Family: Question: Did I get a message from Heaven? |
- Question: Did I get a message from Heaven?
- Question: Was this a crazy thing I did?
- Question: Why does my husband put his cruel family before me?
- Question: People whom lost their mother: how did you handle it afterwards ?
- Question: Am I wrong to be so angry at my dad?
- Question: Am I too harsh of a parent?
- Question: How do you deal with someone who constantly sticks their nose in your business?
- Question: My sister thinks it's funny to hurt my balls? How can I stop her?
- Question: My cousin is breastfeeding in a bikini in the living room should she expose her other breast or should she put her other breast away?
- Question: My dad died in December and I was left out of the obituary and left out of his will. How do I get over the hurt from this?
- Question: How do I get my mom to stop using me as a pawn to get my dad back for divorcing her?
- Question: Since when is asking an irritated question, without raising my voice, considered yelling?
- Question: I have horrible parents but they pretend like they are perfect?
- Question: Does my daughter and her sister have any right to see their little brother?
- Question: What do I do?!?
- Question: My mom is being unfair?
- Question: What's that mean?
- Question: I'm 18 years old 5'4 , dad is 5'10 mom is 5'2. Haven't grown since 6th grade. 2 littlest bros 5'8 5'9. Bones feel like haven't grown.?
- Question: How do you deal with a dictator that is your stepsister in your household?
- Question: Am I a bad person?
- Question: My parents got divorced when I was 7 and I live part time at both houses and I wanna live with my mom...?
- Question: My dad thinks i'm staying home from school because of a problem, even though i'm sick…?
- Question: Should I feel bad for not wanting a relationship with my sister?
- Question: Verbal/physical abuse moving out tips.?
- Question: How do I get over the sorrow I feel like not having a dad?
- Question: My mom says that I don't have to like my family members I just have to love them. So does this mean it's OK if I dislike my mom?
- Question: I'm 18 and I don't know what to do with my sister that is hitting puperty?
- Question: What can I do about my father passing and not making a will?
- Question: Ggghf gfbh ggnc ggnhv?
- Question: I miss my Nana so much?
- Question: Can a girl do mens job?
- Question: How do I get forms on the internet to signterorary custody of my children over to a family member?
- Question: My mother taught me if someone is good then they are really good and if they're bad they are evil. Is this a good way to live by?
- Question: My sister is beautiful on the outside but wicked evil on the inside. Should I mention her physical beauty to her if looking to say something?
- Question: My Dad who has alcoholism is passed out in a neighbors yard. Should I go awake him or is that enabling?
- Question: My dad looks at my butt and bpobs and thighs and becomes sexually aggressive.Mom gets jealous and tells me you will divorce us?
- Question: I bought new sneakers and gym equipment .I m jumpring rope for hours.Mom gets angry.She bought a pair of sneakers for the first time.?
- Question: When I was in bed i couldn't sleep, and in the middle of the night, i heard a "Uhhhhhhhhh" from my parents room. Are they gonna have a kid?
- Question: I accidentally hit my mom's face and she screamed,scolded angrily and gave me a slap on 1 side of my face,what do you think?
- Question: Am I a bad person?
- Question: I went to my niece's house and found her asleep on the floor with her dad in last night's clothes?
- Question: My girlfriend is sick and she has her boobs out and she can't cover up right now should I pull her bra up or hold her boobs?
- Question: My relationship with my mom changed?
- Question: It's a negative thought that just came & even though I want to block it out it keeps trying to bother me, what is this, it's not me out all?
- Question: My girlfriend is really sick and our baby is crying and I can't drive no baby food should I make her nurse or not? What can I do?
- Question: My friend's dad slapped her what side do i take?
- Question: Have you ever thought about the impact your father had on your life? Can a father be a friend to his children?
- Question: My friends mother is too overprotective! Help?
- Question: Should I run away?
- Question: Is it bad that I didn't feel any emotion when my dad died?
- Question: Is this molestation? What the hell. Help?
- Question: If my Dad is a 2 balled *****, and acts like a 16yo idiot girl when he doesn't get her/his way, How do I get rid of him?
- Question: Step son. Advise please am i crazy ?
- Question: How should cope with not being able to be with the woman I love and a mother that makes things hard for me and controls me and stresses me?
- Question: I'm thinking about cutting all communication with my family when I. Become an adult what should I do. my parents are divorced.?
- Question: How do I make my sister feel better about pooping her pants at her wedding?
- Question: What can I do to help my brother?
- Question: Should I Confront Her or Say Nothing?
- Question: I'm so excited about having less time with my family. My mom was upset also that I did not want her side at my graduation. Any advice?
