Friends: Question: Is my best friend into me? |
- Question: Is my best friend into me?
- Question: What can I give to a friend who got her phone taken away for entertainment?
- Question: Why don't any of my "friends" ever invite me to hang out?
- Question: What does the person mean when they say when aren't we ever friends?
- Question: Does it sound like my partner is dodgy or cheating (secretive and up to no good)?
- Question: What does this mean?
- Question: Friendship advice?
- Question: If I punch and fight someone in self defense is it illegal or going to do anything else to me?
- Question: Does the first impression really matter?
- Question: Is he interested?
- Question: Does it sound like this creepy chick is stalking me?
- Question: Should I be trusting my best friend??
- Question: How do you make friends (outside of school/college/work)?
- Question: How to deal with the situation at hand?
- Question: Qualche consiglio per conquistare una ragazza?
- Question: Conquistare un' amica?
- Question: ?When a guy says I hurt his feelings?
- Question: Is it too thin?
- Question: Enjoy being with sisters friends more than my friends?
- Question: Did this friend overreact?
- Question: Have a close friend who’s birthday is coming up later. Any suggestions? Under $50 please!?
- Question: Should I come clean?
- Question: Have a close friend who’s birthday is coming up later. Any suggestions? Under $50 please!?
- Question: How do I help my friends get on track?
- Question: If you knew a friend that does cocaine at party’s would you stop being there friend?
- Question: I think my friend is mad at me, what to do?
- Question: What do you think of my singing?
- Question: How can empower you to be my best friend?
- Question: Survey: How many close friends of the opposite gender do you have?
- Question: Friends...?pt.2?
- Question: Is it too late to make friends?
- Question: I trusted my friend?
- Question: Is my best friend a good friend?
- Question: Friends...?
- Question: ?When a guy says I hurt his feelings?
- Question: Is she trying to string me along?
- Question: How do I stop caring about what others think about me?
- Question: When you ask your best friend out and she says no but who knows, we could be more in the future. What would you do?
- Question: Question mainly for men about dating?
- Question: My friends dad is really angry with me?
- Question: I got suspended from school for no reason?
- Question: How do I fix an awkward friendship?
- Question: Consumer behavior question please help?
- Question: Why do i hate my friends?
- Question: Should I tell my friend now or later?
- Question: I’m 19 yrs old. And I can’t do anything or go out.?
- Question: Should i still be my bestfriends friend?
- Question: Why do people think "I'm all that?"?
- Question: How do you meet new people when you are new to a city? Making friends by yourself seems difficult, i can do it with my friends just fine?
- Question: My friend has had depression for years and just rants to me, and cant get help.?
- Question: What would you like to receive on your birthday?
- Question: What happens if you put something in your friends luggage?
- Question: Where in nashville are ebony stripclubs where they have orgies in the club? im asking for a friend?
- Question: Why would someone be mean to a complete stranger?
- Question: Helping someone who's lost a loved on one.?
- Question: Why am I stupid?
- Question: Not so good of friends?
- Question: How do I nicely but quickly end my friendship with a guy who really likes me?
- Question: How to get friend to stop watching me eat?
- Question: Me and my best friend are drifting apart?
