Friends: Question: If someone has never had a boyfriend/girlfriend, do they have problems in your opinion? |
- Question: If someone has never had a boyfriend/girlfriend, do they have problems in your opinion?
- Question: Should i leave my"Best Friend?"?
- Question: Should I breakup with my bff?
- Question: My friend wants to befriend all my friends but wont let me befriend hers?
- Question: Should I start treating the people who treat me bad the same, or should I continue being nice?
- Question: Friend Trouble!!!!?
- Question: Should I binge to make my friend happy??
- Question: Why would a guy who claims he's a friend do this to me?
- Question: Best lyric prank to see if some to be wants to be your friend?
- Question: I don't want to hang out with co-workers outside of work?
- Question: Why does no one want to be friends with me?
- Question: He did not turn his body ....?
- Question: Why is my friends mom so mean to me?
- Question: She said "i love you." Did i escape the friend zone for a moment?
- Question: If you are married, how would you feel if your friend did this?
- Question: What was my boss doing when he said this?
- Question: Why am I so bad at storytelling!?
- Question: My friend ( I say that because I've known him over a decade) he tries to impress me all the time. I can see through his insecurity.?
- Question: Would you be friends with a person who is desperate for friendship?
- Question: Is my roommate being Islamophobic, or does he have a point?
- Question: My best friend told me that i am too ugly for hot guys and i should lower a lot my standars...why did she tell me that?
- Question: Do you think he'll meet up with me at a hotel?
- Question: Should I keep trying?
- Question: Why my best friend get mad everytime i have self confidence and she trys to put me down?
- Question: Extended Response on Workplace Friendships?
- Question: Why are girls only social media people?
- Question: I'm always lonely and don't have any friends?
- Question: Best friend hiding a truth about her relationship life?
- Question: Why might seniors find the younger teens annoying at school?
- Question: Are there any maturity differences between 10th graders and 12th graders in general?
- Question: Anxiety and paranoia over this scenario are ruining my life PLEASE HELP?
- Question: He's been distant, but that's a coincidence, right?
- Question: My boyfriend and I only hang out once a week?
- Question: Good ideas to give my friends before I have to leave for the military?
- Question: Should I ditch my friend?
- Question: My best friend never makes a effort to sleepover anymore?
- Question: Why does my friend always talk about her other friends to me?
- Question: Is it normal for friends to tell you what's convenient for them for your Birthday?
- Question: Married people, how would you feel if your friend gave you random gifts?
- Question: Why does my male friend call me every single night?
Question: If someone has never had a boyfriend/girlfriend, do they have problems in your opinion? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:58 PM PST |
Question: Should i leave my"Best Friend?"? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:32 PM PST So heres my rant... So my so called "Best Friend" and i got in our like millionth fight today. Usually we get in small fights and i always end up apologizing when it's not even my fault. So out first fight was when my friend told me he called me a jerk and i belived her. Then Blah blah blah it advances alot more i get threatened to get punched by a girl that already punched one of my friends. So we tell the school consuler who i'm really close to. So we get cvalled to the office another day after and the counsuler who we can call Mrs. H called us all into the office. We got with the second princepal and Mrs. H and talked about what had happened. I had my friend give him a note that said "You're out of excuses, I gave you to many chances.- Sincerely "The Jerk" He gave it to Mrs.H which i had no idea he would do since usually we were cool. So by now we are playing chess. I had already liked him and we had a lot of past drama which i will talk about later. We get the whole punching threat out of there and it's only me and my "Friend" who we can call C in the room. C is a guy BTW. So he says this whole cheesy thing "I don't expect you to forgive me" blah blah. I forgive him. Stupid me. He already wrote on my favorite hoodie and i forgave him and said "I'm sorry." We have had alot more fights and me and my friend have come to the conclusion that he is using us. I think he is. He always abandons me and my friend. My friend had music and then once she stopped playing he left. Help. |
Question: Should I breakup with my bff? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:30 PM PST I ve been best friends with this girl since 8th grade. We had a month long fight in which we ignored each other in 10th grade and recently started talking again a year later in 11th. I won t get into reasons for that temporary "breakup". I m starting to feel really negative about her now & I don t know if it is because I m being immature. We talked everyday in lunch in senior year this year until the new semester which our lunch periods switched. She is in my s.s class but she never talks to me during that time cause she talks to her other friend who I don t talk to. I was ok with it in the beginning since she talked to me in lunch but now s.s is the only period we have together and she only talks to her other friend. When her friend is not present she starts being overly friendly and talks to me during s.s. I feel like a lower priority and a last resort and she says that her other friend doesn t have a tough skin like me and would be easily offended if she didnt talk to her during that period. Idk if I am overreacting cause that seems like an excuse. She complains how i ignore her when her friend is not there for her to talk to. Am i wrong in not wanting to talk to her cause she only talks to me when her other friend isnt there? Is it worth breaking the friendship over and how should I do so? |
