Family: Question: How do I get my Dad to understand and be patient with my brother who is mentally ill instead of blowing him off and making it his fault? |
- Question: How do I get my Dad to understand and be patient with my brother who is mentally ill instead of blowing him off and making it his fault?
- Question: My uncle tried to eat me at the party today, I got away. How do I get out of seeing him next time?
- Question: My Dad is marrying the woman he left my Mom for and I feel I should go to the wedding out of loyalty, Mom says I can't. What do I do?
- Question: I hate my step mom?
- Question: Does it have daughters girls who get along better and are more attached to the mother of the father?
- Question: Should I see or talk to my estranged mother before I move out of the country?
- Question: I found vodka and "candies" in my sister's room - help?
- Question: What is wrong with my dad?
- Question: Why do people keep interfering in my family?
- Question: Conservative dad won t let me see non-religious boyfriend?
- Question: I blamed my sister for something I did and I feel really guilty.?
- Question: Should i let my family see me naked?
- Question: I want to go to prom but my mom wouldn't let me, how should i ask her?
- Question: Why is my dad being unfair?
- Question: My Parents are getting divorced, my dad is very violent?
- Question: Do men love their women far more than the women love them back?
- Question: My cousin has several kids from two guys both of whom are bums and one is a felon. What makes girls attracted to guys like this?
- Question: How can I tell when my dad is lying to me and when he is telling the truth?
- Question: My brother is an ex felon and my parents sweep it under the rug. Is this a normal reaction to the parents of a criminal?
- Question: How do I respond when my cousin tells me how horrible her parents are?
- Question: What's going on with my mom, and what can I do ?
- Question: Should I Just Say I Lied Even Though I Didn't?
- Question: My parents took away my computer that I paid for with my own money.?
- Question: If a man takes care of his kids financially and have a genuine relationship with them why can a bitter ex get him on child support?
- Question: Should it be illegal for a woman to put her kids father on child support just to get back at him for not wanting to be with her????
- Question: I don t know what to do .. New mother and I m not sure how to co parent with my ex boyfriend?
- Question: How can I talk to my husband ?
- Question: Should I live my parents dream?
- Question: I hate my mom for leaving my dad?
- Question: Should I just up and move to a bigger city with much opportunity with no money?
- Question: My boyfriend mother is crazy!!!!?
- Question: Why does my father's girlfriend hate all my kids, which she has never met, nor has she ever come into contact with?
- Question: Is my brother a racist b/c he wants the new student from Japan to run for class president so he can say "erection" instead of "election"?
- Question: Is it the child's fault or parents' fault?
- Question: Manipulation?
- Question: I'm angry that my mom died?
- Question: Why do I hate my life so much?
- Question: Why can I never be happy at my dad s house?
- Question: How can I be comfortable with showing my face? I can't even FaceTime my own family members because I feel so ugly and it really sucks?
- Question: Attention foot fetishists!?
- Question: Is it weird to still call my dad Papi?
- Question: Ya no aguanto ami suegra?
- Question: Bringing dog to my dads along with my custody (legal question)?
- Question: My parents don't feed me what do I do?
- Question: Why do my little sisters act like clingy weirdos whenever i bring friends to the house?
- Question: I'm 26, I'm still not sure if I want kids, my friends, who all have kids said I need to know by 29 or then I'll be to old. Is this true?
- Question: Am I able to become the guardian of my three younger siblings?
- Question: How do I get my parents to let me go on a camp?
- Question: Should I tell my mom that I know she got impregnated by a grown man?
- Question: My dad was drunk and just went to the supermarket and i'm afraid my mom will get angry and my dad will hit my mom.?
- Question: How can i gather people to do a music concert. im a new singer?
- Question: Que debería hacer?
- Question: Should I add my father on facebook even though I have never met him?
- Question: Do men lose their hearing at 51?
- Question: What makes it felt better or change the experience?
- Question: HO HO HO, have you drawn names for getting gifts for Christmas in your family yet?
- Question: HO HO HO, have you finished your families Christmas Shopping for the year?
- Question: Family problems please help?
- Question: My 15 year old daughter is out of control. What do I do?