Question: Is my best friend into me? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 06:00 PM PDT I've had this really close friend for quite a few years now, and lately, she's been holding my hand all the time and calling me hot and pretty. At this sleepover, she put her arm around me and was hugging me like that all night. I'm a girl, and I'm straight, and I'm really uncomfortable. I am I overreading this or... |
Question: What can I give to a friend who got her phone taken away for entertainment? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 05:57 PM PDT My best friend is in a rough place in her life. She got in trouble with her mother and her mom is taking the consequences very harshly. She got her phone taken away (for a really long time), her car, her door taken off the hinges, and her mom and her are not on very good terms. Things like this have happened once or twice before, but never even close to this bad. They always got over it and moved on, but this was a lot deeper than being that simple. She has gotten very sad and upset the other times it's happened and I'm really afraid that this time it will be even worse on her. I just want to keep her mind occupied and let her know that I'm here. I'm thinking of bringing her some of my favorite books and maybe printing off some puzzles of some sort. I also might print off funny tweets that she won't get to see. What else can I do for her to help her stay occupied? |
Question: Why don't any of my "friends" ever invite me to hang out? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 04:42 PM PDT |
Question: What does the person mean when they say when aren't we ever friends? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 04:40 PM PDT |
Question: Does it sound like my partner is dodgy or cheating (secretive and up to no good)? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 04:34 PM PDT We're both girls. We met in a restaurant she was a regular customer, I was shy so she finally asked me for my #. She is the most generous and charming girl I've met she always made time to see me and we weren't even exclusive. Lately she has less time to see me even though her schedule is the same, she used to wait for me after my shift, she doesn't call anymore just text. When she does want to meet up it's only at night alone so we can have sex but before she would take me out. How do I find out if she's cheating or what? She knows some sketchy ppl. |
Question: What does this mean? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 04:07 PM PDT I deleted your friend request because I don't really know you outside of you visiting the Coffee Shop. I am sorry, but I think I am allowed to keep my personal account private. Thank you for the request. |
Posted: 17 Oct 2017 03:55 PM PDT Ok so I feel like all of my peers are immature and don't care about other people's feelings. I rather be friends with people that are a little older (I'm in 10th) I know a bunch of seniors who are really nice and care about my feelings and I rather be friends with them but I'm not in classes with any of them. And, they all have a friend group that I'm not really a part of because I haven't know them for that long. Any way, I feel depressed because I don't want to be friends with most of the 10th graders and it's making me hate school. I feel like I have expectations that aren't met. |
Posted: 17 Oct 2017 02:42 PM PDT So I'm only 13 so I never would've gotten into a fight if I could have just ran. So there's this person who I used to be friends with, he was annoying and his ego was huge. He got me and a couple of other people to do some pretty bad stuff, it dragged out grades down. We made plans with a couple of other friends and he just came out of nowhere and made us hang out with him. We decided to just tell him we didn't really want to be friends with him and that he should've been a better friend, he got upset and threw a punch at me, I was cornered so I punched back and kicked him away so my friends and I could run. I know he exaggerates everything and call either the school or the police, was I the bad person here? And what could happen to me if he tells the police or the school, what punishment would I face? I'm really nervous so I would like a serious response. |
Question: Does the first impression really matter? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 02:26 PM PDT Thinking back at all my meaningful relationships (friendships or lovers) I realize that all my closest ones have ALWAYS been the ones I didn't get a good first impression of. Not that I hated them or felt a specific disliking but for example, when I first meet my best friend I taught she had a weird voice and talked too much, I didn't think too about it much but I still didn't like it. On the other hand, when I get a good impression of people and think they are really cool or very decent human beings I never get a close relationship with them and sometimes even feel disappointed once I get to know them.. is it just me or do any of you also feel that a slightly bad first impression has made closer relationships? |
