Family & Relationships: Question: Do you think exes eventually get back together? |
- Question: Do you think exes eventually get back together?
- Question: How to make mends with those I hurt before I got clean from drugs?
- Question: Is there anything wrong with 16 year old teenager (me) dating a 24 year old man?
- Question: Why would a person have never had a gf/bf/spouse?
- Question: Rate out of 10?
- Question: I I I ugh I wanna scream I don't know just ugh?
- Question: Why are women fussier than men?
- Question: I don t think he is that into me now?
- Question: Why did I find ✋ jobs on my sisters search history?
- Question: Is mother as important as father in creation of baby or does the baby actually come from father'?
- Question: Parent troubles?
- Question: Why do atheists squirt semen in their sisters mouths?
- Question: How is the name "Tai"?
- Question: Am I going through an growt spurt?
- Question: Husband left me?
- Question: La mascota de el chico que me gusta murió?
- Question: Me enamore de un chico por internet?
- Question: Alright this is strange but I feel like a strange feeling of missing for someone but idk how?? Any emotional terms?
- Question: Deciding whether I should move 4 hours away for work?
- Question: Should I talk dirty to my girlfriend?
- Question: I just found out my daughter is transgender, should I stop loving her?
- Question: Hay posibilidades de que regrese mi ex-novio?
- Question: Hombres!!!!?
- Question: Ladies would you have done this?
- Question: My best friends husband talks about his ex wife all the time!? should i talk to her?
- Question: How cute was Aisha r.a. �� When she married our beloved prophet pbuh?
- Question: Which communicator are you ?
- Question: I m scared to go somewhere by myself?
Question: Do you think exes eventually get back together? Posted: 26 Feb 2017 02:00 PM PST I've always wondered if couple that have broken up could find their way back together again, especially if they were together for a long time. My ex and I were together for around 3 years before we lost the spark and broke up. We have been apart for nearly 3 years and have rarely spoke in that time up until last week when we messaged one another. In this conversation she sent me a pic of a valentines present that I gave her almost 4 years ago and she said that she never knew how weird it could be to go from talking and seeing someone all the time to not talking at all. then she went on to say that she wonders how things would be for us now if we had never broke up. After that she said that she hoped that I can find someone that makes me happy because I deserve it. I was quite shocked that she said that but I just said the same back to her. At the end of this conversation, she said goodnight and told me to 'stay in touch'. 2 days after I sent her a pic of a place that we used to go to together asking her if she remembers it, she said yeah and she jokingly replied 'the question is, who are you with? Lol' we talked for a bit but that was about a week ago and I haven't heard from her since then but I'm hoping she'll stay in touch as she said. I just want to know would it be possible for us to get back together? though I don't want to get my hopes up just yet as she hasn't spoke to me since that conversation. |
Question: How to make mends with those I hurt before I got clean from drugs? Posted: 26 Feb 2017 01:48 PM PST I went through a really dark time in life, particularly on and off from 22 to 28. I lost my beautiful fiancé who i was connected with mentally, because I treated her bad, didn't want to get out of bed and ruined our Costa Rican vacation Cus I got high and drunk. I was addicted to opiates and dabbled in cocaien. I was once a easy going, funny, but hot tempered guy if someone pushed my buttons to much. Well, my dark side came out completely. I cheated on her without protection and then slept with her risking her health. I snorted Oxys I got from a motorcycle accident, unlimited scripts. I drag raced 130mph in the car with her in it, she ended up nearly scratching my eyes out afterwards and left me for two week, we made up. She tried her best, researched everything and even booked our vaca as my "detox" where I could rest and get clean in tropical paradise. I messed up. She left me later after trying and when she found out what I did. I didn't even remember.lost friends by promising to go out and falling asleep in bed high. they lost respect for me. I was arrested for trespassing , possession and resisting arrest related to my ex gf after showing up at her place , she had me arrested. I got into treatment and clean with help of mom for now 6 months. I feel normal again, I feel social and clear headed. I'm so embarrassed of what I did. I love her still. She's with a new guy traveling. I want to see my old friends and tell them what made me be flaky. I feel like a total lowlife |
