Friends: Question: I need help! What should I do about this “friend”? |
- Question: I need help! What should I do about this “friend”?
- Question: What’s a fake best friend?
- Question: Is this normal for people who have Asperger traits or was he not interested?
- Question: My (13 year old) friends both got drunk?!?
- Question: What does this sense of familiarity mean?
- Question: Freshman advice?
- Question: How can I meet people who have similar interests as me?
- Question: Was she flirting? Was she being nice? Was she giving hints? What was this?
- Question: How to snapchat a girl I barely know?
- Question: Is my friend going through an emo phase at the moment?
- Question: How can I confront my friend about stealing my stuff?
- Question: How to tell if someone is using me or setting me up?
- Question: How do you make friends with someone you've known for a while and see a lot but never talk to?
- Question: My boyfriend teases me sexually but then never does anything with me?
- Question: How long should I give my friend time off/space before moving on?
- Question: Why do some teens never go to parties?
- Question: Should i date him?
- Question: Almost all my friends forgot my birthday- what should I do?
- Question: Reaching out to my besfriend?????
- Question: If one Adult friend says to You (their Adult friend, that they are proud of you for something relatively simple, how would you feel?
- Question: Was i physically harassed by my drunk friend?
- Question: Am I gonna miss out on life?
- Question: Today I found out my friend overdosed. How do I feel better?
- Question: What kind of club/activities can a young adult like me can get involved in?
- Question: Why my best friend get mad every time i feel self confidence and she trys to put me down and remind me that i am a zero?
- Question: My friend who I’ve known for years goes through these phases where she just straight up ignores me even though nothing happened between us.?
- Question: Do you really think her 2 year old accidentally deleted me or did my friend delete me on purpose?
- Question: Does my friend/best friends brother like me?
- Question: My best friend is the most selfish& spoiled person ever (tell me what you think)?
- Question: Is it possible that she is a psycopath or has narcissistic personalit disorder?
- Question: Ways to get my best friend to let me tie him up?
- Question: My friend has random angry episodes and projects them on me.?
- Question: My friends ditched me and this has happened before....?
- Question: Im 14 and my parents want to put their finger prints on my phone.I dont have anything to hide,but its annoying bcuz im the only person. Help?
- Question: Was she rude?
- Question: Bad day today?
- Question: I have this friend and she is actually really mean. She makes fun of people a lot. And swears. What should I do?
- Question: How can I find a meaningful relationship even though I'm afraid to speak to anyone?
- Question: Help please?
- Question: Should I make the decision to keep the friendship?
Question: I need help! What should I do about this “friend”? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 05:21 PM PST So I used to talk to this guy but we were never official so we agreed to just be friends. Well my friend started liking him a year later. He doesn't want to be her friend but she keeps texting me about him and she gets mad when I mention his name but expects me to give her advice. It has caused her to be a really bad friend to me. She keeps secrets and tells them to all of our friends and eventually one of them tells me and it feels like she is doing it to make me feel out of the loop. If I confront her I will probably lose all of my friends and I will only have him left but he has other friends and I don't want to aggravate him, but I can't deal with her rudeness and attitude any more. Please help. |
Question: What’s a fake best friend? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 05:20 PM PST |
Question: Is this normal for people who have Asperger traits or was he not interested? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:54 PM PST I've been talking to this guy, Tom, for a few weeks. We actually went to school together for a couple years and his twin sister hung out in the same group that I did freshman year, in the mornings. We didn't really know each other, though. When we first started talking, he let me know that he has "minor Asperger traits" and I was fine with it because my cousin has Asperger's and I'm used to it. We have long, in-depth talks about life and things we've been through, our interests, etc. I love our talks and I like him a lot. After a few weeks of talking, he asked me on a date. We went on the date last night, which was to the movies. When he came to pick me up, he didn't get out of the car. When we were standing in line to buy tickets, he would talk to me, but not look at me. I understand not making eye contact, but he literally would look down or off to the side. When we were getting ready to leave, I figured we would go out for dinner, but he didn't mention it and went to take me home. As we pulled to my house, he mentioned he was going to go pick up some food (yeah, couldn't do that WITH ME, I guess). He didn't get out of the car to even hug me good night, let alone kiss me good night. I haven't heard from him since and he's posted a few times on Facebook. Is this normal behavior for a guy with Asperger traits or was he just not interested? It was the most awkward/uncomfortable date I've ever been on. I'm 27, he's 26. |
