Question: Am I wrong for worrying about this? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 09:46 PM PDT I have been dating a guy who is a real gentleman for almost 4 months and sometimes I worry what if we don't work out. I want to marry a country boy who is a good man like he is. I am 22 and he is 21. Another battle I face is that so many people where we live at our age are getting engaged, married, have kids, or are pregnant. HE quit drinking alcohol and says that he had a dream about us being married someday and I had a similar dream. We have so much in common. |
Question: My husband lied about gambling. What else does he lie about? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 09:44 PM PDT I'm really nervous. I caught my hubby gambling. He won't admit to it. He gambled while his family was waiting for him. When confronted, he totally denied it. It feels like I was kicked in the gut. To me, it feels like cheating because he's so good at lying. I know this hasn't been the first time. |
Question: Is it possible for adult friendfinder to send my husband emails when he never made an account? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 09:36 PM PDT Right now my husband is a bootcamp. I was looking through his email to get a list of addresses that had been sent to his email and came across several emails from dating websites asking him to confirm his account. These messages were read. We have had arguments about messages he has got that he didn't read and he claims he didn't know what they were but the messages I came across yesterday were from 1 year and a half ago, before we were married( but we were dating) asking him to confirm his account. I snooped through these sites and they know his name and birthday. Is it possible that these could just be viruses coming from Facebook or information he put somewhere else? Or did he cheat on me at this time? I'm very confused and don't want to jump to conclusions especially with him being gone like he is...I also know what's past is past, but I just want to know if he did cheat on me. And if he did how should I go about confronting him when I can't even talk to him? |
Question: I do not know what to do? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 09:33 PM PDT Disclaimer: I am not writing an essay for good grades. So, my grammar might be of the level of 5 year old child. I am 21 years old, currently in College.... I have been dating this girl she 28 years old. Recently she told me she is here from a Temporary Residence Status (TPS) and that she fears that our current president might not renew it. we've been dating for about 2 years now, I wanted her to stay here. After a 24 hours online I found out that if she marries a US citizen (me) she should be able to stay without any problem. So I told her and it was going fine until I found out that it's Illegal. I love her but I am in College, hoping to become a lawyer. I really don't know what to do? Risk my career for the woman I love, Go against my parents wishes or Lose her. it's really a dilemma |
Question: My bf boyfriend just told my husband that he s going to break up with my best friend . And my husband doesn t want me to tell her . Help plz? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 09:31 PM PDT |
Question: My wife cheat on me with 7 GUYS. what to do? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 09:29 PM PDT So I'm 25 and my wife cheated on me 8 months ago with 7 different men. One of which I found sitting on my couch. I only stayed with her because she was having our child and yes I took a test to make sure the kid was mine. I only stayed with her for our boy who is now 2 months old. When I was 1 my parents left, because my father cheated on my mom with another woman. I don't want my son to have the same life I had. So I stay unhappy for him, and for a better life for him. However I believe my wife is up to her old ways. I have no proof, but she does keep her phone locked up now, and it's always in her hand. If I leave her my son will be 19 hours away from me. She treats it like nothing ever happen, and just says " I told you I was sorry". I don't know what my family would think if I left and everyone would think I am dumping my child off and running away. I just don't know how to handle this and what to do. Any help would be grateful. Please only serious answers. Thanks and have a great day. |
Question: Me and my wife are looking to freaky in the bedroom we r wondering what is the best site for finding another woman for a 3some or a couple? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 09:14 PM PDT |
Question: In love with someone else? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 09:08 PM PDT I have a secret lover him and I are both unhappily married. For years ive put up with my husbands verbal abuse but im putting an end to that. Low key im saving money to rent a new apartment because i cant afford it at the moment. I know cheating is wrong but i felt he pushed me to do it. Ive told my husband that im gonna leave soon because i can't be unhapoy forever i guess he dont believe me. Problem is that the guy im seeing is also married but he says hes unhappy. I know men are liars he tells me he is willing to leave his wife for me. I told him that he should do it for himself not for me because what if it doesnt work out. Im tired of having to hide i want to have a normal boyfriend and gf relationship with this guy. Should i threat him or leave things the same? He got caught by his wife talking to me she was mad of course and blamed me for everything instead of him. Shes one of those women that when the man cheats she will talk sh** to the girl but not to the hubby i think shes insecure but whatever point is she forgave him. He says he is willing to leave her should i ask him to do it? It's not just the sex its everything we talk and kick it almost everyday we talk about our problems have laughed and cried together and trust me ive never felt this for anyone not even for my husband . please dont judge no rude comments |