Question: Is there anything wrong with 16 year old teenager (me) dating a 24 year old man? Posted: 26 Feb 2017 01:15 PM PST I really find it normal, even though the law doesn't agree... Why do people make a big deal about age anyways?? It's ridiculous! There's no age to love and no gender to love as well. When will the world see that :/ |
Question: Why would a person have never had a gf/bf/spouse? Posted: 26 Feb 2017 12:51 PM PST |
Posted: 26 Feb 2017 10:56 AM PST Yea |
Question: I I I ugh I wanna scream I don't know just ugh? Posted: 26 Feb 2017 08:27 AM PST I work off quadruple what I eat I binge then try to puke it up my parents will be pissed I went to a mental hospital because OCD and I heard voices. Then I was suicidal and my parents were mad/sad at me. Then I told my mom the voices are back when she asked before when they were there I said no. And she was like there can't be a new surprise about stuff like this anymore so I can't tell my parents I'm 14 and don't know what to do. Kudos to whoever helps me I still see a therapist but she kinda blows it off as nothing and if she finally doesn't blow it off as nothing she'll tell my parents. |
Question: Why are women fussier than men? Posted: 26 Feb 2017 06:31 AM PST For example: In the chain soup/salad place near my office, men just order soup or a salad, get it and pay for it and go. Women sit there, wanting samples of soup, taste multiple kinds, complain, and then pick one. A recent study of social media found that women leave more critical reviews of stores online than men do. When I am at dinner with a woman, it's more likely that she'll complain to the waiter/waitress about something than a guy will--guys just want to get the food and go. So: why are women fussier than men? |
Question: I don t think he is that into me now? Posted: 26 Feb 2017 06:29 AM PST I had an affair with a guy from work for 5 years. We were both married at the time. Now we are both divorced for a year and a half now. Yes we both got a divorce to be with each other or so I think. The sex and romantic part of our relationship has slowed way down. He is 13 years my senior. I get the he has some ED issues and I am ok with it and very understanding. Has he just lost interest in me? He says he wants to marry me but why has he not asked me yet. What are your thoughts of when he will pop the question if at all? |
Question: Why did I find ✋ jobs on my sisters search history? Posted: 26 Feb 2017 02:14 AM PST I thought girls didn't watch porn? Do girls like genitalia too? |
Posted: 26 Feb 2017 01:27 AM PST My grandmother says that you are determined to have the father you have, because the baby comes from the father, but if your father had another wife she would be the mother. |
Posted: 26 Feb 2017 12:45 AM PST The thing is my wife questions the love I have for our daughter, I've been in her life since she was born she's eight years old I've did everything with her I really believe that she rather be around me instead if she had the choice, however her real dad didn't get involved in her life until she was four years old. I believe our relationship changed since then she use to call me daddy and other stuff we had a bond with each other but her dad and his mom programed her not to say things to me I honestly love her like she's mine on another note when she goes to her dad's house every other weekend she doesn't misbehave as much also she's around the step mom more then her dad, however when she's with us she has behavior problems simply cause my wife let's her get away with anything and I'm the only one whoever tells her anything my wife and herself say I'm really mean to her, but the thing about that is her mom let's her get her way and her grandma and grandpa do as well. Now me and my wife just had a baby together he's 8 months they see me all loving on my son and my wife tells me why don't I treat our daughter with the same love I could let her get her way like everyone else but I just can't! I really love her though it's just very hard to show it under the circumstances any advice? |
Question: Why do atheists squirt semen in their sisters mouths? Posted: 26 Feb 2017 12:01 AM PST |
Question: How is the name "Tai"? Posted: 25 Feb 2017 11:41 PM PST My real name is Teya but I really dislike it. I want to be nicknamed Tai. I want to spell it like that because I don't like how short "Ty" is. I don't know if Tai is strictly chinese haha. (although I know it doesn't really matter) Your thoughts? |
Question: Am I going through an growt spurt? Posted: 25 Feb 2017 11:40 PM PST Look, I am 15 years old girl, my height is 173cm, my shoe size is 9(my flops are size 9,5), my mom has more than 175cm and my father has more than 183cm. I got my period at age 10. I usually used to grow taller at the ends of the years, that would be normal. But I have been noticing that my body hair seems to have growt more, my armpits start stinking when I sweat, I have right now lots of pimples on my face too! My armpits would never stink more than now and I never had flips flops at size 9.5!!! Does that mean that I might be goin through growt spurt? |