Question: My (13 year old) friends both got drunk?!? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:10 PM PST Last night, we all had a sleepover and my friends parents weren't home. It all started when one of my friends snagged her sisters vape from downstairs, and started vaping. They offered it to me multiple times, but I declined every time. Then, apparently one of them snagged a bottle of tequila and started pouring shots. They both had about five, and started making out. They had sex right in front of me. Mind me they are both 13!!! I feel very awkward around them, and idk what to do. I would never, ever do anything that bad. |
Question: What does this sense of familiarity mean? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:50 PM PST I met this girl in school and something seemed right immediately and the first time I looked in her eyes there's a sense of familiarity and we talk to each other like we knew one another before just the vibe, we spoke like we knew each other before. Well we look in each other's eyes for the first time I had a hunch immediately and we kind've got lost in one another's eyes. Right after the first interaction there's a warm feeling instantly. Well we talked almost everyday and she goes on to a higher education I don't speak to her for a year and I meet someone else and have interest in another but, run into her at 11:11 the clock stops and we have eye contact and gaze deeply into each other's eyes like time stops and I have a sense of deja vu like I had a vision or a dream before couldn't place. We just gaze in one another's eyes lost in thought it's weird, no discomfort or anything nothing stopping. Serious answers only, nothing rude. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:48 PM PST I'm finishing middle school in a few months and I'm not really looking forward to high school. Not only because I'm scared, but I'm not looking forward to writing longer essays in a shorter amount of time.. and having to deal with people much older than me in my classes. Any advice so I can make friends and make it through my freshman year? |
Question: How can I meet people who have similar interests as me? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:41 PM PST At my school, I have two "best friends." But they're not really the best friends because we having nothing in common and I don't trust either of them; I only hang out with them because they are my only options. I've tried talking to some people.. but I don't really have a lot of options because most of the people at my school are those "fake" girls. You know what I mean if you've been through middle school or high school I hope. I personally think my music preferences and hobbies are very different from what teens my age normaly like. I just want a friend I can share my hobbies with and actually have fun with... but I don't know how to find them... |
Question: Was she flirting? Was she being nice? Was she giving hints? What was this? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:36 PM PST This was awhile ago I visited my two friends who are girls at their college campus. One girl knows I used to have a crush on her back in the day and still suspects I like her but I won't budge. But after I meet them at their campus we all talk then end up going back to the girl I like dorm room. All 3 of us get there chill and talk in the dorm and throughout the whole 2-3 hours I was there this happened..... we talked blah blah the girl I like was mainly talking to me and wasn't talking much to the other friend. Well I ended up putting the other girl on my snapchat and the girl I like saw and I feel like she got jealous cause she ended up putting me on her snap saying "look who came to visit!!!" But we kept talking she tried to flaunt her accomplishments how she's an honors student and her major and stuff. Then later she had this paper thing and she dropped it and it landed like smooth on my crotch and she grabbed it but didn't touch my crotch then we kept talking blah blah then she ended up inviting me to a frat party she was going to later saying how there's poles down stairs and free liq and if I show up with girls which I think she meant her I could get in for free. We kept talking she was about to get dressed because she was going somewhere and she kept saying if she should get dressed in the same room as me and the other friend or the bathroom kinda like she didn't care being naked around me idk. But she like put her bra next to me with her other clothes in plain view. |
Question: How to snapchat a girl I barely know? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:29 PM PST She has my phone number because last weekend my friends and I were facetiming her and just messing around. Then we went for a walk with her and talked a little bit. Last night I added her on snapchat and she added me back. The thing is, I don't think she knows that it's me who added her. I don't even think she knows my name because when she facetimed my friend who I was with she just referred to me as his "white friend". So what should I say to her? |
Question: Is my friend going through an emo phase at the moment? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:36 PM PST Before, my friend's life was ok and she was doing great. All of a sudden in january, she was quiet in school and acted different. are these symptoms of her being emo? 1. She is very quiet in school and draws characters that are "evil" in her sketchbook. she later made the drawings into cartoons. she also put in her sketchbook "property of a broken one." 2. she has an eating disorder? on friday, she didn't eat anything for lunch ang she normally eats. 3. she starred wearing dark clothes. 4. she acts depressed and acts like something is wrong with her but there really isn't (that i know of) 5. she "hates" her parents because she is bi. 6. could it be that she is a teenager and hormones? but something doesn't add up. when she is in school, she is quiet and not herself. but outside of school, she acts like her usual self and is "happy". do you guys think she could be faking her happiness? i'm asking the internet because i really don't know what to do. |
