Family: Question: Angr dad problem please hep thank uyo? |
- Question: Angr dad problem please hep thank uyo?
- Question: I am 19 pregnant and I am alone with my 1 month old sister and she fell asleep on my boob should I unlatch her or not? I have friends here?
- Question: What is a reasonable rate to charge for a ranch/ horse camp? 1 week , 2 weeks & 1 month prices?
- Question: Ladies would you do this?
- Question: Do I have the legal ability to demand that my father take me home? Do I also have the ability to refuse to go to my father's home?
- Question: Am I in the wrong? PLEASE READ!!!?
- Question: I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! My parents want to send me to military school?
- Question: I am Falling for a man that works for my Father and Brother, but they hate the idea. What do I do?
- Question: I have a controlling mother which has cause me to be depressed and have anxiety. I dont know what to do and i need help?
- Question: Is it ok for my mom to have an emotional relationship with a man who is married but planning on getting a divorce?
- Question: I keep getting bullied by my brother but my mom never does anything?
- Question: I need a job! i'm in los angeles?
- Question: How to get my parents to let me take flight lessons?
- Question: I hate my mom?.. (this isnt a troll)?
- Question: Should I report my dad?
- Question: I'm a bi girl and I never want to be around the people from the LGBT community.?
- Question: My daughter is having a seizure in church and her boobs came out should I pull her bra up or leave them exposed?
- Question: My girlfriend said shes starting to feel shes not right for me?
- Question: Why does my sister love this ?
- Question: I am 17 and my 9 year old sister just got my boobs out of my bikini and now I'm exposed should I pull my bikini up or keep them exposed?
- Question: Relationship with my mother?
- Question: Is it normal for my daughter to tease her brother like this?
- Question: Grounded For Beating My Dad At Call of Duty?
- Question: Howdo you deal with hypocritical parents that dont listen to you at all?
- Question: How to deal with aunt who is bullying me?
- Question: Why is my brother so nosy?
- Question: Why is my sister so stupid?
- Question: Not sure how to deal with my immediate family?
- Question: I haven't been doing good in academics. I'm a freshmen in highschool, I constantly get mediocre or horrible grades in every subject!?
- Question: Should I tell my brother I poked holes in his condoms?
- Question: My uncle disowned me because I did not approve of my Mom (his sister) leaving my Dad for another man. How do I act when I see him?
- Question: My sister is raging at my mother because my mother caught her having sex with her vibrator. Can my brother and I laugh?
- Question: My Dad likes to snuggle with me. I like it to. We are 37 and 62. Is this okay?
- Question: Is my mom depressed? How can I help?
- Question: I am so scared of being rejected by extended family. It is like if one person rejects me they get others on their side. What do I do?
- Question: My aunt's ex-husband died and my cousins are sad. Would it be wrong if I went to the funeral for their sake?
- Question: My mother is mad I called my Dad's boss for him when he was drunk and on the lawn and said he was sick. Was this wrong of me?
- Question: Ladies do you drive barefoot and not bring your shoes if you don't need shoes?
- Question: How do I go about asking my mother I want to live in Poland?
- Question: I need some advice. Desperatly.?
- Question: My Mom Smokes Weed..?
- Question: Did my mom do the right thing?
- Question: Can i use my condenser mic without headphones and use a speaker?
- Question: I feel like someone is stalking me on public transit. Persuade mom to let me go w/sister and/or what to do meanwhile waiting for license?
- Question: I take public transit and have strong gut feeling that someone has been following me for the past few weeks. How to make mom understand?
- Question: Im having skype sex with my first cousin. Is this okay?
- Question: Controlling Parents?
- Question: Can y'all tell me what's up with my aunt?
- Question: Do I have a right to be upset at this or am i just being sensitive?
- Question: Why didn't my mom say anything when she found condoms in my bag?
- Question: What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear that someone is contemplating?
- Question: How do you cope with a family member who is unreasonable and closed off?
- Question: Estoy muy enojado con mi madre por asuntos de chats secuestros ¿ que ago para que se baje o se me quite lo enojado por culpa de mi madre ?
- Question: I have the worst mom ever! Please help!?
- Question: Mom calls me selfish for buying things for myself when I contribute to the house all the time?
- Question: Mom calls me selfish for buying things for myself?
- Question: My dad isn't picking up the phone?
- Question: Why is my sister not mature? shes 17 im 15?
- Question: What do I do when my parents fight?
