Singles & Dating: Question: What does it mean when a customer says he want resolution? |
- Question: What does it mean when a customer says he want resolution?
- Question: Is he just not that into me?
- Question: Does he still like her , or is she just a piece of meat to him ?
- Question: What does it mean if a man avoids eye contact?
- Question: Why hasn t he asked me out?
- Question: If you are a girl that likes to date bullies, aren't you NOTHING but a SEX OBJECT?
- Question: Is it okay to slap a guy if he calls me a B*tch?
- Question: My bf said "that is the most beautiful **** he has ever seen" in front of me?
- Question: What do you think this guy is doing?
- Question: Se ve la otra persona cuando observa de la rejilla de ventilacion?
- Question: Is he treating me like an option, a "safe card?" Should i keep contact with him?
- Question: Girl says she likes me and flirts over text but doent touch me/act super flirty in person?
- Question: Does he like me or not ?
- Question: Men, If your life depended on it, which of these ladies would you have sex with?
- Question: What is the age difference to be in a different age group?
- Question: What is his problem?
- Question: Does my exes best friend like means if so how do I pursue?
- Question: Isnt it better for a girl to wait and wait for a guy she likes to ask her out because the result if he ends up doing it is much sweeter?
- Question: What is he trying to do?
- Question: She thinks I'm a player????
- Question: My boyfriend's cousin sent him videos of her twerking....?
- Question: Not sure what to think of her?
- Question: How patient should I be?
- Question: GIRLS, does it sound like she likes me?
- Question: Dont know what to do , if i get an abortion my relationship will end?
- Question: I want to marry this man that I love, but.... what should I do?
- Question: Does it make sense to break up with someone who is transferring to a university?
- Question: Why did he ask me this?
- Question: Why are girls treated better than guys in human society?
- Question: How can I get the courage to go on a date with someone off the internet?
- Question: Did she mean yes?
- Question: Should I go out with him?
- Question: Would a guy who drinks, smokes, and vapes only be interest in a girl who does those same things?
- Question: What do you guys think of this girl?
- Question: Found out my mom messages my ex, is that weird?
- Question: I'm very frustrated. It seems that I'm not reaching my goals fast enough. How can I get more patience?
- Question: Guys always tell my best friend i’m hot when I’m not even that pretty. Why do they tell her that?
- Question: I told my friend that I loved her through text and she says that’s cool with an emoticon. What is she not telling me?
- Question: How do I deal with a woman that doesnt mind if men go down on her(cunnilingus), but refuses to reciprocate?(Fellatio)?
- Question: What's your honest advice for picking GCSE's in year 9?
- Question: When does a boy really become a man?
- Question: Are there any women interested in sph?
- Question: I feel like il never truly get over my ex?
- Question: How can I be someone who's ready for a relationship?
- Question: What did she mean to me?
- Question: Do girls find it creepy if a guy that is attracted to you smiles and gives a little wink at you?
- Question: 29 yr old man on college is outgoing and talktative and seems friendly but will he ask me out?
- Question: This guy in the workplace is stressing me?
- Question: Does he sound desperate?
- Question: What is his problem?
- Question: What do you think I should do?
- Question: Why do I dream about touching a girl in her special area, and then wake up and my shorts are sticky?
- Question: Is my girlfriend anorexic?
- Question: Does he not find me attractive?
- Question: Is this it worth hanging on to this guy?
- Question: What does a frozen facial expression mean?
- Question: How to become a thing with a current female friend? Please help!?
- Question: How should I handle this breakup?
- Question: Am i a slut?
- Question: How should I handle this breakup?