Question: Did I get a message from Heaven? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 01:30 PM PST I recently had an unexpected 3 day hospital stay. I did not expect to have any problems with the medical bills as I have insurance from where I work. I did not know the doctors were not part of my insurance plan. I was out of pocket several thousand dollars. They turned their bills over to a collection agency which called me several times a day. I also got letters almost every day demanding payment or they would get a court judgement. It was a terrible. I was a nervous wreck. Suddenly the phone calls and letters stopped. I did not understand why. It was sure a relief. I told my parents what had happened and they told me they knew why I was not getting any more bills. They had told my ex husband about my problems and he had paid the bills. I was really surprised. I called my ex husband Bob, and asked him why he had paid my doctor's bills. He told me that he knew about the nightmare I was having with bill collectors. They call all hours and threatened to tell your neighbors and boss at work and he did not want me to have to endure that. He said we are friends and "I don't let friends suffer when I can prevent it". At that moment, it was like a MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN. Bob is really a great guy and he still has feelings for me. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. If he will marry me again, I will be the best wife he could ever dream of. Please give me some suggestions on how I should tell him what I am feeling. |
Question: Was this a crazy thing I did? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 01:16 PM PST When I was first married to Joan, her mother Lisa helped us out financially. That was many years ago. We never paid her back the money she gave us. Fast forward to the present. Joan and I had a friendly divorce and she has remarried. I am in a MUCH better financial position now than when we were first married. I have evolved over the years and I now believe that it is the morally right thing to do to pay Lisa back the money she gave/loaned us with interest. I did this by depositing the money directly into her bank account so no one else had access to this money. All of my friends that know what I did tell me I am crazy for doing this. They tell me I did not owe Lisa anything. Even my ex wife Joan are unhappy that I gave this money to her mother because she said I made her and her new husband look bad as they don't have any money to give to her mom. Does what I did sound crazy to you? |
Question: Why does my husband put his cruel family before me? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 01:08 PM PST His mother is evil. She called my daughter a retard when she was little because she was diagnosed with autism and made a joke about it. At that time, I was at my lowest point and I cut off ties with her. She has never liked me. So, now he blames me for separating me from his mom. |
Question: People whom lost their mother: how did you handle it afterwards ? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 12:45 PM PST I am in a state of shock right now. My mom passed away yesterday, from cancer. I'm only 25... How did you deal with it? How old were you? |
Question: Am I wrong to be so angry at my dad? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 12:26 PM PST I understand yahoo answers isn't the place to air all of my family drama. But I don't know where else to go for advice. So my parents are divorced. I live with my mom and 8 siblings and their father who hates me and is constantly mean to me (he isn't my father) I was miserable at my mom's house so I moved in with my dad. The problem is is that he lives in a terrible school district. There is a lot of gang violence and drugs. I'm a straight A student. This one kid tried to beat me up for no reason so I quickly moved out of that school district. My dad refused to move houses/ school districts. He says it's his home and he loves it. I had to move back in with my mom and help raise my younger siblings. I don't like it here, but I had no choice. I'm angry at my dad because he refused to move schools for me. All he had to do was move 10 minutes away to another school district. Did he not love me enough to move? Why did he love his stupid neighborhood/ friends more than me? He had the money to move. He just refused to. Did he not want me to live with him? I'm just really angry at him. Do I have a reason to be angry? Or am I being childish? I just feel like I wasn't good enough. That other things were more important to him. Any advice? |
Question: Am I too harsh of a parent? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 12:18 PM PST my son recently purchased a new car on my mastercard and I found that that he was managing some prostitutes at his college (being a pimp). he lives with me, his step mother (of 8 years) and our pet fish. here are the punishments I have decided to enforce: no computer no fun can't go anywhere except for school no pooping or masturbating no bathing no money is this too harsh?? thank you in advance for the no masturbating rule, we're using a chastity belt btw |
Question: How do you deal with someone who constantly sticks their nose in your business? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 12:01 PM PST I am currently job hunting, but I absolutely hate fast food jobs. I just think I'm above it in all aspects. The jobs I go for is more professional and of course offers way more than 7.50 an hour. My aunt is constantly trying to get me to work at a restaurant that pays 5 an hour. Excuse me? I have interviews for jobs of MY choice set up (which mean I don't need her f**** help). She's literally pissing me off asking me about this restaurant over and over. Like, worry about yourself & your own problems. Your plate is pretty full dear. I have a very snappy attitude exspecially if I'm feeling attacked. She feel as tho I'm not finding a job fast enough for her, but she doesn't provide for me AT ALL so why is she concerned? I feel myself cussing her something good, but am trying to avoid being mean. Can you guys please help. Some advice on how to deal w/ her? She literally did this same thing to a cousin & they had at it, my cousin ended up moving out. This isn't the aunts house btw it's her moms (our gma). Her bossy attitude is annoying as hell. |
