Singles & Dating: Question: How can i stop overthinking? |
- Question: How can i stop overthinking?
- Question: Any girl still fan of hairy chest or it has to be all waxed up?
- Question: Teenagers??
- Question: I m 32 and have no sex drive. HELP!!?
- Question: Is it weird that I genuinely enjoy having the role of protector and caretaker towards my partner?
- Question: Women only!!! What is being a man to you?
- Question: Why can't I get a boyfriend but men at hotels say I'm gorgeous? I dress conservative?
- Question: How to end a 1st date cheek kiss hug etc?
- Question: Do guys like apple body’s where most my weight is in my stomach and my legs are thin?
- Question: What constitutes a "hot minute"?
- Question: What should I do now?
- Question: How do I get my boyfriend's little sister to like me?
- Question: Is it wrong to have sex with my friend's girlfriend since they're not married?
- Question: I have to meet my boyfriend's parents and sister and I'm really nervous. Any tips?
- Question: What is it like being friends with scientists? What is it like dating them?
- Question: Is it wrong that I'm still single at 34, while I'm getting rejected,and other guys are getting laid.?
- Question: Sent you a question. Where is the answer ?
- Question: Can I call a cop to come with me to my exes house to pick up everything I ever bought her?
- Question: Ex-Girlfriend help!?
- Question: Hello there?
- Question: How do you make the first move in the bedroom or in car when having sex for first time?
- Question: A put a firecracker in my butt and lit it but it didn't go off.?
- Question: How do I talk to a girl that stopped talking to me?
- Question: I am not allowed to be whit the person I love what should i do?
- Question: How soon is too soon to start dating again after breaking up with your ex boyfriend?
- Question: Boyfriend denies having the Tinder app on his phone after I saw it?
- Question: How to get a friend to set you up on a date with someone they might think will be good for you?
- Question: Do you like fireworks?
- Question: Rate me 1-10?
- Question: I’m so lonely?
- Question: How can I get rid of jealousy in a relationship?
- Question: What does it mean if a guy asks how many people you’ve been with?
- Question: Why are women like this? They wear very revealing clothing and then call you weirdo when notice or compliment. They are hot and then cold.?
- Question: Need Relationship ishh kind of tips/ advice!?
- Question: When will he text /call me?
- Question: Plz help me out too very very urgent.. Promise to give the best rating?
- Question: There is a song that says “brought to you by the color 3 and kermit the frog” what is it?
- Question: I have insecurities been talking to this one guy i knew of for a few years now we could never make it work back then because i was in a?
- Question: Family members are telling me if a girl hears i've never been in a relationship before, they will never date me because it's a red flag.?
- Question: 2 dates with a guy and his mom add's me on facebook?
- Question: What do 13 year old boys like about girls?
- Question: How do I stop being addicted to my phone?
- Question: Does he like me?
- Question: He conveniently forgot his phone?
- Question: Is it wrong to look through your boyfriend or girlfriends email or FB messages?
- Question: Why do my ex boyfriends friends still watch my instagram stories? we broke up 3 years ago.....?
- Question: Do I add her, and how do I start a conversation?
- Question: Why does cocaine high only last up 90 minutes?
- Question: How to not be awkward with the guy I’m seeing?
- Question: What percent of men have vasectomies?
- Question: What does it mean when a date does this in the car?
- Question: How would it be saying to someone that they’re horrible?
- Question: Why didnt he accept my friend request?
- Question: Why did my friend delete all her photos with her boyfriend?
- Question: People who see a person with one guy and call that person desperate, and they themselves been with multiple, is it all projections?
- Question: Boyfriend Issues. Am I overreacting?
- Question: Fell down the stairs?
- Question: Would it be inappropriate for an 18 year old to date a 17 and a half year old?
- Question: My family is broken and it’s hitting me hard.?
- Question: What to talk with a girl at a party about?