Question: How can I confront my friend about stealing my stuff? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:21 PM PST I'm not a very blunt or straightforward person under certain circumstances.. so it's really difficult to confront her. She thinks I don't realize things, when in reality I do. I just don't say anything.. please help, how can I finally tell her stop stealing from me and possibly cut off the relationship?? |
Question: How to tell if someone is using me or setting me up? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:10 PM PST |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:32 PM PST There's this guy who goes to my school who I have several classes with who I also see outside of school a lot because we do a lot of the same clubs and activities and stuff. We basically see each other all day 6 (and sometimes even 7) days a week, but we've never directly talked to each other. I really want to be friends with him because he's a pretty cool and friendly person, but we've just never had the opportunity to talk to each other. I don't want to seem awkward, but I just feel like since we see each other all the time anyway it would make sense for us to be close, especially since we have lots of the same friends. I'm a girl by the way, but we're not exactly the same age/grade, so I just want to be friends. I know this seems kind of weird lol, but any advice??!! Also, I'm probably going to see him a lot even after I graduate, so I don't want to see him around and awkwardly be like "I never said hi to you before but hey!" or anything. Thanks:) |
Question: My boyfriend teases me sexually but then never does anything with me? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 11:20 AM PST My boyfriend can talk dirty all day to me over text but then never wants to actually DO anything. I stayed at his house over the weekend and we were talking about having a nice romantic night together. After talking all day about how excited he was for that night, we had sex for less than five minutes. He fell asleep immediately after. He said he would make it up to me last night and he was talking it up like he did the day before, saying it was going to be great, and then did the same exact thing. We had sex for about five minutes, then he fell asleep. This morning I talked to him about it and said it hurts when he does that because it's like he's not even interested in me sexually,. He never really wants to do anything. It's all talk. He even said "Maybe I don't mean it when I text you stuff like that. Maybe I'm just teasing you." And that stung because he basically just said he would never actually do anything he talks about, he just likes saying it. I just feel very insecure and unloved, and very hurt that he said he doesnt even mean it when he talks to me like that. We'll have sex in the back of the car and that's fine by him, but he refuses to be romantic and have a romantic night together in an actual bed because that would be "going too fast". He wants to stick to backseats, and that makes me feel that I'm just not that special to him if all he wants is to bang in the backseat and just get it over with. Am I wrong to be hurt by this? I feel like he wants nothing to do with me sexually. He'll get me excited and talk about having a great night, and then always falls through and is just like "Nevermind, I was just playing." It was extremely hard for me to talk about this with him earlier, because I don't want to be a whiner or for it to look like all I care about is the sex, because I don't. But sex is a huge part of a relationship, and he just has no care at all to satisfy me or make it special and that stings. Am I being a baby about this or overreacting? How do I respond to this? Should I talk to him about it more? What do I do? Thank you. |
Question: How long should I give my friend time off/space before moving on? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 11:12 AM PST |
Question: Why do some teens never go to parties? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 09:56 AM PST |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 09:50 AM PST So im friends with this guy and we have been friends for a while. At first in high school he had to choose between me and my friend and he chose my friend. He didnt want me because he thought i was ugly at the time and he would tell everyone i was ugly. My friend even asked why he didnt choose me and he said "look at her, why would i want that?" She broke up with him and now years later he wants me. idk why i do look a little different but who knows. |
Question: Almost all my friends forgot my birthday- what should I do? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 08:53 AM PST I am only 15 so it is a pretty big deal to me that they all forgot- but I don't want them to feel bad? I mean I kinda understand it given it is 2 days before Christmas and people are very busy, but still. Also, my dance school is like on big family and the dance teacher's daughter has been doing birthday posts on Instagram for a while but I didn't get one. |
