Singles & Dating: Question: If a woman is naturally skinny and doesn't do drugs, but people think she does because of her size, is it fair for them to call her names? |
- Question: If a woman is naturally skinny and doesn't do drugs, but people think she does because of her size, is it fair for them to call her names?
- Question: What should I do? (Relationship)?
- Question: Should I respond to her?
- Question: Help me please?
- Question: Does he like me?
- Question: Did my boyfriend cheat on me? please answer!?
- Question: Did I miss my chance with this girl?
- Question: Why do I pretend to have a girl friend sometimes I pretend I have a gf but don t tell anyone I pretend to talk to her?
- Question: Have noticed the difference between good and bad people?
- Question: Would you say were good looking guys?
- Question: Girls... what is your favorite spot to be kissed by your boyfriend?
- Question: I met a guy online, and he asked me out, should I do online dating?
- Question: How to tell a girl that you want to be her friend?
- Question: How do you become charming and more well liked?
- Question: My boyfriend is broke?
- Question: Why is it ok for 23 yr old to date a 18 yr old old but when a 21 yr old dates a 17 yr old its weird? 18 and 17 are basically the same age?
- Question: What does it mean to " get spun"?
- Question: Do guys find pregnancy attractive or something?
- Question: What are the feeling you have after sex?
- Question: Should I take this guy to formal?
- Question: What does this mean?!?
- Question: Why do girls always take me for granted?
- Question: How would I ask her out?
- Question: How do you become friends with a coworker so you can possibly date later?
- Question: Is that you sitting over there???
- Question: Good is too bad?
- Question: Why does a girl avoid eye contact with another girl ?
- Question: What does this mean?
- Question: My second cousin had a baby with my ex s sister...?
- Question: How do girls act coy?
- Question: Is he interested?
- Question: Adult non dating chat rooms?
- Question: Where do I find a non dating chat room?
- Question: Does his boy like me?
- Question: Chocolate or lollipops?
- Question: No offense but I think men's finger skating is pretty gay?
- Question: What is the meaning of when a girl asked me out and then didn't show up?
- Question: Is she losing interest? How do I come back to this?
- Question: Do I have a chance with her?
- Question: Can you help me figure out what to do with my crush? (Really need help) What should I tell her?
- Question: Advice about this guy?
- Question: I get all nervous and excited and happy around my boyfriend, but i havent had the pit in my stomach for a while now and im kinda worried?
- Question: Why does he keep doing this?
- Question: Should I be okay with my boyfriend smoking weed?
- Question: List of what is NOT okay for a boyfriend to do?
- Question: What does it mean when someone says "you're a beautiful liar"?
- Question: Was she jealous or something?
- Question: Wealthy boyfriend?
- Question: Where do you get letters?
- Question: What does it mean to have a classy face? I get told I have it.?
- Question: Should I give him my whatsapp or is bit still too soon?
- Question: What do I do if my crush likes the kind of music that I hate, or doesn t listen to the kind of music that I like?
- Question: What are some techniques you use to study?
- Question: How do you tell a boy you like him if he’s your best friend?
- Question: Cute and Sexy Girls?
- Question: Is it the end If a girl doesn’t open a Snapchat for a day?
- Question: Can a 24 year old guy marry a 48 year old woman?
- Question: Ask me a question?
- Question: Is he (maybe) interested in me?
- Question: Dating and women?