Question: My sister thinks it's funny to hurt my balls? How can I stop her? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 11:35 AM PST I'm 14 and my little sister is 11. She is obsessed with kicking and squeezing my balls and she loves seeing me in pain. She mocks me afterwards. Why do girls love to torture a boy's balls? What should I say to her? |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 11:32 AM PST |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 10:49 AM PST He resented me because after my parents divorced I went more often more often with my mom. I'm a girl and that's only natural. In the obituary my two brothers were listed but I was not nor was my kid. My kid asked why also as he overheard us talking about it and referring that his name was not in there either. In fact he only met his grandfather once and is 12. I was not left in his estate and that was his doing though the obituary part might've been my brothers doing it. It's not about the money but about the rejection and that's what hurts so much. At the funeral one of my two brothers would not even speak to my son when he tried to go up and introduce himself. The other one gave a plate handshake and then said he's gonna go catch others. The one that wouldn't speak to I'm just trying to set and walked away. How do I get over the hurt of this rejection? My immediate family does not like me other than my mom. I recognize I was not the best teenager but that doesn't give my father the excuse to disown me. He is dead now and I'm still so mad at him and I don't want to let this anger eat me away or I'm just hurting myself. Any advice @Chris------HOW, answer that, HOW did I alienate myself from them? |
Question: How do I get my mom to stop using me as a pawn to get my dad back for divorcing her? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 10:44 AM PST |
Question: Since when is asking an irritated question, without raising my voice, considered yelling? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 10:42 AM PST I some times make the mistake, of asking my mother an irritated question, without yelling (because she doesn't always understand a word that I say without yelling), and my brother thinks that's yelling. |
Question: I have horrible parents but they pretend like they are perfect? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 10:38 AM PST They think they were amazing perfect parents even though they "spanked" / beat us all the time if they got a little upset over something we did. Every one of their four children hates them. We all did everything we could to move out of the house and away from them right after high school. They controlled every aspect of our lives, like only being around people from church (not any kids at that church either), getting very restricted 'privileges' as in, going to the library (What kind of parent doesn't allow their kid to go to the library of all places??) What we wore, I was embarrassed and looked down on throughout school. I'm more upset than ever because I noticed that my precious little sister (17 years old) has been cutting herself. My older brother rebelled by not paying attention in school and doing drugs, you can guess where he's at now. They say these things are OUR fault, they refuse to get therapy for my younger sister, even though I said I would pay for it. Sure these things are our choices. But they take full credit for my success. I just want to be able to do something for my little sister. |
Question: Does my daughter and her sister have any right to see their little brother? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 10:34 AM PST My daughter is 4 and her father had another daughter a year ago, and the mother and I get along very well, so they're getting to know each other and whatnot. But him and his new girlfriend are currently in the hospital giving birth to my daughters little brother and the mom has no interest in knowing my daughter or her sister and it seems as though she doesn't want her or my daughter's father or little brother to have anything to do with my daughter and little sister. Do my daughter and her sister have any rights as siblings to see their little brother? |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 10:21 AM PST I live in a home that is for single moms who have been through traumatic situations. The house mom & her family also live there. She has a 17 year old son who has major issues. Back in December he came to my door & asked if he could show me a self defense move that he just learned. I told him no, then he wrote me a letter and put it under my door basically confessing his feelings for me and that he's "becoming a man," and needs a grown woman like me. He asked me not to tell his mom because she would get in trouble. I have a lot going on in my life and the last thing I need is somehow getting me in trouble so I told his mom right away. She started crying when I told her which threw me off & tried to convince me that he's a good kid. She promised me he would not be at any of the holiday parties we were having and that she would, "take care of the situation." Ok, well he didn't show up to the party that night but was at every other one. He acted super creepy & wouldn't stop staring at me. Fast forward to last night. One of the other mom's I live with and I brought him up and she told me that he went in her room one time to show her a self defense move, asked her not to tell his mom and left. She said another mom experienced the same thing. I don't want to get my house mom in trouble and/or fired but I also feel like I have a moral obligation to tell so something bad doesn't happen. I am also in fear that I will be kicked out of my house and left without somewhere to live. Help! |