Question: Reaching out to my besfriend????? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 08:29 AM PST I'm a 23 year old guy, and for 5 years I had a close friend Jenny. She was 4 years older than me but we got along great. Last year in February she kicked me out of her life because my life was a mess, and I began having a drug problem and that pushed her away. I tried getting her back but it didn't work because she went to the police to leave her alone. We have spent 1 year without talking, I miss her because she was always LOYAL to me while other friends have screwed me over. I miss her soo much and I don't know what to doo, i've cleaned up my life but I want her to forgive so that I can move on. Any above please???? The nicest thing she ever said to me was " I promise to always be here for you, but please turn your life around and I promise I will make you my daughters godfather, because I can only test you " |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 08:08 AM PST (you both are basically the same age and are both Americans). Would it be a compliment or an insult and Most importantly WHY? |
Question: Was i physically harassed by my drunk friend? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 07:07 AM PST Me and a guy friend are extremely close, and although i might give him some signs i like him (although I don't) and joke with him a bit, we're just friends. He was pretty drunk and high at a party and he took me outside and grabbed my hands really hard and wouldn't let go. i tried to break free but he wouldn't let go of my hands and kept trying to kiss me. my friend saw this and came out and we both tried pushing him inside the party and leaving but he kept trying to grab me and kiss me harshly like by pushing my back and grabbing my hands. He didn't touch any sexual areas but i couldn't sleep all night seeing his face and what he did to me over and over. i feel... assaulted in a way but i don't want to overreact so i guess i'll just stay quiet and blame the alcohol for him. thank you all so much for the feedback. i will definitely talk to him and possibly cut ties! |
Question: Am I gonna miss out on life? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:03 AM PST I am 17 years old in my junior year of high school. For the past year I have been drinking, smoking, vaping, partying, etc. i am in a friend group that revolves around that and I love my friends but im sick of it. my parents cant trust me at all anymore and that hurts. i feel so terrible but i dont want to stop because i feel like i will lose my friends or miss out on life if I quit. What do I do? How do I get my parents trust back? Am i really going to miss out on much if I stop? All partying has done to me is hurt me so I just want to be happy again but I dont want to miss out or be a loser or something. |
Question: Today I found out my friend overdosed. How do I feel better? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 05:39 AM PST I last sent him a text on New Year's Day and he stopped replying and answering my calls a couple days before that. I didn't think much of it because he often changed his number because he said he lost his phones but I think he was pawning them for drugs. I have been over a year sober but I still spoke to him because he was 1 of my very few friends I could talk to outside of the drug world plus he lived close to me. Today his mum came to my workplace and told me he past away on January 6th and I'm devestated because he was 1 of my very few friends. |
Question: What kind of club/activities can a young adult like me can get involved in? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 05:16 AM PST I'm a 20 year old single guy and I want to make more friends. I do have friends already but I only talk to them or hang out with them here and there. Either because of college, work, or their relationships. I have been working at Costco for 6 months now, I do talk to some of my co-workers but we never hangout after work. So I was wondering what kind of club/activities do you recommend for a young adult like to to get involved in and make more friends. I feel alone,I don't want to feel this way anymore. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 04:56 AM PST When i feel insecure about my self she tells me that i am realistic and when i feel self confidence she tell me that i have delusions..... |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 04:02 AM PST Normally when this happens i just ignore it until she's done because when I try she just gets pissy. I dont really know what to do anymore. I'm sick of this but I don't really wanna loose the relationship |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:35 AM PST I have a friend who only seem to message me when she wants big favours, and always want me to drive her places. Last time she called me early in the morning around 6:30am, to drop her in town to the doctor(she doesn't have a car), and she wanted me to find a doctor for her, so I looked in the phone book and found one. I had a lot plan that day and told her the next day will work better for me, but she said it's an emergency. She said all I need to do is drop her there and I can leave her. It was about 1 hour to get there, then I got lost trying to find it since neither of us went there before. When I went there, there was no parking, I told her I'll park in the paid car park, she said no problem but when I asked her for $2.00 so I can go and get a paid car park and get a good parking space, she started telling me she has no money. Then she wanted me to wait on her even though the plan was just for me to drop her there and go back home. So then we ended up waiting nearly at doctor office almost 3 hours. Then after she wanted me to take her supermarket, then other places, she went to the store and spend over $200, then she wanted me to her university where I also had to wait for her in my car. I ended up not going home until nearly 6pm. Few days later I notice she deleted me, and she messaged me asking a favour and I told her why she want such a big favour when she deleted me. She said her 2 year old daughter deleted me accidentally not her and that I am acting childish. .She also keeps asking to barrow my brand new car, I told her no that it's my dad's car and he would not be ok with it in fact he would be angry and she is telling me that he does not have to know. I feel like she is not treating me like a friend, now she deleted me on facebook and claiming it's her daughter, and telling me that I am immature and childish for getting offended for that. Then said even if she deleted me so what it's not like we are not friends. The thing is facebook is the only way we have to stay intouch as she is foreigner here and don't have a local number. So fact that she deleted me after ive always do so much for her is a bit insulting |
