Family: Question: Why am I not sad? |
- Question: Why am I not sad?
- Question: How do I stand up to parents when it comes to telling them what I want in life and making decisions?
- Question: Pressure to find a job from family members?
- Question: What did my dad just say to me?
- Question: If you explicitly told grandparents not to do something but they did it anyway, would you be furious?
- Question: Help me with a few things?
- Question: How to gracefully stop the invites?
- Question: Can I get a tattoo at the age of 21-22 without telling my parents or without them knowing?
- Question: Our stepdad takes our coats at bed time?
- Question: How early is too early to wake up the entire house?
- Question: I have this brother who was a felon. Why do our parents keep it a secret and yet they gossip about the extended family?
- Question: Since my Dad is a bad man how do I make sure I don't turn into him?
- Question: Advice please?
- Question: Do you feel bad for kids who lose a parent?
- Question: What is he thinking?
- Question: Should I run away at age 18?
- Question: How do I stop missing my mom?
- Question: Is it okay to stop my relationship with my father?
- Question: How do I deal with homophobic parents?
- Question: Can you call the cops on a family member who talks to themselves?
- Question: Is my dad playing victim role in this situation?
- Question: My parents were harassing me while I was sick? Is this abuse?
- Question: Do I have the right to be mad at my half-brother?
- Question: What is a normal relationship between brothers?
- Question: How do I keep my daughter's interest in school good?
- Question: My step mom does not let me have my dads number?
- Question: Will this trick harm my daughter too much?
- Question: Should I keep the phone??
- Question: My uncle is mean to his wife (non-violent). Should my parents have called the police on him for it?
- Question: Since my Dad always goes back on his word should I stop asking him and stop trusting him since he is a liar?
- Question: My uncle died!!!? advise?
- Question: How do break it to my Dad that he is both ignorant and arrogant?
- Question: Can anyone tech-savvy help with this confusing text message dillema?
- Question: Should I be upset by this?
Posted: 08 Mar 2019 02:24 PM PST My aunt who I was very close with died last Saturday, and her funeral is tomorrow (also my mom's birthday is tomorrow, worked out great didn't it?). I'm also dealing with a plethora of other things, like my parent's very messy child custody case, having very recently cut off my 'best friend' of two years because she was manipulative, and attempting to find my dog who's been missing for over two months now. Why don't I feel anything? I should be a mess right now but I'm emotionally numb. I feel like it's disrespectful to my aunt to not be sad, but I've even made jokes about it at this point (she died at exactly 4:20. you could say she went out on a high note). Please help!!?!?!? |
Posted: 08 Mar 2019 01:21 PM PST I wanted to know how do you let your parents know in a confident way that you want to do what makes you happy. I'm 21 and I wanna move with my grandma and brother and they want me to come but my dad doesn't how do I stand up to that |
Question: Pressure to find a job from family members? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 12:02 PM PST So I'm a recent high school graduate i went to college last fall and had to leave spring semester due to financial issues. I will be joining a different school in the fall much cheaper. Recently I've applied for jobs so that i could keep myself busy until then however transportation is a big issue. My brother and mom are pressuring to hurry and start working but i would much rather wait until i get my license. I do have a car, all it needs is a new battery. And i just need my license. Would it not be a good idea to wait and get my license first before i start working? Also i have this opportunity to move to Hawaii with my oldest brother who is in the military until it is time for school to start here. Because he's in the military in Hawaii my nephew being only 1 has to stay at a daycare which are very expensive there. He's asked me to come move with him and help him out until school starts so that he can save a bit. My mom doesn't think it's a good idea but I've been suffering with depression since i couldn't afford school anymore and felt like a dead beat. I think it would be good for me to get away, he says he will pay me to keep my nephew while he works and i could get a job there in the evenings somewhere local. (Also I've been working since i was 13 so laziness is not an issue at all just scared and need that push) what do you think i should do? |
Question: What did my dad just say to me? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 11:32 AM PST I was listening to my iPod so I didn't hear him. |
Posted: 08 Mar 2019 09:48 AM PST My son left a book at his grandparents. For weeks I told him to get it. Did not happen. So he asked his grandparents to bring it to him st school. Trying to teach a lesson in responsibility I said clearly do not bring it to him. Learned hours later she brought it to him because she told him she would. I am livid. Parents, how would you handle? |
