Family: Question: Parent help please? |
- Question: Parent help please?
- Question: Rep payee can't live without my niece's disability check.?
- Question: Should I Accept that my Mother doesn't want my BF to stay over?
- Question: Any Advice? My parents (mother in particular) are the source of my stress and depression. I can t escape it?
- Question: Can siblings of opppsite gender get along. Im so afraid that my daughter and son won't have a close bond. Plus they will have a 3.5 age gap?
- Question: Should My Bio Mom and Stepmom Stay Rivals or work it out to become friends?
- Question: No family very lonely?
- Question: Was I wrong to have her sleep over?
- Question: 24 year old mother of one, lying to my family about my relationship for months is damaging me, how can I tell them? Any help is appreciated?
- Question: My Mother is on drugs and leaves town for months dosent pay her rent then expects me to take care of her when her money runs out.?
- Question: Do you think im wrong that I get mad at my aunt for repeating almost every conversation we have to other people?
- Question: Am i overreacting?
- Question: My grandpa had 3 strokes, i want to go see him but im scheduled to work?
- Question: Help! How to babysit a 3 year old?
- Question: I got into a huge fight with my mom who’s in the wrong here?
- Question: I was sexually abused by my parent and I just want closure and for them to make it up to me, but they instead act like I need to come home?
- Question: My mom loves to argue and fight over texts and it is making me feel very drained and upside down?
- Question: How can I drug test my 8 year old step son without him knowing or mentioning it to his mother?
- Question: Why wouldn't they trust me to watch my ne-phew?
- Question: Guys, I'm 24 years old and becoming a bum?
- Question: Why does it upset my family that I don't want to 'settle down'?
- Question: Who is a Christian and this has happened recently?
- Question: Whats the origin of the name Wong-Fox, and why does it have a dash?
- Question: Is it rare for kids to actually like veggies?
- Question: My last name is Wong-Fox, whats the origin?
- Question: She accuses me of mollycoddling my she right?
- Question: Was I really wrong to do this?
- Question: Why does my daughter have negative associations with our old town?
- Question: How to deal with having a dumb mother?
- Question: Parents cheating?
- Question: How dumb do you have to be, to believe a Beanie Baby will sell for thousands online?
- Question: How can I make my parents happy?
- Question: Why is my brother in law always trying to undermine everything I do?
- Question: Should I make the move?
- Question: Incel hates his mother too?
- Question: Is my mom doing the right thing here?
- Question: We just buried my grandpa (US Marine-WWII vet) and it's the saddest moment in my life? I feel like cra*.What can I do to feel better?
Posted: 09 Dec 2018 01:58 PM PST i'm annoyed and really sad i'm crying as i write this i'm annoyed that whenever my older brother has problems my parents sit in their room and try to think of ways to help him but when ever i have my problems they just sit inside and watch tv like i'm some 4 year old having a tantrum. my problems are very annoying cause my neighbor screamed in my face when i didn't do anything and when i told my parents they didn't even bother to defend me they just keep saying don't think about it but it doesn't help because when you think about it it hits even harder. i don't know how to handle it because they always make jokes about it and they never even asked if i was okay. my brothers problems aren't even "worse" than mine they are just simple problems that annoy him and my parents will pay more attention to his problems like mine mean nothing |
Question: Rep payee can't live without my niece's disability check.? Posted: 09 Dec 2018 01:41 PM PST My 27 yo disabled niece wants to move in with me, she is currently living with her also disabled mom. Her mom is her rep payee and dosent want her to move since it would mean she cant afford the rent on her own without my niece's disability payments. Technically she would be getting evicted once my niece moves out since she can't cover rent on her own. Now my sister looks at me like the enemy who is putting her out on the streets and that's not the case. My niece wants this and I have no problem with it but I'm now the bad "guy"? Opinions, suggestions? |
Question: Should I Accept that my Mother doesn't want my BF to stay over? Posted: 09 Dec 2018 01:29 PM PST I (18F) live with my mother,(63) both of us religious and I'm the kind of daughter that has never done anything particularly wrong (the only issues we ever has is sass apparently). I've never had a bf until going to uni, and even then my mother knows that I'm very strict on myself religion wise and even abstinent. Now that I have a seemingly serious bf (20), I was hoping he could visit my family for the holidays. I casually met his family and they seemed to even suggest that I'd be staying over some point casually (Making a statement about how i like my breakfast food a certain way, if i stayed over they could provide it said way.) A big difference is, he has a big family, mixed gender, my family is simply I and my mother. We do have a guest room in our home, the way the rooms are it's like a triangle so if he were to stay there'd be no way for us to sneak