Family: Question: So a mosquito bit me in my neck and it looks like a hickey.. what can I do? |
- Question: So a mosquito bit me in my neck and it looks like a hickey.. what can I do?
- Question: Why do some people think of adopted children as less fortunate?
- Question: How do I get my family back into the Christmas Spirit so they are nice?
- Question: Just Teasing?
- Question: Is this ok?
- Question: I have been having a sexual relationship with my brother's best friend. How do I explain to him that the relationship safe?
- Question: Need an outsiders point of view! My mother called me a disapointment today. Any advice?
- Question: I feel like I’m not a part of my family...?
- Question: Will my cousin be taller than his sister? (He's 5 years old)?
- Question: I want to live with my sister, what do I do?
- Question: Would like your opinions on this?
- Question: Should I confront my sexual abuser in my family or no because they are manipulafive?
- Question: Why is my uncle overly protective of me?
- Question: If two twin males each married sisters that were twins, and each couple had children, would the children be siblings or cousins?
- Question: What do you do when you realize you don't actually like your family?
- Question: What should I do with a very controlling dad?
- Question: My niece climbed all over me posing for a snap shop - What!?
- Question: What should I do if I am 21 and I have a time limit to get myself together to get out of mother home?
- Question: I am going to get kicked out of my home.?
- Question: How do I deal with disappointment in my son?
- Question: Why do parents expect less responsibility from boys compared to girls?
- Question: Do my parents love me or do they just want to prove to themselves or others that they’re good people?
- Question: I can’t stand my moms boyfriend?
- Question: Weight problems?
- Question: Do traditional Catholics normally go on food stamps when they end up having large families of 10 to 15 kids?
Question: So a mosquito bit me in my neck and it looks like a hickey.. what can I do? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 02:30 PM PST |
Question: Why do some people think of adopted children as less fortunate? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 02:00 PM PST Such as assuming that adopted kids are the black sheep in a family and they don't come first compared to a biological child. Most parents love their adopted children as well as their own. Adoption agencies usually make sure that they are going to good homes, not dysfunctional/unloving ones. With biological children, they are born into either and nobody can choose for them. |
Question: How do I get my family back into the Christmas Spirit so they are nice? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:59 PM PST All was wonderful and joyful until about mid-January. On Christmas we all read beautiful things about one another around the table on both sides of the family. All 62 of us. Now since Christmas my Mom has gone back as of mid-January to refusing to speak to her two brothers. She has launched an attack accusing her brother of misusing family funds and in return her brother has written a profanity laced email about her and sent it to all the nieces and nephews. My sister was so nice over Christmas and now she is back to telling me how dumb I am and how if I kill myself no one will care cause I am so annoying that nobody likes me. My brother has gone back to avoiding us and going to his room each night and my Dad has resumed working all day in the week and then on the weekend going off alone with his 23 year old son (my half-brother) to do stuff alone with him and away from us. Occasionally, maybe once a month, he takes my 14 year old brother but leaves us girls. How do I get the family back into the Christmas Spirit? They were so nice until about early to mid-January. Would it help if I put on Christmas Music or even snuck in the basement and put back up the tree? I miss Christmas. |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:20 PM PST I visited my dad a few months ago and my sisters were there, one was 18 and the other was 16. The 18 year old had a baby at 16 so he was 2 when I visited. I was to sleep in the 16 year old's room and I was ok with that but at time passed, they kept telling me that nobody wanted me around and that I should kill myself. They already knew I was heavily depressed and they weren't making it better. I had nowhere to go so I'd go outside to cry. They then started punching me and hitting me. I told my dad about all of it but he just seemed to have given up talking to them about anything. I told my mom but my sister told her I threatened her baby when I didn't. Is this just teasing or is it considered verbal abuse? |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 12:56 PM PST Whenever I get a dorito bag, I sometimes ask my dad if he wants 1 too. We live with my grandparants. Today my mom and grandma weren't home, so it was just my dad, grandad, and I. So I went to get a dorito bag and asked my dad if he wanted want too, but I didn't ask my grandad. He has diabetes. Is it still ok for him to eat chips, even when he doesn't even try to take care of himself? Would his body allow him to eat chips considering that he doesn't even try to take care of himself? Granted, it would be a nice thing to do, but that's my concern. Would it still be ok for me to offer a bag of chips any time I offer it to someone else? (Purpose: to share something with him) |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 12:21 PM PST Hello everyone. I am a 17 year old male and I need some help on how to deal with some problems that have been going on in my relationship. For the past 4 months I have been having a sexual relationship with my older