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 02:02 PM PDT I feel sorry for my younger brother because I went through the same thing. My brother is 22 so not a kid anymore but when he brings up and anxiety our Dad acts like anxiety is his (the brother's) choice. He says "why do you let yourself get like this" or "how about you just stop for once". My brother has even said he wishes he could kill himself but doesn't believe in suicide. Our Dad is the most ignorant man ever when it comes to emotional disabilities. Our Mom is helpful but nervous herself and my brother is the only son in the family so he wants a man to help him. Our grandfathers were very compassionate but they have both died. |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 01:59 PM PDT He like to try to eat the arms of his nephews and nieces and his son joins him. He also tried to drown an older cousin of mine 30 years ago before I was born. I am 22 and he still is trying to eat me. He had his spoon and fork in his hand when my Mom walked me over to say hi to him and his son. I was so scared but I am told I have to go and I am an adult but don't like fighting with Mom. How do I get out of it next time? What do I do when I have no choice but to see him? He is so scary and though he has never eaten me for dinner it is only because Mom is with me. |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 01:54 PM PDT She is mad he left her for this woman and I don't blame her. However, all my cousins will be there and my two older brothers (from Dad's first marriage) and I feel ashamed to be the only one not able to go. My Mom won't budge. The wedding is Mother's Day weekend. Please help, I feel awful not going and everyone is going to think I am boycotting when I am not, it is my Mom holding me back. I don't blame my Mom for hating my Dad and the new wife and I hate his new wife but I am his son and feel guilty not going to the wedding. He says for me to talk to my Mom about it (they don't speak anymore). My sister doesn't care and doesn't speak to my Dad but I still do. |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 01:47 PM PDT So I m passionate about a lot of things. I was learning how to speak Russian this summer and she poured water all over my dictionary and laughed! Then today she ruined my Dayan Zhanchi(it s a type of Rubik s cube that you speed solve with) She blew it off the table with a leaf blower and it got so dirty and I can t wash it. One time she got so pissed because I accidentally put my feet on the couch. It s just a couch!!! And then she blames everything on me! Currently I m spending most of my time with my mom because I go to school there. But since it s almost summer I ll have to stay there a lot. Last summer every night i would cry because I just wanted to be with my mom. Now she s trying to give my dog away because he poops too much. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM A dog? She even jokes about sending it to a farm where it will be killed. She seems to LOVE my sister. It was fine when I met her, but then she was just getting worse. She buys everything my stepbrother wants and I get nothing. And before you say , "it s because he s young, " WERE THE SAMe AGE. I really don t know what to do anymore. She just hates me... |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 01:42 PM PDT |
Question: Should I see or talk to my estranged mother before I move out of the country? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 01:38 PM PDT Long story short, my mom was mentally abusive to me my whole life and punished me worse than all of my other (7) siblings. Part of me knows it's because she sees my dad in me, the other part of me doesn't understand how she has done the things she has to me. I'm not going into full on details, but i do not want a relationship with my mother at all. I'm speaking morally and consciously if I should reach out to her and at least give her a good bye. I'm really conflicted, I will always love her. But I will always hate her more.. it's sad to say |
Question: I found vodka and "candies" in my sister's room - help? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 01:29 PM PDT I'm her 12 year old brother and I'm not super familiar with drugs but I've seen some kids in my grade doing it before. My 15 year old sister started hanging out in the basement more and she tells our parents that she's reading doing homework and having quiet time down there. She had Asperger's and she's quiet so it wasn't unusual of her to want quiet time. My parents are Asian immigrants and they have NO idea what kids are doing nowadays. I was told to put something down in the basement when I found a vodka bottle and a few ordinary water bottles but with the same liquid as the vodka one. Then I found those "gummy bears" that can make people drunk or are actually drugs. I don't know how to tell my parents this. My sister came home from school the other day eating some gummy bears and told us a friend gave them to her. She went down to the basement after that. My parents just thought it was plain old junk food and I thought the same too. Until I read the labels. She left them on a drawer and they fell on me so I looked at it . |
Question: What is wrong with my dad? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 01:23 PM PDT He don t like shows like men would like he only watches like those home buying shows and nothing else and he is weird |
Question: Why do people keep interfering in my family? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 01:00 PM PDT Today my aunt's husband, I cant stand him any longer, he interfered in my brother's life, my brother is 31 years old, and finally bought a car (he took a bank loan) he visited us today, and someone told him that my brother bought a car, he acted like its from his own money or something ! he asked my brother if he knows how to drive and he said yes, but he aimed at him when he asked him like: you yes you do you know how to drive !?! like my brother is nothing ! and then he said what do you need it for ? just go in buses and that's it, I felt my brother was gonna snap at him, but my dad was here and didn't want to say anything, I really felt bad for him. Why do people keep doing this to us ? me and my family never interfere in other people lives, but they do it every time. My dad always says we don't need to make fights with people. |