around since the rooms are so close and the house is old and creaky. My mother is still firmly against any man staying in our home who isn't there with his wife (my sis and her hubby, my aunt and her hubby, etc.) My bf lives 3 hrs away, and while he works, hotels are still exspensive, esp considering holiday cost and his own responsiblities. Is my mother being perf resonable (I know it's her house but the point is for her to meet him and spending time together) or is there a way I could talk to her about allowing it, since it makes the most technical sense? There's also the question of if he stays at a hotel will she get upset if I go to see him, since she won't know if we're out or at the hotel, compared to us being at home together, she'll know if we're hanging out or staying in. I understand her perspective as a parent but to me (and I may be affected by what tv tends to show) it makes the most sense in her case and so he doesn't have to worry too much about money either. |
Posted: 09 Dec 2018 01:17 PM PST My parents put a level of stress on me and my brothers that is more than unhealthy. I have already seen both of my brothers have mental breakdowns because of it and because of that, my parents pressure me even more. Finishing my first semester of college, my mom threatened to pull me out because I had one B and the rest As. I have confronted my parents about it and every time they just say that they arent pressuring me and I am just spoiled and a shitty son. I would love to just leave this toxic relationship but feel i have to stay to protect my older brothers from the lashes of my parents as they arent sufficient to leave... |
Posted: 09 Dec 2018 01:12 PM PST Does anyone have any experience of this. I'm so afraid..ive become obsessed. She has very bad social anxiety. And I wanted a baby for myself but I also wanted her to have a sibling that could be her lifelong friend so that she wouldn't have to depend on outsiders. Of course I want her to meet other friends but I wanted her to have a sister because typically sisters are best friends for life even if they do bicker from time to time. Will she be able to bond and play with a brother. Plus she's so girly..shes into makeup, princesses, dressing up, and barbies. Shes not into the stereotypical "boy things" not to say he will be eitther, but it's a good chance that he will. Does anyone have any experience of brother/sister relationships especially with a large age gap. |
Question: Should My Bio Mom and Stepmom Stay Rivals or work it out to become friends? Posted: 09 Dec 2018 12:44 PM PST You see years ago after my parents got divorced my Mom and Stepmom never really liked each other so much, but at first my Stepmom actually wanted to become friends and on good terms with her but my Mom just strongly dislikes her that she would always talk bad about her behind her back. I don't if her behavior has to do with Jealousy or what, my Stepmom tried her best but she feels if my Mother doesn't want to be her friend then so be it. What also makes it feel more like a Rivalry between my Mom and Stepmom if the fact that my Mom is a die hard Atlanta Hawks fan and my Stepmom is a Boston Celtics fan. But I'm personally hoping that the two can work things out and become friends in the future. Do you guys think they should work it out or stay rivals and separate from each other. |
Question: No family very lonely? Posted: 09 Dec 2018 12:34 PM PST I want a family. I don't have a father and my moms family is dysfunctional. I'm an only child too. Do I have to have kids to spread out my family line? The thing is I don't want any. If I don't have them, I'll be all alone for the rest of my life |
Question: Was I wrong to have her sleep over? Posted: 09 Dec 2018 12:28 PM PST I went to a party with my gf Friday night and I had her sleep over at my house. I hadn't planned on her staying but we got dropped off to my house at 2 a.m. and had both drank and I really didn't want to drive 30 minutes to drop her off. To be clear, we didn't do anything. We just slept in the same bed. I dropped her off and when I got back my mom started yelling at me as soon as I got home. She said that it was trashy and started saying she was going to kick her out herself if it happened again. My dad wasn't even mad about it and she was acting like that. I tried to ignore her but she didn't stop until I left. Now she's ignoring me and acting like I did something horrible. I'm 18 and am moving away come graduation, so this really seems petty. Should I tell her sorry to just smooth things over? I didn't want to drive after drinking and my gf is not some hoe, so I don't see anything wrong since I'm not a kid anymore. |
