Family & Relationships: Question: Why is my man’s buttcheeks rock hard? |
- Question: Why is my man’s buttcheeks rock hard?
- Question: Was he lying and trying ot take my virginity?
- Question: The guy I liked heard me joking about a guy having sex with his girlfriend and laughed. I am usually a really shy girl and I think now he?
- Question: I like to laugh and joke all the time. What are the pros and cons of such personality ?
- Question: Why do some people who reject invites like it better when you feel sorry for them?
- Question: Would you let your boyfriend touch you?
- Question: Is it a sin to find your wife's identical twin sister attractive?
- Question: Is it fair to buy my own toilet paper ?
- Question: Mi novio dice que soy miy chantajista?
- Question: Why does my sister do this?
- Question: Is there another way of avoiding people without seeming rude?
- Question: My older sister still hasn't apologized for this. Should I give it up and move on with my life?
- Question: Just deleted all my social media, how do I get my mind off of it so I can just focus of getting my $hit together?
- Question: My dad doesn't see me as a woman or respects me for my opposite gender roles. Is it safe to say he should not have had daughters?
- Question: Is it worth keeping my "relationship" with my dad?
- Question: Do you think my parent's expectations of me are crazy or not really?
- Question: Is my bf trying to get out of seeing me ? Please help?
- Question: The guy I have a crush on knocked at my window at night ans wanted me to go outside to talk to him.... why? Are we soul mates?
- Question: How do you tell your mom your stepfather raped you?
- Question: I think my in-laws' brother was flirting with me? Would it be inappropriate to date him?
Question: Why is my man’s buttcheeks rock hard? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 04:36 PM PST |
Question: Was he lying and trying ot take my virginity? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 04:21 PM PST met him on a dating site. We're both Armenian and traditional, he was 33 years old at the time. He told me from day one he was looking to get married and settle down. He knew I was a virgin and waiting till marriage. During our 2 month relationship knowing I was a virgin he still suggested physical stuff although not sex, such as oral, sent a dick pic, touching me down there, saying don't wear panties when we go out just for the sake of it. Although he never tried to sleep with me and he was actually looking for a virgin. But knowing all this it's not normal right for a marriage-minded guy to say these things. We fought a lot and he always made up with me and even cried once during the frustration when I was breaking up with him, another time from all the fights I said then if we can't solve the issue any way we break up? he looked into my eyes and said probably. And quickly got out of his car to hug me or say bye as I got out but i walked away and he quickly called me and said how can you love someone yet so easily walk away, then he said how he hates fighting with me (although he has a fighting personality) and always talked about family and how he expect his wife( me) to be in the home etc from day one. Showed all serious signs such as constantly texting, But since he always chased after me after I broke up/fought with him until he didnt anymore, has me questioning was it not real to begin with? IF the physical aspects didn't occur i wouldn't question it because all other signs were there that it was serious so am I right to doubt it now? This past time I tried going back i asked if he'd closed our chapter he said yes, and that i didn't value him or his family which makes you think its serious topics but this too can just be words no? He also said how i'm the one head over heels for him now I asked if he wasn't for me? he said at one point in time i was a long time ago, but not naymore |
Posted: 08 Mar 2019 10:18 AM PST Thinks I am a bad girl. It's just a stupid thought or guys think less of a girl when they hear such things from her? So, I was talking with my friend on the bus. She told me a girl we know is pregnant. Her boyfriend is a polish guy, 2 meter tall, big and bulky. I said "oh god, how did he do that? Didnt he suffocate her with her belly? I mean, how could he possibly do it without squeezing her under his weight? Did she survive? If I were her, I would have run away screaming and never looked back". My friend laughed so much and the guy I like (he's really serious and never smiles) laughed so much he had to put a hand over his mouth. I saw him laughing and turned red, he saw me and shook his head putting his hand on his forehead. I am virgin, I never had a bf and I have no idea about sex. I said those things bc having an heavy man like that guy on me would be my last desire. Do you think now he thinks of me like an easy girl who goes with everyone and gives opinions like that? |
Question: I like to laugh and joke all the time. What are the pros and cons of such personality ? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 10:05 AM PST |
Question: Why do some people who reject invites like it better when you feel sorry for them? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 09:34 AM PST Why does the most unreliable people want sympathy just for declining an invite? Wouldn't that just add unwanted guilt? Wouldn't it simply be easier to say "Thanks for thinking of me but I can't make it." instead of sorry and some feel-bad-for-me excuse. I know some people really do have unfortunate and even sad reasons for why they can't come through with plans. I'm talking about people who'd rather make you feel bad as if they would have been doing you a favour if they came.. well that's what it seems like anyway |
Question: Would you let your boyfriend touch you? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 07:06 AM PST I went to my aunts house and saw my cousin with her boyfriend watching tv. He had his arm around her and they kept kissing and touching they're both adults but aren't having sex until marriage so I don't understand why he thinks he can just feel on her |