Question: How can i stop overthinking? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:38 PM PDT no matter what i overthink a lot pretty much 24/7.. i tried to not think about it but it just comes back as a reminder... any ways to stop being like this. i even think over small problems too... and yet i currently am!! is there a way to think less about it ?? again, it comes back as a reminder weirdly |
Question: Any girl still fan of hairy chest or it has to be all waxed up? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:34 PM PDT |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:27 PM PDT Isnt it weird that my teenage boys and girls chat too me about anything and asking certain sexual questions that i sometimes cringe and not want too talk about it with them?Go ask your mother!!haha.I guess i should be happy but some things i just dont want too know!!haha.Am i right too feel this way? |
Question: I m 32 and have no sex drive. HELP!!? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:26 PM PDT So, I m 32 years old, will soon be 33. I m in a great relationship with better than great guy. The problem is over the last 3 month, I have had no sex drive. I ve been to the doctor. She checked my hormone levels and said they are normal for someone my age. I ve been takin over the counter supplements trying to increase my sex drive, but nothing is working. While my guy is being very understanding about all this, I still feel horrible that I havent been able to pleasure him. I ve tried everything to get myself in the mood from the supplements to wearing sexy clothes to even watching porn, but nothing is working. I ve even let him try to arouse me and even use a vibrator, but no luck. We ve been together for almost a year and he is wonderful in bed, but it s like my sex drive is just nonexistent. Any suggestions on what I can do or what the problem is would be greatly appreciated. |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:25 PM PDT I really enjoy engaging on quite a protector and "Motherly" role towards my partner. Not exactly has a sense of authority or nothing like that, but really on the caretaker side. I'm on my twenties and so does my partner, but he has some health issues that do demand some extra care, but, it's really something that I genuinely enjoy doing. There are days better than others but when he's not feeling good I genuinely enjoy to do things for him and take care of him, and it makes me happy that he trusts me to see him at his bad times. In fact, I don't think I'd enjoy to be with a man that was too powerful on the sense of not engaging on his vulnerability or that didn't let himself be protect and cared for. Do you guys think this is too weird? |
Question: Women only!!! What is being a man to you? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:20 PM PDT I want to be a good nice guy who respects women and would love my gf or wife to death and try my best to make her happy and give her a good life. My dad on the other hand wants me to be basically an asshole. He says real men eat P++sy and treats my mom and me like crap. He hasn't worked in 10 years. He uses her so he has a place to sleep.s should I be me or like him? |
Question: Why can't I get a boyfriend but men at hotels say I'm gorgeous? I dress conservative? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:13 PM PDT |
Question: How to end a 1st date cheek kiss hug etc? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:56 PM PDT |
Question: Do guys like apple body’s where most my weight is in my stomach and my legs are thin? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:51 PM PDT |
Question: What constitutes a "hot minute"? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:47 PM PDT As in, how long is it? |
Question: What should I do now? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:42 PM PDT This guy I'm really interested in has a wife and kids so I realized I need to lose I interest. Though the other day we were talking and ended up kissing eachother and left it at that. I haven't talked to him since then. I'm really torn cause I know this was wrong but still like him |
Question: How do I get my boyfriend's little sister to like me? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:36 PM PDT |
Question: Is it wrong to have sex with my friend's girlfriend since they're not married? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:29 PM PDT |
Question: I have to meet my boyfriend's parents and sister and I'm really nervous. Any tips? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:28 PM PDT |
Question: What is it like being friends with scientists? What is it like dating them? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:23 PM PDT |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:22 PM PDT I exercise trying to staying in shape and working 2 jobs plus college. |
Question: Sent you a question. Where is the answer ? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:22 PM PDT |
Question: Can I call a cop to come with me to my exes house to pick up everything I ever bought her? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:22 PM PDT Do I have a right to take back everything I ever bought her? |
Question: Ex-Girlfriend help!? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:19 PM PDT Me and my girlfriend just broke up. I've bought her so much stuff from the years I've been with her. Is there anyway I can get my stuff back? She still has some of my things at her house and I'd like it back. She also took the iPad she bought me without me noticing. |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:18 PM PDT |
Question: How do you make the first move in the bedroom or in car when having sex for first time? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:06 PM PDT |
Question: A put a firecracker in my butt and lit it but it didn't go off.? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:05 PM PDT |
