Singles & Dating: Question: Why is conformity so important in heterosexual relationships? |
- Question: Why is conformity so important in heterosexual relationships?
- Question: How old do you have to be to work as an IT Tech Support?
- Question: My girlfriend is thinking about another guy, what should I do?
- Question: Where should I put my nut?
- Question: I told my bf it bugs me when he reads my texts and doesn’t reply and he said that the world doesn’t revolve around me what should I do?
- Question: Why is everyone saying it's stupid that I'm sad because I want a relationship badly?
- Question: Is it true that when you stop looking for a relationship that's when you find someone?
- Question: Pursuing a girl abroad worth it ?
- Question: Why would this bother my boyfriend given the circumstances and our background?
- Question: Would you rather date a bad girl or a good girl?
- Question: Am I an asshole?
- Question: How to get over a crush?
- Question: GROCERY SHOPPING FOR A FIRST DATE, good or bad idea?
- Question: Could you have a relationship with a guy that has been with other men?
- Question: Kissed my bestfriends brother and now it’s kinda awkward between me and him, should I tell my bestfriend.?
- Question: Should my best friend be mad I kissed her brother?
- Question: Is it weird to date my brothers soon to be girlfriends sister?
- Question: Is she into me?
- Question: Isn’t love and being in love the same thing?
- Question: Women in bra are sexy?
- Question: Why did he do this?
- Question: What to do naked and standing up in my room?
- Question: Help me please?
- Question: Is Fortnite for 16 year olds with big balls like me?
- Question: Why hasn’t my boyfriend proposed?
- Question: How good-looking, if at all, is he?
- Question: So was this guy interested or not?
- Question: I want a boyfriend?
- Question: Women if you expect men to fix cars and be handy around the house, isn't it fair he require you to know how to cook?
- Question: Was the cute waitress hiding on me?
- Question: Is he too good to be tru?
- Question: Do you need a degree?
- Question: Advice please? Am I a liar or is he manipulator ? or both?
- Question: Is it weird to text a guy after not texting for about 2 months?
- Question: Would you be concerned if your friend started dating someone they met online who lives in a nursing home and neglects their work?
- Question: I am a girl and I don’t want children? Is this ok/normal?
- Question: My bf says i have no emotions when im masturbing with him??
- Question: This happened about three months ago and opinions would be greatly appreciated!?
- Question: I never felt attracted to most of men.Now I took an official iq test and my iq is really high.Now I understand I only feel attracted to high?
- Question: Why would my guy friend send me the emoji when I post a pic of myself?
- Question: Is she into me?
- Question: I have gotten my life together and I want to reach out to my ex girlfriend give me advice?
- Question: Why does he insist on coming to my place ?
- Question: Would you let your 15 yrd old daughter go out to a 19 yrs old guy house at night?
- Question: I broke up with my boyfriend because of Facebook. Am I wrong?
- Question: Why won’t guys approach me?
- Question: What does it mean when a guy looks at you with sad eyes, looks away and back at you?
- Question: Why did Quora go to ****?
- Question: Single women, would you rather have money or a man (a man with money is not a choice)?
- Question: Would you still talk to your ex if you move on or got in a new relationship?
- Question: How do I get my parents to like him?
- Question: How would you feel if your partner still hang out with their ex alone and talk to them?
- Question: What type of girls do guys like?. Sexy or cute?. What else?
- Question: Types of belly button?
- Question: I'm catching some REALLY strong romantic feelings for somebody who's moving 2 hours away in just a few months. advice?
- Question: Can a girl touch another girl's butt?
- Question: What does it mean if a guy looks at you in the eye and quickly looks away down on the ground?
- Question: What should I do??? :( please help?
- Question: How soon can you fall in love with someone? Is 2 weeks too soon?
- Question: How do you date?