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:47 PM PST |
Question: What should I do? (Relationship)? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:46 PM PST Okay, so pretty much I am stuck on which girl is better for me. I am 17, I just joined the National Guard. I met this girl about a year ago and dated her for 5 months, the problem was, she lives 900 miles away. I broke up with her about a month ago because of the distance and then by chance found a girl here, closer to me. Overall, without a doubt the girl 900 miles away makes me me soo much happier, and I trust her more and I just feel a better connection with her. But the distance has the chance to come back into play. The girl close to me is nice and I like her alot, but I dont know. It would be at least 4 years before the one 900 miles away and I can actually live closer to each other. Then again, I trust her and she makes me alot happier. What should I do? |
Question: Should I respond to her? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:45 PM PST I got a text from a girl the other day that was the latest in a long string of unanswered text messages from her over the past two years. I have not been answering because this girl really hurt me three years ago when we were kind of dating. I didn't like the way she was treating me, so I told her why we can't be friends and let her go. She has tried several times to re-enter my life, but without really acknowledging what I said to her about why I was hurt. Her latest text reads "Hey, just thinking about you, hope all is well". I'm done with this girl. She caused a great deal of unnecessary drama in my life. I've let go. But I wanted your perspectives, just in case I'm being unfair to her. |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:39 PM PST im talking to this girl and i told her my favorite color was blue and she wore blue eye shadow the next day for me This girl ive been talking to has been flirting with me and such and we've been talking awhile, and we were facetiming and i overheard her say to her brother about some guy on the tv that she would "insta smash" kinda punched my heart. |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:38 PM PST |
Question: Did my boyfriend cheat on me? please answer!? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:38 PM PST they made out and then ****** in a bathroom stall. side note: this is the school slut. she has had manyy sexual partners. anyways, he said he did this because he felt like i wasnt attracted to him anymore because i wasnt in the mood the last few times we hung out, and cause he didnt plan on getting back together with me, even tho he asked me back out that same night and was texting me that he loved me throughout the whole day. when i confronted him about it he started apologizing and crying. he has really bad depression and im one of the very few people he feels comfortable talking to because he has really bad relationships with his parents and he doesnt want to talk to anyone else about it. i can tell that hes sorry and i love him so much, but its so hard to view him the same way. what should i do about this? was it set up for him to break up with me just so they could have sex? and most importantly, do you consider this cheating? (he says it wasn't cheating at all but everyone ive talked to says it completely is) |
Question: Did I miss my chance with this girl? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:35 PM PST I work at a phone store. Today I had a customer come in. Freaking gorgeous. she tells me she wants to get her own account because she wants out of her ex husbands account. Okay, cool. I'm helping her and we're making little exchanges back and forth. Laughing and everything. During this transaction, we talked actually talked about her failed relationship, her moving to Vegas, she had told me she works right down the street from me, and I basically had her laughing the whole time. At the end of the transaction, she kept asking me kind of ridiculous easy questions because I honestly felt like she was waiting on me to ask her out. I didn't really want to come off as unprofessional so I wished her luck in her move to Vegas and she says thank you for everything you were awesome and even looked at the receipt and said my name and shook my hand. As she was walking out the door, she turned around and said well, I'm off to start all over in Vegas! And I replied "I'm actually supposed to be going there" she looked back and said "nuh uh! When?" I told her next month for vacation. She said "hmmm" did a little dance and said "okay party time"...I feel like that was my moment to say "we should link up when I go out there" or Something! So I go on my lunch after she leaves and as I was pulling out of the parking lot, I see her car pull in and she looks in my windshield and we make eye contact, both laughed and waved. She told me where she should I just walk in and Talk to her? |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:22 PM PST Even tho I know I m just talking to myself I do it a lot and yes I tried dating before but I have been cheated on so many times or used I stoped |
Question: Have noticed the difference between good and bad people? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:20 PM PST Why is that the good people try to bring you up and the bad people try to bring you down? |
Question: Would you say were good looking guys? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:16 PM PST |
Question: Girls... what is your favorite spot to be kissed by your boyfriend? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:15 PM PST |
