Friends: Question: I lied about my birthday and I am worried that everyone is gonna find out? |
- Question: I lied about my birthday and I am worried that everyone is gonna find out?
- Question: What does this gesture means?
- Question: Do you think this guy is weird?
- Question: How do gay men have babies ?
- Question: I slept with my brothers best friend.?
- Question: How to show off to my ex best friend who used to be envious of me(and probably still does)that i am million times better than her?
- Question: Having no friends at 14:(?
- Question: So I’ve been in the “popular” group for a while.. and I LOVE my friends a ton. But, there is another friend group that I hang out with?
- Question: My parents have a bad person they are friends with. Does this make my parents bad since they hang out with a bad person?
- Question: My best friend enjoy to kill my self esteem and she always tries to prove to others that she is better than she jealous of me?
- Question: My bestfriend lied to me and got me used and cheap stuff for christmas?
- Question: Asking for $5 back. Petty or not?
- Question: My best friend is jealous of me?
- Question: How do I figure out why people don’t like me? I think I’m normal and nice but friends normally fade on me quickly?
- Question: My friend wants to sneak out?!?
- Question: Why do people in my class make fun of this girl who never talks and bully her? I feel so bad for her?
- Question: Should I tell her I want to stop going the next time I see her?
- Question: Does my friend like me back? Or are we just really close best friends? Any ideas what I should do?
- Question: Lost my best friend and idk how to move on?
- Question: Why is she friends with him????
- Question: So it may seem gay but I just lost my best friend who met a **** ton to me because I posted something that made it seem we weren’t friends?
- Question: How to get someone to leave you alone?
- Question: How can I answer my co workers question?
- Question: I hate people of my age?
- Question: I hate people of my age?
- Question: Why am I mad?
- Question: Am i in the wrong should i apologize ?
- Question: Was this mean?
- Question: I don't have like real deep friendship in my school its annoying that I dont?
- Question: How do I get over my friend?
- Question: I think my best friend blocked my calls. Should I care or leave her in 2017?
- Question: Friend has a attitude?
- Question: Social hell?
- Question: Why is my friend maya a lunatic?
- Question: Does this mean anything?
- Question: Is my friend using me??
- Question: Is this more than a friendship? Any advice on what to do? Or signs that there is flirting? Thanks!?
- Question: Have you ever been asked by a person of the opposite sex if they can see you naked?
- Question: Stalker Drama?
- Question: Why can two nice people get along with everyone except each other? Can two people be TOO much alike, even if they are super nice?
- Question: Some help?
- Question: My friend distances himself from me?
- Question: Help. Need advice on a friend ghosting me?
- Question: What if one of your best friends was a coke head and stays up 'til 4 in the morning even on work nights?
- Question: Why should you not tell your friend to teach your other friend how to masturbate?
- Question: Was I wrong for my friend, was complaining about light skin black woman having an advantage over dark skin?
- Question: Does Anyone KNow?
- Question: Why is this guy acting so weird?
- Question: I feel like I have no friends?
- Question: I feel like I have no friends, It’s mid school year everyone have made they’re friend group I have no one.?
- Question: Excuses not to go out?
- Question: Have you ever been really attracted to one of your friend's friend?
- Question: Would you still talk to your ex boyfriend/girlfriend after a bitter break up?
- Question: I just lost my best friend? Is my reason for ending it reasonable?
- Question: Is something wrong with me because I dont have friends? Am I doing something wrong?
- Question: Should I trust "women"?
- Question: How can I learn to stop complaining to friends and always telling them my problems?
- Question: Am I being ruse by asking my friends to help pay for my bday party?
- Question: So I hooked my friend with a fam member since then she doesn’t really talk to me. My fam member lives in a foreign country. So she went to?
- Question: Him during the holidays. She came back today and didn’t even?