Question: Why is conformity so important in heterosexual relationships? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 08:02 PM PDT |
Question: How old do you have to be to work as an IT Tech Support? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 08:01 PM PDT |
Question: My girlfriend is thinking about another guy, what should I do? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 08:01 PM PDT My girlfriend had some health problems and she went to get help by going to a mental hospital for 2 weeks and when she came back she has been distant and would only talk to me once a week. The reason why is that she has been talking to a guy and hanging out (cool, it's nice to make friends) but she keeps calling me by his name and when we had sex today she said his name and is messed with me. What should I do? |
Question: Where should I put my nut? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 08:00 PM PDT I want to collect it and pour it over my girlfriend on my birthday. |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 08:00 PM PDT |
Question: Why is everyone saying it's stupid that I'm sad because I want a relationship badly? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 08:00 PM PDT |
Question: Is it true that when you stop looking for a relationship that's when you find someone? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:59 PM PDT |
Question: Pursuing a girl abroad worth it ? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:59 PM PDT A while ago I've met a girl on social media and started chatting with her very often. She answers more than i do, already told me that I'm good looking, adorable and cute... One of the things that got me thinking the most are voice messages where she giggles a lot and compliments me. We both have the same interests and thoughts... The only problem is the distance between us and we're not even in the same country. Is pursuing this really worth it ? |
Question: Why would this bother my boyfriend given the circumstances and our background? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:48 PM PDT My boyfriend has ALWAYS claimed himself to be the type that doesn't only care about sex- he prioritizes substance, love, and spending time together (my sex drive is higher than his- he also lost his virginity to me). He made this clear to me even when we first started dating. We have been together for 3 years. His actions have always showed that he would never get mad at me if I'm tired and don't want sex/to perform sexual acts on him. We have an amazing sex life and have a lot of sex and we pleasure each other often. I even do it when I'm tired because I want to please him, never because I thought he'd be mad, but there have been many times we didn't because one of us was tired (that's literally the only thing that would keep me from doing it lol) I was severely shocked last night when he got mad at me for not wanting to perform a sexual act on him. He has NEVER gotten mad before like this. It's like a different person. We haven't talked all day because we got into an argument when I told him how much it hurt my feelings, etc. He claims I haven't been pleasuring him as much recently and he's worried that means I don't like him as much (I've been planning for my cousin's wedding as I'm the maid of honor- it's been busy and our parents are always around). I don't understand how he can think this since we have had an amazing 3-year relationship and spend every day together. My question is why is he all of a sudden acting like this, and is this him showing his true colors? |
Question: Would you rather date a bad girl or a good girl? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:47 PM PDT |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:46 PM PDT So there's this guy that I'm kinda in an unofficial relationship with and we made plans to watch a movie last night. In the morning, I texted him asking if he was still going because the day before, he cancelled our plans last minute, and I was used to my friends letting me know when they're leaving the house whenever we hang out. Since I didn't have a ride and had to walk half an hour to get there, I texted him that if he didn't reply to my text within 10 minutes, it meant that we're not going anymore. I usually never do something like that, but I assumed that he forgot since he usually texts or calls to wake me up, and I overreacted because I was still annoyed about him cancelling plans the day before. At 15 minutes before the movie time, he called me asking if I was still going and I said no because I wouldn't have enough time to walk there. To me at that moment, it seemed like it was all his fault that we have to cancel our plans again, but I was just being insensitive. I apologized a few hours later, and found out that he was actually on his way there when I cancelled on him, which makes me feel really bad because I was stupid and should have just started walking instead of trying to get his confirmation. He won't talk to me now, so I'm wondering how bad my behavior was? |
Question: How to get over a crush? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:46 PM PDT I've had a crush on someone for nearly nine months now. The chance for something more came but I messed up big time and now I think he hates me. How do I get over him? I've tried a lot of things. I thought waiting it out would do the trick but it isn't doing anything. I don't see him, talk to him, text him but I still think about him a lot. I even dream about him sometimes. I've tried seeing other people, pretending I hate him, even took up a new hobby but nothing seems to work. How do I get over him? Someone please help. |
