than me and intimidates me kinda but he surprisingly talks to me and is super sweet and gets excited to see me sometimes and I think to myself if only my younger self knew things would be like this. But I've never felt close to him for some reason. Only when we're actually talking I calm down because I'm like yeah I've known him for years. But we're not as close as his other friends?? I mean I know him but I don't know like if he has a dog or anything cuz he's super reserved. But I know there's more to his personality. Other than that he's completely predictable in everything he does (he's basic) lol. But for some reason something never lets me stop going !!! When I see him??? And I'm scared that he'll never leave my mind wtf. Because I could never love him. There's nothing special about him is what I'm trying to say and everyone loves him, but like I genuinely do not understand what it is about him that doesn't allow my brain to get over it. Whatever it is. And he's graduating soon too. All my memories of him are nice but I don't wanna be nostalgic forever. What does it sound like? |
Question: Do you think men/boys really think that much about being “one up”? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:58 PM PDT |
Question: Relationship advice? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:54 PM PDT Last year my boyfriend and I broke up because of mutual differences. During the time we were broken up I was sexually assaulted by a guy I met on Grindr. My ex found out that I met up with this guy and accused me of having sex with him and wouldn't talk to me. Finally I let him know what really happened and he was disgusted with me. Two days after I told him he went to my sexual assalaints house and hooked up with him out of spite. Then I decided to get back together with him. Now months later we have broken up again. The struggle I'm having is that I do miss him but I'm scared of what else he could do to emotionally scar me. What do you think I should do? |
Question: Am I making something out of nothing? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:53 PM PDT My new boyfriend asked me out about a month ago. Before we got together he would "joke" around and say mean things to me like "you can be replaced but not her" or "she's cute". As we got closer, I confronted him about his behavior and he said "I only acted that way and said such things to throw you off so that you wouldn't see that I liked you and wanted you." Well sometimes these things cross my mind and I feel he wants the other girl or someone else and not me but he has reassured me that he is VERY happy with me and is aftaid to lose me. He would do anything to be mine. He even got back into school for us. I do love him but I'm not always sure about him. I tend to be an introvert while he's an extrovert. He claims he needs someone like me in his life, a grounded person, but sometimes I feel like I'm not enough for him while he can be too much for me. He seems to have more fun communicating with others than with me. Should I break up with him or continue our relationship? I don't have much experience in dating by the way. I remained single for so long. In my 30s now. He's 2 years older than me. Sometimes I want to go back to being single to avoid drama but at the same time I do want to find love. We do get along but I feel he would be happier with someone else and yet when I try to break up with him he holds me tight and says "no" in a non abusive way. I don't know maybe I'm just insecure. Thanks for any advice. |
Question: Ex bf got deported and I’m so happy! He will likely never get admission back? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:50 PM PDT |
Question: How should I say it? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:32 PM PDT I like this girl who goes to college near my college. we are friends but she recentley posted on instagram how she doesnt like sweet talk and I think a frat guy was sweet talking her. well it sucks cause Im thinking a guy might ask her out or make her attracted before I do. I wanna visit her and when im leaving maybe ill say "what are you doing next saturday I wanna take you out, just you and me" should i say that or should i tell her i do like her then say that. i dont wanna scare her away saying i like her but i do wanna make it known im interested by saying "I wana take you out" sooo |
Question: Does she like me? Would this approach work? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:31 PM PDT This woman and I were always making eye contact with each other from a distance when she passed the shop that I work in and today, for the first time she came in to the shop and ordered something. She was making constant eye contact with me and was smiling, she thanked me then left. Next time I see her should I try the direct approach and say "Hey I think that you're cute, can I have your number"? What's the worst that can happen? |
Question: When should I ask her out?..........? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:30 PM PDT I've been talking to this girl for two days now and I know she's interested in me and she knows I'm interested in her when would be a good time to ask her out? Or should I just let things happen? If I should ask her out how? Btw we are in highschool |