Question: My friend wants to befriend all my friends but wont let me befriend hers? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:03 PM PST my friend befriends every friend that i know and all my boyfriends. On facebook she adds all my friends but tells me not to add any of hers. Every time i tell her about my ex, she calls them ugly but i end up seeing her befriending them even when she is in a relationship. For instance i told her about this guy i dated and i showed her and she was bragging about how ugly he was and that i could do better but later on i saw her laughing with him. whats wrong with her? |
Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:34 PM PST Don't get me wrong -I'm really a nice person. I hate making others feel bad with insults or anything, I always feel guilty doing that. But the thing is, I'm starting to get a lot of people say things behind my back and insult me. This has happened ever since - and everyday its been getting stronger since November. I'm really, really getting tired of it - and I think it's time for me to stop being so nice and sweet about it. Would I be a bad person if I treat those that are mean to me the same way? People make fun of my friends who hang out with me and then my friends, weak minded say stuff like "I don't really want to hang out with him wtf he's a loser" just to look cool. I have a bad reputation in school for snitching on cheaters, btw. Some of my former friends are now total jerks, and I've been trying to be nice to them but there is no purpose because THEY are ALWAYS insulting me. So, finally, should I continue being nice to these former friends, or just fire back at them with insults? I've already started a little, and it's helping me relieve my frustration, but I just don't know if that is the right thing to do. |
Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:58 PM PST Basically freshman year in college I had this one best friend and we were very close. We grew apart first semester sophomore year because she is now in a relationship and also lives further away. But I became close with this other girl and we were like always together 24/7 and I had a really good semester. Now it is second semester sophomore year and things are going downhill. All three of us are friends, but now I feel like I am being replaced because they are hanging out more and almost every day. Is it wrong of me to be upset about this situation. I just feel like they are slowly pushing me out of this friendship and its really upsetting me. And I talked to them about it and nothing has changed. I just don't know what to do. |
Question: Should I binge to make my friend happy?? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:26 PM PST So I have this friend and at the very first of January I told her I wanted to lose 10 pounds. (which was accomplished!!) Fast forward to yesterday I was extremely tired and without thinking I started to tell her that my parents and I kept getting into fights over how little I eat. She got really upset about it and agreed with my parents on the whole ordeal. She then proceeded to tell me how worried she was about me and I don't want her to be worried. I assured her that I was fine and that I ate but she wasn't having it. She hasn't seen me since last month and she is coming down to see me for my birthday this weekend. I don't know if I should have a small binge to make her not so worried about me or if I should eat how I normally do. I really was trying to hold off binging until Valentine's Day but I would rather my friend not be worried. So what do you think I should do? |
Question: Why would a guy who claims he's a friend do this to me? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:22 PM PST I met a guy at my old job months ago. Him and his ex just had a baby together (yes, I was aware that he had a baby on the way). We kept in touch here and there up until recently. On my birthday (in December) he asked for my address and said he wanted to send me something. Never got it. Then after that a pattern started with him following and unfollowing me on Instagram. Turned out it was the "baby-mama" going into his phone and kept blocking me on Instagram. He text me 3 weeks ago and asked how I was doing and what not and also mentioned he didn't want to lose me as a friend. I know he's been trying to work on things with the ex for the sake of the baby, but it doesn't seem to be going well. But not long after he text me, I am once again blocked on Instagram (when he was just liking my pictures the night before). Only this time, it could be his doing since it's been over 2 weeks now. I know he's going through a lot with the baby and the mother right now. That's why I decided to back off. I'm just tired of this guy acting wishy washy towards me. I mean don't say you don't want to lose me as a friend and then just disappear without a trace. Now I won't know what to do or say if he contacts me months down the road. Why do people choose to be so wishy washy?? Just trying to move on from this and it's just been bugging me. |
