Friends: Question: What does this mean? |
- Question: What does this mean?
- Question: Why does he want me to know other people want him?
- Question: What do I do about someone who denies being your friend behind your back?
- Question: Why is she so obsessed with me?
- Question: If you say you hate someone would you stare them down every time you see them which makes their friends smile and look to the side?
- Question: My best-friend's boyfriend hates me, help ?
- Question: I stole from my friend and feel bad..?
- Question: Am I wrong for deciding to cancel the trip?
- Question: How do i stop obsessing over someone that doesn’t even like me?
- Question: Would you end this friendship?
- Question: Is my friend jealous of me?
- Question: Do you have a good support team or no?
- Question: What ever happened to the user “BigHammer” in the hunting section?
- Question: How do I ask people to hang out with me?
- Question: Why does he want me to know this?
- Question: Is it normal for my friend to constantly hang out with her parents?
- Question: Why are the two Hooters in my location like this?
- Question: My best friend forgot my birthday?
- Question: How do you make friends? What do you say to someone that would want to make them be your friend?
- Question: Why did he say this to me?
- Question: My friends are not very supportive. How can I make better friends? I don't even know how to start.?
- Question: Friends and selling things?
- Question: Why do my friends not talk to me?
- Question: How do I hang out with a friend who I haven t seen in 18 months due to an argument?
- Question: Why do people end up not liking me because I don’t follow their opinions and refuse to change who I am? Please give a relevant answer too.?
- Question: How do you make someone understand that their breath super from 3 feet away stinks so bad everyday?
- Question: Why do I keep attracting hater's and jealous people into my life and how do I stop?
- Question: Friend is jealous of my other friends? Please help??
- Question: Going to a party where i won't know many people... what do i do?
- Question: My friend is convinced his parents bought him as a baby from the Amish, based on a receipt he found.?
- Question: How to cut off close friends?
- Question: Friendships and having fun or sports and activities, which is more essential for life?
- Question: Am I in the wrong?
- Question: Why would a female stop talking to me?
- Question: Why do people judge people who smoke marijuana? Even where it is legal?
- Question: Is this solid logic?
- Question: Does he like me?
- Question: Me and my friend like the same guy?
Question: What does this mean? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 04:52 PM PDT What does it mean when you text your BFF a lot of times in a row without them really texting back much? |
Question: Why does he want me to know other people want him? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 04:38 PM PDT he would always kind of Blush and look down. Also yesterday he was telling me how he was trying to help this lady and she told him never mind that are you married? Do have kids? (Btw he's single and looking to get married but he wanted me to know other people are interested in him)Why is he telling me this? Also he doesn't blush or get nervous when he talks to me anymore. |
Question: What do I do about someone who denies being your friend behind your back? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 02:52 PM PDT When one of my other friends started texting my friend, she asked, "i thought you had friends. Then who is (add five or so names here)?" My friend said, "i have no friends. They are just people i see everyday." The thing is, i do a lot for this friend of mine. I give her things, i let her borrow my stuff, and i lend her things temporarily or permanently. She does nothing in return. Her grandma says that she makes fun of me and says all bad things about me behind my back, nothing good. What do i do about this friend of mine? How do i confront her about this? |
Question: Why is she so obsessed with me? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 02:46 PM PDT There's this woman from work who keeps texting me, talking to me in my social media and everything, and when I don't answer her in time or something, she gets pissed off and tell me why didn't answer me, where were you, what were you doing, why did it take you this long ??? and I tell her to stop commenting on every picture I have with my boyfriend, friends and family on facebook and tell her to get out of my dms, why is she so obsessed with me, She's not my husband or something, she's just a friend and a coworker, how to tell her to leave me alone in a polite way?? cause it looks like she does not understand (leave me alone) ??? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2019 02:33 PM PDT The girl is the victim and the guy is the one who says he hates her. (If I hated someone I would do my best to not look them in the eye). |
Question: My best-friend's boyfriend hates me, help ? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 02:32 PM PDT I'm a 22 years old girl, and I have this best-friend that I care about and love dearly.. we've been friends since childhood so we're basically not just friends, we're sisters.. our friendship has always been great, until she started dating this guy who apparently hates me with all his heart, when I didn't do anything to him, ever! he'd tell her she doesn't need a friend like me, and make her ditch me whenever we're all hanging out, he's a snake, a very arrogant dude, with this "typical ****** guy" attitude! we stopped hanging out together because of him, she used to call me very often and talk to me for hours, and now if I don't call her first, she won't! she has changed a lot! I understand she isn't single anymore, but that doesn't mean forgetting about the people you grew up with for some guy! I've always put friendship first before anything else, but seems like not everyone thinks the same as me! Now, she wants to travel (she lives in another state) to come and visit me, cause we didn't see each other in a long time, and she says she's bringing him with her to spend time in my house.. I tried to explain to her that he doesn't like me, and that would not be comfortable for any of us, to stay like.. a week in the same house.. she got mad at me and claimed "I don't want her to visit", and now I don't know how to reach her or explain what's going on.. I don't want to give up on this friendship, for old times' sake, but I'm not sure if she has given up already, help me?? |
