Friends: Question: How to make friends in high school? |
- Question: How to make friends in high school?
- Question: Can you rate her out of 10?
- Question: Are my friends right about me?
- Question: Why is my best friend ignoring me?
- Question: How do I stop one of my friends from dropping out of school?
- Question: Gonna hang out with my crush tomorrow. HELP!!!?
- Question: Is my friend cutting herself?
- Question: My friends are being annoying?
- Question: Should I remain her friend?
- Question: Passive aggressive friend?? help?
- Question: How to start talking to someone, and casual conversation starters?
- Question: Reverse Racism: African American Female...Why?
- Question: Who's fault is it?
- Question: Leave negativity out?
- Question: How attractive are both guys?
- Question: Hey Girls! Help Me Out?!!!?
- Question: I need some good roasts/jokes quick!!!?
- Question: Was I expecting too much from a good friend?
- Question: Why do I feel like me and my bestfriend are drifting apart?
- Question: What can I do about feeling annoyed by my mom?
- Question: How do I uninvite someone to a party nicely?
- Question: In my class There is something really annoying.?
- Question: How to tell a girl you want to be friends so they dont think odd of you?
- Question: Is she mad at me?
- Question: What do you think of this situation?
- Question: One of my friends told me to let her know if i need anything so what does that mean? I'm missing work cuz of a injury to my foot.?
- Question: How to deal with No-Consequence bully?
- Question: Is it bad to just give up faith?
- Question: I gave my friend my old phone that doesnt work, that my parents bought me. my mother is trying to say it is stolen now. can she do that?
- Question: Why is my girlfriend such a jerk?
- Question: Why did she turn down the money?
- Question: Should I be upset that my mother's friends are only coming to my baby shower for her?
- Question: My friend commented on my photo sarcastically "I officially disown the two of you " What should I say ?
- Question: I have a fb friend who lost her long does the grieving take?
- Question: What should me and my best friend be for Halloween?
- Question: My best friend is also the girl of my dreams?
- Question: How to deal with creepy ex best friend o_o?
- Question: How to change your name?
- Question: Is it weird to have all guys lifting weights & I'm the only girl lifting as well?
- Question: I saw my best friend talking bad stuff behind my back in a dream. Should I confront him?
- Question: I need a friend?
- Question: I'm not my best friend's best friend.?
- Question: I'm not my best friend's best friend.?
- Question: Is it bitchy and mean what I'm doing?
- Question: My friends sometimes litter and I feel too awkward to say anything, what do i d?
- Question: Should i leave him alone?
- Question: Places to have oral as a16 yr with no car?
- Question: Are these valid reasons for wanting to move?
- Question: Should I "break up" with my bestfriend?
- Question: Would you date a person with an imaginary friend?
- Question: How to make them stop bothering me :(?
- Question: I feel like giving up...?
- Question: Should I stay friends with her?
- Question: Who my best friend?
- Question: Who's better: Jared or Tommy?
- Question: My friends are pretending to actually love being with me for their personal interests?
- Question: What should I do?Help my friend or not?
- Question: Should I post my go fund me page on Facebook?
- Question: How to be outgoing?t?
Question: How to make friends in high school? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 05:06 PM PDT Hi. I am a freshman in high school this year. I had 2 good friends that I did everything with but then 1 ditched me because she didn't like me anymore. Now she talks **** about me to her new friends so they always glare at me. Anyway, now I only have 1 friend. I have friends in classes sure but I mean a friend to sit with at lunch and break. Everyone has groups and its too late to join one. Everyone at school is closed off and not open to making new friends. I sit with the same person everyday and I look like such a loser. This is making me very depressed and I don't know what to do. I can't find a group to sit with at lunch and I can't transfer high schools or go to a different one next year. I am very sad and alone. I cut myself from time to time. My birthday is coming up so my mom asked who I wanted to invite to do something with but I could only name one person.. ): Therapy doesn't help much and my parents can't help either. I just want friends to sit with at lunch. It's not that much to ask for. Then I would be truly happy. Please don't tell me to get over it because that won't help. Any advice would help, thank you. I am a girl. My friend is getting sick of me ): our other friends have ditched us before. So we have been friends since 7th grade; we sat with each other everyday last year after we were ditched. |
Question: Can you rate her out of 10? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 05:06 PM PDT |
Question: Are my friends right about me? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 05:05 PM PDT One night I was hanging at this bar with my friends. Two of them promised the rest of us they had something planned. A half hour later I noticed my friend Terry was getting wasted and eventually she passed out completely. Our two friends who had "the plan" seemed to have expected this and everyone else was just grinning with eagerness. It was creepy, felt wrong.They started carrying Terry out of the bar and back to the car. I had not idea what was going on! On the ride home one of them took out a camera and when we arrived home they tried taking Terry's clothes off. That's when I noticed one of my friends had a pack of condoms. The thing is me and all my friends are guys, and Terry is our one female friend and I didn't like where things were going. So I ended up taking Terry away from them and walked her back to her apartment to sober up. The rest of my friends ended up beating me up, calling me gay, and a downer. I didn't care I just had to get Terry out of there. Later Terry learned what nearly happened and was all over me with hugs, calling me her hero. Nowadays Terry treats me as her sole best friend and avoids the others. Basically I wanted no part in whatever my old friends were going to do. But I still keep getting accused of spoiling their fun and being gay while Terry thinks I'm sweet. Are they right about me? But I would never do that to anyone, especially not a girl! |
