Friends: Question: College loner, i have no friends or anyone to talk to. Am always alone. I feel worthless and abnormal.? |
- Question: College loner, i have no friends or anyone to talk to. Am always alone. I feel worthless and abnormal.?
- Question: Do you think 2 people can be friends with each other who have very little or nothing in common? Please explain. Thanks?
- Question: Do you get lonely in your marriage. How do you cope?
- Question: Say a girl says she’s focusing all her time on the gym says she’s not going to respond anyones txts is it code for I want you to txt me?
- Question: What does it mean when a guy comments on your makeup?
- Question: How do I deal with white people at work?
- Question: Why does this happen or why would it happen?
- Question: Might arm wrestle a female friend?
- Question: I don't care what everyone says, it is ovious that them girls is in love with me but I am 18 an have STILL never had a GF an thats not fair!?
- Question: Is it normal to feel turned on by comforting a crying friend?
- Question: How do you end a relationship where you're heavily dependant on other person?
- Question: Friend is online, but doesn’t open my messages until a few hours/days later?
- Question: What does it mean when friends won’t wish you happy birthday?
- Question: How can I stop being anxious around my best friend?
- Question: Why did my friend who is a lot older than me tell me not to date this guy?
- Question: 21 and never had friends?
- Question: Does anybody know the difference between being in love with sombody and being touch starved?
- Question: Would you be nice to a person like her who doesn't get/admit she treated you like garbage?
- Question: My father hates my friend?
- Question: Should I detriment this person?
- Question: Is There A Way To Confront A Friend Who Is Ignoring You For No Apparent Reason?
- Question: I’ve betrayed my best friend, what should I do?
- Question: Choosing a maid of honor that is not my best friend?
- Question: My dad ask to borrow my bra for a women friend?
- Question: How do I tell my parents I dinged the car?
- Question: Is it right for me and a female coworker to hug every now and then?
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 05:06 PM PDT Am a 2e year old premed college student and i've never had friends in my life. I see online of other guys and girls talk about friendship, relationships etc, but i don't know what it means to have a friend or relationship. I was on playstation yesterday and joined a group chat with a female in it, and when i spoke for 5 seconds, she was creeped out and thought i was strange and told the rest of the group that they should kick me. Every where i go, am disliked, am not included in anything, nobody knows me, no on cares about me. I go out to eat alone for my birthday every year and i remember sitting at a table this year and the waiter asked me if i have any guests and i responded no, he gave me a strange look, i guess it's because the restaurant is known for couples. I don't live with my parents, i live alone in an apartment, i watch tv by myself, shopping alone, everything is done by myself and i just want to share my life with someone. Even if i never have a partner, i want to at least have friends, but i never had friends. I don't know how to enbrace this life of emptyness, if anyone here is living like this with no sort of friendship, how are you managing to be happy despite wanting to be around people? |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 04:53 PM PDT |
Question: Do you get lonely in your marriage. How do you cope? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 04:35 PM PDT I married in another state and I am lonely. I don't make friends easily only acquaintances and bestie lives in another state. My Husband hangs out with his friends daily...more then me... although he seems to think downtime=is hanging out alot. Always says going to hang with guys. I know he is not cheating and I talked to him about this concern multiple times. At one point I had Saturdays reserved (lasted approx. 3 weeks) but I feel like he has forgotten and that we never hang out or if we do it's to fight [he wants me to do whatever he wants and for me to accommodate], we watch a movie, or we go out to watch a movie(usually not alone) and eat. Idk I guess that's really what any of us do. I'm just without friends besides mutual friends that would choose him over me. I think about what happens when we have kids. It'll just be me and the kid/kids while he heads over his friends. Sigh. Idk.... I can watch all the chick flicks I want but yeah. How do you combat cabin fever solo. I'm thinking a hobby but I like video games. My gamer friends no longer game with me :/ and guys who here a girl gamer have s** on the mind and I can't blame em. I could play silently but that won't make me feel any less lonely..... |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 03:14 PM PDT Is she serious? After excuses to