Friends: Question: What's wrong with this guy? |
- Question: What's wrong with this guy?
- Question: Guy friend doesn't act the same anymore--why?
- Question: What can I say to her to make her see it wasn't personal?
- Question: Could I die if i jumped off a 10 meter balcony? My friends are daring me to and I don't want to say no to a dare?
- Question: Why would someone be nice to you in front of other people, but treat you differently when alone?
- Question: Why did she block my number?
- Question: What is this girls problem? And what do I do?
- Question: My friend blocked me and my other friend for no reason..? please help!?
- Question: Why do I get upset or jealous when I see my friends with other people, spend time with or talk to other people that aren’t me?
- Question: Should i tell her Happy Birthday?
- Question: Why are women so jealous of me?
- Question: Friend's weird behaviour?
- Question: How can I get over the break up of my friend Tara we were friends for 4 years?
- Question: I need social skills now.Are books a good way to start?
- Question: Why does it bother me that my friend notices everything?
- Question: Why this girl see me and start to cough?
- Question: If a friend forgot your birthday, would you be upset?
- Question: Am I wrong for saying KISS is just marketing geniuses and can’t rock for $&it!?
- Question: How do I help my daughter in this situation?
- Question: Used to be a social climber (or at least tried to) but now I'm a social anxiety ridden loner with 0 friends?
- Question: How do I get this guy to forget about having sex with me?
- Question: Why do people do this?
- Question: Does this make me a bad friend? unbiased input please?
- Question: So I just found out that a close friend of mine was actually manipulating me with some weird voodoo wish magic?
- Question: Is anyone else’s Apple Music For You section not loading?
- Question: I believe my friend just used me, to get what she want before ending our relationship?
Question: What's wrong with this guy? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 05:56 PM PST Across the hall in my apartment there's this guy. I'm going to call him Joe (not his real name). Joe is 26 and teaches GED students English. He was also in the Air Force. I think the only thing he does outside his apartment is do a workout at a gym about three times a week, go to the library, and work. He has a girlfriend in another city and I think he told me they are engaged. The other day the power went out in our apartment so he invited me and my gf over to his since his unit has a gas stove. He made lazana and salad and we played board games because he had set up a few camping lanterns. He has a cat who he calls Loki, and in one corner he had a jigsaw puzzel in progress and like ten or so jigsaw puzzles stacked up. So I guess his big hobby is jigsaw puzzles. Oh he is also way into guns. Maybe he got that from being in the Air Force, but he was on a college riffle team and he has like a huge rifle in a bag in his closet. (I know because that's where we put our coats). I asked why he had a gun and he said "To shoot Bambi's mother." He could have said "I hunt." But no he goes for killing Bambi's mother.... That would be kind of like asking a cop why he chose that job and him saying, "To kill robbers." I don't think he has any friends. Leastways he almost never has anyone over to his place and he stays in most nights. Shouldn't most 26 year old guys have a social life that doesn't involve killing Bambi's mother? |
Question: Guy friend doesn't act the same anymore--why? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 05:53 PM PST We've known each other since June 2016. We became friends in March 2017. For a while, we were pretty close. We still have a VERY deep bond when we're around each other, but we're not around each other much anymore. So, this man is married and has been married for many years. I've had a boyfriend for almost 4 months. I do have feelings for my friend, but I've kept my feelings controlled and have never outwardly shown my friend any signs of romantically admiring him. I don't think his wife knows either, as she's always very nice to me and treats me like family when we're around each other. For a little while now, my friend hasn't been showing me the same attention he used to. It's stupid, but he stopped commenting on and "liking" my FB posts in late 2017. He had wished me a happy birthday via Facebook last January and he was my longest wall post on my birthday. This year, he didn't bother to wish me a happy birthday at all. Also, he told me a week or so ago that his wife and him and their kids would plan to be at my birthday lunch this past weekend and I found out just a couple hours before that he had to work and that they wouldn't be able to make it. He couldn't bother to tell me sooner?! The weird thing is, whenever we'd be alone, we could talk forever