Question: My mom is being unfair? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:54 AM PST So today I wanted to go to the movies later on this afternoon but my mom won't let me go since it's raining but yet she let my sister go out with her friends after school it just isn't fair to me |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:53 AM PST My friend jess was wishing me good luck before a competition she said You're amazing and I am so proud of you.. Jesus loves you!" Whyy did she say Jesus loves you? I am very religious but I'm just wondering why |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:51 AM PST |
Question: How do you deal with a dictator that is your stepsister in your household? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:32 AM PST |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:09 AM PST My sister is old enough to be on her own, and I'm 20 in college for nursing and have a part time job. My mom works her *** off to pay bills, keep the house clean and she's just amazing. My sister has a daughter, (dad died when she was young) So my sister took that hard, she's always been on prescriptions and she's addicted (around 15 tablets she takes) so she met this guy about 6 years ago and they been off and on moved in together and they weren't married so no commitment. They always argue and they've been getting physical (from what she says.) I stopped believing her because I always catch her in lies. She disrupts the household because she keeps coming back and saying "I'll move out" and never does. This one particular time she moved out with her boyfriend to the hotel with her daughter. She's seriously mentally ill and she doesn't have a job. She sits around sending mean texts and calls people to have sympathy for her. She always argues with my mom because my mom just asks to not disrupt the household, and keep the house clean. It's horrible, my anxiety is sky high whenever she comes around and I don't even believe in anxiety. What do I do? I'm considering moving out, but I have no car. I can't do this back and forth **** anymore. Like I want her to be here, but she's not cooperating she should have her OWN place. I'm normally calm.. but not when she's here I get irritated and angry with her because she doesn't get off the damn merry go round. Am I a bad person?! |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 08:58 AM PST But then I would have to go to court and prove that my dad is an unfit father but he isn t I just don t feel happy when I go over to his house. He doesn t spend time with me. And he forgets about me. What do I do? |
Question: My dad thinks i'm staying home from school because of a problem, even though i'm sick…? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 08:29 AM PST so my mom has had a cold and fever for the past few days and it my sister caught it, and now i have it. my parents are divorced, so my sister and i went over to my dads yesterday. when i got in the car, i told him about how i hate PE class because the teacher is a b****. the next morning, i woke up with the same cold my mom had. i didn't feel well enough to go to school, so i told my dad. he assumed that i just wanted to stay home because of the PE teacher, so he made me get ready. i begged and begged to stay home, and he finally gave in. a few hours later he came into my room to talk to me. the first words he said were, "we all know you're staying home because you have problems in PE." and i'm like umm no i just don't feel well that's all. but then he said, "yeah you don't feel well because of all the anxiety about gym class." and i'm like nope i just don't feel well because i have a cold. but he didn't believe me. so my problem is my dad thinks i have an anxiety problem with gym, and he's probably gonna make me see a psychiatrist about it. i keep trying to tell him that i have a cold, but he isn't having it. even though it's really obvious that i do because i'm coughing. |
Question: Should I feel bad for not wanting a relationship with my sister? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 08:14 AM PST This person is actually a half sibling from my mom. Back in 2015 when I still had Facebook, I decided to get my half sister out of my life by ignoring her messages. It was based on one of my statuses. Anyway, a week later, she unfriended me which proved she never really cared for me in the first place. The same can be said for most of my mother's flaky relatives. Although this half sibling did nice things for me, our overall relationship wasn't really good. For starters, she molested me when we were young, stole from me and OUR MOTHER numerous times when we lived together, and was nothing but a whore by the time she graduated high school. As we got older, she started stealing from me more so well into her early 20s. Then, she kept asking me and my father for money even if we were unemployed. It got to the point where she didn't come around unless she wanted something from one of us or to put me down. 2013 was a really bad year for my dad and I. She had the nerve to yell at me during a phone call while she was at work one day and did the same thing to me in person six months later when she called herself inviting me over to her house. I should've packed my bags and left when she stepped out that day. I tried to give her one last chance to be nice to me in 2014. When she knew I was having trouble with my aunt and grandmother, she basically said I have no one to turn not even her if anything were to happen to my dad. That's when I realized I couldn't trust her. |