Question: What do I do if my boyfriend keeps pronouncing my name wrong? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:21 PM PDT We've been together for almost 4 months now and he doesn't pronounce my name right. I've brought it up to him a few times but he just says "but this pronunciation is prettier!" and refuses to change how he pronounces my name. It really annoys me. What do I do? And no, he doesn't have any nicknames for me. He either calls me baby or my actual name, which he pronounces wrong |
Question: Why does she act like this. Any advice is appreciated? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:19 PM PDT I have this co worker that am really cool with. Whenever I tell her am hanging out with friends at a bar or a club she always tells me she wants to come or she will say am coming but I really don't give in so we have never hanged out outside of work. She told me she is talking to this guy since March and the guy sends her chocolate in the office sometimes. I planned on going on a trip in December and she said I can come with you.i planned on going on another trip but it was cancelled and she said she wanted to go and will send me Airbnb places to check out. she was really serious about it. She is very touchy when she speaks to me and but her arms on my shoulders when am sitting at my desk.I found it very weird since we work together. My friends think she likes me and wants more than just the co worker thing. What do you guys think |
Question: I am confused what he means please help! 10points? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:02 PM PDT I asked him if he doesnt contact me as much any more bc he found someone he likes. He replied with no he doesnt think he could be with any one. He has issues hes been dealing with so if he is a little distance... ya. I replied ya i understand. I hope you find your solutions and ill give you some space. He replied time helps all. In time. Your fine mamas So is he saying he need time but likes me? Or should i move on? |
Question: Is it true someone’s pupils dilate when they’re attracted to someone? If they’re not dilated are they not attracted to me? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 05:42 PM PDT |
Question: If a guy doesn't answer your texts...does that mean he is busy? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 05:40 PM PDT |
Question: Crush on fictional person? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 05:19 PM PDT Alright, so I am only 15 (a girl) and I have this massive, and I mean massive, crush on Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson version). It is impacting my life, and by that I mean at the moment I am crying because it makes me so sad that he doesn't exist (obviously the actor does, but not the character themselves). I don't know what to do, I have never had a crush on someone this big and it is making me feel so awful, especially since I can't do anything about it. Advice? Has something like this happened to anyone? |
Question: What do you think of this situation and what should I do and why did she do this? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 05:14 PM PDT Ok so at school one time I was in class and there was a boy that I thought was cute and he was of a different nationality than me and we both lol different in skin complexion. I was checking out the boy in a class that I just joined and he has been in the class for a long time. And while I was checking him out a black girl that was sitting in the same class as me stiffened and she was looking at me like she doesn't want me to check him out or show interest in him. I feel like the black girl did this because she thinks and thought that we don't belong together and or that he is better looking than me. I'm in high school. What do you think of this situation and what should I do? |
Question: What does it mean? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 04:58 PM PDT So if a girl (who has a boyfriend) is willing to travel with you and share the same bed at the Hotel. Even asking me if she should tell her boyfriend or not about the sharing a bed part (adding a winky emoji). What does this mean? |
Question: So my girlfriend agreed to give me a bj next time we’re together, but she says she doesn’t know how and wants me to teach her how. Answers? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 04:37 PM PDT I don't have a clue how to give instructions. Yes I've gotten a bj before and it was great, but how can I teach her on me without ruining the mood? What could I possibly say here? |
Question: What do I do? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 04:32 PM PDT I like this girl who goes to college near my college. we are friends but she recentley posted on instagram how she doesnt like sweet talk and I think a frat guy was sweet talking her. well it sucks cause Im thinking a guy might ask her out or make her attracted before I do. I dont know how to really Im thinking about asking if I can visit her and while there just have a good time be myself around her then maybe say "what are you doing tomorrow, let me take you out" but I dont know im lost help. |
Question: What causes a chick, who knows you, to be kind to you, then act like she doesn't know you any longer, even when you did nothing to her? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 04:27 PM PDT |