Question: I lied about my birthday and I am worried that everyone is gonna find out? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 05:45 PM PST I know, when you read this you thought this was the dumbest thing in the world but I am actually worried about this. In school I am actually the youngest boy. During my first year of Secondary school I lied about my birthday because I was self conscious for some reason and now at the age of 15 I am scared that someone is going to find out. Thankfully my birthday for the last two years has been on weekends but now it lands on a weekday at school and someone is gonna find out. You know how it is, it's your birthday and everyone is yelling hey it's this kids birthday. At school most likely a teacher will check whether it is and most likely rat me out. Embarrassing me in front of everyone and then everyone will know I lied. The main way people will know is in snapchat by seeing the cake next to my name when it's my fake birthday but if I turn it off someone will still remember. And yes I could skip the day but someone at school who remembers my birthday will obviously think that I'm missing school because it's my birthday and I don't want to go and he'll blabber to the teachers! Most likely not but there's always a chance. What should I do. Come clean and brand myself as a liar to my friends or do something else |
Question: What does this gesture means? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 05:28 PM PST I know a man, and I feel some attraction towards him. He is 20 years older than me (I'm a young woman). The other day, I told him "that's cute" because he wanted to do me a favor, and he came closer to me and gently squeezed my arms with his hands, and stayed like this for a moment. How can I interpret this gesture? |
Question: Do you think this guy is weird? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 05:21 PM PST I think he's weird. He's a customer of mine at a Mexican restaurant in Columbia, SC. He often comes to our restaurant.. he always talks to us really friendly and shares pictures of him and his wife /dog with us. We don't even know him very well.. also... he obviously does have a wife because he has pictures with her, but he always comes to our restaurant alone.. I mean, isn't that a little weird to come to a restaurant alone all the time when you're "happily married " as he says? He's extremely talkative and sometimes asks to snap pictures with us. One of our waiters took a picture with him and he put it on Facebook and it got a lot of likes/comments.. and was helpful... but isn't that a little weird to take pictures with strangers? Your thoughts on people like this guy? The guy is 31.. he wife hasn't passed. She works at a local doctors office. |
Question: How do gay men have babies ? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 05:07 PM PST My 2 friends are married they have a daughter who's 3 weeks old. I don't think neither of them could have a baby they're both guys. How the hell did they have a baby ? |
Question: I slept with my brothers best friend.? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 04:38 PM PST I've had a crush on my brothers best friend for awhile. Well, my brother started coming over and they were hanging we all were drinking. Anyways the first time we messed around then we didn't see each other for about 6 months. Well, my brother and his friend stayed the night at my house my brother went to bed me and his friend stayed up we had been drinking he started rubbing on me and well long story short we slept together. I only told my sister about it because I trusted her and I don't really have any girl friends. Well my sister got pissed off at me told my brother he showed up at his friends house ready to beat his *** but then his friend told him nothing happened btw us that I just wanted him and was hitting on him and he even went as far as to show him naked pictures of me trying to prove that I just wanted him.. Well, my brother showed up at my his freaking out just blaming me of course saying he wouldn't dare touch me because they are like brothers. Well, i completely cut off contact with my sister and brother now. I am so pissed at her for stabbing me in the back like that i would never do that to her. and she def. did it out spite she had threated me before lost on what to do. just don't know what to do I'm completely |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 04:23 PM PST More than she believes |