about any random thing. There was never an awkward silence. Whenever we'd be around others, he'd barely speak to me. My mom even noticed it once and asked me about it. He also hasn't tried to get to know my boyfriend. As I was saying, he hasn't even tried to get to know my boyfriend, although a while back, he acted like he wanted to meet and approve of any guy I may be interested in starting a relationship with. Why do you think he's suddenly changed? I know he's REALLY busy, but I don't feel important to him as a friend anymore. I jokingly told him I was sorry for annoying him once and he told me I wasn't annoying. Also, when we're alone, he expresses concern for making sure I'm comfortable. Recently, he took me home from work and asked if my brother was home (my brother and I live together at the moment) and I said no and he said he'd wait to make sure I got inside okay before pulling out of the driveway. He seems to really care about me, but then other times acts like he could care less--why do you think that is? |
Question: What can I say to her to make her see it wasn't personal? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 05:16 PM PST I have this coworker that has sort of latched onto me at work. I don't think of her as a friend, but I'm the kind of person who knows what it's like to be alone and for nobody to be there for you, so I listen to her when she wants to vent about her boyfriend or her mom or whatever. She doesn't appear to have much in the way of friends because she used to be in a bad way and I think she may even still do some drugs sometimes. Right now, I don't drive because I have major driving anxiety that I'm trying to get over. I get rides to and from work 5 days a week, usually from the same woman who is somebody I know from church. I was leaving work yesterday and my coworker usually gets off an hour after me, but they let her off early. She followed me out the door and asked if I could ask my ride to give her a ride home, too, as it's not super far from me. I already feel super uncomfortable having to get rides from somebody in the first place, but the idea of making my ride feel like a taxi service didn't appeal to me. I told her I was sorry, but didn't really want to ask that of my ride. It would've been different if I was the one driving, but I wasn't, ya know? I told her I'd give her money for an Uber and she said no, that it was fine, that she'd just get a ride from somebody else. She literally looked like a kicked dog and like she was about to cry. I've been feeling bad about it ever since. I see her at work Friday. What can I say to make her see it wasn't personal? |
Posted: 15 Jan 2019 05:14 PM PST |
Posted: 15 Jan 2019 05:00 PM PST A coworker I see only 4-6x out of the year, was at a holiday party where we didn't speak to each other. He arrived first, but I ignored him as I've found something odd since I started working there last year. Towards the end of the night as everyone was getting ready to leave I guess he felt I looked tipsy or drunk and offered to take the train with me. He doesn't live on my line. He later says he'll pay for a cab for me to go home and was very insistent about wanting to use his money to pay. He never asked if I could pay and I was mentally planning to take a cab anyway.As we were walking he started calling me "My dear" which he NEVER does when I do speak with him. Someone else we both know ran into us and paid as it's late. The next day he sends me a message saying, "glad you got home safe'. You played the piano beautifully last night!" I thanked him and responded humbly. 2-3 Weeks later his friend, who I see often, and him stop by. I noticed he decided to stay in the doorway. I then told him "Happy New Year" from where he was and he acted like he did not want to respond back, he turned away, and then moved behind the wall. He seemed in a rush and acted like he didn't want to be around. Later on I saw him walking in the hallway alone and he started looking at my face/ eyes in a serious way as we walked past each other. The person will speak to me in a very polite way in front of other people, but when I'm alone with him he talks to me in a stern/ authoritative way. I should add he is not my supervisor. We just work in different buildings. Another time I saw the person BEFORE the party and he did the same thing alone. He looked me dead in my eyes as we were walking past each other and then said bye. Why give me a compliments and be all polite with me in front of other people like I'm part of the team. I notice every time I distance myself from him (stop smiling and keep conversation short). He does aggressive things near me that I can't call him out on. |
