Family: Question: Dad won’t help me? |
- Question: Dad won’t help me?
- Question: My mom signed up for Facebook and refuses to friend me. Feeling a little hurt...?
- Question: Would you go to your mother in law's house without talking on the phone first?
- Question: Why did my brothers wife asked me about my DOB(born)when nobodys home?
- Question: How to get my little cousins to respect me?
- Question: How should I deal with a SIL who’s a drama queen?
- Question: How would you deal with your father who does this. If I try and ask him about a problem he mumbles a response that isn't helpful in any way?
- Question: I’m 28. I was about to cry when my mom yelled at me that I am selfish. Do I give too much power to what my mom says?
- Question: Why do my parents acts like they hate me if other relatives admire me in front of them?im a 21 yr old guy why do they do this?
- Question: Why do city children tend to be more violent than children from the suburbs or small towns?
- Question: What can I do to motivate myself and do that wich I must?
- Question: Parents treat me different?
- Question: I have an out of town cousin in town this weekend. How do I reach out without being intrusive when it is a cousin I am not that close to?
- Question: How to treat my sister ?? please help me?
- Question: My sister-in-law doesn’t like me at all? What should I do?
- Question: What does this reply mean? “Great”?
- Question: Am I a jerk for this?
- Question: My mother thinks she's being hacked. help!?
- Question: Is it wrong of me to keep my kid away from my boyfriends side of the family?
- Question: Is it common to be a disappointment to your parents?
- Question: My parents keep yelling at me and being mean to me and sometimes cussing?
- Question: How do I get accepted by family when they often find me too nice?
- Question: I don't know how to handle this, My mom doesn't like me?
- Question: Does your mom wear shorts in public?
- Question: Why are dads so serious?
- Question: Should I miss my weekend job and full-time job for 3 days to attend my younger sister’s graduation?
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 01:23 PM PST I'm a 14 year old girl and my parents have been split since I was five. I see him every weekend and he calls me everyday before school. I live with my mom and my living conditions are terrible. Mold in the tub that I've scrubbed so many times, but it's still there, 4 year old moldy dishes in the sink and I eat canned food everyday. We don't have heat either, only space heaters. I complain to him everyday and he rants about it too yet he doesn't do anything. I feel like I'm alone in this and I want help. I don't want to call CPS on my mom because I love her, but I'm tired of living this way. I try and do anything I can but it's just so gross you just don't want to touch anything. Please give me some advice, what do I do? I feel like my dad doesn't care about me as much as he says he does. Personally, if my kid was living the way I am, I'd snatch them so fast it wouldn't be funny. What do I do? |
Question: My mom signed up for Facebook and refuses to friend me. Feeling a little hurt...? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 12:58 PM PST My mom signed up for Facebook and refuses to friend me. She's 60, I'm 38. Most of my peers my age are Facebook friends with their parents. I'm also reaching the age when some of them are losing their parents, and their parent's account is forever on their friends' list untouched. So beautiful to see their late parent as their "friend" online forever. ANYWAY, I'm hurt that my mother has signed up, friended people, including people of MY generation, yet refuses to friend me. Her excuse is "I see you everyday." I know may sound completely silly, but I couldn't help feeling hurt. My friend Sarah (age 37) is her friend online. This picking-and-choosing was really odd. If my mom suddenly dies (and I hope she doesn't, of course), my friend Sarah will have my mom on her friend list, but I won't. NOT FAIR. |
Question: Would you go to your mother in law's house without talking on the phone first? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 12:07 PM PST My father in law died about a month and a half ago. He had dementia and was in a home for about two years before passing. I've been with my husband for 10 years. He works a lot so I keep close relationships with my in laws on my own... well, i try! My MIL is tough... she never answers her phone and rarely responds to texts. She actually has bipolar depression , so sometimes were super close and she calls me and go out, and sometimes she unreachable. I try so hard not to take it personally but it makes me really self conscious reaching out repeatedly after getting no response. It was sadly easier when my FIL was in the nursing home, bc I felt comfortable just showing up there to visit. Then if get to see her too bc she was always there. Now, I want to help her and be there for her, but I literally don't know what to do. Is it weird to show up at her house without talking first? I feel like that's so invasive. Especially bc she's grieving. Also she lives 30 min away with no traffic, 1 hour with traffic, so it's also kind of dreadful to drive there not knowing if she's even home. How should I keep the relationship going? I used to see her once a week or more at the nursing home and she loved it. She loved that I'd just show up and my support. What do I do now? Should I start popping in at her house? Is it too soon? |