Question: Is this shallow? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 09:01 PM PDT Is it shallow to reject a marriage proposal because you don't like their sleeping habits? Sleep walking, snoring, flailing limbs. I just can't sleep with that for 40, 50, whatever years |
Question: Is holding hands while drunk cheating? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 08:50 PM PDT I was out on a work function and we were hopping from one bar to the next and for some reason I reached for another woman's hand other than my wife. We ended up holding hands for no more than 10 seconds and then went into the bar in our separate ways as if nothing happened. Is this consider cheating. I questioned myself the next morning why I went to grab her hand and the only reason I could come up with is the alcohol which I now will not be drinking on any more work trips. |
Question: Wife is brainwashing husband against his family? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 08:49 PM PDT One of my relatives is married to a lady who has some real mental issues. But, she is brainwashing her husband to not be around his family and only be around hers. They won't even let his parents see the grandsons unless she is there to be with them and is no more than five feet from them at all times. She has tried to convince him that his family is going to kidnap the kids, emotionally abuse them in 10-12 years and are bad because they want to see the boys once a month. The husband won't stand up to her because he says if he goes against her it will ruin his marriage. How do we not lose our family member totally to this? He was my favorite uncle and now he rarely gets to talk to any of us. |
Question: What are the pros and cons of being married? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 08:45 PM PDT |
Question: How can I make my husband realize that he is making our children and I miserable? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 08:43 PM PDT When I married my husband back in 2008, he was not perfect. He talked to women {idk if he ever cheated} but I do know that he tried and at least went far enough to kiss a woman {I found out later bc he took my boys to her house when I was working and 6 months pregnant}. He has threatened to kill himself bc I said that I was going to leave if he didn't try a little harder in our marrage {my dad commited suicide when I was 3. over the years we had 2 boys one in 2008, and twins in 2009, the twin sister of my second son passed away and 2 weeks after I buried her I found out that he was trying to get with another woman, BUT he was the BEST father until my youngest son turned 3. we found out we were going to have another baby, a girl, born in 2012. we were so happy for awhile, but he lost all interest in our children unless we were around other people, and when they started to play sports. he has always gotten really jealous and so mad if I ever went anywhere with my girl friends, he would tell my kids that I didn't love them anymore and that I would rather spend my time elsewhere. mind you in the last 10 years I have went out without him MAYBE 10 times... he on the other hand would go w/o me or sometimes even go to different states to visit his family without us. He doesn't have many friends now, though, and is more or less in a terrible mood all of the time. he yells within 1 min of seeing the kids after work and its bringing me kids too. idk what to do to fix it. |
Question: How to get my mom and step mom back together? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 08:35 PM PDT So this happend in about march or April of last year my mom and step mom broke up because they were arguing alot the were together for 8years and i miss my step mom qnd sister so much they were the. Only source of my happiness my mom just got into a relationship with another girl and shes nice and all but she will never my like my other one i just really need your help i want everything to be how it was can you please help me |
Question: My husband loves my sister-in-law? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 08:31 PM PDT I found out the other day that my husband loves my sister in law. He said that he loves me more, but to a certain degree he is in love with her and has feelings for her. I don't want to lose my husband and I trust him completely. I know that he would never cheat on me and it is not something that he planned to happen. Both my sister-in-law and my husband have become really good friends lately and I don't want that to change, but my husband thinks that he shouldn't be friends with her because of this. I don't know what to do and how can I get over this and just move on with my marriage and my life and my friendship with my sister-in-law (she is also my best friend) |
Question: I'm trying to forget my husband ? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 08:21 PM PDT what can i do to not think about him anymore. He has done alot to me as i have him because i felt he pushed me to Either way we are in the middle of a divorce and reguardless of what happened I still miss him. He forgot me and his daughters when he went into military and now that he is in town this weeek I have moved and don't answer my phone. I don't want to talk to him because i can't trust him to tell the truth about anything. Plus our last conversation was about divorcing one of the rare times he called This was 2 days before he was on his way to come back. I guess he is staying with relatives thats I miss him but know i have to go through with it any ideas on how to forget him and please don't say get another man . That would be a disater as this is my second husband i'm divorcing and he helped me get over my husband cheating on me So i can't even trust another man to comfort me again it is very scary any ideas i have two kids 7 from previous marriage and our girl will be two. |
