Family: Question: Since my father tells chronic lies do I hold the right to warn others of his deceptive ways or will this make me look bitter? |
- Question: Since my father tells chronic lies do I hold the right to warn others of his deceptive ways or will this make me look bitter?
- Question: How do i deal with a demonic sister?
- Question: My mom is always putting me down about not watching tv. It gets tiring. She also laughs at me about it. I’m 29. Any advice?
- Question: My Dad is a horrible and arrogant human being. How do I act when I have to see this cruel man?
- Question: Can feelings have a feeling manifestation? And how do you stop it?
- Question: I should get rid of my baby if it is disabled, right?
- Question: Why can't we get along?
- Question: According to studies, having children makes parents more unhappy, how can I convince someone that having kids sucks?
- Question: Where can I go to kill time on a day with no school (Story below)?
- Question: Why is my mother so controlling?
- Question: How can I help my stressed mom?
- Question: Good excuses for having a pee bottle?
- Question: I think my PE teacher has a crush on me and i’m uncomfortable?
- Question: 4 year old brother violently smacks me and throws knives at me?
- Question: My brother keeps talking to himself? Etc.?
- Question: Why do teens get pregnant ?
- Question: Is my husband being unreasonable about this?
- Question: What is a cousin?
- Question: 50/50 split-clothing?
- Question: I need advice on grandparents visiting newborn from overseas.?
- Question: Are families real?
- Question: Was I molested as a child?
- Question: How to contact estranged father?
- Question: Should I let my daughter hang out with a girl whom I discovered is in foster care?
- Question: How to convince parents? (Read)?
- Question: Why are people in such a big hurry to move out from their parents?
- Question: Opinions on my living situation with a wealthy person.?
- Question: Would you let your 27 year old daughter become homeless? (Details inside)?
- Question: My step son treats me horribly I love my husband but his son has seriously but my down so bad I consider suicide. Idk what to do??
- Question: My dad told me not to go crazy if my Fiance and him never bond. does he have a problem with my fiance?
- Question: My mom just died. Do I send TY cards to her brother and sister who flew in for the wakefuneral. I took them out for a nice dinner already.?
- Question: How to become more independent ?
- Question: While i was visiting a friend, their younger sibling of told her family and I that she was being pressured into saying curse words at school?
- Question: Why don't people married and have kids right out of high school like in the olden days anymore?
- Question: My daughter is dating a REALLY UGLY Guy!Please help?
- Question: Please help me sort this out in my mind?
Posted: 06 Mar 2019 01:50 PM PST |
Question: How do i deal with a demonic sister? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 01:07 PM PST She's 6 year old and she always wants to be with me. She hits me and spits on me. She forces me to go on a threadmill. |
Posted: 06 Mar 2019 12:41 PM PST |
Posted: 06 Mar 2019 12:05 PM PST |
Question: Can feelings have a feeling manifestation? And how do you stop it? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 11:42 AM PST I'm used to my mom being mad at everything and always looking for someone to blame even if there is no blame to give but as of lately it's as if my body is going 'nope, not this again' so even at the slightest comments I feel physically sick and nauseated. It's not even when she gets really mad, then I'm just scared, but those condescending 'did you throw the thrash out yet?' or 'why are you wearing headphones?' or even small talk like asking me how school was, it's like my mind or whatever associates her voice with unpleasant stuff and gives a natural response. It is really annoying because sometimes she just wants to ask me really harmless things like whether I want to eat fish or meat and the possibility, even if it won't happen, of saying something wrong or answering something she doesn't like (I know, how do you even answer that one in a wrong way) makes me want to throw. Her voice is the most irritating, like, I don't mind her being in the same room that much even if it does make me really uncomfortable, but just hearing her voice makes me want to scream and cry and I honestly don't know why I react in such an extreme way since she isn't some horrible beat-you-with-a-belt mother, she can be quite caring in her own way and emotional abuse is something I think I handle pretty well. |
Question: I should get rid of my baby if it is disabled, right? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 11:11 AM PST Please say yes, I need to prove to my family that I am right. No one wants a disabled child! They just taint your family line. |
