Friends: Question: Should I stop being friends with this person? |
- Question: Should I stop being friends with this person?
- Question: Plz read details?
- Question: Feeling angry FOR a friend?
- Question: I need help with this?
- Question: He doesn't want to get along?
- Question: When a person says “see you later” does that mean they intend to see you later?
- Question: Should i send her a message???????
- Question: What is the difference between goodbye and see you later?
- Question: My friend is suffering from suicidal thoughts?
- Question: I am falling in love with my best friend. advice please?
- Question: I like my best friend. Advice??!?
- Question: Is this ok to say or is it bad?
- Question: Does “see you later” actually mean I'll see you again?
- Question: What do you think of people who stand up for bullying victims?
- Question: Have you ever had a best friend who you enjoyed spending time with, only to stop talking to him due to life and the path he goes down?
- Question: He used me to brag to his friends?
- Question: Friend lied about giving me Xanax?
- Question: Does this seem fair to you?
- Question: What’s the worst pain in life?
- Question: Does my friend have social anxiety?
- Question: Jealousy advice?
- Question: Why don't I ever see anyone getting bullied?
- Question: My mom ordered me a birthday present. but she shipped it to our old houses address!?
- Question: Doesn’t this “fashion designer” look like a joke? I think he looks homeless lol?
- Question: Why is thisguy blue?
- Question: What do I do about my friend?
- Question: How did you realize you actually liked you friend more than just friends ?
- Question: Why won't they listen to me?
- Question: How do I find someone from the army?
Question: Should I stop being friends with this person? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 05:59 PM PST I've had this friend for about a year and she is very nice but if I'm honest she's not super fun to be around and we don't have much on common. So if she were anyone else I would stop hanging out with her but the promblem is that she has a lot of drama going on in her life and she's not very stable. I try to be supportive even though I never know the right thing to say. She will say somthing that sounds like a cry for help and then when I try and talk to her about it she says she doesn't want to talk about it. I'm trying to understand what she is going through but I can't help her; I've gotten her to talk to a theriapst but she stopped going because it was unconfortable. I feel like I should stay friends with her because she doesn't have many other friends and I think she needs me. She wants to hang out a lot but I hate it, I say yes because I don't want her to feel like she is a burden (even tough she sometimes is). This friendship doesn't bring me any happiness only stress but I don't think it's morally right to leave her when she is dealing with so much. Any advice on how to deal with this? |
Posted: 06 Mar 2019 04:09 PM PST I'm in high school and I think I'm a well rounded kid. My ex, a couple other kids, etc, say that I'm annoying. I think I'm annoying too, as in talking a lot, non sexual joking touching, etc. I was just wondering how to not be annoying and to hold back my urges to talk a lot and be that kind of person. Because being annoying got me in trouble today, because I got socked in the face by a kid at school so that made me sad... I was wondering on how to not be annoying and how to control those urges. I do not have ADHD, my neurologist said so. Thanks! |
Question: Feeling angry FOR a friend? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 04:05 PM PST There's this close friend of mine who's engaged in somewhat, a toxic relationship. He doesn't beat her but he doesn't prioritize her, cheats on her, and from what I hear, gets upset with her for the littlest things she does or does not do. I'm thoroughly upset with this JERK for my friend and have tried many times to talk her out of it but to no avail. I just feel frustrated, and upset whenever i talk or think about it, and yet there is nothing I can do. And I can't just ignore it because it's my close friend. Any advices what would you all do in my scenario? |
Question: I need help with this? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 01:18 PM PST What happens if you are by yourself a lot? |
Question: He doesn't want to get along? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 12:47 PM PST There is alot of tension between me and this guy. We've had sex before and we have a lot of mutual friends. It's been 2 years and I've tried to consistently to be friends with him because uncomfortable for me around our mutual friends with all of this tension. It seems like he only wants sex and not conversation. I've tried texting and calling him and he makes up excuses why he doesn't respond. The only time he contacts me is when he wants sex. Why doesn't he want to get along with me? We see each other all the time at our friends house and at parties. He won't say one word to me but later that night will text me for sex. Of course I don't give in but how to I stop this pattern with him? |
Question: When a person says “see you later” does that mean they intend to see you later? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 12:09 PM PST Does it actually mean that the person intends on seeing you later? |