Question: What does it mean when a customer says he want resolution? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:55 PM PST I had a customer complain about the service at my job. He told me he wants resolution. What does this mean to you? |
Question: Is he just not that into me? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:52 PM PST I recently went on a date with a guy I met on a dating website. We spoke over text for about a week or so before I intiated plans. We hit it off really well and actually bar hopped because we didn't want the evening to end. We had great chemistry and I made it clear I was looking to take things pretty slow because of the hurt I've felt from past lovers. After our date we made lunch plans but come the day off he had to rain check these plans (we honestly hadn't talked much about it throughout the week so it's understnadable it slipped both our minds). I was hoping he would offer to reschedule but didn't.. he even asked about what I was doing with the rest of the night and didn't offer to maybe grab dinner instead which is kinda want I was hoping for. The next day he hadn't responded back to what I had last sent the night before nor even opened the Snapchat I had sent during the day. It's weird cause I feel like up until that day of lunch plans he was super interested in me. We were texting everyday for over two weeks and spending time getting to know one another. He would always say goodnight and good morning and now I haven't heard from him for a whole day. I'm I just overthinking things it did he get over it? |
Question: Does he still like her , or is she just a piece of meat to him ? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:43 PM PST I just started dating this guy . He has a baby mama and told her he wasn't interested in dating her . She was a convenient piece of meat and got pregnant. I know he said this because I saw the text message! Anyway , last night when he was sleep ...I looked in his phone and found a conversation between them. She's going after him for child support . So now he feels forced to have sex with her to keep things right between them . Why is he doing this ? She rejected it . But it bothers me that she threatened him child support and he wants to use sex to get her not to. Should I continue to date him ? His baby mama turned down the Sex in the text message. I do know she still likes him because he kept telling her to move on and that he doesn't want her to love him . |
Question: What does it mean if a man avoids eye contact? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:33 PM PST One of my profs used to only look at me during first few classes, but avoids eye contact now. |
Question: Why hasn t he asked me out? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:33 PM PST My coworker has the fattest crush on me. He makes it so obvious and he loses it when he sees me. He ll fluster and look so cute. He was making copies and I went up to him to chat with him. He told me I looked pretty with my red blazer on. He then blushed and looked away. He got his copies and left. He avoided me the rest of the day. The next day, I heard he was going to ask me out. He saw me and I said hi and he did too. We teased each other and someone pushed him and gave him this look that told him to do something. He started getting nervous and I smiled and he walked away. After work, I asked him if he wanted to walk back home (he lives closer to the office than I do). Even though he lives like half a mile away, he walked one more mile to walk me back home. I hugged him and told him that he was really sweet for walking me back home even though he didn t have to. |
Question: If you are a girl that likes to date bullies, aren't you NOTHING but a SEX OBJECT? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:30 PM PST |
Question: Is it okay to slap a guy if he calls me a B*tch? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:26 PM PST |
Question: My bf said "that is the most beautiful **** he has ever seen" in front of me? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:26 PM PST The movie 'The Godfather' was on, there was the scene this woman goes topless, **** show - you get it, then my bf said "that is the most beautiful **** he has ever seen" , I was shocked that he literally treated me like the-men-with-men thing, you know, but I am his girlfriend. So no, I was not jealous, I was hurt if you can properly understand. And I confronted him, very in my upset way, he didn't bear it, he kicked my *** very HARD. He blamed me for that. He wanted me to tell him just in a neutral way, not with my super upset way, he told me his ex other girlfriends would not take it as an issue the way I did, or if they did they would just let him know easy. Ok, I was not right being such super upset, but what about the kick, did I deserve? |