Question: Does my friend/best friends brother like me? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:09 AM PST So! I have this friend who is my best friends brother, and also family friend. Throughout the course of us knowing each other, we joked around a lot. These include roasting each other, calling me his wife, an just flat out targeting me if we ever play in a group competitive game. I saw it more of a platonic way, until we were cast in a play together. We play siblings, but I m a younger sibling who absolutely adores his character, so I praise him and hug him repeatedly. Being myself and my belief of personal space, I don t hug guys often, and he knows of it. After the constant hugging and emotional acting, we seem to be getting closer. Also his birthday was recent, and I was invited. At his party, I felt like I was his closest friend, since I was constantly engaging in conversation with him, more than his guy friends which was strange. When I had to leave early, he was fairly upset, but I don t know if he just sees me as a really good friend/sister-like, or if it s a liking. I also used to have a huge crush on him a couple years back, so if it were mutual, that would be so cool Edit: this guy is a genuine happy guy, so he is constantly happy and nice to a majority of people, so I'd understand if I was just being sensitive. But he values my opinion in everything I say, and shows sadness whenever I bring up another guy. |
Question: My best friend is the most selfish& spoiled person ever (tell me what you think)? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:00 PM PST We are 16 have been friends for 4 years . I just recently Got a job and I'm able to buy things. So yesterday we decided to go to the mall and hang out (she decided actually) . So I don't have much clothes .. my family is struggling right now , her on the other hand has nice and new things very very often. I bought me a 27 dollar jacket ..and food that's all I didn't want to do my real shopping then . So she only has 20 dollars ... I had 100 (for clothes)she goes into forever 21 and sees a jacket she likes it was 30 dollars ... I told her I would help her get it . So we get to the line and I told her give me the 20 and I'll add 10 and pay for it with her .she goes no you pay 20 and I'll add 10.... I said no and told her I'll add 10... she gets mad puts it back and didn't talk to me for 40 mins had an attitude... for the rest of the time . |
Question: Is it possible that she is a psycopath or has narcissistic personalit disorder? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:57 PM PST There is a girl I've known for a 5 years, someone I thought was a great person and friend. But recently this year, she has been acting weirdly and very rude. She is generally a quiet person around most people. First, she kept repeating to my face whenever I meet her that I am not as good as her at volleyball and that I suck. Then as she was saying that, she started talking about how hard she tries in volleyball and that she would deseve to be in varsity in high school. Then she also talks about how I would never be able to beat her in academics because I started later than her, and also that if she tried, no one would be able to beat her. Then she always calls basically whatever I do cappy and tries to make everything centred around her. She aways has to be the best one, if she can't she wI'll always start talking bad about the person that is better than her. So I have my other friends who are a lot smarter and much better than her, and to me she started talking bad about them saying that I should stop being friends with them, and after that I still stayed friends with them, and noW she is threatbing me saying she will commit suicide if I keep being friends with them. I am planning to talk to the counselors about her and what has happened. Then yesterday, my parents for got to pick her up because she carpools with us in the morning, and I went to her house to apologize for not picking her up. |
Question: Ways to get my best friend to let me tie him up? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:16 PM PST |
Question: My friend has random angry episodes and projects them on me.? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:24 PM PST We are the definition of ride or die friends. We've cried, laughed, partied, etc. together. Now he has these random episodes where he gets mad at me and overall makes me feel like **** Bc he just knows the right things to say to hurt me. Now these usually end after a couple of weeks and we're back friends again. Now this has been happening a lot. Every time I go back I end up getting hurt again and it kills me alittle more each time. And each time it hurts more. Whevever it ends he's crying and telling me what an asshole he is and how he's really sorry and how it won't happen again but then again it always does. I just don't know what to do. I have 3 classes with him and our families are close so I can't talk to my parents about it. Any advice??? I'll take anything fr im just out here tryna make my life even alittle better |
