Family: Question: Is my sibling very toxic? |
- Question: Is my sibling very toxic?
- Question: Do you like any of your inlaws?
- Question: I stole money from my Grandma, will she find out?
- Question: How can I convince him not to move out yet??
- Question: I used my friends debit card, will she find out?
- Question: Tips on not being passive!?
- Question: What do you think of this? Do you think my mother is in the wrong?
- Question: I need advice ASAP please.?
- Question: My Mom is incredibly critical of others and has worsened after her Mom moved in with her whose also critical.How do I not be sensitive to it?
- Question: I have a sister who likes to point out how annoying and stupid the things I say are. She is 10 years younger then me. How do I respond?
- Question: Since my Dad is an alcoholic will people judge me for his actions and words?
- Question: How do children of same-sex couple decide who the father and mother is?
- Question: Why does my sister walk around the house naked?
- Question: Do you think I gave her good information?
- Question: How can you pass the time at a boring family event?
- Question: My adult daughter is nothing but a disappointment to me She did not visit me in the hospital when I had surgery ?
- Question: My aunt talks nonstop about her hatred for her mother and sister. Is this unhealthy or is hatred just part of being in the family?
- Question: I'm 21 and my mom still hits me and insults me?
- Question: Since I dislike my sister does this make me disloyal as a family member?
- Question: My mom grabs and smacks my butt is this normal?
- Question: Just wrote an article about going back to work after my father's death and want advise?
- Question: Have you ever changed your identity because of hard times you went though?
- Question: Are there happily single people?
- Question: Can CPS still help an 18 year old?
- Question: What is the al, law about unsseured judgements older than 15 years old?
- Question: Anyone else agree that this is ridiculous?
- Question: Why women go crazy to stay thin?
- Question: Why won't my computer turn on?
- Question: My dad hit me on the head twice with my ipad and it hurts very bad?
- Question: What is Cares Institute in NJ!?
Question: Is my sibling very toxic? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:47 PM PDT So today after school, I was just playing around with my brother by playfully hitting him with my loose hoodie sleeves and then he gets angry and starts slapping me hard with a rolled up paper he had in his had. I tried to play with him again, but the same reaction happened and i just eventually stopped. Then, he started swooshing his rolled up paper back and forth in front of him andd he said " c'mon, come forward " I shook my head trusting my instincts and he kept coming closer and kept saying that. Finally, he just stopped and I told my mom about it later, but she didn't do much about it either since she's not sure what to do. |
Question: Do you like any of your inlaws? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:43 PM PDT I cant stand my sister in law. Shes annoying, lazy, selfish, and she loves the attention. Her birthdays in a few days and theres no way I'm going to celebrate it cause she never cares to celebrate with my family. I've tried so many times with her but I'm done putting up with her. Sorry just venting. |
Question: I stole money from my Grandma, will she find out? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:05 PM PDT So im 16 and I was at my grandma's house staying with her to keep her less lonely and I needed a new case and some things for my phone and other accessories so when my grandma was sleeping I snook into her purse and took out a few hundred dollars and bought stuff at the mall near her house and when I came back I didn't say anything and I dont think shell notice because she's old |
Question: How can I convince him not to move out yet?? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:05 PM PDT My 18y.o son has pretty severe athsma and it usually gets trigger by people smoking around him. That combined with the weather changes lately and he's been having them a lot. Unfortunately, he doesnt take his attacks as seriously as I think he should. In the past, he's had serious enough attacks that he had to go to the ER but he rathers wait until he's borderline unconscious before even deciding to attempt to use his inhaler. At which point, its usually too late. That has created a cycle where he's convinced that the inhalers dont work. This is all especially concerning because he just turned 18 and thinks he's a grown know-it-all now. And seeing how many times we've literally had to save him, call for help etc. I'm not sure if him moving out at this point is the right decision. His mother and I wouldn't be able to sleep, worried sick about if he's just sat suffocating instead of using his meds properly. I do recognize that we cant have him with us forever, we just feel like he'd, quite literally be a danger to himself if we dont at least transition to him more independent health wise. If that makes since. I swear we're not afraid of the empty nest. We're literally concerned for his life living technically alone (he's roommate would hardly ever be around. |
Question: I used my friends debit card, will she find out? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:32 PM PDT So she's 18 and im 16 and I was at her house hanging out and I asked her if i could borrow her card to get a new computer and pay her back and she said no because she can't afford that right now so later in the day before I went home, I snook and found her purse and took her debit card out and took a picture of it on both sides and when I got home I bought a iMac 27 inch late 2009 on her card from Ebay then I bought some clothes and other things. will she find out?? I dont know how debit cards work because I've never used one |
