Friends: Question: How can I find an old friend from kindergarten? |
- Question: How can I find an old friend from kindergarten?
- Question: Have you given up on people and became a loner?
- Question: Would my former boss get me into trouble If I told her too stop being friends with my grandma, and I hated her as my first boss. I hated her?
- Question: Making plans issue with friend need help?
- Question: Is saying "I'm not comfortable..." another way of saying I do not trust you?
- Question: Is this a normal way to deal with rape?
- Question: Why do girls love boy bands ?
- Question: Is it wrong to add him or not?
- Question: Homeschooled,friendless, and lonely?? TL;DR?
- Question: Good excuse for my friends???? Please help?
- Question: She Made me drop my Hot Pocket. How do I handle her?
- Question: I spent time with a friend and some valuables are missing. I showed her a ring that I had and Now it's gone, also missing phones, etc.?
- Question: Is this a complement or an insult?
- Question: My High School bullies call my family members with fake id callers and pretend they are me.How to make them stop?
- Question: What is the right thing to do in this situation.?
- Question: Is it possible for a family of black people to have a non-albino, white child?
- Question: Made a younger friend?
- Question: Smettere di voler bene...?
- Question: What does it mean when my guy friend wants?
- Question: Girls, issue with a boy (at school)?
- Question: Should I move out or stay with my roommate?
- Question: Friendship?
- Question: What should I say to my friend?
- Question: Do my friends like me?
- Question: How come boys are not nervous/are confident wearing swimsuits in front of girls?
- Question: Can I punch my friend for this?
Question: How can I find an old friend from kindergarten? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:40 PM PST I went to this elementary school and had two best friends. After kindergarten I moved away. I want to find them again. All I know is their first names, what they look like, our city, and the name of our elementary school and our class. I wish I had a yearbook from then but I don t. Is there any way I can find them with this info? Thanks. |
Question: Have you given up on people and became a loner? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:37 PM PST I'm 19 and I'm starting to hate people more and more. I'm tired of people being fake and relying on people only to be let down. I'm the type to do whatever I can to help ppl but it obviously doesn't matter. |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:29 PM PST I hated my former boss and I get very upset when I mention or talk about her, what brothers me the most is her becoming friends with my grandma, they met cause I asked my grandma too come visit me, ever since I got fired when I spoked rude too me, my grandmother still speaks with her, its been almost 2 years since my former boss and my grandmother became friends and they shouldn t be cause I hated her so much. I deserved a normal job with no stressful thing too me where my former boss and my grandma became friends. It s a tiny family owned business, the wife was my boss which I hated her so much, I deserved a better boss then her. |
Question: Making plans issue with friend need help? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:03 PM PST Okay, so on Tuesday I told my friend about going shopping and getting together after school and she seemed all on board with it at the time. I send a text later that night basically trying to confirm it and just got an "okay" then at school today (Wednesday) I try talking about it in person and all I get is a "probably" I then proceed to send my friend another texts with answers to home work in hopes that I would get some type of answer but I did not. What do I do? should I bring it up again or do I just let my friend bring it up since I made it known? why do people do this? it is lowkey very annoying |
Question: Is saying "I'm not comfortable..." another way of saying I do not trust you? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 04:47 PM PST I have a friend group I spend a lot of time with. I've noticed whenever certain friends of mine have a problem, they go have talks in private. Sometimes it's with one pair, another time it's with another pair. Sometimes the three of them all gather together and talk to each other. I sometimes wander around and I've noticed they get quiet and they kinda act like what are you doing here |
Question: Is this a normal way to deal with rape? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 04:13 PM PST In September, I was raped and I ended up coming home from college to my parents for 2 weeks and i debated on whether or not I should return. However, being home, away from the environment I was in, I decided to come back to school and last semester was by far the most challenging and draining. I have ignored what happened to me and I have tried pretending it has not happened. Now, for this semester, I am way behind on my schoolwork because I never show up to class. My rapist goes to my school and I have to see him a lot more this semester. I think the emotions I ignored for so long have come back to me even though my rape was months ago. Is this normal? What should I do? My professors have been emailing me wondering why I have been missing especially so early on in the semester but I am not sure what to tell them and I am not sure if they will understand or just see my rape as an excuse considering it happened so long ago.. |
Question: Why do girls love boy bands ? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 03:31 PM PST Me and my husband and friends are a Beatles tribute band I can't tell you the name we like to stay private it's our boss's rules my uncle is our boss. My sister is married to the drummer she's also our manager she gets upset and cries over us a lot. Also a lot of girls seem to cry and scream for us. We don't even feel like we're famous. We're just 4 normal guys we have regular jobs and families too I don't have an actual job I just work around the house a little I don't even call having a band a job we just do it for fun we're also like everyone else we're huge Beatles fans too. My husband works at the rehab center / hospital for old people my brother in law works at the university my friend is a babysitter he takes care of little kids he also works at Holiday Inn most days. Even when we're out we have girls chasing and screaming after us they probably think we're actually The Beatles. Now I know how they feel. Sometimes we have girls fallowing us with phones and cameras it gets really annoying. Every time we try to go out for lunch or to the store or when we're trying to spend some private time with our family we have girls stalking us everywhere. It's creepy and annoying. My sister tries her best to keep them away from us. Why do girls love boy bands so much ? |
