Family: Question: I strongly detest my sister. Will the family judge me for this now that they’ve seen how abusive my sister is? |
- Question: I strongly detest my sister. Will the family judge me for this now that they’ve seen how abusive my sister is?
- Question: My uncle is an alcoholic and my mom has placed me in charge of covering up for him. How do I get out of this?
- Question: My dad agreed to go visit a relative when he’s in town in 2 weeks. My dad lies constantly. How do I handle the disappointment if he’s lying?
- Question: Uncontrollable anxiety around one specific person. Is this normal? How do I stop it?
- Question: How to make my parents let me go to school?
- Question: My Dad is an alcoholic. How do I enjoy myself at family functions even if he’s drunk?
- Question: I'm 18 years old. I really want to go see the new Joker movie but my dad won't let me. I feel mad?
- Question: Is it normal for an 8 year old to be like this?
- Question: Does this make me a bad son?
- Question: My dad won't believe me?
- Question: How do i tell my parents i want to drop out of college?
- Question: Do you ever wish you had a real mother?
- Question: I come from an alcoholic family. Why might my mother have different reactions to different alcoholics? Read below?
- Question: Today I had a fight with my husband ?
- Question: Label the function of each noun: 1: Father always gives his boys a pocketknife for their seventh birthday. 2: Mom, my shoelaces broke.?
- Question: What do I do if I am pressured to go to my parents beach house for Thanksgiving when I don't want to, how do I say no without conflict?
- Question: My Dad committed suicide in April and ever since I have felt I am somehow to blame. How do I stop this thought?
- Question: Mother doesn't give a f of me and my siblings?
- Question: Depression about career and feeling I should have followed my dreams" advice? Please help!?
- Question: How strong is the average woman?
- Question: How do I deal with a toxic family. I am to my breaking point?
- Question: Is she cute or attractive?
- Question: Why did I stopped writing to my mom when I was still a teenager?
- Question: What should I do about my sister ?
- Question: Should I just chuck it?
- Question: Do I have to tell my sister about this?
- Question: Am I being selfish and childish for not wanting my nephew to come with me to King’s Island?
- Question: I feel like my parents are trapping me because of their poor choices?
- Question: Can my mom still tell me to shower?
Posted: 04 Oct 2019 02:07 PM PDT This past summer the whole family witnessed my sisters abuse. This sister of mine is an absolutely deplorable human being. She has no good in her and if there is such a thing as evil then my sister is the queen of it. This sister is truly a horrible human being. So my question is will the family judge me for absolutely detesting my sister? My mother has even called her a narcissist. |
Posted: 04 Oct 2019 02:04 PM PDT I understand if I was his kid but he's an uncle that I only see a few times a year. Why should I have to cover up form? My mom is the enabler now that his wife has given him the boot. Yet my mom complained when my stepdad's family did this with their parent that was an alcoholic. My mom is the biggest hypocrite alive. |
Posted: 04 Oct 2019 01:51 PM PDT Me getting to go see this fellow is dependent on my dad going with me. Long story. Since my dad lies consistently I don't know whether to believe him or not. The person we're visiting has dementia so he gets confused if he's seeing somebody who he's not as familiar with and so the daughter said just to come when my dad's with me. I want to respect that as the poor fellow has dementia. |
Question: Uncontrollable anxiety around one specific person. Is this normal? How do I stop it? Posted: 04 Oct 2019 12:55 PM PDT I have a lot of anxiety problems. Right now Im having big problems with a family member whos about 3 years younger than me. Whenever Im near her, I get sudden high anxiety waves, and a huge urge to just get away. My family thinks im lying, and no one believes me. They say that Im just being mean, because I always walk away whenever shes close. I dont know what to do, and now I feel like my whole family hates me because they yell at me a lot, telling me to "quit acting like shes sick". Whenever she gets close, as i said before, I get away. When that happens, and our parents weren't there to see it, she'll go tell them, but exaggerate it, and she literally tells them that I "throw my self out of the way, and hit my head on the walls to run away". This is not what I do, and yet they believe her, and take things away from me. Things that help with my overall anxiety just throughout the day. I have animals, and they help me a lot. They've threatened to take them all away from me, and thats when I stay in my room for the whole day. I can't imagine what it would be like without them... I just feel like Im stick in a loop right now. Has ANYONE dealt with this before? I don't know what to do, and the situation is only getting worse. Another thing, is I absolutely hate the way she treats her animals. I definitely have grudges against her for what she's done to them, and Im not sure if that has anything to do with this. |