Question: Tips on not being passive!? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 12:43 PM PDT So I have been dealing with my BF's sister bringing me down long enough. From the constant jabs and being talked down to over the past 5 years has brought me to my breaking point. I try to avoid being around his family because I cannot stand being in an uncomfortable situation, but we both still live at home and they are extremely family-oriented so most things they do as a group. I have tried on a few occasions to address the situation but every time I try to confront her on our issues the whole family gets involved or she avoids me by not responding or stomping away. I don't want a bigger issue with the rest of the family because we all get along well and don't want bigger problems, but I know that no matter what I do she will never be in the wrong to them. I am a very passive/shy person and do not like confrontation so standing up for myself has always been a struggle. My BF tells me to just ignore her or "that's just how she is with everyone" I feel this isn't true. I just don't know how to get over the fear of confrontation to stop letting her walk all over me, but I also don't want to make things more uncomfortable or hurt my relationship with my BF. |
Question: What do you think of this? Do you think my mother is in the wrong? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 12:41 PM PDT My niece was born yesterday which was 6 weeks early due to her mom having high blood pressure issues. My mother posted a picture on facebook saying she has been waiting on her grand daughter for many many years to get here, but she never did say the same thing about my son when he was born 2 years ago. I have had other people who has read her writing on the picture saying she has picked her favorites. My mother has mistreated me for 32 years. When I ask for money or new clothes or whatever, she never gives me any right then but when my two brothers ask for the same thing she hands out to them. Now she is saying I need to grow up before she takes my son away or have DHS to take him away among turning off tv, lights, and car. LIke I said before I always get treated like this no matter what. Can DHS take your kid away for no reason? I mean my mother is my caregiver since I draw an disability check due to my learning in school that I never see. She won't let me get legally married due to my check getting cut off as she says. I have been hurt for two days and I am still hurt and gets emotional at times. I don't know what to do? |
Question: I need advice ASAP please.? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 11:00 AM PDT I've just finished school. Taking a gap year before going to college next year. I took this year out for myself to save some money and get my driving lessons sorted so I could drive by this time next year. Thing is my mother is narcissistic asf and jealous that I have ambition in life and am already doing better than her. I got a job sorted in the area I will be studying next year and she refused to bring me in on my 1st day as the hours don't suit her. Keep in mind she is unemployed. She says she isn't a taxi driver. I'm just going round and round in circles. No job no money no car no car no job no money. I feel hopeless. She says I'm bipolar, acting irrationally and has turned my family against me. What's wrong with going out getting a job? This was a year for my own personal growth and she is stopping that out of jealousy. I don't know who or where to turn to. I have no money no way of getting out of this situation. Can anyone help me or offer some advice? This whole situation is getting me really down and I'm just stuck in a rut right now. I don't know how I can stick this for another 12 months until college. All I want is some independence and a car I'm 19 now. I wasn't even asking my parents to pay I was intending to pay for everything myself and put money towards the mortgage but now I have no job as my mother refused to bring me. What can I do in this situation? Thank you for reading. |
Posted: 03 Oct 2019 10:30 AM PDT I get very sensitive to it cause while she never cuts me down to my face I know she must behind my back. Etiquette is what she is the most angry at others about. I have one brother and my mother CANNOT stand his wife. She can not stand the widow of her brother either. She also complains about the etiquette of her niece who she used to be very kind to. She rants about family members her mother dislikes that my Mom barely knows like an aunt of my Mom's I've only met once. My sister she does not complain about but my sister's in-laws she is always ranting about. She is nice to all these people's faces and mean behind their back. This is why I fear what she will say behind my back. How do I not be sensitive to all this? I love my Mom but she is not a pleasant person to be around other then that she likes me, or does she? I am socially awkward, ADHD, LD, and so I am not a master of etiquette. Since I am a girl she likes me more then my brother I assume as she likes my sister. |