Question: Help me with a few things? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 07:37 AM PST Since 7th grade I have wanted a iphone and 9th grade I used a flip phone because I was in high school, and then when my mom got my dads old iphone 7 plus I got her old iphone 6 early before 10th grade started because my posture was wonderful, and that is how I was able to get a phone because my posture has to be good to have a phone. I have had my phone from July to the end of October because November I lost it because of my conversation skills were terrible and that has been approving really well in the past 3 months I have had my phone gone for. Next was my posture also known as body language which was another one I got in the end of December I had to work on, but it was not going well until my Mom and Dad said I have four weeks and I could have my phone back which was the last two weeks of January and the first two weeks of February. When the four weeks were up I asked if I could have my phone back and my Moms same answer to me if no because your posture is not good and this her way of telling a lie to not give me my phone back. She also says to me there is not set date or time that you will get your phone back because you will get your phone back when your dad and I say so. what should I do because I really want to talk to my friends not just my one friend through our school email and I don't want this to go through my summer where I can only hang out with one of my friends not any other of my friends because my mom is still trying to keep my phone from me. Help me out. Help me out with what to do with my posture in a week or a week and a half and how to get my phone back. |
Question: How to gracefully stop the invites? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 07:28 AM PST My husband and I grew up in families where extended family (uncles/aunts, cousins) didn't go to our school functions, holidays, etc. As my nieces and nephews are now old enough to be involved in school activities, my family is invited to it all. We live over an hour away, and the drive just isn't always desirable to us. Unfortunately, my sibling feels our attendance shows the measure of our love for their kids and showing up once or twice a year just isn't enough for them. If it were a major event, different story. My husband and I would never expect anyone to travel a distance to watch our kids perform, and never would it be held against them if no one came. The fact that this happens to us makes us not want to go all the more. We do see each other at birthdays and holidays and lavish the kids with gifts and attention. My husband works 2 hours from home and we've been helping with his parents who have cancer. When we have a quiet weekend, we want to spend quality time at home as a family. Though my sibling and I have had our share of issues between us and aren't very close, we love their kids, but how do we gracefully stop this endless cycle of invites and judgement? Edit: sadly, yes, my sibling does have a history of not so nicely accusing me of not wanting to be a part of their kid's lives. My brother-in-law recently passed and I received a voicemail three weeks later expressing condolences, for about 1 minute out of a 10 minute call which was really an invite to their child's event. This is not unusual behavior, and quite frankly, I'm fed up with trying to force this relationship. |
Question: Can I get a tattoo at the age of 21-22 without telling my parents or without them knowing? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 07:21 AM PST Hi, I'm almost 22 years old and a full time college student. I work my a** off and don't even have a car because I pay for everything on my own of course with living at home. My parents never told me I'm not allowed to but I know they'd freak and possibly kick me out. My dad is emotionally abusive and could become violent as I've received threats for stupid stuff like wearing natural looking makeup. It would be somewhere not able to be seen. I'm struggling extremely hard in my life with a sister with a terminal illness and I feel the desire to do it. It will be a tiny one and in a year I plan on joining the military so should I get it and do what's best for me or not because it's bad? I don't expect answers just suggestions and opinions thank you. |
Question: Our stepdad takes our coats at bed time? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 06:22 AM PST I'm not sure why our stepdad demands just mine and my three sisters winner coats when he goes to bed, but doesn't take our brother's coats, but I don't think it's normal. I asked my friend if her dad does this and she tells me no, so i ask everyone on here When he goes to bed he takes our winter coats, and once a week he alternates with washing our coats. Lady night I had a hard time sleeping so I snuck out to the family room and watch TV, which im not allowed to do at 2am. I hear weird noises and him saying my sister annas name coming from his room and about an hour later he comes out with Anna's coat and puts it in the washer. I don't want to walk in and see cuz I might be in trouble for being up but I'm not sure what's going on |
