Friends: Question: Does it make me look bad or rude if I had my friend get someone’s number for me? |
- Question: Does it make me look bad or rude if I had my friend get someone’s number for me?
- Question: Your cousins friend who is a guy blocks you on Facebook. I am a girl?
- Question: Why is he doing this?
- Question: Would you be friends with a compusive lier?
- Question: I need the best advice possible for a situation please!?
- Question: My roommate doesn't want my pride flag hung up in our place?
- Question: Is it weird that i literally talk to nobody?
- Question: My “best friend” is so controlling(Read description)?
- Question: You know those?
- Question: Why does he want to make himself sound good to me?
- Question: Do you have more friends from high school or college?
- Question: Is this ok?
- Question: 18 year old vacation?
- Question: Is it wird that i literally Hang out or Talk to NOBODY?
- Question: How would you approach it?
- Question: Any advice?
- Question: Two questions: “Should I have female friends in a relationship?” Also, “Should I try to get my ex back or just have female friends instead?”?
- Question: Why has He stopped looking at me?
- Question: Moving out for the first time.?
- Question: Please help!!?
- Question: Friend problems?
- Question: Uncomfortable?
- Question: Why is he trying to sound good to me?
- Question: Does this sound like he is not interested anymore and giving me the brush off? will give a BA? Edit?
- Question: How do I know if I’m being ghosted by a friend?
- Question: Does this sound like he is not interested anymore and giving me the brush off? will give a BA?
- Question: Is he trying to make himself sound good?
- Question: Fake account friends?
- Question: Percy or friendly?
- Question: Was what I did really weird?
- Question: Why do my friends wife doesnt like it when we hang out. im by but hes my best friend and I couldnt see him for more than that.why is shebitc?
- Question: How can I nurture this friendship?
- Question: Does he like me?
- Question: Why is my friend ignoring me?
- Question: Is he trying to make himself sound good?
- Question: My eleven year old friend sent nudes to her "boyfriend."?
- Question: Who's opinion do you agree with- mine or my friends and what is your opinion on this?
- Question: Was I right to be upset?
- Question: Should I attend my best friend's wedding if we live on the other side of the world from each other?
Question: Does it make me look bad or rude if I had my friend get someone’s number for me? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:50 PM PDT |
Question: Your cousins friend who is a guy blocks you on Facebook. I am a girl? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:26 PM PDT Why did he block me |
Question: Why is he doing this? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:19 PM PDT he would always kind of Blush and look down. Also yesterday he was telling me how he was trying to help this old lady and she told him never mind that are you married? Do have kids? (Btw he's single and looking to get married but he wanted me to know other people are interested in him or trying to find him a wife )Why is he telling me this? Also he doesn't blush or get nervous when he talks to me anymore. |
Question: Would you be friends with a compusive lier? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:10 PM PDT I just landed a job. Got pretty close to another girl in my department, however, she's a compulsive lier. She would start gossip about my manager, co workers, etc. saying they said mean things to her, yelled at her, or lied to her. I'm not sure if any of them are true. Recently, i even got pulled aside from my higher up manager to go over this issue. And he said she's had issues with everyone in the past. Problem is, aside from that she seems normal? Just the dumb lies she tells every now and then.... what would you do? Just ditch her? |
Question: I need the best advice possible for a situation please!? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:09 PM PDT I'll try and explain this as best as possible, I'm very good friends with someone and they have had problems with someone who used to live with them in the past as a friend and on some occasions arguments and bad fights have happened between them, the police has been involved numerous of times with these incidents. My friend has a baby who she trusts me to babysit for her while she works during the week and the person who used to live with her basically harasses her at random times and comes round to her house and smashes things up. I will be babysitting at her house with her child and I'm scared in case this person comes round the house while I'm alone and tries to get in or smashes the window or something, I don't know what to do if this happens and I'm scared to be alone and babysit in case this does happen because I don't know what I would do, I would be in danger as well as the baby. This person knows who knows me is jealous that I'm friends with her and accuses her of things because we are friends, she claims she knows where I live and she is capable of bad things. I really don't know what to do in this situation I have such a good friend who I care for and trust but this is a problem that I don't know what I can do about. I need advice please as soon as possible. |
Question: My roommate doesn't want my pride flag hung up in our place? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 04:01 PM PDT I went to Pride the other day and they were giving out free flags. I wanted to hang it up in my place but my roommate doesn't like it and she's afraid of what her friends might think when she has them over. Should I put it up anyway? |