Question: Is it a sin to find your wife's identical twin sister attractive? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 06:03 AM PST The guy does not want to have sex with his sister-in-law but he just finds her very attractive, is it a sin? |
Question: Is it fair to buy my own toilet paper ? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 05:21 AM PST I stay with my sister and try to help in whatever way I can. I pay rent, pay for her to keep my child while I work and also buy little things we need around the house like toilet paper etc Recently I bought 16 rolls of toilet paper and they bought a 4 pack so all together that's 20 rolls. Now we only have 9 I'm barely home or ever use the bathroom, so I'm kind of mad they're flying through the toilet paper in such a short amount of time it's literally been a week and a half or so. When I address it with my sister she says well we don't worry about it because we keep the toilet paper stocked. But I'm the one who bought all the toilet paper to "stock" it up but majority of it is gone ??? |
Question: Mi novio dice que soy miy chantajista? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 01:57 AM PST Estoy saliendo con un muchacho desde hace 5 meses pero el no me visita, aveces pasan dias en que no nos hablamos. Aveces siento como que si no tuviera novio. Conosco a su familia, lo visito cuando me lo pide o voy a verlo cuando lo extraño. Ayer fuimos a comer y pase a dejarlo a su casa y me invito a entrar pero le dijo que no podia porque esta feo el clima y mejor me regresaria a casa temprano. El siguio insistiendome despues de averle dicho que no. Entonces le dije si entro a tu casa, vas mi casa a visitarme mañana? Entonces el me respondio con "no me salgas con chantajes" y pues la verdad que a mi me dolio que me alla dicho eso y luego me pregunto porque eres muy chantajista. Yo no trato de controlarlo yo solo quiero que el me visite como yo a el. Y siento que tengo que pedirselo porque si no le digo de cualquier forma no lo hace. Creo que espero que se esfuerze un poco en nuestra relacion. Pero no veo que lo haga, trato de ser paciente pero siento que aveces no puedo. Yo no se si pedirle que me visite es forma de chantaje. Ocupo sus consejos o que piensan sobre esto... gracias! Bendiciones ^^ |
Question: Why does my sister do this? Posted: 08 Mar 2019 12:29 AM PST Ok so I have never given her the impression that I'm impatient. I'm actually slow and can go days without talking to people. This is what she does though.. When I text, message, or call her. A lot of the times she replies with a guilt trip right away. For example she'll respond, "Sorry, I was out/busy" but she'll completely disregard my message making me feel unimportant AND bad for *disturbing her* I have told her before "It's okay, don't respond if you're not able to. I'd rather wait to hear from you than get guilt tripped" Still! She does this! Whyyy how do I deal with this? |
Question: Is there another way of avoiding people without seeming rude? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 11:18 PM PST I m not just avoiding anyone. aim avoiding certain people I know that are energy vampires. They complain more than they are positive. Anyway, I avoid them at all costs and when I do have to be near them I tend to be neutral keep my head down.. and when they talk depending on my mood i'll respond nice and short or I have moments where I sound impatient and annoyed. I hate myself for letting these people affect me. I don't want to share my happiness with them cause when I do they end up spoiling it with their bitterness. So I guess sometimes I mirror them and Im starting not to like how I feel after.. I notice they always smile and seem fake happy when I show zero emotion, zero facial expression. I just get this creepy feeling when i'm around them |
Posted: 07 Mar 2019 11:02 PM PST She's 7 years older than me, also a foot taller. I'm 4'1, literally the size of a 12 year old. She abused me as a way of kicking me out. I was paying to live with her, I had my own room. She freaked out over me being polite asking if my boyfriend could come over for a bit just to watch a movie. I must've caught her in a horrible mood because her response was "I don't want anyone in my house *****" I only asked 1 more time saying how we would only stay in my room to watch a movie then he would leave. Her next text "You better get the F out of my house before I get home" I thought she needed time to cool down so I didn't take her rude text seriously telling me to get out. She grabbed me as soon as she got in the door, threw me down and punched me. I called the cops. As I thought I had the right to have a certain amount of hours or days to move out.. I had already paid a full month's rent and we were not even a week into the month. So I asked for a third of my money back. That didn't happen obviously. She still hasn't apologized for abusing me. She never checked up on me after moving out that exact same day after she abused me. I've done SO much for her and her kid, my nephew. My nephew was so close to me and now I lost that relationship too. because of her :( |
Posted: 07 Mar 2019 09:08 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Mar 2019 08:17 PM PST I'm in my late 20's now and he still ignores his parental morals and talks to me like a child. I didn't live with him growing up only saw him on weekends. Once I becabe a teenager he completely avoided hanging out with me, never treated me like a young lady, never talked to me about boys. I had to get teeth work done a few years ago and get a tooth pulled and felt self conscious missing a tooth for awhile and when I told him that, his response was "So? No one's going to look at your face" ok i'm not that bad looking.. how can he just think men don't look at me? they do all the time. I keep up my appearance and take good care of myself. He also never appreciated my femininity and vocalizes all the things I do for him. I drop of baking, help him clean his house. I stopped doing these a few months ago though! He just never has anything positive to say about me or my life and accomplishments. I constantly feel not good enough and scared my future boyfriend will be skeptical that I don't have a good relationship with my father. |