Question: What do you think this guy is doing? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:23 PM PST I have a crush on this guy.. and suddenly he started to text me and we ate together and talk in class kinda and text everyday about life and he said he wanted to hang out with me but go somewhere far away.. im starting to get a little doubtful that he wants to use me for sex??? i dont know.. bc i told my friend about it and she experienced the same thing when she came to college and i just think it is weird how we are not that close yet but he wants to travel somewhere far with me and suddnely hang out?? he seems nice but you never know.. so i dont know if it is a good idea to hang out with him.. i have a lot of trust issues bc a lot of people.i thought were friends used me and ended up abandoning me... maybe im overthinking.. its making me nervous and scared i did tell him maybe we can go on another day but.. bc i dont think it is somewhere we can stay for just one day?? or maybe im totally wrong.. idk he might be gay but im not so sure.. bc i am a shy person.. and i never had a lot of friends.. i am very easy to get bc i am constantly wanting new friends.. maybe i should be tough? and be like no..? |
Question: Se ve la otra persona cuando observa de la rejilla de ventilacion? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:16 PM PST |
Question: Is he treating me like an option, a "safe card?" Should i keep contact with him? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:09 PM PST I have know this guy for about 12 years (schoolmates). For the past 3 years or so we have gotten closer, we text and talk on the phone. I consider him as one of my closest friends and im more comfortable around him as per my other guy friends. Ive always had a crush on him, kinda still do but never told him, i only told him that hes attractive. Anyways, he started having problems with his girlfriend about 3-4 years now which caused him to drift away from her. Im assuming he started talking to me and to other girls around that time since he started having problems. He talks and flirts with other girls as well, he has tried flirting with me a couple times but i stopped him and he would revert back to our normal non- flirty convos. I try to be just a good friend to him. He has to this day remain in contact with his gf, they go out and whatnot maybe still act like bf/gf but he keeps telling me that he doesn't see a future with her, they can't mend what they had. He has told me several times that when we both reach 30 ( we are both 24) and if we are not in relationships of our own, that he would like to marry me. He says he admires me because im conservative, don't gossip like other girls do and not full of drama and im smart. He has also once or twice complemented me on my looks, tho im not sure if he was being genuine or not. Im beginning to think that he sees me as his 'safe card'. Right now, he is keeping contact with his gf maybe in hopes that they work out, if not, he is talking and flirting with other girls maybe in hopes of finding another girl and if that doesn't work out then the last option is me. Im thinking that he sees it as him having his fun now and then when hes ready to settle down im here. If he says he wants to marry me in the future, why not end his relationship that he says can't be mended, stop flirting with other girls and try on maybe getting to know me better( more than a friend type of way). Im that type of girl who believes in courtship and would prefer to marry her bestfriend My questions are do i value him and our friendship more than he does? Am i his safe card or is he just confused and trying to find what or who works for him? Am i a last option for him? Am i overthinking our situation? Are my thoughts irrational and immature? Should i remain im contact with him? |
Question: Girl says she likes me and flirts over text but doent touch me/act super flirty in person? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:02 PM PST So I told this girl I liked her a few weeks back and she said she likes me too. we've been having flirty conversations over text ever science then (and a little before) but we went out with mutual friends today and she showed no signs of liking me and even seemed uncomfortable when I got too close. She's a shy person and is very quiet but It seems like she would at least touch my hand? I haven't asked if she's comfortable with people knowing but I think she is ... ANYTHING will help. |
Question: Does he like me or not ? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:01 PM PST So there s this guy I ve had a crush on for a while but I was told he s never had any experience with a female and is pretty shy. We recently started talking and things have been going well. I expressed that I liked him recently and he changed the subject. Now me and his bestfriend are pretty close (Another male) and he told me to try to talk to him more because I ve got a chance and that he changed the subject because he didn t know what to say. I just want to know if he likes me or not though. His friends call me "His Girl" and act really weird , giggle and etc. whenever me and him talk. However , I always have to initiate conversations and his answers and texting patterns very. I don t know if this means he doesn t want to talk to me or that again "He doesn t know how to". |
Question: Men, If your life depended on it, which of these ladies would you have sex with? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:54 PM PST 1. Rosie O'donell 2. Janet Reno 3. Whoopie Goldberg 4. The wicked witch of the west |
Question: What is the age difference to be in a different age group? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:53 PM PST |