Question: Conservative dad won t let me see non-religious boyfriend? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 11:39 AM PDT My dad is very religious and a hardcore Christian, so when i told him i had a boyfriend, i had to lie and say that he was a Christian also when he s really not. My dad doesn t want me to date anybody who isn t a Christian so later on when he found out my boyfriend wasn t religious he told me to stop seeing him, but i said i wouldn t. Now, my dad has found out we had sex (i am a teenager) and he got mad and told me that i can t see him until he figures out what to do about it. He already doesn t approve of my boyfriend for not being Christian, how should i convince him to respect my boundaries and let me see who i want to? I already apologized for having sex and i told him i wouldn t do it again. |
Question: I blamed my sister for something I did and I feel really guilty.? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 11:25 AM PDT I broke my removable braces by sitting on them and then didn't want to get into trouble because they are expensive so I framed my sister. I put them on my bed, which is a bunk bed and while she was on it. Of course she was disgusted because it was in my mouth and threw them of. I pretended that when I picked them up they had just broke even thought they broke hours before. Then I told my parents and luckily they only yelled a bit and then focused on trying to fix them. She said that she didn't care but I feel really crappy and I don't want to admit it was me. She's 8 and I'm 13 and we are both girls. I know what I did was wrong and I do feel sorry. I think I will admit to my family I did it but now now maybe in like a month when they are over it. I know I'm weak and I should have had the courage to tell them I did it but I was scared. I'm please don't hate on me and say I'm a horrible person for doing this. |
Question: Should i let my family see me naked? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 11:21 AM PDT I ve been looking on sites like this for a while and I m not sure what I should do. I m a 13 year old boy. My family has not seen me naked since I was about 8. I have changed a lot and I don t know what to do. I live with a dad a mom and a sister. I want to become a nudist when I m at home but I don t know where to start. If you have experience with this please help. |
Question: I want to go to prom but my mom wouldn't let me, how should i ask her? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 11:16 AM PDT I'm a junior at high school and a guy wants me to go to prom with him. I think it's a beautiful experience i want to live. All my life I've been forbidden from music and a lot of other things due to my mother's religious beliefs. I want to go to prom, i know it will not be the end of the world if Im not able to go but prom isn't something to do every year. For the respect i have for my mother i really want to go having her permission the only thing i want is to know how to ask her. The problem with prom is that dancing and non-religious music is bad and all that... |
Question: Why is my dad being unfair? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 11:05 AM PDT I m 19 and I have my own life, my dad doesn t want me to go alone when I fly out to different countries, he says I should go to a place that s next to my country because "Your a girl, that s different" Why is he like this??? I mean it s unfair and sexist. I make money, and I can support myself. (I do not wanna sound immature) but he s an asshole, I mean I wanna get it off my chest, he s a huge asshole, he always puts me down and raises my brother up, he thinks I m weak and dumb and just because my brother is a boy he s obviously wayy smarter than I am. Well let me tell you this, my brother s GPA is way below mine, his GPA is 1.7 while mine is 3.10, my dad puts me down because he says i m dumb and my brother is smart so my brother gets to go abroad to college(in norway) while he wants me to go here, in the UK where I live, it s literally pissing me off and I just can t handle this anymore it s so annoying. I hate being a girl. Why am I being put down just because I m a girl?? I m sorry if this sounds feminist-like but it s true, my dad is a huge sexist and I can tell. my question is, what do I do?? I wanna kill myself I'm not ******* with you all. This is not life. |
Question: My Parents are getting divorced, my dad is very violent? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 10:15 AM PDT I m 16 years old and my mom has recently told me she is planning on divorcing my dad, she has dealt with many things that my dad has done to her, he is verbally mentally and physically abusive (i have seen bruises). In the past he has gotten very violent towards my brother(18) my mom and I. My brother doesn t know they re getting divorced yet because he refuses to believe that my dad had been abusive. My mom is scared to tell my dad about getting a divorce because she is scared for her life and our life, he sometimes acts very rash and throws things at her and he has hit her with a belt before, he has said to me "I will beat you so hard, I don t care if I go to jail, I m willing to stay in jail" how should my mom approach this? Should we have a police officer present? Should it be handled in a public space in case he gets violent? I m scared for the next few weeks.. |