Posted: 17 Oct 2017 02:17 PM PDT There is this guy who apparently likes me (im not positive) and recently he has been talking about Chinese culture with his friend whenever he sees my best friend. (He is very aware she is my best friend.) And my friend thinks it's because he hopes she will tell me because I'm Chinese. Do you think that's true? The other day I was in the library and he was in the library with his friends too. We were on opposite sides and I guess he or one of his friends saw me because all of them then moved to the side I was on and sat at the table behind me. When I decided to leave, he left as well. Was that deliberate or am I overthinking it? |
Question: Does it sound like this creepy chick is stalking me? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 02:12 PM PDT I went on a couple of dates with this guy and we went our separate ways and that was it. Fast forward a year later I noticed on 3 separate occasions that this one woman liked my instagram photos from 2014 at around 1 am over a course of a few months. Click on her profile and she has these intense eyes with tattooed eyeliner and eyebrows and a serious face. She has a link on her profile that leads to a blog where she writes about her rollercoaster relationship with the guy I went on a couple dates with. The blog even calls him out and says he better not disappear on her again because she loves him and will fight for him until the end. Anyways I continued to look at her photos and she hijacked many of my photo concepts and even put identical captions to somethings I had. Its as if she looks through all his ex dates and ex girlfriends and turns into a chamaleaon trying to adopt their characteristics to keep him around. This chick is 41 years old, I am 28, I dont know why anyone would act like that. |
Question: Should I be trusting my best friend?? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 02:01 PM PDT So I have this one "friend" who gets very upset over everything. I'm a sarcastic person, so basically everything I say upsets her. Also, we're in a four person group. She always gossips about me to my best friend, and my bff tells me everything she said about me. Should I be worried that my bff tells me everything she says, due to the fact that I tell her everything too?? |
Question: How do you make friends (outside of school/college/work)? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 01:47 PM PDT |
Question: How to deal with the situation at hand? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 01:09 PM PDT I've been friends with this girl for about 8-9 months we are just friends nothing more. I'm 29 she is 20 we have a big age gap however we have some common interests and we get along.Ever since the beginning of our friendship whether we went out to dinner a hookah bar you name it i've had to pay. At the beginning i was turned off by that i believe when two people go out regardless of who is older you split the bill many times i wouldn't even order food for instance at the hookah bar and she would i would end up paying. After months of doing this i finally have had enough and i won't allow myself to do this it's just not fair and right. It's been about 3 weeks since we have hanged out she's texted a few times and i've said i'm busy maybe next time but eventually i feel i will have to tell her why i've been avoiding going out with her what would be a good way to go about it? I don't like bullshit only reason i never confronted her about it was because i'm a gentleman but at the same token i have to look out for my best interest i've learned now not to let something like this drag out a life lesson i've learned now. |
Question: Qualche consiglio per conquistare una ragazza? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 12:52 PM PDT Questa ragazza mia coetanea, 18, e compagna di classe nonché mia amica si è da poco lasciata dopo un' intensa storia con un ragazzo di un solo anno più grande. A me lei piace ma non so se è il caso di provarci subito né so come fare. Qualcuno ha qualche consiglio su come riuscirci? Grazie in anticipo. |
Question: Conquistare un' amica? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 12:51 PM PDT Ho da poco 18 anni e questa ragazza è in classe con me dal primo anno. Abbiamo sempre avuto un buon rapporto, da subito. A 16 anni si è fidanzata ma qualche mese fa si è lasciata, è stato un fidanzamento molto importante ma io ancora non provavo(quando era fidanzata appunto) nulla di particolare, solo un semplice interesse. Non so perché si siano lasciati e allo stesso tempo, sempre durante l' estate un suo fratello non è stato bene e ancora non è guarito(non rischia il peggio tranquilli). Ora ritornando all'interesse di prima, ho sempre pensato che cmq lei ok era carina, mi piaceva ma era fidanzata e quindi sono sempre stato bloccato da ciò il che non mi ha mai fatto superare una certa soglia. Quando ho scoperto della rottura è come se mi fossi trovato la strada libera, è scattato qualcosa. Forse mi è sempre piaciuta ma non me ne sono mai accorto. Il punto è che siamo stati sempre amici, parliamo di tutto(dalle cose più normali a quelle più... avete capito, sempre simpaticamente però), anche quando era fidanzata. In fondo penso che di me si sia sempre fidata(in prima le piacevo, molto probabilmente, non sto ora a raccontarvelo). Il fatto che siamo amici e che io la faccia ridere(la prendo in giro, dico qualche battuta ecc...) è sia una cosa a vantaggio che a svantaggio. Da una parte mi avvicino moto a lei, dall' altra ho paura che mi veda solo come un amico. Come posso fare??? Lei è così perfetta, è bella, gentilissima e brava a scuola. Confido nel vostro aiuto. |