Question: Is it wrong to add him or not? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 03:03 PM PST There's a guy I sometimes see on campus that I'd like to get to know better as a friend but since we study in different faculties, I don't get much of a chance to be able to see or talk to him. If I ever do see him, it's when we walk passed each other when going to next class and then it's nothing more than a "hi" or just a smile. He's very popular and many people know him and is friends with some of my friends. I was wondering if it's wrong or awkward to maybe add him on social media since there's no other easier way of building a friendship. He doesn't know my name or anything about me but he would probably recognize my photo if I added him on social media. Is this awkward and wrong to do or is it ok? |
Question: Homeschooled,friendless, and lonely?? TL;DR? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 02:43 PM PST Hi, so I'm 14, homeschooled and always have been. I live in a neighborhood with some kids in it. The kids are friends with Other kids in the neighborhood, they meet at school. There is nothing to do in town (movie theatres, skate parks, parks, skating rinks, etc..) and there are no close clubs or sports I can join. I've joined clubs in the past but they were a long drive away and the kids there didn't live in the same town as me. I also generally didn't enjoy the clubs. My questions is, how do I make friends with kids in my neighborhood without going to public school? I'll reiterate, there is NOTHING social to do where I live- NOTHING. No events or anything. I can ride my bike to places but only if I want to go to an ihop or DQ. I've had friends here before, but they were all introduced to me by my parents. My previous friends have moved away. TL;DR:: How do I make friends IN my neighborhood as a homeschooler. There is nothing social to do around me where I could meet people. Should I ask my parents to set up some meeting? I hope not. Anyway thanks bunches. |
Question: Good excuse for my friends???? Please help? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 01:58 PM PST I was supposed to hangout with a few buddies today, we made plans earlier today to go to a club later tonight. I obvious agreed to go but I have a lot of social anxiety so I really don't want to go. What's a good excuse I could tell my friends???? I don't want to look like a loser !!! |
Question: She Made me drop my Hot Pocket. How do I handle her? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 01:49 PM PST Hi, so there s this girl I know and she called me up and I got startled and dropped my Hot Pocket. (It was a ham & cheese breakfast Hot Pocket, it was so flaky and cheesy ); I got about two bites out of it). SHE IS THE SPAWN OF SATAN, SHE MUST BE DEALT WITH IMMEDIATELY! How should I handle her? At this point that evil bastard must pay! No suggestions are bad ones! Thank You! |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 11:22 AM PST |
Question: Is this a complement or an insult? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 11:04 AM PST I am the only girl in my High School AP Physics class. My classmates are my friends and we like to gather at my home and jointly do on our homework. It is a very hard class with lots of homework. Some of the problems we have a hard time solving. One of my classmates said let's ask you mom Jill for help. He did and mom instantly came up with the answer. They did this several times and mom always came up with the answer. This was amazing to my classmates. One of them said to me "How is it possible that your mom is so beautiful and so smart? That does not compute". Is that a compliment for my mom or an insult to all women? YOUR OPINION PLEASE. |
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 09:21 AM PST |
Question: What is the right thing to do in this situation.? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 09:13 AM PST I have a good friend Wanda who is a single mom who has a 15 year old daughter Jo. She told me Jo was failing math in school and needed a tutor and that she could not afford a tutor. She asked if I would tutor Jo and she would pay me when she got some money. I told her I would tutor Jo for free and I did. The tutoring must have helped because Jo's grade went from an F to a B+. Wanda and Jo were both happy with the results of the tutoring and wanted to take me to dinner to just to say thanks. At the dinner Wanda excused herself to take a cell phone call. When her mom was gone Jo asked me it I thought she was old enough to be allowed to date. I told her that was between her and her mom and I did not have an opinion on that. She then asked me what age I started dating and I told her 15 or 16 years old. Jo asked if I would talk to her mom about her dating. She said her mom greatly respected my opinion and she would listen to me. I don't think I should get into this discussion with Wanda about Jo dating do you? Moms and teen age girls, please let me know what the right thing to do in this situation is. |
Question: Is it possible for a family of black people to have a non-albino, white child? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 09:08 AM PST I had an argument with a colleague of mine about a scenario: My colleague claims that a friend of hers has blonde hair, blue eyes, and light skin. This friend is not albino. This friend's family is all black. Not one person in this family has the same or similar traits as her. Is this possible? Is it truly possible for her to exist? Or could it be that her mother got a bit intimate with the neighbor one night? |