Question: Do men love their women far more than the women love them back? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 09:50 AM PDT it seems a man will sacrifice all he has to make a woman happy, but she won't lift her little pinky to do anything to help him when he needs it. |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 09:33 AM PDT In my cousins case I'm told that someone on the other side of her family molested her as a kid and went to prison for it so I don't know if that could be connected though they have no relationship with that man now. Also her dad was an alcoholic and there was some dysfunction in her home when she was growing up he has since died. So my question is what here cost her to grow up and be attracted to these losers in her early 20s? Just got passed some of this now but has three cans from these two losers. She has never been married and is a perfectly good person it was just trouble this way. |
Question: How can I tell when my dad is lying to me and when he is telling the truth? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 09:29 AM PDT For example last October he made a promise that he would come see me at Christmas and then he blew me off on Christmas because of his wife'a families schedule. Meanwhile I found out from my stepbrother that he lies to my stepmother about finances and they argue about it though he's apparently gotten better about that. So how do I know when he's lying to me and when he's telling the truth? I have a OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and so I already have a hard time trusting people. He has told many other lives than just the one at Christmas. |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 09:26 AM PDT They confront him about it but they tell me and my sister just to tell people that our brother is fine and working hard. |
Question: How do I respond when my cousin tells me how horrible her parents are? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 09:22 AM PDT My cousin's mom has narcissistic traits but she's my aunt and I don't want to cut her down. Same deal with her father my uncle. I'm going to be seeing the cousin over Easter. |
Question: What's going on with my mom, and what can I do ? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 09:11 AM PDT I've been away from home since 18 to further my studies and worked outside my hometown ever since. And every time I'm back to visit home (or when she visits me) my mom just keep getting worse. I can't have a normal conversation with my mom, everything that comes out from my mouth is either an excuse or argument. (Sometimes I'm just trying to exchange ideas,nicely) She likes talking about herself and sometimes even asks questions that leads to complimenting her. Every problem or topic we talk always ends up about how good she is, how popular she was etc. you get the idea. Not to mention the fact that she is so controlling to the point that she got angry and started to be mean because I decided to have dinner with my dad or when she got angry because the underwear I chose is not what she expected me to wear on that day etc. Even our house cat gets controlled, she will force him to use the toilet, eat and drink (stuffing a bowl of water under his nose until he drinks). She even thinks for the cat, assuming that it hates my dad (because she does) She could just start a fight out of thin air. While writing this she is starting to pick on me and my ability to pack. And as usual the complain ends in her talking about how she would normally pack stuff, complimenting herself while doing so. Not to mention the fact that she is really mean to my dad and orders him where to sit and what to do the moment he gets home. What can I do? |
Question: Should I Just Say I Lied Even Though I Didn't? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 08:31 AM PDT Several months ago I ended up in a bit of a fiasco. Two days ago, my mom asked why I didn't do something, and I explained how it was related to this stupid fiasco I was in. Basically I was too embarrassed by how things went that time to ever try it again. However my mom misunderstood what I said to her. She thinks I said it happened two days ago when it happened months ago, and that some people were being mean to me and totally did not understand at all how it really happened. Basically she multiplied the severity of the situation times ten and made it out to be something it was not. Then she confronted people accusing them of things they never did. So now everyone claims I'm a liar. No one believes me and they think I said that to get attention, but I can promise you I didn't. I was only trying to explain how I was too embarrassed by a situation to try it again. But that's not how anyone else interprets my story. I've been trying to explain it and tell them I wasn't lying and this was all just a misunderstanding, but no one believes me. Everyone who knows about this is saying I should just admit I lied and it will be better for all of us. But I didn't lie to anyone or falsely accuse them of anything. I'm thinking maybe I should just say I lied even though I didn't. It will get me in a very large amount of trouble, especially since I've tried to defend myself like six times. But at least it will all be over then. I'm tired of this. Should I say I did something I didn't do? |
Question: My parents took away my computer that I paid for with my own money.? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 08:24 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 08:15 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 08:08 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 07:52 AM PDT So me and my ex have a son together and he s 1 years old . My ex is just getting his life together .... I always let him spend time with our son ... I let him see him anytime ... well easter is coming up and my sister is going to have something at her house . I had ask my sister if it s okay he can come over so he can spend time with his son too and she told me no . My family doesn t really like him . Coz of the past he s done ... I told him that he can spend time with him in the after noon and hang out with him and go somewhere & then later on he can come with me since all his cousins are going to be at the party . Idk what to do :( I even told him that we can take him to the park close by to my sister house ... he just told me no I want to spend time with my son the whole day andthat he doesnt care . He s barely getting his license this week and he doesn t have a car yet .... however he telling me by easter time he will have a car... idk what to do I m trying to workout a plan with him and he still insisting that he wants to spend time with him all day and he doesn t want our son to go to my sisters easter party ...... |