Question: How early is too early to wake up the entire house? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 04:56 AM PST My family was having a concert downstairs at six am this morning and really made me angry, no respect for the sleeping. |
Posted: 08 Mar 2019 04:09 AM PST |
Question: Since my Dad is a bad man how do I make sure I don't turn into him? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 04:08 AM PST |
Posted: 08 Mar 2019 02:55 AM PST My mom is INSANELY irresponsible it's so frustrating. She doesn't pay her bills, never has, doesn't even know how to. Her boyfriend pays for her bcs she doesn't wanna get a job while finishing school & that's their choice. My problem is we are on the same insurance & phone bill etc together (it's cheaper to share a policy than be on it by myself) Each month I transfer my portion of the bills to my moms account. Now EVERY single month my mom doesn't put her portion of the bills into that account causing late fees. Not my problem I don't pay them. I have sat down with her & came up with a strategy for her to transfer this amount into this account on this date to avoid late fees etc. she refuses to do it!! It's so frustrating I could cry. Instead, she's having me pay her portion as well with the promise she'll pay me back but she never does. I make 9.05/hr plus commission. She knows this. Her boyfriend makes six figures. I love my mom to death but I'm so sick of her refusing to grow up & be a responsible adult. I'm struggling here & have no one to help me. I can barely afford the bare necessities let alone supporting my freakin mom!! What do I do? |
Question: Do you feel bad for kids who lose a parent? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 02:33 AM PST I went to my cousins funeral I saw his wife and three kids (the oldest is 12) 2 girls and a boy they were with my aunt and his wife's mother. It was really sad because he touched a lot of people. I didn't cry but was close because he was like a brother he was only a few months younger than me and I saw his ups and downs. He did a lot of good things but he was also very strange. |
Question: What is he thinking? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 12:58 AM PST |
Question: Should I run away at age 18? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 12:21 AM PST I'm chasing a dream but nobody believes in me, I think I can handle myself on my own and I'm tryna improve on my health but when you have negative people around you it's hard to do. I've picked up some rather bad habits along the way of living in a toxic home. I've been excessively gambling my money and smoking weed, I wanna change my life around but nobody seems to care around my family. So my choice is to leave right now and never look back. Also this is very embarrassing but I stole my moms credit card to gamble $50 and she said she would kick me out the house if she found out I did some **** with her money. Do you think I have a choice or should I leave and never comeback until I'm back on my feet? Also I have other options of joining the military or going to college and playing basketball. Thanks to everyone who took their time to read this I'm grateful and have a blessed day. |
Question: How do I stop missing my mom? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 10:18 PM PST I'm 17 and just moved away. It's been a weird few months where a lot of family losses have happened and I made the knee jerk decision to move. My mom was really supportive because she's always supportive of everything I do. Except, I can't feel but I've made a mistake, like maybe I'm not actually ready to be away from her. I miss her so much, I'm crying so much. How do I stop missing her? What do I do? I'm so sad. |
Question: Is it okay to stop my relationship with my father? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 10:17 PM PST I ve always been torn. Since I was 12 my father was in prison for a terrible crime. For 5 years I was put through hell. My mom divorced him after he got convicted and I was stuck in the middle. I became depressed, had bad anxiety, and sadly self harmed for a year. I m in a better mental state now. He recently got released and I thought things would get better. A few months he started to rent his own home and asked me to live with him. My mom refused and I thought it was too soon. Right after I said no he moved his brand new girlfriend in. When I first met her my anxiety was high, and I had an anxiety attack. He told me I needed to suck it up, because he wanted to be happy. Since then it was Rocky. They broke up, and now (5 months later) lives in a new home with his new fiance and her five kids. I think three of them with their biological dad. We don t talk, but he gets angry that I never message him. He only pays $10 in child support, and I wanted to ask for more. It hurts to see him live such a happy life, and now they post on social media how he s the kids "daddy". Maybe I m just being overly emotional and jealous, but it does hurt. I m visiting him soon to get everything out in the open. But I don t know if I want to continue our relationship. Is it alright to tell him I don t want to see him anymore? And how do I do that? |
