Singles & Dating: Question: Should I respond to her? |
- Question: Should I respond to her?
- Question: About an hour ago came back from the gym with these two guys I met on Saturday?
- Question: What kind?
- Question: Does it make me a slut?
- Question: How long should u wash ur hands after handling a highly toxic substance?
- Question: Are we good looking guys?
- Question: My girlfriend s single mom whores herself out and I don t know what to do,?
- Question: I am 11 and engaged to a 3rd grader?
- Question: Is this a way of flirting (can’t tell)?
- Question: Is it bad I am 12 and in 3rd grade?
- Question: Does he think Im sexual?
- Question: Free date ideas for adults - any suggestions?
- Question: How do I deal with disappointment in my son?
- Question: Does my crush like my best friend more?
- Question: What are signs two people secretly love each other?
- Question: Would it be weird to ask a musician to make a song for a crush?
- Question: Please name the traits of intellectually/emotionally stunted men? Can they be 40 and immature? Lol help!?
- Question: Curious as to know..?
- Question: Has anyone had mixed feelings toward their bf who you've been with for years?
- Question: Why did she call me silly and a dork?
- Question: How/when do I tell my new boyfriend that I'm extremely kinky?
- Question: How do I get my ex back?
- Question: Long distance boyfriend wants to move one place. I want to stay where I am. Suggestions?
- Question: Is it possible that girls don't give eye contact to guys they are attracted to?
- Question: Is it bad i've never been in a serious relationship?
- Question: I met a girl?
- Question: Coworker crush?
- Question: Am I a bad person if I hookup with this guy?
- Question: Im very curious and want to see a woman’s body...?
- Question: How do you tell if a guy really likes you and that's why he approaches you or just for the sake of it?
- Question: Is it possible to be wise but not smart?
- Question: What do you do if someone’s moved on?
- Question: Why did he approach me?
- Question: What makes her unattractive to you (picture)?
- Question: Why is it so hard to ask a girl for her phone number?
- Question: How do people act around very attractive girls?
- Question: Girls: Would you date a Bald guy ?
- Question: Women, how many guys have you met that became obsessed with you and over texted/called you, when you were not interested?
- Question: How to get my girlfriend to not say the spare room is hers?
- Question: I secretly have a crush and I go to an arts school!?
- Question: Do you think hes interested in me?
- Question: Can a slim girl with breathsts and buttocks yet still very slender date an afro American male?
- Question: If a girl likes a guy yet he doesn't show interest, do they take that as a rejection?
- Question: Ex is my neighbor we dated and now we don't talk, she knows I have a foot fetish and now puts her shoes in our hallway, was it intentional?
- Question: Have you ever met your soulmate?
- Question: If a woman asks a man to pay her for sex does it make her a prostitute?
- Question: If a girl accepts a ring off you but you aren't going out, is she telling you something?
- Question: What does it mean if a guy asks if I have kissed anyone before?
- Question: My family and friends are being jerky, because I'm dating a mentally challenged girl. What should I do?
- Question: Girls: what makes a guy attractive/datable to you?
- Question: What does it mean if a guy says "you're amazing" to a girl?
- Question: I had sex early - do I give up on this relationship now?
- Question: Is it love?
- Question: Should i just ask him?
- Question: Girls what do you do when you're secretly in love with a guy?
- Question: What do girls do to try to seduce you?
- Question: Help me (Indian guy)?
- Question: Does it mean anything when a girl laughs at the jokes of all the guys in a group except yours?
- Question: Did she find someone else?
- Question: I like this girl from France?