Posted: 09 Dec 2018 12:14 PM PST Hi there, my name is Danielle. I'm 24 & have a 5 year old son to my fiancée & partner of 7 years aged 30. We have had a very turbulent relationship. Which has ended in my family hating him. For good reasons & understandably so, i know they do care for me, in their own ways. My relationship with my mom & nan is effected most. I love them & I have a huge barrier of lies up. I rent my property of my Nan also, she doesn't ever come over, however she wouldn't be all to impressed with me if she knew I were back with my sons father let alone him living here with me again. Our rent has always been paid on time & I care for the property very well. However the emotional side of things worries me. I'm worried she may even kick me out. My mom is very judgmental on everyone & highly opinionated and holds people to very high standards. She is a good mom but has never been there for me so much. I have lived alone & with partners since & the age of 14 & believe I have became a responsible much more happy adult through my mistakes & own choices. However I have no idea how to stop lying, due to my fear of their reaction & my emotional stability. I suffer with PTSD & emotional stress is very hard on me. But the anxiety from lying seems worse, how can I break it to them when they hate him so much due to him treated me not so great in the past. Vice versa too. We have worked on our issues and our very happy now which is why I feel ready to figure out how to tell them but just don't know how |
Posted: 09 Dec 2018 11:54 AM PST My mom moved to my town months ago. And constantly leaves town for months and does not pay her rent. Then when she comes back to town and has to pay multiple months of rent she expects me to feed her and give her money. I personally dont go months without paying my rent and bills. But how does she think she can not pay her bills then depend on me to take care of her. She has a income. And had a total of 7 thousand dollars this year and only gave me 100$ out of it and throws that in my face. But I fed her many times, let her stay with me many times, helped her get a place ,etc. But wants to throw 100$ she gave me in my face. People tell me well thats your mom and you can feed her and give her money. People never agree with me. My mother never raised me or took care of me in my whole life but im suposed to take care of her? Then she thinks I have all this money to give her. I was making around 900$ monthly I have bills and rent to pay and put food in my house but she claims I make so much money and that I can tale care of her. |
Posted: 09 Dec 2018 11:46 AM PST My aunt complains that Im private and dont tell her enough then everything I tell her she repeats to friends and church members. Like when I started my new job I asked her not to tell anyone because I didnt know if I was going to take the job or how long I would stay there. She went and told people anyway. I quit my job and I wasnt feeling too good about it so I didnt want to tell everybody because I didnt want to hear many opinions to make me feel worse. I told her friend I quit and my aunt already told her. TMy aunt acted like she was supportive of my quitting. Then her friend said my aunt said "Who Quits their job before Christmas" And was judgemental about it but yo my face she was acting supportive. When I tell people I hate when she repeats things I confide in her about. People dont see a problem. It just sucks that I cant be open with her. |
Posted: 09 Dec 2018 10:52 AM PST I have a twin sister, we had a birthday recently. One guy from church knows that we are twins and says, happy birthday to only my twin sister and not me. He says hi and how are you to only my twin sister, instead of me all the time. I am a very sensitive person and I am a little offended by it. I don't know what I did to the person, i try to be very nice to him. I don't think that he likes me. Am i overreacting for feeling that way? We're not identical twins |
Question: My grandpa had 3 strokes, i want to go see him but im scheduled to work? Posted: 09 Dec 2018 09:36 AM PST He is 10 hrs away. The docs say he is doing ok, but he wont wake up or open his eyes. They put the phone up to him so i could talk to him but all i heard was his heavy breathing. Its been 3 days since he had the stroke and he is 89. Should i just tell my manager i have to go see him even tho i (MAY) get fired? ): im worried i wont get another chance |
Question: Help! How to babysit a 3 year old? Posted: 09 Dec 2018 06:59 AM PST So basically my parents are going out with my aunt and uncle tonight and they want me and my siblings (Mostly me because I'm the oldest :/) to watch our baby cousin for the night (Dont ask why they thought it was a good idea because I don't but it's happening) we have to feed her bathe her etc, ik her and she's kind of like another sister to us but ik taking care of a 3 year old isn't exactly easy especially for 4 kids the oldest being 17, any tips? Thanks for the help guys! Also not gonna spank her because I don't even think my aunt and uncle do lol |
Question: I got into a huge fight with my mom who’s in the wrong here? Posted: 09 Dec 2018 05:58 AM PST It all started when my mom asked me to sing for her as I sing "professionally" I guess you could say. So I sang my first song and she said it was good. Then I sang the second song which I put a lot of practice into, and I personally thought was some of my best vocals. Anyways she then begins to mock my voice and laugh about it which hurt my feelings. She told me to sing that part of the song again, which I did. Then she mocks me yet again and says she doesn't like it. I told her I was gonna stop there as I was already feeling disappointed at that point. I sat down on the couch next to her silently and she said "you need to learn how to accept criticism, I know what good singing is because I took singing when I was in school (in a different country btw)." I then fired back saying "well I thought it was good." and she says "whatever you say." I couldn't stand how insensitive she being so I broke down crying and stormed into my room, my dad was in the room as well and he told me I was being a brat. Then 20 min later my mom walks past my room and tells me she's not going to my performance because she doesn't care about it and that I don't sing good. I couldn't hide my feelings anymore and I told her she owed me an apology for making fun of me. She refused and said she doesn't owe me any apology. is she wrong or am I? |