Question: Verbal/physical abuse moving out tips.? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 07:48 AM PST From the time I can remember My father has always been abusive. When I was a kid he was physical abusive to the point of fist fighting me and he kicked me in the face with boots once. A few years ago he went to inpatient therapy with the VA and hasn t done any acts of physical abuse that I ve known of. However the amount of verbal and mental abuse has severely increased. Today I m 21 years old and decided it s time for me to move out (he threatened to be physically abusive and was extremely verbally abusive over MY taxes which I filed correctly.) he thought I had filed myself as independent... the only problem is I have very little money(I ve been paying to put myself through community college). I work a job right now and I ll be moving in with my girlfriend so I ll be able to make next months rent with the income I have coming in. Basically I just need advice with making it in a car town without a car. Am I making the right decision by moving out to evade the abuse? How can I ensure my survival for the remainder of the year. |
Question: How do I get over the sorrow I feel like not having a dad? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 07:08 AM PST My dad skip down when I was two and I haven't seen him sense. I have a mother and a grandmother and two sisters and I'm the only boy. I'm 14 how do I get over the sorrow of having your dad? People say find a dad like figure like boys town but that's not the Dad I want to dad loves me not someone is just nice to me. |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 07:04 AM PST |
Question: I'm 18 and I don't know what to do with my sister that is hitting puperty? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 06:57 AM PST My sister is hitting puperty and I am feeling so stressed out because I have secretly went into my sisters phone to check on her searches and found some searches, one of them is "how to have s*x in school". I'm feeling so stressed out right now and I don't know if I am suppose to tell my parents, my dad is a very strict person and I don't know how he will handle it. I am really afraid and sad. I just don't know what to do. Should I tell my parents or not, I love her very much and I want what's best for her. For me as an elder sister, I feel really responsible. I need help. |
Question: What can I do about my father passing and not making a will? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 06:38 AM PST My father died about eight years ago from pancreatic cancer and at the time me and my sister were only 13 and 15 years old but we have two brothers who are older and my father was married to our mother and our brothers have different moms. My father never wrote a will and our brothers were estranged and came back into the picture after he died, my father owned the house we lived in, after he died our brothers took over and we lost our home. Is there any way we can make them pay for not handling this properly? |
Question: Ggghf gfbh ggnc ggnhv? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 06:23 AM PST Ggg to ggg give her the first time and the first child of pregnancy and pregnancy is not the right answer because she s pregnant with a pregnancy child and is pregnant and pregnant she has to go back home and sleep because she s a pregnant gang and pregnant pregnant gang and child care child she has no pregnant gang and she wants custody because she has been seen pregnant gang members and she wants custody to be seen by the young man and child care issues she has said to her she has no child care child she has been pregnant with child care issues because she s young she said child custody issues she said because they had no issues she was not the child care of her she was a young pregnant gang child child she said because she s not the child care of child she said she was a good mom because I didn t want him back but I m still going home now she |
Question: I miss my Nana so much? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 05:58 AM PST My Nana passed away four days ago. She had stomach cancer. I still can't really believe it; it feels like she could just call me any minute and I wouldn't be surprised. But sometimes it really hits me that I'll never see her again, at least not in this world. It hurts so much. I just want her back. It kills me to see my family so sad as well. I can't concentrate in school. Any advice to feel better or to help my family would be much appreciated thank you. |
Question: Can a girl do mens job? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 05:26 AM PST I was moving some furniture in my room because i got a new wardrobe and needed to make space for it and it was really heavy so i called my brother to help me and he came and laughed at me and said look at you, trying to do a mans job and then just kept laughing and told me to just leave that he will do it alone because im not of any use anyway. I felt really bad and weak when he told me that. I mean im sure there are girls who do same jobs as men, so girls can do the same jobs as guys right? no i didnt put my stuff in, why would i do that? it would just make it heavier |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 05:16 AM PST |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 05:07 AM PST For example my Mom's parents were divorced. She was on her mother's side as her father had a drinking problem. So she did all her Mom said and treated her Mom like she was divine. Her Mom was a wonderful person but it was like extreme the worship my Mom had for her. Meanwhile her Dad she was at odds with so she would insult him daily. If anyone asked "do you have parents in the area" she would go into how wonderful her mother is and how worthless her father is. Daily she would praise her mother and degrade her father. Similarly her sister from her Mom was her best friend and she continuously insulted her two half-siblings from her Dad's first marriage. We went to our grandmother's multiple times a week and were barred from ever going to our grandfather's. She does this in many other settings also. Like one school I went to was just the greatest ever and another school that didn't work out for me was "horrific" in my mother's eyes and she ranted on the Internet about it (actually the other school was fine but just not the best for me since I had learning