Question: Should i send her a message??????? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 12:00 PM PST There has been alot of drama at my job that has been bothering me soo much. My name is Lucas and there was this woman Maria who was my friend for 2 years. We worked together, and i would always come to her desk at work and we would always talk for a long time. Maria enjoyed me being around her, she had an amazing personality. Everyone including her knew i liked her, but she was married. Deep down i felt like she also liked me, other friends even told me she looked like she was falling for me. Our friendship caused drama at work because everyone thought that there was something going on between us. i noticed my coworkers began targetting me big time. Everyone began treating me soo bad. Soo Maria told me she would always have my back. She began trying to protect me because my job was in Jeopardy. But by her protecting me things got worse for her at work. Sooo later she threw my under the bus (who could blame her) In January My manager moved me to a different area far away from her, and they even chaged my schedule. But i found out that she quit a few days ago due to all this. Deep down i feel soo bad because all this was my fault !!!! I was the one always approaching her. We were good friends and everyone turned us into enemies. This may sound wrong, but i feel like sending her an apology message on facebook????? I feel so bad. Can i have advice????? |
Question: What is the difference between goodbye and see you later? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 11:24 AM PST What is the difference between "goodbye" and "see you later?" When you say goodbye to someone, does it mean you plan not to see him or her anymore in the future? If a person says see you later does it actually mean see you later? |
Question: My friend is suffering from suicidal thoughts? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 11:03 AM PST So recently my friend has been going through a lot and they have been talking to be about killing themselves and I don't know what to say to make them not do it. They almost did it one day and I couldn't stop it but thankfully it didn't work. But I don't know what to do. |
Question: I am falling in love with my best friend. advice please? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 11:01 AM PST My BEST FRIEND. Ive asked before and all I got was silly answers. I actually need help. If I tell him about it im afraid that it will ruin our friendship--or at least make it enormously awkward. Help! quick!! |
Question: I like my best friend. Advice??!? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 10:54 AM PST |
Question: Is this ok to say or is it bad? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 09:28 AM PST If you're spending time with one of your friends and they tell you about another friend they have and your friend tells you that that other friend of theirs is fun what do you think of that and is it ok for them to say that? And also would it be bad for your friend to say I spend time with you when I can and that friend also tells you that y'all are good best friends and this has actually happened to me |
Question: Does “see you later” actually mean I'll see you again? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 08:57 AM PST Does it actually mean I'll see you again? This guy and I met up and we went out to dinner and to the movies. Then we came back to the hotel and had sex. We spent the night together and in the morning when he left that's what he said. I have talk to him since then and I told him I had fun with him and he said he did too. |
Question: What do you think of people who stand up for bullying victims? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 08:55 AM PST I was bullied in school very badly by someone in my class who'd shove into me, call me names, make a fool of me, talk to me in a special needs voice and always go out of his way to laugh at me and my misfortunes and make me feel bad about myself. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone because I felt like a wimp, but eventually I mentioned it to my friend and felt upset while telling him, my friend got very angry and (without me asking or permission) told me he'd put him in his place. I didn't want my friend to get himself or me into trouble but my friend said his mind was made up. A few days later in school my friend confronted the Bully. Surprisingly the bully cowared away and was very intimidated by my friend. My friend decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and pin him into the wall and abused him and threatened to "smash his face" if he came near me again. Ever since I have seen the bully but he no longer gives me a hard time. What do you think of what my friend did and people who do that? |
Posted: 06 Mar 2019 08:31 AM PST Only to find out that you have no friends anymore. Theres nothing wrong with you. People have changed and sometimes a change is welcomed. Other times, its a bad change. You see no improvement and want to walk you're own path. I need people to network, thats it. People are who i get my weed from anyhow. Dogs are my true friends. Some people just become evil over time. |