Question: What is his problem? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:38 PM PST Im 23 he is 36. We met at the gym. After having a few conversations at the gym I got his number and we started texting. I told him I liked him and he said he wasnt looking for anything serious. The conversations got sexual,he started them. A week later I told him I wanted to have sex he said come over now, I couldnt, then he tried to set it up for the next day at the time I couldnt do it then either. Later I tried to set it up twice and asked him if he even atill wanted to do it, he ignored me. I confronted him the next day he said he didnt ignore me just read it and didnt respond. He still says hi to me at they gym, stares at me and has conversations with me. he saw that I had a text and made a joke about me going to have sex with them, the text was from a girl I worked with he didn know that. I wanted to ignore him but its hard. I feel like Im being played with. Like Im being used as an ego boost. He came at me with the sex stuff first and now he wont talk about it. Whats the problem? What should I do? |
Question: Does my exes best friend like means if so how do I pursue? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:28 PM PST So my ex's friend kept sending me multiple emoji texts and saying block her after I said I don't want to talk to her anymore. Do you think she likes me? I told her I love her and that I want to **** her after we had a heated argument on Facebook messenger.. she says she doesn't **** her friends ex but she unblocks me everytime she blocks me.. this is the fourth blocked me and unblocked me.. she keeps saying I have a little dick after I sent her my dick pic.. and idk.. I even asked her if she was still there and she said her phone was dead or something and then I explained to her that I want her.. does she like me and if so how do I get her to go to the next level.. she keeps sending me fire and thumbs up emojis even while I'm texting but I'm not answering her.. |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:19 PM PST I imagine that it would feel way more comforting in the end when he finally gets the courage to ask you out if I don't try to dress or act in a way I normally would not just to push or manipulate him to ask me out. I know its nature to want to show off your assets more or flirt or whatever but in the end its worth it to know he asked you out cause he saw you were worth it even when you were hidden. It shows he came up with the courage within his own self and used his own mind and heart to decide when/how to show that he wants to date you. That's the point, that if he comes to you its cause hes interested (hopefully not for sex or money) and not cause you were so desperate that you chased him or manupulated him. |
Question: What is he trying to do? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:12 PM PST This guy in my class is in a group project with me. I have been taking someone else's sit which is right behind his so last class I decided to move although the sit was empty. I guess he expected me to sit there since when I sat elsewhere, he looks unhappy. My teammates were looking at me too. And then after class, he grabbed his bagpack and left first. I then thiught he left and so I headed out too. But he was at the door waiting to leave the building while on his phone. As i approached, he then started leaving. What is he doing? |
Question: She thinks I'm a player???? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:12 PM PST I work with this girl Alyssa and I like her alot, and likes me back. But the problem is that I'm always sorrounded by girls at work, and I've noticed Alyssa ends up feeling bad about herself. I'm not even flirting with anyone because they are just my friends. Sometimes I'm sitting in the cafeteria at work and they always sit beside me, and people assume I'm a player. I only have eyes for Alyssa, what should I doo about this situation????? How do I show Alyssa I only like her???? All the girls that sit with me have boyfriends and we all grew up together. |
Question: My boyfriend's cousin sent him videos of her twerking....? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:12 PM PST So one day he showed me the message and said his cousin sent this and I saw the video. He replied "if you weren't my cousin I would f you" and he said he was just joking. Anyways she sent him another video right after. I asked him today and he said he had deleted them. But idk I feel extremely paranoid about what else she could be sending him. I was sent some messages between him and some other girl a few months earlier, saying he wanted to try again and he would date her in the future if they're both single and they should go on a date(also in the future). He said he was just "being nice" cause she wouldn't leave him alone but I don't think he would have told me about it if I hadn't seen the texts. So u can see where my trust issues come from. Anyways, I just wanna know if I'm being paranoid and shouldn't worry about him and his cousin? |
Question: Not sure what to think of her? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:10 PM PST Her bf broke up with her half a year ago and she decided she wanted to go search for who she actually was and date multiple guys so she could know if she was dating the one . The first time we ended up making out for over an hour, though afterwards she said there was something missing (some lacking physical attraction). We ended up going out again as friends, but at the end there was this weird tention which she afterwards said she had felt as well. She did add that she still felt better as friends and that kissing wouldn't exactly have reflected how she felt. Now she's saying she's confused about her ex though wouldn't want to get back with him at the time and wouldn't be going on anymore dates with other guys, though she did agree to meet with me again next week. I m not exactly sure What to think of all this, mostly because of the way she acts when we are together (mostly the way she look at me). She also think I m good looking so I m not exactly sure what physical thing is missing (she didn t even know)... Is it even worth persuing? |