disabilities). So I am 22 now and learning which traits to keep and not keep of hers. She could be wonderful in many ways and toxic in other ways. She didn't even go to the funeral when her father died (I went though) but when her mother died she sat by the grave crying for months. So is the idea of ":your all good or all bad" a bad habit or is it fine? |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 05:01 AM PST If looking to say something nice? |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 04:59 AM PST He has to be at work today He will be mad if I don't awake him as will my Mom but at Alateen they say not to enable. |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 04:44 AM PST I m so sad.Are they both crazy?What should I do?? |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 04:39 AM PST She acts jealous.Why?She s not happy for me. |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 04:13 AM PST |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 03:05 AM PST The story is,I was about to walk into the bedroom (it's a master bedroom which means it has a master bathroom). At some time before that,I heard the sound of the water tap so I thought my mom was at the kitchen washing the mugs. So,as usual,I walked without watching out,my mom was coming out of the master bedroom and I walked directly and my uppest part of the body (below the neck),smashed against her upper cheeks,I got shocked as I felt like I hit a face,and I was in panic as I never intended to hurt her. I didn't expect this to happen at all.She suddenly screamed,scolded,got on nerves and tried to hit/slap me back on some parts of my body but I tried to escape/walk away so she only managed to slap the left side of my face ONCE and my right arm,but it's super weird that my arm didn't become red or left any scars/marks,maybe I was walking away so she only managed to slap it gently. So,she kept acting as like I purposely cased the accident. But maybe I need to understand her,as this accident occurred at nighttime and she's always not in a good mood at this time,and the accident which gave her physical pain worsened and triggered the condition. What do you think of this accident? I misunderstood that she was washing in the kitchen,she was washing in the master bathroom instead. This accident could've been really easily avoided. Maybe I need to be extra cautious/careful in the future. Do you think I deserve the 1-time slap and failed attempts of further hitting from her? I didn't hurt her back,I accidentally smashed against her face when entering the bedroom as at the same time she was exiting the bedroom. It's 100% an accident. I didn't hurt her back,I accidentally smashed against her face when entering the bedroom as at the same time she was exiting the bedroom. It's 100% an accident. |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 02:03 AM PST Whenever I was born my parents were 20 and they expected the best from me but as I grew up we moved from Pennsylvania to Florida so I quit football and my mom got really badly addicted to drugs along with my dad and everyday this boiled into a fight with my mom and dad that usually ended in a hospital trip and then when I was 12 my mom died and my dad completely shut down and got addicted tocrack which led to me having to sell drugs so there would be food in the house and I didn't know how to feel I couldn't even really cry I just got angry and started beating people up but not bullying if I saw someone hurting someone else I would choke them or scratch there eyes and I still can't feel at all, my entire way to make friends is to be as obnoxious as i can so that people will pay attention to me and now nobody cares about me anymore and I just sit in my room day after day waiting until I turn 16 so I can drop out. I guess what I'm asking is does it take alot to do anything for society because essentially with how I've been living I've just been a burden to everyone I love and I don't know how or what to give anymore. |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 01:02 AM PST My niece is 16 and lives alone with her father. A few days ago, her boyfriend suddenly and unexpectedly committed suicide. His wake was last night. This morning, I went to my niece's house to check on her. I didn't call first and let myself in. We're very close so I have a key. When I walked in to her house, I found her and her father asleep on the floor in the living room. She was lying on top of him and they had on their dress clothes from the night before. I woke them up, and my niece's father explained that his daughter had had a major breakdown over the loss of her boyfriend when they got home. He said he had consulted her all night and they both cried a lot before eventually just falling asleep on the floor. Does this sound strange to you? |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 12:50 AM PST |
Question: My relationship with my mom changed? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 12:44 AM PST I will not get into details regarding my childhood but basically, my relationship with my mom used to be amazing. Even though she was very critical of me, and I have never been able to tell her my problems and open up since i was a kid, because I was scared of her judging me. I really loved her and trusted her. Now I al seventeen years old and It's it's been like 5 years since she completely changed. I really think it's the midlife crisis. Described by psychologists as a state of selfishness. We never talk. I don't remember hugging her. It's probably being more than a year. Or even hearing anything nice from her. I truly understand that at this age, parents should be more strict but she is just rude. Whenever I call her on the phone, she doesn't say hi or ask how my day was. It's embarrassing because my friends hear HER screaming like she is crazy. She would just start screaming randomly. Or if I make her coffee in the morning she wouldn't say thanks. She would just be mad because I wake up at 4:30am and she doesn't want coffee at