Question: GROCERY SHOPPING FOR A FIRST DATE, good or bad idea? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:41 PM PDT He asked me what I wanted to do I said let's go to Costco because I've never done that before. Lol. what's there to talk about there? Is that a good ideA? |
Question: Could you have a relationship with a guy that has been with other men? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:36 PM PDT I've been seeing my current boyfriend for a year 1/2 now, I'm 22 and he's 36. As time goes on I keep finding out stuff about his past and usually I would take a day or two to process the information I've been told(i.e. he was a coke addict, he has a three yr old kid ohio,etc) , but a week ago I found out that he use to not date, but have sex with other men. He claims it was just "fun" and nothing serious, but I'm not sure about that. One of the guys is still a close friend of his. I asked my bestfriend and sister for advice one said to breakup with him and the other said to just talk to him and see if I can work through it. So I'm curious, if you were in my position what would you do? |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:30 PM PDT Kissed my bestfriends brother(he was my first kiss). Me and him usually play fight and he lays on me and we're touchy towards eachother. He'd told me before he wanted to teach me to kiss and I agreed. When my bsf went to the bathroom he pulled me to him and kissed me. I didn't like it then and regretted it but now I want to do it again. And idk if I should tell my bestfriend because she's always shipping us. Worst part is HE(her brother)HAS A GF. I also think it's awkward between me and him now and I dw to be like that. I need advice and want to tell my bestfriend that I had my first kiss but I don't know anymore. |
Question: Should my best friend be mad I kissed her brother? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:30 PM PDT I'm friends with both and have been for years and she knows I've liked him for one and a half years. We've kissed a few times and somehow she found out and is pissed at me. She always tells me that she wants us to date and how she would love it. It was twice and idek what it meant to him(if anything) but I just didn't know what anything meant enough to tell her Incase he didn't really like me or anything. (doubt he does but then I kinda think he might) Anyway was that wrong? |
Question: Is it weird to date my brothers soon to be girlfriends sister? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:28 PM PDT So my brother has been talking to this girl for a few months but they aren't official because she said she needs time. I don't think they are gonna make it but he thinks she's the one . But me and her sister are like the same person and Ik she likes me . But idk what to do |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:28 PM PDT I work with this girl, and long story short, when we are at work and have nothing to do, she is constantly seeking me out to hang out and talk, we have hung out one on one a few times, would grab dinner and just talk or take long walks. (Every time this happens, she wont touch her phone and I even try to give her an excuse to leave but she usually stays) usually about 6 hrs at a time. I began to have feelings for her, the flirting accelerated and she has openly told me that she dislikes girls that she sees flirting with me. So I told her I liked her. She responded that we vibe really well and she likes talking to and hanging out with me, but then we were interrupted. Since then things have not changed in how she acts. We do message over social media but she never gave me her number. I recently found out that she has a boyfriend, to which everyone at work knows about and she tells people when they hang out. When she tells me what she was doing its "hanging out with a friend" or she finds says she was doing other things. Never telling me about him and even told me she was single. This whole thing is a little confusing to me. Is she actually into me? Or am I just filling in the blanks the other guy doesnt have? Any input? |
Question: Isn’t love and being in love the same thing? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:23 PM PDT |
Question: Women in bra are sexy? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:20 PM PDT |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:20 PM PDT Ok so I was walking and there was a boy I used to have a crush on but no longer have a crush on and I was passing by him in the hallway and when I was passing by him in the hallway we looked at each other. Then I was passing by someone else and the boy looked at me as if he was about to do something to do but then I stood still because I was embarrassed at what he was about to do because there were people standing in the hallway too. Why did he do this? |
Question: What to do naked and standing up in my room? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:17 PM PDT |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:16 PM PDT So I'm in a gay relationship with this beautiful guy and everyone hits on him. It makes me feel ugly and insecure I guess and idk how to stop. I guess I'm jealous or whatever... Please help me get over this. Also, you can make fun of me for being gay lmao idc. I make fun of myself all the time |
Question: Is Fortnite for 16 year olds with big balls like me? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:15 PM PDT |