Question: Why did she block my number? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 04:58 PM PST I'll try to keep this short. I've known this girl since we were in 5th-6th grade. I just turned 28, she'll be 28 this year too. We used to be like sisters. Her kids call me "Aunt" and I'm their Godmother, or I was. We had been very close since she moved back to the area in early 2015. At the end of 2015, she started dating a guy I was friends with and had introduced her to. I didn't realize he was such a piece of crap until they started living together in 2017. She used to tell me she felt like she was raising 3 kids because of how immature her boyfriend was. She's always been so miserable with him since they moved in together. I used to witness their fights and although never physical, they were rough and the kids had to witness this crap, too. She became so miserable that she started constantly pointing out me and a mutual best friend's flaws and faults and her boyfriend would kind of join in. Every time we all hung out, they would give us crap about things we did in the past or who we are. She and I even had a falling out in early 2018 over something that really didn't involve her and she called me "insensitive", "selfish", a "basic b*tch" and said I didn't even FEEL like her friend anymore. A month later, I apologized (although I had no reason to apologize to HER) and she never apologized to me, but I let that slide. Finally, over the summer, my bestest friend and I cut this girl and her boyfriend out of our lives. Fast forward to now, my mom passed away a few months ago. I told this girl what happened and she was very sweet and tried to be there for me. My boyfriend insisted we go visit her, her kids and her boyfriend one Sunday and we had planned to, but I didn't feel well so I told her we'd have to do it another time. She seemed understanding. I sent a text after Christmas asking how their Christmas was, no reply. I knew she'd been having some health issues so I went to text her last night asking how she's doing, only to find she blocked my number. Why do you think she blocked my number? Especially when I need friends the most right now. I thought we could get passed all of the crap from the past because life's short. She's the one who treated ME and my best friend like absolute crap, so why is she feeling so indignant over the fact that I didn't go see them that day? I had a perfectly good reason. We're not friends anymore, so technically I'm not obligated to visit her anymore. Dude, I'M going through a tough time, too!!! And she is the one who shut me out and blocked my number!!!!! Who the heck does that? I was TRYING to be there for her and ask her how she's feeling and how her health issues are going, to find that my number has been blocked. How do you think I feel?! |
Question: What is this girls problem? And what do I do? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 04:51 PM PST So my bf has an older brother that is close in age to us (I'm 19 y/o). He also has a gf who moved into their house w/ them and their parents (she never asked to move in and doesn't work or go to college, she sits in a bed all day long). Every single thing I do she has to mimick. I decided to post pics of my makeup online bc it is a huge passion of mine. She did the same. If I change something in my bio on social media she does the same to something similar. I changed my profile to a business profile, she did the same. I started losing weight and when people noticed she posted that she was trying to lose weight. My bf told her I love things with moons on them. Everything she posts from quotes to pics has to do with moons. I love a certain makeup brand, she said she hated it at first. Now? She loves it even though she has never tried it before. She copies the way I dress. She was my friend but I can't have a solid friendship with her or even deal with her because it seems like she wants to sabotage me and mimick everything I do. It's to the point it is creeping me out and I feel that it's very unhealthy for the both of us. She isn't a nice person overall, people do not like her very much. She's very self centered. What should I do? How do I handle this without effecting my relationship with my boyfriend and his brother? I tried talking to her but it didn't work |
Question: My friend blocked me and my other friend for no reason..? please help!? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 03:32 PM PST I have these 2 friends and one of them blocked me and my other friend for no reason! she also started avoiding us a few days before blocking us (on instagram) and when we confronted her she said "i dont think i blocked you guys" and she kept playing dumb and avoiding the question and me and my other friend dont know what to do, my other friend said shes mad at us because were late to class sometimes and because we like to see fights with my friends sister..? can someone tell me what to do..?? i just want an explanation from my "friend" :( |