Question: How can I talk to my husband ? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 07:39 AM PDT There's a show on tonight about Charles Manson my husband wants me and our friends to watch it. I don't like seeing that. I don't like him. He scares me. I've watched enough of him in the past year I don't wanna see anymore. I hate telling people no about stuff I don't want his feelings to be hurt but I hate seeing movies like that. Last time I watched a movie of him I had nightmares for months. My sister for some reason is obsessed with him she made me watch Helter Skelter I was freaked out. I'm older than her. I thought it was about The Beatles but it wasn't the only good part was the song. My sister worries me I think she's trying to be like him. We use to have one of those tubs that you stand in to shower when the water would get hot and steamy enough she would write PIG , Helter Skelter and Rise on the door like they did in the movie. I don't want her growing up to be like him. I don't know how to tell my husband I don't want to see it again. My sister and her friends like to play that as a game they go up on the hill behind the house where there's sand they run around with sticks pretending to kill each other then they would write the words in the sand. I had a bad dream one night where she actually tried to murder me. I think she's gone too far with it. I don't even like to think about it. How can I tell him I don't wanna watch it ? |
Question: Should I live my parents dream? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 07:37 AM PDT Anyways, I am about to be graduating high school soon and my mother already has the 'perfect' blueprint of my life. She wants me to go to a four year college and since my family can't afford me to go to college she wanted to take out at least 20-30 thousand dollars for student loans. So I can attend college. Then get a job to pay off the debt. She also wants me to straighten my hair, and do a whole bunch of other things that involve either changing my future career, changing my hobbies, my interests in life and stop writing about the things I enjoy writing about. Or basically changing the majority of the things in my life, this is her dream for me and I'd hate to change so much about myself to make her happy. My father also does this but he doesn't push his dreams, and desires on me as hard as my mother does. I'm I wrong, or a bad daughter if I don't want to do what my parents want all the time? I know they mean well but why can't I just be myself! |
Question: I hate my mom for leaving my dad? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 06:26 AM PDT Thanks to my mom, our family is completely split. My brother, Mom and me live in the U.S., while my sister lives in England with my Dad. I have the most depressing life in America and hate it here. There is no way I can move to England unless I become extremely rich somehow and can support myself over there (because my dad told me he can only support my sister right now). My mom left my dad when she was pregnant with my brother, so I somewhat blame my brothers existence for us moving to America. I cry about missing my sister and dad all the time and I absolutely hate my family over here that I have to live with. |
Question: Should I just up and move to a bigger city with much opportunity with no money? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 06:01 AM PDT I'm in this small misery town with no opportunity or resources to sprout from. I mean it's nothing to do here but wait for your death ( literally). I fill out job apps on a daily and still no call . I'm losing hope |
Question: My boyfriend mother is crazy!!!!? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 04:58 AM PDT So we are currently living with her BUT we have a house we will be moving into in a few weeks. We just want peace while we are both living with her and I don't even think we can survive another week here because she thinks we are hacking her cell phone and computer. She woke me up at 5am because she had a different ringtone for her alarm clock and thought my boyfriend and I did that in our own bedroom. Then yesterday she thought we hacked her computer from our computer just to mess with her. She has changed the wifi name and password many times but complains about the same thing everyday. She will start talking to her pets about how bad we are about doing such a thing. Is there anything out there that can help some one like this who thinks someone trying to hack her. I mean I know we don't have long time here but as long as we are living here we want no drama. I really think she just wanting attention but I don't know what to do anymore for the time that I'm here I don't want to be accused of something I didn't do |