Question: How to make my parents let me go to school? Posted: 04 Oct 2019 12:22 PM PDT Hi, I want to go to school! but my mom dosnt wont me too, my dad might, tho. Pls help! How can i convince them to let me go to school? should i talk to them bout it? |
Question: My Dad is an alcoholic. How do I enjoy myself at family functions even if he’s drunk? Posted: 04 Oct 2019 11:29 AM PDT My mother says to only come if I want so sometimes I just skip the events. However, I like seeing everyone so most the time I join especially family holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. How do I still enjoy myself. My Dad is a grouchy drunk and it makes me nervous. I do leave early often. Im 32 and female. Out on my own. |
Posted: 04 Oct 2019 11:12 AM PDT I am adding this question once again in order to explain more details. So I am a fan of DC comics and comic book movies. Especially Batman. But it seems to bother my dad. Because about two months ago I voluntarily came to Guatemala to spend a vacation with him and my family after getting my GED, and he says that if I tell people here that I batman is my favorite people will think I have a "childish mind". And him and my stepmom kinda make fun of me about me liking batman. It offends me because I take batnman very seriously since he is a dark character and all. And now, when I tell them about the new Joker movie that is already out now, he will not allow me to because he doesnt want me to watch "bad stuff". Why can't I like what I like. Why do I have to like what my dad likes. |
Question: Is it normal for an 8 year old to be like this? Posted: 04 Oct 2019 11:08 AM PDT This issue is making me frustrated a lot! my 8 year old cousin has her own phone (An iphone 6s!) 24 /7 she watches youtubers, takes mirror selfies (her family thinks its cute) , and dont make me forget about TikTok! she keeps making videos and watching other videos and trying to copy them! she hides her phone in her pants when her mother passes by and she hides her phone and tell everyone she is going to sleep and then she keeps using it in the dark and recently she told me that her dream is to buy the latest airpods! and she came today i thought she wanted us to have fun together instead she got on her headphones and asked me whats the WiFi's password! |
Question: Does this make me a bad son? Posted: 04 Oct 2019 10:21 AM PDT I am a high school guy with a step mom that is just 4 years older than I am. To say she is beautiful is an under statement. She is gorgeous. She has a figure to die for. Dad must like young and beautiful women and she is both. She is also a great mom and I am lucky to have her as my mom. My buddies were hanging out at my house and one of them said "I would sure like to get in your mom's pants". I told him I did not want to here that again as it was disrespectful. What I didn't tell him was if she WAS NOT my mom, I would have the same thoughts. Does that make me a bad son or just a normal h0rny teenager? |
Question: My dad won't believe me? Posted: 04 Oct 2019 09:07 AM PDT Ok yesterday morning when I asked to my dad politely when you go back to work, but he says to me and thinks I did not learn to control my temper, not being calm, not being nice, but I'm always nice, calm, and learned to control my temper, but my dad says that I did not, and won't believe or listen to me. He's 54. Why won't my dad believe me? |
Question: How do i tell my parents i want to drop out of college? Posted: 04 Oct 2019 08:00 AM PDT I really hate school and my parents made me go. Im not smart and i already failed 2 classes. Im just tired of going there anymore. How can i just drop out and tell my parents? |
Question: Do you ever wish you had a real mother? Posted: 04 Oct 2019 07:47 AM PDT One who comforted you and was nice and actually made you feel better instead of worse all the time? Sometimes I meet women who are mums and wish that I had a mum like them. It makes me want to cry sometimes. |