Question: I met a guy online, and he asked me out, should I do online dating? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:10 PM PST I am 15 and I met a 20 year old guy on an internet chat room and he asked me to a bowling, should I go |
Question: How to tell a girl that you want to be her friend? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:09 PM PST |
Question: How do you become charming and more well liked? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:06 PM PST |
Question: My boyfriend is broke? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:03 PM PST We are both 19 and have been dating for 7 months. I am attending university while he planned to join the army, backed out, and has been working since. He is a fast and efficient worker, but he recently lost his job because he kept getting too lazy to come in and would call in sick in addition to tending to his cancer stricken mother. Although he's been applying for jobs and calling places, I feel as though he isn't putting as much effort as he could into the job search. While he waits for school to start, all he does it go to the gym, play video games, and smoke weed. In the mean time, I have been helping financially. He really can't afford anything. He's run out of gas and gas money so I lent him my car as long as he takes me to and from school. When we go out to eat I offer to pay for the both of us while he cooks (with the food his mom bought) when we stay in. I see that we both help each other out, but I can't continue letting him use my car and paying for both our meals since I also don't have much money. He's also gotten very comfortable with my generosity, to my annoyance, because he seemed upset that I wanted to take my car home. I don't like to blame him on his shortcomings because his mother has destroyed his confidence and doesn't financially support him. I barely have enough money for myself, and it's inconvenient not having my car with me. I'm 19 and I still need to focus on myself and my education, not taking care of him. What do I do? |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:02 PM PST |
Question: What does it mean to " get spun"? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:59 PM PST |
Question: Do guys find pregnancy attractive or something? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:56 PM PST I'm not sure why but I always get stared at by guys at a program I go to and I receive messages from strangers online who I don't want to talk to. I'm 33 weeks pregnant and I'm huge! I don't have any idea why men would would even bother. |
Question: What are the feeling you have after sex? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:41 PM PST Sex for the first time that is |
Question: Should I take this guy to formal? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:37 PM PST Hi! So for context I basically go to this school with only like 10 guys and 30 girls in my grade so when we have date dances I've never had a date. Most people ask others outside of school cause it's so awkward when people in our grade date since there are so few people so everyone is in everybody business. Now for the problem. I have formal coming up but i don't know ANY guys outside of school. Even people at my church are all coupled up. So I really want a date as a lot of people will have them. So I met this guy over the summer and he was really nice but SUPER quiet and only his friend talked. The few minutes we talked I grew to like him. I like him but I haven't seen or talked to him since then. Our parents are friends and my mom says I should ask him if he's available to be my date to the dance. I really don't know cause I NEVER talk to him. I do have his sc, but idk what I would messege him about. We both like the same soccer team so I guess I should sc him about that one day. Since he is super shy and we barely know each other I'm not sure he would say yes. He also goes to an all-boys military boarding school and hour away from me. So should I sc him so we could talk more? Should my mom ask his mom if he will go to the dance with me? Should I just not ask him at all? Thanks! Sorry it was a long question!! |
Question: What does this mean?!? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:35 PM PST I went out with my friends to a bar and this guy, John, that I'm into was there. He always tells me that I'm too young for him but when I saw him, I noticed that he was staring me up and down. He came up to me and said "You're dressed a little too seductive tonight." I gave him a light smile and turned back around to talk with my friends. I was having a good time and started making small talk with a few guys. Then, John came up to me, pulled me away from the guys and whispered in my ear "Stop trying to make me touch your butt." I'm confused as to why he was acting like this since he always says I'm too young for him. UGH. Does he like me?! |
Question: Why do girls always take me for granted? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:26 PM PST This always happens with girls who knew me. For example, I was in my old town where I grew up in, and I was at the store. Out of nowhere, I saw my old crush from high school, and she looked desperate to want to talk to me. I was going to say hello, but I remembered how shitty she treated me, so I left. It just makes me sad to see that nobody really likes me at first. |
Question: How would I ask her out? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:23 PM PST I'm in love with my cousins, financés daughter and I want to ask her out. The problem is that I live in Brisbane and she's in Newcastle... I love her and need her to be mine. Thoughts? |
