Family & Relationships: Question: Can i get married to a taco? |
- Question: Can i get married to a taco?
- Question: Can I sleep in a condom so I can sleep in what my parents should've used?
- Question: Can I be aborted even though I m 14?
- Question: Why do people categorize men as dead beats like there aren't woman in this world that's terrible mothers ALL MEN ARE NOT THE SAME!!!!!?
- Question: Does this mean that we might be able to get back together?
- Question: Selling my baby in 3 months to pay for my college?
- Question: Do women fancy men as much as men fancy women?
- Question: Am I a bad person if I don't care about anyone but myself?
- Question: Does my brothers girlfriend want me?
- Question: Is it creepy for 18 year old guy to be engaged to his 45 year old ex 1st grade teacher who used to be in lesbian relationship with his mom?
- Question: What do you think it is that he wants? Or is just messing with my feelings?
- Question: A woman touching her neck might mean?
- Question: What kind of men can only buy sex and not be in a REAL relationship? How come these type of men can never get married?
- Question: Is something wrong with me? I can't answer simple questions.?
- Question: Lo que pasa es que un día fui con un doctor y me pidió que me bajara los pantalones y ropa interior y me acostara en la camilla boca abajo,?
- Question: Is it possible to win a woman's heart?
- Question: Sexual terms for a 8th grader to know about?
- Question: Should I tell my parents that guys are going somewhere with me?
- Question: I'm mad at my French teacher?
- Question: What do atheists think of this pastor say PLANNED PARENTHOOD, starting FIGHT with him?
- Question: What exactly does it mean to "think the world of someone"?
- Question: I want to bone tracer from overwatch. Help?
- Question: My grandfather died this afternoon of cancer should we have his funeral before Easter or wait till more people can come?
- Question: What can I do?
Question: Can i get married to a taco? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 11:02 AM PDT |
Question: EMBARAZO, POSTDAY, AYUDA PORFAVOR? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 10:57 AM PDT tuve relaciones con mi novia el martes y ese mismo dia pasadas una hora o dos tomo la pastilla de emergencia y luego volvimos a tener relaciones el jueves pero se rompio el condon, no estuve mucho tiempo dentro de ella cuando se rompio y no senti que eyaculara, lo iba a hacer dos veces pero aguante y en el condon habia solo agua blanca como de horchata, fuimos con una doctora que nos dijo que no habia nada que hacer luego con un doctor que nos explico el ciclo entero y se tomo otra vez ese dia jueves la pastilla de emergencia pasadas unas 3 o 4 horas, hoy sabado ella me dijo que expulso un poco de flujo color transparente como el que expulsa despues de menstruar mi duda es si estara embarazada o habra probabilidades de estarlo, ya se que lo que hicimos estuvo muy mal y que maximo deben ser dos pastillas en un año con un periodo de seis meses de diferencia pero era una emergencia porfavor ayudenme a resolver esta duda muchas gracias |
Question: Can I sleep in a condom so I can sleep in what my parents should've used? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 10:54 AM PDT |
Question: Can I be aborted even though I m 14? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 10:37 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 08:47 AM PDT |
Question: Does this mean that we might be able to get back together? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 07:41 AM PDT My ex and I broke up around 3 years ago mutually due to 'losing the spark'. We were together for 3 years before we broke up. About a year after we broke up I found out that she had moved on, it broke my heart but I accepted it and I was happy for her. After 3years of barely speaking, we finally spoke on Valentine's Day this year and in that message she sent me a pic of a valentines present that I gave her almost 4 years ago and she said that she never knew how weird it could be to go from talking and seeing someone all the time to not talking at all, she also asked if I had met anyone I said no then she went on to say that she wonders how things would be if we were still together.After that she said that she hoped I can find someone that makes me happy because I deserve it.I was shocked she said that but I just said the same back. At the end of this conversation she said bye and told me to 'stay in touch'. last week she found out that I left my job and she asked how come I left and we talked for a full day, but the convo ended when she didn't reply. But it seemed as though we were close again as she remembered everything including that it's my birthday in a few weeks and jokingly said that I should start thinking about 'settling down' bcos I'm getting old. I always tried to get over her but after 3 years I'm still not over her and after we talked recently I'm beginning to think that still might have feelings for me, could there still be a chance for me and her? |
Question: Selling my baby in 3 months to pay for my college? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 05:13 AM PDT my baby will be going to a nice couple who have lots of money and homes. only thing is I cant ever she baby in future. I will get 750 dollars tonight then 750 dollars each week until baby is born. I cant use drugs ,smoke or drink until baby is born:( my gf says I can get more money fro them, is it true? |