Question: Why is my best friend ignoring me? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 05:01 PM PDT We had a little bit of a complex about a week ago but we talked it out and I figured we were all good now, we've been talking and being friends like we used to Maybe I'm overreacting or over thinking things but I tried texting her over an hour ago. No reply. If I am overreacting then let's pretend she is ignoring me. Why though? Any general reason why you'd ignore your best friend? |
Question: How do I stop one of my friends from dropping out of school? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 04:52 PM PDT So far I tell him "I need to talk to u at school tomorrow." And that's gone on for a weekish. How much longer can I keep this up? He's the reason I name it through school everyday. He's what makes school bearable. I told him that, but still he's thinking about quitting. If he does, I'm going to go into much worse depression than I'm already in. My grades are going to reflect that. I need help. |
Question: Gonna hang out with my crush tomorrow. HELP!!!? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 04:41 PM PDT Tomorrow after her exam I will meet up with her for like 45 minutes to 1 hour before I have to leave for work. I have never had a conversation with her face to face, we just simply messaged each other for 2 weeks on facebook. Ive been crushing on this girl for quite a long time now. We are both 21 and go to college. WHen I meet up with her I will obvs introduce myself but then for conversation topics what exactly should we talk about? Or what should I ask her? BTW should I ask her for her number afterwards? |
Question: Is my friend cutting herself? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 04:40 PM PDT I met her about a month ago, at first I thought she was nervous but after sitting at our "group" at lunch she still doesn't talk without being spoken too. I started talking to her, sitting by her, and offering her half my cookie I buy at lunch every day about two weeks ago, cause I remember what it feels like to be ignored. Now we talk pretty much every day at lunch and sometimes she'll comment if we're having a "group discussion" depending on the topic. One thing I noticed is she wears a hoodie 24/7, I've never seen her bare arms. Being reserved made me suspect at first, but when we were forced to eat inside due to rain I noticed she didn't take her hoodie off, even though it was like 500 degrees inside the school. Toward the last ten minuets of lunch she rolled up her sleeves, but she had on a long sleeve shirt underneath that was long enough to start covering her hands. The only signs I've picked up on is covering her arms and acting reserved, she's nice and never says anything "suspicious" when I talk with her, it's also cold enough to get away with sleeves everyday. I don't want to tell anyone cause she might just be a shy person that gets cold easily, plus if someone overheard me and started a rumor, well, I don't want to put my friend in a position where everyone thinks she's a "weird freak that just wants attention" (I don't think she is, but unfortunately some people think self harming is just something people do for attention :/) |
Question: My friends are being annoying? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 04:36 PM PDT I am 59 and whenever my friends and I go to Chuck E Cheese after work, whenever I want to talk about how I had so much homework. Ms. Frena also made us do this project with coordinate planes. I didnt understand why so at lunch when I asked for help from this student, Georgio, my teacher graded me a 0 for cheating. How to ask for a better grade? |
Question: Should I remain her friend? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 04:29 PM PDT After everything I have told my friend about a guy who has hurt me in the past, she still hangs out with him. When we are together, she tells me "Yeah he's a jerk the way he treated you!" And then to his face she's willing to make plans with him, she's willing to go to his apartment, and she's willing to go to the gym with him. I do not want to fight over a boy. But I tell this girl my feelings about him in confidence, thinking she's on "my side," but then she goes out and hangs out with him. It is insulting. And not to mention very fake to him. Perhaps she is genuinely one of those people who does not care, which I understand but to me it hurts a lot knowing that my feelings are set aside once he's in the picture. What should I do? |
Question: Passive aggressive friend?? help? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 04:21 PM PDT So yesterday I had lunch with the guy I like and he asked me if I wanted to hang on Friday and I said yes. Later, one of my friends was telling me about how she wanted me to be ready at 8AM on Friday cause she has a whole day planned for us, ending with a football game late at night. So I told her I kind of already had plans on Friday with the guy I like, and she started being super passive aggressive about it, saying that she had planned the whole day already and that now all of her plans were ruined, but it s okay if I d rather hang out with Mac. She then went on to say that she hopes I m filled with regret afterwards. like??? excuse me? lol after that she said "I totally understand why you d rather hang out with Mac, I mean, if the guy I like asked me to hang I d definitely say yes... wait, actually, no I wouldn t because friends come first. Friends are always my top priority, guys come and go. but whatever you wanna do is fine!!" so basically I m just confused as to what I should do. should i cancel on her or cancel on him? she said friday is the only day that works for her. I just dont want her to feel like she can manipulate me and have me as her puppet all of the time cause this isnt the first tine she does this/is super passive aggressive about stuff. What should I do? |