Question: WHY WOULDN T MY MOM LET ME HAVE MY OWN BEDROOM?!? Posted: 08 Apr 2017 04:40 AM PDT I m 16 years old and I still share bedrooms with my mom. (Trust me. I never want that.) My sister has her own bedroom since like she s 12 years old. As far as I can remember, my mom never shares bedroom with my dad but they re still together. Since I was a kid, I thought that it was normal for a married couple to not sleep on the same bed, but as I grew up, I noticed that its not normal. We have like 2 spare rooms which was never used and now that my brother is moving out with his wife, we now have 3 spare rooms but she still doesn t let me to have my own room. My brother even let me take his bedroom but my mom wouldn t let me. She says that it would be hard if my brother and his wife stays for the night at our house. Sometime she says that I m not old enough. She doesn t even let me sleep in my sister s bedroom!!! She wouldn t let me sleepover at my friend s house!!! I mean why wouldn t she just let me have my own bedroom?! I want privacy. I m even embarrassed to tell my friends that I still share a bed with my mom that I would tell them that I share bedrooms with my sister. |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 03:57 AM PDT She loves children normally, and they are planning children once they get married. What I don't understand is; How can she hate these children that she never met? @boj, She gets mad at me when I suggest bringing them over to see their grandfather, or if she finds out my father has dropped by to see the kids. If I ever visit with my father and his girlfriend I have to hire a babysitter because she doesn't want them in his house where he lives. My father owns the house. |
Posted: 08 Apr 2017 02:42 AM PDT He and his jerky friends think they are so cool and so funny, but I think it's mean-spirited. |
Question: Is it the child's fault or parents' fault? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 11:30 PM PDT (No, this story is not true. It's just something I want your opinions on) Abby is the daughter. Her parents swear infront of her (*******, ****, ****) Her dad calls her a little idiot or a stupid *****. Her parents beat Abby up so badly when she was only 7 or 9. Abby is now rude to her dad, yells, and ignores her dad. Whose fault is it? Is it the parents fault for her bad behaviour and how they raised her? Or is it Abby's fault for acting like that? Her dad also makes her feel useless and sometimes stares at her angrily for no reason, making Abby feel annoyed Abby also learnt many swear words from her parents, even in a different language |
Posted: 07 Apr 2017 11:03 PM PDT My mother and stepfather are currently seperated. She is saying that he is being manipulative to me. She has made me lie to him before and says he's going to ruin my future and that he doesn't care about me or his cat. I had to take her to a shelter cause my mom said noone would be here to take care of her. My stepdad isn't allowed here till she leaves which she made me tell him. So he was assuming he would be back here. He usually texts or calls me to check on me. Sometimes he would talk about my mom wishing they could be civil and talk things out and that he feels like she's trying to ruin his life. He has apologized for cheating, which I know isn't much, but he seems to acknowledge he has done wrong as he says he wishes it didn't go down like it did but he wants to move on. My mother says this will never end and he'll never move on. I've had disagreements with her and usually I get called stupid or that I'm going on his side and what I feel is wrong or what I say is wrong. But from this, is he trying to manipulate me? Or not? |
Question: I'm angry that my mom died? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 10:58 PM PDT My mom died when I was around 3. I don't have any memories of her, but from eavesdropping on my older sisters, I know that she smoked and did drugs when she was pregnant with me and my little sister. I'm angry that she had me even though she knew cancer ran in the family and that she was most likely gonna get it. I'm mad that my mom and dad were idiots with no money and decided to have kids. Now I have to worry and stress about selling our house, getting a part time job, money for clothes, while most people my age are getting high and partying everyday. I'm just so angry and I keep it all in. I feel like i'm gonna snap any minute. I know that I'm extremely selfish for thinking these things but I just feel so angry. I don't know what's wrong with me. |
Question: Why do I hate my life so much? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 10:34 PM PDT I have food on my plate, healthy family and friends, good entertainment - after all this, why do I still contemplate suidice and hate my life? |
Question: Why can I never be happy at my dad s house? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 10:06 PM PDT Sorry, this is long. But please read through. For the past seven or eight months, I have started dreading going to my dad s house. All I hear from him and my brother is "your mom is this" and "your mom is that". They complain about everything, and my brother calls everything I do stupid. Everyone in my family is religious except my brother and my dad is less active. When I wanted to start going to church on Sundays when i was at his house, my brother scolded me and kept asking why as I stopped believing for a little four months prior. I tried to better myself and stopped doing what I was doing, and felt that I needed God in my life again, but they hated that. My dad leaves every night to go out with a new girl for 4-6+ hours right after he gets us dinner. When I first tild him i was having a hard time coming over, he got defensive and said it was MY FAULT and that I was making it hard on him. He also left us when we were kids and claims it was to get away from our mom, but no good dad would leave his kids for any reason. I have talked to my mom about this a lot, but I am worried. I want to stop going to his house, but I am scared that if I do they will bombard me with insults and never leave me alone, and my little brother will be alone when he goes and they will push everything on him. Does anybody have any ideas? |
Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:41 PM PDT |
Question: Attention foot fetishists!? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:35 PM PDT Would you masturbate to these feet? Feel free to, by the way. I do sometimes. I'm 14, by the way. These feet belong to a 28 year old woman. Enjoy!;) |