Question: How do I deal with homophobic parents? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 08:59 PM PST I have a very religious and conservative family. I love my religion but my parents are both very homophobic...thing is, I'm a closeted bisexual. It's really annoying, like, REALLY annoying. So frustrating to hear my own parents talk crap about the community I am a part of. I don't know if I will ever be able to come out. Any tips on how to deal with homophobic parents? Thanks Well, I love my religion apart from the homophobic |
Question: Can you call the cops on a family member who talks to themselves? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 08:48 PM PST My sister is retarded.. She talks loudly to herself.. Everybody in the house hates her.... She doesn't eat, shower, take care of her baby and uses drugs... She is also 30.... Can we call the cops on her crazy aZZ? We did all we that we can.. I learned from my own experience that you can't help a person if they don't want to get help....Friends/Family doesn't matter... Now it's time for the mental institution? Yes? |
Question: Is my dad playing victim role in this situation? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 08:40 PM PST My brother is going to be 30 years old soon. Lives with my dad. Plays video games all day. Doesn't have a job. Doesn't do house chores. Literally does not help go get groceries with my dad. He eats the food my dad goes to get and buys though! My brother has never really had to do sh!!t growing up since he was the only boy and last born, the baby. Anyway. I'm getting sick of my dad acting like there's nothing he can do now. In his defense he is saying "I shouldn't have to ask him to do anything" Like what kind of r*tarded logic is that? Who's the parent?? I got so mad one time I told him to grow a set of balls. He looked shocked (lol) but seriously, is this parental victimization?He is acting like those parents of bad kids on dr phil. Except his "kid" is almost 30. And yes i've tried talking to my brother about depression and I've tried sending him cards and even money once hoping that would cheer him up and motivate him. Few months ago I brought up family counselling. Still, zero effort from anyone. |
Question: My parents were harassing me while I was sick? Is this abuse? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 08:34 PM PST I just threw up like 2 hrs ago and my mom was yelling at me and going off on a tangent with me and getting very angry for no reason. Probably because she was the one that cleaned it up.. I couldn't help throwing up because I was sick and threw up. When my mom yells at me, my dad joins in. I feel like they are being abusive. I kept telling them to stop because I was not feeling well and they used this as a chance to harass me when I was weak and sick... they were yelling at me and starting an argument. How do I deal with this and what do I do? My mom also did this to my dad when he had a cold.. I have a older sister who does not even respect them but they treat her better than me...what can I do? My sister has beat them and my parents are acting like her servants..and they treat her better than me... What does being a girl or boy have to do with it... I'm a girl. My only point here is that if you are SICK, and thew up, you probably have no energy and are too delirious and weak to clean it up yourself....yes, i respect what you said Kristen but no, I am not exaggerating or 'over sensitive'. Thank you anonymous for sharing about your mom acting like that around sickness...i understand people feel bothered if someone is sick and may not want to be around them or clean up.. I asumme being sick is the other person's advantage in controlling you since you are too ill to fight or do anything back. I just say that it seems abusive because they are hounding me and becoming negligent when I am sick. I have helped my mom and sat next to her while she was sick! So it feels very one sided and manipulative of her to do this to me when I am sick! |
Question: Do I have the right to be mad at my half-brother? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 08:12 PM PST Hello, I'm a 27 yr old woman, and I've been living with my older half-brother (55) for 5 yrs. When I first moved in with him, he took sexual advantage of me. There was NO intercourse, he just wanted me to do things to him... It mainly involved me giving him handjobs and he'd say sexual comments to me almost daily. That went on for 2 years, but he DOESN'T treat me that way anymore and hasn't in a few years. I was disgusted by it, but I had EXTREMELY low self-esteem back when he was treating me that way, so I kinda just allowed it to happen... He was well aware that I had such low self-esteem. I don't know what was happening from his perspective at the time, but from my perspective, he was taking full advantage of my low self-esteem, but didn't really care. He KNEW I didn't enjoy it, because he told me so multiple times. He told me many times that he could tell by my facial expressions, and that he felt bad for treating me that way, but he kept doing it anyway. I am deeply hurt that he'd take advantage of me like that, and I have days where I am just angry at him. I feel bad for being angry, though, because since I don't currently have a job, he pays for all of my necessities (i.e. food, clothes, etc), as well as my schooling (GED) and my 2 animals (dog & cat). He also tells me he loves me daily. Do I have the right to be angry at him? Thanks, I greatly appreciate it! :) |