Question: Best lyric prank to see if some to be wants to be your friend? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:37 PM PST |
Question: I don't want to hang out with co-workers outside of work? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:46 PM PST I work at a grocery store and try my best to be polite and friendly while there. I play the part of being extremely extroverted in public but during downtime I like to be alone and do personal quiet activities. The problem is when I have people adding me on social media, consistently asking over and over to hang out, come to some event or why I don't want to hang out and can be extremely persistent about it that finally I just say yes okay. I mean I spend almost every hour with them while working so it always makes me regret spending additional time with them when not there. I feel like an a$$hole for saying no but I want to say no but remain their friend at the work place What is the best way for me to handle this? |
Question: Why does no one want to be friends with me? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:17 PM PST So I can't remember a time when I didn't feel this way. I just seem to repel people around me. No one messages me (unless they're looking for something) unless I contact them first and I feel like people often just want rid of me when in a group. When walking in a group for example, I'm always the one pushed out, forced to walk behind the group. I'm frequently not invited to parties, get togethers, nights out etc. Nobody wants to share an apartment with me (not because I'm messy or don't pay my way or have poor personal hygiene etc.). I really don't know what I'm doing so wrong. Any advice much appreciated. |
Question: He did not turn his body ....? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:57 AM PST The first scenario-we are roommates and we are still friendly but not close yet, he saw me squatting down picking something up, he was walking towards me, he turned his body to the other side so as when I looked up, my face is not directly at his crotch and he is wearing boxer. The second scenario- this time , we have a slight argument on the phone but he did not turn his body to the other side which mean he is purposely want me to face his crotch if I look up at him but I knew he is coming so I did not look up but why is he so rude? What day you guy? He don't like me so don't respect me? |
Question: Why is my friends mom so mean to me? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:59 AM PST I know I sound like a sissy because I'm a 17 year old guy but it's really starting to bother me. I've been hanging out with my friend and going over since kindergarten and shes always been mean and nasty to me. I have mild autism so I know I could be kind of awkward, not anti social though I'm outgoing but just awkward. Plus sometimes I quietly hum or click my tongue once in a while when I'm concentrating or doing something. I don't do it as much as when I was little but if she catches me doing it she goes out of her way to yell or make a big deal about it. Last year when I was over there I literally just sneezed and she started yelling "stop it with the retarded noises already" and my friend actually stood up for me to her. Also I'll add that when other friends are around "especially his Jock/ football player friends" she always belittles and makes fun of me in front of them. Our one mutual friend even told me when I'm not around she always talks **** on me like calling me a weirdo and even said "why do you hangout with that loser" referring to me one time. I just don't understand why she hates me so much but likes his friends that smoke pot and underage drink every weekend. Plus the fact that she knows I'm autistic and goes out of her way to make me feel like ****. I know this is kind of a rant and I sound like a pansy but it hurts. |
Question: She said "i love you." Did i escape the friend zone for a moment? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:47 AM PST Girl spent two weeks at my apartment. We havent seen each other for 11 years (since high school) and agree to keep the hankey pankey casual, since she has a boyfriend back home. I was trying to convince her to let me give it to her without protection. She was like "next time." We had a conversation about it and during the convo she said the phrase "John, you're my friend, and I love you, but we're not gonna do it raw, not tonight." |