Question: I stole from my friend and feel bad..? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 01:17 PM PDT So basically I was at her house and we were having a sleepover and she was on her phone in bed while i was on a sleeping bag on the floor and she left the room to go to the bathroom and i saw her wallet on the table so i opened it and took at least 100 dollars out total and put it in my bag and i also saw she had a cool shirt which i also took and i also took some makeup and some other stuff while she was gone, when she came back she didn't notice and the sleepover went on as usual and now i'm home, she hasn't noticed yet but i feel horrible and like im a bad friend. should i return the items? if i do she might hate me when she finds out i stole from her so maybe i should just keep what i took |
Question: Am I wrong for deciding to cancel the trip? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 12:24 PM PDT I have two friends that are actually together. I wanted to take them to Hawaii and they agreed to go. We were planning to go in October. The problem is that out of nowhere it seems like, they have been at each other`s throat over these past six months, over and over. Late last year, they had a fight over a their agreement not to use social media, resulting in family being called over, fights breaking out, and them breaking up. Fast forward a few months, things were amended, only to fall out again. This time, a game console was broken by one of them in anger. One week later, they go to six flags, only for me to get a text four days later at 2 a.m. from the boyfriend saying he`s being told to move out. I`m just fed up with this absurd madness between them. They`ve been together for five years. I`ve only known them for two, so maybe I`m just now seeing things truly. I wanted to take them so not only could we all have fun, but so they could enjoy themselves as a unified couple. They`re more divided a math problem. I`m paranoid that I`ll but tickets and hotels for us, only for them to fight again, pretty much killing the main reason we`re all going in the first place. I`ve decided that I just need to cancel or postpone for the time being, because I`m over it. I`m also rethinking my friendship with them, because it`s mostly just negative and grim. Am I wrong for this? |
Question: How do i stop obsessing over someone that doesn’t even like me? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 12:19 PM PDT There is a girl that I knew about since seventh grade. She and I are high schoolers now. I have been copying things she does and obsessing over her. I want to be her or at least be more like her. She doesn't even like me now. Her grandma said she says all bad things about me. I took pictures of her and recorded videos of her. I also found her grandma's Facebook and downloaded pictures of her. I can't pinpoint what it is about her that makes me obsess her! I do have hobbies and interests. But she crosses my mind often or stays in my mind no matter what. How do i hate her enough to stop obsessing her? |
Question: Would you end this friendship? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 11:22 AM PDT My "friend" told me it pisses her off when the person I like hurts me, him and I always work things out.....however, she stood me up a few times when we make plans to hang out....she claimed as her friend date the entire week, and she doesn't show up to the restaurant, no text no call, when I saw her next time she said she was upset over a guy.....and didn't want to be around people. I tried calling/texting her but she never responded. She could have told me she didn't feel like hanging out. She stood me up a few call, no text, no Facebook message.....another person told me she talked crap about me behind my back. I confronted her about it. I asked her what she says behind my back she told me mostly how she picks on me. She kicked me in the butt really hard where it hurts, she threatened to slap the person I like with an object and she didn't think what she did was wrong, it doesn't sound like a real friend to do.....if it pisses her off he hurts me, she wouldn't stood me up, she wouldn't talk crap about me behind my back, and she wouldn't kicked me in the butt really hard. I think she is trying to pretend she is being a friend but she actually isn't. Your thoughts? |
Question: Is my friend jealous of me? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 10:56 AM PDT I am a 22-year-old man and the only child, and I live with my mom in a three-bedroom house. She's a legal administrator at a a law firm. My friend was raised in a two-bedroom apartment with his mom who is a middle school teacher. Lately, I've noticed my friend always giving me the third degree regarding whatever I'm doing with my life, which is I think due to the fact that I have nothing to show for whatever good things happen to me. Translation: unlike him, I dropped out of college. Example: While he and his girlfriend were visiting me at my job at a pool hall where I was doing parking lot security (I didn't park the cars; my job was to make sure all cars arrived and departed in an orderly fashion, and of course, be there so that no car thefts will ensue). When one of the customers tipped me on his way out, my friend said, "Sooo... they give you money even if nothing happened to the car?" As if to say I'm useless because all I did was sit there while nothing happened, making me useless. FYI - Back when I was still in college, he put me on the spot while we were at the movies with our other friend. While waiting for movie to start, the screen displayed those trivia questions. One of the questions was regarding what type of camera equipment is used for such n such when filming. Since my major in college was Media Technology, my friend asked me, "Do you know the answer, since you're majoring in Media Tech.? Why are you just sitting there silent?" |