Question: Angr dad problem please hep thank uyo? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 01:35 PM PST Hi im scard my dad will be angry at me because he told em about his group called kkk and its mean kozy kream kup i don' kow if that how its spellt its sound like ice cream shop but he said that they fight choclate people but i like choclate not kream im scared he will be angry what do i say too him becaus when he was talkig about this choclateteam who are his enemys he was very angry ? |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 01:30 PM PST |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 01:16 PM PST |
Question: Ladies would you do this? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 01:15 PM PST I will be leaving early in the morning to go visit my parents for 2 weeks. I have a long 9 hour drive so to be more comfortable on my long drive I am going to drive in my bare feet and keep my sandals behind my seat out of the way. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 01:04 PM PST I am a 17 year old boy in the state of Kansas. I primarily live with my mother and on a bi weekly schedule I have to go to my father's house. He is by no means abusive but I do feel like he takes favoritism towards one of my brothers as I notice blatant hypocrisies in favor of my brother. due to this I have been having feelings of worthlessness, some suicidal thoughts and feel that it is best if I get out of the house and away from my father as soon as possible. I want to know if I can legally demand that he take me back to my mother's house. I would also like to know if I can legally refuse to go my father's house. feel free to ask any questions that may help give a better answer. |
Question: Am I in the wrong? PLEASE READ!!!? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 01:01 PM PST My younger brother has this need to control me. A few weeks ago, he got very upset with me because I watched Deepwater Horizon without asking him first. After that, he started making all of these rules for me to follow. I was not allowed to watch anything... movies, tv, youtube... any of it. I followed his rules until one night I snapped, and started yelling that I wasn't going to let him control me anymore. He yelled back even worse. The next day, I decided not to eat dinner because I didn't want to be around him. That made him EXPLODE!!! He got his plate and threw it across the floor, started breaking everything in his path. He punched a hole through the wall, and broke his hand, and said that he was going to cut his wrist, but he couldn't get the knife open because of his injured hand. My mom and other brother completely lost it with me. I was called a "*****" for the first time, and told that if he would have died, it would be my fault. I had to beg for his and the rest of my families forgiveness, and agreed to continue following his rules. I'm so scared that if I say or do the wrong thing, he really will kill himself... but I don't want to be controlled anymore. What should I do? Did I deserve this? PLEASE be honest... even if it's my fault, I need to know. |
Question: I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! My parents want to send me to military school? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:48 PM PST What should I do if I have horrible parents and they want to send me to a military school. They always accuse me of stuff that they did just so they can get away with it. For example about a month ago my dad stole something from a store and then when then when they caught him he said I had stolen it and I was almost sent to Juvi had it not been for the security cameras. Then there s the time when I was in 7th grade and they disowned me for a week even though it was considered "child abandonment" and then they bribed the judge and it worked. The only reason they accepted me back into the family is becuase my dad's boss found out and he told my dad he would fire and have my dad arrested if he didn't undisown me. Now fast forward to today I'm in 10th grade and 15. I have low grades and I've become an extremely rude person. I have 4 F's and 2 A's and my teachers want to have a parent teacher conference. My parents told me that if I have any F's they'll send me to a military school and I believe them because of all the things they've done to me. I wanna tell my teachers what my parents have done to me so that they won't send me to a military school but I'm pretty sure they won't believe me because everyone at my school including my teachers know I m rude. But nobody knows that the reason I'm rude is becuase of the horrible things my parents do to me on a daily basis. What do I do i don't want to be sent to a military school. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:42 PM PST He has been working there for a year now. I am 24 and he is 20. We started out as friends and just really hit it off. I talked to my dad and brother about the idea of us and they immediately shot it down saying that he is useless and can't manage his money. My dad said that he wouldn't be proud to call him his son in law. I disagree with what they say. Yes he sucks at managing his money, but so did I until about the age of 22. He has been working 3 times harder since my dad said that he is useless, which does not seem like something a useless person would do. We have been sneaking around to see each other, but my family has started suspecting us. I really really like this guy. More than I would like to admit. Am I wrong for wanting to just defy them and go for it? I am 24 ffs, I live on my own in a different town, but then again it will put so much strain on their work life. Any advice for me? |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:36 PM PST I have a controlling mother that makes me feel like just an item . She emotionally abuses me, less now than she used to, but she still does it. Shell call me a bit** or idiot because I dont want to go somewhere with her. She also used to say that I do sexual things with my father or my friends, which I obviously dont. She started saying horrible things about my best friend because she knew it would push my buttons. Keep in mind, I m just a teenager. Now, she won t let me even be in the same room as my father because she thinks Ill do sexual things with him. She wont let me go outside in front of my house without her because she thinks someone will kidnap me or something of those sorts. While, when i was 9 years old, I was able to go more than a mile away with my friends as long as I has my phone. My mother wont let me be in the bathroom for ten minutes before having to come in and see what Im doing. She used to emotinally abuse my father too, as well as wake him up in the middle of the night multiple times. When my father told her to stop, she wouldnt, and she would just ignore what he said. My mother will lie to us, for example saying she will take me to home, but takes me with her to the store. She disregards my