brother's (26), best friend (27) and my brother has no idea about it. Neither my brother or my family even know that I am gay, but they do know that my brother's best friend is open to being with anyone (pansexual?). The relationship was started by me, but who can blame me when you are gay and have no outlet for release. He said that if we kept the relationship sexual, with no strings attached that he wouldn't mind having sex with me whenever either of us needed it and I guess things just kind of went from there. Well, yesterday I told my parents I was too sick to go to school and they let me miss the day, so he came over and we had sex. Usually he comes around lunch time because no one is home and we could get a couple of hours together, so we didn't really think to go upstairs and kind of just...did it on the couch. I am so embarrassed, but my brother came home probably 20 minutes into our relations and saw us, and got pissed off. He kicked out his friend, made me go upstairs (after we got dressed) and then left the house with his friend. That was yesterday. He sent me a text this morning saying he want to talk and I need advice on what to do to explain to him that my relationship with his friend wasn't meant to hurt him and that it's nothing to worry about. |
Question: Need an outsiders point of view! My mother called me a disapointment today. Any advice? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 12:17 PM PST Just looking for an outsiders point of view on this situation! So I'm 18, the last year I really haven't been the best kid. I started dating this guy. I ended up changing completely for him. Going to parties every weekend, started drinking, started smoking weed DAILY. I can't drive because no liscnece, but she won't teach me how to drive. No job. I ended up not getting into the college I'd hoped to get in, nor did I get into my last resort college because I didn't get paperwork turned in on time. After me and that guy broke up, I started hanging out with a different guy every. Single. Day. Until I ended up dating this guy that treated me pretty bad. I also broke up with him. I am now with this guy who I've been with for a couple months & he's really helped out. He's teaching me how to drive, helping me get a job. I've actually had a few interviews. I've started going back to church. I've been studying for college prep. I've started playing music again and writing songs. But today she told me I'm a disappointment because I told her that I wasn't going to a friends party tonight because I don't want to be put in that position. I don't wanna be around people like I used to be. She said I should be able to hang out with whoever and not feel like I HAVE to smoke or drink but I don't feel like I have to. I'd just WANT to & im not doing that to myself. I'm trying really hard to make her proud and I thought it would if I chose not to go. Any advice? |
Question: I feel like I’m not a part of my family...? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 10:54 AM PST So, me (15) my dad, my step-mum and her twins (5) have all just moved into a big house. I'm constantly getting caught in arguments with my dad and this has been happening for months on end, not since we moved. My step-mum thinks I have 'attitude' which I can clarify I do not, it's just my way of responding to everything. We just had dinner and my dad says 'don't leave your shoes in the house, put them in the porch' so I was like 'sure okay but it only happened once' (got locked out with no shoes this morning) and my step-mum shouts at me to 'drop the attitude'. I am a good person, I do all my chores consistently but I tend to like my own space which results in me sitting in my room a lot which they don't like. When I sit downstairs with everyone, nobody talks to me in the slightest and if it is it's to ask me to do something for them. I don't like the fact my step-mum continues to have a go at me, I don't think (in my opinion!) that she has the right to tell me off. I feel sort of forgotten about, my dad treats the twins better than me, even when they've been bad. I feel as if my step mum has changed my dad, he used to be lovely and we had a really strong bond and never argued but now he picks at straws with me and they both have this thing with 'attitude' that really pisses me off. I have tried talking to my dad about this twice before but it always ends up in blazing rows because of difference in opinion. What should I do? |
Question: Will my cousin be taller than his sister? (He's 5 years old)? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 10:52 AM PST |
Question: I want to live with my sister, what do I do? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 10:22 AM PST I'm going to be 17 in about a month and I want to live with my sister. I cant deal with the stress of living with my parents anymore, I get nagged over everything I do, nothing I do is right, and I have to be better than both of my sisters in everything or they get mad. I don't know how I would bring that up to my parents about living with her, I don't know what I would say. My sister is 25 and lives with her boyfriend and he owns the house, they have a room I could stay in, its a really nice one to. The problem is, is that its really far away from my high school and I'm sure my mom will say no. They don't really get along with her and they get mad if I say I'm going out with her. I need some advise on what to do, can you help? |