Question: Do you have a good support team or no? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 10:55 AM PDT Do you have people you can comfortably talk to about your problems and can count on their support? I just feel kinda down lately. I wish I had a bigger team. I don't have a big close family, no girlfriend, or any true friends that I can talk to. I know I'm not totally alone but I sort of feel like it I guess. |
Question: What ever happened to the user “BigHammer” in the hunting section? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 10:18 AM PDT |
Question: How do I ask people to hang out with me? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 10:08 AM PDT I talk to a lot of people but i never hang out with anyone. Last time I hung out with a friend was in 7th grade. I'm going into sophomore year of high school and summer break is right around the corner. I want to have a fun summer with friends. How do I ask to hang out with people without them saying no? |
Question: Why does he want me to know this? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:45 AM PDT he would always kind of Blush and look down. Also yesterday he was telling me how he was trying to help this lady and she told him never mind that are you married? Do have kids? Why is he telling me this? Also he doesn't blush or get nervous when he talks to me anymore. |
Question: Is it normal for my friend to constantly hang out with her parents? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:21 AM PDT My friend would rather hang out with her parents than her actual friends. She does have friends but literally hang outs with her parents all the time now. Her parents want to be with my friend every second of the day and they won't let her have a social life. My friend acts like that's okay and I just agree with her now. We are both in college and my friend invites us to cool hang outs and she would rather be with her parents. Her parents also pay $1,000 tickets on concert shows etc. I understand you should be friends with your parents and love them but she would rather hang out with them constantly. Is that normal for her or should have a social life too? |
Question: Why are the two Hooters in my location like this? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:19 AM PDT I live in Louisville Kentucky there are two Hooters one on Preston Hwy and one on Dixie highway. They're both exclusively black, and most of the black women looks like men with long hair, while the rest of them looks like they box in a boxing tournament. The rationed out white women working there are all trailer park sloppy, generally women youd find working at a dollar General store. Why are the women so, bad at these Hooters. |
Question: My best friend forgot my birthday? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 08:54 AM PDT Friday June 7 was my 13th bday, and to me at least that a pretty important one that I expect my best friend to remember. But guess what? My bff forgot my bday, she texted me asking if I want a ring that same day. I asked if there was a reason behind the ring, like a special occasion, and she said no why? I put I thought today was something special that I had forgotten and she just laughed. I hinted that all I needed for my bday was a text the day off bc I wanted to see who would remember, and she put "#not me but I'll try to lol". She said later on after numerous hints, "Well you're birthday isn't today, is it tomorrow or Sunday?" I said almost, and she put "I hope it's not Monday", I put ..., and she said "Well bc Monday's suck lol" I'm kinda mad, because she's my "best friend" but seems to hang out with her ex bff a lot lately, even at my bday party(in advance) she didn't sit by me. :/ She also had a lot of inside jokes with her ex bff and told me that I had to be there. Then she gets mad at me when I say she's best friends with the other girl? Help? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2019 08:40 AM PDT |
Question: Why did he say this to me? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 08:38 AM PDT he would always kind of Blush and look down. Also yesterday he was telling me how he was trying to help this lady and she told him never mind that are you married? Do have kids? Why is he telling me this? Also he doesn't blush or get nervous when he talks to me anymore. |
Posted: 08 Jun 2019 08:20 AM PDT |
Question: Friends and selling things? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 06:45 AM PDT So I bought a item off my friend for 400 dollars to be exact car wheels. My friend knows nothing about cars and just threw the number and I payed him. Now he's saying he wants them back because he thinks he sold them for too low. This was a week ago when he sold them to me. Should I even give them back he made a deal with me? |
Question: Why do my friends not talk to me? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 06:39 AM PDT So i joined this school 3 years ago and I made a really close friend in a group. She's now drifted away to another girl who's in the group whereas before we'd be the ones always together, always partners and now I've been replaced. They just randomly stop talking to me as well and talk amongst themselves. Most of the time I'll be the one walking behind them and they only ever talk to me if they need help and going to school everyday makes me feel like such a loser. I have a lot of friends across the globe and don't have friendship issues as such, so why did she just ditch me? |