Posted: 03 Oct 2019 10:25 AM PDT My sister is a bully and she likes to put me down cause I am different. She insults me whenever we are on the same trip so I generally try to avoid travelling on trips she is on. She is aged 26 but behaves likes she is seven. I am socially awkward cause of learning disabilities and ADHD and so at age 37 I am still awkward socially. This same sister insulted a developmentally disabled relative cause they made an inappropriate comment that they obviously could not help. That relative is a distant relative so we've only met him twice. However, that is an example of this sister's ignorance. So my question is when I see her next, likely at the holidays, how do I respond when she starts in on the insults? Recently I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her to tell her to shut up but I felt like I went overboard there and now the sister claims I choked her. I virtually never get mad and usually just smile and say "sorry if I did anything". She was pissed cause the way the house was set up where we were staying she had to share bathrooms with two others. So she was blocking the door to the bathroom. So how do I respond next time I am with her due to a family event or trip? I never do things with just her, it is only family functions I see her at (weddings, funerals, holidays, etc....). I have 4 other siblings who are all fine. |
Question: Since my Dad is an alcoholic will people judge me for his actions and words? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 10:14 AM PDT I feel like they do cause they don't want to be around me cause of how he acts. |
Question: How do children of same-sex couple decide who the father and mother is? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 09:59 AM PDT A psychologist once told me that a child chooses whom to see as their father and mother once he or she reaches adolescence. And only one can be the father and one the mother, that including in same-sex couples. |
Question: Why does my sister walk around the house naked? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 09:55 AM PDT My sister is 19 years old and she always walks around the house naked when my mom and dad aren't home. I feel super unconfortable and online it says it's not normal, and I'm only 13. Every time I tell her to put clothes on she gets mad at me and tells me to mind my own business. Why does she do this and also how do I make her stop? |
Question: Do you think I gave her good information? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 07:51 AM PDT I often hear other wives complain of their mother in laws. I just smile and think to myself how great my mother in law Sally is. Sally is my best friend. I just adore her. Since day one of my marriage to her son, she has always been there for me when I needed help with ANYTHING. I love to go shopping with her as we both have a lot of fun. Both my husband and I work. About once a week when we come home from work, Sally has a hot delicious home cooked meal for us. Working wives, can you appreciate how great that is? Sally is 43 and single. She is the most beautiful woman in her 40s I have ever seen. I hope I am half that good looking when I am 43. She is gorgeous and has a figure to die for. As you can imagine, someone that good looking gets asked for dates a lot. Some of the guys asking her for dates are close to my age. She wanted to know if I or my husband had a problem with her dating guys our age. She did not want people to think she was a cougar. I told her both of us want her to be happy and that she should date whoever she wants to no matter what their age. She should not worry about what other people think. Do what makes you happy. It is quite a complement to her that young guys want to date her don't you think? Please tell me if you think what I told her is the right thing. |
Question: How can you pass the time at a boring family event? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 07:16 AM PDT Especially if I'm not allowed to have my cell phone with me. |
Posted: 03 Oct 2019 06:31 AM PDT she got mad at my bf for jiggling the ,lock on her door and kicking the door and running away when she answered it. I yelled and screamed at her for being such a ***** and a disappointment and told her not to bother visiting me because she is nothing but an embarrassment. I also blew at her when she asked if I needed anything. Because I was stressed Now she had the gall not to visit me!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is so ungrateful after I did for her and this is the thanks I get! She said she done all I do is blame her for my problems. She doe s not get it I need t0o scream and unload on people but I don't mean anything I say |
Posted: 03 Oct 2019 06:11 AM PDT |
Question: I'm 21 and my mom still hits me and insults me? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 06:06 AM PDT In my culture the kid stay with parents until marriage and it not respectable for the kid to move out. I cant believe it Im 21 and my mom still insults me and hits me, is it normal? |
Question: Since I dislike my sister does this make me disloyal as a family member? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 04:50 AM PDT I only love her in the sense that if something bad happens to her I will do my sibling duty and send regards. Other then that there is no love or like. Rest of the family I like The sister is very mean |
Question: My mom grabs and smacks my butt is this normal? Posted: 03 Oct 2019 03:59 AM PDT ever since i was little girl my mom would sometimes pat my butt. an whn i was 7/8 she was like wow ur butt is big and round or somethng and hw it different than my brothers whose a boy. it aws kinda weird but i was like Oh whatever just mom being knd aweird. oh yeah, and she would spank me for punishment alot or have my dad do that. my dad doesnt do this weird stuff btw. but she will be like dad gonna spnk your butt later. then i was 10/1/12/13 she did this even more and when i was13/14 my butt starting getting bigger and she would comment on it and my dad would tell my mom thats kinda odd dont make lily feel uncomfortable (thats my name) and she was like its just innocnet mother/daughter thing and he like had a face of "i think this is weird but i dont wanna tell mom shes wrong". she willl joke i can still spank u cus your 14 but she never does. tha she sack grab pat hold my butt sometmes |