Posted: 09 Dec 2018 04:35 AM PST I am talked own to and made to feel worthless. They preyend like they changed but have not and dont want me happy without them. Should I just cut off all ties? even risking not getting money for christmas? |
Posted: 09 Dec 2018 04:12 AM PST It has ruined my holliday once again and I refuse to see her. She is very controlling and kicked me out for dissagreeing with her views and beliefs. She constantly criticises me, my life, and bad mouths my fiance. Then says I need to move back in. I feel very emotionally abused by my mom and was a slave to her and tortured because I am like my father who left her. Its hard to ignore texts, and she acted like she wants to get me all this stuff dor christmas, but I could not handle the mind games and strings attached. I made the mistake of asking to borrow money and got a huge lecture, even though I worked for very low pay for her business for many years insyead of persue my own career in my 20s. My point is that I feel like she is never going to change and makes me feel so crappy and drained, or inadequete. She used to be very mean to me also. I payed her rent and moved out and she acts like I am throwing some fit and will move back in. She does not like how I am as a person either and my different views on religeon, life, and politics. I honestly do not care of I never see her again. She gets very clingy also, but pushes my buttons, then says she misses me??? I told her how auful she treated me. She said that's family. I was doing just fine until we got into these heated arguments recently. We do not get along either and I miss my dad so much, but he is dead. |
Posted: 09 Dec 2018 01:19 AM PST My step son made an unusual but disturbing comment to me, and I think his mother is giving him weed gummies. I know she uses "medically" but he's only 8 and already underdeveloped due to some other factors related to his mom. We love him and want to make sure he developes the best he can, given the situation when he is not with my husband and I. |
Question: Why wouldn't they trust me to watch my ne-phew? Posted: 09 Dec 2018 01:19 AM PST Okay so, My family is visiting (like they do often every month). My brother, his wife, her daughter and my nephew. My mom also comes by because she lives a few minutes away, but this time they left his wife's daughter while they went out to watch the game. My mom also went with them as well, but my mother told me that my brother (my nephews dad) that he told Sarah (his wife's daughter) to watch his son. Mind you, it's just me and his wife's daughter alone with his son. My mother then reminded him that I'm there too. I don't do anything wrong nor would abuse or hurt a child or a fly lol. So I'm wondering why do you think he wouldn't want me to watch my nephew :( I kinda cried about this because it just breaks my heart to think of me that way. |
Question: Guys, I'm 24 years old and becoming a bum? Posted: 09 Dec 2018 01:18 AM PST Ok I'm 24 I'm currently homeless. I used to be in the military in 2014 before then I wasn't doing much of anything like absolutely nothing in 2015 I decided to leave during the year of 2015 to 2018 I been from job to job I used to live with my grandparents before my parents kicked me out I'm currently now homeless and jobless once again I'm living in a shelter kinda at a life pause I have on good thing that I own I supposedly own a lot of land in texas I bought it while in the military that's basically all I have left and plus some other personal possessions my family honestly critizes me for my current lifestyle but I'm I can't help that right now I'm trying but somedays I'm not trying it's just hard I don't know im kinda really depressed now honestly ive been threw a few things in life tho not the first time ive been depressed i do at times just wanna give up completely if already havent given up. i mean how can i feel better |
Question: Why does it upset my family that I don't want to 'settle down'? Posted: 09 Dec 2018 12:13 AM PST For the past three years, I've lived out of an RV, traveling south during the winter and north during the summer. Generally I find work performing as a lifeguard. Most of my income is set aside for the future because my expenses are incredibly minimal. The best thing, I'd say, is that I'm always going new places and meeting people. My family, especially my grandparents, are always calling me out for not wanting to buy a home and settle down. They act like it's the most important thing in the universe to establish yourself in one spot, and despite the fact that I have plenty of savings, act like I'm ruining my future. Why is settling so important to older folks like them? |