Question: ?When a guy says I hurt his feelings? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 12:49 PM PDT because I deleted him from my fb... but he is not a close friend at all (he was my tutor for a semester) and I barely talk to him...We met today and when we were talking, he realized that I deleted him from fb. He said that I hurt his feeling. I am not sure how should i have responded? |
Posted: 17 Oct 2017 12:12 PM PDT please be honest.. 1) is her face too thin? 2) are her teeth too big? 3) how would u rate the attractiveness of her face from what u can see from 1-10? will choose a best answer..tks in advance |
Question: Enjoy being with sisters friends more than my friends? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 12:02 PM PDT Is it weird that I enjoy being with my sisters friends more than being with my own friends, they re all about 20 and I m 15, maybe I just like being with people older than me? Or my friends are boring idk. I also hardly ever see my sister/ her friends. |
Question: Did this friend overreact? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 11:30 AM PDT I made an online friend a few weeks ago, and we started talking on the phone—just 3 or 4 times total. On two of those occasions, I missed his call and didn't get back to him until the next day. On our last call, we had a bit of a disagreement on a subject, but we still continued talking and connecting. Then: he called me and I missed his call. I was a bit unnerved by our disagreement last time, so I needed some space and decided to wait till the end of the week to return his call. 5 days later, my friend sent me an angry email mocking me for being upset about our disagreement. I called him the next day and got his voicemail, and told him everything I just said—that I was intending to call him back at the end of the week. My friend returned this call a few days later and left voicemail, saying I was a "phony ***" for "only calling him back cuz of the email." ... I WAS gonna call him back anyway. Also: we just started talking on the phone 4 weeks ago—isn't he overreacting the first moment I don't return his call for a few days??? |
Question: Have a close friend who’s birthday is coming up later. Any suggestions? Under $50 please!? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 11:23 AM PDT Girl, friends since kindergarten, in high school, says food is her interest, Age 15 |
Question: Should I come clean? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 11:14 AM PDT A few days ago my girlfriend was in the shower and left her phone out. It started going off like crazy so I looked at the screen and noticed that my best friend was texting her. So I immediately was thinking what the hell are they talking for and I went into her phone at her messages. Turns out she is buying me a really expensive birthday gift and wanted to have my friend hold onto it so I wouldn't see it at her house so she could surprise me. I feel awful. Should I tell her I was insecure and snooped? |
Question: Have a close friend who’s birthday is coming up later. Any suggestions? Under $50 please!? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 11:12 AM PDT |
Question: How do I help my friends get on track? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 10:47 AM PDT We're sophomores and she was my good friend in my Filmmaking class. But when she dropped the class a few weeks ago, she seemed to really be a different person. For instance; she is hanging around sketchy people, skipping school (and bragging about it on social media), and she doesn't even know what classes she's taking. My other friend (we were the best of friends all of freshman year); she doesn't talk to me anymore, does drugs (also posts about it on social media), and isn't really the same fun person. It's really concerning, and I want them to be successful and for us to be friends again. Over the summer she started turning, and has barely said a few words to me since. |
Question: If you knew a friend that does cocaine at party’s would you stop being there friend? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 10:43 AM PDT |
Question: I think my friend is mad at me, what to do? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 10:37 AM PDT My friends birthday was yesterday and I didn't get her anything. I don't have money (I'm 16 and its hard for me to get a job and I refuse to ask my parents for help with money) and I have little time, I'm either at school or out with my family and boyfriend. I was really excited for her birthday though, i had it in my calendar and everything. I even told other people so they would make her day better and what she said to me was "Not to be selfish but I was expecting you to get me something" i feel so awful, I love her a lot but I can barely buy myself stuff. She was being passive aggressive towards me on and off but now shes just being flat out fully passive aggressive and I dont know what to do. I was thinking of using my last few dollars to get her something simple like cupcakes, how do I make it up to her though? I don't want to loose her friendship. |