Question: Why hasn’t my boyfriend proposed? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:15 PM PDT I am 26 and my boyfriend is 25. We have been together for 5 going on 6 years. We love each other dearly and everything is great. Both of our families love both of us. We recently moved in together about 4 months ago (he lived with his parents before, it's a cultural thing) and it's been a blast and he's my best friend and boyfriend. We have talked numerous times over the years about marrying in the future and i find myself very ready at this point in my life. Careers are going well and finances are in a good place. There's no signs leading up to him popping the questions i don't even think he knows my ring size or the style of ring i want! but i do want and expect this to happen at some point this year. If not i plan on moving back out on my own and ending it. I did have the talk with him and asked what's holding him back and he said "nothing, I'm waiting". All of his brother have met their wives and fiancées 2-3 years after we started dating and they are all younger than i am. So I'm sure age isn't the issue. I'm just wondering if there's some other reason he couldn't possibly be disclosing to me. He says he wants to spend the rest of his life with me have kids with me and wants me to be his wife but hasn't been making the steps to do so. I definitely don't want to do anymore pushing but am i wrong in my plan to walk away if it doesn't happen within this year? |
Question: How good-looking, if at all, is he? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:15 PM PDT |
Question: So was this guy interested or not? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:14 PM PDT Met this cute guy through a mutual friend at a party a couple weekends ago. We were talking in a group with two other friends at one point, but he wouldn't interact with me at all, only with our friends, and he looked anywhere but me when he wasn't talking. I thought he might've just felt awkward, so I tried to establish eye contact with him, and he held it for a long time and smiled back, which I took as a sign of interest. We then moved to opposite sides of the room, and we kept looking back at other, while smiling (again, what I thought was a sign of interest). But he never made his way over to talk to me, so I ended up talking to another guy for the rest of the night. When we all finally left, he wouldn't even acknowledge me. I'm really confused - was he just messing with me the whole time? |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:00 PM PDT Im shy and don't even know who to begin talking to and don't even have my eyes set on anyone I know. how do I find a boyfriend. |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:59 PM PDT Why it it sexit to require anything of women nowadays? |
Question: Was the cute waitress hiding on me? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:56 PM PDT If a waitress at a casino comes up and I tell her we've been getting beer at the bar because no one has been coming by to get drinks. She says sorry and she makes eye contact then she says my name is so and so no pun the way by my girl friend she sounded like she was hiding on me ? |
Question: Is he too good to be tru? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:55 PM PDT My bf holds my door, thinks of fun dates, never wants me to pay, sex is good, his family is nice, and goes above and beyond to make sure I'm always okay. Is this normal? Will this change once he is more comfortable? It has been 3 months. |
Question: Do you need a degree? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:51 PM PDT |
Question: Advice please? Am I a liar or is he manipulator ? or both? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:49 PM PDT Past 3 months I've been dating this really controlling guy and he always has to know what I'm doing at all times and always criticizes me. I have two kids . He said he was rich and that he would change my life for the better if I quit my job. most of the time I live in fear of him getting mad so I try to be perfect but he says im a liar and a slut. He once asked me if I ever had a 3some I said yes just 1. Then a week later I told him I did it twice I just wasn't comfortable sharing cuz I would never do it now it was 7 years ago. He said if I ever lie again he will kill me. He asked me 2 weeks ago if I had sex when I went on vacation 3 years ago first I denied it then he asked me 5 more times and I said yes. Then he broke up calling me a liar saying he was done but he came back.Then 3 days ago I did lip injections, he said he doesn't like it and I said I wouldn't do it in the past but I changed my mind ; it makes me feel better I thought he wouldn't notice .He asked me same day why I had bruises on my lips & I said I don't know .Then 2 days later & I said I did it; I was afraid he'd get mad at me. Then he broke up with me saying im alive because he loves my kids. Am I a terrible liar? my friend thinks he is the manipulator & mentally abusive. today I told him that he hasn't done anything special for me. I meant that I was fine financially before he made me quit my job. He says he feels stupid for wanting to help me. I still love him.Am I wrong? Or is he wrong? I am mentally so drained by this..I can't even think most days.... |
Question: Is it weird to text a guy after not texting for about 2 months? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:47 PM PDT I matched with a guy on Bumble a few months ago and we stopped texting about 2 months ago. I assumed we just stopped talking because I was living about 100 miles from him (but was moving to his town in May). I kind of want to text him again even though it's been a long time since we last talked but wanted to see your guys's opinion first. Is it weird/bad to text a guy out of the blue after a few months of silence? |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:46 PM PDT Responsibilities to visit them? The person won't be getting cured and they were already in the nursing home when they started dating. |