Posted: 25 Feb 2017 10:26 PM PST I am completely baffled and heartbroken. My and my husband have been together 15 years. We lived in a beautiful home for ten years. He started working for a restoration company a year ago and also teamed up with a public adjuster. He started acting a little odd he was working a lot. The day after New Year's I came home from work my home was completely destroyed by a flood but apparently started from the toilet upstairs. He came home with his public adjuster friend immediately hired him and we stayed in a hotel for two weeks. He wasn't there much and he was being very mean to me. When I would ask questions he would pretty much dismissed me. The insurance company now put us up in an apartment or house is finished. The check came in went to the mortgage company and the public adjuster will be involved as well. But my husband hasn't done a thing to fix it. We had an argument he stormed out he's been living with his father for two weeks will not contact me or communicate with me. When I try he yells and hangs up. House is still destroyed I found out he was trying to hire a contractor behind my back. The public adjuster in the contactor were in my house and I didn't know. I thought something was up so I called the public adjuster's office and they told me they had paperwork they're ready for us to sign for the contractor. I had no idea. Any insight appreciated. |
Question: La mascota de el chico que me gusta murió? Posted: 25 Feb 2017 10:17 PM PST Que hago? El es un chico que conocí desde hace tiempo por internet, me gusta y se que también le gusto. Pero ayer murió su gatito atropellado por un auto y el lo vio morir. Que debo decirle? Era su primera mascota y nuestra primera llamada (que fue ayer cuando murió) el estaba llorando, y al darle apoyo yo también lloré Que más le puedo decir? Sé que debo darle su espacio, pero temo que se deprima y se sienta solo Mi mayor miedo es que por su tristeza me deje de hablar :( Me enamore muchísimo de el Recomendaciones? |
Question: Me enamore de un chico por internet? Posted: 25 Feb 2017 10:12 PM PST Por favor, agradecería que leyeras todo Pues... tengo 16 y conocí a un chico por un grupo de anime en whatsapp, cuando me salí, pregunto por mi, y me envió por privado que por qué me había salido, si algo o alguien me había molestado. De ahí comenzó nuestra amistad (el tiene 19), platicamos varios meses y nos dimos cuenta que nos llevábamos muy bien, coincidíamos en muchas cosas y ambos nos alegrábamos el día. En san Valentín, me hizo un video declarando que se sentía muy feliz de haberme conocido, que era lo mejor que le había pasado en la vida, que me buscaba en vidas pasadas, y que sentía que el hilo rojo del destino nos unía. Me gusta, si, se ganó mi corazón lentamente, nada apresurado y seguro. Siento que con el todo es diferente, lo siento irreal (si, no es ningún acosador, sé que existe de verdad) y pues... me enamoré, me quita la respiración, hace que me sonroje, mi corazón late a mil cuando me envía algún mensaje, me flaquean las piernas y hace mejores mis días. Me ha dicho que el siente algo en el pecho cada vez que me habla, que siempre está sonriendo y que me quiere mucho. Que hablar conmigo se ha vuelto necesario en su vida, pues si no lo hace, se siente incompleto. Incluso me pidió permiso para llamarme algún día. De vedad me interesa este chico, pero vive a 600 km de mi. Y ambos tenemos el sueño de conocernos algún día. Siento que el es el indicado, mi mama sabe de el, y lo aprueba, pues me impulsa como persona y me motiva Que piensan?Se que también le gusto |
Posted: 25 Feb 2017 10:01 PM PST I'm so confused because I feel like I really miss someone, it feels like loneliness but it isn't.I'm just really confused on what this might be?? Its like I want to see someone but I'm not sure who, its the weirdest thing and its the first time its happend. |
Question: Deciding whether I should move 4 hours away for work? Posted: 25 Feb 2017 10:00 PM PST In May I will be graduating as a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA). I really want to work in an Outpatient clinic, but the problem is, where I live there are rarely job openings in OP clinics, alot of the jobs are in SNFs. I'm 22 years old. If I stay here I will be able to live with my parents for a few more years... but if I move away, I know nobody and I will have to pay rent, but there are alot more OP clinics hiring 4 hours south. What should I do? I don't think I'll be happy working in a setting other than OP The big thing holding me back is that I think I will miss my parents like crazy |
Question: Should I talk dirty to my girlfriend? Posted: 25 Feb 2017 09:15 PM PST Or is it disrespectful |