this time but my stepdad does want coffee (my bus picks me up at 5:30am) I just find it very difficult to live with her and all teenagers say this but It's impossible. Since my dad lives in another country, sometimes I feel lonely. It's hard to stay motivated specially in school when you can't find comfort in your parents. |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 12:42 AM PST I'm 18 and I always love kids since I was a kid, I always made believe like I was a mom and stuff. People always since I was little have seen how careful and loving I am with kids. Now my family makes jokes to me like "your going to have 5 kids, and don't worry I will help you (if you help me)" or "get enough sleep because before you know it you won't be able to with 5 kids" etc. now I always get happy inside when they say stuff like that, to think me being pregnant and by someone that loves me makes me feel happy, but I always also think to myself that I won't be until I'm in my mid to late 20s more, I always wonder and sex life werid after kids, then I also don't know if I really want any. Maybe just a son. Anyway years ago when that whole thing happen with Casey Anthony daughter I cried my eyes out, now years later for some reason I came across Casey Anthony on what she's doing now, and I got such negativity like something is telling me "oh if you have a kid and don't want it just made like your kid was kidnap and people will never know, like Casey Anthony did, you'll be able to live with yourself" Now I am afraid of a child taking my spotlight away or not being able to live life, like will I be able to deal with a daughter? Will I be jealous of her once she's a teen? But NEVER to harm or kill. I will love to have a little person with me all the time and be that super cool (to a point) mom but when I'm much older. Is this some kind of negativity that some did to me? |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 12:39 AM PST |
Question: My friend's dad slapped her what side do i take? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 12:33 AM PST Today i was over my friends house we hung out together we played games we ordered pizza and ate it then she decided that she would be right back as i waited she came back and she showed me one of her dad's guns she told me she was going to shoot it and i warned her it was a bad idea she didn't listen and she pulled the trigger shooting a hole in her wall by accident trying to tease us she ran back downstairs and put the gun back into the drawer then she showed me some weed she found and she started smoking it i kept telling her to stop but nope she didn't listen then i heard her dad come in she hid it in her desk but i knew it wouldn't work. Then her dad came upstairs and he knocked on her door she let him in and he saw me he didn't say anything but just starred at me he started yelling at her cause there was a rule for having friends over at night last time she did they trashed the house and he literally put her under house arrest for 4 months then he smelled the weed this time he was extremely angry cause for 3 months she hasn't done anything he told her nor has she obeyed she was always rebel like and i've warned her about it. he pushed her out of the way and opened the drawer he told her he knew it and then they started arguing but she was getting cruder always swearing in half of the sentences he begged her to just calm down and tell the truth but she refused he then took out her playstation 4 laptop phone and other gadgets except for her tv and most. he then came back after taking them out and she started getting smart again he backed her against a wall and his voice was very deep and angry as he walked away he let out a grunt she told him he was full of rage and he told her something about what rage was like in response she told him **** you she was about to hit him but he slapped her really hard and fast across the face using his backhand i'll never forget her stunned and shocked face he told her sorry but she walked away still holding her face but she ignored him and sat down for some reason she was pissed at me as he walked out she told me about running away or trying to live with me and my family face but she ignored him and sat down for some reason she was pissed at me as he walked out she told me about running away or trying to live with me and my family |
Posted: 02 Feb 2017 11:59 PM PST I remember when I was younger. My teens and all the way up to my mid twenties. I was rash, arrogant, made a lot of mistakes and failed to see the consequences of my actions. But you live and you learn. In a way I blame my father. Or blame is maybe the wrong word. I only have myself to blame but had my father been a real father things might have turned out differently. My father was more of a friend, big brother type. He wasn't interested in discipline, teaching and taking the tough decisions. He wanted to have fun and the most important person in his life was himself. Why my mom didn't leave him is beyond me. I recently got a son and I don't want to be like my father. I remember I had a friend who went in totally different direction than I did. I remember when we were young and his dad was this massive Goliath protecting his young. He was a no nonsense type of guy. Strict but fair, a hard @ss but for a reason. My friend never made the mistakes I did. I just wonder if your role as a father has that big of an impact on children. Can you be like my dad and still be "successful", for lack of a better word? |
Question: My friends mother is too overprotective! Help? Posted: 02 Feb 2017 10:29 PM PST Hi, I m worried about a friend of mine. She s 19 years old and will be 20 this year. She s somewhat spoiled & gets what she wants. The only problem is, her mother has a tracker on your car, she can t go anywhere but school& home, she tracks her credit card statements to see what she s bought & she has to ask to buy things. Yesterday, I asked her would she like to go to a party with me and she was excited to go, but she didn t know what her mom would say. She asked and her mother said she had to "meet me first and speak with my parents" but I live alone. My friend has told me she dated a guy awhile ago and her mother looked up his background (she works for FBI) and said she couldn t date him. My friend has also been talking to a 16 year old boy. Her mom treats her like a child and she s even started to act like one. She wants to get out of the situation but she doesn t know how. She s afraid she will get in trouble or her mom will tell her to get out. |