Question: What do you think of my singing? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 10:04 AM PDT |
Question: How can empower you to be my best friend? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 09:55 AM PDT |
Question: Survey: How many close friends of the opposite gender do you have? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 09:41 AM PDT |
Posted: 17 Oct 2017 09:23 AM PDT i need advice really bad. my friends never notice when im sad or upset, but as soon as someone else is, everyones attention is on that person. im really mad and hurt because today something happened and i tried to talk it out with everyone but no one listened. but then one out of the blue for NO reason is all of a sudden upset and everyone comforts her. idk just help me please. im sick of this |
Question: Is it too late to make friends? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 09:16 AM PDT i'm in grade 8 and i've been in the school i'm in since grade 2..i've made huge mistakes during the previous years..insecurity, shyness, nervousness, trying to fit and look cool, etc. i've never had a true friend ever since i joined. so, technically i haven't had friends for more than 5 years..and i always see the same people every year. it's hard for me to connect with them because they're all already friends with each other, and the kind of people i want to be friends don't even acknowledge me..i'm invisible, and it's hard for me to get along with them since i never know what to talk about with's because i know they're cooler than me so i never talk with them. they're all in a social circle anyway i'm the cause of this, for sure. it started a long time ago..and i regret my actions a lot. but can i still try to make friends with the same old people who know me since elementary? it's gonna be weird for them, though. |
Question: I trusted my friend? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 08:58 AM PDT I have a friend she is a girl I am friends with her for 10 years we were best friends but last month she got kicked out of her house of her landlord then I told her to stay with us until she finds a new house me and my husband agreed but she turned out to be a snake last week I went to work and I came back earlier and I found her and my husband in bed together and she laughed saying your husband is mine I cried she said your husband is my doll I am going to play with him because of his money I was shocked my husband says he wants a divorce and I can stay in the house unless I work as a maid I don't know what to do my parents are not alive anymore? |
Question: Is my best friend a good friend? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 08:54 AM PDT I am 23, and we've been friend for more than 10 years, we've been on ups and downs a lot and always find way to make up. I'm even closer to her than I am to my family. But she changes lately, she ignores my chat when I talked about my stories until I reach a point where I don't really want to tell her that much again neither to contact her too much. She always cancels the plans she approved on last minutes. And somehow I felt that she only come to me when either she wanted to ask me a favor or when she has no other friend to share. The downs I've face in our friendship before never turn this bad. At this point I am even thinking to give up this friendship. Am I being drama queen? Or is it her that is no good? |
Posted: 17 Oct 2017 08:00 AM PDT so my group of friends are very outgoing and while they can be fun, iv'e recently noticed how annoying they are. iv'e been annoyed with them and im not saying i dont wanna be friends, its just they dont support my opinions or listen to me when i talk. im like the left out friend of the group. so i need help with this :) |
Question: ?When a guy says I hurt his feelings? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 07:58 AM PDT because I deleted him from my fb... but he is not a close friend at all (he was my tutor for a semester) and I barely talk to him...We met today and when we were talking, he realized that I deleted him from fb. He said that I hurt his feeling. I am not sure how should i have responded? |
Question: Is she trying to string me along? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 07:50 AM PDT I am a girl. I recently met this girl a few months ago and I'll be honest, the first time I saw her I fell for her. Over these last months we've become fairly good friends and have hung out a few times, most recently being a weekend away. There has never been anything between us because 1. She's straight and 2. I have no problems with keeping my feelings in check and being able to be friends with someone I might have a crush on. A few days ago I basically told her I had been interested in guys and girls, to which she was totally cool. But afterwards it seemed like she was hella flirting with me and saying these little things about me like she's never done before. I've gotten a little bi-curious maybe vibes from her before but nothing towards anyone specifically, just vibes. So what is she doing? Trying to see my reaction to see if I have feelings for her or is she just messing with me? I have nobody to talk to lol so helppppp |