Question: How patient should I be? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:01 PM PST Known this guy a few months - met on dating app and talk for hours at a time online, we've met twice in person and both times involved sex - we're not dating but no reason for me to think there's anyone else. His life is a mess at the moment and he's struggling with his mental health, a few weeks back he had bad news so totally withdrew and didn't talk to me or anyone else for a week, since then he'll go a few days without talking to me and we've not seen each other for weeks but he doesn't seem as keen to see me. He knows he isn't in a place to have a relationship right now and has asked me to be patient with him, he's said he's trying to do better with himself, but he's also said that he doesn't expect me to wait for him. I'm not sure how much of this is him struggling mentally or how much it's just him no longer being into me, I'm not sure how much I should be patient that he'll want to be with me or if I should just give up. Will he ever be in a place to have a relationship? |
Question: GIRLS, does it sound like she likes me? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:47 PM PST Hi, so I'm a 17 year old boy, and I think I've fallen in love with this girl I'm currently friends with. We go to different high schools, except we went to the same one for our sophomore year. We're both juniors now, and we've stayed in touch over Instagram for the most part. I think I've developed feelings for her. She's Mexican, and she has a really nice smile, a nice personality, and is very uplifting and positive to be around. Anyways, here's what I've noticed recently: - She has liked and commented on all of my Instagram photos with all three of her accounts - She invited me to go to a movie with her a year ago in person, which I gladly accepted :) - We talk through DM on Instagram pretty often - She'll message me on some of my photos and compliment me on how I look - I think she anonymously messaged me on my Sarahah saying "I love you, you're the best" - She seems to always post about being single and wanting a boyfriend Again, I've developed feelings for her, but I wanna know what I should do. Does it sound like she may like me or want to see me? Help! What do I do now? |
Question: Dont know what to do , if i get an abortion my relationship will end? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:41 PM PST Ive been with my boyfriend for 3 months and i am 6 weeks pregnant. We disagree alot (not really fight or argue) and he always likes to act like he knows best and it puts me down. Ive been feeling so upset because i feel i am not ready for a child and he really wants this baby and is against abortion. I have a job but not a good paying one, and live with my parents still. He has a good paying job and would be able to support us but i stilk would not want to risk it if something were to happen i would want to be able to support me and the child on my own. Im afraid he will leave me if i do not keep it since thats basically what he has said and i need his support more than ever i dont want to go threw it alone and lose him as well. I am in love with him and also want to take into consideration what he wants. I just feel as tho i am not ready and yes i realize it is my fault for being irresponsible. I just wish he were there for me either way and i dont want to keep the baby just to make him stay because that would be wrong too. Any advice will help |
Question: I want to marry this man that I love, but.... what should I do? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:40 PM PST The man I m marrying lives with his parents. He works 30 hours a week. He is 24. I m 21. We got engaged in December, and we plan to have a wedding in May. The problem is, his mom is controlling his life until he gets married. Her rules include he is only allowed to see me three days a week. Also, as he and his family are religious, he is not allowed to be alone with me at my house because we might get tempted to have premarital sex. Also, during those 3 days at a time that we see each other, we are only allowed to spend a maximum of 6 hours together. He also has a curfew of 11pm that he has to be home, and I am also not allowed to be at their house either past 11pm. I understand there being SOME rules, as he lives in their home still... but this is making it nearly impossible to date him. It s like we are not allowed to spend much time together at all. When we re at his house, we re not allowed to be under a blanket together even just to watch movies while we re there. She also said we re not allowed to see each other for a whole week before the wedding reception. I love my fiancé dearly, as he is a sweet guy... but he s so nice that he obeys his mom s rules and doesn t go against them. What should I do? I really want to marry him, and his mom claims she won t bother us after he s married and moved out, but that while he s living there she feels responsible for him. What should I do? |