Question: What are the best Happy Birthday Wishes for Wife? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 08:15 PM PDT |
Question: Why did my wife cry when I yelled at her? She's making me feel bad? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 08:12 PM PDT |
Question: Confused about the ms. vs. miss? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 08:09 PM PDT Simply put: I'm engaged and have never been married. Am I a Ms. or Miss? TIA. |
Question: Engaged but he says he's not ready to get married? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 08:03 PM PDT I'm honestly planning on leaving I love him so much but he says he's not ready to marry. Should I stay or leave? I hate living like this we've been together 4 years. |
Question: Should I make my husband quit his job after ending emotional affair? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 07:58 PM PDT He was honest about everything and it was going on for a month. He is a surgical tech so he does not see her all day. Will making him quit his job resolve anything? |
Question: Do all men eventually cheat? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 07:43 PM PDT I'm a 31 year old mother of 2 (under two...ouch). My husband is the most loyal, loving and devoted man i've ever met. However, I come from a broken home w/ a father that was abusive and cheated on my mother. Every where you turn, there is another high profile family breaking up b/c the husband cheated. Two of my closest girlfriends are now divorced b/c their husbands cheated. I considered these men pretty upstanding. I know 'do all men eventually cheat' is a pretty strong statement, but has that been your experience? Why are they willing to give up everything for a few 'good times'? |
Question: Why can't I get over my husbands affair? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 07:36 PM PDT I'm 27 married 5 years! and A year ago my husband had a 2 month affair, with a close friend! I chose to work at our marraige as he ended it and was the one to come clean! He does feel terrible guilt about it, but just expects me to just be over it! He tries to block it out, He thinks I bring it up a lot but I don't not compared to the amount I actually think about it! Which is every minute of my waking day, its become an obssession,it goes round and round my head I just want to physically smash my head up at times its eating away at me a bit by bit! I feel suicidle at times and last week I made myself sick twice when I thought ide eaten too much! It has really really messed my head up, my husband does not know how bad I'm feeling, and he would never understand! Before he had the affair I'd thought a few times that' I would be devastated if he ever cheated on me, but I would never of imagined it to feel THIS bad!! It feels like I'm greiving from a death, but no one has died? I can't get over it! And why is it I HATE her not him, I hate her with every bone In my body! I feel massive jealousy towards her, why did he want her! And how could she do this to me! They have ruined me! How will I ever get over this I don't know what to do :( :( |
Question: Husband refuses to leave house and I am filing divorce, what to do? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 07:34 PM PDT Yes, I am using a lawyer. My husband is an abusive cheater who refuses to vacate the house. My family paid cash for it and its technically mine, but his name is on the deed because he forced my mom to put it on there and said he wouldnt pay the note unless he was on there. He is verbally abusive and possessive and has threatened me and abused me in front of the kids- my attorney says I need to call the cops to have him removed when he has these outbursts so we get a record of him being out of control for the restraining order. He told me that the cops cant do anything to make him leave and he will stay anyway since its "his" house. Who is right, him or my lawyer? |
Question: I need a wife, if you interested write down your e-mail or phone number? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 07:22 PM PDT |
Question: Does blood relations include husband n wife? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 07:17 PM PDT xplain briefly about blood relations |
Question: My sister is getting married. what relation will her husband be to me? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 07:08 PM PDT my older sister is getting married next year, so what will her husband be to me? what will his family be to me? for example, his parents or siblings. anything at all? thanks :) (by relation i mean like, cousin or something-in-law or whatever) |
Question: My friend accusing me of having a affair with her husband? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 07:05 PM PDT they not married long she already mad at me for wearing a white dress at her wedding and dressin my daughter that she looked like a flower girl and now she accusin me of havin an affair with her husband i didnt! i kissed him once after they married but that it!n we didnt sleep together or anything! she just sayin this coz she still mad about the wedding, how do i get her to get over it and stop accusing me of things i didnt do? |