Question: Is it weird that i literally talk to nobody? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 02:53 PM PDT Im 24 and I can say for sure that i HATE humans. Ive always been a loner and therefore felt different and a true outcast. Now i know and embrace how im a martian and out of this World. It's Not a hinderance anymore. It's my Power I never had a friend. At Best i just was cool with some people in the past and if i randomly see them out, i greet them. Other than that i dont have a friend, never really had friendss or hung out really. and I dont Talk to anyone. So im not close to anyone at all in life. Im just all alone. Is this all weird? |
Question: My “best friend” is so controlling(Read description)? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 02:41 PM PDT My "Best Friend" basically doesn't trust me, or whatever. She's so controlling and she thinks the world revolves around her. Every time I ask her for help she just gives an excuse, or when I need her help she makes everything about herself. She tells me what to do and what to wear for a party or whatever. She invites me to places, and we formed this group of friends then she tells me that she feels uncomfortable with me being in her group of friends. Not to mention she doesn't want me talking to them without her. I'm not gonna steal them from her. She's just so controlling and she acts like she's the boss of me and controls my life. She blabs my secrets to other people, sometimes she makes me cry she has no heart at all and sometimes makes me feel worthless. I'm always there for her. I put her first before myself. I'm not getting the same in return. But I've known her since pre-K and I say I'm sorry when nothing was my fault because I've known her since pre-K and I don't want our friendship to go down the drain. She doesn't deserve it, but whatever. She like doesn't trust me and like I don't know what to do. |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 01:58 PM PDT You know those kinds of friends who always late, but also get annoyed when you are? It's one of those flaws you have to decided whether you accept of them or not lol. |
Question: Why does he want to make himself sound good to me? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 01:52 PM PDT he would always kind of Blush and look down. Also yesterday he was telling me how he was trying to help this lady and she told him never mind that are you married? Do have kids? (Btw he's single and looking to get married but he wanted me to know other people are interested in him)Why is he telling me this? Also he doesn't blush or get nervous when he talks to me anymore. |
Question: Do you have more friends from high school or college? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 01:29 PM PDT |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 12:25 PM PDT I'm a 27 year old female and I have some friends that I talk to on Facebook but I don't have very many. I do have another friend that is my best friend. She is a lot older then me though and she had mentioned to me about me and her hanging out this summer since she is off this summer because she works at a school and I kept telling how excited I am to hang out with her but today I am having second thoughts about hanging out with her or any other friend at all. I do keep to myself a lot and I have been hurt in the past by different people so I do tend to put up walls and I have no interest in making any new friends because i don't want to get hurt again but the friend I have been talking about she told me that she's not going to go out of my life no matter what I say to her so she is a true friend so is it ok that I don't really want to hang out with any friends ever again? I would still talk to them on Facebook or text them but that's all I want to do and I don't really have a problem with being with family though |
Question: 18 year old vacation? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 12:20 PM PDT Me and a friend had planned a senior trip since March and it's the day before we're leaving and his mom has changed her mind about letting him go we're both 18 and he's leaving for college soon so I'm not really sure what to do about it its to late to cancel the hotel and I'm not allowed to go alone |
Question: Is it wird that i literally Hang out or Talk to NOBODY? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 12:17 PM PDT Im 24 and I can say for sure that i HATE humans. Ive always been a loner and therefore felt different and a true outcast. Now i know and embrace how im a martian and out of this World. It's Not a hinderance anymore. It's my Power I never had a friend. At Best i just was cool with some people in the past and if i randomly see them out, i greet them. Other thanks that i dont have a friend and I dont Talk to anyone. So im not close to anyone. Im just all to myself. Is this all weird? Because identisch think it's so normal to ne a true solo person like me. |