Question: How do I talk to a girl that stopped talking to me? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:51 PM PDT |
Question: I am not allowed to be whit the person I love what should i do? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:48 PM PDT I really love a guy who is in jail right now. My family has forced me to leave him and never talk to him again otherwise they wont have any contact with me anymore. Deep down he is a good hearted and kind man he loved and I loved him. I cry myself to sleep every night and I can't move on because I love and miss him so much it hurts. I am not allowed to visit him anymore because of my parents and I don't want to live anymore. Please help what should I do I am 19 and He is 21 years old if it matters |
Question: How soon is too soon to start dating again after breaking up with your ex boyfriend? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:38 PM PDT One of my friends told me that it is too soon to be dating again after breaking up with your ex just over a week ago |
Question: Boyfriend denies having the Tinder app on his phone after I saw it? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:34 PM PDT Me(27) and my boyfriend(32) have been dating for 7 months and then together for 3 months. We met on Okcupid.Told me before we were together that he deleted his dating profiles. I saw that he was no longer on okcupid when I checked. Months later while we were official, I was playing games on his phone and saw the tinder app and told him he still has it. He deleted it right infront of me. 3 days ago we were hanging out and he was moving through his apps infront of me.Saw the tinder logo and bubble with 1 notification symbol. I asked, you have tinder? And he said that he does not. I saw a tinder symbol at the top notification bar. I told him that I see it and he delected the notification. I said that he does not know why. Later tells me that it must have been an email. If it was an email.But he keeps denying and did not find the "email" when I asked him to screenshot it for me.I made a fake tinder and I found his profile, with pics that are newer then when he supposely deleted it. He tells me that he thinks he deleted his accounts but he does not remember cause he does not use the email address that is associated with it. But why tell me you deleted it before. Found him active again on okcupid. He is denying everything and refusing to tell me the truth. I'm tempted to look through his phone.How do I approach the situation without snooping to get him to tell me the truth? Does Tinder take only profile pics or do they take random timeline photos as well? |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:31 PM PDT |
Question: Do you like fireworks? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:30 PM PDT |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:30 PM PDT |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:29 PM PDT |
Question: How can I get rid of jealousy in a relationship? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:27 PM PDT Recently my girlfriend introduced me to a guy a few days ago, after that I've been over protective over her because I'm jealous that she's talking to another guy but she hates it of course, I have so much jealousy in general and it's horrible and it's affecting my relationship. We've been starting to have arguments and almost breaking up with each other. I don't want that to happen so what is way I can get rid of jealousy? |
Question: What does it mean if a guy asks how many people you’ve been with? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:23 PM PDT I'm talking to this guy and everything's been going good. We were laying together last night watching a movie and talking and out of no where he asks "Have you f*cked with a lot of people?" I was kind of caught off guard by the question and didn't really give a straight answer because I didn't fully understand what he was asking. Why do guys ask this question? Do you think he just assumed I've been with a lot of people because of how I look? Does he think I'm a hoe? What's your guys input on this? |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:22 PM PDT |
Question: Need Relationship ishh kind of tips/ advice!? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:21 PM PDT I met this girl at a party and we instantly clicked! She told all of our mutual friends how she really liked me so ofc i gave it a shot! Within a week we were texting alot and at the same time we were busy with work! Shes left for vacation for the whole summer and like since I kinda like her i have this fear shes gonna come back and treat me like a stranger! And completely forget about me! Since shes not in love with me I guess she has every right to move on! Im just gonna keep myself busy and have low expectations! But does anyone else have some good tips? I was thinking i can text her but the country shes going to has a major different time zone! |
Question: When will he text /call me? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:20 PM PDT Long story short my boyfriend and I got into a fight. He was the one in the wrong. Well the fight was bad and I went to my parents to stay, it s been 24 hours and no text or call what so ever. P. S. I m always the one fixing our fights and making amends. My mom told me he needs to try to make things right this time. But it s been 24 hours and not a word.. We ve been dating for 3 years. I d be Contemplating breaking up? Anyone experience this before? I need help... |
Question: Plz help me out too very very urgent.. Promise to give the best rating? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:18 PM PDT |