Question: How do you become friends with a coworker so you can possibly date later? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:23 PM PST She not really a co-worker but she works in a different department . I Like her and want to be friends with her to get to know her more to eventually ask her out on a date. How do I go about this safely ? |
Question: Is that you sitting over there??? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:12 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:11 PM PST |
Question: Why does a girl avoid eye contact with another girl ? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:08 PM PST |
Question: What does this mean? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:05 PM PST My female coworker usually picks on me and I pick on her. I asked her why she always picks on me and she said she picks on everyone because it's entertaining. My coworker was trying to get me to scare another coworker of ours and he said he didn't want to do it because she'll hit him. He told me she won't hit me because she loves me. I found out she added my friend on facebook but on Monday she asked me if I have a snapchat and I said yes and she said that I should add her. She told me she loves messing with me. what does this mean? |
Question: My second cousin had a baby with my ex s sister...? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:59 PM PST Hi, so I m confused. My ex and I dated sturdy for 2 years. And I was heart b broken when we called it off. I live in such a small town that my exes older sister and my second cousin had a child together. I feel betrayed I was never close to this cousin but I just feel weird about the situation. Honestly I am depressed. Is this weird ? |
Question: How do girls act coy? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:55 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:52 PM PST I have a crush on this guy, and my friend went up asking him if he liked me, which was not the best move ik but anyways. He came and talked to me about it, and he told me that he told my friend that he doesnt like me. Then i thought, okay maybe he just doesnt feel the same way. However, he kept saying the same thing along those lines over and over and was like "i wonder if every guy in this school is crushing on you?" He is quite shy, but we always talk (known each other for a couple months only), and he compliments me a lot and touches me every now and then. What could this mean? |
Question: Adult non dating chat rooms? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:49 PM PST |
Question: Where do I find a non dating chat room? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:47 PM PST |
Question: Does his boy like me? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:45 PM PST So I'm a sophomore in high school and so is this boy paul. So me and him are in the same Spanish class together and he also went to my elementary school so he knows me. Anyway today in Spanish we were having conversations with our partners. His partner was this girl Cathy. Anyway we were supposed to point to people and say what is there name and the partner would answer. So Cathy pointed to me and asked what my name was to Paul. Paul turned around and looked at me and said my name is Jennifer. Paul knows I go by jenny but I think he did that on purpose. Anyway after he said that he looked at me in the eyes smiling and he said hi how are you. He probably asked how Am I because we haven't talked because we hadn't been in any classes together. I said hi back. Do you think Paul likes me or no and why? |
Question: Chocolate or lollipops? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:43 PM PST |
Question: No offense but I think men's finger skating is pretty gay? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:40 PM PST Nathan Chen biches! |
Question: What is the meaning of when a girl asked me out and then didn't show up? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:39 PM PST I texted her hey are you coming? And she texted back 3 hours later "sorry change of plans". I saw her today and she is acting like nothing happened. Her name is Katie if that helps |
Question: Is she losing interest? How do I come back to this? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:38 PM PST So, i've liked this girl for about 3 years now--we are in 9th grade, and live 4 houses down from each other. But, the big problem was, I am very introverted--meaning i'm shy. I legit only text her. Speaking of texting, I started texting her this last summer. Our conversations have been great until now. Before she seemed very interested in our texts, and never gave me one word answers until now. Yes, we texted a lot--but ever since school started, I stopped texting her, I feared of awkwardness between me and her irl, and it was also because we had a class together. Ever since school started, it went from texting her daily, to once a month. So far, I have shown no guts of even going up to her and starting a conversation. Then I texted her today, we talked for a few bit, and unlike before she started giving me one word answers. One of my friends told me that if my crush ever gives one text answers to people, that means she doesn't want to talk. Yes, i'm overthinking this situation. I plan on starting to talk to my crush irl this week until we texted today. Now I just feel fear brewing inside, that she doesn't like me. I know its my fault that this is happening--but how do I fix this? |