Question: Does it make sense to break up with someone who is transferring to a university? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:31 PM PST My gf broke up with me because I'm headed to Universiy. It's the same state and I'll be at the same address. The only difference is I have to leave and get my degree and the university is 2 hours away. I'm still trying to make sense of why I got dumped for something I have no control over. |
Question: Why did he ask me this? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:30 PM PST So there's this boy and he is in 4 of my classes. He asked me Are you like in all of my classes? And I said yes and I have been in his classes for 5 months why did he ask me? Does he just want to talk to me? |
Question: Why are girls treated better than guys in human society? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:28 PM PST i met girls from arabic countries and they are treated with royalty. guys are usually treated bad if they are failures. sadly girls are always treated with respect even if they are losers |
Question: How can I get the courage to go on a date with someone off the internet? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:25 PM PST I am 25 years old, never really dated...very inexperienced and embarrassed about it. I'm not really close to my dad or any males, so I feel timid. I'm thinking about meeting some guys this year, but I don't know how to get the courage to actually meet them. Are there other things I could try first? It feels like an awkward way to meet people, but I've had no success offline. |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:20 PM PST I asked her if she has a big butt and she said "Hahaha whoa, didn't see that one coming Uhh idk. I try not to, but. . . yeah. . . it's a hard one to lose" |
Question: Should I go out with him? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:19 PM PST So here's the full story. He doesn't have the best reputation, known for making out with girls and hitting on a lot of them. He doesn't really have many friends and I feel like he watches me during school. Last year he tried to hit on me, but I rejected him. This year he tried it again and I rejected it again. Now, he says he's changed and seems a lot more mature. Should I just go for it? It's not even really a date, I'm just worried because I've never really had a conversation or anything with him and worried the date would be awkward. |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:15 PM PST |
Question: What do you guys think of this girl? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:13 PM PST |
Question: Found out my mom messages my ex, is that weird? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:10 PM PST So I just found out today my mom randomly Facebook messages my high school ex (it's been several years since we broke up) just to ask how he's doing and such...I didn't want to hurt her feelings but I got really embarrassed and told her that I didn't feel comfortable with that. They weren't even close when we dated so I had no idea that she was doing this. Should I be upset??? Is that weird that she does that? |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:07 PM PST |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:01 PM PST My girl best friends always has guys telling me I'm hot, but she never tells me exactly who they are. Are they all just trying to sleep with me? I'm not even that pretty or slutty. |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 04:55 PM PST |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 04:54 PM PST I've never went throgh this feeling with females, accept this current one I'm with. She tells me after I'm done going down her It'll be my turn. Then when its my turn, she makes excuses around giving head, yet she'll brag to me about how many guys she's went down on in the past and now, but nit with me. I feel like a used idiot.This is what I get for being a nice guy. A woman should never request fir cunnilingus, if she's not going to reciprocate. I feel she's using me for oral. I've tried talking to her about hiw I feel, and she doesn't care at all. Is she using me ir no? |
Question: What's your honest advice for picking GCSE's in year 9? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 04:50 PM PST |
Question: When does a boy really become a man? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 04:46 PM PST |
Question: Are there any women interested in sph? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 04:45 PM PST |
Question: I feel like il never truly get over my ex? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 04:37 PM PST So he was my first love. I've never loved anyone else. We broke up loads of times but we were together in total for a little over 2 years. I know our break up was for the best but it still hurts. It's not like I miss him and want to get back together with him (I actually have a crush on someone else), but thinking about him dating someone new - especially any of the girls who I was always wary of him flirting with when we were together - makes me nauseous and really sad. I don't want him to have what we had with them. I know that sounds selfish. But I feel like I suffered so much loving him. I don't want to be that bitter ex that hates her ex's new girlfriend, but I feel like I can't get over him? I don't know how ever I will be okay with him with somebody else. Any advice? |