Question: Just wrote an article about going back to work after my father's death and want advise? Posted: 02 Oct 2019 10:41 PM PDT Up for reading some of you about this, I dont really have resources to pay for professional help, i would like to read some of you. |
Question: Have you ever changed your identity because of hard times you went though? Posted: 02 Oct 2019 10:23 PM PDT Im thinking about running away from my family changing my name changing my identity because I dont want to live through this anymore is like everyday I fight with my family all the time none stop 24/7 im being abused when I tell my other siblings whats going on they just lecture me saying is my problem they all only believe in themself. No matter how much I tell my other siblings about it they just keep saying is your problem like fine you want me to do something about it so much I will run away & never contract them again is like they only care about themself fine they want me to care so much about myself I will run way from you all. |
Question: Are there happily single people? Posted: 02 Oct 2019 09:22 PM PDT I am 21 and I prefer being single for the rest of my life but I see so many people they are unhappy because they single. Like is it possible for me to stay single and stay content? I honestly cant stand the tasks of cooking and cleaning and taking care of kids. |
Question: Can CPS still help an 18 year old? Posted: 02 Oct 2019 09:07 PM PDT My school counselor called CPS during September and my birthday was just yesterday. There's been no visit from CPS to my school and I've lost hope that they'll even bother intervening since I'm 18 and technically an adult. It makes me frustrated I didn't even know it was abuse until my counselor just was shocked when I told her what was going on. I've just been used to this and of course it's been hell but I never thought of saying anything. I should have recognized it sooner and I feel stupid I didn't even notice until I was aged out. I don't hate my mother for abusing me but I feel like she has problems (mentally) she gets very crazy and does these things and then the next minute she's a kind mother it makes you wonder when she will lash out. I just think she needs some kind of mental help but she refuses and I don't know what to do now they were my only hope for help. Is there anything cps will do because it was filed when I was 18 or will they just leave it alone? Is this the wrong decision? |
Question: What is the al, law about unsseured judgements older than 15 years old? Posted: 02 Oct 2019 08:58 PM PDT |
Question: Anyone else agree that this is ridiculous? Posted: 02 Oct 2019 08:30 PM PDT I have a sister who acts completely out of line all the time. She's literally one of those kids that could be on Dr Phil. But every time I try to tell my dad to do something about it (as a parent should) he just tells me that I'm just as bad and lists something that isn't even close to what my sister is doing. He NEVER takes responsibility as a parent to discipline my other siblings and it sucks because I'm the oldest so I was constantly punished for things that were way more tame than what my other siblings do. He's also religious so he thinks "all sins are the same". I'm so sick of this. Does anyone else think this is completely ridiculous or am I just crazy? One of his favorite lines to use is "what do you want me to do about it?" Like I don't know how about your JOB as a goddamn parent. It's not my job to figure out punishments for the stupid kids you decided to have. |
Question: Why women go crazy to stay thin? Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:59 PM PDT I met so many of my relatives and women they go to extreme to become thin. Some do surgery, or some go to dietitians. I use to be chubby and my parents drove me crazy to lose my extra weight, but I was OK with myself being chubby ( I wasn't that fat). I still don't understand why so many women they never happy unless they are in shape. |
Question: Why won't my computer turn on? Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:10 PM PDT So I bought a new computer on eBay on Monday a iMac late 2009 27 inch and it came in today and I took it into my room and I plugged it in but it wont turn on!!! I hear fans but nothing else happens!!! I tried pouring water into the vent to fix it but it still wont work |
Question: My dad hit me on the head twice with my ipad and it hurts very bad? Posted: 02 Oct 2019 05:31 PM PDT is this abuse? |
Question: What is Cares Institute in NJ!? Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:40 PM PDT I live in NJ!I had child services come to my apt and they said someone is accusing me of child abuse?I have 2 daughters,17 and 14.Im a single dad!The complaint is for my oldest daughter,whos 17.She is very ill,with Chrones Disease and anemia!She bruises easy and her hair is falling out and her teeth are bad!She bit down on a fake ring and chipped her tooth.She has a cold sore.Two weeks ago we went to walmart and as she got out,she caught her arm caught in the door and she slammed it,bruising it?For this,the worker came!But she saw how well i am raising them,and they want for nothing?She left.Isnt she mandated by law that if she thinks theres abuse,she has to take them?She told me i had to take them to a place called Cares Institute?Is this bad?I NEVER abusewd them.They would tell anyone that i did?I dont punish them physically?I ground them,take their phones!People know how sick she is.Plus,shes a tripper.Falls and trips alot.So because of a chipped tooth,and a bruised arm from a car,we have to go to this place?What is it? |
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