Question: Do I have a chance with her? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:36 PM PST We started talking and ended up becoming great friends. I didn't want to make a move because, again, I figured it would end in sadness either way. My friend however, decided he was going to. They ended up getting together for a few months. In those few months she and I ended up getting closer than ever. I figured this was just a friendly thing. Eventually, she and my friend split up, leaving me with two options; leave my best friend for a girl, or leave a girl for my best friend. Needless to say, I chose my friend. She and I stopped talking for a while. When summer rolled around we started talking and hanging out again. I was really happy at that time. Anyway, sophomore year rolls around and we end up in the same drivers ed class together. It was really nice to see her again. I really enjoyed being with her. She would always talk about needing a boyfriend. Someone nice and caring. I always tried to help her with guys before so I figured this was just one of those times. The reason I helped her with others was because I really wanted to see her happy. Well she just got with some guy from another school. She isn't happy with him. I really think I love her. She also sent me an anonymous message saying she used to have a huge crush on me but she was glad that we were just friends. Sorry for any grammatical errors, I am a bit flustered right now. |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:34 PM PST Okay, lemme give a quick run down to get you up to speed. Okay, me and her met on an app several months ago back in November, we've been talking for just about every single day since then, it's been great! I really enjoy talking to me and she's enjoyed talking to me as well, we compliment each other, care for one another, it's great! But there's a problem... She doesn't seem as interested anymore (from what it seems like) Okay, just in the past month or so alone, she's been very distant, doesn't reply much to me for hours on end (but will go on facebook for hours). She doesn't really compliment me anymore, so it's confusing where shes heading. But here's where it gets confusing as I mentioned. She still suggests these things we should do together, like marathoning movies, trying out these different places. (We have not met in person yet, she didn't go the 1st time due to feeling uneasy meeting someone over the internet). So that's weird, but I also asked her why she doesn't reply much anymore, and she says "I don't feel obligated to reply back fast." Understandable, I get that. Something final to note, sometimes we often tell eachother our dreams we've had (being in each others dreams). And they've gone pretty personal from what it seems, dreaming about meeting, dreaming about hanging out and laughing and having fun, and even she and I mentioning how we both dreamt about us sleeping/napping together. She didn't find it weird, and even said she said it sounds nice! |
Question: Advice about this guy? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:12 PM PST Okay so, I really like this guy. We recently broke up a couple of weeks ago bc he wasn't over his ex. He, two nights ago, texted me and said he was ready to restart. He then proceeds to say that he isn't ready to start dating yet, even though he said he liked me still. About three texts later he (and I quote) said "I'm ready", and then a few texts later, claims he needs some time before dating again. I want to date him but all of this waiting for him is causing me some serious anxiety (I already have bad anxiety) and its making me feel sick constantly. I want to tell him that I can't wait (bc of my anxiety) but I'm scared of loosing him again. Please help. |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:09 PM PST at the beginning of our relationship, i didnt have much of a pit, then it formed and i was like **** off so it did. I mean now i get super excited when i see/talk to him and i get all nervous and i never say what im thinking because im scared. idk what this means. i just want to hug him right now but google is saying i have depression/im not excited to see/be with him |
Question: Why does he keep doing this? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:07 PM PST My boyfriend will text me and ask how me and our baby are doing then he'll say that he'll either call me or come see me then never does. Wtf? |
Question: Should I be okay with my boyfriend smoking weed? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:07 PM PST I personally find marijuana repulsive. It's as gross as tobacco cigarettes to me. I'm not saying I hate all stoners, I just find people annoying when they're high. Well my boyfriend and I have been together for about 4 months and I knew he smoked weed since our first date. Because he's absolutely perfect to me in every other way, I convinced myself that I had to just be okay with his pot-smoking habits. But lately I'm finding myself more and more annoyed every time he smokes (he does it several times a day). And before anyone makes a negative assumption, he is a self-employed computer programmer and works from home, so he's able to smoke whenever he wants. Should I just suck it up and be okay with him smoking weed? |
Question: List of what is NOT okay for a boyfriend to do? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:03 PM PST |
Question: What does it mean when someone says "you're a beautiful liar"? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:59 PM PST I think it means they're just beautiful. Because there's nothing beautiful about lying. I think if I was told that I would at first feel flattered about being called beautiful, but then feel insulted by being called a liar. |