Question: Should I respond to her? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:30 PM PST First, some background story: I was casual friends with this girl in college. We reconnected years later when I re-visited my college town (she lives there). We hooked up and it got very romantic over the next few months, although, long-distance. I made a special trip to visit her a few months later. Didn't go well. She seemed bored and turned cold to me, especially at the concert. She avoided me and hid behind her friend. Wouldn't even look me in the eyes. It broke my heart because I thought she was, at the very least, supposed to be my friend, even if the romance between us didn't work out. After returning home, I wrote her, explaining why I felt hurt and that if she wanted to tell me anything, I'm listening. She did not. Next contact I got from her was a humorous Buzzfeed article. I wrote her that I can't be friends with someone who doesn't care that she's hurting me and said goodbye. Not a word from her...for four months. Then I got voicemails from her where she sounded drunk and lonely. She wanted to talk to me again, but I noticed that she said, "I'm sorry about what happened between you and me." Over the next two years, she sent me several text messages - all friendly, but I never responded. Am I being unfair? Her latest message was, "Hey, just thinking about you, hope all is well". What do you think? Respond and let her back into my life? Respond and tell her to get lost? Or simply ignore, as I have been doing? I had to leave out some important details because of the character limit. But, in essence, this is a woman who has been dishonest and emotionally unstable with me in the past. Her text messages since the last time we spoke have been clear attempts to start talking to me again, but without any acknowledgement of how she hurt me. I'm not asking her to grovel. But if it's someone who really hurt me in the past, I think she should at least show me she's changed before I trust her with my friendship again. |
Question: About an hour ago came back from the gym with these two guys I met on Saturday? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:30 PM PST it was my stepsisters Aranzas bday and this guy who was my other stepsisters Melissa's coworker and friend at work was at my dads house to celebrate. My stepsister introduced me to Joe. And his roommate Jacob was nice to me and I got invited to the club. Today we went to the gym and when we were leaving Jacob was being rude saying that he doesn't care if I don't come back to hangout at their apartment anymore and I was crying bc he was being rude and he was mocking everything I said and I asked and told him nicely to stop and he didn't. So when we got to their apt I got my stuff and left bc I don't feel comfortable being mocked or made fun of or disrespected either from anyone. Joe is nice but Jacob went too far and I won't be able to come over anymore bc of Jacobs behavior. I want to talk to my boyfriend but he hasn't responded to my texts and hasn't FaceTimed me today. I wanna tell him what happened and I miss him and love him and want to see him. Should I call my boyfriend thru FaceTime or wait for him to call me and to see if he does and will first? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:29 PM PST |
Question: Does it make me a slut? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:26 PM PST So, this guy and I were messing around. He wanted to do it; and I was turned on too; but, I didn't want to lose my virginity to him or anything. The farthest we went was me letting him kiss my breasts. My cousin says that's slutty; but I didn't even kiss him back or anything. Just heavy petting with me in his lap |
Question: How long should u wash ur hands after handling a highly toxic substance? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:25 PM PST |
Question: Are we good looking guys? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:25 PM PST |
Question: My girlfriend s single mom whores herself out and I don t know what to do,? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:23 PM PST It s true, She told me that her mom does and I m scared that she will end up like her! She has not told her dad or brother or anyone but me because her mom told her not to. What do I do?! |
Question: I am 11 and engaged to a 3rd grader? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:16 PM PST |
Question: Is this a way of flirting (can’t tell)? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:14 PM PST Alright, so long story short there is this girl in my class who I'm REALLY good friends with. Recently though, this girl has been getting another boy in my class to do random stuff to me. Ranging from throwing objects to kicking my seat. She tells me herself she tells him to do these things and in one of our recent conversations she's said that "I only talk to him because he gossips about you". At the same time she always seems concerned this kid is going to cause more harm to me than she thinks, but then also said "noooo I was looking forward to that" after I messaged her that I wouldn't be at school, and that kid couldn't (jokingly) stab me in the neck. Is this some form of flirting? I'm just not sure to be honest. Cheers! -Alan |
Question: Is it bad I am 12 and in 3rd grade? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:14 PM PST I LOVE PULL UP PANTIES |
Question: Does he think Im sexual? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:10 PM PST My prof asked us what is something that people can't take from us. A classmate said "love" and the prof said that can be, but also added that the concept of love differs for people that work in sex trades. Then he was looking at me for my reaction? |
Question: Free date ideas for adults - any suggestions? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:04 PM PST Yup, so we're both currently out of work so need cheap or free date ideas. Need something more than just spending all our time together having sex or watching movies at home! |