Question: If you are married, how would you feel if your friend did this? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:27 AM PST Say you're married and you have a friend who says they love you like a sibling and you love them like a sibling. How would you feel if they gave you random presents? Say this friend is friendly with your spouse and your spouse thinks of them as family, too. I have a married friend and every time I see something that reminds me of him, I want to get it for him, but the last time I considered it, my best friend was with me and said if I keep buying him random things, he's going to think I have the hots for him. To be fair, his birthday is coming up so I was going to hold onto it until his birthday, but what my best friend said made me paranoid. I think I worded that wrong. My best friend is a female and she said that if I kept getting my married friend gifts, he might think I have the hots for him. Amz, his wife isn't the one saying these things. My best friend (who has never met my married friend) was with me at the store recently and I saw something I thought my married friend would like, but she's been with me a few times when this happened and she's the one saying that if I keep buying him random gifts, he might think I have the hots for him. Snickers, I don't think I worded any of this correctly. My friend is married, he's a guy. I'm not friends with his wife, but we are friendly. I'm friends with the husband. Every time I see something that reminds me of my married guy friend, I want to get it for him. I got a couple things for him last year that I gave him for Christmas, but he ended up giving them to his kids. My best friend, who has never met these people, thinks I might give my married guy friend, the wrong idea. |
Question: What was my boss doing when he said this? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:54 AM PST I am the only woman in an office of 12 people. My boss who is also a good friend is the greatest boss in the world. He gave me a job when no one else would and I just adore him. He is always available to help me when I need help. He is giving me training so I can improve my skills and get a higher wage. He is very generous with raises. All the guys I work with are my friends and I enjoy working with them. They are just great people and I enjoy coming to work each day. I found out my boss called a meeting soon after I was hired of all the guys and told them "We now have a beautiful woman working here and I do not want any problems with sexual harassment". "Anyone that is going to hit on her will be fired immediately". "I know having a beautiful woman working here is new for you guys, but she is a very valuable member of our team and I don't want to lose her". "It is my moral and legal obligation to see that she does not feel the slightest pressure of sexual harassment". I think my boss paying me a compliment. My friends that I told about this told me he was just trying to protect the company from sexual harassment claims. What do you think? |
Question: Why am I so bad at storytelling!? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:43 AM PST I feel like when it comes to making friends and I want to tell them funny, interesting or bizarre experiences that I just completely ruin it! I can never tell a story about what happened because first it sounds very dull even if I were to put expression in my words, I don't know how to make it lengthy enough to not be too long without lacking detail, and I'm a very bad speaker overallš¤. I feel like in many friendly conversations people like to talk about what happened to them a lot and I feel like that's something that becomes an obstacle for me for many years! |
Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:31 AM PST Should I tell him what I think of him. I believe he thinks I'm buying his transparent efforts to impress me |
Question: Would you be friends with a person who is desperate for friendship? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:56 AM PST Would you befriend a person if he or she was desperate for friendship why of why not? |
Question: Is my roommate being Islamophobic, or does he have a point? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:04 AM PST I like to consider myself a progressive person, so when i heard an Iranian was going to move in with us to help pay for rent i didn't have a problem with it. My friend on the other hand, is extremely concerned, bombarding me and my dad with questions about his past, if hes a 2nd generation Muslim, if he practices Islam, and if hes lived in Iran. He even thinks that hes in danger since hes an atheist, but i do feel like hes over reacting, hes made good points though. Hes never been fond of religious people, but it seems like Islam sets him off. |
Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:01 AM PST |
Question: Do you think he'll meet up with me at a hotel? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:56 AM PST I'm 30 female there is a store that I go to and over a year or so ago. My mom and I started talking to one of the male cashiers he's 30 too. He just asked us questions like what were we doing for the weekend etc. Just general conversation just being polite. So one day I told him I was going to Massage Therapy school. So he told me that if I needed anyone to practice on I could practice on him. So I said ok and gave him my number awhile went by and he never called. So it's been a couple of months two weeks ago he called me. Asking when could I practice Massage on him and that he's doing physical therapy. I told him that I am no longer in Massage Therapy school. Because I decided to change to something else. But I told him I may end up going back next year. So he asked me if I still remembered some of the things I learned I told him yes. So then he said he could come to my house and I could practice on him. I told him I lived with a roommate he doesn't have his own place but he said he will soon. So then he asks me if i want to hang out he said he likes bowling and I told him I would let him know and think about it. A week went by and I called him a few days ago telling him I wanted to hangout with him next week. And he said he would let me know after he plans the times he has to go to physical therapy. |