Question: Why did my brothers wife asked me about my DOB(born)when nobodys home? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 11:58 AM PST My parents went to visit their friends for few months and when she asked quetions she was acting weird and smiled(its clever).she also asked me a couple of question like what kind of work do i do?seems like shes try to know how good my brain this normal or should tell my parents about it? My brothers 27 and shes 23(same age as me) i dont like her and i cannot be agree to his wife....please answer that question..... |
Question: How to get my little cousins to respect me? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 09:47 AM PST For some reason my little cousins are being dropped off at our house a lot more. I'm 21 and they're 15 and the younger one is like 12 I think. But these boys will not listen to a word i say. It annoys me and then I usually end up arguing with the 15 year old a lot. When I come home from work they are gone but they usually are here on my three off days being annoying. They're like the little siblings I never wanted. I think they have been in my room while I'm gone too. I told my mother but she doesn't care and says they are only here for a few hours. The 15 year old is a little taller than me, I'm a short man (5,6) and not very intimidating I guess. |
Question: How should I deal with a SIL who’s a drama queen? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 09:26 AM PST My husband and his SIL got into a text fight about how his phone kept blowing up while he was at work because my SIL and her husband were texting a group with all of us, instead of themselves, so my husband asked them to text privately and freaked out and said she's tired of his crap, not knowing what she was talking about, I asked her what the problem was so we could fix it. She said it was none of my business, I let it go, and so my husband asked her and they got into a fight because she wouldn't tell him what was wrong. She eventually denied she even had a problem with him, and that we started this..? Everyone let their emotions take control of what they said and mean hurtful things were said, that we told them we regret. The next day(after my MIL had a private talk with SIL) my SIL said "it's okay now! I'm not mad anymore" I mean idk what to do. Her husband keeps saying it's my husbands fault. Yes my husband could of muted his phone, but he did ask them nicely to text privately. We can't just let her emotions control how happy the family can be, I mean that's crazy, but she thinks my husband should consider her feelings any time before saying something. Which is also just crazy. She's gonna have to learn that the world doesn't revolve around her. But I have this feeling that she won't, ever. I don't want to be a family that just throws things under the rug and forgets about it. I would like to resolve this, just not sure how. |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 08:27 AM PST If I ask him again he ignores me. If I try to explain why the problem is important. He either ignores me again or gets angry or uses what I say against me in the near future. |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 08:13 AM PST |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 08:08 AM PST |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:42 AM PST There can be huge exceptions, but I'm just questioning what I TEND to notice in some kids. They seem to be more exposed to fights, drugs, the media, and peer pressure at much younger ages. Statistically, more big city parents allow their kids to be "raised" in front of the TV. As well as unsupervised smartphones, and tend to be indoors a lot more than smaller communities. Why might this be? |
Question: What can I do to motivate myself and do that wich I must? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:14 AM PST Hi guys, I'm having trouble studying. I just began my first semester at Uni and the amount of work given to me looks so much I don't even try. Is 7h of study at home, 3h 30min at the institution + 3h trip. I managed to live away from the parents for more or less a month recently and saw an improvement regarding my lazyness, but now that I'm back to them my old attitude followed. I guess that when you live alone you have no choice other than do your chores, while in your cosy home you kinda do. At least when you have as lenient parents as mine. |