Question: Having no friends at 14:(? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 03:34 PM PST hey I'm a 14 year old girl and I used to be best friends with the "popular" group but due to my social anxiety,, I let myself drift away from them. They were nice but they left me out 24-7. Eg: one time my friend Jess planned the last day before summer we were all gonna go to the park and get dominos and it was gonna be so fun but there was apparently another group chat behind the scenes that I wasn't in, and they all went to jess' and I was left to believe that people were going to meet me in the park so I waited there for 1 hour. That was the point where I realised she was using me. I have to see her every Tuesday for dance and on the bus I Vonda act like I' still like her. She knows I walk around school crying on my own at break and lunch but she pretends she doesn't see. I want to confront the group of my old friends but I'm waaayyy to scared. I literally have no friends atm and no I can't go and make new ones because all our year already has friends who are completely different to me. I'm a unique personality and no one really gets my humour. Does anyone know what I can do? I'm legit crying thinking about it. X |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 03:29 PM PST So I've been in the "popular" group for a while.. and I LOVE my friends a ton. But, there is another friend group that I hang out with, and I love them too. But my "popular" friends are turning mean, and I want to switch to the other group but I don't know how. Suggestions? |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 03:28 PM PST |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 03:11 PM PST She discourage me all the time when i want to do something great for myself and she reminds me all the time that i am a zero |
Question: My bestfriend lied to me and got me used and cheap stuff for christmas? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 03:00 PM PST Okay i'm kind of dissapointed and upset because she made it seem like she was getting me amazing things. I got her 6 things that i spent atleast 80 dollars on. And she gave me her shirt that she was worn, a used eyebrow brush, and a coupon. I'm not being selfish and i appreciate it but i'm kinda dissapointed because she said she was getting me high end and amazing things. Im upset she lied. |
Question: Asking for $5 back. Petty or not? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 02:45 PM PST A very close friend of mine pitched in together for a birthday gift to give to someone else. I accidentally told my close friend that the birthday gift was $40 so she only gave me $20 for her share. But then I realized I actually paid $50 dollars so she still owes $5. I told her about it and she agreed to give me the extra $5. It has been a month and my close friend hasn't paid me back yet. Is it petty if I just asked her for it tonight? thanks! |
Question: My best friend is jealous of me? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 02:44 PM PST She interrupt me all the time when we speak with others and she want to speak only her she says bad things in front of others to make me feel embarrassed She always tries to prove to everyone that she is better than me She always enjoy to kill my self esteem and make me feel bad One day she told me that a girl called me ugly behind my back and i am pretty sure that she says that only to make me feel trash One day i told her that i like a guy and she told me in a rude way that my face is too ugly for him I cant understand her attitude She acts like she hates me but she wants to be friend with me Why does she act like this? |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 02:24 PM PST I have no friends currently. I had trouble keeping friends even when I had hobbies and put myself out there. |
Question: My friend wants to sneak out?!? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 02:22 PM PST my friend and I are having a sleepover tonight, and she just told me she wants to sneak out and see her bf. ugh I hate that kind of crowd idk what to do!! |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 02:07 PM PST |
Question: Should I tell her I want to stop going the next time I see her? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 02:06 PM PST I have a counseling appointment this Tuesday coming up in the afternoon and I don't want to keep going. Should I tell my counselor now or wait til i see her on Tuesday and tell her that I don't want to attend counseling anymore? I just feel like I don't want to go anymore. I want to but then again I don't. |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 02:02 PM PST She doesn't sound too much like a good friend. She's being a hypocrite by saying one thing to you but doing the opposite. First you need to realize she doesn't own you and doesn't have the right to treat you like that. I know it's hard and difficult because she's your friend and you wanna be nice, but she needs to treat you like a friend. I would try and have a deep talk with her and say hey you're doing this and that and it bothers me and hurts me but when I do it it's wrong. Be nice but be firm about it. Hopefully with that talk she will take the hint and apologize and not do it again, but not all the time will that Work. If it doesn't, try to distance yourself and do things for yourself and see if that brings her back. Either way, don't change who you are to impress her because a real friend wouldn't treat another friend like that, ever. Try talking to her about it and if it doesn't work, move on and make better friends. Good luck! |
Question: Lost my best friend and idk how to move on? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 01:59 PM PST So I had this kid who was my best friend we literally do everything together slaughters all the time y'all hang out but it may seem gay but I cared a crap ton for him I'd honestly do anything but I posted something that made it seem I said we weren't friends which I woulda never done because of how much he meant to me and now because of that I lost him and now I don't know how to move on |