feelings, and just ignores me when i tell her my opinions that she doesnt agree with. I cant go over to my friends house, because apparently a man that Ive known since i was a baby (and has never done anything bad to anyone) will do sexual things to me, or if he doesnt, me and my friends will. Another insult she would say to me would be lesbian . Also, whenever I told her how she made me feel like and item, or just a personal beloning, she would laugh and look away at the floor. Im depressed because of it, I cant do anything to get away from my nightmare. I have anxiety, afraid of so many things. I want to cut or hurt myself because I dont know what can make me feel better anymore. Somebody please help me |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:23 PM PST Listen up ok.Me, my brother and my sisters love our mom dearly. Up until recently this man has been working over at our house. DAILY. He is a kind of guy who LITERALLY you can tell it's obvios he likes your mom because he try's to hard.My dad however is divorced from my mom because he cheated. He has cancer and lives by himself.We see him on the weekends. My sisters who came home from college for Christmas saw wierd texts on my moms phone from the man one day. It was all heart emojis and said how much he loved her and how much she loved him. Me and my sisters and brother don't like this guy at all. He is married but doesn't love his wife and his wife doesn't either. My sisters and I got mad at my mom and told her that this was so wrong and that we don't know her anymore. My moms like a new person since this started and gets really mad at me for simple things now. It's had put such a strain on me and I personally don't need this in my life with everything else going on. My little brother was scared and we were crying and calling our mother an adulterer. She says it's fine because he and his wife didn't love each other and they plan on getting divorced soon. We also feel alone because we have no one we can trust now.Now both of my parents are are horrible. She refuses to leave this man and says that he is a good guy.ifeel so stressed and depressed. She also lied to her kids for half a years that he's been working on our house. Is this ok for her to do? |
Question: I keep getting bullied by my brother but my mom never does anything? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:18 PM PST |
Question: I need a job! i'm in los angeles? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:17 PM PST |
Question: How to get my parents to let me take flight lessons? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 11:59 AM PST So a bit of a background... My sister is in theater. They spend a LOT of money on her voice lessons and theater fees. Always talking about her talent. Supporting her future entirely. I have wanted to be a pilot since I was around five years old, and I am the oldest. I have asked many many many many times to be in flight school. It is always brushed off. They are planning on enrolling her and my other sister into a performing arts school, which will be a LOT of money. I asked to be in flight school (I homeschool through a virtual class program and have good grades. I multitask with school anyways, so taking flight lessons after class and maybe on weekends wouldn't be a problem there) instead. Again, it was brushed off. I've tried speaking to them seriously about it. Teling them that it's the future I want and that I'd like to take it seriously. They both really seemed uninterested in what I had to say. I'm about to tell them that it's unfair that they spend a lot of time and money on my sisters future but never will let me have mine. I want to clarify, that I would be willing to pay for it myself. However my dad told me that I'm not allowed to have a job until I move out. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I can't let my dream slip away and I want to start now. I'm already 17. Please help me... |
Question: I hate my mom?.. (this isnt a troll)? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 11:53 AM PST ive always loved my mom, but now im plain heartbroken. my dad and her are divorced, and my dad works really far away from our city. ever since then she started getting boyfriends and all she did was sleep with them. it makes me sick to my stomach and all i could do is cry until they stop. i tried talking to her about it, and all she did was yell at me. she completely ignores me and treats me like a piece of garbage. today i tried looking for a saved bookmark of my school journal on her tablet, and my jaw dropped when i saw her history. she was looking at sex toys and machines for sale. she didnt even bother using incognito mode. i heard her talking about sex with her friends. she loves her boyfriends more than me and i have a feeling that she doesnt want me. my grandma literally just told me that she misscarried from her ex and i burst out crying because i didnt even meet my sibling, even though it was my biggest dream to have a younger brother/sister. she wont change my last name and documents, so without those things my grandma and dad dont count as my family members. theyre the only ones that i can come crying to. i am depressed and i have to take pills everyday, and my mom doesnt even bat her eye at this. i want to call child line but i dont want to be separated from her because then i wont have a mother.... what should i do?..... forgot to mention, please dont tell me things like (oh ur mom is an adult) (sex made u u dumdum) or (get ovr it) because this is serious and not a joke. |
Question: Should I report my dad? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 11:38 AM PST I'm 15 and it's just me and my dad. Idk how but we have bed bugs and we have had them for well over a year now and I've kind of just adapted to it thinking it was normal. I'm completely fed up and I can't deal with it, I've tried talking to everyone in my family and they just tell me to call the cops or report him to the health department. I was hoping someone in my family would let me stay with them for a few days but I guess not. I'm constantly getting bit up and I have so many scars from all of the bites and scratching at them. Whenever someone sees my arms or my legs I just say it's from my eczema. I have no other choice. I might get put into foster care but that's what scares me. Yes I wash my sheets in hot water every other day, we are not dirty people by any means. They aren't even in the mattresses anymore they must hide behind things. My dad has tried using sprays and bug bombs but it just doesn't work and it's only going to get worse I have cried to him so many times saying I can't do this and he yells at me. I don't know what to do because he's my dad and I don't have anyone else and at the same time I might get taken away. |
Question: I'm a bi girl and I never want to be around the people from the LGBT community.? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 11:34 AM PST |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 11:16 AM PST |