Question: Parents treat me different? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 05:11 AM PST I never really understood why, but I always noticed how much better my parents treated my younger sister (by one year) compared to me. Yes, I know that every sibling will get a different treatment according to their personality, but how they treat her has nothing to do with how she is and last night was a great example. We all eat dinner at the table and she was still in her room. My dad had to get up at least twice to get her to sit with us, he even threatened to cut off the internet and when he did she said "Go ahead, I don't give a crap. I'm not hungry." My dad and mom upon hearing that just shrug it off and I'm sort of in shock because she talked like that without getting a punishment of some sort. I remember the first time I talked like that to my parents and they took everything away from me and I was grounded.They've always been sweeter with her, even as a child I wasn't given hugs and kisses like she was and I've kind of held resentment for it cause I had to beg them for attention. I was never trusted either, even after I proved to be trusted, they always talked to me like I broke their trust me so I will admit that that has led me to my fair share of rebellious moments cause even when I had their "trust" they never acted like it. It has only gotten worse as I got older and I'm 17. What can I do, should I just keep quiet? I can't talk to them about it or sit down with them to set things straight, but they literally just shut me out. Help. |
Posted: 09 Mar 2018 03:12 AM PST I see her parents and three brothers a lot but seldom see her, Her parents just had us all over last weekend when their two sons were in town so I fear being intrusive by reaching out one week later. Only one of their kids lives in town. |
Question: How to treat my sister ?? please help me? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 03:11 AM PST i have a sister who is 14 years old and i'm 16 and a boy actually she wants to control me and wants me to obey her, sometimes i feel that she is my second mom well she spies on my facebook and my youtube history and tells my mom everything (like : im talking with girls and *I'm sending them a HEART EMOJI* ) and when i tried to change my password she told my mom that i changed it because im talking dirty with the others..well because of her i didn't have any gf and when i joined judo/art/... clubs she also did and i hated that cuz i knew that she will tell my mom anything stupid . that's why quit the i clubs and i hate when she tells my parents that i say a bad words with my friends. and she always wants me to be *Feminine* so what can i do and how to treat her ?? |
Question: My sister-in-law doesn’t like me at all? What should I do? Posted: 09 Mar 2018 01:47 AM PST Should I just have no relationship with my brother at all. She is always putting me in my place and I barely hang out with them as it is but she still acts like it's too much. My brother calls me only at work so she won't hear. I wou"d still like a relationship with my brother and niece but not her. She keeps telling me that this is normal but I don't think that it is. |
Question: What does this reply mean? “Great”? Posted: 08 Mar 2018 09:36 PM PST My mom is going to India by herself and didn't inform her brother's family. When I wrote to my sister in law, she replied, "great. You also come along." I told her I'm unable to come because of work. Was she surprised? |
Question: Am I a jerk for this? Posted: 08 Mar 2018 09:32 PM PST I have a lot of extended family from both my parents sides and I honestly don't give a **** about half of them. The only family I am close to are my siblings, nephew, my Mom and my grandparents. They're always telling me things about the rest of my family as if we know them so well. I haven't seen any of them since I was 9 and 13, I don't know these people and they live far away. |
Question: My mother thinks she's being hacked. help!? Posted: 08 Mar 2018 09:00 PM PST So about 6 months ago my mother (i still live with her) started talking about someone hacked a lot. over the last 6 months she screams at the light bulbs she screams at the router she screams at her watch. she took the ceiling fan down because she think someone can see her through it because she thought she saw it flashing while she was sleep. she's so delusional that she said "When we got that fiber optic the lights got brighter and she can see everything we do in this house" my mother claims that the fiber makes the hackers hear better and see better. she comes in my room while I'm at school and unhooks my computer. I don't even turn it on anymore. about 2 weeks ago she cut my cell phone and the fiber internet. she took all the light bulbs out the whole house. i had to buy a pack of light bulbs and hide them from her because she takes mine out and throw them away. she whispers to my dad when she's in front of the stove. She also thinks that the fiber can get into the cars so she took the radio out the cars. I can go on and on about how she is ruining my life but we'd be here all day. i need help bad because i sit at home with no internet hearing her screaming all day and when i try to talk or reason with her she verbally attacks me. can anyone help? |