Question: Was she jealous or something? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:58 PM PST Girl spent two weeks at my apartment. We havent seen each other for 11 years (since high school) and agreed to keep the hankey pankey casual, since she has a boyfriend back home. Anyways we were sitting looking at tv and someone texted me through whatsapp. Everytime she heard the notification sound, she turned her head and stared at me for a while, while i was typing. She asked if i told any of my friends that she was staying with me and i said no. She then asked me to take a picture of her using my phone, and when i did, she asked to see it, and stared at the photo for a long time. I know she just wanted to see who popped up on the phone's screen when a text came in, but unfortunately for her, none came in while she was staring at the phone. She did this twice. Why did she do it? (Why do you think she did it?) Possible reasons |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:57 PM PST My boyfriend is alot older than me by 20plus years and wealthy. He always picks up the tab and has brought me on 1 holiday since we met 8 months ago..... anyway I'd love a designer bag and I've left loads of hints but he never buys me expensive gifts I don't ask for any really....I'm a student and not earning but I bought him an expensive gift compared to what I earn so I don't understand why he dosnt buy me the gift I want.... is it because he dosnt think I'm worth it? |
Question: Where do you get letters? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:53 PM PST |
Question: What does it mean to have a classy face? I get told I have it.? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:52 PM PST |
Question: Should I give him my whatsapp or is bit still too soon? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:47 PM PST There is this guy I have been talking to on a a dating app for only a week and 4 days. Today he asked if I have whatsapp and I said yes. I didn't give it to him yet. He is actually the only person I have talked to on the app the longest and yes, I do enjoy talking to him. I am just still not sure if I like him enough to give it to him yet. I only went on the app for fun and did not expect anyone to want to take it seriously like him. At least that's what I think. He's not those people who uses the app often. Mybe he really likes me and is only talking to me. We live in the same timezones, so I know. The last seen online tells me he only goes online in the morning and late in the evening. Maybe he has work, so he does not use it during those hours. I actually only message him during the hours I know he will go online. Whenever I go on he is never on until I reply. OK, he does go on even when I didn't reply yet, but maybe it's because he is checking if I am online. What should I do? Should I give it to him and see what happens next? If I don't give, maybe this could be the last time we are talking to each other. |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:45 PM PST |
Question: What are some techniques you use to study? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:45 PM PST |
Question: How do you tell a boy you like him if he’s your best friend? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:44 PM PST |
Question: Cute and Sexy Girls? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:41 PM PST Can someone tell me the qualities of each type because I'm always confused when the guys say they prefer ''cute'' or ''sexy'' types |
Question: Is it the end If a girl doesn’t open a Snapchat for a day? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:34 PM PST So I followed this girl from my school on instagram, then she follows me back and then she adds my snapchat which is in my bio. So basically, we started talking, having good conversations and they were holding, we were laughing and having fun. She says something and I reply. But thing is, it has been almost 2 days and she still hasn't opened that snap. Like it makes no sense, we have been making eye contact at school quite often and like idk what happened. One thing maybe is that one of her good friends is a bitter ex of mine, for no reason other than she was angry that I was moving on. So could that potentially have something to do with it? Any thoughts would be appreciated |
Question: Can a 24 year old guy marry a 48 year old woman? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:29 PM PST Could they start a family and have kids? Would the age difference cause any problems if they really love each other? |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:28 PM PST |
Question: Is he (maybe) interested in me? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:25 PM PST So basically I have this ex, which i still do have feeling for ever since we broke up and we broke up because not he or he didn't have feeling for me anymore but because of a personal reason in his family and life. And lately we have been into a fight where he doesn't talk to me anymore and we don't talk at all but we do look to each other A LOT! And i heard this girl that i wasne t even friends with telling me about the guy my ex and she started saying oh you know this guy and im like yeah and he said oh he talks about you and lot about y'all guys relationship and stuff like that but she said it in a "really" good way. Not negative and i don't know if he interested in me because when we do talk we get really close and basically have that click but as soon and we get that click its as if he was scared and "pushed" me away like just stopped and then does nothing. And one thing I know for sure i that i truly love the guy and i don't know what to do... Maybe one of you can help me out on this. |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:25 PM PST I'm scared of dating anyone because of the risk of me getting accused of rape when I never really raped anyone. It's happening a lot more lately and I just don't want my life being ruined! |
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