Question: I just found out my daughter is transgender, should I stop loving her? Posted: 25 Feb 2017 08:25 PM PST My daughter, Danielle, was away at college and recently she came back for the weekend. When I saw her I noticed she had short hair and was wearing boys jeans. I didn't say anything at first but I had a feeling something was up. So she comes inside and says "Dad, I want to be a boy. I want you to call me David from now on." I immediately kicked her out of the house at told her to leave at once. I saw her crying, but I didn't care. I can't accept that she wants to be a boy now. What should I do? |
Question: Hay posibilidades de que regrese mi ex-novio? Posted: 25 Feb 2017 06:15 PM PST Estábamos juntos desde Abril, cortamos en dos ocasiones primero por una infidelidad de él y la segunda porque yo sentía que no estaba tan comprometido conmigo. En las dos ocasiones él fue quien regreso y me pidió perdón... yo caí Ahora cuando yo creía que todo estaba bien, le arme una escena de celos, lo mande a la chingada... le pedí perdón pero él me dijo que ya no podía estar conmigo porque no era lo que buscaba y que ya no quería lastimarme. Yo acorde con su decisión pero le pedí que ya no me buscara y que ya no quería hablar con él, al final me besó y lo deje. Sé que es muy tonto de mi parte pero lo sigo queriendo mucho y quisiera que volviera... ustedes creen que lo haga? |
Posted: 25 Feb 2017 05:12 PM PST Bueno,quería saber si a ustedes les importa mucho si su pareja tiene dinero o esas cosas de tipo materiales,lo que pasa es que mi novio hoy conoció mi casa pero bueno él tiene una casa grande y muy bonita la mía es algo chica y fea,yo vivo en una vecindad y temo a que él me corte por eso,si algo les sirve mi novio es Aries del signo del zodiaco por favor ayuda |
Question: Ladies would you have done this? Posted: 25 Feb 2017 04:54 PM PST I just got to my sisters house for a 10 day visit. I had a 9 hour drive so I drove in my bare feet and kept my sandals in the back out of the way. It was very comfortable driving in my bare feet. |
Question: My best friends husband talks about his ex wife all the time!? should i talk to her? Posted: 25 Feb 2017 04:53 PM PST So, my best friend and her husband have been together for only a year and they're already married. When they started dating he was divorcing his now ex wife. so it hasnt really been long at all! My friend had sex with him on the first date and said it just seemed like they were meant to be.. i quickly felt like i didnt really like him, something just bothers me everytime we all hang out. he talks about all of their personal things to anyone they are hanging with. i began to notice that each time we would all hang out he would bring up his ex wife. at first i thought well maybe its not everytime maybe im overthinking it so ive waited to see and the last 3 times weve hung out he has brought her up atleast 2-3 times. My thoughts are she is your EX we dont give a **** about what foods she liked or didnt like.. is he not over her? there are no kids involved in this so there are no strings.. i want to know if i should talk to my friend about this and see if its bothering her as well and if he just does this when theres a group of people or is this all the time. im worried about her =( she has been through hell with guys stepping on her. she deserves so much better. |
Question: How cute was Aisha r.a. �� When she married our beloved prophet pbuh? Posted: 25 Feb 2017 12:38 PM PST My little cousin is also just turned 9 she is very cute and innocent she believes whatever I tell her. Maybe this is why prophet pbuh married Aisha. Because they are pure and innocent 😇 in their hearts, they are yet to become hores like old western women that nobody wants to marry. |
Question: Which communicator are you ? Posted: 25 Feb 2017 06:29 AM PST Are you the assertive communicator, the aggressive communicator, the passive communicator, or the passive-aggressive communicator? I'm the passive-aggressive communicator. I have to work on that ALOT. I would like to be the best communicator, which is the assertive. We all have a little of all in us. But our dominant, is only one. Learning which one you are and which one is the person you're talking to. Will help your conversation alot. So which one are you and why? |
Question: I m scared to go somewhere by myself? Posted: 25 Feb 2017 12:37 AM PST So everyone at my school and around the whole state is going to six flags (Senior Night) but i have no friends at all and idk anyone that would want to hang around me for long. I really want to go since i never really get out much. I m not antisocial or anything , its just that i act different from most of my peers. I tried socializing w/ others in my age group but im never interested in the topics they talk about (mostly materialistic things).I m just a simple person .It be pretty miserable going on rides all by myself walking around a theme park, What can i do?? I need help. |
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