Question: Why can't we get along? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 11:11 AM PST There is alot of tension between me and this guy. We've had sex before and we have a lot of mutual friends. It's been 2 years and I've tried to consistently to be friends with him because uncomfortable for me around our mutual friends with all of this tension. It seems like he only wants sex and not conversation. I've tried texting and calling him and he makes up excuses why he doesn't respond. The only time he contacts me is when he wants sex. Why doesn't he want to get along with me? We see each other all the time at our friends house and at parties. He won't say one word to me but later that night will text me for sex. Of course I don't give in but how to I stop this pattern with him? |
Posted: 06 Mar 2019 10:43 AM PST |
Question: Where can I go to kill time on a day with no school (Story below)? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 10:41 AM PST My family who I don't like is visiting soon. They're coming over to see my mummy's house. But I don't want to see them. I can't just hide in my room because my Mom will make me come out and meet them. So I'm getting my dad to take me somewhere in his car before they come over. He'll be with me the whole time wherever we go, they never leave me unsupervised. The family will stay for at least 2 hours. Where excluding the movies can we go for that time? |
Question: Why is my mother so controlling? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 10:23 AM PST my moms dad walked out of her life my dad walked out of her life me and my brother are walking out of her life. she keeps trying to control me shes so needy she pulled a knife on me if i dont listen to her she threatens to call the cops on me if i dont do as she says she doesn't have any friends no one likes her because she has such an attitude with people she acts like a man. why do mother try and control the lives she shes pushing me away |
Question: How can I help my stressed mom? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 10:18 AM PST My brother's college entrance exams are this weekend, but he is refusing to study seriously. My mom wants him to do well on the exams so she is spending every moment that she at the table with him, trying to engage him in studying and helping him review. In addition to this, she just finished working overtime at her busy job, my brother's tutor just cancelled, and we're struggling with the bills this month. She's obviously very stressed and she doesn't deserve this. I want to help her, somehow, but I don't know what to do. I already brought her some calming tea and did two household chores that she wanted to get done, but what other subtle things could help lessen her load? |
Question: Good excuses for having a pee bottle? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 08:52 AM PST I'm at school and my parents texted me, asking why I peed in a bottle after they went into my room for some reason. I told them that my brother and mother were in both of the bathrooms taking too long and I really had to go. Any better excuses? |
Question: I think my PE teacher has a crush on me and i’m uncomfortable? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 08:49 AM PST So I was in PE today (i'm in 10th grade) and the teacher handed back my quiz and he wrote "you have a fit *** :)" and drew a heart and later he called me over to him and kept putting his arms around me while supposedly teaching me how to surf in volleyball. he hugged me several times and stroked my hair. today i checked and he found my insta and requested me and dm'd he wants to talk and added me on snap |
Question: 4 year old brother violently smacks me and throws knives at me? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 08:49 AM PST I'm 16 and I have a really violent brother who finds it amusing to throw anything he could possibly find. He really is very very spoilt, as in my parents NEVER find him wrong. Once he broke my toe with a chair (no I am not exaggerating) and my parents said "you should have been more careful yourself". They never even tell him off the slightest. and if i touch him even a bit he starts crying and tells lies that I punched him and my mum starts swearing at me - like wtf? I'm crying myself to sleep every night because as soon as I step into the house the abuse starts my brother immediately starts throwing things at me and doesn't let me study etc. I have to sit in a locked room for 5 hours a day continuous and its awful. There's no one I can tell - not even my parents because I've tried and it doesn't work. What should I do? |
Question: My brother keeps talking to himself? Etc.? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 08:35 AM PST My big brother wont stop talking to himself, wont sleep, or eat really , and he keeps talking as if he was talking to someone. Like he said "the red is reddish than lemons" or i asked him if he thinks someone is watching him and he said "I didnt realize they did! I thought my bosses *** was in my face. " like he wont stop and he is waking my mom, shes driven nuts. We never seen this before. Like hes talking fast like a robot and it seems mentally insane and ill... idk what to call or what to do but it s not even like a human anymore.. |