Posted: 04 Oct 2019 07:22 AM PDT So my step-father had an alcoholic mother (she has died). My Mom CONSTANTLY insulted her and barred us from seeing her. I got to know her a little as I got older cause my half-brother who is the grandson got really close to her as he was older. My Mom's big complaint was that the family did not scold her whenever she'd be drunk at an event. She claims this was enabling. To this day she claims this even though her mother-in-law died back in 2006. My mother was cold to her husband's family though she has softened some in the last 10 years. Meanwhile my Mom's brother is an alcoholic. My mother covers for him. She asked me not to tell my grandmother that he was loaded last weekend. So I did not. However, this is the very thing my mother was so cold to her in-laws over. When I was a kid and my Mom and step-Dad were dating my mother wanted to make sure I stayed away from step-Dad's mother. Yet, she had no problem with me being around my Mom's alcoholic uncle at holidays. When I asked why she said "he has had a hard life cause his son died as a teen". As a result I interpreted it as though if life is hard then it is fine to be alcoholic. I am sure my step-Dad's mother had a hard life also if she turned to alcohol. Lastly, my mother was fine with her cousin being around her kids and the cousin was a public drunk type of alcoholic. That person has since gotten help. So my question is why might my Mom be fine with her families alcoholics and bar her family from the in-law alcoholic? I almost feel as though my mother is being a hypocrite or just liked picking on my step-Dad's mother. |
Question: Today I had a fight with my husband ? Posted: 04 Oct 2019 05:58 AM PDT Every thing was ok till he came up with the idea of going to some carnaval where i dnt like there, so I told him I wanna go 2 my mom's house... He started 2 revile me and said whatever he wanted like he wish i would die or how shitty I am and he hates me... I just wanted to have the basic right in my life like the others. he made me do a lot of things and becuz we live in a ******* Islamic country he has the right not let me work and some thing like that if i put 2 much pressure on him... I love him... U know some times every thing is alright between us but most of the time he start cursing me and shouting ... I cant even imagin my life without him and with all the memories we have... I dnt know may be I should kill my self... Some times I rlly miss my parents. And he forbide it 2 go 2 my parents home more than once a week and believe me its not even near 2 "fine" here I live. |
Posted: 04 Oct 2019 05:35 AM PDT |
Posted: 04 Oct 2019 04:58 AM PDT I hate conflict. My mother hates my brother visiting but they want me and my sister to. My mother has loud friends she is addicted to and while they are good people they are not people I want to be around (the friends of hers). Also one of them does malicious gossip and another one is trashy with married men (not a good person). So how do I say no without causing a conflict? I'm an adult so obviously can do as I want but I am single so it is not like my sister who can use in-laws as the excuse or my brother. I'm the single daughter so probably the favorite. Same question if they pressure me at Christmas though if I Dad sticks to his desires and doesn't cave out of fear of my Mom, he has he is not going to do Christmas there either. |
Posted: 04 Oct 2019 04:54 AM PDT He was accused of sex abuse and I believe guilty. He was out on bail. I did not want to see him because of this. Now I feel I caused his suicide. |
Question: Mother doesn't give a f of me and my siblings? Posted: 04 Oct 2019 03:53 AM PDT |
Posted: 04 Oct 2019 03:42 AM PDT I am 25 years old, I am currently a Business student in the Master's Program( I have one more year), but I feel like I should have took time off to pursue my dream of becoming a singer. I have a good voice and look, but I just feel that I should have taken the year off to pursue my goal of becoming a singer. ( I'm NOT saying I'm going to become the next Justin Beiber, but I feel like I could be in a successful indie band as a singer. But I get constantly get told by my parents that I am too old to start a career and get discouraged by them and I am so mentally and physically exhausted after studying that I just feel like giving up sometimes. Any words of hope or help with what I should do? |
Question: How strong is the average woman? Posted: 04 Oct 2019 01:33 AM PDT I know someone who's mom carried him to bed when he was 11, 12, 13 and 14 and one time she just picked him up over her shoulder while they were just playfighting. she was in her late 40s / early 50s kind of thin white and wear glasses and looked like Brady Reiter and he was 11, 12, 13, 14 thin white and a boy. |