Question: How do I stop caring about what others think about me? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 07:43 AM PDT I m living in a very new environment with people who are speaking in a completely different language than me. But at least I have someone (e.g. Lucy) who can help me understand what are the people saying and introducing things to me. But problem is, I get judged every time I misunderstood/don t understand/don t get the idea of what Lucy says. For example, she showed me how to get to the super market yesterday, then today I wanted to go to the super market but I forgot the way therefore I ask her to show me the way again. And for that she got annoyed or frustrated with me saying that I cannot remember things well(specifically:Stupid) and that I m always in my own world. It is normal to forget things and it takes time to learn something that you haven t acknowledged before. I really just want her to be patient with me. I know I shouldn t care about other people s comment about me, but since she always has to remind me that I m stupid and always a daydreaming person, I really start to think that I am that kind of person. It got me to really think deep, like all the times in my life that someone called me stupid or I would try to change myself so that I won t be called stupid again. I did try changing, but it is very difficult, because it s just who I am, but defining myself as stupid is just really offensive to me. I don t really know what the real question I want to ask you guys but I would just love to hear hear some feedbacks from you guys or any similar experience. |
Posted: 17 Oct 2017 06:56 AM PDT |
Question: Question mainly for men about dating? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 06:19 AM PDT is u were chatting with a female you were interested in from a dating site and when you were trying to make plans to meet her she said would like to bring another single female friend and if u 2 hit it off instead she would be okay with that other words instead of making it a date with just the 2 of you she wanted to make it like 3 single friends getting together and she even suggested that you can bring a friend as well...and everyone will be meeting just as friends with no expectations. Would you think this was great that she is giving you the chance to meet another potential dating partner and/or friend? or would u prefer to meet her alone? Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this. why does someone keep moving this question!!!!!!! this is not a violation!!! what is the matter with you??? this is a completely legitimate question...YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE!!! |
Question: My friends dad is really angry with me? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 05:42 AM PDT My friends dad is really angry with me because I sent picture of myself to my friends that he started swearing every swear word in the book and friend told me to F off and he blocked me from all her numbers thinking that me and her are lesbians which we are not I have a boyfriend which I told him I think he is doing something behind my back because I keep getting nightmares about him like him chocking me what do I do? He took her phone and started texting me and saw all the pics of me |
Question: I got suspended from school for no reason? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 03:58 AM PDT I'm a girl and I like a girl (I'm bisexual) so during lunch me and my friend decided to come out to her (I'm a shy girl so I sent my friend on her and I let her do all the talking) and she yelled in our faces. SHE WAS LOUD and PEOPLE WERE STOPPING we didn't fight she just walked away after that and I was shook and embarrassed. So I went downstairs and I saw her picture on the wall and I scratched her face off the picture so the next day I got called down to the office from my first shop class and they told they saw me scratch her picture on the cameras and that she knows and how her little feelings were hurt and they told me that I have a three day suspension and they made me apologize to her even though she owed me an apology. I told them the reason why and they they even tried to victimize her by saying that "she could of gone through something bad in her life" BS but they said that they'll have a talk with her as well and tell her to be more nice to people but she didn't get punished. I tried to talk them into getting rid of the punishment but they wouldn't lit up. This girl is literally a bully! When it comes to respect you must respect me no matter what I don't care if you're dying or about your feelings |
Question: How do I fix an awkward friendship? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 03:31 AM PDT I've been talking to these 3 girls online for a while now maybe a year and a half?? Somewhere about that. Around April, I broke my phone and couldn't get a new one until July, so I didn't stay in contact with them much. When I tried talking to them again, it just felt awkward. It's gotten even worse now, to the point where I start ignoring their messages just to escape the feeling of awkwardness. We still talk occasionally, but not nearly as much as we did in the beginning. They've been with me through so much, and I'm scared to let them go and tell them I don't want to talk anymore, because it would make both me and them feel bad. I remember that I distanced myself from some fandoms which were connecting us back then. One of them is not in any fandoms right now and the other two are into something completely different from what I am into. I guess that could also be the reason? I used to spend all day just texting them and even lose sleep to talk to them before, now I can barely stand to open whatsapp, because it hurts me every time I see them say they miss me. I just want to go back to how it was. Is there a way I can fix this? |
