Family: Question: My mom is making me feel inadiquate. What should I do to mend our relationship? |
- Question: My mom is making me feel inadiquate. What should I do to mend our relationship?
- Question: Can my dad do this?
- Question: Is it okay if your mother fills out her anger on you?
- Question: My mom wont let me do my eyebrows?
- Question: Why do parents suck?
- Question: Should i leave?
- Question: Feeling confused about either my girlfriend s birthday or my college reunion?
- Question: Teachers wants me to fix his avtiviness but how can I?
- Question: I did something today I have always want to do, could this make me sick?
- Question: Bedtime at 18?
- Question: Help?!Long?
- Question: How to send flowers internationally to a loved one?
- Question: Was it wrong of me for pulling a gun on my sisters boyfriend?
- Question: Can't cope with autistic brother anymore UK....?
- Question: What is your opinion on this situation?
- Question: Getting custody from custodial parent?
- Question: Are they taking advantage of me?
- Question: My mother has caregivers. Recently, noticed some jewelry missing. How to go about it?
- Question: Welfare Question?
- Question: How can I come out to my parents about being pro-life?
- Question: How do I tell my mom I want to live with my dad?
- Question: How do I fix this?
- Question: Is my grandma going to die?
- Question: I Hate My 'Sister In Law' am I Wrong?
- Question: Should I kill myself??? My mom thinks I don't care about her?
- Question: Is it okay for your adult child to barge in your home?
- Question: Can you help me stay in my foster home?
- Question: In at a point in my life where I don t know what to do.... I m 19 and my mom lost our house,?
- Question: Why is my mom so mean?
- Question: How do i tell my mom?
- Question: Why was my 15 year old brother peeking when I removed my bra?
- Question: How to deal with an alcoholic abusive father when my mother doesn't want to divorse?
- Question: Can u get two different size pom from same mother n father?
- Question: What should I do my fiancé's cousin just moved in with us and his cousin and I do not get along what do I do?
- Question: What do I say/do around my boss at work now?
- Question: I am 16 years old and i live in hanover pa where can i go if my parents hit me slap me punch me or yell at me what should i do get there.?
- Question: My mom isn't being fair??
- Question: Don't you think it's awkward that Whitney Scott has to live with her step-father (full custody) despite her mother is still well and healthy?
- Question: Am I wrong to cut off my parents?
- Question: I feel like I'm suffocating, help?
- Question: My dad found a video of me masturbating...?! Should I own up and say it's me or that's it's porn from the internet?
- Question: My daughter says her step mom abuses her?
- Question: Should I compromise with parenting?
- Question: I hate my dad's Godson. How can I get ride of him?
- Question: I don't wanna my dad to be homophobia. What should I do?
- Question: Did I the right thing?
- Question: Did I make the right decisions (reporting something)?
- Question: My dad found a video of me masturbating... Should I own up and say it's me or that's it's porn from the internet?
- Question: Is my life normal?
- Question: I'm 18 and I live with my dad who is horrible and want to move out. I currently go to college. I could never afford it advice?
- Question: Getting burnt out with family member who is trying to get back on their feet.?
- Question: Which of my family members are right?
- Question: How to track a phone's location without the phone's approval? I am WORRIED about my sister, and want to track her phone!?
- Question: I cought my 12 year old brother watching porn. What should I do?
- Question: How do i get my family to start being responsible ?
- Question: What should I do about my family they are stressing me ?
- Question: HELP PLEASE! Is there any way to track a family member s phone withOUT any type of app? I think my sister is lost, and I m scared.?
- Question: He wants to meet my parents homecoming dance day?
- Question: Does this make my selfish?
- Question: Mom is emotionally hurting me and my sister and I need to cut her off. Is there anything I could do?
Question: My mom is making me feel inadiquate. What should I do to mend our relationship? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 01:16 PM PDT My mom and I have always been close, that is until this year. She started picking fights and I try to stop them but you know how it goes... I ve always been an all A s student but I got a c in math. Then in the midst of me trying to ask for help she blabbers on about how smart my little brother is. How perfect and advanced he is. I have always been able to vent to her until now. Yesterday, I got this math assessment but I was called to the counsellor for an appointment I had made so I left and took it with me. When I come home, I ask for help on some things (NOT ON THE ACTUAL TEST) and she does but when my dad gets home he insists that we do the real test together and I say Dad, that s the test I m studying for, not a random study guide and he carries on and on and I m repeating and then he freaks out insisting that I lied and my mom joins in. The next day I come in and find out that the test WAS a bring home test. That same day I get lunch detention for being accused of stealing, but I just picked up something that someone threw at me. Neither times she believed me. She thinks that I did something bad, and that I lied to get out of trouble. She s been calling me horrible things and I don t know if it s me. I just want for her to live me again. It feels like she doesn t anymore. |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 01:13 PM PDT I have a ton of homework due tomorrow and i can't go to tae kwon do today because i have so much work i need to finish. When I told him this he just got really angry and exclaimed "i don't care! i'm paying for this!" the tkd is about $80 a week and i haven't been able to come lately because grades are closing on friday! But I have to waste another hour of my time to go to this stupid tkd that he forces me to go every day anyway! what do i do to convince him to let me stay? |