Question: How do I hang out with a friend who I haven t seen in 18 months due to an argument? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 02:52 AM PDT I was friends with this girl for 3 years and 18 months ago we had a falling out because we got drunk and hooked up and she had wanted to date me and I didn t want the same (due to the circumstances going on at the time) and so we had a huge argument and just recently, I had apologized to her because I really missed our friendship for what it was, but I m supposed to hang out with her in a few days and I m extremely nervous for some reason. Why do I have so much anxiety to see someone I once considered my best friend? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2019 02:16 AM PDT I don't know why and I am probably not the only one who who experience this but there are times people would share their opinion towards something I'm doing (that wouldn't cause any harm towards them) and because I don't follow their opinions they end up leaving me as a friend. Example: people will say I post too much on social media and because I continue to post the way that I do, they'll unfriend me and everything as if I done something to hurt them. |
Posted: 08 Jun 2019 01:59 AM PDT Known some good people with that and finally nicely but straight forwardly told them and they actually said I know and left it at that. Whats the thought process behind their stinking and why or how do their wife/husband even be able to deal with that super funk, esp. when they get busy. No. Just no. Ew ya'll. Thats gotta rank up there with for real true love. |
Question: Why do I keep attracting hater's and jealous people into my life and how do I stop? Posted: 07 Jun 2019 11:54 PM PDT I just ended a relationship with a guy who had mad insecurities about my sucess: I got a new job right as we first started dating (we were friends for 3 years) and whenever I would casually talk about how I couldn't wait to start and all I would literally feel negative energy filling up the room each time I brought it up. Whenever he asked how was work I could always feel the negative vibes and so I would just say good and move on as quick as possible. I had another "friend," also a roommate (who I had to desert) who I would literally have to hide my high school diploma from because she didn't graduate HS and any chit chat about academics (even with other people) would make her a volatile, passive aggressive bully towards me. I'm a senior in college and I'm already working a job that's career related, and I literally have no friends. The one's I chose always end up being jealous of my sucess and act condescending towards me to make themselves feel bigger. Friends are supposed to be happy for you Now I know what they mean by "its lonely at the top?" How do I have a successful career and still have a social life not full of snakes? |
Question: Friend is jealous of my other friends? Please help?? Posted: 07 Jun 2019 11:49 PM PDT Okay so I have this friend (we'll call him Jim) and we've been friends on and off for about 12 years (more i've known him for 12 years but he disappeared for about 5 and we reconnected a little over 2 years ago). Well he isn't my best friend in fact my best friend is a woman (we'll call her Judy) whom I consider my sister. Thing is Jim and I differ in our politics a lot. I'm quite left leaning and he is quite far right leaning. He hates my sister because she is gay and while he has never said that to me out loud he doesn't do a great job of hiding his discomfort whenever her and her girlfriend come over to my place when he is there. So now the jealousy part, I'm really upset because I feel like Jim is forcing me to choose my friends, whenever I hang out with Judy and her gf he kinda moans and groans that i'm not hanging out with him. He never directly says anything but I can tell it bugs the hell out of him. A few weeks ago it reached a peak when he asked me to hang out on a certain week and I told him I couldn't because Judy,her GF and I were going to Disneyland. He got all kind of mopey and then literally two days ago invited himself and told me he's tagging along (despite me telling him I can't bring him and kinda don't want him to come). I've kind of outgrown him but since I have known him for so long it's hard to cut the cord. I don't want to choose my friends but I feel like he is putting me into a corner? Please help??? |
Question: Going to a party where i won't know many people... what do i do? Posted: 07 Jun 2019 11:10 PM PDT tomorrow i'm going to a party but i won't know anyone there except the person who invited me and 2 people who are going to come hours later. i was told there is going to be alcohol which is good, at least that will calm me down. i don't appear to be a nervous person, i like talking to people. but i'm very shy at first. i home schooled so i never went to any parties and this is kinda my first party with alcohol. any tips for the party? what are some good things to talk about with people you just met? (edit) my shyness is from not being exposed to people as much early on. i use to be terribly shy, i wouldn't go into a store alone. i'm far from that now, and people are shocked when i tell them i was home schooled because i'm not backwards. but this shyness i have makes me choke when i meet people or draw blanks. i really don't want to go hours later. i want to meet new people but i'm just very shy (at first). i know i have to push myself more because that's the only way i will get through this. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2019 10:17 PM PDT The receipt was for a hat, not a baby, but he left home in search of his Amish birth parents. How can I help him and convince him his hare-brained idea is nuts? |