Question: How can I be someone who's ready for a relationship? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 04:22 PM PST I'm 18 and there's a guy I really like, the problem is though every time we get into a relationship my depression causes me to get frusterated at slight issues and give up. I still love him and he loves me and we talk about how we feel, but I told him to give me some time to change myself for the better so I don't hurt him more, how can I do that though?? Do I need to go to counseling or is this something I can fix on my own? I know I'm young but I'm trying to be mature and put the bigger picture over my wants, I want to be with him but I need to change, but it's difficult to just change and I want to show him I'm trying for him |
Question: What did she mean to me? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 04:21 PM PST Read what's said in the picture and what did she mean? |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 04:20 PM PST |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 04:06 PM PST He seems down to earth ... He complimented me a few times and he also looked at my face for a few extra seconds than normal when we talked once. |
Question: This guy in the workplace is stressing me? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 03:45 PM PST This guy at work that recently started msging me about 2 days ago (we've never talked at work, only hi once) asked me to go for a movie. I live in a society where if a guy and girl are seen together, it's judged, and honestly, since I am an expat here, guys at work generally think I'll be up for anything. Truth is, I'm concerned about my reputation, esp at work because my workplace gossips a lot. I told this guy that I'm busy and I prefer not to go with guys alone at night esp. His reply was 'teenager, why do you care what people think... now I know how to deal with you, never to ask you to hang out again... it's not like I asked to marry you'. My reply was 'no comment, have a good evening'. His reply felt rude, it's like he didn't respect my boundaries. Of only speaking to him for 2 days on msgs, he already started using the words like 'dumbass' or stuff as a joke, but I don't appreciate it when guys do this without even knowing a girl. I had to show him that I do have limitations, of course I wouldn't mind hanging out with him later on, and maybe I would go for a movie once I know him better. But idk I'm stressing over it.. what do you guys think? Did I do the right thing or what should I have done? |
Question: Does he sound desperate? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 03:37 PM PST I met this guy online and we originally were going to have sex but then we ended up just hanging out in my car talking. The whole time I kept covering up my face and would not let him see it. He kept trying to push my hands away so he can see it but I tried keeping it on there even when he tried pulling it off as hard as he could. He later on told me he liked me and wanted me to kiss him. I wouldn't let him kiss me and kept my hand in front of my face so he couldn't kiss me. He later told me he liked me and said he wanted to kiss me. I finally let him kiss me but I told him he had to close his eyes first. He asked me to be his girlfriend. We text after that and he always texts me goodnight/good morning. He always tells me he wants to see me and cuddle with me all night. Tonight we were supposed to hangout and I gave him a certain time where we can hangout at and he text me a lot asking if we could hangout right now. I asked why and he said he has nothing to do until that time.. He tells me he wants me in his arms all night and I asked why and he said he needs it.. Does he sound desperate? |
Question: What is his problem? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 03:34 PM PST Im 23 he is 36. We met at the gym. After having a few conversations at the gym I got his number and we started texting. I told him I liked him and he said he wasnt looking for anything serious. The conversations got sexual,he started them. A week later I told him I wanted to have sex he said come over now, I couldnt, then he tried to set it up for the next day at the time I couldnt do it then either. Later I tried to set it up twice and asked him if he even atill wanted to do it, he ignored me. I confronted him the next day he said he didnt ignore me just read it and didnt respond. He still says hi to me at they gym, stares at me and has conversations with me. he saw that I had a text and made a joke about me going to have sex with them, the text was from a girl I worked with he didn know that. I wanted to ignore him but its hard. I feel like Im being played with. Like Im being used as an ego boost. He came at me with the sex stuff first and now he wont talk about it. Whats the problem? What should I do? |
Question: What do you think I should do? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 03:34 PM PST I'm 33 my boyfriend is 39 I met him in college in 2005 now we live 1 hr and 50 minutes from each other. All week he kept nagging me to call him back every day now he's telling me to take a train to see him I don't feel comfortable doing it I tell him I have something else going on he doesn't seem to understand it. It can be risky taking a train all by yourself if you don't know where you"re going. He was different in 2005 when I met him. The way he's acting is scary when I say I can't see him he won't leave it alone I don't know what to do. |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 03:10 PM PST |