Question: Is it okay if your mother fills out her anger on you? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 01:12 PM PDT My mother had a pretty hard life because of my grandmother who was mentally abusing her children all her life. My mum started to stood up against her only recently but it wasn't easy. My grandma is still incredibly manipulative. The things got so bad that she had to visit a psychiatrist for half a year (though she kept it a secret from me. I found out this later.) At that time I was 18, a really lazy teenager, and she was always mad at me for not doing my chores. She was right of course, I could've been more helpful, but things got out of hand suddenly. She started to yell at me even when I actually did my chores because she said I messed everything up. Like I hanged or folded the clothes in a wrong way even when I did everything as usual and so on. Sometimes she was yelling so loudly she almost started to cry. We didn't have a normal conversation for half a year. Sometimes all I would say was hi when I got home from school. Sometimes we didn't even greet each other. On these days all she said to me was an angry "Do you chores already, you never help me". I only heard her "angry voice" and I didn't want to "talk back" so on these days I've gone completely mute instead. Though we are fine now (she doesn't visit my grandma anymore), I can never forget this phase. Do you think it was okay to just endure it? I should have said something? And is it okay to fill out your anger on your daughter because you have nobody to fill it out on? (My siblings moved out already at that time.) |
Question: My mom wont let me do my eyebrows? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 01:11 PM PDT hey guys, im 16 years old and my mom is kinda strict parent. she wont let me do my eyebrows and they are so bushy. im going on high scholl and its so embarrassed, u know. i try to convince my mom but she always says no and when i ask why, she doesnt respond. they make me feel so bad that sometimes i cry, but my mom doesnt care. i try to tell her how im feeling about my eyebrows and everything but then again she's so closed minded. i dont know what to do anymore and how to talk to her, any suggestions? |
Question: Why do parents suck? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 01:01 PM PDT My mom is fat and gross. My dad is weird and a loser. Ugh. |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:55 PM PDT I am 19 years old and feeling like i should really leave home now. My mother is very controling and gives me the guilt trip, i am not aloud to leave the house unless i am with her, she always bosses me around, i don't have any friends cause i was homeschooled. Everyone left my mom all my two brothers and two sisters already left home years ago even my dad left my mom. I really deep down inside feeling i want to leave since i was 11. There is a teen shelter i can stay for a while and i have a figure skating job. Should i leave i really just need some encouragement of something. |
Question: Feeling confused about either my girlfriend s birthday or my college reunion? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:54 PM PDT Originally the plan was for us both to go (it would have given her a chance to meet the parents too since we ve been together about 6 months). She got a new job about a month ago and has no time off which I understand. I can t get any of my friends to respond back to me so my desire to attend the college reunion is definitely waning but part of me still thinks it would be nice to go back. Her birthday is also that week (on Thursday) which I definitely want to be there for. Is it worth it to go to the reunion and not spend the whole weekend with her or am I just being a putz?? |
Question: Teachers wants me to fix his avtiviness but how can I? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:51 PM PDT I'm desperately need of help. My son who is 6 years old is overly active. He is truly amazing, loving, caring, and very smart. But he's just way to hyber. He can't sit still for a second. He always moving his hands or feet. His mind is everywhere. But he has been getting into trouble in class cause it. His teacher is having a hard time with him cause he can't stop moving around. If he's sitting, then his hands and feet are moving. Idk what to do anymore. My church members says he might have adhd. But how can they tell? And how can I punish him. Even on timeout his hands and feet are everywhere. Hes overly active. So I guess this makes him a bad kid. But how can I punish him, he's happy 24/7. Not even mean or destructive like other boys, just can't stop moving?? How to I help him get better? |
Question: I did something today I have always want to do, could this make me sick? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:48 PM PDT Since when I was a little kid I have always wanted to taste my own poop. So today I decided today was the day. Mom an dad wasn't home an my sister was at school for cheer leading. So I laid out a thing on the floor an took a dump an picked up the juiciest looking terd I could find an took a bite. I ended up eating 2 terd logs an a couple little rabbit terds. I ended up barfing after but they wasn't that bad an I may do it again an see if I can keep them down. Is their any chance I might get sick? Also, Amanda Hayes is a slut an a whore. |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:47 PM PDT So I turned 18 over a month ago, I m a college student (still living at home) and I ve got a good part-time job. I also have a younger sister, she s 13. At around 9:30 my mom would always tell us: "I think it s time for the ladies to go to bed now." with which she means that she wants my sister and me to go to bed. How do I tell her that, after homework and doing stuff for work / college, I usually want some time to relax, instead of going to bed right after my stuff is done? |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:12 PM PDT Ok this may be more of a rant than anything. My family is very hard on me. They always are pushing me to do better, which is good, but they have given my sister more opportunities and expect me to do the same with less. First started when they pulled me out of school at 14 as well as my sister 16. They had bought her a car at 14 and helped her get her ged at 16 and into college. Now I didn t get a car or ged till 18. My mom basically always told me to do it myself, but I had no ride plus they always told me to come back with a parent. I tried five times alone till at 18 my mom finally came with me. My sister graduated from college at 21 as a nurse and then my family turned to me and were like "what have you accomplished" I barely started college. Now 21 I have a 9 month old daughter, my car was totalled last year (I was hit) and they re still ranting on me for not doing anything with my life. It s hard to want to do something when your being pushed down. I need advice to work around this so I do get and feel accomplish. I was a straight A student before. Now I barely pass a class. My sister is off buying a new car and giving my mom money (1000) just cuz she says.... help? |
Question: How to send flowers internationally to a loved one? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:10 PM PDT I am in the navy and it will be my mother's birthday soon and I won't be able to make it to her birthday! So I wanted to know if there's any way thst i could deliver her flowers??? She loves sunflowers! She lives in Windsor Canada and I'm in the states right now. Help please! |