Question: Do women fancy men as much as men fancy women? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 03:33 AM PDT As a straight man I know that attractive women have the power to send me cross eyed with desire, but do women ever feel the same intensity of desire towards men? A good looking woman can stay on a mans mind for hours, is it the same for women? The world is full of good looking women, but good looking men are few and far between. I've never been able to understand what it is about men that women could find attractive. Secondly, whether you consider yourself as falling in to this category or not, do you think attractive women are aware of the power the have over men? |
Question: Am I a bad person if I don't care about anyone but myself? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 03:20 AM PDT I just don't really care for others everybody irritates me I don't enjoy the company of my family so I distance myself from them the other day my mom was was telling me how sick my grandpa is right now and that I should go see him but I don't want because I really couldn't care less what happens to him and I know that sounds bad but it's true it's the same with my friends I don't care for them either I just use them to get what I want whenever I'm around them and there telling me about there problems I just don't give a **** and feel like telling them to **** off I've never been in a relationship because I'm too selfish and could never give myself to another person I'm incapable of love all I care about is my self and my career and my money does this make me a bad person |
Question: Does my brothers girlfriend want me? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 02:12 AM PDT I am married and we were all drinking in a bar together.My wife and I, my twin brother and his black girlfriend.Hours brother got up to hang out with his co-workers by the jukebox. I heard her talking to the her bartender best-friend about me from across the room.She asked her "do you think he's attractive" and the bartender said "yes" while looking at me.Does she want me? My wife was in the bathroom when I heard this. |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 01:56 AM PDT |
Question: What do you think it is that he wants? Or is just messing with my feelings? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 12:52 AM PDT After I found out my manager was married and he found out I liked him he's still kinda flirting with me, poking me and stuff and just a few days ago I had to work with him for a few hours and he randomly said that he'll always be here for me and when he wanted to take over for him because he was leaving I said something like how I'm gonna take his place and he went like that's my girl and just yesterday he kept on touching my bun when I kept on moving his hand away and when he walked pass me while I was putting the garbage away he just poked me and I really just don't get it. He obviously knows I like him and I know he's married so is he just messing with my feelings now or what? I wish I could ask him what is it that he wants because the more he keeps like flirting with me and teasing the more I will like more and I would rather have things be awkward than for him to continue doing this. I try to ignore him at work or not talk to him as much but it's kinda hard and I don't know what is it that he wants because I'm so lost and confused. Should I just ask him if he's like happy with his marriage or if he's happy if with his life and stuff maybe then i figure out what exactly what he wants |
Question: A woman touching her neck might mean? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 12:07 AM PDT I've had some sad family news which will mean i need to take some time off soon, so thought i should discuss this with one of the managers in case i need to leave work quickly or get the time off. We're stood facing each other, and while i'm talking to her at one point she raised her left hand and touched the side of her neck with her finger tips for what seemed like a minute or more. I've never seen her do that before and wondered if it might have been because it was not good news that she might have done that to be calm? For some background she's normally a typical outgoing, successful woman who is helpful, caring and enjoys some friendly/teasing banter. |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 12:06 AM PDT |
Question: Is something wrong with me? I can't answer simple questions.? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 11:28 PM PDT My and my boyfriend were on the phone and he asked me a question along the lines of "Give me an example of this." And my mind blanked out and I couldn't think. It was a simple question, he wanted answers based off something from our past. He got mad at me because I was taking too long. When I did give him an example, he said it didn't count and he did that for the next two answers. He kept telling me examples that I could say and it just made me feel worse about myself. He got mad and told me that I didn't listen to him and I didn't really care about our relationship. I told him that coming up with quick answers isn't easy for me and he told me "Well get good at it then". He gives me questions like this alot and it's always the same outcome. I can't answer and I can only say "i don't know" "uhh" and "let me think". I'm not trying to ask is he wrong and am i right. I don't care about the argument. I just want to know if something is really wrong with me. I can't even do it in school so this isn't a new problem. I'm very book smart but I'm not a fast thinker. |
Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:59 PM PDT lo hice al principio tenía nervios y me empezó a revisar y me dijo que no había problemas en el ano, después me dijo que me volteara que me iba a revisar el Pene para descartar infecciones también ahí, entonces obedecí y me empezó a apretar el Pene cosa que sentía a la vez rico pero no sentía que se me ustubiese poniendo duro hasta cuando voltee a ver y observe que me estaba provocando sin que me diera ( o sintiera) que la tenía semi erecta y me pregunto si ya no crecía más, le dije que si pero que tenía nervios y me dijo que no me preocupara y que tenia que observar mi Pene completamente erecto entonces cuando alcanzó un buen tamaño mi Pene, el doctor me dijo que estaba bien (buen tamaño, grosor) , sólo que tenía que hacer un ejercicio para enderezarlo ya que lo tengo un poco curvo luego empezó a subir y bajar y me dijo : " está bien duro" y con mis nervios le dije:" si algo", pero no dejaba de subir y bajar su mano ( tipo masturbacion) , y después me dijo: " quieres que le siga?", Y la verdad nunca había recibido una masturbacion o paja de otra persona y le dije que no sabía y entre risa me dijo,: " crees que te vengas? O te falta mucho?", Y le dije la verdad, que antes de ir a consulta me había masturbado y solo sonrió y siguió hasta que me vine, se sintió rico que alguien más me masturbarse ,pero también me dió un poco de pena, y ahora quiero ir otra vez pero no se que vaya a pensar el doctor o que escusa poner para que suceda |
Question: Is it possible to win a woman's heart? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:12 PM PDT I'm not perfect women say I'm adorable but I'm not mr universe. But if a guy is really sweet but also confident and respectful to it possible? |
Question: Sexual terms for a 8th grader to know about? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 08:32 PM PDT yeah everyone says im to innocent and should learn the basics any "basics help" I want dirty terms |
Question: Should I tell my parents that guys are going somewhere with me? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 07:45 PM PDT I'm 14 and it's my friend's birthday tomorrow. She wants to go ice skating and she invited three girls (including me) and three guys. My parents don't really want me going to parties with guys but we're only ice skating. It's for my friends birthday too. Should I tell them about the guys or just go without letting them know. If I do tell them, I might not be able to go and I'll disappoint my friend. If I don't tell them, I can go but if my parents do see the guys, then I might have to leave. What did I do? |
Question: I'm mad at my French teacher? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 06:29 PM PDT So me and my friend both want to be President of French Honor Society. We were both officers this year. In my opinion, I did a very good job as an officer. I attended all meetings, helped out when needed, kept everything up to date etc. She didnt even come to some of the meetings, and whenever I was there to help she was not. However, my french teacher said that we are the best officers and she wants to keep both of us as officers for next year. My French teacher came up with a solution to who would become president: write the words "president" and "vice president" on slips of paper and have one of us pick a piece of paper from a hat; which ever piece of paper we chose is the position we will get. I worked very hard for president this year, and even the current president said I would make a good president next year. My french teacher said in the beginning of the year that the new officers would be picked by the old officers, but obviously that was lie. I'm just scared to draw "vice president" because I worked so hard to become President and now I feel like it was for nothing. I know i'm probably getting too mad about this but for some reason it's making me very angry. advice? should i tell my french teacher that the idea she has for picking president makes no sense? |
Question: What do atheists think of this pastor say PLANNED PARENTHOOD, starting FIGHT with him? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 05:40 PM PDT |
Question: What exactly does it mean to "think the world of someone"? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 05:38 PM PDT |
Question: I want to bone tracer from overwatch. Help? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 04:28 PM PDT |
Posted: 07 Apr 2017 02:41 PM PDT |
Posted: 07 Apr 2017 01:12 PM PDT My grandma has cancer of the pancreas that has spread to her liver. Incurable. She is constantly nauseous and everything she eats, she pukes. What can I do? |
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