Question: How do I deal with disappointment in my son? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:58 PM PST My son has recently let me down big time, though I could say that about most of the "men" in this younger generation. He has this girlfriend that I'm not particularly a fan due to her "progressive" radical feminist "principles". First time we met her our son took us all out to dinner she did all the talking and tried to project her ridiculous beliefs on my wife and I. My son simply nodded along and accepted her speaking for and over him. We raised him in a traditional and conservative household but clearly those ideals never got through to him as he has admitted to me recently that he is cuckholded and suggests that his mother and try the same thing. From my understanding, his skank of a girlfriend primarily brings back large black men to plow her while he just watches. And this little ****** had the audacity to try and get me on board with this horseshit. Any advice would be appreciated. |
Question: Does my crush like my best friend more? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:41 PM PST Me, my friend, and 2 other guys (1 is my crush) studied together yesterday and afterwards, my crush and I kind of ended up getting dinner and studying together alone (just the 2 of us). My best friend was very frustrated with the other guy who came, and when me and my crush were alone, he said "she seemed frustrated with him." He also mentioned her when we were doing homework and he said "she usually doesn't do this part of homework, but I do it just in case". I don't know why he even brought my friend up. Now, MY CRUSH IS A VERY, VERY SHY GUY. VERY SHY. He can never look at me in the eye with the exception to when I am talking, he barely starts the conversation topic when he's with me, but he talks to my best friend. I don't know why--does he like her more? I noticed that when there is a pause in our conversation when we talk before class, he tends to pace around or get away from me. When he talks to me he always looks at the ground. When he talks to my friend he actually looks at her. I really like him and I don't know what to do. He DID compliment me on my class presentation though, after class one day. He also asked me if I was doing anything over the weekend a couple of weeks ago and I took the question the wrong way. since then he has been acting strange. ANY COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED! PLEASE HELP! |
Question: What are signs two people secretly love each other? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:38 PM PST |
Question: Would it be weird to ask a musician to make a song for a crush? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:26 PM PST There's someone I really like and he's a big fan of a certain artist that makes underground (non-record label) music. I was just wondering if I could request this musician to make a song for me for my crush as a birthday present for him, or would that not be appropriate or something..? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:25 PM PST |
Question: Curious as to know..? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:21 PM PST Men and women, I'm curious to know.. How many months into dating someone would you approach the subject of whether or not to make the relationship official and become boyfriend and girlfriend? |
Question: Has anyone had mixed feelings toward their bf who you've been with for years? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:20 PM PST Basically my bf cheated on me (not physically) talking to this girl on and off and constant flirting and leading to inappropriate conversations. I caught him awhile back and i had a mental breakdown, because he is literally the sweetest, most generous, humble smartest guy i know. He is all that to his true colors, but never thought he would be flirting and saying what he said to that girl I caught him talking to which she knew he and were engaged. I was so devastated, angry and disgusted when I found out. He even lied to my face about what he said to her,.... "who would resist you? you are hard to resist, amazing and super cute" He said that he told her that to make her feel better about herself but if you read what i read you would know right away it was flirting inappropriately. Finally, he admitted that he was doing what i knew he was doing. Now I love him, but sometimes I get this sad depressed feeling from him. I feel like at times he doesnt deserve me because ive done so much time and invested in him that its hard to just throw it all away especially because we were engaged and i broke off our engagement after i caught him. Do you get a mixed emotions on your partner who cheated in the past? |
Question: Why did she call me silly and a dork? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:11 PM PST I work with this cute woman at a daycare facility. We were having lunch with the kids and she was eating her chicken sandwich and I was eating an orange. I stuck the orange on my mouth and the kids were laughing and so was she. She smiled and looked away and called me a silly dork. I asked what she meant and she pushed me playfully and I ended up stuttering. Later, I waited for her to get off at work, because I told her I was going to walk her to her car. Then she told me she walked and so I offered to give her a ride. She said I just wanted to spend more time with her. I blushed and told her that I just wanted to keep her safe. I then looked down and said I was sorry. I said that I could buy her coffee if I said something wrong and she said I was acting so shy around her. She also said I shouldn't even be like that around her. She let me drive her to her place and I walked her home and she hugged me. She called me a dork and my jaw dropped and she said I was so silly. |
Question: How/when do I tell my new boyfriend that I'm extremely kinky? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:10 PM PST I'm 18. My bf is 21. He's very nice. Too nice. He feels bad giving me a normal spanking. When I bleed a little during sex (he's rather large) he feels bad. Anyway. I like being choked aggressively, spanked, my hair pulled, and generally being extremely submissive during sex. I'll let a guy do anything to me sexually (obviously a guy I like). I'd ideally be in like a torture chamber or something during sex. How do i bring this up? |
Question: How do I get my ex back? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:07 PM PST |