Posted: 02 Feb 2017 10:28 PM PST I ve been contemplating the idea, and I know it will worsen if my reason is concidered ridiculous and very stupid. Im asking the community here because I need an honest answer of what I should do. I hate my parents at times but I love them and I dont want to hurt them by leaving. My mom has refered to me looking or acting like a slut 5 times, just because I finally wear girly clothes instead of boyish clothes. Then she insults me in my taste in clothes, saying im a girl, not a guy, and I should stop acting like one. My dad, he s completely rough. He always gets mad and yells at me for having a tone when I say "okay." To his punishments. I say okay lightly as to not offend him, but he doesnt get it and takes it as me challenging him. I have friends almost everywhere in the US, and ive honestly been planning this for 2-3 years now. |
Question: Is it bad that I didn't feel any emotion when my dad died? Posted: 02 Feb 2017 09:42 PM PST so my mom and dad did crystal meth, they didnt take care of me I was under weight and had barley clothes i didnt go to school, we lived in a small trailer with strangers coming in and out doing drugs (because my parents let them) i got sexually assulted 6 times when I was 12-16 almost raped once my parents didnt care, I started selling drugs at 14 to buy food and clothes, when I was 16 I got caught by the cops selling pills to a homeless guy, I broke down and told the cops everything I got fostered for little while then became empacipatedt at 17, my parents got 3 years in prison for child neglect and drug abuse, last week I found out my dad died, I didnt feel anything, I kinda feel weird and guilty that I dont care, I mean my dad sometimes got physical when he was outa dope then he'd sometimes let his anger out on me (mostly punching) he gave me a black eye once, if I died he probably wouldnt feel any emotions either, is it bad I didnt care? does he deserves my greif? |
Question: Is this molestation? What the hell. Help? Posted: 02 Feb 2017 09:36 PM PST Hi. When I was 9ish or 10 I had a cousin AROUND MY AGE. We were very close. This is graphic and I feel like vomiting writing this out so don't be assholes. This cousin thought it would be cool to introduce me to sex. I was shown porn, we basically had sex though there was no penetration. Rubbing I guess. Pretty sure there was a time where I said I was scared and I was fingered anyways. It felt good, but I'm almost positive I was ignored. It all felt good but it made me feel extremely guilty when I did it. It was consensual. I agreed the whole time except I'm pretty sure that once, though I thought it was disgusting the whole time. It was a huge secret a 10/9 year old shouldn't have had to deal with. It almost became a craving. I was sexually promiscuous really young |
Posted: 02 Feb 2017 09:33 PM PST Everyone, including my Mom, kisses his ***** ***, and all he has ever done is undermine me... How can I escape? |
Question: Step son. Advise please am i crazy ? Posted: 02 Feb 2017 07:16 PM PST My step son is 12 i have been in his life for 4 years now. He is a great kid . we. Had his everyday for 2 years then his mother took is to court and it is now. 4out of 7 days a week. His mother is not so kind. Makes his life hell . talks horrid about myself and his father to him. And punishes his over everythng. But she needs that money. Any way hes obsessed with me. If i spend time aith my kids he gets upset. If i take a shower and leave him he gets upset amd starts knockimg please come back. If hes not laying directly on me hell find away. Also now waking me up amd begging to sleep in my bed with me. Which i explain to him hes 12 and needs to sleep in his own room. ... This is odd behavior right? |
Posted: 02 Feb 2017 07:15 PM PST I'm really starting to lose grip I'm becoming very sad |
Posted: 02 Feb 2017 07:11 PM PST |
Question: How do I make my sister feel better about pooping her pants at her wedding? Posted: 02 Feb 2017 06:58 PM PST |
Question: What can I do to help my brother? Posted: 02 Feb 2017 06:50 PM PST My parents no longer want to be parents. I m 18 and moving out but my brother is still stuck with them for 4 years. My parents act like they are retired. They go to their lake house every weekend leaving him alone by himself considering i work 13 or 14 hour overnights Anytime he gets sick they refuse to take him to the doctors. I m in charge of everything in his life. I make sure he s on his grades and doing his school work. I pay for his karate classes and his phone bill. I m just really worried about once im moved out because I know how they have been lately... is there anything that I can do?? |
Question: Should I Confront Her or Say Nothing? Posted: 02 Feb 2017 06:50 PM PST A little background of this story, I suffer from frequent headaches and I need to take pain medication daily. For a few months now, I have been noticing that my painkillers have been turning up missing or just as I go get a refill. The pill bottle will be almost empty, at first I thought I would miss place them or I gave some to someone and completely forgot. Two weeks ago I caught my aunt taking them, she took about four or five pills. When she saw me, she said she was looking for some headphones. I just bought her some last week, now I have caught her stealing my painkillers a few more times and each time she lies about it. Should I say something or just say nothing about? |
Posted: 02 Feb 2017 06:32 PM PST |
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