Question: How to start talking to someone, and casual conversation starters? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 04:19 PM PDT I am looking to make new friends, since the ones I currently have are starting to diss me, I need a new group of friends. And fast. |
Question: Reverse Racism: African American Female...Why? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 04:05 PM PDT Hi, I have had this problem for a long time. I am African American young female and in college. Any time I encounter other black girls they are really standoffish to me and give me the stink eye. For instance in class today, this one black girl I befriended walked right past me when I said hi. I have not done anything. I find Caucasian, Asian, and Latino people treat me so much nicer and I have become friends with them. I don't understand this reverse racism! I look black, I have brown skin, I wear braids. There is really nothing envious about me according to the black community, I do not have light skin or really wavy hair( not that I think it is right). I love who I am. I don't think I am better than anyone. What is happening? |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 03:55 PM PDT My cousin got in a fender bender accident when she was leaving the lot of her High School. She was filming a video of her waving to her friends then this girl backs right in to her (I am 14 and Kate is 16). My family saw her yesterday since she picks my sister and I up from our schools. Then, the person called the cops on her (dumb reason), then the officer didn't say who's fault it was. Would it be her fault or the other persons fault? |
Question: Leave negativity out? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 03:10 PM PDT Okay so me and i friend i knew since 3rd grade started back talkin last year in November and we got in a disagreement in march that was the last time intalked to him recently he got sentence to 5 yrs in prison and i want to write him but im scarec that he will probably still be mad at me and wondering why is she writting me im so nervous even tho we were strictly friend he expressed to me that he liked me since we were kids way before he even went to jail and was sentenced but i really dont knw wat i should do i think everyone needs someone to talk to while they are in prison |
Question: How attractive are both guys? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 03:06 PM PDT |
Question: Hey Girls! Help Me Out?!!!? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 03:01 PM PDT I broke up with my ex-boyfriend because he was a cheater (at least 3 times!) and verbal abuser. Anyway, I saw him recently at a party and he cornered me in a hallway. He started getting agitated and then said we "had to get back together." I said "no" and started to walk away when he grabbed my arm and twisted. I broke free and kicked him as hard as I could right in the balls with my pointed cowgirl boots! After I rocked his babymakers, he fell down and puked while I stood over him and asked him if he could taste his nuts. His face was priceless! I guess I nailed him so hard his nuts swelled up to the size of oranges and one ruptured and had to be removed (I play college soccer so I know how to blast a ballsack!). I feel a little bad about what happened but he is now saying he never mess with a girl again and he even wears an athletic cup all the time to protect his remaining family jewel. My girlfriends on the soccer team now call me the "nut remover" and say I should hang up a fake pair of nuts like a hunting trophy on a tombstone background with the words "RIP Brian's Nuts-Destroyed By Girl Power" since I sent his nuts to "nut heaven." Other people say I should hang up a guy's athletic cup as a symbol of female power over male weakness (guy's nuts are so vulnerable and they need the extra protection). Any other good nicknames? And what should I hang up? The nuts? The cup? Both? The more names and ideas the better! Be creative! Just wish more girls could experience blasting a jerk's balls! It is such a great feeling seeing a supposedly tough guy go down with one kick. Must suck to have nuts. They are just two targets dangling between a guy's legs! One shot and it is all over. |
Question: I need some good roasts/jokes quick!!!? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 02:59 PM PDT me and my friend are in a roast battle, and I need to win!!!!! to give you inspiration, she has no boobs or butt, and she's muslim. (not being racist) my other Friend has no eye brows and is pale, and my other friend has a big bose, red hair , and braces. I'm not trying to be mean I just want roasts for all of them that make sense. thank you!!!!!!! |
Question: Was I expecting too much from a good friend? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 02:30 PM PDT I have known this woman for over ten years now. My husband and her husband, who died a few years ago, were best friends for about twenty years. For years, we went shopping, spent the holidays and many days together. My husband and I are going through a divorce that suddenly turned very nasty. He lied and received a restraining order against me. I was literally kicked out of the house that I'm paying for three weeks with 15 minutes to pack. (Since then, the order has been reversed and he was ordered to move out and I have a one-year protective order.) While I was going through this ordeal, not once did she offer any help such as a place to stay. She lives closest to me and since her husband passed away, she lives alone. All of my other friends, even ones that I weren't that close with, offered me a place to stay, clothes, and even shoes. Was I expecting too much from her, or is she a just a fair weather-friend? |