Question: My friends ditched me and this has happened before....? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:37 PM PST okay i have to start from the beginning, i had an old friend who turned their back on me and went to a different group. anyway i found a couple new groups of friends and right now one group and i are in an argument and i have another group who are my closest friends and they do stuff without me but i just ignore it anyway i asked one of my friends in that group to hang and go ice skating and they said no im going out to dinner with family and then my third group of friends i asked one if they wanted to go ice skating and they said they couldnt because they were busy and now i had someone else tell me that they went ice skating without me. i have no idea what to do becuase if i say something i could loose both friend groups, but this is really bothering me and i dont want it to turn out like last time this happened i dont want to go find another friend group because these guys are it. please help |
Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:21 PM PST ... nvm i got it |
Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:20 PM PST So, I generally hang out with my friends on Friday nights because that is really the only day we are all available. This past Friday, however, I didn t hear a peep out of my friend after I had left her house that morning,(we did homework together) so I figured she just wanted to spend some time with her boyfriend, and I let them be. The day before, though, she was talking to me about how she was excited for a new movie coming out, and I said I couldn t wait to see it. She said, and I quote :"I think we re going to go on Tuesday, since that s the discount day." So, I naturally assumed that meant that I was invited to go with them, especially since this wasn t the first time we had all expressed interest in this particular film. Then, I received a message from her this afternoon, telling me to "Go see that movie! It s SOOO good." Am I wrong for being hurt that she spend her Friday night at the movie that I presumed we were all going to see together next week? This also isn t the first time something like this has happened. It just hurts me because I have no one else to go with, and she knows that there is no way I would want to go see the movie alone, and that I ll probably not get a chance to see it anytime soon. |
Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:12 PM PST 25 years old, willing to admit i'm a d---head and have autism and bipolar both. My mom just passed away today and she was so sweet to me. I never knew her much and all we did was just talk on the phonre but she would give me the best kisses ever over the phone and send me money and always had a kind word for me and i never knew if she knew the Lord or not and i wonder if i'll ever see her again in eternity. Have a grandma to take care of me with the most serious stuff and give me food, shelter, and clothing but is too tired to taxi me to my favorite place out of town so i depend on friends to drive me places. don't know how many dang cars i've ridden in in my adulthood. probably a thousand cars but mama's gone and i have no one to hold me like a mother would that i'm real close to socially. i've outgrown grandma even though i appreciate her help for me. but i have no girlfriend and no one to comfort me like a mama would that's appropriate for me and just wants the world to know that he's lonely and motherless and i feel like i'm expected to give myself affection and that no one cares or has the time to put their arms around a half-orphan like mey when a stupid mental disability. Have a sweet friend in her 30's but she can't hold me because she's so busy at her store and shes too young for me to be in her house alone. And I have been awakened to the world and it's ungodly attitude and some snitch may report this but i wish i had some appropriate email buddy |
Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:51 PM PST |
Question: How can I find a meaningful relationship even though I'm afraid to speak to anyone? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:40 PM PST |
Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:39 PM PST How do I ask my friends to hang out in our underwear. I do it with one group of friends but the other group doesn't do it. How do I ask them? Pleas don't tell me is gay, idc if it's is or isn't |
Question: Should I make the decision to keep the friendship? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:14 PM PST I need advice on this situation. I have a friend that I had known since middle school (we used to call each other sisters). We are now in our mid-20's. She got married last year. Throughout the wedding process, she changed me from maid of honor (because her and her sister got into a fight) to bridesmaid. Also, she would call me on the phone to discuss the wedding but never told me about prices, etc. She changed the dress color twice and I almost wouldn't have been able to return the dress. She gave me the dates last minute (bridal shower, rehearsal dinner, and wedding) a few months before so I had to tell my job last minute. I decided not to go to the wedding, her mother wanted to charge me 200 dollars. My friend felt like I didn't want to go but I did. She told me that despite what happened, she would still talk to me. I deleted her off Facebook just for her to ask me through text why she didn't see me on the site. We have talked a few times after but I want to cut off the friendship because she is flaky and has been other times like cancelling plans. The only good thing about her is she always asks how I'm doing with my life, etc. My mom thinks it's too bad that it happened because I have known her for a long time. Is it worth keeping the friendship? |
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