Question: Was it wrong of me for pulling a gun on my sisters boyfriend? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:04 PM PDT She is a sophomore in high school and not a very disrepectful towards me and my family he got very touchy feely with her the other day when he was over. Anyways I always open carry a magnum 44 always loaded. So we all sit down as a family for dinner my dad was asking what's his future as usual he is like ugh don't know. At this point he touches my sister and I slide my gun out of my holster and jam it into his crotch because he is sitting next to me my only words where boy I will blow your head off and I ain't talking about the one resting on your shoulders he broke down and cried out of fear was I wrong. |
Question: Can't cope with autistic brother anymore UK....? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 11:57 AM PDT My brother is 21 and is on the spectrum, he's not severe but hes not exactly mild either. He's gotten worse and worse over the years and we just can't deal with it anymore. The last time we received any help was when he was 13 and they gave up on him because he was being so uncooperative. He's refused all treatment since and will go crazy if you try and say something is wrong with him. We just don't know where to turn to and what we can do to improve our situation. Is anyone else in the same situation? |
Question: What is your opinion on this situation? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 11:50 AM PDT I was 16, some buddies and I went to a football game out of town. We then went to memphis and walked around beale street and got some food. I just told my mom I was going to my dad's house. My mom stakes out my dad's house and confirms that i'm not there. We don't get back until 3 in the morning. she finds out we went to memphis. my step dad is a cop and is good friends with a judge. they take me to court and put me on FINS family in need of services. I have a curfew at 9 for 6 months. drug tests weekly, and I have to pay court costs. It's pretty much like being on probation. What is your honest opinion of my actions and my mothers actions |
Question: Getting custody from custodial parent? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 11:49 AM PDT I'm asking for a friend (non-custodial parent) The custodial parent is depending on his child support payments to make ends meet (about $580/month for two kids). She states that she's going thru hard times right now. If she can't financially support the two kids without child support, can the non-custodial parent sue for custody? There's been times where she has no food or electricity, yet she won't let him get the kids. He wants to get custody and drop child support all-together. |
Question: Are they taking advantage of me? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 11:43 AM PDT Okay, so I babysit for my brother and his wife. I babysit 2 kids, but sometimes I have to go pick up the 3rd from school. I don't ask them for much money.. only 50 a week. Both have full time jobs, good jobs at that. Sometimes they don't even pay me.. or they give me 50 every two weeks. There's times when my brother is off, but he says he's working. Which I know he's not.. and when I ask him about it, he'll tell me he was working. But I call his job and ask for him and they say he didn't work. When I ask for money, they always throw the "I'm broke" card at me. It's just really bothering me now, I mean I love my nieces. But none of this was the agreement at all. I feel they are taking advantage of me any chance they get. When both get off work they don't come get the kids until maybe 1 or 2 hours later. |
Question: My mother has caregivers. Recently, noticed some jewelry missing. How to go about it? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 11:42 AM PDT My mother is bedridden and has caregivers during the day. She has one basic caregiver M-F that there is no problem with, but weekends and occasional sick day replacement girls can change. My Mom asked me to get a certain ring out of her jewelry box and when I went to look, many things are missing. The last time I had occasion to go in the box was two months ago. No one else could possibly have gone in there. The care company swears that the girls have extensive background checks. Is the company even partially at fault? How do I go about this? |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 11:30 AM PDT my grandma gets Tanf for my baby . and I wanted to know how much child support is gonna take out of my boyfriends check? he's starting a new job 10$ a hour. Are they gonna be taking more money because she's the one that's the getting the money in so confused |
Question: How can I come out to my parents about being pro-life? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 10:59 AM PDT I never really thought about the issue much until meeting a girl. We had a lot of long talks about it and she kinda brought me over to her side. It's super important to her and it's become important to me too. The only problem is that my family doesn't actually know about any of this and probably wouldn't be very supportive - especially my mom. My sister probably wouldn't take it very well either (she's basically following in mom's footsteps and volunteers at her clinic) but I think dad is kind of like I was and just goes along with everything to keep the peace. How can I do this without starting a fight? Or is it just a bad idea altogether? I feel like I need to do this but... yeah. I really don't want a repeat of the time I hinted that I'm a Christian. We're still riding that one out. |
Question: How do I tell my mom I want to live with my dad? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 10:36 AM PDT I am 13 and I have been living with my mom since I was born. I only see my dad every other weekend. I've been wanting to live with him for about a year. And he is open to that. I don't know how to tell her I want to live with him. She drinks almost every night and I've missed school 5 times because of it now. I'm done. I want to tell her. I don't know how. Or when the best time would be. I need help please |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 10:30 AM PDT Friday night I decided to seek truth and foolishly snuck out of my house, (which was extremely difficult due to sensors on doors and windows) to hang out with the girl of my dreams for 5 hours, at the dead of the night, because her parents were in Ohio. If you have ever seen a romantic movie, this experience would put them all to shame 100 fold. We talked about everything while listening to our favorite sound tracks. We teased each other, did pranks on each other, half cuddled with each other, watched Netflix with each other. Five hours went by a million times faster than a pico second. But to get into the house proved to be a challenge. Because my dad woke me up early, yet i still made it. I was good, I was free. The best night of my life had just occurred. After all of my skills of sneak, her dad had tapped her phone and found out the messages of what we did, my heart fell 20 stories only to hit a porche at the bottom. Her mom came home Tuesday and was going to ground her from everything she owns. She vowed to keep my name a secret and not tell her parents about who I was. She was obviously pissed at me and we did not talk for the whole class. I felt like I could die in her arms, but now only for her to throw me in the pasific. And my main question was how do I fix what I have done? How do I apologize? Will she go back to her boyfriend whom she barley broke up with? I love her and I would give up the world for her. |