Question: Should I keep trying? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:42 AM PST A year ago I got really self conscious about life and how my best friend from high school's life was going and I let that self consciousness drive me to end our friendship. I ended up pretty depressed and decided it was best to just stop being friendsWe argued for months about it, I tried just ignoring her and letting it fade out when it seemed like she was ignoring me and going on with her life in college but when i would, she got really controlling and try to force the friendship. I felt so bad about things that I started sleeping around because I needed validation, and I was jealous of the attention i assume she was getting at school. To make things worse, she and I dated for a while in high school and I never really got over her. she found out I was sleeping around, she got really freaked out, saying that she felt hurt that I hadn't told her about it.I found out that she may have slept with someone too. That hurt me beyond belief, and I ignored her a while. When I talked to her again, she apologized for hurting my feelings And leaving me out/behind, and I admitted that it was her fault I slept around. In the end, I still ended the things but I regretted it really soon after. I tried to be friends again after, we talked once after that but it's been a year and she hasn't spoken to me since. I miss her. Everything was fine on that last call. She'd just gone through some tough stuff regarding losing her house, but she seemed okay with taking to me. Should I keep trying? She did a lot of things wrong, and admitted to all of it like leaving me out even though I was kind of rude about things when she talked about college and leaving me behind. She even cried about how bad of a person she was and she took all the blame. Now it's been a year and she hasn't talked to me?... |
Question: Why my best friend get mad everytime i have self confidence and she trys to put me down? Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:56 AM PST |
Question: Extended Response on Workplace Friendships? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 11:36 PM PST |
Question: Why are girls only social media people? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 11:21 PM PST So when I was in middle school i realized everyone started to use social media after 7th grade. I had regular friends such as a mix of guy friends and girl friends. Now that I'm in high school I realize EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE uses social media and talk all about it. I hate social media (mostly cuz it's boring) and I'm not talking to anyone who just talks about that. (Fr I only have guy friends and no single girl friends and it's the middle of the year. Like I said I ain't talking to social media girls.) why do you guys like this stuff? What the big excitement about? |
Question: I'm always lonely and don't have any friends? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 10:25 PM PST I've been feeling very lonely over the course of the past year. I have a few acquaintances, but we never talk on a regular basis. I'm in college and whenever I'm not in class or doing homework, I'm often lonely and bored and find myself wishing I had more friends to talk to and hang out with. I really struggle with self-esteem and I find it more difficult than the average person to make new friends. I know people often say that before you become friends with others you need to "befriend yourself" and everything, but I have zero idea how to go about doing that--every time I try, I'm just reminded of how much of a failure I am for not being able to make friends. Help? |
Question: Best friend hiding a truth about her relationship life? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 10:05 PM PST I'm a guy & I'm bestfriends with this girl. We share pretty much everything with each other, including people we checkout, and go out with & even sleep with. Until this point we knew everything about each other, but last week, when we went out to eat. She was constantly in her phone, and for the first time she didn't let me go through her phone. Later I got a rumor about her having a secret boyfriend, like being in a legit boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. Rumor or truth, IDK! I don't even feel like asking her, coz ofcourse if she had a boyfriend, I would know it. What's goading me so much, does she really have a secret committed relationship! If so, why would she hide it from me! I'm her bestfriend. She knows all the stuff about me, even the most embarrassing things, like the one time I slept with a girl who was engaged. That's the level of trust we already have, so as we be open about evvverything. Is it actually just a rumor? How do I confirm that without coming across as an ignorant idiot. I don't want her to go "Are you serious! you really thought I wouldn't tell you this kinda thing!" |