Question: Why is she friends with him???? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 01:45 PM PST My name is Allan and I have a besfriend Elizabeth, my friend Elizabeth used to work in a retirement home and she eventually quit but she's still really close friend with one of her managers. They always hangout and they are always a joke I asked her if she's interested in the guy, and she said NO because he's a lot older plus he has a family. But one day they were going to hangout and he said "Do you wanna meet in a hotel? Just kidding lol." She tells me nothing has ever happened between them, and he only jokes around with her. I know it's none of my business but is it normal to hangout with your old boss that much?? Any advice??? I find it weird!!!! She's 26 and he's 38 |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 01:39 PM PST |
Question: How to get someone to leave you alone? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 01:23 PM PST i had a best friend and we were really close, but she started to ignore me and our other friends and lied to us constantly. one day i decided to make a group chat with everyone in the group except for her and told them that i wanted to sit somewhere else but never mentioned why. she started to curse me out and said that i was a fake friend for trying to tell her that she was leaving me out. i broke off the relationship of course but now everywhere i look she's either laughing at me, talking behind my back, commenting 'delete this' under photos that feature me on everybody's accounts, or publically humiliating me on snaps that she posts by adding my name along with "you're so fake" or other degrading sentences. i kept ignoring them and reported her to the office at my school but i cannot deal with this any longer. i thought that when you stopped being friends with someone you ignore each other and pretend the other doesn't exist. any tips? because i am on a whole different level of emotionally drained and i constantly have to keep lookout for what she'll say next and i cannot for the life of me enjoy anything that i do in and out of school. |
Question: How can I answer my co workers question? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 12:46 PM PST I was at a restaurant waiting to be seated for lunch with 2 of my female co workers. Walking out of the restaurant was this gorgeous woman. She had a figure to die for. 36G would be my guess. She was showing a lot of cleavage. She came over to me and gave me a hug and said "It is great to see you again George. How have you been"? We just talked for a few minutes and then we were seated in the restaurant. Just before we parted, she gave me her card and said "let's have lunch some time to catch up on old times". The last thing she said was "We sure had fun in the back seat of your car when we were in high school didn't we"? My co workers immediately said who was that beautiful woman. I told them it was an old high school girlfriend from 20 years ago. They wanted to know what I was doing in the back seat of my car with her. Can someone suggest a answer to their question that would not make me look bad to my friends? I think everyone reading this knows what I was doing in the back seat of my car but I can't tell them that. I thought I might tell them we were reading the bible. Do you think they would believe that? |
Question: I hate people of my age? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 12:45 PM PST I hate my stupid peers so much, I never talk to anyone of my age since age of 12. I am now 25, till I was 20 people were telling me that "it's just a phase))))0", well I am 25 now, how someone's stupidity is my phase? I never play videogames, I don't listen to rap or pop, I don't give a fck about fashion, no one can scam into buying things I don't need. and I don't own apple. I hate seeing this sloots and idiots with their idiocratic worldviews anymore. |
Question: I hate people of my age? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 12:45 PM PST I hate my stupid peers so much, I never talk to anyone of my age since age of 12. I am now 25, till I was 20 people were telling me that "it's just a phase))))0", well I am 25 now, how someone's stupidity is my phase? I never play videogames, I don't listen to rap or pop, I don't give a fck about fashion, no one can scam into buying things I don't need. and I don't own apple. I hate seeing this sloots and idiots with their idiocratic worldviews anymore. I became mature at normal age and at 16 started thinking about marriage and raising kids This idiots play childish games being 30 *there |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 11:43 AM PST My aunt just died and I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't want to cry in front of anyone, I don't want anyone to cry infront of me, I don't want anyone to talk about it to me, I just want to be alone. Even when she was sick, I didn't want to hear people talk about how sad it was. My mom is trying to talk about it to me and I'm getting so mad and don't want to talk to her, idk why. It makes me so mad when people talk about it to me and idk why. I was kinda expecting her to die bc she was on drugs but I'm haven't cried yet. Mainly bc I'm in front of my mom and I want to wait a while to take it in. I feel so stubborn and don't want to cry in front of her, anyone know why I'm feeling like this? I just want to sit in silence. |