Question: How do you teach your husband a lesson? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 07:02 PM PDT This one (of course) is for the wives. I want to know what do you do when your husband does something you've repeatedly told him not to do. I've tried everything from telling him straight to deceptively doing it myself to get a reaction out of him. But nothing. I'm a newly wed so i'm trying to look for the more experienced wives for help. So, HELP ME! |
Question: My husband is wrongly accusing me for having an affair.? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 06:44 PM PDT I'm going through a rough time with my marriage. My husband always use to abuse me and I had no friends here so feel lonely. I made some friends through a social networking site and I was chatting with them through sms. Then we made plans for movie and bowling. They are 6 people group and we just met twice. Now my husband called them and misbehaved with them. I'm so ashamed as I hardly know them. Now its been two days he's constantly saying that I slept with those guy everyday and he's gonna file a case for adultery. I'm not worried about the case but worried about harassing those innocent person. He emailed, messaged everyone including friends and family that I'm sleeping with some guys. I feel like dying. I'm on dependent visa so cant work. He's now torturing me like hell. Please help! |
Question: Is "Love Must be Tough" by Dobson right for our relationship? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 06:41 PM PDT I have been reading the theory and principles behind "Love Must Be Tough" by James Dobson. The principles seem appropriate for our situation. She feels hurt by me for the years of control, lack of appreciation, and lack of support. I am taking the steps to change. She has acknowledged that she sees the changes yet says she does not feel them. She has mentioned moving out several times and I have said I am not going to stop you, but have also begged her to give it time before she goes. She says she wants to move into an apartment, but the ones she found all had year leases, and she wanted something shorter. I have begged her not to on two occasions. We tried marriage counseling. We had two meetings with our pastor, and after the second one she felt like her feelings were not being taken into an account and that the years of hurt and pain can't just go away. We meet with a different marriage / grief counselor last Monday and when she asked the counselor what do with all the feelings she was having towards me the counselor asked her to write them down. My wife did not see the benefit in that and right after we left the counseling session she exploded on me. She has since said she is not ready for marriage counseling, and she needs to focus on herself, and she just wants to be happy. She does have an appointment next Monday for an individual grief counselor. She says she loves me, but is not in love with me. However, her actions are not all negative. Sometimes she says she wants to work on the relationship. Her feelings can change 3 times in one hour. She started texting this guy a lot and I confronted her and she admitted to it being inappropriate, but only the start of an emotional affair. She said it was wrong and she would stop. According the "Love Must Be Tough" principals (very simplified) I should tell her she is free to go and open the cage for her. However, there is one thing that is holding me back from all this. Her dad died in July after a year long battle with lung cancer. The year long ordeal took its toll on my wife. She was an emotional wreck for a year. When he died her grief went through the roof. I know everyone grieves differently, but for her this was a major loss. Also on her plate 2 weeks after her dad died she found out her mother has terminal cancer and has 2 years to live. The breakdown in our relationship occurred shortly after her mom ended up in the hospital from side effects of chemo, and seeing her mom for the first time without any hair. She has not had any grief counseling. This next Monday will be her first appointment. I have not been a good husband for the last 14 years all and my recent attempts to change and help out more have been meet with resentment and anger. I know this is normal, and there is no timeline to be followed. She asked for space the other day, and rather than her move out and really disrupt the children's lives I suggested I move out for a while. I am staying in a hotel for now. Her family has called me and asked about her because she has ignored their calls and has not confided our relationship problems to them. She used to confide every detail of her life with her sister and mother. Now they are asking me what is going on. Early in this her sister told her she could not believe she was going to give up on our marriage. Her sister encouraged her to work on our marriage. After that conversation my wife said she was tired of her family controlling her also. She has abandoned all her old friends she says that her friends are trying are trying to control her and only want from her. She is tired of giving to all of them. She has not confided her feelings about our relationship to her family or old friends. She has started a new friendship with a lady 30 years older than her. They have only been friends for about 3 months (right after her dad died and her mom was diagnosed) my wife says this lady is like a mother to her, and the lady says she is like the daughter she never had. This lady has given her a job at a business she owns. My wife was a stay at home mom until 1 month ago. This lady has taken my wife out and bought her clothes. They are planning a trip to Jamaica together. She spends 4 to 5 nights a week with her. She also works with her so they are together all the time. So with all that should I follow the tough love guidelines and set her free, or is this not the time for tough love? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. |