Question: Made a younger friend? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:48 AM PST I'm a guy, 21. Don't normally get along with kids, usually hang with friends at college. But I met this girl. (I'll call her Jen) who does yoga at the studio where I work as a receptionist. We ended up talking one day when she was waiting for a ride home and really connected. Long story short, her Mom asked if I was interested in a babysitting, I said sure. Jen and I share interests and inside jokes and she always seems to brighten up when I'm around - which I really notice because she has depression. She gets bullied at school because she looks closer to sixteen. "You try being 5'4 with D cups in seventh grade." Yeah, she doesn't really mind talking to me about stuff like that. I always try to sympathize even if I can't related. Sometimes she falls asleep on my shoulder or sits in my lap or snap-chats me into early hours. I don't think she has a crush on me, but I know I'm one of her closest guy-friends now. Sometimes she'll come downstairs in her towel, or ask me what I think of certain outfits. But is it weird or creepy to have a friend or close friend who's younger? Like, twelve years old? It's pretty much the exception not the rule for me, most of my friends are early twenties. What's the deal with Jen anyway? Any advice? |
Question: Smettere di voler bene...? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:09 AM PST Come si fa a smettere di voler bene ad una persona? Lui si sta costruendo una nuova vita ed io non ne appartengo, e non riesco a smettere di pensare che abbia sbagliato qualcosa, ed il fatto che comunque siamo ancora amici ma non mi cerca più mi fa stare male, è come se non esistessi più e mi sono stufata di stare sempre male. Come faccio a dimenticarlo? |
Question: What does it mean when my guy friend wants? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 04:14 AM PST to see after 6 months uni has ended? I got a boyfriend and when I got a boyfriend, he said he wanted to ask me out. |
Question: Girls, issue with a boy (at school)? Posted: 07 Feb 2018 12:39 AM PST Something really crazy happened to this boy at my school, who has harassed my sister and me before. And I wanna know what you think. He was recently using a vacuum cleaner to masturbate (he's 16 years old btw). And I guess it was an old vacuum or defective or something, because his penis got minced! Like, he made it to the ER in time to save himself, but not his penis. It was totally cut off, and too damaged to reattach. It was sad for most to hear this and all, and all the boys feel sorry for him. But the boy was known as both not attractive but also a big pervert at school (I guess that's why he tried to get pleasure from a vacuum). He once grabbed my friend's boobs against her will, and always stared at mine. Plus, what he did was obviously kinda dumb. So some of the girls at school took a bit of humor in what happened. I wanna know what you think, so: 1. Do you feel sorry for the boy? 2. Do you think it's at all funny, what happened? (& why)? 3. He still has testicles, and hormones. But will he feel any pleasure, without his penis? Or any sexual "release"? 4. How will he get a girlfriend now? Or ever please a girl? 5. And how should us girls react to him, if he does act badly again? What should we say to him? ? |
Question: Should I move out or stay with my roommate? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:59 PM PST So I moved in with a friend, she couldn't get along with any of her roommates (didn't find that out until after I moved in). But I'm a VERY quiet person that always studies and she ALWAYS has company over, ALWAYS! They're always loud and sometimes don't even speak to me. Sometimes I even get sad when thinking about coming home because I know it's going to be loud. I've spoken to her about it plenty of times, but nothing has changed apparently (I think she takes advantage of my niceness). However it's weird because I don't want to leave her b/c her and I have a good bond. Her and I are even about to become sorority sisters! So the thought of leaving her makes me sad but I know how much I hate living here. Should I stick it out with my lease and stay here for the next 6 months or should I leave? |
Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:35 PM PST Who need to make a friendship with srilankan |
Question: What should I say to my friend? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 08:34 PM PST There's a picture in Spanish about my friend cheating, what should I say or should I stay out of it? |
Question: Do my friends like me? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 08:06 PM PST I go to a small school with about 30 people in one grade. I am friends with almost all of them, but they never hang out with me outside of school. Nobody ever invites me anywhere, and I always hear them telling stories about how they always hang out together. I also see them online with pictures of them hanging out doing things like skiing, which only about 5 people in the class do, including myself. They know this, but they never invite me to go skiing with them. I just want to be included. I just want to have friends like everybody else, and obviously I can't just come out and ask them why they never hang out with me because I will come across as clingy or annoying. It might be worth mentioning that I live farther away from all of my friends, so that could be part of the reason why. Can someone help me with this? |
Question: How come boys are not nervous/are confident wearing swimsuits in front of girls? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 07:33 PM PST in gym class in 10th grade we do the swimming unit, girls wear one piece swimsuits and boys wear swim trunks. We practice different strokes and play some games I wonder why boys do not complain about this how come boys don't seem nervous about having to be pretty much half naked in front of a bunch of girls and a female teacher? Even the ones that seem kind of overweight |
Question: Can I punch my friend for this? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 06:17 PM PST The other day he caught me trying on my sister's dress, and he started laughing, so i punchedhim and knocked him out, now he wont speak to me! |
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