Question: Am i in the wrong should i apologize ? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 11:15 AM PST so i have an ex and he's not really that nice he lies all the time, and he's kind of manipulating idk, but he talked to this one girl for a little bit and i was like whatever , but they ended and keep in mind i was still his friend but i should've dropped him a while ago cause he said some mean stuff, anyways me and the girl he talked to for a lil started to become friends like our friendship should formed idk and then she asked to hang out with me and i said sure, like a new friend yay. then my ex got mad at me and started saying i was fake and a bad friend and making me feel bad, but am i in the wrong i can't stop thinking about it ?? should i apologize help me |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 11:13 AM PST Yesterday, before 6th hour, one of my best friends & I went to her locker to get something. We were running & so were two other students. All of us rounded a corner & ran into each other. My friend isn't the most prettiest girl in the world. So, the boy that she ran into said to his friend, "Bro, she's so ugly and smells." I turned around because all of us had gone opposite directions of each other, so I was facing their backs & yelled a line from the song 'Headstrong' by Trapt. I yelled, "Back off! I'll take you on! Headstrong! I'll take on anyone!" Then I added (not from the song) "Who messes with my friends." The boys just gave me rude looks & continued walking. My friend thanked me & told all of our friends. I don't know if what I said to the boys was mean or not? If it was mean, was it too mean? Or was it just a warning? I don't know. |
Question: I don't have like real deep friendship in my school its annoying that I dont? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 11:04 AM PST It's I have ppl who sat I'm their friend but I don't consider them a friend at all yet it's that I don't feel comfortable yet with them like Im comfortable in doing stupid stuff funny stuff and telling jokes but I can't have a conversation with them yet I feel so uncomfortable like I can't at all I don't know why it's killing me like even if I have a conversation Its I can't be my self while talking with them |
Question: How do I get over my friend? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 11:00 AM PST She used to be my best friend, and I don't know what to do anymore. We used to do everything together, I have so many memories with her. She doesn't talk to me anymore, she doesn't text to ask how I'm doing, she doesn't even respond when I text her. When she does respond, its vague and short. I find myself getting tired often and my grades are going down, this is my last year of highschool, and I thought we would finish it together, but I guess not. I don't know what to do anymore, I love her, but she doesn't seem to want to be around me anymore. |
Question: I think my best friend blocked my calls. Should I care or leave her in 2017? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 10:55 AM PST |
Question: Friend has a attitude? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 10:11 AM PST One of my best friends all of a sudden has this attitude and I am not sure if she realizes it or not. Like she won't respond to my text messages at times and she is talking to this senior and its just all a little strange. Also she never invites me to do stuff (even though I try to get her to do stuff) and I just do not understand why all of a sudden she has this attitude? |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 09:22 AM PST I m in high school. There was a bunch of kids sharing this one boy s (9th grade) nudes. I told the teacher, but they found out I snitched. Every time they see me, they hiss snitch . The kids are spreading rumors about me and promising me social hell . I don t want to go to school anymore and I just want to cry. What do I do? |
Question: Why is my friend maya a lunatic? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 09:05 AM PST |
Question: Does this mean anything? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 08:45 AM PST Well she is sort of my bestfriend (we have been friends for about 5 years) , and her (girl)friends are the same , so we talk like a couple but without any love (I text her or call her as I'm abroad). So before half a year her friend was around her when we were talking on phone and she told me that my "bestfrind" loves me and my "bestfrind" did sort of a quite scream and took the phone and closed it (called me after few seconds like nothing happened) . And before around 2 weeks same thing happened but her other friend told me that (that my "bestfriend" loves me) when we were on phone and as before she took the phone and closed it . I don't know what it means or what shall I do , but might she be inlove with me but shy to say it and her friends know that? Ps: I'm a friend of both of her friends (if that change a thing) |