Question: Is my girlfriend anorexic? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 03:04 PM PST So she's 17 and 5'9 and all i know is that she used to weigh around 145lbs which is already slim. i just came back from college for the weekend and i saw her for the first time in like a few months, she definitely is under 120 at this point. I am seeing her tonight again but i don't know if i should ask her, i do not want to make her uncomfortable. She didn't seem to mention her weight lost but when she picked me up from the airport i noticed she was slimmer so i offered to get us food to see what she would say, she turned it down and said she already ate? I dont know what to do, or where to start if i want to help her. |
Question: Does he not find me attractive? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 02:54 PM PST I asked a guy I was casually hooking up with via text whether he liked me and he didnt respond. I then said, "Well why did you take me out to dinner if you didnt like me?" and he said, "Because I told you I would and I don't go against my word". I took this as he was saying I didnt want to go and I didnt like you. Weeks later he said that I took it out of context. Do you think he just isnt THAT physically attracted to me? |
Question: Is this it worth hanging on to this guy? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 02:52 PM PST I ve been seeing someone for almost 6 months now and I don t know if the relationship is going anywhere. He works six days a week and travels a lot for work so he never sees me during the week as he is too tired. When we first started dating we would see each other once a week on a Sunday, but now we see each other once every two weeks because he said he needs to make time for the boys. I have no problem with him seeing his friends, but surely if he knew Sunday was the only day he could see me he d want to spend some time with me? He makes it out like I should be grateful I see him at all. I just don t know if it s worth continuing, his friends and family know about me but I haven t met any of them, it s like I m not really a priority in his life and I think I should be at this stage. I just don t want to have my time wasted any more.. should I just end things? |
Question: What does a frozen facial expression mean? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 02:51 PM PST Ok so this happened to me twice with two different girls. For the first girl, after a dinner with a huge group she went to hug me but then when we let go her face was like frozen into this scrunched expression for a long time. Then she quickly went and hugged someone else. And yesterday in school, I hugged a different girl and she had the same expression, too. Then she quickly talked to someone else. Why do girls' faces freeze after I hug them? I don't know if it's because we're around other people, like maybe I embarrassed them or something. I kind of do hug for a long time haha. I mean, these are girls that I've been interested in for awhile What does this facial expression mean? PLZ help |
Question: How to become a thing with a current female friend? Please help!? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 02:50 PM PST Hey guys, so I'm 17 years old, and recently, I think I've developed feelings for this one girl who's a friend of mine. Anyways, here's a little backstory on what's currently going on: We went to the same high school together for our sophomore year, and we texted each other quite a bit through social media and hung out at school quite often. Towards the end of that school year, she invited me to go to the movies with her, which I did, and since then, we've maintained a good connection with each other. I have a feeling that she may've liked me for a little while, and she did seem to want to hang out with me a lot in school. She transferred to a school a 1/2 mile away from my house, and as of now, we haven't seen each other in person for a while, but she likes and comments on all of my Instagram posts, saying that I look good and such. I think she also may've left an anonymous comment on my Sarahah, saying that she loved me lol. Anyways, I've kinda found that I like her a lot, and I'm hoping to somehow hook up with her sometime soon. I think she's really beautiful, she's half Mexican or something, and she's really nice, friendly, and inspiring. I also have noticed that she posts a lot on Instagram about her being single and wanting a significant other...How can I get together with her maybe? Does it sound like she may already kind of like me? |
Question: How should I handle this breakup? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 02:36 PM PST Well we dated for a month. She told me she was breaking up with me because I was transferring to university and wanted to be in the military. I'm in shock because it came up and we discussed solutions but I got blindsided today. |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 02:36 PM PST am i a slut for showing off my body that i'm proud of (not nudity) i post pics in my two piece and i've been called a slut many times and been told i have no dignity :( i just wanna love myself |
Question: How should I handle this breakup? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 02:34 PM PST |
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