Question: He used me to brag to his friends? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 07:42 AM PST I've been seeing this guy for 3 months. He told all his friends we're dating and we had sex. Which is true, we did gave sex multiple times but he just wanted to get with me to brag because I'm 3 years older than him and he's still in high school. My friend and I were coming up with things I could say to him and she told me to act like I never did anything with him and say in front of his friends " you really think I would date a little boy in high school? I just felt sorry for you and hung out with you as a friend, nothing more." I'm going to say that in front of his friends. There's nothing he can say back to that either, that's what's funny because he'll be embarrassed and look stupid. What do you think he'll do? Just stand there embarrassed? Lmao He's not underage |
Question: Friend lied about giving me Xanax? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 07:26 AM PST So I am 31 years old I have this friend who I've known for a few years. We went on vacation together and I took a picture of her in the water with her phone and as I clicked out of her camera, her text messages popped up. In her text messages she was telling someone how annoyed she was with me (I had been worried about getting to our flight on time bc of the gov shutdown) and in her text she wrote her she wants to just tell me to shut up about the government shut down and then sent her friend a video of me when I was drinking and wrote that I was drunk. (which I wasn't and who cares if I was, I'm not a biligerant drunk by any means) and the icing on the cake was when I saw the text that said "I gave her a Xanax, nurse Sara to the rescue." SHE DIDNT EVEN GIVE ME A XANAX. I called her right out on it, she said she meant to write "offered" me a Xanax but I don't think that's true bc she wrote "nurse Sara to the rescue" after. This is so childish, she felt bad but we haven't spoken since we got home and I feel like she's a really bad friend. Why lie about something like that, it's so bizarre. What do you think? |
Question: Does this seem fair to you? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 06:50 AM PST I work in an office with 9 other women. We are all either single or divorced. The company installed a new computer system and had an employee, Bob from another department train us to use the new computer system. Bob is about 28, single, and a GREAT looking guy. Doing what we women do naturally, we tried to flirt with Bob. He ignored us all and just did his job of training us. He was friendly but would not talk to us about anything that was not related to work. When we asked him why he would not talk to us about anything personal, he told us that our boss Alan had told him not to. He said Alan had told him "I have a group of beautiful women working for me and it is my moral and legal obligation to them that there be no sexual harassment OF ANY KIND in the office". "I know how hard it is not to talk to them about subjects other than work, but please be careful. Please don't get me in trouble with the women. They are all great people and valuable members of my staff". What is your opinion of why Alan told Bob not to flirt with us? Does it seem fair to you? |
Question: What’s the worst pain in life? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 05:41 AM PST Sometimes I wonder if I'm a weak person. That is because I get upset over the most insignificant things. I lost 2 grandparents and 1 grandma. I was 7 when my first grandpa passed away and I felt weird knowing that I won't see him again. For the first time I realize that death can happen to your close ones. In middle school I was teased for not being attractive enough. I grew up insecure and although I had friends I was very open. But a girl came along. A girl that I have known since I was a kid. She betray me and wasn't the girl she appeared to be. That was painful, so bad that I sweat at night. My dog was run over and Then my parents had a foreclosure and we were practically homeless without no car for a few months. There were constantly fightings in the House. I had few friends that were not so close anymore but at some point theiy were that we're killed. I had people that at some point walked out of my life for no reason. I had a health scared where I was told that I might have a life threatening illness but I was fine at the end of the day. Life seem to change and next thing you know I made new friends. I wasn't successful at love though but I didn't care. Until I met a girl that I truly like. She seem like a good girl but after 5 years she has changed and has become the meanest, cruelest slutt you can think off. But do I have right to feel cry when other people have gone through worse things. |
Question: Does my friend have social anxiety? Posted: 06 Mar 2019 05:41 AM PST I feel like one of my friends is suffering from social anxiety. I mean severely. I feel like this because of his odd behavior. He cannot go to crowded places (specially when there are guys and girls who knows him very well). He cannot eye contact / salute and start a conversation with any girl (I mean, he never does this). He seldom comes to school because he cannot do science practicals because they should be done with a group of classmates. He cannot eat in front of classmates (specially girls). Many facebook friends who are our classmates blocked him in Facebook (specially girls). He cannot participate to any party with classmates. He is only child in his family. Does he have social phobia? Should I recommend him to meet a psychiatrist? |
Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:28 PM PST Hey. I have a really close friend, she's literally amazing. She takes all honors and AP classes, she get's all A's barely even trying. She's super nice and charming and pretty and has a nice house and a perfect family and takes AP Chinese as a SOPHOMORE. She has an adorable little brother and sister, she's amazing at soccer and literally a goddess at art and draws and paints so well, she doesn't get ANY acne or skin issues and her body is perfect with nice leg muscles and everything. She's an amazing friend, so kind and sincere but sometimes I can't help but be jealous of her. I envy her at times, I'm not pretty or smart or athletic or have all A+s anything like that. I keep comparing myself to her and it just lowers my esteem and makes it difficult to look her in the eye and talk to her and I feel like I'm unintentionally being kind of salty sometimes because I really can't take how perfect she is. She's like a 10/10 and I'm a 6/10, seriously. Sometimes I feel like I should break off our friendship because sometimes the jealousy is too much, too much to handle. I'm not a mean person or anything, but I can't help but think "Why can't I be like that? Why can't I be as perfect as her?". I am constantly around and feel very insecure sometimes. Her presence literally just makes me think about what a total loser I am. I don't have all A+'s, I'm not super athletic or pretty - I can't take it and I'm going to explode, seriously. Does anyone have advice for me in general? |
Question: Why don't I ever see anyone getting bullied? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:26 PM PST Im 14 in 8th grade, im pansexual, have like two friends, and im just generally not "normal", so why is it that I never seem to get bullied or even see it happen around me, while I hear other stories about kids just spitting abhorrent insults at each other, hurting each other. My friends and people I dont even know talk about how bad it is, I just never seem to be around to witness it? There was one time I saw some white kid getting cornered by a gang of blacks kids (not tryna say anything, just giving the details), but they dispersed before I could even initiate contact cos the teacher came around. I don't get it. Maybe I just gotta wait for highschool. thanks for reading though =w= |
Question: My mom ordered me a birthday present. but she shipped it to our old houses address!? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:14 PM PST so my 16th birthday is coming up on the 9th, now what i asked for for my bday was an HTC vive. Now thats cool and all because my mom ordered it but. what she didnt realize was she made the shipping address to an old house of mine from 2016.i know that she ordered the vive because i like to snoop and stuff. But i want to tell her to go to the adress to get it, but if i even make an attempt to go tell her to go there. shell know that i know she ordered it. how do i tell her that she messed up in the ordering process? Either way shes going to end up mad. |
Question: Doesn’t this “fashion designer” look like a joke? I think he looks homeless lol? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:12 PM PST I saw his "designs" somewhere |
Question: Why is thisguy blue? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:50 PM PST |
Question: What do I do about my friend? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:32 PM PST I started being friends with a guy from work late last year. Everything seemed to be ok. Nice and good to get along with. But a few weeks into things where he started to talk about all these things about being depressed and all. I've been trying to help him, but nothing has really worked. It honestly makes me feel worse as well as I've gone through a few years of a living nightmare from a group of people as well as someone who I thought was a friend...but ended up being manipulative and straight up creepy. I don't know what's even wrong with me, but I have been trying to help the friend. I honestly don't know what to do. He says he's been to people to try to talk to. I'm not sure if he's taken my advice on various things that help me some. I shouldn't be talking about this or asking with this kind of topic...but I honestly don't know how else to help him, don't want him hurt and at the same time am also worried for my mental health since it's been bad. |
Question: How did you realize you actually liked you friend more than just friends ? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:12 PM PST |
Question: Why won't they listen to me? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 05:55 PM PST Mom found a picture of me and my bestfriend kissing on the mouth. I told her it was a dare between our friends, we kissed and my other friend took a picture. She won't stop crying and avoids me. She told my dad and now my dad thinks I'm gay. I wish they could hear me, IVE TOLD THEM A MILLION TIMES IT WAS A DARE, we even got twenty bucks. They are still hurting. It was just a kiss. |
Question: How do I find someone from the army? Posted: 05 Mar 2019 04:54 PM PST I was in army basic training 4 years ago. I was with a drill sergeant I felt gave me tough love and a reality check, now I wanna write her a thank you note. I called up my base but she wasn't there anymore, I don't wanna friend her on Facebook because that's creepy. |
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