Question: Is my friend using me?? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 08:40 AM PST My best friend are close and we hang out together everyday but i dont like hanging around her anymore. I was friends with this guy once and she told me not to hang with him because she didn't like him and he said something rude about her, so i cut him off. But she made friends with 2 guys i dont get along with and she started hanging out with him and i told her not to hang with him cause he is mean to me but she ignored me and just kept hanging with out him. Every time a guy likes me or says something nice about me she'll be like "oh he likes everyone" , "he'll date anybody, EVEN YOU, no offense". One time i told her this guy called me cute she makes a stank face and goes "oh wow he must think anyone is cute then just kidding" She tries to be friends with everyone im friends with and boyfriend i have. I caught her flirting with 2 guys that i liked on facebook and she knew i liked them. But When her boyfriend tried to talk to me she got mad at me instead at him and i didnt even reply to him. I tried to stop being friends with her but she cries and gets upset and it makes me feeel bad when i know i shouldnt. this isnt a troll |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 08:36 AM PST So I admitted to my best friend that I have a little crush on her, and it's very innocent. We are both straight girls but we'll even say that sometimes we do really act gay. We just have a really really close connection. But she said that she wasn't weirded out by it and that she was honored that I feel that way. She said if I was a guy we'd already be dating by now. She will cuddle with me and hug me and call me cute and perfect and she says she never does that with anyone else. She also giggles and will even tell me I never giggle with anyone else so we'll have to test it when I get a boyfriend to see if I'm gay for you. My feelings are real even though it's innocent bc I've never been attracted to girls except her but nothing in more than just a cuddling, always thinking of her and would kiss her kind of way. She'll even say "well get married" or that if I had a boyfriend right now she'd be a little jealous. We call eachother baby and pretty and we're just really close and we connect so much. But I kissed her last night twice and she didn't turn away or anything but I said you're not kissing me back and she said well you're the one kissing me and it was a peck and that's all I wanted but did she even want too? Everything has been normal and fine today and nothing has changed. Any advice? |
Question: Have you ever been asked by a person of the opposite sex if they can see you naked? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 08:20 AM PST |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 07:55 AM PST So a long time ago when I was about 9 I made a couple friends and had a club (kid club) and we would meet every Friday, when I was 11 I had to move away when I got to teenager years I left the website cause I thought it was stupid but one of the girls still thinks I'm in it She won't stop texting me and stalking me and her sister even tries, my mom is close friends with her mom and one time her mom yelled at me for not talking to their kids? Wth? I wanna block them but I'm scared their mom will send mine a message and my mom is strict and mean to me. What should I do? |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 07:47 AM PST If a man and a woman are both well liked, kind, intelligent , attractive, popular people get together and REALLY like each other at first -because they are both very sensitive /artistic /care taker types (they are both always the ones people turn to for support and a leader among their friends )...but eventually they discover they JUST can't get along. They bicker constantly and it's really weird cuz they are both in their 40s and claim to ALWAYS get along with everyone why can't two likeable /easy going people who never fight with ANYONE fight so much with EACH OTHER? |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 07:44 AM PST Ok, so in high school I got kind of weird. Like I played tennis and got good grades, but I became very antisocial and even began to lose interest in those other two things. I was pretty much a ghost. Like I spent all my time watching tv. I know that's pretty common then. By the time I got to college instead of trying to get out of my social shell, start fresh, I got worse. For the first four years I literally lived my life through tv. I didn't party, socialize, study, or do anything. I had to spend two extra years because I kept changing my major aimlessly. The last two years I managed to try to get my act together but it wasn't the same. I was a fifth year at a college I had been at for four years and I barely knew anyone. It felt awful. It was too late to make friends really because everyone had their own circle you know. I did make one or two, and I went a little crazy lol, but it wasn't the same you know(like basically they had their own things already and I kind had to make the effort and all, but I did have fun). By the time graduation came, I was sad. I looked at all these kids who were there for a shorter time. They were in clubs, fraternities, had great GPAs, went wild, went to football games, etc. I just wasted my time and my parents money(which makes me feel even more awful) by watching tv. I really wish I got out of my shell freshman year and tried joining a fraternity or something. I'm trying not to dwell in the past, but I can't help but be frustrated. Advice? |