Question: Why do I feel like me and my bestfriend are drifting apart? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 02:09 PM PDT Alright, I seriously need to get this off my chest and this might be a bit long but please bare with me! I'm 13 (yes a bit young) I've been constantly really confused and frustrated about my friendship with my bestfriend (let's call her Amy) I really don't know if she really cares about me and trusts me the same way I do, I mean I do feel comfortable and be just myself when I'm around her but the problem is that recently this new girl (let's call her Zoe) came to our class and somehow Zoe started to hang out with Amy and they are slowly becoming bestie's while I'm still here don't know what the heck to do and what pisses me off is that when class ends both of them just go and leave me behind in the class and Zoe always brags about how that Amy always snapchats and texts her everyday while me and Amy haven't even texted for like 1 month ago and whenever we sit together they just talk to each other and I'm just sitting there just third wheeling and it's just really frustrating me and idk if I should just leave Amy behind (even though it's a bit hard because Amy and I share so many interests together and we're so similar) and get to know new people and make new friends or talk to her face to face (even though we talked once about this but she just said sorry and how much I mean to her as a "bestfriend" but it seems she doesn't give a damn)? |
Question: What can I do about feeling annoyed by my mom? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 02:07 PM PDT I am studying now for 1 month, 9 hours from home. At home I felt annoyed quickly by my mom. She did not do anything weird, it could just be the way she talked or something what she said that made me annoyed. Now I just skyped her, we had a regular conversation and again I felt annoyed. I love her with whole my heart but I feel so annoyed all the time while she is the sweetest woman in the world I feel guilty. Does anybody know what to do about this? |
Question: How do I uninvite someone to a party nicely? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 02:07 PM PDT I was invited to a friend's party and he told me I can bring a few friends so I invited 2 people. The guy who's having the party told me today in class that too many people were coming and I would have to uninvite the people that I asked to come with me. Even though it has nothing to do with them, it's all plus ones are being excluded now, it's still extremely awkward and idk what to say. What should I say? |
Question: In my class There is something really annoying.? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 01:52 PM PDT I wake up and go to a really nice school which I love cause' everyone is nice and silly and fun. In my lit class. I have a bad rep? I guess. I'm really tired so I do a lot of stupid stuff, but it's not mean at all and I try to be nice but in the morning I get really tired and say stupid stuff, after that class I'm more of myself. But there's these two girls who are nice, but kind of irritating. One girl says a lot of stupid funny stuff and nothing wrong with that. But her friend legit cosines on her every joke that's not mine. For attention, she legit sides laughs at everything her BF says and I get it they're friends nothing wrong with it but friends don't laugh at legit every " joke" there is. I feel like she's faking it idk why. Everytime I say something, ( I don't speak often when I'm tired) The friend who cosines on everything everyone says but me, rags on me she keeps resuing the same line " I never know what's coming out of your mouth." And her best friend cosines her "What are you even talking about?". One's she said I had a complete lack of confidence, and she up my confidence but I'm just really tired. Another example, her friend was messing around and went under her desk. I was trying to be funny, and say " Where is she" then she came back up, and I said " Oh there you are I thought you like ninjaed out of the room. And the says " What are you even talking about" I don't really know how to handle this it's not a guy saying it. Please, help. In My Class Some girl is really annoying. |
Question: How to tell a girl you want to be friends so they dont think odd of you? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 01:46 PM PDT Well their is this girl and I just want tobe friends with her, like with most people. I wanne hang out with her, with other people and more, you know socializing, getting to know some people and stuff. But every time I "aks her out" or just like asking her to do something with me/ous, she denies it and im pretty sure thats its because she thinks that im trying to seduce her or trying to do someting with her. How to tell them that its not my intention. and no , not by telling her im gay (cause im not). |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 01:38 PM PDT I forgot to do my HW last night, so at lunch I asked for my friend's to copy off of. I was about halfway through when the vice principal comes up behind me. Busted. The rest of the day, my friend didn't talk to me at all. It's not like she made an EFFORT to avoid me, but still, she definitely didn't seem too friendly in the halls. But the school hasn't called yet, and I'm not even sure if they will. So is my friend mad at me, and does she even have a reason to be? She's as much to blame as I am... |
Question: What do you think of this situation? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 01:37 PM PDT Ok so at school the people I hang out with and sit with were saying something. Then One person said something about a class that it was fun and I said it was boring. Then the person said how am I going to know because I don't do work. Which is not true because I do work. Then the girl I don't like said its probably that I smile at a wall because they think I smile a lot. She even started mocking me. Then the people I was sitting with all started laughing hard even the ones I don't like. Then I was trying to explain myself and I was sure I looked like an idiot. I'm bad at making friends so I just hang out with them. I feel bad and embarrassed now. I'm 15 years old and what do you think of this situation? |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 01:16 PM PDT |