Question: Consumer behavior question please help? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 01:13 AM PDT Best Friends: Is This a Viable Reference Group Market Segment? Best friends can be a viable reference group. Consider this: Two young men have been friends since they met in college in 2002. Both work at the same company and they live five miles from each other in a small town. Their wives are friends, too, and the four frequently get together for dinner, movies, or game nights. A recent survey performed by Market Facts for American Demographics showed that the typical American has known his or her best friend for fourteen years, and 55 percent still talk with his or her best friend weekly. Best friends are usually close in age and in similar life-cycle stages—for example, both may be married around the same time and have kids of similar age. As a marketer, do you think it makes sense to target best friends? In what way does it make sense? What products or services do marketers offer today that are targeted at best friends? What are some others that could be offered? |
Question: Why do i hate my friends? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 12:37 AM PDT I used to consider them best friends but that was only because they were my only friends.Ive never truly had a best friend.I hate when they act silly i hate every part of their personalities but whitout them im lonley thats the only reason i even talk to them. |
Question: Should I tell my friend now or later? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 12:17 AM PDT I am living with a ex friend from high school named Katie. My best friend and I, Jess are ex friends with her, Jess dislikes Katie even more than I do because Katie was pretty mean in high school, but now that I am in college and had a good offer to room in a house with Katie I couldn't pass it up. It's only for around 6 months. Anyway I need to let me best friend (Jess) who lives in my hometown know but I haven't yet because I'm nervous. I am visiting my hometown this weekend and I am wondering if I should tell her before or after I go home. What do you think? |
Question: I’m 19 yrs old. And I can’t do anything or go out.? Posted: 17 Oct 2017 12:02 AM PDT Ever since I was a kid my mom wouldn't let me do anything on my own and was paranoid I would get raped or kidnapped everywhere. I can't go anywhere or out with friends cause she thinks I'll die in their car if we crash. I never been to a party or anything haven't been with a group of friends without my mom being there at all times. ANd if I ask she'll say "idc...but i need to talk to parents" so people don't ask to hang out with me. I don't talk to anyone and go to school and home only and it was my first time staying home alone this January and I'll be 20 next year. Note I am only child and she is divorced. But I can't do anything or I'll get in trouble or she'll tag along |
Question: Should i still be my bestfriends friend? Posted: 16 Oct 2017 10:57 PM PDT i honestly dont know if i want to be friends with my friend anymore. she talks about her self alot shes very self-centered shes a conversational narssacist. like i would try to talk about something but then she makes the situation all about her. also, i tell her everything and like personal things thats going on in my sex life and i think she tells her cousin about it cause her cousin would throw slick shots or just tell me she told her . and id ask her and she'd either get mad at me for actually believing it or get mad hat her cousin. cause she is so called "lying" on her . her cousin has a big mouth so whatever she says inkinda believe . and she says my bestfriend lies alot . honestly you guys ive grown from this friendship and i dont think i want to be friends anymore with her. she brags so much about herself and shes very annoying . but the problem is i dont know if ima regret it. |
Question: Why do people think "I'm all that?"? Posted: 16 Oct 2017 10:32 PM PDT So at work I try to mind my own business and say hi to everyone when they come in. I'm the second oldest. My supervisor is a couple years older than me. I'm 22 and there are two other girls. They are both 18. They are quite immature and talk about things that DON'T interest me. But sometimes I give my opinion cause they ask for it but other than that I don't really comumicate with them. One of them said she didn't like me because I apparently think "I'm all that??" She said, because I go to work in cute outfits and I know how to do my makeup. She rarely gets ready & even goes in "gym" cloths. I honestly don't care how other people dress to work. I simply go to work to WORK. I've always gotten ready simply because that's the way I was raised by my mom. So I simply don't understand what she means about me thinking "I'm all that." |
Posted: 16 Oct 2017 10:21 PM PDT |