hang! Am I crazy?When she txts 3 weeks later to my WHATS UP TXT! it pisses me off! Girls don't ever do that **** to me. This girl confuses the hell out of me it stressing me the hell out. I'm about to give up on this *****. Like before she died she hung out with me an her friends than she dropped off the face of the earth that's when I heard from her girl who's not her friend anymore that she got married to a guy an now she's divorced an doesn't she want to see her friends? Wtf! I messaged her sometimes on Facebook I than asked her for her new number an she gave it to me after I had to beg her to give it an I text her everyday to check up see whats up with her like I'm trying to care an understand her. I want to be there for her but she txts back 21 days later. This point I'm pissed off so I cuss her out cause she deserves it. I don't know where her heads at its lost she's lost no offense she should just be dead since she acts like she is. Hung out 1 time she pushes me away when I tried to hug her like come on your actin like I'm trying to rape you I'm not that guy. I had sex with her back in the day. Her depressing posts lol she don't talk about anything to me I dont know how to help her. Helping her stresses me out I'm balding lmao Trying to hang get her to have fun an live like normal people but I dont think she knows how to anymore cause she's lost she's dead an I'm done an out of options so tell me what the hell is up with this girl |
Question: What does it mean when a guy comments on your makeup? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 02:31 PM PDT What does it mean when a guys says something like I like the way your lipstick matches your dress or I noticed how your lipstick matches your dress. I got a lot of compliments on my outfit yesterday. Essentially, my male coworker came into my office and started talking to me. He asked me how was my recent vacation was, He asked me about my new apartment, do I still like working here. Then he made the comment I'm inquiring about. I can't fully remember if he specifically used the word "notice" or "like", but said the sentence in the following way: I like the way your lipstick matches your dress or I noticed how you lipstick matches your dress. It happened so fast I think it caught me off guard that I can't remember now. Honestly, I thought it was an odd comment and told him "that's a very interesting observation" and I giggled and looked down. He then said to me if you need help with anything let me know and then he left the office. Mind you we don't hold the same position. He's an engineer and I am a secretary. How can you help me with my administrative responsibilities? He stopped by my office before leaving and made a comment to enjoy the holiday and see you later. As i was telling him bye just stayed there looking at me for a few seconds and left possibly because I was saying bye return. I've noticed he would only give me compliments whenever I am alone. He never does it in front of other people (i think one time he actually did). Also, he would only hold a conversation with me when I am alone. I share an office and my office mate already left early for the day. I don't want to read into anything, but the compliment really caught me off guard as essentially you are noticing my lips and style. I can't tell his intent for making this specific comment. Sometimes when he gives me compliments I feel like he does it either to get on my good side or string me along. He asked about my apartment which I moved into last year, but we never talked about. He asks questions that followup on trips or new events in my life. Yet he never shares anything personal about him which is a red flag for me. It's possible he has a girlfriend and he's just a flirty person. I've been at this job for 1.5 yrs and know nothing about him. Why does he do this? Not sure if it will make a difference. He definitely used the word "notice" because I also said, "yes, yes it does. That'a a very interesting observation. Thank you". Sorry, not trying to read into anything. I just want to be as accurate as possible with the story so everyone has a clear idea as to the conversation. I have heard him give compliments to men and women alike. He observed once I did something different with my hair and said it's beautiful then saw my boss and asked him the same question and just said, look's good. I'm not around him often and see him like 3-4x a year as we work in different buildings. He's going to be around alot more often so I noticed.Also, his friend/ coworker compliments me alot too, but when he does it I can tell it's a compliment and means nothing by it (hopefully!). |
Question: How do I deal with white people at work? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 02:11 PM PDT I have 2 white coworkers. I live in a POC community. How do I make conversation with them? Should I approach them? |