Question: My girlfriend said shes starting to feel shes not right for me? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 11:14 AM PST My girlfriend has old school parents, with old school vaules. The one thing we always seem to fight about is sex im scared she is going to leave me over it.. Here is the thing I really enjoy sex, she says she does too ,but she very scared of getting pregnant. (but shes on birth control) She already has a kid from another relationship. She always always had her kid with. We ended up getting into a huge fight over this. Her child was in the back seat sleeping, and I pulled over so we have a quickie in the woods. The car was only 10 feet from us, and I put down the Windows we can hear, and in was able to see the car, but she freaked out because she didn't want to leave her child, and she worried about can pull up. We been on and off fighting about sex over a year. Now she keeps saying she is really struggling with out relationship. That she feels she may not be fight for me, and I need someone like my ex's who hace more freedom and less restorations. And it's okay for me to need that. She's been acting off ever since our last fight. Only time she even acted normal was she got into a fender bender calling and crying cause the guy was a jerk to her over it |
Question: Why does my sister love this ? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 11:13 AM PST My sister loves to lay in bed with me and cuddle. Why ? |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 11:09 AM PST |
Question: Relationship with my mother? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 11:04 AM PST I'm an 18 year old girl. Lately I've been thinking about my childhood and I'm kind of confused. I don't remember ever being hugged by my mother. I remember kissing her & holding her hand when we went places and stuff like that but I don't ever remember hugging her. Does this mean it didn't happen? In the last few years since I became a teenager and all that, she's hugged me loads but I just don't remember anything like that from my childhood. I'm not sure if I don't remember it because I was so young and my memory just isn't great at remembering things from a young age. Just like to add I love her so much. I couldn't imagine my life without her. I'm so attached to her and we have such a good/close relationship and I'm so thankful for that. Anyone have any advice or ever experienced this? |
Question: Is it normal for my daughter to tease her brother like this? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 10:40 AM PST I have a teenage son John and a teenage daughter Lisa. They are good kids and get along good well with each other. They just like to have fun especially with each other. One night at the dinner table Lisa ask me if she could get some balloons like John had. John said "What are you talking about? I don't have any balloons." Lisa said "I saw them in your desk drawer". "They are Trojan brand balloons". OH MY GOD, am I going to have to have the "talk" with Lisa again. But what she said next told me the "talk" was not necessary. She said "John, do you have to special order the balloons to get the size extra extra small". John thought what she ask him was REALLY funny and said, you misread the label. The are extra extra large. Should me daughter be teasing her brother like that even when he thinks it is funny? |
Question: Grounded For Beating My Dad At Call of Duty? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 10:39 AM PST Hi, I'm a 15 year-old guy, and I just beat my dad at COD IW. My dad is a no life at the game, and gets really mad whenever he dies or loses. So my dad and I did a 1v1, where I was on my Xbox, and he was on his. I beat my dad 25-13, and he threw his controller at the ground and threw a fit. Now he grounded me from electronics for 3 months. Is this fair? |
Question: Howdo you deal with hypocritical parents that dont listen to you at all? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:53 AM PST I hate my parents, they never let me and my brother do anything! I cant talk to my friends, cant hang out with them, cant video chat them or text them, i cant play video games, all my electronics are taken away, they barely even let us go outside anymore! They are hypocrites, they complain about us not finding anything to do without gaming, texting, or being on social media, when they do that 24/7, my dad even uses his ipad to learn guitar. And every other teenager has and xbox one, a ps4, or some other next gen electronic, which they could of got me for my birthday, they say they have no money but then my dad, 2 days after my birthday, goes and buys a guitar for him self that was like $600! And also when i do ask to do other thing they just reply with no. I m about to run away from this place. I hate it here! |
Question: How to deal with aunt who is bullying me? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:40 AM PST She has problems in her life,she got divorced twice and had no kids. She is 45 yo sister of my mother . I m 26 ,I see her quite often when she is with my mother,because I visit my mother to take care of her . She screams at me and sometimes call names,I can fight fire with fire and put her back in her place but I don t want my mother to be sad . What should I do? |
Question: Why is my brother so nosy? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:40 AM PST He always has been he just isn't as nosy as he used to be because I'm older and have a lot of control but he used to go through my phone he almost did recently but I told him to f*ck off basically we had a fight he sometimes ask if I smoked weed before that is none of his business I've been through so much that he doesn't know about and he doesn't need to. |
Question: Why is my sister so stupid? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:56 AM PST My younger sister she is 28 soon to turn 29 and she is very very pretty too but she already has three children with her soon to be ex husband she is very stupid she cheated on him but he also had a double life with another woman so both are idiots. She is a big flirt and kind of plays around with some guys she makes them want her but she just stops talking to them and ignores them when she meets a guy she really likes she chases after him, now she is chasing after a 24 year old man who is good looking I admit but he is a player, he is like one of the top guys in our town, he is very picky I knew him so I know she is not his type she attracts him just as a playmate he even told me not to worry he knows how she is is and there won't be anything serious between them? He even uploaded a video on Facebook of her legs wrapped around his waist she still had clothes, her dumb husband might use it against her in the divorce. he is a bad influence especially with her she goes to his apartment and gets drunk with him and leaves her kids with her in laws and comes back making a fool of herself. I told her he does not want her for anything serious especially since she has kids, he has many girls after him and I a lot are beautiful women some more than her she will get hurt and come crying to me like she did with her husband and I do not want to go through that again I have problems of my own to put up with her. How do I make her listen? and get it through her head what is going on? |