Question: What is a normal relationship between brothers? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 07:54 PM PST I'm just asking. Me and my brother practically have zero relationship, we never talk about anything, I barely talk to him and we are just polar opposites in every way shape and form. Yeah we are teens and still live with each other but we barely say a word to each other almost every day.. I'm a couple years older than him and I realized what I'm talking about since my friends all have relationships with their siblings whereas I don't. I know it's normal for sibilings to fight and disagree but what about having no relationship at all? Or could this be a 'teen phase'? |
Question: How do I keep my daughter's interest in school good? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 07:28 PM PST She's in Kindergarten now and I know she hasn't experienced 1st grade yet, but how can I encourage her to keep liking school? Any pointers? I never liked school and I want her too. |
Question: My step mom does not let me have my dads number? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 07:12 PM PST I want to have my dads number and talk to him.. not go through my step mom.. she thinks I'll give it to my mom but I won't.. she doesn't let me have any contact with him. |
Question: Will this trick harm my daughter too much? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 07:02 PM PST My daughter is always saying how she hates having sisters because she wants brothers instead. Her behaviour is annoying, hurtful and whiny. A family friend suggested that we do this. Without telling her, let her sisters go live with a desired relative temporarily. Then, foster a strange boy and give him lots of attention. If she asks where her sisters are or who's the boy, act like I have no idea what she's talking about. The outcome might be that she'll start to miss her sisters very much, and hates that this boy gets more attention instead. So she'll be glad when they finally come home. |
Question: Should I keep the phone?? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 06:47 PM PST I found out I was pregnant (not surprising) but my mom didn't take it well. She could literally hit me if she was near me. I haven't told my dad bc that who I'm most afraid. He's been going through a lot. Especially with bills and also his marriage with my mom isn't great. So mostly I'm the glue in the family. But anyways. I'm planning on leaving a letter to my dad telling him why I left. And I'm staying at a relative until me and the baby dad can find a place of our own. But here's the big question. Should or shouldn't I take my cell phone? Bc my dad is paying for the phone. Bc I don't have job at the moment. And I was going to leave my phone behind but my friend told me to take it just in case. So what do you guys think? |
Posted: 07 Mar 2019 05:38 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Mar 2019 05:26 PM PST |
Question: My uncle died!!!? advise? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 05:10 PM PST i've never met him but my parents are crying he's my dads brother and my dads really upset he's been really sad for a while and i don't know what to do |
Question: How do break it to my Dad that he is both ignorant and arrogant? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 03:55 PM PST Do I put it on his Father's Day card? |
Question: Can anyone tech-savvy help with this confusing text message dillema? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 02:15 PM PST Whenever I try to text my mom, it goes to my brother. I try to text my sister, it goes to my brother. My sister tries to text me or my mom, it goes to my brother. My mom tries to text me or my sister, it STILL goes to him. My brother tries to text anyone in our family, it goes to my mom None of this applies to anyone outside our family though. Except for one friend that I constantly text, my brother's messages to her show up saying that I sent it. I went to everyone's devices, checked Settings > iMessage > Send & Receive, and NOTHING was wrong. I went to Beau's contacts and nothing was wrong. How do I fix this issue for my family? If ANYONE knows, please tell me! Thank you so much! |
Question: Should I be upset by this? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 12:17 PM PST I have an autistic teenage son. His stepfather works from home and looks after him during the day. Stepdad is responsible for giving him his meds while I am at work. The other day I stayed home sick and at 12 noon when it was time for medication, my husband's phone alarm went off playing The Ramones singing "Bam Bam Bam-Bam, Ba-Bam Bam Bam-Bam, I wanna be sedated." This is his alarm to remind my husband to medicate my son. It goes off 3 times a day when my son gets his pills. Is this disrespectful? Does it indicate an attitude of scorn and mockery held by my husband for my son and his condition? |
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