Question: How to deal with No-Consequence bully? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:58 PM PDT I have an Ex-Friend who throws food at me everyday, probably physically harms me everyday, has bitten me before and is just rude. He is my Best friends, best friend. I have tried telling the teacher but his parents don't care. The day he was suspended I was sick, I saw him at a dairy queen during school hours. He doesn't care about punishment and his parents wont give it. What do I do? And should I still be friends with my friend who likes the said bully? |
Question: BEST FRIENDS MOM IS MAD AT ME!!!? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:53 PM PDT We went out to a fast food restaurant for lunch on Saturday with my friend and her mom (im 11) and my friends mom let me get whatever i want so i said pancakes. I didnt call her Mrs. Doovenveever, I called her Ava which is her first name, and she threw all my pancakes in my face, smeared her oatmeal all over me and had her daughter hold me down as she ordered 100 pudding cups for target practice on my face! Then she got a filet mignon and a lobster, and rubbed it in my hair. Then she taped fettucini alfredo to my pants and made me walk around the park with my hand tied together. then she made me walk home, she left me in Miami and i had to walk all the way to New Orleans!!! |
Question: Is it bad to just give up faith? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:50 PM PDT I feel like there's no hope left for people my age, they don't like me at all and I don't understand what's wrong, if I've done something wrong or if they have or maybe both. I try to be nice to new people and I feel like there's no problem there but it's like people don't have any interest in talking to me. They will talk to me but it's only small-talk and it's like they don't listen to me. There's this guy in my class that likes talking to people, me included, but lately he's not been listening, today when he was talking to him he started doing something with his other friend and he wouldn't respond to me. And I'm getting sick and tired of this and I think the problem is that I'm needy but I can't help it sometimes because I have no friends and I don't have very good control. I'm alone a lot in school and don't have anyone to talk to and that makes me sad, every day. But I think I'll be able to cope, I've been doing this kind of thing since I started school so it's not like it's new to me or anything but it's just that I don't know what's wrong. So I give up. I don't believe in the good of people my age anymore. |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:23 PM PDT |
Question: Why is my girlfriend such a jerk? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:22 PM PDT it's my girlfriend's birthday today, we were eating lunch with her mom and her birthday gift to her was a trip to Hong Kong. it was a surprise. I thought she would be grateful and happy about it, but she wasn't. She began bitching, "I work at a hospital, I can't take a leave for 3 days. I won't come with you." I was so heartbroken. She takes 3-day work leaves for her sister and family, how come she can't take a 3 day leave for a trip to Hong Kong? I already paid for the ticket and everything. I thougth she would be happy. I am really crushed. Why would she act that way? She isn't een grateful? |
Question: Why did she turn down the money? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:11 PM PDT Last weekend my best friend Haily helped build a shed in my backyard. It was a big project. I asked for Haily's help and promised that I would pay her. She agreed, but at the end of the day Haily turned down the money because she didn't need it. But as it turned out she just wanted to hang out with me over the weekend, even if it meant hard work. Why did she want to hang out? I'm a guy btw. |
Question: Should I be upset that my mother's friends are only coming to my baby shower for her? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 11:35 AM PDT Don't get me wrong - I'm completely not going to be ungrateful to anyone who comes to my baby shower. I don't even care if any of them bring anything, I just want everyone to have fun. What bothers me though, is that I feel as if at least half of the people attending the baby shower that my mother is throwing for me are only coming for her sake. A majority of them hardly know me, aren't really friends of mine, and there are very few who I invited who actually are my friends (I don't have many friends). Am I right to be bothered by this? |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 11:31 AM PDT |
Question: I have a fb friend who lost her long does the grieving take? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 11:30 AM PDT 30 years? I ant to help her. I know thatt time is the nly true healer, but still. My dad abandoned us when i was 16 and took me 20 ears to get over it. |
Question: What should me and my best friend be for Halloween? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 11:16 AM PDT So me and my old best friend aren't friends anymore but we were going to be Mario and luigi. and my new best friend and her old best friend aren't friends anymore but they were going to be thing 1 and thing 2. I don't want to be either of those because its like kinda copying what we were going to do. so any suggestions?(: I want to be the people that say we have THEEEEE cutest costume. |
Question: My best friend is also the girl of my dreams? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 11:12 AM PDT My best friend is so sweet and adorable. She's like an angelic princess. We get along well and have so much in common. I don't think she feels the same way right now, but could it be possible to become more than friends in time if we keep hanging out and getting along really well? |