Question: How would you approach it? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 12:15 PM PDT He is often involved in quarrels with schoolmates once they start provoking him. I always try to calm him down but not always successfully. My question is if it comes to blows between him and another guy how can I shield that he doesn't get in trouble because of break supervisory who intervene and penalize him? Is there an opportunity to hold school staff off briefly so that I personally jump in and get him out of the struggle? Would it help to form a visual cover with other condisciples? |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 11:18 AM PDT Where do I even begin. So i'm in 10th grade going into 11th and I haven't hung out with people outside of school in like 3 years. In like 8th grade I tried inviting my "friend" group to have a sleepover but they just laughed in my face. And the last time I hung out with people is that they used me for money to get pizza and my dumbass 8th grade self didn't realize. And another person who I considered a good friend I invited to see a movie with but then she made it seem like a joke and never brought it up again. She also makes me feel unconfident with my art stuff. The same thing happened a couple of days ago I invite people then they brush me off. What am I doing wrong am I just boring??? I feel so trapped everyday. All I do is go to school, go home, and sleep. I'm so unathletic that sports just aren't my thing. I tried out for track and I was last and in so much pain I almost cried to the coach to just go home early. Whenever I try to join in conversations I just can't relate to anyone. No one's ever excited to see me when i'm excited to see them. I'm no ones favorite. Hell, i'm not even sure i'll ever get a boyfriend because of how pathetic I am. but i'm just so bored of my life and I want it to be more interesting and have people that understand me. I just hate constantly seeing other people have great lives while i'm stuck in my room playing videogames all day. I also think I look like a hobo compared to the other "trendy" girls at my school. any advice? |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 11:02 AM PDT My ex broke up with me this January and I still love her so much to the point I was willing to give up my female friends. Unfortunately, she is still choosing to ignore me and I done hobby after hobby, work after work, and she's not getting out my head. Maybe if I mangle and just focus on me and maybe have female friends to basically replace would help. This biggest reason all our drama occurred before in our relationship was because of the female friends. So that's why I wonder is having female friends or many friends is even worth it. I done everything in the book to get her back it just didn't work. Does anyone have any advice to this? |
Question: Why has He stopped looking at me? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 10:01 AM PDT There's was this guy who works at the supermarket, I think he's new there, anyways I walked in and then turned back to see where my brother was and he was just standing there looking right at me, he turned his body and everything. I looked at him briefly but he didn't look away, And then when I am about to pay he looks at my face and eyes. Anyways all of a sudden he's stopped looking at me. I mean I do walk in with my brother. But he's not paying me any attention? Why is this? |
Question: Moving out for the first time.? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 09:39 AM PDT I'm 22 and I'm about to move out to live on my own for the first time in my life. I'm excited but I'm really scared at the same time. I'm taking my dog with me so I won't be completely alone, but I don't have a lot of friends. I don't make friends easily and I don't like the idea of being alone because I'm terrified of being targeted because I'll be a girl living on my own. I would have moved in with someone but like I said I don't have many friends and having a dog limits the houses that I can move to. so living alone is my only option really. Is there anyway I can pick up a hobby or something that'll make me feel less alone and scared. Tbh any Hobbies in general really, all I do is read books. Thank you. |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:46 AM PDT So I have a crush on a guy. I can't tell if he's friendly or not. Here's some stuff he's done.: -offers me a ride ( but I haven't accepted yet) -on two occasions has tappped my arm and when I looked at him me just waved - has touched my back when walking by me and talking to me - will tease me and say "sorry I'm being sassy" or "sorry I'm such a sass" - once he noticed I wasn't eating and said "I'm worried about you, your not eating enough" and then said "I'm not leaving until you eat something" -I got spaghetti sauce on my nose and he laughed at me (like a cute laugh) - he sits by me on occasion but not all the time -if I look sad he'll ask what wrong and try to look at my face. |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:16 AM PDT so i am in a predicament here. basically i am on a college tennis team and one of my teammates i don't really get along with. it seems as though she is in her own world and will say uncalled, hurtful things to everyone and she doesn't seem to care. she will have her moments where she will be very nice and it's great but she will definitely have her moments where she will say very hurtful things to me especially when we are with other people. i have had people warn me before going to the school that she can be very on and off with people and she is in her own little world. i have been in countless situations with her where if she was in the wrong i would always have her side but she has proven to me that she will avoid the drama and not help me out. i truly don't know what to do in this situation because she is my teammate. and it is half my job according to my coach to be friends with her because it helps our team "bond" and that is very important to our coach. i have talked to this girl countless of times on how she hurts my feelings and how i truly don't think she respects me as a person. i don't know if it's a jealously thing or not but why would she act this way towards me when all i have been was nice and cordial? there is no getting through to this girl. please help me because i am losing my patience and i don't know what to do |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 04:34 AM PDT My best friend talks to me a lot about their sex life and it makes me really uncomfortable - i ve even told them this but they continue to give me every single detail. Am i being a bad friend who should listen more despite my feelings of discomfort? |