Question: Is my grandma going to die? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 10:28 AM PDT Please tell my your honest opinion. My grandma is 86. She's had Parkinson's disease since she was in her seventies. Over the past few days she has been having some trouble. She fell a few days ago, hit her head and had a small stroke. Last night she fell again and broke her hip and her left wrist and there may be signs of another stroke. Is there any way she can pull out of this? Please be honest, thank you. |
Question: I Hate My 'Sister In Law' am I Wrong? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 09:41 AM PDT We were hanging out at our house with My Husbands Brother and His Girlfriend. We both have newborn Babies. After a dinner at 10pm I was tired and it was time for kids to go to bed, Guys already had 2 bottles of wine and 12 Bottles of Beer so they were pretty buzzed so they started asking if my sister in Law could go and buy some more beer I said that we are tired and it's time to go to bed but my sister in Law sneaked out and brought more beers for the guys ignoring my request, she is ex porn star and in her 20s so still childish, they stayed at our place until midnight ignoring me walking in my pajamas and going to bed, they sat with my husband and I was mad on him too that he is not sending them home but talking loud when baby is sleeping, also their baby had to be in bed too but She was just sitting there and driving me nuts. I am wrong here to be mad on her? I feel that since me and her weren't drunk she shouldn't listen to my husband and hers when they were asking for more drinks and shouldn't sneak out behind my back to get them. I really hate her now I tried to like her but I find it really hard to communicate with her. |
Question: Should I kill myself??? My mom thinks I don't care about her? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 09:37 AM PDT Today, my mom was in the hospital. She called me this morning and told me to get dad. I said okay and I got my dad. Then when I went to school, my sister text me and told me that my mom was upset that I didn't feel any remorse for her. It made me feel super guilty and o started crying. I was really afraid when she told me that she was in the hospital. I text my sister saying that I did feel remorse and that I was extremely afraid. But then she told me that my mom was upset because I didn't ask her if she was okay. I didn't mean to do that :'( Am I a horrible human being?? Should I kill myself because I was so evil?? |
Question: Is it okay for your adult child to barge in your home? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 09:35 AM PDT My 20 year old daughter moved out when she was 18 and moved out in a terrible way. She was dating a boy that manipulated her and made her hate me because I told her I didn't like him. (He did drugs and pressured her to have sex even though he knew she wanted to wait, encouraged her to drop out of school) she really upset me and she spread lies about how my husband raped her and so on. So now her boyfriend and she aren't together anymore and she keeps hinting at moving back in. She stops by at least twice a day and uses my other daughter's things in her room when I'm not home and she has stolen things from my daughter and I. EXPENSIVE things at that. She stole my daughter's birthday gift I got her, a hoodie from Victoria's secret and sold it on the garage sale page. I don't want to tell my daughter no, but I can't trust her. |
Question: Can you help me stay in my foster home? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 09:09 AM PDT I am in some serious trouble and need help. My foster parent is thinking about sending in her thirty day notice and I don't want to leave this home. All of this is happening because I made a comment about not living a long life to a assistant principle at my high school. I had to go to see my psychiatrist and to get cleared and now my foster parent is feed up and want to have me removed from her home. She says she doesn't think she can handle this. I don't know what to do. Please help me |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 08:45 AM PDT So I m currently starting at my best friends house, they re suppose to move at the end of this month and said if I wanted I can come with. Or I can go stay at my cousins house or my grandparents....i just don t know where I should go at this point. Please give me some advice 😩 |
Question: Why is my mom so mean? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 08:44 AM PDT I'm 13 and do online school for medical reasons. I just spent 30 minutes to an hour cooking pancakes for my mom and I. i asked her if she wanted maple syrup so I opened the fridge and her coconut milk fell out. I cleaned it up but missed a spot and told her and she just started yelling at me and calling me names and being an all around c**t. i don't deserve this and treat my family so good and this is how she repays me. this isn't the first time she's done this. she acts like this to all my family too. why is she so mean? |
Question: How do i tell my mom? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 08:42 AM PDT I've been living in my aunts for a while now and i completely hate it. everyone including my mom treats me like crap. my aunt tell mes i do everything wrong. she yells at me for everything. i stopped self harming and because of her and the way she talks to me and treats me a i started to do it again.and my anxiety and panic attack have been happening a lot more. i wanna move in with my dad but i don't know how to tell my mom. shes very sensitive when it comes to that kind of stuff. what should i do? i cant keep living in that house or im gonna do something bad. |
Question: Why was my 15 year old brother peeking when I removed my bra? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 08:25 AM PDT I'm 17 and my brother was peeking through the door crack, it wasn't shut all the way as I removed my bra. He has did this several times and I just act like I don't see him. Should I ask him why he likes looking at me or just continue to act like I don't know he is watching. |