Question: My friend distances himself from me? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 07:12 AM PST He will talk to me for awhile and want to chat and all of a sudden distance himself from me and start talking to this other friend he has and talks really bad about him sometimes such as calling him annoying and act like he's not receiving messages from him. The other night he lied to me about being tired and not wanting to hang out and I was cool with that and come to find out he had hung out with that dude and others. Now they are like best friends and this is a recurring cycle with him. He will distance himself from that guy and starting being cool with me again and if he has been talking bad about him and the others, he's probably been talking about me. Is this dude my real friend or is he shady? Why does he switch up so much? |
Question: Help. Need advice on a friend ghosting me? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 06:46 AM PST Complicated, but I'll be brief: Friend called me to develop tech product. He's a patent lawyer and I'm an engineer. Took too long working full time, so quit my job and thought I could live in an office space and do freelance. But paid terrible, wasted even more time and got kicked out of office space can't live there/ Friend put me up in one of his rental homes. Still takes too long (marketing plans and product specs changed dramatically) Now after 1.5 years looks like we are very close. My friend seems very excited, but he has cutoff all communication except dropping by for demo updates. He used to call regularly but now goes out of his way to avoid me. I feel bad as a free loader. I have told him many times it's no problem if he wants to quit and have me leave, even encouraged the idea. But he wouldn't have it. He's a very good guy, but the ghosting makes me think he wants to quit but is afraid it will hurt me. Should I take the responsibility upon myself to quit? The financial payoff is also very questionable. |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 06:17 AM PST What would you do? He still shows up to work every day on time and finishes all of his work for the day by noon, then chills for the rest of the work day while still on the clock. His work ethic is not in question here and is not up for debate. |
Question: Why should you not tell your friend to teach your other friend how to masturbate? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 05:06 AM PST |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 04:14 AM PST She got really mad when I said I was light skin. She said that i needed to go to a dermatologist because I am too light. That her children were going to be light skinned because she married a white. She also said her daughter was smarter than me because her job with the CIA was good. |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 02:41 AM PST What episode of 'Doreamon' is this-----> from? |
Question: Why is this guy acting so weird? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 02:40 AM PST One of my workmates is very friendly when we are alone (specially when he has to ask me a favor), but he completely ignores me or acts distant when we're around other people, specially girls. I'm somewhat puzzled by his behavior. Does he want to take advantage of me in some way? How should I deal with this situation? Should I ignore him completely? |
Question: I feel like I have no friends? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 01:31 AM PST It's mid school year everyone made friend groups I haven't I had 2 amazing friends but I got into a fight with one and now she bully's me I don't ever know anywhere to sit in lunch I'm always picked last for groups they're are kids who are nice and offer me to sit by them but it's never anything permanent they already have friends and aren't really willing to be my friend on top of that my dance teacher (I have dance as a class in school) hates me she always embarrass me infront of the class idk what to do anymore I really want to transfer but when I ask my mom she doesn't want me too haven't told her why but I'm to embarrassed to I want a fresh start please someone can I have some advice? Btw I'm in middle school |
Posted: 05 Jan 2018 01:23 AM PST |
Question: Excuses not to go out? Posted: 05 Jan 2018 12:41 AM PST I have social anxiety + my friend has asked me to go out in the morning and thinking it was just gonna be me and her I agreed. Now she told me that they will be a lot of people there + the idea of that is stressing me out. I know its bad, I feel bad, but does anyone know any excuses to not go out? |