Question: There is a song that says “brought to you by the color 3 and kermit the frog” what is it? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:17 PM PDT |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:08 PM PDT relationship fast fw 4 years later he is currently locked up so we get to know each other via phone/face time. we all want to know or meet our men friends female friends to me is a red flag. because of the opposite body parts male/female can never be friends unless their intimate. with that being said he told me he has 2 best friends which are both females and his ex's. he didnt really say much about the 1st one but the 2nd one is what caught my attention because he said it was the perfect relationship everyone wish they had or dream of i instantly knew what he meant i longed for someone to want me in that way. he then goes on to say the reason it ended was because she stole and other little things that broke his heart he says they talk on a friend level only and most of our phone time be spent on me rather than talking to his family/kids but im on the outside looking in idk if he not talking to his family or kids cuz no one is willing to put money on the phone to talk to him or what and i know there will be days we cant talk due to heavy call vol in the joint but i cant be too sure if he splitting time tween the 2 of us or what but i just have to know ladies am i being naive to think he just want to be with me and can only remain friends with his bff's(ex's) or am i right to feel attacked or threaten by the past relations they once shared all opinions that are realistic only |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 05:57 PM PDT Am 23 years old, never kissed or had a girlfriend, is hope lost for me? Am i going to spend the rest of my life alone even though i desire to be with a woman? I need a honest answer please. |
Question: 2 dates with a guy and his mom add's me on facebook? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 05:55 PM PDT I recently went on 2 dates with a coworker. His mom added me on facebook this morning. Am I wrong to think this is kinda (really) weird? |
Question: What do 13 year old boys like about girls? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 05:55 PM PDT I'm gonna be 13 soon and am single, so I'm just wondering what guys my age like. Any comment helps |
Question: How do I stop being addicted to my phone? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 05:54 PM PDT |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 05:35 PM PDT I asked a guy if a he wants to hang out and he said "idk maybe" I told him to get back to me but he never did.... He is really shy though and I think he hung out with the guys that day. Then I see him he talks to to me then I text him and he gave me short responses and crap. He might of been busy though. He used to ask me to hangout a lot but I couldn't so I rejected him because I was busy. Maybe he thinking I'm leading him on or something now....? Also when I texted him he responded within a minute usually he responds quicker but we don't talk much. The only time he used to text me was to hang out but usually I couldn't. Also the only time we did hangout it was really awkward. He was being really shy I tried talking to him and I was with a friend. We haven't really spoke since and he hasn't asked me out since. I still see him sometimes since he is my neighbor and he asked for my snap. |
Question: He conveniently forgot his phone? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 05:32 PM PDT I'm home sick and my fiancé went to his aunts house for the 4th of July. In the past he's been known to lie about things (not cheating) but he'd often tell me he was working late and instead would go home and sleep at his house instead of hanging out with me. He'd come over much later in the evening. Now, he was supposed to bring me some orange juice and food but he called me from his mothers phone to tell me he "conveniently" forgot his phone at his aunts house and has to drive an hour back there to get it. He told me he'd come by tomorrow instead. My gut is telling me this is a huge lie and his mother put him up to it. I don't know why I just get this feeling. What should I do? Should I call him out on it? Or let it go? |
Question: Is it wrong to look through your boyfriend or girlfriends email or FB messages? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 05:30 PM PDT |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 05:27 PM PDT |
Question: Do I add her, and how do I start a conversation? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 05:13 PM PDT Long story short, I have been out of a long term relationship and am ready to start dating again. A friend of mine and his fiance have a girl they have wanted me to meet for years now. They tell me she is interested yet we have not been in contact with each other yet. My friends fiance told me to add her on Facebook and message her. Does this seem like a bad idea. And if she adds me as a friend how to I muster up a conversation. |
Question: Why does cocaine high only last up 90 minutes? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 04:52 PM PDT |
Question: How to not be awkward with the guy I’m seeing? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 04:39 PM PDT I've been seeing this guy for almost 2 months now, usually 2/3 times a week. So far we just hang out at his house/ run errands together, little stuff like that but today he finally told me why he's been acting a little different and he said his reasoning was that I still act awkward, even after hanging out so many times. He said it feels like we're constantly on a first date with how awkward I act every time. I also noticed that I'm kind of awkward around him but I ignored it. Does anyone have advice for me for how to chill out a little bit around him? We're both adults so I don't know what my problem is, but being around him still makes me nervous and I don't know why/ what to do. |
Question: What percent of men have vasectomies? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 04:36 PM PDT |