Question: Is it weird to still call my dad Papi? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:22 PM PDT I m 19 and I still call my dad papi but I sometimes feel weird about it .. I don t know why If my whole life I ve always called him that. Now that I m going to be 20 I feel like people might think it s weird. Should I stop ? Thanks |
Question: Ya no aguanto ami suegra? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:17 PM PDT Ya no aguanto ami suegra es una metiche de lo peor. En todo se mete me quiere decir como educar amis hijos en todo en todo se fija y todo lo que hacen los niños mios y de mi marido se lo dise ael despues el me regaña. Cuando viene ami casa cocina lo que eya quiere y me siento incomoda y mi marido todo lo que eya le dise que haga el hace. Ahora ya asta se ba venir a vivir con nosotros |
Question: Bringing dog to my dads along with my custody (legal question)? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:01 PM PDT I m 15 and I ve moved in with my dad in a diffrent city and I want to bring my dog,he s everything to me and my dad says no, I go to see my mom on every other weekend and they have not yet filled out the custody legal documents and all that. Is it possible for my mom to put it in with the papers of my custody that my dog has to be apart of my custody? Or is there something else she could do? |
Question: My parents don't feed me what do I do? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 08:56 PM PDT My parents always say to make something myself but there's nothing I can make, if I touch any of the meat in the freezer they yell at me, there's a green sweet pepper in the fridge that I've eaten half of by itself and it's not filling or good at all. There are some stale dry hot dog buns in the fridge too. I made a cake today because that's all I could make with the ingredients I could find and it's already gone due to me having 3 siblings who also don't eat much. So all I've eaten today was a slice of cake and some coffee (not really food but it's pretty filling in the mornings if you get used to it) My parents don't pay for school lunches because they think it's a waste of money. We don't qualify for free food or anything, they're just too lazy to get groceries. They don't trust me with money and you have to drive to the nearest store anyway, I'm only 14. Please give me some suggestions I don't know what to do, I'm really skinny and usually let my younger siblings eat everything idk why my parents just don't care about us |
Question: Why do my little sisters act like clingy weirdos whenever i bring friends to the house? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 08:38 PM PDT like they will follow me and my friends from room to room. and also if the friend is a girl then they'll go sit next to her and start hugging her and stuff. they wont leave and i cant make them cuz my mom gets mad. they act like theyve never seen another human before. and theyve been doing this for long time. its weird and embarrassing. especially when my friends are uncomfortable with it. some of my friends have younger brothers and sisters and they dont do this. they just act normal like "hello" then go do their own stuff. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? |
Posted: 07 Apr 2017 08:34 PM PDT |
Question: Am I able to become the guardian of my three younger siblings? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 08:09 PM PDT I am a 19 year old female, I live in Michigan, and my siblings live in Texas who are going into foster care. The youngest is turning 6 a female, 11 year old male, and 12 year old male. A little backstory: I was taken away from the birth mother when I was 3 and got in contact with her when I was 18. Now i hear that shes back on drugs and the CPS have been to the house 3 times and My siblings will be entering foster care. |
Question: How do I get my parents to let me go on a camp? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 08:06 PM PDT There's a development camp running for the sport I'm in with one of the best coaches in the world. Problems: It's a 4 hour plane flight away, runs during the week and is also three weeks before my exams. But this is a literal once in a lifetime opportunity for me, how do I convince my parents to let me go? |
Question: Should I tell my mom that I know she got impregnated by a grown man? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 07:44 PM PDT I just discovered that my mom got raped when she was 16. She was in a bad relationship with an older man. She never told me anything about my dad except that he was violent. I guess it's true, but she never said anything else. I'm about to turn 15, which means that she and my grandparents kept this secret away from me for a decade and a half years! I found out when I was lurking through old newspapers and I found my own mom. I can't believe it myself. Maybe they decided that it would be best to keep it a secret so I don't blame myself and think it's all my fault that my mom's childhood ended early. Maybe it's because I have Asperger's and I have enough worries with my social life and schoolwork. My mom never even talked to me about dating guys or pregnancy before, mostly cause I was never interested. I can't believe that this guy is my dad either! He's really old, and according to the Canadian laws it was illegal for him to engage in sexual activities with a 16 year old. After reading the article I was desperate to know more so I digged for more info on the Internet. Should I tell her? |
Posted: 07 Apr 2017 07:36 PM PDT My dad drink like 9 cans of beer today. My dad doesn't drink often but TODAY he did and he said he's going to go to the supermarket to probably buy beer and he will probably beat my mother up. What Should I do i'm scared my mom said to my dad that "He will get pulled over" I'm only 12 btw Well he beat up my mom 4 years ago he didn't do it until today he was drunk and he said he was going to A supermarket to buy more beer which can cause my mom to be angry and my dad beating her up. |