Question: Why does this happen or why would it happen? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 02:07 PM PDT Why is that after a friendship breaks up would one person ask about their old friend? Plan B (will be the one that was escorted and had a break down) Plan A will be the other friend Plan a nd plan b had a friendship that lasted for a long time but it ended because of a big argument and also because Plan B had a breakdown. Plan A had plan B escorted off of the property by the police but no one was arrested or physically hurt. After months later plan A decided to ask a mutual friend of plan B , how plan B was doing and if Plan b was alright. But yet Plan a still had Plan b blocked on social media and has not spoken with Plan B since the argument. Does this mean that Plan a could potentially care still and should plan B accept Plan A back into their life? |
Question: Might arm wrestle a female friend? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 01:57 PM PDT My female friend gives me the impression she might be arm wrestling. Maybe next week I will test my theory. First I wanna See what everyone thinks. Do her arms look like he might beat guys? |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 01:42 PM PDT Tell me this is not ovious, one time this year at school Brittany Ferguson LOOKED AT ME an then she whispered something to Blake Snyder an then they both LAUGHED. An one time at Sears Samantha Cocks an her bff Bridget Weiss was their an when they saw me Samantha Cocks said "doesn't he go to are school?" an then they both LAUGHED. An here is the big one, one day at school I was running to the boys bathroom cause I was just about to poop an I was farting with every step an I accident bumped into Alicia Barker an I said "sorry" an she called me a cute little nickname (Creetin) but I couldn't stay an see what she said cause I barley made it to the bathroom I had diarea. So with all this evidance why am I 18 years old an never had a gf? This makes me so mad I could s*it an just fall right back over in it. |
Question: Is it normal to feel turned on by comforting a crying friend? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 11:33 AM PDT TL:DR I m 30 yo female and the othet day I think I got turned on or maybe just emotionally overwhelmed when I was comforting my friend (a female too) . She was sobbing so hard that she felt faint and dizzy and was barely able to stand after her crying spell was ovet , I never seen her so vulnérable like this before and when I was sitting next to her trying to calm her down I just wanted to hug her and take her hands in mine and tell her it s gonna be ok . and when I saw her the next day I still wanted to hug her but she said she was feeling much better. so I m really confused right now because I m not sure if what I felt was healthy compassion or some weird kink. any opinions ? |
Question: How do you end a relationship where you're heavily dependant on other person? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:56 AM PDT I am very dependant on my best friend/boyfriend (i say best friend since we're not really in close relationship). He did a lot of things for me, listened to me rant, loaned me money when i needed it or bought me gifts for birthday and other celebrations and stuff, even drove me to doctors and sometimes payed some of my medical bills..overall i felt like i couldnt provide anything back because the economical difference between us is just too big. Our communication is great and we get along fine but over the years he's becoming increasingly nasty and has a habit of rubbing all he did in my nose and guilt tripping me whenever i don't agree with him on some decision. He even sometimes orders me around for things that don't concern him at all (like who i loan my things to), **** talks me for hours about some unimportant thing (like why is my room not cleaned for 2 weeks, im lazy and just wanna sleep ok, cant he **** off) and sometimes he emotionally manipulates me when i wanted to end contact with him since i owe him a lot of money and favors.He seems pretty arrogant and smug since few times i told him to **** off but eventually came crawling back because of the comfort he provides me, so when i told him this he was like "ull call back anyway". Am I being selfish and bratty if i wanna cease contact or should I do it? In any case I'm torn and emotionally drained and i know cutting contact with my best friend of 5 years will hurt but i feel increasingly claustrophobic.What do i do? |
Question: Friend is online, but doesn’t open my messages until a few hours/days later? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:37 AM PDT Whenever I send my friend a message, they're online, but don't open up my messages until a few hours/days later. They also upload on their story (insta & snapchat) but just choose to ignore my messages.. I kinda like them, but this is really annoying me. Should I just drop them and move on? Or confront them? |