Question: What does it mean when a date does this in the car? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 04:33 PM PDT I was on a date we were in my car talking. I was wearing a black shirt and a clear white flannel short sleeve. My date opened up my flannel quick and looked inside. I told her what? She didn't reply. Weird |
Question: How would it be saying to someone that they’re horrible? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 04:29 PM PDT Because I would want to say to someone you're a horrible woman to hurt her. How would it make someone feel? |
Question: Why didnt he accept my friend request? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 04:25 PM PDT So this guy years ago that worked in walmart spoke to me while I was walking down the aisle. He said hey how are you doing I said fine and that was that. But RECENTLY I was sitting outside my apartment building and the same guy came to my building and delivered food he spoke again and said hey how you doing . I said fine then he proceeded to go in building. Then he came back out because he couldnt get in building and he asked me was he at the right building I said yes he went back to his car. I look up and he staring at me again but ddidnt say anything. Then when he was leaving he said "See you" with a smile. So I stumbled across he page because we have a couple mutual FB friends in common. I sent him a friend request and 11 hours later I cancelled it because he didnt respond and he posted a video so he was active on FB but ignored my friend request. What could be a reason he didnt accept it? And was it dumb to send him a friend request? Would it be dumb to send him another request? |
Question: Why did my friend delete all her photos with her boyfriend? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 03:55 PM PDT She removed all photos that had to do with her bf, everything except a photo of herself + and other random stuff. Did they break up? She hasn't been responding to me |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 03:55 PM PDT |
Question: Boyfriend Issues. Am I overreacting? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 03:50 PM PDT I was on my boyfriend s phone, and saw that he calls his female friends, "my love." He says things to them like they re beautiful, worth it, amazing, incredible, etc. He also sends them heart and kissy emojis. I don t think he s cheating. So, I told him that I wasn t mad, but that it bothers me, because it s literally the same way he speaks to me. I used to feel so special because I thought I was the only girl who received that kind of treatment from him, but when I saw wasn t, it hurt. When I explained that to him, he told me that because I was looking on his phone that he doesn t feel bad. He told me that I wouldn t have known, or been hurt if I didn t look at his message. So, I should apologize to him for making this an issue, because he s not, and that he s not gonna stop. He said that he wants to show his friends that they re important to him, but I feel like he could do that in a more respectful way. He strongly disagrees. Am I overreacting? |
Question: Fell down the stairs? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 03:47 PM PDT Should I call my neighbours and tell them? I feel like they should know |
Question: Would it be inappropriate for an 18 year old to date a 17 and a half year old? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 03:40 PM PDT i really like this girl at my school and we've been talking for 11 months. i want to ask her out but legally i'm an adult and she's still a minor. she'll be 18 in 6 months. should i ask her out and wait for sex until she's legal? or wait to ask her out? thankss |
Question: My family is broken and it’s hitting me hard.? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 03:33 PM PDT My partner and I have officially split up after 7 years! We argue here and there, but this recent argument has been a bad one. I went to Utah on a work vacation and he assumed I cheated on him, so he created a tinder where we live in Texas and has met some girl. I've been trying to work things out by assuring / communication but it has not made things better. I've even had sex with him and done things that he really enjoys during bed. I know this breakup was probably the best due to him smoking weed, hanging out with a drug dealer and cheating on his own. But gosh, I feel broken. 7 years of my life down the drain! Plus, I'm the one who has to get all the responsibilities thrown onto me as a mother to our children / bills. As of a week ago he has officially left the house with all of his stuff. He is constantly on my mind. Our oldest daughter keeps asking where her daddy is and the baby misses him. Will this breakup get easier? Why was that other girl better than our family? We haven't even talked about the children situation. At the moment we are not on talking terms. I'm super sad but trying to hold it together. :( |
Question: What to talk with a girl at a party about? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 03:32 PM PDT PLEASE READ AMD HELP Hi so some background info I'm 20, male, and live in the US. My good female friend has this friend she's been wanting to introduce me to for the longest time (the friend wanted to meet me too), but we've never spoken or anything (I think it's weird to start talking to someone I've never met on social media). Anyways, this weekend there's a party (with a DJ and all) that we're both going to be at and I'll see her there for the first time. Now obviously there will be an introduction so I don't have to start talking to her out of the blue, but I realized idk what I'll talk to her about. Since it's a loud party we can't have an actual conversation , so I wasn't sure what t talk with her abut. Ask her where she's from? And then what? I have no intention of hu with her then, just getting her number then taking her out. What are some good ways to leave a good impression and get her interested while not having the ability to actually have a real convo? |
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