Question: How to deal with an alcoholic abusive father when my mother doesn't want to divorse? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 08:14 AM PDT Well, my father has been drinking alcohol since when i was small child. My mother works and support us and pay my tuition fees as well. Now i am already 20 over years and i am really tired of being with my dad. and tired also because my mom she doesnt want to divorse or scare to divorse. she is kind hearted soft woman. i want to disconnect my relationship with my dad and get my own place and live on... but my mom still with him. dad is abusive when get drunk. how to move on my life in this situation? because everyday i hear story from people how my dad was drunk and get fight or punch someone or broke his car, fight with my mom, abuse me verbally etc... help me. advice me. give me idea. support me. encourage me to find my best way. plz.... |
Question: Can u get two different size pom from same mother n father? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 08:01 AM PDT |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 08:00 AM PDT Last week my fiancé's cousin moved in because he got kicked out of his parents house. I did not mind however his cousin and I do not get along. Hes a typical teenager but he has no respect for me and does not listen. I am upset about this because he makes a mess and leaves it for me or my fiancé Chris to clean up. He also stays up late and watches tv. Chris told him about that and to keep it down but he does not listen. I am upset because his cousin told me to leave him alone about cleaning up after himself. What do I do I am not happy? The house is in my fiancés name however some of the stuff in the house is mine, my problem is when I ask him to put stuff away or clean up he gets lippy with me. I understand hes going through a tough time I get that but all I am asking is for him to be responsible and clean up. Hes going through a tough time and is depressed but does not give him the right to be mean or lippy to me. |
Question: What do I say/do around my boss at work now? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 07:34 AM PDT I'm in my young 20s and this saturday we had a work party at a colleague's house with a pool (end of summer party). Toward the end three of my female colleagues went into a bedroom to dry off and get dressed, I joined them late. Because I joined them late they were done and left before I was. Apparently when my boss saw them leave he thought we were all out, so he came in to get changed himself. I turned to see who was coming in (thinking it was a woman) and we both froze as he got a full on frontal nude view of me. Once the shock hit, I covered myself with my arms, and he dove back out the door. From his reaction I'm convinced it truly was an accident. I left the party quickly without talking to him, and I had the first half of this week off scheduled for vacation days to finish a home reno project. But I have to go back to work tomorrow. What do I do? Say? Act? I'm so embarrased My boss is much older and slightly conservative. I'm not modest around women, but no man has ever really seen me nude (one ex boyfriend KIND of). I'm a virgin. This really embarrased me. Yes he got a full on, clear view. I work at a school. I dont know if any of this is relevant but want to give all info that might help |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 07:02 AM PDT I don't talk to my teachers about this because they don't believe me and when i talk to the guidance they just ask for family counseling my mom denies them and i do have children and youth family services but they said my mom denied the whole thing when its true. What should i do my friends say i can stay with them when she touches me and what would i tell the police and if i don't have proof what would they do? |
Question: My mom isn't being fair?? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 06:56 AM PDT It is my weekend and my mom is making me go away yet AGAIN while she goes to a fcking concert!! She is 42 years old she is way to old for this!!!! She knows it is my weekend is it not good enough??? Ever since the divorce she has acted like a 14 year old!!! It's making me suicidal I can't take this!! ITS MY WEEKEND!!! She is TOO OLD!!!! It's my fall break in suppose to be enjoying it!!! I want to kill myself it's my weekend why did she "plan" this she KNOWS it's my weekend!! I'm crying in school. I don't see my dad at ALL because I don't want to. MAKE ME!!!! Help what do I do???? I WANT TO BE DEAD |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 06:51 AM PDT Whitney Scott is Eminem's step-daughter and adopted daughter. Whitney's mother Kim (Eminem's ex-wife) does not live with Whitney. How is that possible that the biological mother has no rights over her daughter when the step-father has full rights? It certainly is my business because I am a true fan of Eminem and as a fan, I need to get to know his life even more. You wouldn't understand maybe perhaps you're one of those stalkers of Taylor Swift.. god knows... Bruh, I didn't deny her as the daughter of Eminem. I'm saying she isn't the biological daughter so why the biological mother doesn't have full custody? |
Question: Am I wrong to cut off my parents? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 06:04 AM PDT It's no secret, my parents play favorable ties an they favor my oldest sister. My parents live in north eastern indiana, I live in Indianapolis and my oldest sister lives in Tennessee. For some reason, even though I am closer, my parents go and see their favorite almost monthly and make minimal effort at best to see men when my wife and I had foster kids, they only saw them once. I'm fed up. So, for my sanity, if my parents want to stay in my life, then they're going to have to make an effort. I've came and seen them more in a single x month period then they have come to see me in a year. So, if they want to always be around their favorite, good. Good riddance. |