Question: My friend has had depression for years and just rants to me, and cant get help.? Posted: 16 Oct 2017 10:09 PM PDT She has had depression for about 5 years now, and for the past 2 years, she has been venting out a lot of her problems and hopelessness to me through text. I want to be there for her and to listen, but I don't know how to respond to her in a way that is acknowledging her and being supportive at the same time without saying something that may offend her. She only really tells me and one other friend this. She has somewhat of an obnoxious personality, which caused her to lose a lot of friends, leaving just us two being the friends she trusts. She still in high school and has a lot of family issues, and believes her sibling is favored over her. I asked her about seeking professional help, but ignored me and has not replied for a long time. She puts a lot of her happiness and feelings into relationships with boys. She has had very destructive online relationships that have sent her into a deeper spiral downwards, even though we warned her many times and knew that it was bad. I want to be there to support her but she has been experiencing nothing but hurt for the past years, and is hopeless as to if the hurt will ever end. |
Question: What would you like to receive on your birthday? Posted: 16 Oct 2017 10:00 PM PDT It could be material or it could be otherwise. But if you had less than a week till your b day, what would you want to receive as a birthday gift from a long distance friend. Who may become more than just a friend? Hypothetically speaking of course |
Question: What happens if you put something in your friends luggage? Posted: 16 Oct 2017 09:55 PM PDT Before my friend goes on a trip I want to put a "marital aid" in her luggage so when they check she gets really embarrassed. What exactly will happen? Has anyone done this recently? |
Posted: 16 Oct 2017 09:42 PM PDT |
Question: Why would someone be mean to a complete stranger? Posted: 16 Oct 2017 09:34 PM PDT I was invited to a party by a guy that I just met. Two of my friends were there as well. I was waiting in line to use the restroom and this girl was talking to my friend. She heard me say something to my friend and she started making fun of my voice. She was repeating everything I said back to my friend and making fun of it. I was drunk so I didn't get upset at the time. She made fun of where I was from, called me a redneck, called me poor ( I am far from it) made fun of where I go to school, and said I was retarded. I didn't do anything to her and I was dressed very nice, but so was she so I don't know if it was jealousy. I am white and she was black but I don't know if that had anything to do with it. When I moved up in the line, I heard her saying I have fat rolls on my back( I do not, I am very thin). Now that I've thought about it, I am furious. I want to find her and tell her off, but I don't know who she is. Why would someone treat a stranger this way? |
Question: Helping someone who's lost a loved on one.? Posted: 16 Oct 2017 09:02 PM PDT My instructor lost a loved one yesterday. He spoke with me about it. I was going to cook him something he could reheat to make things easier. I got to thinking that this may be considered inappropriate or strange. Considering I am his student. Any thoughts? |
Posted: 16 Oct 2017 08:58 PM PDT I've been in America for 10 years now and I didn't know even one English word when I came here but now I know how to write and read. The problem is that I still have an accent and sometimes I don't know how talk good infront of people and I get nervous when I talk infront of a group of people. How long will it take for me to learn how to talk English influence |
Question: Not so good of friends? Posted: 16 Oct 2017 08:44 PM PDT I have friends but i feel as if they dont care about me as much as i care about them. I want a person i can just call up for anything, and want someone to do the same to me. But none of that's happening. Im always asking to hang out. Im always starting convos. Theyre ending them. Sometimes they annoy me so much that i want to yell at them. When i ask for help directly they DO give it but they dont do the same back even though IK they need help. When i feel bad i dont think they care bc they make fun of me "playfully" but it hurts sometimes. Why cant i just have someone who cares as much as me?? Im too old to not have a true bff. |
Question: How do I nicely but quickly end my friendship with a guy who really likes me? Posted: 16 Oct 2017 08:31 PM PDT Should I just be polite to him in class, be polite but slightly distant when I have to talk to him in class and sit with someone else on the bus? |
Question: How to get friend to stop watching me eat? Posted: 16 Oct 2017 07:59 PM PDT It makes me feel weird and uncomfortable I don't watch her eat |
Question: Me and my best friend are drifting apart? Posted: 16 Oct 2017 07:23 PM PDT My best friend and I are not in the same class anymore and it's 8th grade year. She is in a class with all her older friends and every time I'm with them I feel like an outsider. And it feels like they always ignore me so l leave. And whenever I try to talk to them they ignore me. And she never texts me anymore. We don't do art collaborations or anything anymore. |
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