Question: Is it worth keeping my "relationship" with my dad? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 05:33 PM PST It's like he's "in my life" but he's not. He doesn't talk to me about my life, he doesn't make plans with me- just us. I try to be thankful and grateful that he's in my life and only together when it's more of a get together with other family.. usually just my sister and her baby though. The whole time my dad just baby talks to my nephew and doesn't say a word to me. Ocassiobaly he'll tell me to "look" at my nephews facial expression because my dad is playing with him. Growing up my dad was absent a lot. Pretty neglectful. He also has his side of his family believe we/us his kids are "lazy" and his life isn't good because of us. I just don't understand how someone can be so neglectful and absent then blame us for his life. He clearly didn't take advantage of all that free time away from us to better his life? Anyone else gone through this? Does it ever get better or do I need to just accept it, and or move on. I've had thoughts about dying before he does so I don't have to feel bad about him in an old folks home because why should I take care of someone who abandoned me so much physically and emotionally.. |
Question: Do you think my parent's expectations of me are crazy or not really? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 05:19 PM PST Basically they want me to become an engineer, have a high paying job, get married, and if kids. If I didn't do any of those things, they'd treat me like I'm not successful. |
Question: Is my bf trying to get out of seeing me ? Please help? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 04:33 PM PST My boyfriend invited me this weekend with his friends to whistler. I told him I'd have to bring my baby sence I had no coverage. He begged me to try to find a family member if possible. I couldn't so he told his friends I'd be bringing the baby on our road trip . I finally found someone today and he said to me that his friends don't want to go all of the sudden because of the baby . I told him that I won't be bringing the baby , so to tell them that . My bf then responded in a irritated voiced saying 'don't tell me ! What to say to them . He snapped so fast and I'm starting to think maybe there's something more to this story . Anyway I called him out got snapping . He responded that he wasn't trying too . I asked if we would be together this weekend regardless of the failed road trip and he said yes . He then proceeded by asking how my day was. Then asked if I could come give him sex . I said no . Then he said ok he's gonna get a hold of his friends to tell them I wasn't bringing my child . He then said I still love you . Do you love me ? I responded yes and he said he would message me later . Does this situation sound fishy ? He was begging through text for me to go last night . Was that fake ? He probably really wanted to go alone with friends huh ? |
Posted: 07 Mar 2019 01:34 PM PST He scared me to hell, none has ever done a thing like this to me before. He knocked (I am in the first floor). He was unexpectedly a bit drunk and looked really happy (he's usually sober and really reserved and I never saw him smile that much), told me to go outside. We went in the back of my flat, and talked. About the stars, about the sky, our childhood, the first time we met (we locked eyes and didn't talk, but both of us felt a strange connection), our life, our fears, our dreams... it all came naturally, like it was meant to me. I wanted to hold his hand but I was too scared to, and we said a lot of non sense, existentialist sentences. I had to come back and he wanted me to stay, but I had to cause my parents would have found out. I came home all emotional, excited and anxious. I miss him so much, and with him I felt so close to the universe and alive for the first time. I couldn t sleep out of happiness and for someone who has been dealing with depression is really strange. |
Question: How do you tell your mom your stepfather raped you? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 01:33 PM PST I'm so scared.. I don't know if I should tell her, what if she doesn't believe me and he tries to hurt me again. What if she hates me and blames me? I feel like if I don't say anything this will all jus go away |
Question: I think my in-laws' brother was flirting with me? Would it be inappropriate to date him? Posted: 07 Mar 2019 08:47 AM PST So I recently went down to South Carolina to be present for my niece's first birthday and baptism. I was chosen to be the godmother, while my sister-in-law's brother was chosen to be the godfather. The godfather and I had talked a lot over the entirety of the weekend and I found him to be very sweet and surprisingly funny. On my last night in town, I was at my brother and sister-in-law's house, and he was there too. When I was about to leave, I went around and gave everyone hugs. I gave the godfather a hug, and he pecked me on the cheek and held on to me for a long time. When he released the hug, he told me he was so happy that we were godparents together. He also said that we should keep in touch, so we exchanged phone numbers. Then he embraced me for another hug. Once again, he pecked me on the cheek. While we were hugging, he told me "it was so nice to see you, you're so nice" and then he said "and you always smell so good." At the time, it felt very flirtatious. But tell me, how does this seem to you? He had been drinking at the time that this happened, but I found him to be "friendly" the entire weekend, even when he wasn't drinking. Moreover, I want to know if it is weird to date your in-laws sibling? Obviously we are not biologically-related, but would it still be frowned upon? |
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