Question: I feel like I'm suffocating, help? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 05:44 AM PDT I'm 16 and I live with my mum. I have big dreams, I want to make it big. I want to show people, incl. my family, that I am worth it and that I am capable of working hard and being successful. My family's never been there for me, all they did was emotionally abuse me. So all there's ever been is my mum. I'm very independent, but I feel like my mum's really against the idea. Whenever I mention wanting to move out at the age of 19 and wanting to study abroad, my mum gets really defensive and starts yelling at me for wanting to leave her alone. She tells me no daughter would ever do that to a single mom, who's got no one else but herself and her child. She makes me feel so guilty but I know I can't stay. I feel like such a crap daughter. But then again what's wrong with wanting to live your own life? What should my future self do? I can't leave her, she'd go insane. She doesn't have any social life, 0 friends, 0 people to lean on. She's always working and always reminds me of how she threw her life away to allow me to have one. I know I shouldn't be worrying about this as Im only 16, but I really cant help it. She doesn't let me have a social life, I have to be home at 8pm. I feel very ashamed of telling my friends Im not allowed to stay past 8pm so I usually just say no I do not have the time right now. Ive lost tons of friends because of the constant excuses. Can someone help me out with this? Things that used to be so fun just feel pointless now. I feel like I can't be myself. |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 05:44 AM PDT I know I should've never filmed it and that it was stupid. Needless to say, it'll never happen again. The how he found it is a really long story. But in my defense, I NEVER expected any one to see it. Ever. I'll be in huge trouble. My family is religious too. My mother will never talk to me again if she finds out. I know he wants to talk about it but I've been avoiding him. I'm a girl. I know that he too watches (or used to watch porn) but does that make any difference? What do I do?! What should I say to him?! |
Question: My daughter says her step mom abuses her? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 05:22 AM PDT I divorced with y husband an year ago,the judge gave me the opportunity to take care of our 9 y. son as my husband would take care of our 7 y. Daughter. He got married 3 weeks ago. My daughter has bruises over her arms and back, she says her step mom beats her up? I feel so in panic I need to do something fast if my child is being abused what should I do? |
Question: Should I compromise with parenting? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 05:11 AM PDT My husband and I got married last year. I have a 12 year old son who is almost 13. My husband has three kids (14, 11 and 8). My husband is a much stricter parent than I am. He believes in early curfews and no cell phones or personal electronics. My son has a laptop, which I monitor regularly, and a cell phone for talking to friends and so I can reach him when he's out with his best friends family (I allow them to take him on day trips sometimes as I do with their son). Before we got married, my husband had no problem with any of this. Once we were married, he seemed okay until his 14 year old started complaining that my son had more freedom than they did. At one point he stole my sons cell phone and then my husband confiscated it completely, saying a 12 year old doesn't need a cell phone. I got it back and gave it to my son once I told my husband I wanted him to have one. He's very responsible with both that and his laptop, which he mostly uses for playing games. It seems like the past 4 months or so, my husband has been trying to get me to parent like he does. After a family meeting where my husband said the rules for all four kids would be getting tougher, my son started showing signs of resentment. At one point they argued because my son had his best friend over for a sleepover, which my husband told me was okay with him, and my husband then decided it wasn't fair that he had different rules to his kids. I don't want to change everything. I love knowing my son is a well balanced kid who doesn't get into a lot of trouble. It's also nice that he has a close relationship with his best friend and his family and I like getting to take both boys somewhere fun every now and again. My husband now has a problem with all this. It's made me wonder if I should try to reach a compromise with him or if it would be better to leave now, before my son ends up hating us both. |
Question: I hate my dad's Godson. How can I get ride of him? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 05:07 AM PDT Recently, my dad got my costudy from my mom. I'm happy with him and he's so kind to me. But his Godson keeps calling every day. He goes to his room and closes the door, as if I'm a stranger. I'm not jealous. He really loves that stupid kid more than me. |
Question: I don't wanna my dad to be homophobia. What should I do? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 04:54 AM PDT He'd never accepted that I'm gay. He use to call my boyfriend and I as "pedo" and "fa*g" I hate when he sees me like this. I love him and wanna be close like a real father and son but he doesn't want me What can I do? |
Question: Did I the right thing? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 04:19 AM PDT 0 I tried to get into contact with my ex boyfriend recently and that was an epic fail. I saw his cousin today and wasn't sure if that was her which it was. I was like don't I know you... she said in a joking way do you? I just said to myself whatever and kept going about my business... Did I do the right thing by not sweating her or the issues with my ex boyfriend? |
Question: Did I make the right decisions (reporting something)? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 03:48 AM PDT I m going to try and keep this as short as possible because there is a lot to it. Basically my little sister and I are friends with this girl. The girls mom forces her to hang out with me, even though it s obvious that we are nothing alike, which is fine. Anyways, the girl actually gets along better with my younger sister since she is immature for her age, so they sit together on the bus. Well over the past couple of days the girl has been telling my sister that her mom has been slapping and punching her. She also said that over this past weekend that she was doing dishes and her mom started beating her with a hair brush. She said that she has bruises and scratches on her leg from it. From being at theit the house a lot, I know there has already been some abuse with ex boyfriends and I suspect some serious brain washing (ex. I new the the girls half brother was her brother before she did) Her mom does a lot for me, always buying me stuff and taking me places. I ve reported stuff before but I wasn t close with the family. I told my little sister to report it to the resource officer who I m friends with because she is the one our friend told. But the same resource officer has been involved in a case with them over the EX boyfriend over the past few weeks. I m really nervous because the mom is very vengeful and I Litterly live like 45 seconds away from them in a car. There is also a 6 and 5 year old in the home. Are we making the right choice? |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 03:06 AM PDT I know I should've never filmed it and that it was stupid. Needless to say, it'll never happen again. The how he found it is a really long story. But in my defense, I NEVER expected any one to see it. Ever. I'll be in huge trouble. My family is religious too. I know he wants to talk