Question: What should I do?��������? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 03:57 PM PDT My boyfriend went to travel with his friends for a vacation and then he hiding me from his story on Instagram and he was very stupid because he forgot to do that with my friend and I saw him with a girl dancing and kissing her |
Question: What is rain total for today in Carrollton, MO? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 03:48 PM PDT |
Question: I'm a male and this female wants to fight me,what do I do ? I'm bigger and stronger but she still wants to fight.I didn't do anything to her? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 03:45 PM PDT |
Question: What does it mean when someone looks at you again and again? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 03:38 PM PDT When i wait for my bus at school there is this guy and he talks with his friends. His friends are on my bus but he isn't so ive never talked to him. He sneaks glances at me like more than 5 times and i do it but im wondering if this means if he is interested or sm? What do I do ab it haha should I smile back |
Question: Lady Di was a good person? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 03:32 PM PDT |
Question: What happened to Kimberly Gilfoyle on The Five? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 03:32 PM PDT |
Question: IM NOT OKAY? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 03:23 PM PDT |
Question: Why is she like this? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 03:15 PM PDT I met a girl because she started laughing loudly at my joke and talking to me, she asked me to repeat it to her. She's a couple years older. Well she smiled the whole time I was talking then do this jump scare thing and she looked me in the eyes and smiled. She started laughing at stuff I say to other people, or butt into my conversations or respond to stuff I say. She will smile a lot. Walk by a room I'm in and smile at me then wave. She gets red while talking to me and hides her face but smiles, makes no eye contact. She tries to make a conversation out of anything with me by responding to stuff, laughing, or ask me questions. Her friend asks me to talk to her, joke around, and chase her around.Her friend asked me to be around them she had an attitude but still found any way to talk to me as usual and wanted me closer to her. When they took turns with selfies next to me and it's her turn she asked me to get closer and after that I could only be next to her in pictures. I told her friend I'm not into selfies and she said "me and Jessica will have to do something about that". the one time she wore something that showed cleavage she came and got me for a selfie, from me sitting next to her she blushed asking me to get closer. If I start a conversation she'll do the selfie and get closer thing. Well I asked her what kind of car she drives she got weird said she drives a blue car. Says she doesn't do drugs but she was very weird about it and I know she drinks and smokes. When I sat down next to her out of nowhere a day she didn't wear makeup she didn't look me in the eyes at all. When we talk about smoking she got uncomfortable and weird, told me not to do it. ☆ Sent from iOS Dr. Know! 1.1.04 |
Question: What does it mean when your partner frequently forgets conversations you have? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 03:05 PM PDT My partner and I are both in our 30s (I'm 32, he's 39). We're both looking for something long-term; we'd both like to get married and have children one day so we're not just dating to date; we're dating to see if we're compatible for marriage. With that said.. I've noticed something that is possibly a deal-breaker. The man can't remember anything! He forgets conversations we have all the time. And they're serious conversations too; for example we had the "do you want children?" talk THREE times. The third time we talked about it started with him saying "there's still so much I don't know about you; I don't even know if you want children!" LOL. This is just one example, but he forgets so many things. Little things too, for example he's invited me to the same Broadway play twice now in the same month because he forgot that he'd invited me the first time. Am I being petty or is this actually a concern? |
Question: Does a girl hate you or like you if she tries hard not to look at you when you talk to her? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 02:52 PM PDT |
Question: How can I get connected with people that wants to go to non-Alcohol parties? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 02:48 PM PDT |
Question: Penis wouldnt go in her vagina..? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 02:44 PM PDT so me and girlfriend tried having sex today (both our first time) and while it felt great and we did a bunch of foreplay and all of that I just couldnt get my penis into her without it sliding out... I got it in like twice but it immediately slid either to the side or down.. It got to the point where I was losing my ***** and I was feeling a little frustrated... It was like I was pushing my dick up against a wall or something... we tried many times but I couldn't get it in... she even tried guiding it multiple times but it just wouldnt go... I never thought this would be an issue until it was happening before me lol.. You see so many videos where it just goes in so naturally but it wasn't happening...Not gonna lie, I'm a little saddened ): we both still came multiple times but it wouldve been nice to go inside her... What can I do to fix this or prevent it from happening? Is sex just not for me? |