Question: How to cut off close friends? Posted: 07 Jun 2019 10:08 PM PDT my friends like to do the whole thing where they post embarrassing photos of you on social media because they thinks it's funny but the thing is with my friends, if you ask them to delete it they won't. not only is it disrespectful but it's mean because they know i'm insecure about that kind of stuff and they continuously do it anyways. i already don't like my friends and i'm trying to stop talking to them. how do i cut them out of my life COMPLETELY to where they get the hint and don't try to continue talking to me, but i don't seem rude about it? (i'm in high school, if that makes a difference) |
Question: Friendships and having fun or sports and activities, which is more essential for life? Posted: 07 Jun 2019 08:45 PM PDT I notice in highschool for the most part that most of the girls went shopping and spend time with friends. While the guys were in sports and just always on the run with events (this is vice versa as well.) Please give a answer relevant to my question lol. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2019 07:26 PM PDT My friend recently got into a relationship, this is her first real one. Ever since they have been together it's like she is obsessed with him and when he is around that is her priority. Even when they are not together she is glued to her phone. She claims I am jealous because she has someone new in her life and we don't hang out as much because of it but I'm not jealous I think it's good for her to have someone it just hurts me the way she is going about it. She has a son and we are close and it's like when her boyfriend is around she asks me to watch him so she can hang with him alone. I feel like when she is with someone she loses sight of what is most important her son. I know she loves her son but not coming with us to do things Because her boyfriend is around annoys me. She claims she wants me to come over to her home and hang with them but I don't want to be a third wheel and she didn't want me around to begin with because she was worried I would embarrass her. If she can't be honest with him or let him see the real her what's the point? And what really upset me last week was her grandfathers birthday and I have been close with the family since we were young and she claims I wouldn't have came so she took her boyfriend instead when she didn't even let me know! The grandfather didn't even want him there. I feel like she only wants me around when she needs something, or he isn't with her at the moment. Am I in the wrong? Am I being a bad friend? |
Question: Why would a female stop talking to me? Posted: 07 Jun 2019 07:13 PM PDT I am 27yrs old and it's so hard for me to make female friend. I'm a supportive, loyal and true friend. I usually make great female friends and it's great in the beginning..then they switch up on me. They stop talking to's so weird. |
Question: Why do people judge people who smoke marijuana? Even where it is legal? Posted: 07 Jun 2019 06:16 PM PDT I smoke weed legally. I cannot drink- it aggravates my health issues. Alcohol is actually very bad for you. A hangover is basically because your body was poisoned the previous night. The list of health problems that can be aggravated by alcohol is very long. When you actually look at the data- having one or two drinks a day may improve heart health- but actually increases cancer risk as alcohol is a carcinogen. But some people seem to judge people for smoking weed, even if they talk a lot about their love for beer and how they like to get drunk on the weekends. I can function while high- but I can't function if I have had anything to drink. One drink is enough to cloud my ability to think. I don't really understand what people think when they judge someone for smoking pot. Even though it is legal, I feel like it is socially unacceptable to ask people at work if they want to smoke-- though asking to go to a bar is normal. |
Question: Is this solid logic? Posted: 07 Jun 2019 06:06 PM PDT Someone blocks you on facebook and it hurts your feelings. They still communicate with you through emails, and you told them your feelings are hurt, but they keep you blocked. So you deactivate your account and make a new one so you're not blocked anymore. It doesn't matter to you that you're not "friends", only that you're not blocked. Is this brilliant or stupid? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2019 06:04 PM PDT he would always kind of Blush and look down. Also yesterday he was telling me how he was trying to help this lady and she told him never mind that are you married? Do have kids? Why is he telling me this? Also he doesn't blush or get nervous when he talks to me anymore. |
Question: Me and my friend like the same guy? Posted: 07 Jun 2019 04:35 PM PDT There is this really popular guy at our school (not a jock but is in a lot of after school clubs) but both me and my friend like him. We were at a sleepover and I told her I like him and she confess she liked him too. At first we were laughing about that we both like the same guy . However after a couple of weeks he started flirting with me and asked me for my number. All I could think about was what she would think but I couldn't help it and got his number. I told her this and she got so pissed at me because she claimed he was flirting with her too and she liked him more than i did and I shouldn't have betrayed her like that.I think that is a little unfair because I told her multiple times that I would love to date him and she said the same thing too but I was a little more upfront about my feelings with him than her. She told me to delete his number and she would never do this to me but I said No way and she stopped talking to me. I am trying to get in contact with her but it is hard since it is summer break. Who do you think was in the wrong? What should I do to make this better? |
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