Question: Why is he trying to sound good to me? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 03:47 AM PDT He would always kind of blush and look down. Also yesterday he was telling me how he was trying to help this lady and she told him never mind that are you married? Do have kids?(he's single and wants to get married) Why is he telling me this? Also he doesn't blush or get nervous when he talks to me anymore. |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 02:27 AM PDT I have been chatting with a man online for a few weeks. He wanted to meet me when we first started talking but I then went out of town now..we have now been chatting or several weeks. Anyway, we were supposed to meet when I get back in town but with no definite plans as to when but we are just meeting as friend and the following is part of his last message to he giving me the brush off? or am I over-analyizing? he just seemed to indicate contacting me in the future with no definite seem I right? "I don't have a lot of time today. So this message is going to be short. Hopefully you'll be able to start your trek home soon. May your day be filled with peace and may the people you come in contact with be cheerful! I'll talk to you again soon." |
Question: How do I know if I’m being ghosted by a friend? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 01:34 AM PDT |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 12:53 AM PDT I have been chatting with a man online for a few weeks now..we are talking as only friends for now but we were sending each other long emails almost every other day since I have been out of town. Anyway, we were supposed to meet when I get back and the following is part of his last message to he giving me the brush off? or am I over-analyizing? he just seemed to indicate contacting me in the future with no definite seem I right? "I don't have a lot of time today. So this message is going to be short. Hopefully you'll be able to start your trek home soon. May your day be filled with peace and may the people you come in contact with be cheerful! I'll talk to you again soon." |
Question: Is he trying to make himself sound good? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 12:22 AM PDT He would always kind of blush and look down. Also yesterday he was telling me how he was trying to help this lady and she told him never mind that are you married? Do have kids?(he's single and wants to get married) Why is he telling me this? Also he doesn't blush or get nervous when he talks to me anymore. |
Question: Fake account friends? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 11:35 PM PDT I made a fake account to see if my old friend name Courtney to see if she been talking behind my back to my 2 old friends to Henry and Jessica on her feed. I also know them since 4 grade to 9th grade then I had moved out state but i go back each year for the summer anyways so far I dont see anything on Courtney feed when it happend just one comment she made back then to someone else and she had changed her name and told that person why and she said i was being mean one but in life she started being mean to me so anyways after I made a fake account where it look real and it work after I had like a quote where she didn't have as private and mean time I request Henry and his girlfriend that he been with for 8 years they both have removed there friend request button at round same time so anyways I send Courtney a message making new friends and ask few questions then she answers and i asked her What your facebook pet peeve and she answer me back Cool fakebook pet peevs I hate people so i dont know it mean fake account but anyways then I said like what do you hate about it then she posted I just don't like people in Henry *general so i said oh who Henry? then she said My phone wrote that not me I mean to say general & instead it typed Henry so then I said oh that weird i hate Auto Correct. So do I ask that I came across a request girl name Brittney like she trying to be my friend and I came to know that you two where friends so what type of person is she? . So do I ask that I came across a request girl name Brittney like she trying to be my friend and I came to know that you two where friends so what type of person is she? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2019 11:04 PM PDT So my friend and I both prank called this dude up the street and he figured out it was me and laughed and then asked my friend what she looks like and then my friend said I'm a step worse than Tina (aka me) and he said oh well then you can't be that bad cause Tina's pretty cute. Then my friend asked " what do you think of Tina's dad"? And he said "I don't think he'd like me if I told him his daughters smoking hot" and then my friend said " are you being serious" and he's all "well no I'm just saying if I did he would't cause it would be weird if his old neighbor said that about his daughter". Then right before he hung up he said here let me tell Tina good night. And in he did address he felt that he shouldn't have been talking to us but still the call lasted about an hour of just joking but those are the things he said that stuck out to me. We then just hanged up the phone We're 15 and he's 40 with a family was that being friendly or weird? |