Question: Long distance boyfriend wants to move one place. I want to stay where I am. Suggestions? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:06 PM PST So my boyfriend lives in Tennessee and I live in NJ. We've been dating for the past 9 months, but officially since December. I'm 23, he's 30. So I had told him in November that I was looking for a new job in NYC, where I currently work. He said that he was also looking for a job, even in NYC - he would even send me ones he was thinking of applying for. However in January, first he tells me due to his age he's very comfortable where he is and doesn't feel like moving. Few weeks later, he tells me that he wants to move to Austin. Then last week, he tells me that he doesn't even want to move to NY/NJ because he's sick of the cold weather. And he's trying to convince me to move to Austin with him. Now here's what frustrates me: 1. I don't know why he changed his mind so suddenly? And I wish he told me this earlier so that we can visit the area at least (I've never been to Austin), and I could apply to jobs there. 2. I currently have two upcoming job interviews for two big, prestigious companies - one is located in New York and the other coincidentally is hiring for their NY and Austin locations. 4. I want to stay in New York. I LOVE the city, and I think it fits me well. 5. Things are just moving too fast... plus we've only seen each other 4 times and the last time I was with him I was a bit turned off because he was acting more controlling than when we are not face to face. I will be visiting him next weekend and we're supposed to have a "talk" about this, but idk... |
Question: Is it possible that girls don't give eye contact to guys they are attracted to? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:03 PM PST this attractive girl i like tends to sit next to me, but she doesn't give me eye contact and tends to look down on her cellphone or laptop. i am not sure if she is not interested or she is and just shy. |
Question: Is it bad i've never been in a serious relationship? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:58 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:53 PM PST I'm a guy in his early 20s. I have never had an official girlfriend. I don't think I have any serious problems though, I have dated girls before but I don't like to let a fling continue if there's no chemistry, if you know what I mean. I have a stable full time job and saving to buy my first house. Now that you know that, I met a girl on Instagram a while back, and we liked each other's pictures for a while, but after about a year she started messaging me. We have a lot of common interests such as music and anime (we actually came across each other's profiles by exploring music on Instagram) and we seem to click really well. She's became a good friend who is nice to talk to about interests and life experiences. I'm just wondering though, do you think there's any possibility we could be more than Internet friends? I figured out we live about 10 hours away from each other fyi. She's super cute, but I also really like her as a person and her messages can put a smile on my face pretty much anytime. I'm naturally an introvert but I get the vibe that I can just be myself around her. Do you all have any advice? Thanks |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:50 PM PST So, I got a new job and I've worked there for a little over a month now. I have this crush on a guy that's a couple years older than me, and I don't know how I feel about it. What should I do to stop these feelings or at least feel less attracted to him during work? |
Question: Am I a bad person if I hookup with this guy? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:44 PM PST I'm going on a date with this guy on valentines day. We've been on 3 days. This guy we will call Mason. Mason is fantastic. I really couldn't ask for more. I really like him. He wanted to be exclusive and I said yes. There is this other guy I've been **** buddies with since September. He asked to hang out tonight. We'll call him Jared. I kind of just wanted to hook up with Jared one last time, and kind of resolve things before I move on. I've always had feelings for him. I don't know. Am I being a moron? Should I not? |
Question: Im very curious and want to see a woman’s body...? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:36 PM PST Im very curious and want to see a womans body in real life.? Idk if I should ask the school slut or ask my mom. I also want to get my dick sucked by the school slut (because she is hot) how do I approach her. I also have control over her because I have something g of hers. Do u think I should make a deal on. For the thing I have for her to suck my dick. her name is zaida. idk if I should ask my mom or the slut. also im 14 |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:35 PM PST I was sitting in the library and this guy who I'd seen before at the gym walked in and looked at me and asked to sit. While I was studying We locked eyes once then dropped our heads and studied. When I started packing up to leave he asked what I was studying etc. I felt he was interested. Would he bother talking if he wasn't. I haven't seen him since then(Monday) |
Question: Is it possible to be wise but not smart? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:33 PM PST |
Question: What do you do if someone’s moved on? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:33 PM PST |
Question: Why did he approach me? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:31 PM PST This guy saw me then was watching me and approached me and said I could take his number and text him if I wanted. I said i didn't have my phone on me so he took mine. He said text me. I texted him when I got my phone. But when we were texting he mentioned that he was simply driving an uber and I'm not into guys who have no education. He asked to go out for coffee I said there's no point he was saying why I said I was busy. Then he wanted to talk ton the phone about it. We had an hour long convo he was saying how you have to go out and give a chance etc. Then i said I had to go. He said we'll talk again with an urgency in his voice but never called again. WTH? if he was interested shouldn't he have tried harder? or do you think he approached me just cause I"m female and thats enough? at the wal-mart |