Question: What does it mean when friends won’t wish you happy birthday? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:29 AM PDT My birthdsy was almost 3/2 weeks ago and i thought since i have some friends they would wish me happy birthday, but boy was i wrong, only one of my friends wished me happy birthday and also an ex-friend Didn't think much about until today, today is my closest friend's birtday and of course i wished her happy birthday since she did the same to me, and everyone from my/our friend group posted " "happy birthday ***** love you so much", "happy birthday bestie" and to be real, that kinda hurt me, to see all these people im also friends with caring more about her than me It's a silly thing to get upset about but the worst thing i know is getting left out and im constantly getting left out of this friend group, like the third wheel Words don't hurt me abuse don't hurt me but things like this hurt me, i feel like i'm getting abused but nobody cares, and to be honest i don't even think they know what they are doing to me and that's the worst part I feel like a paper and everytime things like these happens a little part of that paper rips off and getting smaller and smaller by everyday, it'll keep ripping until nothing is left but an empty mind with no feeling but anger |
Question: How can I stop being anxious around my best friend? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:23 AM PDT So 2 years ago, I broke up with my boyfriend because he was extremely emotionally abusive. He talked down to me and pretended to be suicidal just for the attention it got him from me. When him and I broke up, my best friend was the only person who I totally trusted and he's the only person I felt was consistently there for me. Because I had just broken up with my boyfriend, someone I loved, there was kinda a void that I felt. My best friend filled that void and because of that, the emotions I felt toward him became the same emotions I felt toward my ex. My ex always made me anxious and afraid. I'm over that now but still feel those same emotions toward my best friend. I feel terrible that I'm putting him through this. Every time I'm around my friend, I have overwhelming anxiety and there are times that I'll actually hide if I know he's coming. I want to fix this. My best friend is so sweet and I'd do anything for him. He doesn't deserve to be best friends with someone who has such severe anxiety issues. I want to fix this and he wants to help but I don't know what either of us can do. Please help so my best friend and I can have a normal relationship again |
Question: Why did my friend who is a lot older than me tell me not to date this guy? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 02:52 AM PDT I'm in my twenties and there is this woman who goes to my church, and she clings onto me. She is in her fifties and is a former alcoholic, divorced and unemployed. She always comes to find me after church and speaks to me the entire time, and doesn't let me speak to anyone else. If a guy comes up to speak to me, she ends up shouting at him and asking him to leave I went on a night out with my friend who is also in her twenties, and the older friend knows my friend and she ended up texting her and coming out with us. The older woman kept passing me drinks and telling me to drink them. I got drunk and then opened up to her about this guy I liked who was in my group at the church and I told her I thought he liked me back, because he sent me a message asking to go to an event with him. I showed her the message he sent me and she told me he didn't like me, and that he was just being friendly and that she would have sent someone else a message in a friendly way to just try and include them and make them feel welcome. Then the older woman walked me home and gave me a lecture telling me to not date any men and to focus on myself and God. Then when I got home later, she texted me and asked me if I had drank the last alcoholic drink she gave me. This upset me because I'm pretty sure he did like me because all the other signs were there, but my older friend convinced me he didn't so I ended up being cold with him and now he has a girlfriend. Why did she discourage me from dating? |
Question: 21 and never had friends? Posted: 04 Jul 2019 01:42 AM PDT I've never had friends or dated. I've never had my first kiss. I see people with their groups of friends and I get jealous because I've never experienced that before and even if I am one of them, they just ignore me. |
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 12:39 AM PDT I feel like i am in love with my best friend but i know that they don´t feel the same thing for me. I kind of need to know because if i just feel this stuff for them because I am touch starved then I can get over het. I don´t really know what to do anymore… Btw sorry for the bad English, English isn´t my first language. |