Question: Would like your opinions on this? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 09:43 AM PST Do you think I should talk to my mom like a friend and respect her? When I was growing up. We were always arguing and never got along. I wanted a mother next to me. Always judging me in everything. I am a mother and wife. she kicked me out I was 18. I forgave her moved on when she kicked me out. My husband in that moment he was there and help me. I had a rough patch growing up but nobody sees what I been through. just my mom rough patch. She is always complaining about everything. But they see me like I'm the bad guy here. I thought TRUST comes first in everything as any kind of relationship. She always complaining to my aunt. I spoke with my aunt about it. And the only she said she is my mom and I have to respect her and hang out with her and my kids. I barely spend time with my husband. He is working a lot to maintain this family with everything we need. But I have tried everything to work out with my mom. But I don't know maybe I'm wrong the way I think. She wants to take my children out. But honestly, I don't trust her. Because the way she is. And I don't know who she hangs with. I'm an overprotective mother. She sees that bad. I do remember the way she grew my brother and me. She said she has changed. I haven't seen that. What do you think? |
Question: Should I confront my sexual abuser in my family or no because they are manipulafive? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 09:35 AM PST I know I probably need therapy and am trying to do research. My girlfriend has been really supportive and,says both my mom and brother secually assaukted me and did so verbally. An ex of mine said her dad sexually abused her too. If I try to confront them they act like I am being unreasonable, silly, and its the past, or like Im hurting them by saying so. Or they get very angry and verbally abusive. I feel like I need closure. They offer gifts or money during the hollidays or to help me out in a jam but it comes with very creepy things and they say horrible stuff to break my self esteem |
Question: Why is my uncle overly protective of me? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 08:45 AM PST I was on the phone the other night and my uncle asked who it is, I said a friend and he goes "oh ma god! If its a boyfriend i'm gonna have to kill him" (i know he isnt serious) so i said no its a girl, and he left it at that. My step dad isnt really protective and my biological dad can be but i was kinda shocked my uncle was bc hes my uncle thru marriage. |
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 08:05 AM PST |
Question: What do you do when you realize you don't actually like your family? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:20 AM PST I've recently been thinking on how much I don't actually care about any of my family. I mean...I CARE. I hope they are happy and healthy. But I don't enjoy their company, I don't think they are particularly good people, I have very little respect for them or their life choices, I feel like interacting with them is a chore, I am easily annoyed and upset by them, etc. In short, there is nothing I get from a relationship with them. I know that sounds selfish...but shouldn't relationships be a two way street? What purpose is there holding onto a relationship that does nothing but physically and emotionally drain you? |
Question: What should I do with a very controlling dad? Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:08 AM PST I swear, I'm very stressed out and angry with my dad. I've been working for him since I was a kid. He wanted me to work for him still after a graduate college. Long story short, he's a very, very difficult person to deal with. My mom cries every night because of financial issues. I always ask her: "Why are you still here?" She says: "I'm still here because he'll look so helpless when I'm gone. I will feel the guilt." Maybe that's what I'm feeling too.... GUILT. I mean, I still have to thank my dad because he paid for my education. He paid other things too. I tried to argue with him that I should find employment outside and earn money. But he wouldn't take. He kept saying, "NO! We ask money from your siblings and you work for me!". I can't get my mom to support me because that would worsen the issue. If I work outside, my dad would lash out his anger thru my mom. My siblings have their own life and family to support. We just can't ask for financial support from them forever.. |
Question: My niece climbed all over me posing for a snap shop - What!? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 11:46 PM PST A 25 year old niece by marriage (38 years younger than me - her male uncle) was posing for a snap shot (real print) with me and her cousin (my nephew) on opposite sides of me. Just before the pic was taken my niece turned a bit toward me and really pressed against me. I was just standing there dutifully for the pic - no touching, but my niece was touching me firmly with everything from her left lower leg to her left shoulder including her stomach and thigh. We'd hand no physical contact since she was about age 8 (totally innocent then). This really cheeped me out. If I did that to her mom, I'd be lucky to get out of it with a hard slap - would like be told to dtay away forever and rightly. What gives with my niece? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 10:07 PM PST My mom tells me she is going to be a traveling nurse and I have until August to get myself together regardless if I have my own stuff or not. Great news is that she still helping me until then and to be honest I really can't beat that and I am really thankful. I attended college, but I don't attend right now because I took all of my classes and the only thing I have to do is take a Kaplan test and try to get accepted into the nursing program! I am employed! The thing is I am just now starting to work. I am buying a car from my aunt for 1,000 she told me I can get on a plan with her. I will be giving her most of my check on the 15th so I can get the car and travel back and forth to work. I am searching for another job as well. The only thing is finding me a place to live.. I am going to try to see if I can get a dorm... scholarships help out but is there any other advice anyone can help me with I really would appreciate it... because in a sense I am a little excited but overwhelmed. |