Question: Why do teens get pregnant ? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 08:33 AM PST I think I know why because half of them didn't have a dad in their life or no parents because they kicked them out or something they try to be a family with their boyfriends or fiancé it doesn't work out like they planned. My wife was watching 16 And Pregnant lots of them never had a dad so they try to work it out but as soon as their kids are born they leave they're never seen again for 5 or 10 years they have 3 or 4 kids by 4 or 5 different guys if it doesn't work out like they think what's the point I also think they do it because they think they're gonna get on tv. My sister is pregnant with twins at 15 she'll be 16 by the time she has them she said the reason she did it is because like the others she wants her kids to have a dad which she never had our parents died when she was 2 so I had to be her big brother and a parent to her I'm in charge of her she said when she's 16 she's marrying her boyfriend she'll be 16 next month. Also she's crazy about her boyfriend so she wants him to stay forever even though he's my worst enemy not for this but other stuff he's done when we were younger. What's the main reason teens get pregnant ? |
Question: Is my husband being unreasonable about this? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 06:58 AM PST I was at a meeting of a women's club and one of the members told me she planned to extensively remodel her kitchen and ask me if I knew any contractors. I told her my ex husband was a contractor and she might call him to discuss her remodel project. She called him and liked him and hired him to do the remodel. She told me he did a great job and she was very happy with the results. Shortly after I got a $500 check from my ex husband. A note enclosed with the check said "I give anyone a gift that sends me a customer and I don't see why I should treat you any different". "Spend this on something you will enjoy". Then I had an unexpected problem. My current husband does not want me to take the money. He does not want me to have anything to do with my ex husband. I tried to explain that this is a business transaction and it has nothing to do with him. He is not buying it. Should I return the money to keep peace in the family or keep it? What would you do? |
Posted: 06 Mar 2019 06:06 AM PST relative to me |
Question: 50/50 split-clothing? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 05:09 AM PST So my husband has 50/50 of his two kids ages, 9 and 11. We have 2 -3 days on and 2-3 days off. We recently started sending the kids back in the same clothes to their moms house because we realized all our nice clothes are being swapped for clothes that are old and too small. We have four kids total and it gets expensive having to buy new clothes all the time. It is now getting stressful because the kids are somehow taking our clothes off to her house, they have nice clothes at their moms and she buys them new clothes all the time because she works at a department store. So when I asked them, they both said, I don't know how they are getting to her house. My husband is not helping with the situation and it aggravates me because we both made this decision together. He said last night, "Well we better figure it out because next year (the 11 year old) is going to middle school and is going to be wearing designer clothes." He is saying this because we fall in the school zone for higher income. I don't even wear designer clothes and I sure as hell am not paying for a 11 year old some.I feel like throwing in the towel and putting their nice clothes aside for church and dinners and letting them wear play clothes. I need some actually advice. I will soon be going part time at work to finish my degree, so we will only have one full income. At this point I am just over the BS. It is a 5050 split no child support. |
Question: I need advice on grandparents visiting newborn from overseas.? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 03:13 AM PST I am Japanese, married to an American husband. We reside in Japan and I am currently 29 week pregnant. This is our first child. My husband insists that he mother come take care of me and the baby around the time (right before and after) I have the baby for a month. Meaning she will stay with us in our apartment for a month. She is a nice lady and I l don't dislike her or anything. But having her here for a month will be not relaxing for me especially when I go through childbirth. I am not very close to her (We live on different continents!), so her helping and taking care of me will be not really "helping", because I cannot be completely myself in front of her. Also we live very close to my parents like 5 minute-walk away, so I am going to ask my mother to help me when I need a help. When I told him I'd rather have his mother one or two month after the baby is born, he got upset. According to him (he's second generation hispanic immigrant), family is very important, and he wants her here, I am pushing away his family and I am making his family feel bad, and it's unfair. Right now, I am debating if I should contact his mom directly and tell her how I feel or just ask her to come later.., which my husband told me not to, or ask his female cousin (she's a mother of two children) for her advice.. But I'm afraid if I make things worse by doing either of them. I don't know what to do. |