Question: I am a girl and I don’t want children? Is this ok/normal? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:35 PM PDT I hate when society expects naturally a girl to aspire to having children and being a mom. I am a girl and I find kids annoying and can't stand them. Not every woman wants to have children. It's like that's the only purpose she is for and expected. Sure babies can be cute but I am not a kind of person who wants to be around them more than few minutes. I think it's should be up to the person as a choice. |
Question: My bf says i have no emotions when im masturbing with him?? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:33 PM PDT he says that i dont have any expression in my face like he isnt doing a good job or like i dont like him, but the truth is that i really like it i really enjoy doing it with him how can i fix that? |
Question: This happened about three months ago and opinions would be greatly appreciated!? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:26 PM PDT So my friend and I both prank called this dude up the street and he figured out it was me and laughed and then asked my friend what she looks like and then my friend said I'm a step worse than Tina (aka me) and he said oh well then you can't be that bad cause Tina's pretty cute. Then my friend asked " what do you think of Tina's dad"? And he said "I don't think he'd like me if I told him his daughters smoking hot" and then my friend said " are you being serious" and he's all "well no I'm just saying if I did he would't cause it would be weird if his old neighbor said that about his daughter". Then right before he hung up he said here let me tell Tina good night. And he did address he felt that he shouldn't have been talking to us but still the call lasted about an hour of just joking but those are the things he said that stuck out to me. We then just hung up the phone We're 15 and he's 40 with a family. |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:25 PM PDT iq men.Doesnt it make sense? |
Question: Why would my guy friend send me the emoji when I post a pic of myself? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:24 PM PDT |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:21 PM PDT So I work with this girl, and long story short, when we are at work and have nothing to do, she is constantly seeking me out to hang out and talk, we have hung out one on one a few times, would grab dinner and just talk or take long walks. (Every time this happens, she wont touch her phone and I even try to give her an excuse to leave but she usually stays) usually about 6 hrs at a time. I began to have feelings for her, the flirting accelerated and she has openly told me that she dislikes girls that she sees flirting with me. So I told her I liked her. She responded that we vibe really well and she likes talking to and hanging out with me, but then we were interrupted. Since then things have not changed in how she acts. We do message over social media but she never gave me her number. I recently found out that she has a boyfriend, to which everyone at work knows about and she tells people when they hang out. When she tells me what she was doing its "hanging out with a friend" or she finds says she was doing other things. Never telling me about him and even told me she was single. This whole thing is a little confusing to me. Is she actually into me? Or am I just filling in the blanks the other guy doesnt have? Any input? |
Question: I have gotten my life together and I want to reach out to my ex girlfriend give me advice? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:20 PM PDT I just turned 20 years old about a week ago and I am in the best spot I have been in since I can remember. My girlfriend and I broke up in September of 2018 and we started dating in October of 2017. She was the love of my life. But I was a mess I was depressed , I got fat , I was drinking and doing pills , I was violent , unmotivated just sitting around wasting my life and I admit I was a horrible boyfriend. I was mean and I would get so angry with her. But I've spent the last 9 months getting my life together i have been seeing a therapist and I have been put on anti depressants , I got a good manual labor job where I work about 30 hours a week and get paid 19 an hour. I have decided I am going to go to college in January when I save up a little cash, as you can see in the pictures i have lost weight and look a lot better. We broke up because I was so disrespectful I yelled at her I told her that i was going to go have sex with a bunch of girls ( I was drunk and upset with her because of lack of sex). But I realized so much I've grown up so much and I miss her she loved me and she gave me so many chances until she literally couldn't take it anymore. I have changed , grown up and I want her back should I reach out? |
Question: Why does he insist on coming to my place ? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:13 PM PDT My ex and I do visitations . He isn't homeless and it 80 degrees outside . He said he wanted to meet to his our daughter . He wanted to come to my place for only 'an hour' I thought that was weird . When I told him I could meet him elsewhere , he didn't see our daughter . What's the issue with meeting some place like at a park or indoor place to hang out with his 1 year old ? Was I wrong ? I just don't want him at my place anymore because it's not necessary? A year ago when he use to come over we would engage in sex . But he has a girlfriend now that he's in love with and she loves him very much too . |