Question: How do I deal with a toxic family. I am to my breaking point? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 08:20 PM PDT I have been a member of my toxic family for almost 23 years and feel like the living life has been sucked out of me. It seems like many family members are so hyper-critical, controlling, condescending, jealous, and selfish. I gave done some soul-searching and realized that I've allowed my family's opinions of me dominate and rule over me and that my self-worth was depended on them. I am trying to break this because I am to the point where I just want to live my own life and do as I please. For the longest I've had to put u0. with nasty comments, scapegoating, lack of appreciation, the conjuring up of negative assumptions about my character, gossip, and jealousy. For some reason I have been there target and I just want to leave and not be bothered anymore. I don't know why I deserved such treatment and how your own family could despise you so deeply. I have self-loathed and condemned myself for years with such hate toward myself. I gave struggled with bad anxiety and depression because of this. I have even questioned my purpose and felt like an outsider. I just want to be liberated from this situation. |
Question: Is she cute or attractive? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 06:36 PM PDT |
Question: Why did I stopped writing to my mom when I was still a teenager? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 06:35 PM PDT my parents divorced when I was young and my dad remarried. years later he immgated us to Canada and my mom stayed home. I was 15. When I got here, we commucated by writing letters then after a while I abruptly stopped writing. I don't why but I lost intrest in talking to her as I got used to a new country. She wrote a letter asking why I haven't wrote but I never responded. And put it off. I don't know.. I just thought she will always be here. Unfortunately she got sick and died within 2 years and I was 18 when she died. I didn't have communication up to the point of her death and I found out when my step mom asked my dad to buy a long distance card for me so we can talk to her since she wrote a letter prior to my dad that she was ill. by the time we called, we were too late. she had already passed. Life went on. Now years later as an adult i'm tormented with guilt and I can't fathom why I stopped writing. Back then as teenager it never bothered me but now I feel terrible. I wish I could back back and undo my should I deal with my guilt? Sometimes I think about killing my myself. I just can't live with what I have done Will visiting her resting place help? |
Question: What should I do about my sister ? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 06:01 PM PDT My sister likes to pester me by hacking into my Facebook account and un liking all my pages the liking limit get lower every time she does it. On Tuesday it let me like up to 60 pages she unliked them all again yesterday morning. Last night it let me like 30 pages again today she unlike them.Tonight it only let me like 26 pages see what I mean it gets lower every time. I hate her so much it makes me mad. I don't get why she does this. What should I do about it ? |
Question: Should I just chuck it? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 04:16 PM PDT I know her for 18 years. When we both lived in a small town we were very close. Then she moved away to NYC and two years later so did I but I lived in Queens, she lived in Long Island. I immediately visited her and we were happy to see each other after two years again. I lived in Queens next 5 years, she came to visit me only once and that day was a disaster. She called me on the way saying I live "too far" and she might return home because it was getting late. She eventually made it to my home but she was "unhappy." Next five years I went to her home for her children's birthday, Christmas, New years parties, or getting together etc many times. In five years she came to my home once although i had similar occasions as well. Now I dont live in NYC anymore, I moved 6 hours south of NYC. She recently told me that she is coming to a one month training 15 minutes away from my new home. She said she will not come to see me because she will be "very busy-training everyday 8 hours" but she asked me to meet her where her training is. I work at least 8 hours too! Should I go meet her or just chuck it? I am not her lover, I am a woman as well. |