Posted: 06 Mar 2019 03:00 AM PST I'm 22 years old and I'm trying to decide if I should peruse starting a family or just not. I grew up with just my dad. And he hated his entire family they constantly argued. He was married 3 times and hates all his ex wives. I have a half sister who is 31 and has been married twice. Everyone I knows parents are divorced. This makes me not want to even try. I feel like all marriages are a sham and are done out of necessity rather than love. I think people don't like being alone but at the same time they are never satisfied with the person they are with. I'd love to be apart of a family that would stick together but I've never seen it happen. Do they really exist? |
Question: Was I molested as a child? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 11:40 PM PST When I was 4 my mom used to watch this girl around 9 or 10, my mom let me and her go play in my room, she then asked if I wanted to play baby and she then had me to under my bed, she then took off my pants, then proceeded to touch my privates, at the time I didn't realize what was going on because when you're that young you don't realize no one is supposed to touch your privates, my mom walked in looked under the bed gasped then asked what happened, the girl said "we're playing baby", I never saw her after that, which raises my suspicion now that I'm an adult. What do you guys think? Because I'm not too sure. |
Question: How to contact estranged father? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:49 PM PST My birth father was never in the picture and I was always told he never wanted me. Ive recently turned 18 and want to try and contact him, if anything just to find out his family history for medical purposes. I m not sure how to go about looking for him, and if I even can. Is there any advice or tips anyone can give me to find him? |
Question: Should I let my daughter hang out with a girl whom I discovered is in foster care? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:30 PM PST I want my daughter to surround herself with healthy, stable people. Being from a dysfunctional family has caused this girl to have some behavioural issues. It's good to show empathy and help the less fortunate, but my child's safety will always be my top priority. According to my daughter, her friend has been in foster care for many years now. She moves from home to home, which means that she switches schools often too. Her parents are not allowed to visit her due to safety reasons. I know that I can't choose friends for her and they'll still socialize at school, but I'm wondering, is it best to separate them when they're not at school? |
Question: How to convince parents? (Read)? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:22 PM PST I'm a 16 y/o girl in my last year of school. My parents have grown to be really strict with me and forcing me into things that I dislike. It's harmless, but I know that I won't be happy in the future if I follow their standards. They want me to do online college and won't let me move out until I graduate it. They don't allow me to work part-time, leave the house or do house chores. How can I convince them to see that I don't want this kind of lifestyle? I feel like they are forcing me to be dependable of them |
Question: Why are people in such a big hurry to move out from their parents? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:39 PM PST Im 60 and miss living with my parents, sure they ruled my life when i was a kid and i miss that, if they were alive I would want that again butbthe problem was when i was grown and on my own they treated me like an adult asking me to do things instead of ordering me around, am I weird for missing the not so good good ol days of my childhood with my parents making sure everything is always ok |
Question: Opinions on my living situation with a wealthy person.? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:26 PM PST Im homeless and i put an ad on Craigslist looking for a safe parking spot to spend the night and this kinda wealthy lady answered my ad. We made a deal that i help her with house work for an hour a day to cover payment and i could sleep in a room in the house for free. She has a huge 6 bed room house and there are 4 people and they are absolute slobs im basically free maid and mind you i also work a regular job waitressing and im on my feet all day. I have missed days of work to finish cleaning whatever they tell me too. To day the lady flipped out on me cause she expected me to know that they hand wash certain pots and other dishes and not to put in dishwasher. Then during her rage she told me i had to help for 2 hours a day. I feel like i should be getting paid for scrubbing tons of dishes and cleaning the huge mess when they cook btw i don t use the kitchen i just clean it. I also do gardening and sweep outside their huge house and clean some bathrooms and rooms and even asked me to paint but did offer me money but i don t know how to paint walls. I need a home but i don t want to be treated like a slave maid either and i want to be respected most of all. Im already in the process of looking else where to move to but am i being unreasonable here? Im extremely greatful and everything but i feel respect and consideration is worth more then any free room. |