about it but I've been avoiding him. I'm a girl. I know that he watches (or used to watch porn) but does that make any difference? What do I do?! What should I say to him?! |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 02:43 AM PDT I grew up with my family who wasnt really a family. Single mother, grandmother, cousin and uncle. Everyone was on their own. My father left me and my family dislikes me and want nothing to do with me and my mother, because she is dark skinned. They always told her that her skin is dark and obviously they dont like me coz i am her daughter. I have no family and almost no friends, just a few who I hardly see. Christmas times I am alone and my mother sleeps. Birthdays I get nothing and do nothing. I often feel like ending my life, because I dont have the trust to allow new people in my life and cant hold friendships or relationships together. It is awkward speaking to family and calling them family.I hardly know them. I am depressed about always being alone. My mother is also always alone and have no friends at work, because they also dont like dark skinned people and she has a low position job too. I hate who I am. |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 02:24 AM PDT I just feel like my dad is being really irresponsible and we live off the government. I mean my dad doesn't work, and I feel like the government feeds us, pays our bills and everything! Then he turns around and is kind of abusive and makes threats! Like shut up before I hit you or kick you out! I want to move out so badly but I feel like I could never make it on my own because I'm in college! It pisses me off so badly when he talks about kicking me out because I feel like he isn't even the one supporting me, he couldn't even support his self! The government is the one doing everything for us and if I was given the same deck of cards I'd be more deserving because I just want help while I'm in college! I want to get a job and work! But any help I could get would take years to be able to get! |
Question: Getting burnt out with family member who is trying to get back on their feet.? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 01:47 AM PDT My sister is currently living with another family member at the moment because she got evicted last month. She has not applied to a single job and has not really been making much effort to finding a place for her and her kids. She had mostly been relying on her unreliable boyfriend for various funds. I just bought her kids over $80 for needed items today but the entire time she was with me she just kept putting me down. She would scoff when I told her I sleep during the day because I work 12 hr night shifts. She would also judge how I live my life. I m an independent women and I don t desire having any kids but she always brings that up. I feel like I can t really talk to her about this stuff because she ll cut me out of her and her kid s life. She keeps on telling me these plans she has to get on her feet but she s always waiting for something or someone to do something for her. I just don t know what to do. I ve tried offering different solutions to help her like going to a job center to help her get a resume or maybe seek further education but she always shoots it down. I need another perspective. |
Question: Which of my family members are right? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 01:03 AM PDT There was an incident with my mom and her ex boyfriend (I don't wanna go into detail on that, but it was him being crazy my mom was completely the victim) after that the rest of my family kinda turned on her. They all treated her like she was at fault. Some of them more than others, but it was all very awkward. My mom went out with another guy and my sister went crazy saying she's an alcoholic, she shouldn't be allowed to date, everything that happened is her fault, and she even told my brother that my mom abuses me and him. She doesn't live with us and just to clear that up it's all very untrue my mom has never once physically or mentally abused either of us idk where that came from. She cut my mom off completely. My manipulated aunt did too and for the same reasons. I told my sister that if she was done with my mom to be done with me. My sister is now engaged to a man she's known for a month and she asked me to be her maid of honor. I told her no and things got kinda heated and I texted her a whole paragraph on why she's wrong, a liar, a hypocrite...yeah. She asked my brother to come too but he also refused. My cousins all decided to gang up on my brother and unfriend him on Facebook and told him they're never speaking to him again. I blocked all of them. I believe everything I did was right, but I love them all and I feel bad, I would do it again but I still do. So who is all at fault here and who is right? Me, my mom, and brother, or my sister, aunt, and cousins? |
Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:41 AM PDT Before you call me a stalker, me & my family are worried about my sister. She was supposed to be home HOURS ago. and she was on a road trip here. The last place she stopped she just said "I can't drive anymore right now, I'm stopped" then she said "haha wait can't get out there is this creepy guy walking around my car" & then we got disconnected. I am So worried about her, & our parents called the highway patrol & everything. No accidents reported, so maybe good news? Idk... she didn't tell us anything, call us, or reply to any texts so thats why I worried. She wouldn't stop in a place only 2 hours away from her destination, would she? Could someone come up with a possible story that's a good outcome? :( |
Question: I cought my 12 year old brother watching porn. What should I do? Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:07 AM PDT It bothers me a lot when he watches porn, it really gets me pissed. I think his friends tells him to watch porn and his friends are a bad influence for him. If i tell my mom about it she will just tell me to mind my own buissness and tell him porn is bad, he will probably watch it anyways. I really don't want him watching watch porn and I understand it is normal, but is there something I could do? Or should I just deal with it? |