Question: Not sure how to deal with my immediate family? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:50 AM PST Ok so I won't go into much detail as it's quite complicated. My immediate family consists of my dad, mom and younger sister. I'm currently 15, but I've only recently lived with my parents. I was raised by my grandparents, so I have traditional Vietnamese values. My immediate family on the other hand, while they still hold on to some Vietnamese standards, they are very Americanized. While I was raised quite strictly, my sister was spoiled and still is to this day. She gets away with stuff that my grandparents and aunts would've killed me for. Due to several incidents over a course of a few years, my mom has distanced herself greatly from her mom and dad (my grandparents). I side with my grandparents so it puts me at odds with my family already. She has gotten into the nasty habit of stealing) and even when caught red-handed she denies all knowledge and responsibility. It's not like she is a kid either, she's 13. She stole pearls which my Grandma received as a wedding gift, my mom's jewelry, over $1000 easily from my youngest aunt and the list goes on and on. She's been punished for it, but it seems to have no affect and she continues to steal. Everytime something happens, my mom blames me for it as well because she says that I should've taught her better, but I don't know how that's possible when I wasn't raised with her and when she won't listen to anyone. I'm just not sure how to handle this. I just need advice |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:35 AM PST I think it started ever since my parents had a major dispute because of my dad being laid off. My mom later on left me and my other two siblings to my dad. Since that day I haven't had the feeling to study as much as last year. I attend a private French school, grades are counted out of 20, I keep getting notes below 10 on almost every subject which is awful. It's already the end of the second trimester and my average is 13 out of 20! Idk what to do I try to study hard but I can't, I feel hopeless, I can't concentrate or sleep (I get around 4hours of sleep each day). Help! Why am I not able to get motivated? |
Question: Should I tell my brother I poked holes in his condoms? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:12 AM PST About 6 years ago, my brother cut my hair in my sleep. I had long hair for an 8 year old and he cut 10 inches off, it had to be cut to the mid part of my neck. At The moment, my brother was 15 and he had a girlfriend. He was sexually active and he used condoms, I poked holes in those condom. Not all of them, just about five out of the pack. Four months later he tells my mom and dad but his girlfriend is pregnant. At the moment I didn't see this as a big deal since I was 8. I am going into high school and I'm taking sex education class, I see what I did was wrong and in someway when I was eight I didn't fully grasp what condoms were for. I feel terrible now, because my brother had a baby so young simply because of my childish revenge and my stupid mistake. His girlfriend and him are engage, they're both in college and they work. It's not like their life was completely screwed up by it, but I feel bad that my niece is only here because I simply performed an act of revenge. I'm afraid everyone will hate me after. Should I let it go? |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 06:21 AM PST I have to see him at a funeral Wednesday and his kids who are also cold to me the other time I saw them at a funeral. I still talk to my Mom but opted to live with my Dad (I was 13 at the time). I will not have much to do with her lover other then cordial if she is with him and i never spend alone time with them. My uncle is ultra protective of his clan (siblings and parents) so I was seen as a traitor not to be backing my Mom's love life. I am 19 now and the uncle only spoke to me twice in 6 years and once was to rat me out for not staying with my Mom and being supportive of her and this lover. I was not asked to his daughter's wedding but my two sisters were. It hurts to be rejected by family even though it is extended family and not immediate. What kind behavior do I show to not get hurt? How do I act if they nod their heads and then walk away like 5 years ago when they saw me last? |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 06:11 AM PST We find it hysterical. |
Question: My Dad likes to snuggle with me. I like it to. We are 37 and 62. Is this okay? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:40 AM PST It is not romantic or anything sexual. Just snuggling like I am a kid. |
Question: Is my mom depressed? How can I help? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:18 AM PST I know she's taken medication in the past but she never talks about it. As a child I never thought much about it, I just thought it was normal for adults to constantly diet and exercise to get rid of the fat that they don't actually have on their bodies, to sit in the bathroom and cry once in awhile, to hate the things they used to find fun. My mom told me when I was around 13 and had bad depression, that it ran through her side of the family. So I know she's delt with it before and probably will again. My dad has a good job, so she doesn't work. She spends time at home all day while her oldest is moved out and my two younger siblings and I are at school. I'm going to graduate soon-ish though. She does hang out with friends sometimes but it gets old. She is trying to get back into the swing of things by doing this program with the ASPCA with our dog so she can take her into senior homes (My mom always wanted to work with old people, and now she gets to take the dog with her lol). Also I should mention she's been to 4 or 5 funerals within the past year, including one for her father. So, is it safe to say she's depressed? How can I help? It's hard to talk to her about it cuz I'm 17 and she's 47. She almost acts more like a friend than a mother, but that somehow actually makes it weirder if I did bring it up. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:12 AM PST I devout my entire life to impressing extended family so this doesn't happen but it becomes an obsession. For example, if I am invited to a party my aunt is having next Friday with some friends of hers that she is having my parents to then I feel compelled to go. I don't want to go since none of my cousins will be there and I'll be the only "kid generation" there (though I am 30). If I decline I fear I will never be asked over again. Whereas, if I go then I will fear my two uncles with think I just invited myself since I don't expect an invitation (I don't know her friends well). Also I fear my cousins who are teens will think I just tagged along uninvited with my parents since they were not asked. Yet if I decline I will never be asked over again. And so it goes on and on. I am in therapy and rejection fears are a big part of it. I do what the therapist is advising (he is very good) and just thought I'd ask here for additional ideas (the therapist suggested it even). This originates because when I was a kid my mother had a strained relationship with her family. Her Dad was an alcoholic and she didn't let us join in much with her family. As a teen things got a lot better and we got a lot closer. Now I have feared ever since that I will lose extended family again like I did as a kid. As a kid I felt personally rejected since my mother would say things like "they don't want a relationship with us" or "he chose alcohol over his daughter and grandkids". Sometimes I think she innocently thought she was protecting us by keeping us away but it was a mistake as it made things worse. Othertimes I think she was just mad and using us as a pawn against her father and as a sounding board. ANONYMOUS---These are real fears of mine, not troll-spam litter. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:09 AM PST I am an adult so missing work or school isn't an issue. My cousins are upset as their Dad died suddenly on Wednesday (heart attack). My mother says not to dare go to the funeral after what the man did to our aunt (he had an affair) and I know my aunt won't be going. However, for the sake of my cousins I feel I should go even though I am not close to their Dad and only seen him once since the divorce 11 years ago. Would I be wrong to go for the sake of my cousins? And what do I say if my Mom finds out and gets mad? The aunt said if I am going for her kids it is fine. An uncle and his son are going to go and also for the sake of the kids. By cousins I mean his three kids (all in their 20's) (not any other cousins). |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:03 AM PST My mother said I let him off the hook but if I hadn't he could have been fired and same with if I'd said he is drunk and on the lawn. My Mom isn't even married to him because he is an alcoholic. So was I wrong or did I do the right thing since he needs a job to feed us and himself (though we don't live with him)? |
Question: Ladies do you drive barefoot and not bring your shoes if you don't need shoes? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:20 AM PST I do that all the time. I am going to do that today. I will be leaving soon to go visit my parents and I am going to drive barefoot and not bring my shoes. I don't need shoes at my parents house. |
Question: How do I go about asking my mother I want to live in Poland? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 02:55 AM PST Well, I don't like it here in Ireland very much... as I have explained in this other question: Anyway, how do I go about asking my mother that I want to live in Poland? I've already told her I hate it here and she just dismissed me "when you're 18 you can do whatever you want, I don't care"... I don't want to stay here for 4 more years, this country is terrible. What can I do? |
Question: I need some advice. Desperatly.? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 02:46 AM PST Ok I have tried to be on good terms with my child's fathers family for the sake of my daughter. For the past 10 years it has been a nightmare I could write a book. Her Dad passed and did horrible things to me before he died. His family didn't know me and doubted and refused my child in the beginning till I slammed them with a paternity test. Recently I found out that my daughter's Aunt called me a fat, lazy pos Mom with a bunch of lies attached on social media. I kindly confronted her my a message telling her this was unacceptable. She responded with a bunch of swear words and told me I could have called if I had a issue. I told her that she could have called me as well instead of lying and name calling on social media. She then called and started screaming at me. I was calm the whole time. She then proceeded to tell me how much her dead brother hated me and I told her what does this have to do with anything and how was that resolving the matter. I couldn't even get one word in. Her brother abused me and drank all the time. When I was pregnant he would jab me in the stomach so the feeling was mutual. I lie to myself for my daughter.When she said all these things I told her to never call my home again. She then told me my daughter loved her more and I told her she was sick in the head. She then threatened me with CPS because I told her not to contact me.I told her to go ahead and call that I had done nothing wrong and saved proof of her threats. I have cut all contact since. |
Question: My Mom Smokes Weed..? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 02:30 AM PST I just found out my own ******* mother smokes marijuana! I am so angry right now I feel like hitting the **** out of her! What kind of disgusting mother does that **** parenting there she is telling ME to not do that type of ******* **** yet she does it every ******* chance she gets. I can't deal with this, I'm going to move in with my dad. Does she even know the ******* side effects? No wonder she's a ducking weirdo lately. . Bad parenting there is absolutely NO excuse for this. I am her daughter I am smarter than that I would've thought my mom would be too!!!!! Disgusting LIAR!!!!! Tells me not to do that **** there she is!!!!!!!!! I have never touched that **** nor any other or alcohol or cancer sticks WHAT THE ****!!!!!! I'm going to kill her |
Question: Did my mom do the right thing? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 02:22 AM PST Yrs ago my parents got married, they were moving around when dad started his new job. After mom had us she friended a gal from yrs ago that we knew, w/her husband & daughter from a previous relationship, her daughter my brothers age. Mom and this gal were good friends at the start, but dad never liked her & her hubby. The hubby was weird. We had to move out of state so my dad had to transfer for his job mom and this gal have been long distant friends since we moved yrs ago. Over yrs things have changed. My brother grad from HS 2 yrs before i did, this gals daughter grad 2 wks later after brother did, they came out for his grad, but we didn't make the grad for her daughter. The gal had problems all her life, getting along w/people has always been an issue for her, she always felt like the world treated her like dirt, she was always negative, self centered, had a potty mouth, and she didn't like anybody except my mom b/c she listened to every bit of her sob story and BS. She had lost friends and jobs as a result. We didn't make her daughters grad b/c my mom was going to find a motel to stay in,the nearest hotel we could find was the one only had 2 beds, but brother and i could not sleep together,that was what mom told this gal. The gal was madder than heck w/my mom via phone, Since then my mom broke contact w/her, we never heard from her again.Im not sure why my mom thought it was a good idea to stay friends with this gal that had personal issues. |