Question: Who is a Christian and this has happened recently? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 10:57 PM PST Your grandma or grandpa was in the hospital for a week,became very sick. you kept all your sadness, hard time etc in your mind and didn't look or act sad out loud. your mom/dad had to keep going to the hospital and stay for a while to talk to the nurses and doctor, and stay with there parent for a few hours to comfort them. You prayed all week that he/she won't die and got to see him/her once in the hospital before he or may die. then when your mom/dad went in on Saturday and the doctor predicted that there parent might die before tonight or die tomorrow. she/he did not die before the end of the day. then Sunday when your mom/dad talked to the doctor he said she/he is healed. When your mom/dad told you that your grandparent was healed you started praising, thanking the lord etc. Also they are still alive now. |
Question: Whats the origin of the name Wong-Fox, and why does it have a dash? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 10:04 PM PST |
Question: Is it rare for kids to actually like veggies? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 10:03 PM PST I've heard several times children usually refuse to eat veggies or anything healthy but mine never give me a hard time. Maybe because I ate very healthy and exercised while pregnant. |
Question: My last name is Wong-Fox, whats the origin? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 08:34 PM PST |
Question: She accuses me of mollycoddling my she right? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 07:57 PM PST My wife (who doesn't live with me) is staying at my place because of a house fire. My son (who has special needs) sleeps with me in my bed at night. My wife agreed to sleep on the couch, but complains that it's too uncomfortable. She asked me if I could use my son's mattress. I said it's fine, so long as she puts it back before my son wakes up. I didn't want my son to harbor any feelings of resentment towards his step mom. She got mad and said forget it...that I'm mollycoddling him. I don't feel like I'm mollycoddling him. It's his mattress and I don't want him to feel angry at his step mom for using it without his knowledge. Who is right and who is wrong? He's 11 |
Question: Was I really wrong to do this? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 07:48 PM PST For 10 years I was stuck overseas with my abusive father and his difunctional side of the family. I couldnt see my mom It wasnt easy for her to get a visa to go there. I was 17 and miserable. One of the people that helped me get through it all was my boyfriend of 4+ years. Whenever i would say anything about hating my life and wanting to leave the country and go to my mom he would freak out and start praying that never happens.I knew he loved me and only said that because he didnt want me to leave but i still hated that he knew everything i was going through and was still selfish enough to say such a thing. So when my mom was finally able to break me out of the country, i didnt tell him. I just left. We texted everyday but i didnt mention leaving until after i left. Of course, he was hurt. My dad, however, was furious. Especially since a few weeks later my grandfather, who i was very close to, died. My dad was begging me to come back and stand by him after his dad just died. But i knew if i ever went back there was no way i'd be able to escape again. I was ridden with grief and guilt. I knew I would never go back to that life but I also felt bad about it. In a moment of weakness and self loathing, I broke up with my boyfriend. 2 months later, I got myself together and texted him. He obviously hated me for breaking up with him and wouldn't speak to me.I know it was my fault and that I broke his heart but he knew what was going on with me couldn't he be a little more forgiving? |
Question: Why does my daughter have negative associations with our old town? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 07:43 PM PST My daughter grew up in a suburb outside of San Francisco and was bullied a lot by her classmates. Well we recently packed up and moved to Toronto Canada for my husbands work and will probably not be returning to San Francisco area. Anyways, she told me she doesn't like California and doesn't ever want to go back to this suburb near San Francisco. |
Question: How to deal with having a dumb mother? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 07:30 PM PST My mom is really dumb and it seems like she doesn't think before she speaks. I want to have some sort of relationship with her but she's so dumb and doesn't use logical reasoning. If someone tells her something she automatically thinks it's true- unless I'm the one telling her. |
Posted: 08 Dec 2018 06:42 PM PST my parents are together and I realised when ever my dad leaves to go play sport my mum decides to call somebody, this person she calls she's been calling for abt a year now. And I just seen him today. I had to talk to him and my said to me don't talk abt my dad and I think she's cheating on my dad. What should I do, the man is also my mums boss! What should I do pls help and I have 1 sibling who is 8 |
Question: How dumb do you have to be, to believe a Beanie Baby will sell for thousands online? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 06:41 PM PST I already knew that my Mother was an imbecile but this confirms it. Since She's high in narcissistic tendencies and likes to argue about ridiculous things, lately She's taken to arguing that I should list Her old Beanie Babies(from storage) for thousands online. This all started because She read some click bait article about them being worth tons now. The woman has no logic or good reasoning skills, yet considers Herself " high in common sense." Another fact that confirms She's narcissistic because She has rather little common sense! |