Question: Why might seniors find the younger teens annoying at school? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 09:35 PM PST I'm 15 in grade 10. In Canada, some of us start high school in 8th grade. The seniors still find us annoying - or mostly, people below grade 11. Most of the time they don't mention it because we all do our own things but if we're in the same situation then they likely think we're more childish than them. It's only 2 years - it can be more than 24 months apart or less (if either person has a late or early bday). |
Question: Are there any maturity differences between 10th graders and 12th graders in general? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 08:47 PM PST |
Question: Anxiety and paranoia over this scenario are ruining my life PLEASE HELP? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 08:42 PM PST There was this one guy who I went to school with for a while. We were never very close, but we were cool with each other and were "friends". There were countless occasions where he needed my help with schoolwork and I was there for him. We would talk casually over text like normal friends do, but I was the one to text first unless he needed help with homework. We had one argument at one point where he took something I said the wrong way and we didn't talk for 2 months despite my effort to apologize and fix things even though I wasn't necessarily in the wrong. During that I was panicked and nervous constantly worrying that he wanted to hurt me. We randomly started talking again at one point despite never resolving the scenario. We were friends again like we were before as if nothing happened. He seemed to care about me and we supported each other in sports and life etc. We recently stopped going to school together. We were still friends when we parted. Later on, I texted and asked how he was doing. He left me on read. Tried again a week later, left me on read again. A few days later he blocks me on a social media platform. One day he posted online about a big life decision he made and had tons of people comment congratulating him. He responded to every comment thanking them EXCEPT MINE. I can't stop thinking about all this. Why is he blocking me out? Does he think I did something I didn't do? What if he hates me and wants to physically hurt me or kill me ruining my future?HELP |
Question: He's been distant, but that's a coincidence, right? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 08:29 PM PST I have a friend who is married. I respect his marriage and family and I'm very supportive of it always. His wife and I are friendly with one another and I'd never do anything to hurt her. I am in love with my friend, though. I keep control of my feelings and I am PRETTY sure he has no clue how I feel. We've always been rather flirty and we have a bond and connection, but we'll never be more than friends. He's never even given me a hug. Whenever we're around each other, he enjoys the attention I give him...I can tell. Well, I have been talking to this guy for a few weeks and we had a date scheduled for this past Sunday (except I had to postpone it because something came up). When I saw my friend Sunday at church, he was very distant...only waved hello to me (his wife wasn't with him at service). We made eye contact a couple of times, but he didn't bother to wave goodbye or anything. He hasn't socialized with me at all on FB like he normally would. It's a big coincidence that he's being distant, right? Just seems weird he became distant after I announced my upcoming date. |
Question: My boyfriend and I only hang out once a week? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 08:24 PM PST My boyfriend and I have been seeing each other exclusively for four months now. Despite going to the same university and living within ten minutes of each other, we only hang out once a week I understand he's busy with work and school and friends, and still having time to sleep and to himself. but I still feel like we could grab lunch or coffee in the morning during the week occasionally. We could even go somewhere and do homework and study together. I'm really not a needy person. I value spending time alone, I'm involved in a lot of activities outside of school, I take 6 classes, and I like to make sure I spend time socializing with my friends separate from anyone I happen to be dating. And I need a lot of sleep to function. I don't have a job, but in all other aspects of my life I think I keep myself pretty busy. I just wish we could hang out more often and more casually. Like, he could just call me up and say hey, wanna meet up on campus today? or want to go grocery shopping together? I'm not asking for fancy "dates" where he come picks me up and takes me to dinner and a movie. Is that normal, or am I being clingy? |
Question: Good ideas to give my friends before I have to leave for the military? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 07:54 PM PST I'm shipping out for the military in three months. I want to give my friends good gifts that they can keep that mean something. I thought about writing down how I feel about them, favorite memories, etc. Maybe put my favorite pictures of us in there too? I just need some cute ideas to give them. I am a girl and I am 18, if that helps. Thank you in advance. :) |