Question: Would you be nice to a person like her who doesn't get/admit she treated you like garbage? Posted: 03 Jul 2019 11:12 PM PDT I liked the same woman for 8 months. She went from telling me that she "liked" me" and "liked" talking to me to "What do you want to talk about?" and "I don't like how you're following me." One time when I tried to talk to her, she told me, "I want to get out of here" and left me in the room I was talking to her in. She "loved" the birthday presents I got her and read the card I wrote inside in and likely threw away the presents I got her. She ignored most of my text messages. She kept scheduling me without asking me and kept doing it until she moved to another department 2 months ago (she was one of my direct supervisors from last July to early May of this year). She NEVER told her older sister who I still work with, that I liked her at all and told her that I've been ignoring her for no reason. One guy in my department tried to physically attack me when I didn't even provoke him and she witnessed the whole incident and NEVER bothered to suspend him. She ended up taking a break with him and a few other employees a few days after that happened. I asked her out twice and the last time was to see a movie and she told me to see the movie I wanted to see with her by myself. Despite moving to another department 2 months ago, she STILL says, "Hi," to me even though I've been ignoring her since this past February. She has no idea how angry and depressed she's made me yet she acts like nothing is wrong when clearly I'm not interested in being nice to her period. |
Question: My father hates my friend? Posted: 03 Jul 2019 10:38 PM PDT A few weeks ago me and my friend had a big argument and he was banned from the house . But since then he's been allowed back . But my father is being stubborn and won't forgive him he is very angry at him still . And its my own fault . What can I say to him so he forgives him . Me and my friend are very close . |
Question: Should I detriment this person? Posted: 03 Jul 2019 10:10 PM PDT I had a small scrape little bleeding friend didn't give me one of his band aids? |
Question: Is There A Way To Confront A Friend Who Is Ignoring You For No Apparent Reason? Posted: 03 Jul 2019 09:05 PM PDT |
Question: I’ve betrayed my best friend, what should I do? Posted: 03 Jul 2019 08:14 PM PDT I slept with my best friends boyfriend, me and him agreed to keep it a secret. But it's tearing me apart, I can't stop crying. What do I do? I don't wanna lose her. |
Question: Choosing a maid of honor that is not my best friend? Posted: 03 Jul 2019 07:29 PM PDT So long story short my boyfriend and I may be getting engaged soon and are currently deep into the wedding season of all of our couple friends. He has some amazing friends. I don't have many friends or a best friend just because I've grown apart from High school friends and moved around for college so never got the opportunity to make best friends. I have 2 sisters but am not particularly close with them and they often team up on me. I will definetly have them in the wedding but don't feel emotionally safe having them lead the wedding party. My bf's best friend just got married and we have always enjoyed his wife. She is kind and smart and has so many friends. We have a lot of in common as we are both teachers. I guess my question would be: would it be weird if I asked her to be my maid of honor? I know we aren't bestfriends but I know she will be helpful and so pleasant to have around and I know we'll be in each other's life forever. Is this weird?! |
Question: My dad ask to borrow my bra for a women friend? Posted: 03 Jul 2019 07:00 PM PDT he and my mom split 2 years ago.. nywho , he asked to borrow my bra for a woman friend he was seeing becuz he thinks were the same bra size and wants to know for sure// I find this weird and are kinda creeped out, what do u think? im 13 btw |
Question: How do I tell my parents I dinged the car? Posted: 03 Jul 2019 06:38 PM PDT I m a teen driver and honestly hate driving, however today I had to go to a friends house to help sort out materials for our club. Just as I was leaving it got dark and drizzling, what made it worse was that they have a small narrow driveway with lots of big bushes at the end. As I backed out I backed into the damn bushes and their mail box but I didn t damage it, thankfully. When I got home I noticed like ding from the mailbox on the back bumper. It s not really noticeable however I wanted to know if I should tell my parents everything, it s a mini cooper and I am a usually careful driver, I guess just not experienced. Luckily there aren t scratches from the branches, just that ding. I don t know how they ll react or if they would even notice if I didn t tell them. What do I do? |
Question: Is it right for me and a female coworker to hug every now and then? Posted: 03 Jul 2019 04:24 PM PDT There's one I know, she hugs me, because her and I are longtime co-workers. We don't anymore. Why? Because she knows I have a girlfriend. |
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