Question: How can I make my parents happy? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 04:03 PM PST I am 25 years old, about to finish up college. I commute to college every day from my parent's house. So far this has been my best year of college, in my whole life. I did a really cool internship this past summer. I also met a girl who might become romantically involved with me. I have several really cool job interviews lined up in my field of choice. But every day when I come home to my parents, they are always in a bad mood. I can't figure out what makes them so depressed and negative all the time. I cannot afford to move out just yet, so I cannot avoid my parents. How can I make them happy? They have no sense of humor anymore when I try to make conversation with them. My parents actually want me to stay with them until I'm 30. True story. You don't have to believe me but they actually said that. |
Question: Why is my brother in law always trying to undermine everything I do? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 03:27 PM PST Every time I have a conversation with him I feel like I am being interrogated then judged on my answers. He ask me what I have been up to and I tell him just working with my buddy who is a plumber and he is like that is pretty cool he let's you work with him with no experience. I mean who the hell said I have no experience in digging holes and fixing a pipe. I'm no stranger to physical labor. Anyways the point is every time I tell him something I have done or achieved he acts as if it is no big deal or I was lucky that **** happen to me. What a ******* dick has evolved into. I could careless to see him this X-mas. Bossy *** frat boy thinks he is a surgeon just because he works around them. I should call him a male nurse see how he likes it. |
Question: Should I make the move? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 03:27 PM PST My son wants me to come live at his home in California(San Diego) but I'm not sure. I've never left the state of Pennsylvania except for the times I have to go across the line to Maryland. I would have my own in-law suite, I am retired so will not need to find a job. Is it a good lifestyle there, my main thing is getting away from the cold. |
Question: Incel hates his mother too? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 02:31 PM PST |
Question: Is my mom doing the right thing here? Posted: 08 Dec 2018 02:30 PM PST My single mom lives alone in an old house which often needs repairs. When she needs help with anything she calls my ex husband Bob to come over and fix the problem. They were great friends when we were married and that did not change with our friendly divorce. Bob never charges her for his help which really helps her save money. She never mentions what Bob does for her to my current husband Joe but she tells me when I ask her. I let it slip to Joe that Bob fixed some problems at mom's house. Joe then told mom that the next time she had a problem to call him to come fix it. Mom wanting to keep peace in the family and not cause me any problems agreed to do it. When mom had an electrical problem she asked Joe to come fix it. Joe worked on the problem for 2 days and could not fix it and gave up trying. She then called Bob who came by and fixed the problem. Now mom said she is not going to call Joe for any future problems. My husband still thinks mom should call him when she needs help as he is "family" and Bob is not. Mom really feels bad she has caused me a problem with Joe. Is my husband being unreasonable? When we go see mom she always treats Joe very well and likes him a lot. It is just that Joe is not good working on houses. Please give me some advice on how I can get my husband Joe to understand that he does not have to compete with Bob for my mother to like him. |
Posted: 08 Dec 2018 02:29 PM PST He was 94. Hard to believe a month ago at this time I was probably talking to him in his kitchen as I used to go to his home almost daily. 3 days ago we buried him. He was buried with full military honors.He taught me a lot of things in life. He taught me how to play baseball and how to fish. He was of those old fashioned americans. Had good values. He was married with my grandma 54 years (whereas I can't find girls who commit to relationships longer than a month lol). A humble man. I was overwhelmed by how many people showed up to his funeral. About 500. Church was packed and some people had to stand out. Watching 6 Marines in their dress blues carrying his flag draped casket while amzing grace was being played on bagpipes just made me weep. People I didn't even know was saluting him as the casket was passing. He had a civilian job and never spoke about the military but I guess that's true that once a Marine ALWAYS a Marine. Bottomline is that I feel so sad and can't focus on anything. I dont want to see my friends,I took a long a few hrs ago,alone,just thinking that I'll never see him again. Any advice? I feel like cra* he was married with grandma 54 years,right until she died in the year 2000 |
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