Question: Do I have to tell my sister about this? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 04:13 PM PDT I was laid off from my job and my unemployment benefits were about to run out. Jobs are VERY hard to find in our area. I was desperate to find a job ANY JOB and I only know one person in the business community that might give me some advice on finding a job and that was Joe, my sister's ex husband. I was SCARED TO DEATH but I finally got up the courage to call him and ask if he could give me some advice on how to find a job. He told me to meet him at his office that afternoon. I was afraid he would be mad at me because of his divorce from my sister. Instead he gave me a big hug when he greeted me and said "You are as beautiful as I remember you." That took all my fears away. I told him I needed advice on finding a job. He ask me if I could start to work for him tomorrow. I have been working for him for 5 months now. He is the greatest boss EVER. I and all the other employees just adore him. He never mentions my sister or says anything about her and neither do I. I am afraid to tell my sister about my new job. I hope she has moved on with her life and I don't want to cause her any problems. I don't know many details about her divorce but it WAS NOT BITTER. Advice please on how I should tell my sister what I did. Eventually she is going to find out I am working for her ex. Will she be mad at me for not telling her or will she understand I just did not want to cause her any problems? |
Posted: 03 Oct 2019 04:00 PM PDT So recently I just turned 20 and my parents surprised me with a trip to King's Island (since I love riding roller coasters). I was very excited and couldn't wait. A few days after, my step dad told me he wants to take my little nephew with us. My nephew is a pretty good kid for his age (he's 7) but, I don't see him very often so my interactions with him are alway a little awkward. I'm not good with kids and I'm pretty uncomfortable around them. So I wasn't very thrilled by this news. I explained to my step dad that I didn't like the idea and asked if we could do something else with him instead of taking him on this trip. My step dad said that I was selfish and should learn to love being around my nephew. So i'm not sure, am I being childish and selfish about the situation? I'm just upset that something I got for my birthday has to be shared with my nephew for no reason. I'm not even sure if my nephew likes roller coasters and some can be pretty scary for a kid his age. I don't want to be mean or rude to my nephew since none of it is his fault. But i don't know, i'm just irritated about it. |
Question: I feel like my parents are trapping me because of their poor choices? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 03:29 PM PDT I'm 30 years old I live by the beach. There are NO jobs here and the pay is very very low. I have a Masters Degree and the only reason I'm staying here is because my parents purchased a retirement home they cannot afford (they are not retired yet) so I'm helping them with the mortgage. I work 60 hours per week and bring home an average of 17000 AFTER taxes. My one job pays me 80 per day the other 9 per hour. This area is NOT good for me job wise. My bills including my parents mortgage come to 1000 per month. I'm trying to save up to move out of here but I'm struggling I'm thinking of even picking up a 3rd job. Every time I talk to my mother about moving out she is dismissive she doesn't want to hear it, hangs up the phone, or tells me I owe it to her because she raised me. I'm not sure what to do. I feel incredibly stuck!!! Working 60 hours per week leaves me almost no time to even apply for full time jobs in my field let alone interview for anything. My mom has told me I should just be grateful for what I have and stay here until she and my father retire in 3 years. I am depressed, emotionally drained, physically drained, and mentally drained on almost a daily basis. Any advice? Please |
Question: Can my mom still tell me to shower? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 03:18 PM PDT I am a teenager (for a long time now) and my mom still tells me to shower when she pleases. It happens everyday after school, she tell me to shower but I usually eat first and when I do she tells me to shower again. Now this really isnt something I want to do all of a sudden after spending two hours after school doing ROTC practice. I tell her I'll do it later but she argues with me to do it now. I don't want to do it right away and if I tell her a specific time she'll get angry and yell at me to shower. My question is if I'm a teenager and I know I have to shower because I have school, shouldn't I be allowed to choose what time I'd like to do it? I know I'm not eighteen but shouldn't I have the freedom to do at least that? Please Explain . . . |
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