Question: Have you ever been really attracted to one of your friend's friend? Posted: 04 Jan 2018 11:57 PM PST |
Question: Would you still talk to your ex boyfriend/girlfriend after a bitter break up? Posted: 04 Jan 2018 11:26 PM PST |
Question: I just lost my best friend? Is my reason for ending it reasonable? Posted: 04 Jan 2018 10:29 PM PST This is so stupid and I'm feeling very over whelmed. To make the story short, there was this girl who was our friend but moved away, but recently moved back. She's a meth addict, cocaine abuser, drinker, and has sex with every guy she can find. So my best friend (Patty) and I agreed to not associate with her when she moved back. So when she moved back Patty disliked Amanda. She told Amanda she wanted nothing to do with her. But then the other day, I find that Amanda and Patty were at dinner together. Amanda was telling Patty all the things I 'said' about her. So Patty got really upset and blamed me for things I didn't say. I was trying to plead with Patty that I didn't want this drama and to not buy into these lies. But Patty kept putting the blame on me. She was telling me that I didn't respect her, and I couldn't let her be happy. That Amanda said I called her immature and stupid. I tried to reason with her but I just felt so hurt. I tried to offer a break but she didn't want one. So I called it quits. I hate drama, but did I do the right thing? What are your opinions of the situation? You can call me stupid or whatever, but what on Earth just happened? I told Patty I'd love her from a far but it would never be the same again. |
Question: Is something wrong with me because I dont have friends? Am I doing something wrong? Posted: 04 Jan 2018 10:28 PM PST I m in highschool and i ve never had a someone to call a friend since 6th grade. When peers talk to me, I think I m pretty normal, and we usually will agree on things. But thats only if they ask one question or im in a group where the attention is divided. When I m talking one on one with someone, I take it as an opportunity to make friends, but I tend to panic, and I just can t find something to say, so I guess I come off as pretty awkward or quiet. But the thing is, I don t like being alone, it doesnt make me happy or energize me at all. Is something I m doing wrong? |
Question: Should I trust "women"? Posted: 04 Jan 2018 10:19 PM PST I have had this thought in my head for a while, and it really stresses me out at times. I have female friends and have had a girlfriend before, but when I think about this, I tend to overthink it and get very worked up about it. I have seen so many occasions where women have taken advantages over men over false accusations or manipulative behavior to get what they desire. I have had a friend who was in a relationship with a girl before and the relationship have become emotionally unhealthy for both sides. My friend didn't get the clear message of "it's completely over" where they cannot be friends either. He didn't understand and then the girl decides to shame my friend in public and incriminate him as abusing her. He ended up losing a lot of friends and many of her friends made statements to him like "You abuser!" or "How can you do that to my friend?". Personally I believe that both sides were on the wrong, but I feel pretty angry at the girl because she didn't even take any responsibility for what she has done, only my friend did. He also got it the worst way possible. I've seen online where so many men were being accused of rape and then those men have their reputation and lives obliterated where they lose their friends, their jobs, and are just left feeling like they don't want to live anymore. I do not like to make a generalization over women, but when I do think about this, I have this fear if it will happen to me one day. So, should I trust women or not? |
Question: How can I learn to stop complaining to friends and always telling them my problems? Posted: 04 Jan 2018 10:18 PM PST I always feel like something is wrong or I make problems and I feel like I am annoying my friends with all these problems. How can I stop complaining and get over my problems. I need to be less dependent on people |
Question: Am I being ruse by asking my friends to help pay for my bday party? Posted: 04 Jan 2018 10:16 PM PST Turning 18 in a week. I am planning a party with my friends. We decided we want to try an escape room. It's 30 bucks a person. I don't have enough money to pay for everyone. Would it be rude if I asked them to all pay their own way? I also told them they dont have to get me anything. Am I doing the right thing? |
Posted: 04 Jan 2018 10:15 PM PST Him during the holidays. She came back today and didn't even call to tell me how her trip was. I also noticed once they became official after me hooking them up together she rarely talks to me... what does this mean? She also said when she gets married that I'm going to be a princess in her wedding this sounds off to me.... I use to be married but I'm a widow does it make sense for me to be that? |
Question: Him during the holidays. She came back today and didn’t even? Posted: 04 Jan 2018 10:11 PM PST |
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