Question: Would you let your 27 year old daughter become homeless? (Details inside)? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:07 PM PST I am a 43 year old woman who has went through a lot of obstacles in life, including cancer which I almost passed from but have thankfully made it out. I have three children, 16, 21, 27. My 27 year old daughter who I made this post about, has caused me lots of sleepless nights, has stolen from me, and nearly made me and my 16 year old homeless. She also is not in any way looking to actively change her life. Now, obviously most of you are probably thinking, why would you let her? The thing is, she has a 6 year old who has been moved around too much because of her selfish ways.. I cannot come to terms with letting them come back and my 16 year old despises it because of what she's done to us before but I can't just let him become homeless. I have a full time job now and my son is finally getting back on the right track. Will this ruin us? Please, help me out and tell me what you would do. Thanks a lot. |
Posted: 05 Mar 2019 05:28 PM PST My stepson has called me every name in the book his most recent called me a female and told me to get a job or make myself useful. While I stay at home and take care of his father who has a terminal illness as my mother has just died less than four months ago and my husband's youngest son treats me like I'm trash I want to stay married but the way his son treats me makes me consider suicide and makes me wonder if it's worth staying |
Posted: 05 Mar 2019 05:03 PM PST so for years my boyfriend has been nothing but nice and polite to my dad, my whole family actually. my brother adores my boyfriend, they actually work out a lot together. He can talk to my boyfriend for 4 hours straight. I actually have to keep my brother from talking my fiance head off all day. ANYWAYS I was on the computer and my dad was like " You must be talking to ( name of fiance) . My dad was like " I thought he was at work". I was like " no... I'm doing work. but mabye you should try to bond with my fiance, yall can go golfing or something together.." MY dad was like " no we don't need to bond and don't go crazy if we never bond". I was like " I'm not going to go crazy but he will be your son in law soon."my dad was like " he can bond with your brother, they are closer in age.. My brother is 20 my boyfriend is 25. I have another brother who is 23 but he doesn't live in the house anymore. |
Posted: 05 Mar 2019 03:33 PM PST |
Question: How to become more independent ? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 02:49 PM PST My mother and father aren't together. My dad thinks I can't take care of myself and my mom is proud of my achievements ,but because I don't care much for socializing he thinks I'm screwed especially because I'm almost 25 and single He also insists that I dress like him "bright colors" He has 4 sons but still tries to change me |
Posted: 05 Mar 2019 02:29 PM PST The problem for me is this. When the child was asked to tell the name the student telling her to say these curse words, she said the name of one of my younger cousins. Should I tell my cousins mother about this or should I just leave it alone? |
Posted: 05 Mar 2019 10:39 AM PST |
Question: My daughter is dating a REALLY UGLY Guy!Please help? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:49 AM PST So my daughter is 20 and she is BEAUTIFUL!She is educated and is going back to college in a few weeks and is smart!The only thing is that she is dating this hideous ugly guy!He is so ugly!He also has a lot of acne on his face!I mean,he is a nice guy and is educated and goes to college too,but he is just so ugly!I would post a picture of him on here but I don't know if its legal.Anyways,I don't want my daughter to date this freak!She is too pretty to be dating an ugly guy as him!I talked to my daughter about leaving him and go and find a cute boyfriend,but she said she won't and that she loves him!I just don't see what she likes about him!How can I break them up?What should I do?He is too ugly to be with my daughter! |
Question: Please help me sort this out in my mind? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:52 AM PST I got a call from my sister Joy that she had been laid off from her job and was really going to have money problems if she did not find another job. She had heard there were job opening at my ex husband's company and she wanted me to call him and put in good word for her. I was torn as I wanted to help my sister but I also wanted to put my ex husband behind me and move on with my life. I called my ex husband Bob and explained the situation. He was VERY nice and said "Can Joy come to work tomorrow and work for me?" Joy was very thankful for my help. When I saw her a week later I asked her how was the new job. She said she had a great job and my ex husband was a great boss and also a great guy. Each time I saw her in the weeks that followed, she would thank me again for getting her the best job in the world with the best boss in the world. She had already received a pay raise. She told me my ex husband was really hot and sexy and she wanted to know if I cared if she asked him for a date. I really don't know how I should feel. I know I should not be telling my sister who she should date but would it be too kinky if she should marry him? Please help me sort this out in my mind. |
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