Question: Would you let your 15 yrd old daughter go out to a 19 yrs old guy house at night? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:08 PM PDT |
Question: I broke up with my boyfriend because of Facebook. Am I wrong? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:55 PM PDT I broke up with my boyfriend recently because of his Facebook activities. He s had his friends list hidden for a year. He did sit down with me once and went through the list that he had, but he has his friends request option open, so for all I know, he has 500 more new friends. I was able to see some of his friends through his profile by photos of his they liked, and he does have some scantily clad girl on there and he hearted another girl s photo when he s never even liked one of mine. I ve asked him a few times to unhide his list but he doesn t do it. He claims he s not hiding anything. But if he isn t, why keep hiding it? He also doesn t acknowledge me at all on social media. On top of that, hr is very protective of his phone, looking very nervous if I want to Google something on it, for example. Did I overreact or am I justified? |
Question: Why won’t guys approach me? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:54 PM PDT I suffer from bad self esteem after years of being told by my own mother that I was ugly or too dark. I get told I'm beautiful but still it's hard for me to see it. Like while at the store today, this guy kept staring at me he wasn't my type so I kinda looked and kept waiting another girl walks in he goes out his way to shake her hand and say hello to her. It made me feel really up pretty |
Question: What does it mean when a guy looks at you with sad eyes, looks away and back at you? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:53 PM PDT There is a guy I kinda know and he did something cruel to me at a bar one night in front of his guy friends. A few minutes later he was looking over at me with really sad eyes and I just smiled back at him, cause I wasn't going to his lower level. He looked at me then away then back again, why even look at me after you did something shady? |
Question: Why did Quora go to ****? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:53 PM PDT |
Question: Single women, would you rather have money or a man (a man with money is not a choice)? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:51 PM PDT |
Question: Would you still talk to your ex if you move on or got in a new relationship? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:50 PM PDT |
Question: How do I get my parents to like him? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:43 PM PDT My parents have met my new boyfriend once, but I don't think they like him. He was nice when they met. They never respond positively to good things I say about him, and they never say anything bad but they're holding back as if they don't approve. They also often tell me not to let things get too serious and that I have my whole life ahead of me. I'm 23 now, and I have dated other people in the past that they seemed more interested in. They really did and still like my last ex and talk about him all the time, even though I was miserable with him and I'm not taking him back. My new boyfriend is not as attractive, and that's the only reason I can think of that would explain them not liking him. He treats me well and I tell them that, but they seem hesitant when they respond. How can I change this? I didn't want to believe they were so shallow but I think they must be. |
Question: How would you feel if your partner still hang out with their ex alone and talk to them? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:42 PM PDT Even if they just friends |
Question: What type of girls do guys like?. Sexy or cute?. What else? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:37 PM PDT |
Question: Types of belly button? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:34 PM PDT 1. What do between "inny" and "outy" belly button types mean? 2. How do you tell the difference between them? 3. What type does the girl in this picture have? |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:33 PM PDT |
Question: Can a girl touch another girl's butt? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:32 PM PDT |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:29 PM PDT A couple of guys did that and I'm curious why |
Question: What should I do??? :( please help? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:21 PM PDT so the school year just ended. this guy wanted to talk to me earlier and i kinda wanted to talk to him, but i already have a boyfriend and he doesn't like me talking to other guys unless he's already friends with them. so i basically had to ignore the other guy all school year. i'm not sure if i'll ever see this guy again, but if i do should i tell him why i ignored him? because i'm pretty sure he's still hurt over it. i'll award best to whoever answers best, thx :) |
Question: How soon can you fall in love with someone? Is 2 weeks too soon? Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:15 PM PDT |
Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:14 PM PDT I have asked out this guy I really like (he hasn't responded yet) and am wondering, if he says yes, what to do after that. I have never been in a relationship before and don't really know how being in a relationship changes how you interact with someone. To clarify, I can tell when two people are dating, but don't know what I am actually supposed to do when dating someone to make it different from a friendship besides for the obvious stuff like kissing. I don't think I am ready to kiss anyone yet. |
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