Posted: 15 Jan 2019 03:04 PM PST I know I have no right to tell someone not to talk to someone else or not have other friends. I think it's more of a insecurity issue for me or feeling like I'm easily replaceable. I'm the kinda person that doesn't care much for having a large group of friends. If I have one good friend that I can talk to regularly and are comfortable around that is good enough for me but I get upset or insecure if I see my friends hang out with other people. How can I stop feeling like this? |
Question: Should i tell her Happy Birthday? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 03:00 PM PST Today is my ex friends birthday. We've known each other for years but stopped talking last year because i think she was upset that i wanted to hang out with my other best friend more than her. Even though we havent talked in months, should i still just wish her a Happy Birthday? |
Question: Why are women so jealous of me? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 02:33 PM PST I have nothing. Right now I'm a struggling so bad. Other women that have more than me hate me. They are flown out to other countries when I only dream of that. They treat me indifferent and sneak diss me on so many levels. It's ridiculous. What is there to be mad about if I have nothing? |
Question: Friend's weird behaviour? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 12:25 PM PST My ex best friend has been acting weird lately. Before high school she would always ignore me and she found other friends, but I didn't confront her and didn't say anything about it. I didn't have any friends and she didn't care (we had been best friends for 8 years). Now though I have found some very good friends from my class and we spend a lot of time together. Whenever we happen to talk she behaves weirdly like she's angry with me for finding new friends. I tried to save our friendship back then but she just kept on ignoring me. Isn't this kind of unreasonable? just to clarify she is the one who initiates the conversation. |
Question: How can I get over the break up of my friend Tara we were friends for 4 years? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 09:20 AM PST |
Question: I need social skills now.Are books a good way to start? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 08:45 AM PST |
Question: Why does it bother me that my friend notices everything? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 07:42 AM PST There's nothing wrong with her. But in general with my friends, I'm usually the one who listens more and notices rather than shares -- with a few exceptions where it's more or less equal. I feel like my friend notices (not in a judgmental way) everything -- from me getting new clothes, to remembering all my friends and knowing things about them just from me telling her things once, or remembering things I tell her well. I've always enjoyed being the one that observes and sees more, and remembers more, whereas my friends are usually more forgetful and don't remember things as much about me (obviously they do, but not in specific details like I often remember). Why does this bother me? Why does it bother me that she notices and remembers things? And why does it bother me that she is interested in me telling her things rather than sharing? |
Question: Why this girl see me and start to cough? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 07:32 AM PST she just see me and start coughing like something in she throat. Just because she pretty and I not. |
Question: If a friend forgot your birthday, would you be upset? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 06:26 AM PST My friend of one year forgot my birthday and I don't know if I should be upset or not. She was on Facebook all day posting stuff (on my birthday) so I know she got the notification. Anyway, the next day I nonchalantly brought up that my birthday was yesterday, and she said, "oh ok" |
Question: Am I wrong for saying KISS is just marketing geniuses and can’t rock for $&it!? Posted: 15 Jan 2019 12:00 AM PST |
Question: How do I help my daughter in this situation? Posted: 14 Jan 2019 11:13 PM PST She's 15 and never had any true friends since 1st grade. She sits alone frequently at lunch and has been bullied by other kids since 2nd grade. Since 7th grade she has been bullied for her weight and large breasts. She's 15, 5 foot 2, and weighs 165 pounds with a ddd cup size. She gets called sexually terrible names like titty monster and she is depressed a lot and isolates frequently. She seems sad and only craves junk food. She even quit church (a southern baptist) because she was bullied there too. She's in the 9th grade. She tried out for cheer and didn't make it and she doesn't seem interested in other activities and claims she tried out because she wants to be popular. She also is terrible at multitasking but seems good with computers. She seems more like a nerd for some reason. Some of the cheerleaders had the nerve to message her on Instagram and make fun of her breast size and because she has braces. |