Question: How can i gather people to do a music concert. im a new singer? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 07:26 PM PDT i need an audience |
Posted: 07 Apr 2017 07:25 PM PDT Hace unos meses me di cuenta que mi padre estaba fuera de su juicio. Tenia constantes cambios de humor, nos maltrataba verbalmente ( fisícamente hace unos años atras y no el típico cinturon o cha cha ) y no podia pasar un momento, UN SOLO MOMENTO, sin criticarnos. Poco a poco empeze a acostumbrarme pero a veces se vuelve demasiado. Yo solia tener un peso anorexico y bulimia, autestima baja y gracias a mi padre, bipolaridad. Estaba echa mierda hasta que decidi cambiar (por un evento ocurrido) subi de peso, deje de vomitar, tengo confianza en mi misma y me acepto como soy. Pero ( acá viene la parte sobre las criticas y los cambios de humor) mi padre empezo a a criticarme, diciendo cosas como Eras mas linda huesuda Comes demasiado Sos demasiado obesa etc, cuando el estaba enterado de mi situación anterior. Cada vez la criticas y los cambios se volvieron peores. Un ej: Estaba abrazando a mi padre cuando el estira de mi pelo y lo jala fuerte. Yo denfendiendome le pregunto Porque haces eso? Me duele y se enoja conmigo diciendo que soy una antipatica que no quiero mimos, etc. Y llego a un punto que a veces es insoportable y no se puede más. En fin esto lleva asi por ya como 6 meses(? Y honestamente me hace sentir como la mierda mi papá. ¿ Que deberia hacer? ( Tengo 15 años) |
Question: Should I add my father on facebook even though I have never met him? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 07:11 PM PDT My dad left before I was born and my mom moves across the country. I think I found him on facebook because he matches all the descriptions I have about him. I don't talk to my mom anymore and I have never really talked to her about him. I am still 16 years old. The only time my mom talked about him she seemed mad about him. But I would like to know what my dad is like. Plus what do I say to him. Because I can't just say hey you're my father because that is weird. Please let me know. |
Question: Do men lose their hearing at 51? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 06:27 PM PDT I have two younger siblings, their mom drops them off every Friday to our house around 6-630. Whenever she drops them off, they come up and ring the doorbell. If my dad is in his room, he doesn t even acknowledge the doorbell. I don t know if it s just because he expects me to answer, but sometimes I physically cannot. They will be out there 5 minutes sometimes until he sees my text that they are here. Do men lose their hearing at 51? No accidents or anything. For men that are losing their hearing, are doorbells even high enough for you not to hear? They seem pretty low and loud to me. Any thoughts will help, x |
Question: What makes it felt better or change the experience? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 06:20 PM PDT My sister Mary is staying with us for a short time while her condo was having work done on it. She made a comment about how our seven year old daughter (her niece Katherine) gets a spanking. Most days Katherine likes to take her her uniform skirt when she get's home from school. She simply enjoys to be in her nylon panty and sweater at home. I see no harm in that around just family. While Mary was staying with us during that month. Katherine got a spanking from Dad wearing a dress which was simply raised in the rear. A few days ago Katherine found herself over Daddy's lap for misbehaving after school. As usual she was not wearing her skirt but "half naked" across Daddy'a lap as my sister puts it cause her white brief was fully visible. Mary claims that it makes a better felt spanking when she is undressed like that. Better felt or experienced. It is the same as having her skirt raised? Is my sister right at all about this? |
Question: HO HO HO, have you drawn names for getting gifts for Christmas in your family yet? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 06:13 PM PDT |
Question: HO HO HO, have you finished your families Christmas Shopping for the year? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 05:57 PM PDT |
Question: Family problems please help? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 05:42 PM PDT my family is messed up. really.. i'm sick of my little sister getting in my stuff. once she stole $50 dolllars from me. calls me names. also says she hates me all of the time. also get in my room and DESTROYS it and no one will help me clean it. also my oldest brother won't stop annoying me. he mocks me. hits me in the stomache all the time also hes got mad at me for not cleaning his room and also DESTROYED my room. my 2nd oldest brother is fine he ain't the bad. but my mom and dad will never side with me.. once i got called names in school and in boy scouts. and the didn't care about it. all the said is ok. and i can't go to a friends house cuz im kinda young and my parents won't let me have friends.. so please someone help me. i would make this question longer but my mom got mad at me for being on the computer. i don't know why. |
Question: My 15 year old daughter is out of control. What do I do? Posted: 07 Apr 2017 05:33 PM PDT My 15 year old is in high school, she is a freshman and she never has any interest in joining any activities like sports or acting in a play etc. I've told her that if she doesn't join sports then she will have to go to a different school. She still refuses and tells me that I'm not being fair. I think I am being more than fair, I'm giving her a push to do something that she might enjoy. It disappoints me that she's being stubborn about this. She continues to refuse and I told her that she will do sports or some kind of activity, yes, even if it means repeating HER WHOLE HIGH SCHOOL! Please, how can I convince my daughter into a he right path? |
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