Question: How to deal with creepy ex best friend o_o? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 11:00 AM PDT Ok we're not friends we're not enemies we're strangers with some memories. Ever since school started in September she started giving me compliments and also making conversation with me but the creepy fact is she is always eavesdropping on me and stalking me..I get the thing we were bff's once but I want her to accpet that she can't have everything.. (she trusted my haters and betrayed me without realizing- My haters also made it seem like it was all of my fault.) Anyway she will be staying in my class for 2 weeks until her class teacher is back.. (She sits in front of me..) >_> picked that seat on purpose.. she kept looking at me every 6 minutes.. it was very uncomfortable.. Advice thanks in regards. |
Question: How to change your name? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 10:50 AM PDT So my friend has his last name deed polled when he was about 3. But he wants to change his entire name. Would he have to go to courts for that or is he not able to? |
Question: Is it weird to have all guys lifting weights & I'm the only girl lifting as well? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 10:44 AM PDT I do anytime fitness, I love working out, I have muscles (not CRAZY but pretty good) tall, skinny & very fit. I always go to the gym & im pretty much the only girl lifting,. Aside from the older ladies using the bikes & treadmills, I'm the only girls lifting, is that weird? What do you think the guys think of a 16 year old girl lifting around all guys? I don't feel weird about it, I'm comfortable but is it weird? |
Question: I saw my best friend talking bad stuff behind my back in a dream. Should I confront him? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 10:43 AM PDT |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 10:38 AM PDT Hi, am a 1990 born male. I can give good company to you in case you in the same position. If you looking out for a friend to talk to, am here. I have been going through some tough times for the last three years. So if you in kinda same situation, lets talk. I am not fishing out for girls are just posting for time pass. I can be a good friend, I mean it. Am online in the yahoo messenger. My id is Feel free to give me an invite. Lets talk. My name's hari. Thanks. |
Question: I'm not my best friend's best friend.? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 10:31 AM PDT It's not really a question but I guess advice would be nice. This girl has been my best friend for over a year. We met through work and we became inseparable. We hang out almost every single day and the rare days we don't see each other, we text all day. We tell each other everything. We have keys to each others apartments so we can come and go as we please. We do everything together. I consider her my best friend. I've never connected with a friend more than her, even friends I've known my whole life. Yet she makes it very clear that I'm her "friend" while 2 people from high school, one she rarely sees and one she never sees who moved to another state, are her "best friends". Clearly you can have more than one best friend, that's not the issues, but I don't get how I'm not considered one of them. I've brought it up before but she never gives me an explanation, mostly cause I only talk about my feelings when I'm drunk so she doesn't feel the need to explain things to me when I'm like that. I don't want to force her to be my best friend when she doesn't consider me that, but everyone assumes we're best friends till she corrects them. Mainly I'm asking, should I just learn to accept it? Should I try to get closer to other friends so I don't feel so down about it? I don't know if this is a stupid question, but it just bums me out sometimes. Also, we had an argument a couple weeks ago because one of her friends stole from me and she didn't really seem to care and I remember saying "I know I'm just one of your friends but you're my best friend so I want you to care about this," and she completely ignored what I said and went back to the argument, so she knows I'm well aware of how this relationship is and doesn't really give af. |
Question: I'm not my best friend's best friend.? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 10:31 AM PDT It's not really a question but I guess advice would be nice. This girl has been my best friend for over a year. We met through work and we became inseparable. We hang out almost every single day and the rare days we don't see each other, we text all day. We tell each other everything. We have keys to each others apartments so we can come and go as we please. We do everything together. I consider her my best friend. I've never connected with a friend more than her, even friends I've known my whole life. Yet she makes it very clear that I'm her "friend" while 2 people from high school, one she rarely sees and one she never sees who moved to another state, are her "best friends". Clearly you can have more than one best friend, that's not the issues, but I don't get how I'm not considered one of them. I've brought it up before but she never gives me an explanation, mostly cause I only talk about my feelings when I'm drunk so she doesn't feel the need to explain things to me when I'm like that. I don't want to force her to be my best friend when she doesn't consider me that, but everyone assumes we're best friends till she corrects them. Mainly I'm asking, should I just learn to accept it? Should I try to get closer to other friends so I don't feel so down about it? I don't know if this is a stupid question, but it just bums me out sometimes. |
Question: Is it bitchy and mean what I'm doing? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 10:09 AM PDT I have a circle of three friends and then there's this extra girl who always tags along. Let's call her Sara. So basically I have been friends with Sara for a really long time, then a few years ago she started hating me and ignoring me and stuff. So i found new friends (the ones i have now) and six months ago she starts tagging along and acting like she's part of our circle. i act nice to her, i don't want to hurt her feelings but with my friends we sorta talk **** about her...she annoys us this mean or not? |