Question: What makes her unattractive to you (picture)? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:29 PM PST |
Question: Why is it so hard to ask a girl for her phone number? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:26 PM PST Do they think every straight guy is a potential rapist or something, a lot of them are super friendly to you just as long as you don't ask them for their phone number, there's some sort of physcolgical shame about asking them for their phone number, it sucks |
Question: How do people act around very attractive girls? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:25 PM PST What do they do.. attractive versus very attractive girls.. |
Question: Girls: Would you date a Bald guy ? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:23 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:22 PM PST |
Question: How to get my girlfriend to not say the spare room is hers? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:20 PM PST My girlfriend tells me my room is messy and its really not but I know it does get things here on the floor once in a while. But still she moved all her stuff out of the closet into the spare bedroom and the other bathroom which was for my son and her son. I really do not like it but she enjoy's it. I can't really explain to her how that makes me feels that she cares or so that she moves her things back in the room. She feels comfortable with and I really do hate it. I would like any answers what to do. We still have sex everyday, she still is my best friend, we still communicate and laugh together. I just don't like her telling people she "moved into the other room". Any suggestions? |
Question: I secretly have a crush and I go to an arts school!? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:13 PM PST |
Question: Do you think hes interested in me? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:11 PM PST I work at a day care and we have a single dad whose daughter goes there. She isnt in my class but sometimes I will be in there if I'm needed. Well recently, I have seen him around a lot and we have small talk whenever we see each other. He will only talk to me about his daughter's day and he will smile at me all the time. And he made it known to me that it was just him & his daughter and theres no wife. The other day we walked out at the same time and properly introduced ourselves to each other and he was asking about my schedule and when he'll see me at work again. Then today he walked past the room I was in, and he saw me, so he opened the door and said hi to me and we just kept smiling to each other. Do you think hes interested in me or am i just looking too much into this? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:10 PM PST Or do I have to hope for a white man to marry me? Btw I'm only seeking marriage to one man forever |
Question: If a girl likes a guy yet he doesn't show interest, do they take that as a rejection? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:10 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:09 PM PST |
Question: Have you ever met your soulmate? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:06 PM PST I met this guy who was like eveything, from the moment we met it was like heaven on earth. Like we went so well together and its like he understood me so very well. We never slept together although we spent time outside of work. It's crazy because he just quit and I never heard from him again. I just wonder why I met him just to lose him? It's crazy. |
Question: If a woman asks a man to pay her for sex does it make her a prostitute? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:01 PM PST Like if she doesn't ask for money often .. or it's her first time asking |
Question: If a girl accepts a ring off you but you aren't going out, is she telling you something? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:56 PM PST ☆ Sent from iOS Dr. Know! 1.1.04 |
Question: What does it mean if a guy asks if I have kissed anyone before? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:52 PM PST He told me he doesn't have a crush on me, and has a girlfriend but he has been asking my friends if I like him, and today about an hour after school got out, he asked if I have kissed anyone before, and when I said no, he said "Oh I thought you kissed (my old crush)." I was fed up with him always seeming to care about my (former) crush and asked why he cares. He said "Oh just curious, its just something I was thinking about just now." What are his intentions? He asked me to the movies to have sex. I said hell no, because I am 13. I can't believe he just wanted my body |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:52 PM PST She is 17y/0 looks perfectly normal, but acts like a 5 y/o. Everyone is making mean comments about us. I like her a lot and will treat her like a princess. She finds wonder in little bugs and shape of clouds and she has no weird agenda like other 17y/o girls. |
Question: Girls: what makes a guy attractive/datable to you? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:52 PM PST |
Question: What does it mean if a guy says "you're amazing" to a girl? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:51 PM PST |