Question: I am going to get kicked out of my home.? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 10:02 PM PST Hi there, I am getting kicked out of my mother s house due to her finding out that I was smoking weed (Yes, I know she is overreacting) I only have $200 on me and I don t really have a job. I don t know what to do or where to go - I ve asked my friends if I can stay at their house but they have said no. What should I bring , where should I go, how do I get money?x There is also no possibility that my mother will let me stay here (at her house) and my dad is in a different state. I m also currently enrolled in school (high school I m female and 16) Please help... Also please just give me general advice!!! |
Question: How do I deal with disappointment in my son? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:58 PM PST My son has recently let me down big time, though I could say that about most of the "men" in this younger generation. He has this girlfriend that I'm not particularly a fan due to her "progressive" radical feminist "principles". First time we met her our son took us all out to dinner she did all the talking and tried to project her ridiculous beliefs on my wife and I. My son simply nodded along and accepted her speaking for and over him. We raised him in a traditional and conservative household but clearly those ideals never got through to him as he has admitted to me recently that he is cuckholded and suggests that his mother and try the same thing. From my understanding, his skank of a girlfriend primarily brings back large black men to plow her while he just watches. And this little ****** had the audacity to try and get me on board with this horseshit. Any advice would be appreciated. |
Question: Why do parents expect less responsibility from boys compared to girls? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:40 PM PST Statistically, parents are less likely to require their firstborn son to babysit compared to their daughters. Male children are also more likely to commit crimes - a sign of lacking responsibility for their actions. Well-raised children generally turn out fine, but if there's only ONE child who becomes a prisoner in that family.. it's more likely to be a boy than a girl. |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:46 PM PST First of all, they're Russian. They were abusive verbally and physically when I was a kid and in my teenage years. Russians seem to care a lot about being accepted by others in their conservative culture and I feel like a lot of Russian parents only accept their kids, they don't really love them. They only want kids to be proud of them and because there's societal pressure to start a family. I have bipolar and adhd and they never understood that and deemed me a lazy and evil person. They kicked me out of their house recently (I'm a young adult). Hey didn't like that I was symptomatic and that I came home at 2-5am sometimes, don't accept the fact that I'm bi, or even that I smoked weed. They also blamed me for my brothers mental health, saying I ****** it up by getting into intense arguments with them for years- arguments they started by putting me down. Now they visit me in the group home for mental people that I currently live in and my mom wants to spend time with me on the weekends. She also buys me things sometimes and she does tell me she loves me, but she did abuse me in the past and say that I'm worthless. I feel that they want to think they're good people and score some points with god. :/ |
Question: I can’t stand my moms boyfriend? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 04:31 PM PST He's not the only reason, but he's a big part of why my parents broke up. Ruined my life, my childhood at least. I was eleven when my mom started dating him, my dad moved out when I was fifteen. Four years, the worst four years of my life, I thought things were finally good, I'm 17 now things calmed down, but now this guys moving into my moms house and I can't live with him. He brought all his furniture, messed with my brothers old bedroom, he gets out of work before Mom so I'm here alone with him after school and I hate it, I hate him, I can't be here anymore I don't know what to do, I love this house and my mom but I can't do it anymore |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 03:53 PM PST I need to loose 60 pounds to be in my normal weight. I'm 15 so being over weight plays an important impact on my life, from not being able to keep up with my friends... to my dating life. I wanted to make a change and I told my mom and dad everything why I want to loose weight. I have a job and make my my own money and suggested because my school nor my home has any equipment available, I said I would pay for a gym membership and my sister who also wants to loose weight would bring and tag along on my membership. (my sister is 24) My mother and Father said no I'm not spending my money on it and there not paying either! I kept my cool and left the room, but to me it feels like my parents don't want me to loose weight. They make unhealthy food and won't let me buy a membership to be skinny. I decided if I can't workout how I want to, I was thinking of doing a Water Fast. Please if you have any suggestions on what to do in my situation. Please help |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:51 AM PST |
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