Question: Can i use my condenser mic without headphones and use a speaker? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:51 AM PST |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:48 AM PST I'm a female in her 20s taking public transit to a junior college. I've taken public transit since I was 12 so I'm used to it. My sister is being driven by grandparents(they live close) to and from her high school. I've explained this to my mom and she got mad and I need for her to understand and give me permission to go with grandparents to drop me off/pick me up. She wants me to stay independent(as do I) but I don't feel okay at all about this man- and not in the pussy-like way. I feel like something is screaming at me to get away and into my house/safety and my gut feels tight when I think about the situation. I am tapering off medication for epilepsy as I've had surgery and am doing fantastic. During the process of slowly taking less meds I cannot drive- I have to be at 6 months on a steady dose with no seizure to be eligible for a driver's license. I can choose to stop the taper, wait 6 months and if I do not have a seizure I can drive myself. Advice for either how to persuade mom and what to do while waiting 6 months if I choose to want to get license?? |
Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:35 AM PST I go to a junior college and take public transit as I cannot drive due to medical reasons. Those reasons, however, should go away in the next 2 years and I should be able to drive then. I live by my grandparents (they're still spry and love to help) and they take my sister to high school everyday. I'm thinking about asking them to drive me as well (my classes are on the way to my sisters hs) but my mom is adamant that I be independent. I agree with her on that. I've told her about this and her response was basically anger because she thinks I am afraid to go to school my myself- not true- I have a very strong, rooted gut feeling about his one man (I've seen him take the same bus as me even when I try to take different routes on purpose) that is bigger than me and looks suspicious. This is not me being a pussy, (i've felt weak before) but this is something that I can't ignore and I feel like it's an omen that i'm feeling this way- like something is yelling at me to run away from my route. Help on how to either persuade mom to let me go with grandparents or what to do in interim of stopping medication taper (medical condition is epilepsy and I've had surgery and I can choose to slowly take less and not drive during that time or not taper and after 6 months without a seizure can get a driver's license)? I live on a main road where street parking is hell and hard to come by. |
Question: Im having skype sex with my first cousin. Is this okay? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:21 AM PST Im having skype sex with my first cousin. Im 34, he's 32. I just got out of a 10 year relationship 6 mths ago, and been feeling very sexually frustrated. He's separated from his wife for 3 years now. He lives in Canada, and im from Cali. We skype every morning and every night before bed for 2 hrs. We tell each other we love each other every day on text. He said he's in love with me, I feel the same. We have skype sex every 3 days... is this okay? |
Question: Controlling Parents? Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:07 AM PST So my "parents" aren't really my "parents", they're my Mother + my Grandfather and Grandmother, and they aren't necessarily bad parents, but they certainly are controlling (and arr even hypocrites). I'm really confused though. They are controlling, but I almost want to say "they're controlling, but they don't know how it can/will affect me negatively in the future (I'm 17 m). And even so, what do I do about it? My friends are younger than me (because I have an early birthday is all) but they're already getting jobs, and driving, doing college stuff. But me? My parents won't teach me how to drive, my mom won't let me get a job until summer, and no one is even helping me pre pare for after highschool. And yet they except me to know what to do. I just need advice |
Question: Can y'all tell me what's up with my aunt? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 11:41 PM PST Alright, so her husband said she's been talking non-sense for a week, this morning she called me... EARLY in the morning to and she was like "I'm going to be a millionaire I can feel it, I'll buy a house for you and your dad and I'll take you to Paris... DON'T TELL ANYONE" I was like "....okay" and she asked me "Do you want to sing at my workplace today, they're going to celebrate for me because I'm taking my bosses position" I was all, "Yeah sure". So, my dad drove me over there and I went inside, there was no party going on..." I was like "Oookayy" so I got a text from her and she said, "Never mind I heard wrong" and I was like "what do you mean?" She's like "Don't worry about it" I was all "okay"... so not too long ago she runs into my room and says she has the smartest brain because of her blood type, she kept saying she's a genius and the people that work with her are jealous because she's smarter than them.... it didn't sound right at all and I want to know what's wrong... does she need to go see the doctor ? |
Question: Do I have a right to be upset at this or am i just being sensitive? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 11:38 PM PST Well my Cousin came down from an area that's a 6 hour drive I was looking forward all week on seeing her since it's been a while that I haven't seen her for a while now since she lives 6 hours away but she never came to my house at all today Her family stayed at her family's house which I found weird because they usually come to my house too but this time they didn't and al and it upset me. It upset me more that my cousin went to Hollywood and these other places and didn't invite me I'm never invited to places as it is and I'm growing tired of it I just wanted to spend some time with my cousin but she never showed up, do I have a right to be upset About this or am I being to sensitive ? |