Question: What is segreation? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 02:41 PM PDT not letting someone be apart of your group because of race |
Question: Does this boy like me or is it all in my head? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 02:39 PM PDT So there is this boy that I hadn't talked to in 4 years because we go to different schools. But we weren't really friends or anything back then. Then this day he replied to my Snapchat story and we started talking. It was a great conversation and lasted from 00:00 to 02:00. We had to end it because we were just too tired. We had a good laugh and he sent me flirty emojis etc. He mentioned a few times how he really wanted a reunion with some classmates. But the next day I asked him when he would like to meet up and he just said "I don't know" "school is almost starting so maybe not too soon" "we are all very busy" etc and the conversation was super blank and boring. He didn't really text me or anything which I find weird because it really seemed as if he was in to me, but maybe thats in my head? |
Question: How do I reflect over y=8 ? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 02:30 PM PDT |
Question: Whats the difference if a woman looks at a black guy cus shes racist or if shes attracted? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 02:19 PM PDT I know some people are gonna get triggered. I don't want that I just want a good answer |
Question: How do you play the player? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 02:17 PM PDT |
Question: What are the possible reasons my ex unblocked me on Instagram? (Please read details)? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 02:11 PM PDT I broke up with my ex 5 months ago. It was a toxic relationship and I finally reached the point where I couldn't take it anymore and I walked away. It wasn't mutual but he knew I was serious this time so he had no choice but to accept it. He immediately got into a new relationship, I'm talking within a week and he's still with the girl now. (He's 20, I'm 22 btw) we've had a few interactions since the break up, mainly his girlfriend arguing with me. He's had me blocked on Instagram for all this time (occasionally unblocking me and then blocking me straight away) but yesterday I was scrolling down my dm's and I noticed his name, which means he's unblocked me again but this time he seems to have kept me unblocked and I don't know why because it seems to me he's happy with his new girlfriend, which is good. It's not like he can see anything on my profile because it's private as I don't want anyone in his life (including him) to see what I'm up to these days. |
Question: My girlfriend is very negative these days? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 02:00 PM PDT My girlfriend lost her dad to a drunk driver on New Years day this year. Since then, she has been very emotional. But slowly, she has been doing fine and sometimes talks about him with me and gets emotional but I know it is a loss that she can never get over. Whenever she talks about it with me, I usually dont know what to say and I have cut the call a few times because I am not good with this emotional stuff. This week she has been missing him a lot and said she just wants him back. 3 days ago her mom got into a car accident, and she has been a wreck since then. Her mom is in the hospital but she is doing well, thankfully. I feel as if the law of nature goes with this, she is attracting negativity by staying negative. I had a vibe something bad was gonna happen just the way she has been lately. She is 21, we are in a LDR and I do try to avoid calling her at times like this because I am not a good person who can deal with emotional stuff, and she gets mad at me for not talking to her and every morning I wake up with 15 missed calls and 30 messages saying how much I hurt her by ignoring her. What can I do to get her on the more positive side? Thank you |
Question: Why do I feel so down all the time, is it just the way I am, I can't seem to be happy any of the time, why? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 01:53 PM PDT |
Question: What do I do? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 01:49 PM PDT I like this girl who goes to college near my college. we are friends but she recentley posted on instagram how she doesnt like sweet talk and I think a frat guy was sweet talking her. well it sucks cause Im thinking a guy might ask her out or make her attracted before I do. I dont know how to really Im thinking about asking if I can visit her and while there just have a good time be myself around her then maybe say "what are you doing tomorrow, let me take you out" but I dont know im lost help. |
Question: Am I pathetic for still thinking of the guy? Posted: 31 Aug 2018 01:39 PM PDT I'm still thinking of him although he ghosted me for the past three months after a fight. I'm still as heartbroken as I was when it first happened. I shouldn't after 3 months but I am because I loved the guy |