Posted: 14 Jan 2019 11:10 PM PST Funny that |
Question: How do I get this guy to forget about having sex with me? Posted: 14 Jan 2019 08:16 PM PST I met a guy where he works we had been talking when I would see him at the store working. After a couple of years he asked me for my number. A couples of months later he called asking me to meet him at the Opera. But I didn't go instead I asked him if he wanted to be friends with benefits. He said yes and that he had always been into me. We've been talking on Facebook for awhile now and he's still trying to have sex with me. But now I've changed my mind and I just want to be friends with him. How can I reverse this? I was going to tell him that I just want to be friends and hangout. |
Question: Why do people do this? Posted: 14 Jan 2019 07:42 PM PST My friend will talk behind someone's back and say how she doesn't want to hang out with them again and then the next week on Instagram she will post pictures of the two of them hanging out. It's just so stupid and immature. |
Question: Does this make me a bad friend? unbiased input please? Posted: 14 Jan 2019 07:40 PM PST so basically there's this after party for a school dance that a few of my friends are going to, not many people are going because it's sort of a closed invite just of some people. me and another friend were asked to go to this and we really want to because it would be fun to be with our other friends and to just relax all together. but the problem is me and this other friend were the only ones invited to go out of our other friends and we already kind of talked about hanging out the day of the dance.we tried to convince the guy throwing the party otherwise but he's set on who's invited. we told one of the girls that we wanted to go and she was fine w it. we knew she would be happier if we were all together but she said we could go. but another friend got really pissed about it but in a kinda mean way that just seemed selfish and unfair and just not very nice. me and my friend that wanna go to the party know that if the roles were reversed they'd go in a second. does this make us shitty friends if we go to the party? keep in mind we'll be hanging out with our other friends not invited all day until we go to the party around 9-1 or 2. so it's not like we'r blowing them off. someone please offer their honest opinion thank you. |
Posted: 14 Jan 2019 07:33 PM PST so, he was a really close friend of mine and uh... well... he did some weird voodoo wish magic stuff to force people to like him and I just found out do I still consider him a friend or no? |
Question: Is anyone else’s Apple Music For You section not loading? Posted: 14 Jan 2019 07:30 PM PST I mean the seeing what friends are listening to part. It has disappeared for some reason. I have to go to a friend's page and then see. It's weird. I even texted Apple they have no clue. I restarted my phone and logged in and out ETC. Pls help |
Question: I believe my friend just used me, to get what she want before ending our relationship? Posted: 14 Jan 2019 06:27 PM PST my ex best friend, and i were super closer, for the last two and half year since 7 grade. in ninth grade we began to spilt, we did not have any class together, or passing periods. She began to hang out with her other friends more offern. when every i have money i give it to her for coffee, and other things, for Christmas i bought her a expensive hoodie because she really wanted it. Not like a month after i brought her the hoodie she stop talking to me, and today she told me that we weren t friends anymore. She want everything back including the stuff she gave me on my birthday or Christmas, i dont understand, it was prestant and most of the stuff was home made, it was the thought that count. DIf . i made the right descion by asking for my hoodie back, it cost of 50 dollars, did my friend was just used me for my kindess, where we even friends? |
Question: URGENT HELP WITH MORAL DILEMMA!!!!? Posted: 14 Jan 2019 06:23 PM PST Okay so my friend sally is in a relationship with a guy (Fred). Fred's best friend is called Tom and Tom is beginning to form a sexual relationship with Sally's best friend, Jane. Jane and toms relationship is called off leaving sally very sad. One night, whilst Fred and sally are still in a relationship, sally cheats on Fred with Tom and then the day after she breaks up with Fred. Neither of them tell Frednor Jane which makes them really bad friends as they're both carrying on as normal when they betrayed they're closest friends. As an outsider who's friends with all four of them what should I do because I don't want to do the wrong thing and make things worse but not to say anything is cruel to both jane and Fred and should know. Please help I can't sleep I'm so worried |
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