Question: My friends sometimes litter and I feel too awkward to say anything, what do i d? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 10:04 AM PDT Basically if i'm hanging out with 5+ people and there are some people who litter. Like sort of friends they're not especially close friends. Littering really pisses me off but I don't want to ruin a friendship because of it? :/ |
Question: Should i leave him alone? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 10:01 AM PDT Okay so me and i friend i knew since 3rd grade started back talkin last year in November and we got in a disagreement in march that was the last time intalked to him recently he got sentence to 5 yrs in prison and i want to write him but im scarec that he will probably still be mad at me and wondering why is she writting me im so nervous even tho we were strictly friend he expressed to me that he liked me since we were kids way before he even went to jail and was sentenced but i really dont knw wat i should do i think everyone needs someone to talk to while they are in prison |
Question: Places to have oral as a16 yr with no car? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 09:39 AM PDT I'm a 16 year old male. My girl friend and I have no car (she's 15). I don't trust her friends driving us places and I have no friends that have a license as of now. We can't go over to each other houses when no ones is home because we live 23 minutes away from each other and both of our parents want an adult to be home. We have to keep the door open slightly in both our rooms too so it's not like we can sneak anything. I can't do her neighborhood cause all the houses are too close and you have no privacy. My neighborhood is big but last time we tried half way through we got caught. And going anywhere completly private would take too long and my parents would know what happening if we didn't come home quick enough. What should I do? |
Question: Are these valid reasons for wanting to move? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 09:35 AM PDT I moved from Florida to North Carolina with my family when I was in high school (I'm a college grad and professional now). The move was very rough on me. I couldn't adjust to the culture and I became very depressed and cried a lot. It's been over ten years and I'm still unhappy here. Sometimes I think I would like to move. Friends tell me that my reasons aren't really valid, but I feel like NC isn't right for me. The weird thing is, I studied abroad three times, twice in Mexico and once in Spain, and I loved it, adapted to the culture, made friends. I taught English there too and adjusted fairly well. Obviously it's more difficult to move to another country but I would be totally open to that, or to another state. But are my reasons valid? NC is tainted with bad memories. My senior years of HS was living hell, followed by a series of TERRIBLE job experiences, terrible college experiences, a couple deaths, my mom's cancer, my parents' divorce, my "friends" backstabbing me. I can't be healthy and functional in a place that's tainted. I've been here for 10 years and I can't adjust to this culture. I keep calling Florida "home" and I'm in culture shock. It doesn't meet my needs. I love music and I have even been a professional, but I can't get anywhere with my dreams in my town. I feel like I'm going nowhere in life. I'm not getting anywhere in life with NC, it's passing me by. I'm a single woman beyond the age of marriage (I'm 34) so I'm not sure if I'd fit anywhere or just be an outcast wherever I go. Mexico is family oriented but people are friendlier there and would talk to me. In my small NC town, if you're not a local people don't accept you. We've been here for 10 years and I literally can't think of a person who would spit on my eyebrows if they were on fire. I'm not sure if a single woman my age (too old for marriage) could make friends and have a social life in ANY town. I just know that I have no social life or friends here in NC, and I get depressed and restless. I feel like a loser because I spend Friday nights playing video games and wondering what I'm doing with my life. I just know that my town doesn't offer me a chance to connect with people and the FOMO is eating at me like a school of piranhas on a capybara... Anyway, we moved here and I was ripped away from the life I loved and I felt so discouraged. I kept waiting for my life to begin again here and I'm still waiting. I've been to other countries and made a life for myself but my dad or someone always guilted me into coming back. I'm starting to wish I hadn't. I would like to move and start all over but my friends tell me "you take your problems with you." Yeah but a lot of my problems are caused by my hometown (in NC). Thanks Saul. I'm proud of you for fighting for your dreams, because dreams are so important. It sounds like you are succeeding. I think Israel is amazing, and I would love to visit, and to learn Hebrew. I would love to go to another country... I'm not sure which one. USA has some advantages but there are so many indictments that things are not 100% right here either. |