Question: Should I ditch my friend? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 07:19 PM PST So I have this friend that I've known since 2nd grade and we're now reaching the ends of 8th. She has stolen a few of my items such as: favorite bra and a few shirts and a pen. When I can't find something the immediate thing I think is, "did she steal this??" Although she occasionally steals my things, she's the only friend that I'm comfortable around and the only "close" friend I have. I'm afraid to ditch her because she is "depressed" (notice quotations) and doesn't have many friends herself, although I believe this is just for attention... knowing her. I don't want to hurt her I guess. But recently she has stolen my cardfight deck which is very special to me because my brother has help me build that deck for 2 years and that's how we bond. He also bought me the majority of those cards and some of them are very expensive!!! She doesn't take care of her things so I don't trust her with my stuff! I feel like I should just leave her behind because she is a toxic relationship. She doesn't even listen when I talk to her so I feel like I have no one to talk to about my personal issues... please help!! Should I leave her? How should I say that I don't want to be best friends anymore? |
Question: My best friend never makes a effort to sleepover anymore? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 07:18 PM PST my best friend never makes a effort to sleepover anymore, and if i invite her, she always says no and makes dumb excuses. i know she likes being my best friend, but i just wish i had a best friend that loved to sleepover. Should i talk to her about this? |
Question: Why does my friend always talk about her other friends to me? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:26 PM PST My friend is obsessed with these two other friends, Caroline and Lottie, she has (I don't know them well personally) and she always talks about them randomly. Like funny things they did or what happened in the club thing they were in. She seems to really like these people, but she actually isn't that close to them. Caroline and Lottie are kinda an iconic duo, but she seems to be intervening I guess. Why is she obsessed with them? |
Question: Is it normal for friends to tell you what's convenient for them for your Birthday? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:18 PM PST I'm a woman in my 30s, and my birthday is coming up soon. (So this issue involves adults). In the past, I've invited friends to go skating or or other activities, and then out for lunch/coffee so it's not much money. None of my friends wanted to come, so we went out for dessert (I don't like dessert) and did what they wanted, and then a small group of them came when I planned my birthday activity around what they liked. The past few birthdays, I decided to spend time alone since my friends don't seem to have anything in common with me, but got really depressed. I took myself out for steak & a movie that none of my friends would have wanted to see lol, so that was nice. This year, I've planned lunch and swimming, and just one friend said they'd come. My other friend wants me to pick a restaurant on the subway line (she doesn't want to transfer and take a short bus ride anywhere). I didn't respond to her message, and thought to myself, "I'm so done with doing what everyone else wants, especially for my birthday. I'll go alone if I have to." Am I not compromising enough? Are my friends lame/demanding/selfish/other? When you plan an event for your own birthday, are you supposed to accommodate everyone else? I don't get it. I so don't get it. I feel like I'm the nicest lady, but my friends suck. Or am I being unreasonable? |
Question: Married people, how would you feel if your friend gave you random gifts? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:13 PM PST Say you're married and you have a friend who says they love you like a sibling and you love them like a sibling. How would you feel if they gave you random presents? Say this friend is friendly with your spouse and your spouse thinks of them as family, too. I have a married friend and every time I see something that reminds me of him, I want to get it for him, but the last time I considered it, my best friend was with me and said if I keep buying him random things, he's going to think I have the hots for him. To be fair, his birthday is coming up so I was going to hold onto it until his birthday, but what my best friend said made me paranoid. |
Question: Why does my male friend call me every single night? Posted: 31 Jan 2018 12:16 PM PST We have been friends for one year. He tried to hit on me the first few times but he stopped it when he realized I'm married and that I'm not the type to cheat on my husband. We grew to become very close friends, I know that he cares for me a lot, like no one else does. My husband (who is abusive) has left the house for one year now. My friend calls me every night and we talk about everything and nothing; but I don't understand why he calls this regularly!! It's almost like he "checks-in" every night, I feel that even best friends dont talk so often!! He asks about my day and tells me about his, opens his heart to me if he is upset about sthg. Sometimes if he is angry, he shuts down on all our mutual friends but not me. He doesn't call any other girl, i know it because he is with me on the phone every single night, even though girls are begging for his attention as he is almost every girl's dream. Please am I over concerned?? Or are some men just really good friends??? |
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