Question: Why didn't my mom say anything when she found condoms in my bag? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 10:42 PM PST Hello everyone. One day my mom saw me cleaning my car and decided to help. For some strange reason she was searching through my book bag. I wasn't paying attention though. I was focused on cleaning. When I looked back I saw all my books out and that's when I remembered I had a vapor liquid bottle and some condoms in the bottom of my bag. She didn't mention anything and carried on with what she was doing. Vapor bottles are for those vaping pens. A smoking alternative. The next day she confronted me about it. She said be honest and explain to her why I had the bottle in my bag. We talked and that was it. What I'm curious about is why she never brought up the condoms in my bag. I'd think that's a much more serious topic than the vaping. I never talk about any special someone with her so I'd think seeing condoms would leave her with plenty of questions. |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:41 PM PST My bestfriend James has been in an off place after the death of his 2 friends. Hes been sharing posts about suicide prevention and what not, a LOT lately.. wel today he posted "Contemplating sadly.." do you think that means suicide ?!?! |
Question: How do you cope with a family member who is unreasonable and closed off? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:18 PM PST The family member is my mother. She was like this when I was growing up. Now that I'm an adult and have done therapy I see it for what it is. I can't talk to her about hardly anything. Nothing personal anyway. She does not apologize when I tell her i feel hurt. She has always ignored me when I've been sick. This is not new to me by any means. I try look to other people for support and friendship and company etc... It has been difficult for me to trust others and have faith they will accept me and like me and be empathetic. I don't feel supported or accepted by my mother. I never did. I'm trying to now figure out how to have some kind of relationship with her. All I can manage is a very shallow relationship with her. I'm wondering if this is all there ever will be. It's also still hard for me to believe that I can create all the types of relationships I need with other people. Like I'm not sure the millions of people out there are willing to be supportive or helpful or even pay attention to me as a person. I'm trying to change my beliefs about this. Any advise or guidance I'd truly appreciate. |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:13 PM PST Son por eso de los rumores de secuetros y tonteria y media y no e dado ningun dato de mi y por eso estoy enojado no enperrado con mi madre |
Question: I have the worst mom ever! Please help!? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:09 PM PST I'm 17 and I can't take my mom anymore. She doesn't let me stay home from school EVER. She's always on me about doing my homework and getting good grades, when I basically have all Cs, which is average. And anytime I tell her to lay the f*ck off, she cries. I know she's just trying to get sympathy. I make sure to tell my dad that she was being horrible to me. Maybe I exaggerate, but she deserves it for being so annoying and naggy. I've basically got my dad on my side, so he frequently yells at her, which is fun to watch. But still she won't get off my back, and I've reached my breaking point. I'm thinking about reporting her to a school counselor for child abuse. I can say that she hit me when I was younger. And my dad gets in bar fights sometimes and has the marks to show it, so I can say she hits him too. I know this may be extreme, but I'm so sick of her nagging me. And you know what? Payback's a b*tch. |
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 08:55 PM PST So today I had to work, I got off and I was hungry so I decided to stop by some place cheap so I can go home. As soon as I get home, my mother calls me selfish for buying myself food, but not for anyone else. However, if the toilet tissue is low, I'll go ahead and buy it. If there's not much milk left in the fridge, I'll scramble up some change and buy it. I contribute to the smaller bills (cell phone, waste management, lights, etc). But once I try to treat myself to small things, I get negative feedback from my mother and stepfather. I got yelled at the other day because I bought myself art supplies, but I couldn't buy my brother a sketchbook, as she puts it. I do for them all the time but when I want to spoil myself it's like it's the end of the world? I don't get mad at her when she buys her nice things, so why is it a problem when I do it? I barely spend money, except for nice occasions and emergencies? |
Question: Mom calls me selfish for buying things for myself? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 08:38 PM PST |
Question: My dad isn't picking up the phone? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 08:29 PM PST I've called my dad a few times in the past four-five hours, and he hasn't picked up the phone once. Usually, when I call and he doesn't pick up, he calls back a few minutes later, but he hasn't done any of that and it's almost 12 AM. There were occurrences where my dad decided to run away from the house and leave his life behind. My mom isn't home as she's in another country at the moment, and I don't know what to do. |
Question: Why is my sister not mature? shes 17 im 15? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 08:03 PM PST My sister is 17 and im 15 So i really just want my sister to be mature and strong when she doesn't get something she wants. She clearly doesn't understand the fact that my parents don't let her spend a night at a friend's house because they don't want to take any chances of losing her. If something were to happen they would have to deal with that feeling thinking its their fault if something went wrong. She always compares her self to me, she tells my parents "why does he get to spend the night?" i understand why she is saying this and my parents told her because they dont want to take any chances. My parents let me spend the night at my friends house but not anymore she basically ruined it for me for a while cause of her. I dont mind to much tho cause i have to focus on my career. basically i'm asking what can i do or my parents can do to let my sister understand the true reason why she cant spend the night. and they also offered to let her go out for a while or let them spend the night but she just kept crying and said no. thanks for the help. |
Question: What do I do when my parents fight? Posted: 03 Feb 2017 07:58 PM PST It's been really bad these past few months. It seems like one day they're acting like they just got married and then the next they act like they hate each other. I think the worst part is that they don't shut the door or fight in private, and they know me and my brother can hear. It's really depressing and hard for me to listen to the terrible things they say to each other and hear them argue all night. I understand that they have disagreements and it's normal for couples to fight, but it happens too often. Even if I shut my door or put headphones on, I can still hear it. What am I supposed to do when my parents fight? |
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