Question: Should I "break up" with my bestfriend? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 09:34 AM PDT I want to your advice/opinion on this.So,I have a best friend for 11 years now.You know,we totally understand eachother,have things in common,support each other...She had cancer for one year at one point and I actually skipped school and classes to go see her at the hospital.On a regular basis.No kidding [ she is a lot fine now,in case you were wondering. thanks] The point is now,she stopped talking to me.She's back at the friends who used to be her enemies in the past.I tried hugging her today and like last week,but she rejected me.I felt like **** cause she doesn't do that too often.When I try to talk to her,she ignores me or gets past me with a rude reply.I actually did cry today and I was wondering...what if I try to break our friendship?In the last 2 months she started making me feel like crap and did nothing but hurt me.I truly appreciate her and I was always there for her,I stayed up nights for her to hear her crying on the phone and tell her how unique,special kind of girl she is and she doesn't know how much I love her and our friendship. I feel so numb.I don't feel any feelings for her anymore...what should I do? I don't wanna be a loser and hurt her after all she's been through,but she also started dating guys,cheating on them and I told her to stop it cause it's unhealthy and she got mad at me.So yeah..isn't a best friend supposed to tell you the truth? |
Question: Would you date a person with an imaginary friend? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 09:32 AM PDT I have an imaginary friend and I'm 19. He helps me with thinking and emotion regulation. I can carry regular conversation with him. I consider as a real friends. I have had him for 9 yrs and still going. I don't openly expressive him and just tell him to a few friends. |
Question: How to make them stop bothering me :(? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 09:29 AM PDT I wen't to new school ,students there hate me for no reason and they always call me "pussy" "coward" "weak" "girl" "messy" I hate going to school because of them ,so please tell me how to make them stop I am a boy |
Question: I feel like giving up...? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 09:23 AM PDT Im in the 9th grade and life has just been hard for me lately. To start off with, I have always had really bad issues with my self esteem, most of which revolved around my weight... I weighed around 57kg last year. This problem really got to me and other peoples comments also got to me. This made me lose about 7kg as I am now 50kg... I now cut down my overall food intake and eat mainly healthy.. The problem now is that my main and only friend left my school and I have no actual friends to hang out with. There is a new friend I found but this friend always ditches school and its just not that good of a friendship. The other students dont even seem to acknowledge me. Something really really really really got to me today when I sat with some ppl who I dont sit with b4 and then this person was all defensive as to y I sat there and then they said that im not wanted there so it really hurt me. I just left and sat alone after that... plus no one even bothered to stick up for me.. please help, I feel so broken right now, I just want this 2 b over... |
Question: Should I stay friends with her? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 08:55 AM PDT so yesterday I told a close friend that I had actually grown feelings for her. she gave me a lame excuse of I don't want to lose you either way. she said we could just be friends and she "how she feels later on" but I know if you stay friends with someone you have feelings for & they get with another person, you can get really bitter. what should I do? |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 08:42 AM PDT |
Question: Who's better: Jared or Tommy? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 08:28 AM PDT My friend and I are seeing which one of us is better |
Question: My friends are pretending to actually love being with me for their personal interests? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 08:20 AM PDT We were a squal of eight girls, and we are used to do everything together. This scholastic year, we had a new math teacher. I m actually very satisfied by how he explains. Two of my friends are too. But five of us don t get it! So Since I get it I tried to help them as much as I could, and I solved them a quiz during my break. But after all, I realized that they don t like me. They pretend to because they are used to be helped by me on the test, by cheating. One of my friends heard hem talking about me and saying that I don t help them, after what I did to help them. I m so sad. What should I do? I don t want to let them know that I realized that because I would hurt the one friend that told me. Please help?! |
Question: What should I do?Help my friend or not? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 08:10 AM PDT I have a best friend. She and I are the first girls in our school. I study a lot,so does she. But the Problem is that most often,when she sits with me in any exam, she doesn't know an answer. And I have to tell her the answer. This is resulting in the reduction of my marks. Because usually during the final exams I get busy with Programs and my bestie sits idle. So she gets more marks than me in the finals. But if I calculate the total marks of the questions of which I told the answer, I would be the first with a difference of a huge number of marks. Currently she became the first girl. I don't jealous her or something. But it isn't right. Because when I ask her a question I don't know the answer to, she says she doesn't know. But later,when I ask her, she says she wanted to tell me but was afraid of being caught by the teacher. I don't even know if she is telling a lie or not. |
Question: Should I post my go fund me page on Facebook? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 07:34 AM PDT I know I have seen people that do i need hearing aides, but very expensive, and I am a stay at home mom, but going to look for a job, however, it makes it really hard for me to communicate ( depending on how the person talks etc) I just dont want to miss anything important or something up ! So should i try this? Will I look desperate and weird for asking for money? I tried getting care credit, but they denied me since i dont have awesome this okay? |
Question: How to be outgoing?t? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 07:28 AM PDT My aqquitances don't say hello to me when they see me and they don't talk to me, they think I am boring, why? |
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