Question: Is it wrong of me to keep my kid away from my boyfriends side of the family? Posted: 08 Mar 2018 08:49 PM PST My boyfriends family besides his two sisters, they all speak Spanish and I don't...and it's a headache. His mother will talk to me in Spanish knowing I don't understand and I'll just be like nodding my head like if I knew what she was saying. His dad isn't that talkative. His sisters never try to know me one of them doesn't like her daughter to be around me when I'm there for whatever reason. And his other just isn't that talkative either when it comes to me. I just wanna start off and say I've never done nothing to these people the most is I've said hi how are you and I even gave them Christmas gifts, well the parents. I've only seen them maybe 10 times and it was just causual never for an event or anything. I'm pregnant and none of his family know yet, and I feel like not comfortable already having my kid there because I won't know half the time what anyone is saying, and also for the one sister being unnecessary with her daughter I kind of want her to feel the same respect and keep mine away as well. When I think about this I just seem rude but honestly I can't help but think about how I am there just shut away in the empty part of the house while everyone else has a good time. It's not enjoyable for me there and my boyfriend doesn't seem to care or understand. |
Question: Is it common to be a disappointment to your parents? Posted: 08 Mar 2018 07:49 PM PST I know this sounds like I'm trolling but I'm actually not. I got my report card and although I got a 90 in most class, I got a low grade for two classes (chemistry and algebra 2). Regardless of getting 90s in most class, my parents said I'm a huge disappointment and I'm a mistake and they always compare me to other family members who are doing very well school and one of them got into Harvard. When I'm a freshman in high school, I constantly got 90s in every classes and my dream is to Stanford. And of course, my parents were proud to call me their son. Now I'm a junior and suffered with minor depression (you could say I get sad a lot), my grades are going downhill but I didn't fail a class. I don't have my dreams to go to an Ivy League college but now when reality hits me, I want to go to colleges that aren't far away and not prestigious but they're good enough (NYU and Penn State are some of the colleges I want to go to). It's depressing how so many things can change in a few years. |
Question: My parents keep yelling at me and being mean to me and sometimes cussing? Posted: 08 Mar 2018 04:57 PM PST my parents keep yelling at me and being mean to me and sometimes cussing for no reason and sometimes for small small things. They're usually really nice |
Question: How do I get accepted by family when they often find me too nice? Posted: 08 Mar 2018 04:50 PM PST I try too hard. |
Question: I don't know how to handle this, My mom doesn't like me? Posted: 08 Mar 2018 03:23 PM PST Okay, I know for sure my mom doesn't like me, I got in trouble (see my other question), Ive been nothing but good to her lately, I've been doing what I have to, Im not around anyone I shouldn't be (at school because I'm not allowed to go out anymore). But she still ignores me and tells me I'm not improving at all and I'm not trying at all. I literally have been trying hard to please her and make her happy but I'm seriously going to give up trying to make her happy. She said she doesn't want me to be happy, she wants to worry me about being homeless, she wants to kick me out so bad, but she won't let me leave home. She's always saying I'm not improving but thats because she DOESN'T even care to notice that I've been trying. I applied for 4 jobs last week and I keep up with chores at home, I don't give her attitude, I leave her alone, I also stopped talking to my OWN dad because she doesn't want us talking because she said he's "too nice to me" what else does she want?? I was also thinking about, even before I got in trouble, She would never really treat me well, all she cares about is my brother, (her favorite). She would always be annoyed by me no matter what I did, she would get mad at me for ANY reason she could find. My whole life she's been this way towards me, my siblings notice my dad notices, I don't know, I KNOW for sure she doesn't like me, and yeah, it bothers me, how do I just accept it? |
Question: Does your mom wear shorts in public? Posted: 08 Mar 2018 03:08 PM PST Mine does. I wish she wouldn't |
Question: Why are dads so serious? Posted: 08 Mar 2018 02:41 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Mar 2018 07:40 AM PST |
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