Question: How do i get my family to start being responsible ? Posted: 06 Oct 2015 11:59 PM PDT So I'm 35 years old and I'm sleeping on couch . I haven't had a bed in years why you ask ? Because my family meaning my mother and sister and brother keep having to live with me . So my mother and sister, mom-55 years old sister 21 years old can't seem to get their life together and hold down a decent job and rent a an apartment and drive theirself to work . It's so much I can't even fit the whole story in this details but the both of them have been living with me since December 2013 and I gave them my room not really charging hem anything in the hopes that they would save their money and move but no that hasn't been the case ..they moved out for a few months into an apartment that I put in my name but didn't last due to them getting to fights and arguments and so they were thrown out and I let them come stay with me again and it's been a year now and I lent them thousands of dollars , all this time they had no car and so I would take them both back and forth to work , help them either food and yet I gave them until November 1 st too move and I don't see them like applying anywhere all I see them doing to ordering clothes online and my mother is getting ready to go on a trip smh like I don't get it what should I do I'm angry and upset and back and neck hurts because of me sleeping on the couch for so long trying to help them And to add I have to pick my sister up from work and drop her off pretty much every night and I'm just getting tired of all of this j being selfish I just feel like I'm getting up in age and I want to possibly have my own fm family and I can't do that with my mother and sister dragging me down with their lives I told them not to move here in the south period and now I'm being unconvinced for the past two years I just talked to my mom about moving and she gets upset I don't know why ? |
Question: What should I do about my family they are stressing me ? Posted: 06 Oct 2015 11:49 PM PDT So I'm 35 years old and I'm sleeping on couch . I haven't had a bed in years why you ask ? Because my family meaning my mother and sister and brother keep having to live with me . So my mother and sister, mom-55 years old sister 21 years old can't seem to get their life together and hold down a decent job and rent a an apartment and drive theirself to work . It's so much I can't even fit the whole story in this details but the both of them have been living with me since December 2013 and I gave them my room not really charging hem anything in the hopes that they would save their money and move but no that hasn't been the case ..they moved out for a few months into an apartment that I put in my name but didn't last due to them getting to fights and arguments and so they were thrown out and I let them come stay with me again and it's been a year now and I lent them thousands of dollars , all this time they had no car and so I would take them both back and forth to work , help them either food and yet I gave them until November 1 st too move and I don't see them like applying anywhere all I see them doing to ordering clothes online and my mother is getting ready to go on a trip smh like I don't get it what should I do I'm angry and upset and back and neck hurts because of me sleeping on the couch for so long trying to help them : And to add I have to pick my sister up from work and drop her off pretty much every night and I'm just getting tired of all of this j being selfish I just feel like I'm getting up in age and I want to possibly have my own fm family and I can't do that with my mother and sister dragging me down with their lives I told them not to move here in the south period and now I'm being unconvinced for the past two years |
Posted: 06 Oct 2015 11:35 PM PDT My sister was on a road trip back home to LA, and according to the last time I spoke to her at 7, she would arrive at 9 something, and its almost midnight. She is Not answering her phone or returning text messages and it was dark out there. I am VERY worried about her, and do not know exactly what to do. Could anyone give me some possible good scenarios of this, maybe she left her phone somewhere? My mom called the police station where we last heard from her, and my dad called the Califronia highway patrol. I just feel worried and scared. What can I do? I think my sister is missing or something bad happened. Should we drive on I10 & look for her car or something? Is there a way that I can track her phone to see if she left it somewhere without having one of those apps? we all have Tmobile service, and I tried to call them, but it s after hours. IS THERE ANY WAY I CAN FIND MY SISTER? DOES THIS OUTCOME HAVE TO BE TERRIBLE? IT sounds really bad... I am just so scared. Please any ideas will help thanks. |
Question: He wants to meet my parents homecoming dance day? Posted: 06 Oct 2015 11:12 PM PDT So my boyfriend of 6 months wants to meet my parents for the first time. My dad isnt the approved or understanding person when it comes to friends and dating in America. (He lived in Cambodia throughout his childhood as well as my mom) My mom knows about us. My family is going to be there too (Cousins, aunts, uncles etc bc of the football game) problem is im afraid if my dad will cause a scene, he will get physical if he is pissed off enough... Or what will my family will think of me. How can I handle this situation better if something does happen? Or what should I do ahead of time? Positive answers please. Im 16 a junior, hes 18 a senior. |
Question: Does this make my selfish? Posted: 06 Oct 2015 11:05 PM PDT I have a 1 year old son whom I haven't been separated from for more than a work day since he was born. I've never taken a night out for myself, or even went grocery shopping without him. I've been thinking of having a little 'me' getaway for a week or something. But I can't help but to feel guilty for leaving him with his grandma for a week... Thoughts? |
Posted: 06 Oct 2015 10:51 PM PDT Please read, My mom has been on drugs since I was 10, I am now 16. recently I was living at my dads and my mom decided a couple months ago to show up out of the blue (from being gone and using) to take us out of my fathers home. I was stable at my dads and doing great, my sister also was with me too. My mom apperantly stopped using and claimed to be a healthy mom for us. She forced us out of our home agressivley with no intention about how we felt. It ripped my heart out, felt like I had no control. She also has full legal custody. Now were moved in and i feel like hell. she is constantly attacking me and my sister, blaming us for her problems and suffocating us emotionally to the point we like being at school more than home. she never thinks about us just herself and doesnt meet our needs. she doesn t care about our feelings, abandons us and makes us feel small. there is also drugs around the house from another family member and im not sure if shes used or not but it sure seems to me she does... why move us when you forgot how to parent?? like, honestly though.. I had help from a social worker but she didnt do anything. : ( Ive tried confronting my mom and saying I want to move back but she dismisses me and makes me feel unimportant about my happiness. I see my sister so sad and it breaks my heart. she is 10. I keep being told that theres nothing I can do, but I wont go down without a fight. I guess my question is, is there really anything I could do? Please anything! |
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