Question: Was what I did really weird? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 10:02 PM PDT I was driving on campus and then finally I came across these cones. They were closing the road. I was super annoyed and decided to get out of my car and move the cones out of the way and drive through. Is this really weird thing to do? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:53 PM PDT |
Question: How can I nurture this friendship? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:43 PM PDT I'm a 21 year old guy. Recently, my boss hired a 16 year old girl at my work. I trained her and over that time we built a friendship at work. She always looks so happy when I walk in. She always smiles and waves at me. And I catch her looking over at me. We joke back and forth and I give her a hard time. She's super cool. We have a lot in common. Interests, educational background, religion, etc. she definitely thinks I'm cute, but I would never act on that as she's a kid and I'm a grown man. I don't want to end up on Fox News. I think she's cute as a button but I'm just looking for a new friend. At least for now. Can I be friends with her? But still not close the door to maybe more one day? Yeah, I've got a crush on her. But I'm an honest hard working man too. |
Posted: 08 Jun 2019 08:20 PM PDT I always leave my hair down, but yesterday I decided to style it differently. A guy in my class (we are in high school) said my hair looked nice yesterday. Does this mean he likes me? Keep in mind that we are not close friends, however, we are in the same group, so we talk. At times, there are jokes and conversations, but nothing every tooooo flirty |
Question: Why is my friend ignoring me? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 06:45 PM PDT so my friend has lately been not responding to my texts. i know she gets them because it says delivered. she used to always respond right away but i texted her last week, she didnt respond, and today, she didnt respond. but yet shes on social media. why is she ignoring me? i did nothing wrong to her :( im scared to ask because i dont want to be annoying and i also dont want to lose her as a friend. |
Question: Is he trying to make himself sound good? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 06:10 PM PDT He would always kind of blush and look down. Also yesterday he was telling me how he was trying to help this lady and she told him never mind that are you married? Do have kids?(he's single and wants to get married) Why is he telling me this? Also he doesn't blush or get nervous when he talks to me anymore. |
Question: My eleven year old friend sent nudes to her "boyfriend."? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 06:06 PM PDT I have a friend who is eleven, and will be twelve soon. I don't think dating at this age is valid, neither does she. But then she was asked out by one of her close friends. She hates making anyone sad, or disappointing people - and almost killed herself once because she got into a really big fight. This stupid, perverse boy told her "I'll never speak to you again if you don't send nudes." I have never hated anyone more. Please, tell me what to do next...believe me, I want to get violent, but I don't want to harm anyone, even a stupid ***** like him. Please note - My parents don't know. I can't contact his parents. Her parents would not care. |
Question: Who's opinion do you agree with- mine or my friends and what is your opinion on this? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 03:37 PM PDT I had a falling out with my old group of friends. They bullied me and consistently made a fool of me Everyone in my town thought they only hung out with me to bully me and laugh at me. One night I was humiliated as usual in front of the group and others at the bar. On the way home I ended up walking home with one of them called Joe. Me and Joe didn't have a lot in common so if we were alone together there would be awkward silence. Joe would laugh and join in with the gang when they made fun of me. When we were alone, he told me firmly not to let any of them ever bully me. I was surprised and he emphasised how he was dead serious. At the time I was a pushover and just said OK I won't. However, if it happened today I would have confronted Joe and asked if he felt it was wrong why did he not stand up for me instead of laughing and encouraging them. My friend Sam thinks Joe deserves respect and I should have appreciated the advice and he wouldn't have deserved the aggressive response I would have given him. Do you agree with me or Sam and what is your opinion of people like Joe? |
Question: Was I right to be upset? Posted: 08 Jun 2019 03:35 PM PDT My friend and I had made plans to hang out and play tennis, but at the last minute they changed plans and were going to do something completely different first. And I would basically just be riding along for what would take about two hours. And I had no idea about it. I became annoyed and told them to take me home instead because I didn't want to hang anymore. Is me getting upset understandable? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2019 08:21 AM PDT I live in China, but my best friend will be getting married in Philadelphia in early December. This will be a very hectic time for me at work, and also I feel terrible about the carbon emissions, and also I have to return to the US anyway at the end of December. Should I be expected to attend the wedding? Of course he is my best friend, but that is 24 hours of travel each way, plus making all the arrangements, plus getting people to cover for me at work, then trying to keep up with my work on the plane, etc. etc. What would you do? |
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