Question: I had sex early - do I give up on this relationship now? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:44 PM PST I'm in my thirties and not used to dating, was off the market for ten years and not dated much in the year I've been single. I met a guy on a dating app and we were talking for a little while, conversations daily that went on for hours about mundane things or geeking out over movies, one night when drunk I went to his and we had a lot of sex - it was intimate and intense, we also just hung-out, he made me breakfast, etc. Not the first meeting I had in mind and not my usual behavior, it just felt right at the time, but... I'm worried this is all he'll want from me. It doesn't feel like it's just about sex, we still talk just like we always did, but now things take a bit of a sexual turn too. He's shown a lot of interest in continuing things with me but I'm a little uncomfortable that he's now going to expect sex all the time and a little scared of setting boundaries now we've already crossed that line. I'm trying to stay grounded about this but I don't do casual relationships or hookups, it's hard not to get carried away hoping for a future yet anxious he'll just want sex and I'll get hurt. |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:43 PM PST So, I like this guy that I met at the beginning of this school year. Thing is, (it gets cringier) I work (volunteer as an art assistant) at his smol private school. He just turned 13, and I'm almost 15. He obviously likes me, tries to touch me, chooses me over others, etcetcetc. But I just don't know how I feel about him. I'm not sure if I just like hm because of the attention he brings me or for him? When he leaves, I miss him liek hell and try not to show it. When he's there, I can't stop this butterfly sensation that courses through my system, or the obsession with staring at him and making him notice me (which isn't hard). I just don't know. And while he wants to get sexual and whatnot, I feel like I don't really like that. Like I just want him for him, nothing extra. Is it infatuation or love? I don't know. Also, I get these crazies daydreams and fantasies of anything he could do to me or stuff that could happen. They usually revolve around him wrapping me in his arms and erasing all the worries of the world. tehee |
Question: Should i just ask him? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:29 PM PST Ive been sleeping and seeing this guy for almost a month(please dont judge) we talk everyday, he acts like my boyfriend, i was surprised at how much he tries to stay in contact, texts me everyday goodmorning, and all throughout the day, if we dont talk for a couple hours he always texts "hey you" and we pick up conversation again. we have gone on dates, ive met his friends who are all very nice, and the relationship so far is super is it just all sex or should I ask him what he wants? Im super nervous because hes 24 and im only 21, but we both have only ever had long term relationships(lasting from 4-6 years between the 2 of us) I want more but I dont want to scare him by asking, yet we already act like we are dating, calling each other pet names, etc. I guess I dont necessarily need the label but it would be nice to know what his intentions are too. Im nervous to ask, I dont want to ruin what we have or weird him out. when we first started talking he said he was not against anything and definitely open to an idea after seeing where things go. so should I just wait until he brings it up or should I say something? Thanks in advance! |
Question: Girls what do you do when you're secretly in love with a guy? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:28 PM PST |
Question: What do girls do to try to seduce you? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:26 PM PST ☆ Sent from iOS Dr. Know! 1.1.04 |
Question: Help me (Indian guy)? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:16 PM PST I really like (it feels like love) this girl who I'm friends with. I'm a 16 year old Indian boy, and my parents won't let me date EVER. Not even when I'm 23. I am starting to go crazy because I like this girl too much and it hurts to look at her as a friend. I get sad when she is absent from school and I feel like I always want to be around her. I have never had a crush this strong. I really want to ask her out, but have no way to. No car, no driver's license, no permitting parents, Basically a recipe for a mindcrushing situation. |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:09 PM PST I am in a lab group with a girl that I like and it's her, 2 other guys and me. Should probably mention I'm in my freshman year of high school. Today we were doing a lab and during it we will talk (obviously) and crack some jokes here and there. Nothing hilariously funny but just keeping the mood light. She hardly talks but whenever the other two guys say a joke she laughs at ALL of them. From the really bad ones to the actually pretty good ones. From giggles to laughing pretty loud there is always at least some response. But whenever I say something similar she never does. Pretty sure I'm overthinking things but if this is a thing some girls do please let me know. |
Question: Did she find someone else? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:07 PM PST Me and this girl went on a date off tinder, we hit it off. 2n date came around I asked her out she said let's take it slow. But we ended up kissing. I thought that meant somthing. We slept on the phone together, snap chatting everyday. It was all going amazing. I thought she was gonna be the one. She opened up to me about her life. Days later one night she unfriended me on snapchat, told me she was I hacked. I didn't believe her but I kept quit about it. 2 days later she says she's deleting her snap. I find out she just blocked me. We stil texted and saw her and kissed. I asked her over the phone she denied blocking me then I asked her in person and she denied it agian. Lied to my face. I knew I was blocked. We slowly stoped texting. Like she just stopped trying and didn't want me anymore. I was so hurt. We met up to pick up my hoodie I had gave her. She kissed me again. She now unblocked me and we started texting and snapping. But I feel like I'm bothering her. She has also updated her tinder even tho she told me she deleted the app. I'm hurt & confused. Everytime I ask to hangout she says she's either working, sick or babysitting but I see her snaps and she's out partying. I'm heart broken. Why am I still trying over a girl I know doesn't want me. Or does she. We had amazing moments that I thought meant something special. It hurts so much. we haven't talked in 3 days. She used to be so happy talking to me so I thought. This pain really hurts.. |
Question: I like this girl from France? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:01 PM PST This girl is a French exchange student at my school, and I really like her. The problem is that I'm very shy and every time I want to go talk to her, I chicken out because she's with her friends, and I don't want to embarass myself, or her. Can anyone offer some advice? |
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