Question: Why does my wife always use divorce as a threat? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 06:35 PM PDT Hi all. Just wondering if anyone else faces this issue. Every time we have a fight or argument my wife throws the divorce word at me and will pack her stuff and run home to her mum. I don't understand this. Every one has arguments. But to me you marry someone and you love that person, you do whatever it takes to make it work. I couldn't imagine ever leaving her but every time we fight its her go to move. Then she tells me how she can always find someone else and blah blah blah. Am I alone here or is this just a childish approach to being married. A last resort if you love the person is to break up yeah? Sometimes I feel like I'm the idiot trying to make this work and she couldn't careless. Makes me not feel speical at all. How can I make her see this. I've told her but still doesn't seem to fix the issue. |
Question: Girl wants me to prove that I am serious about her? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 06:35 PM PDT Ok, here's what's been happening... I've started sleeping with a woman recently, she's married with 3 kids (if you're going to post a comment making some negative opinion or judgement, don't bother please), she has been with her husband 8 years and says since she met me a year ago she has realised that marrying him was a mistake and she has implied a couple times she thinks she has fallen in love with me. She has told her husband several times that she wants to leave him and almost every time he has just ignored her and acted as if everything is fine, except this time he seems to have accepted it to an extent. The problem is that she has basically told me she isn't willing to take such a huge risk in the development of her kids lives and hers unless she can be really sure that I am serious about her... We are going to have a serious talk on Thursday so I can somehow let her know that I am serious about the situation... I'm terrible with words but I do really like her and want to be with her, I'm a little younger (she's 24 and I'm 21) but I fully understand that somewhere along the line I'll have to be a figure in her kids lives... can anyone give me some advice on what I could say to let her trust me? |
Question: How do you interpret "reality is for people who can't handle drugs"? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 06:24 PM PDT My husband and I are having and discussion about how this is interpreted. He says it's PRO drugs. Help us settle this discussion :) Thank you! |
Question: Husband never says sorry? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 06:18 PM PDT My husband often will get upset or angry at things (usually it wasn't even my fault) and will snap and say mean things. He NEVER says sorry afterwords. I have talked to him a few times about it, and even say sorry when He yells at Me. Does anyone else have this problem? Is there anything I can do to either make him say it more often or get over it myself? |
Question: Why is there a giant unexplained wad of paper towels in my top cabinet? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 05:57 PM PDT I asked my husband this question and he couldn t seem to answer it for me. He said it wasn t his which confused me because only he and I live in this house so if it wasn t me then who was it?? My husband gets pissed when I ask questions so I thought I d come here for help |
Question: Husband wants to stay friends w girl he had qn affair with?!? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 05:48 PM PDT He had an affair w her three years ago. Then again five mths ago, then I caught them talking to her when he swore he was done outside a bar, he swore again he'd never contact her, Then I foubd his messages agaib telling her he missed her! Thought about her! Confronted him he wrote her off again. A mth has went bye again she I looked in his messages and she contacted him wanting to be friends, he said tgey could try, they didn't say allot. I don't know if I should be angry he hiding from me she contacted him. Why would he want to b friends w her when he knows it'd hurt me, I might leave him. !! What should I do..he won't stay away from the homewrecker!! |
Question: Why does he lie and end the night with me so soon and not his friends? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 05:23 PM PDT my bf refuses to go to bars with me. I love to go out and have fun on weekends since I have such a stressful week. Now, my boyfriend hardly wants to go out Saturday night and if we do he cuts our night short and makes us watch a movie at his place. He tells me he hates bars and clubs but the nights he goes out with his friends he ALWAYS goes to bars and won't text me (which he does not have too) but we live within minutes from each other and see each other may 3 times a week and that is if I make the effort to sleep over. I am helping him with his business on the side of my busy *** schedule. We have been together for 3 years and he has been a bit rude towards me when I do everything for him. I do not bother him, if he wants to go out with out me I don't care but why when he goes out with me our night ends at 9 and when he is with his friend it ends at 2? He won't even invite me (not that I will say yes but at least invite me) I asked him where he was last night then he said his friends house then they will go to a bar. He then says want to come? I said no you're already at your friends house it will take some time to get ready and he said no I am home, i'll be at my friends soon. Sorry I just woke up and I got it mixed up....(how do you mistake that you are home? I do not flirt, I am very faithful. We have NEVER been to a bar together in 3 years because he tells me he hates it |
Question: How does this sound? In love with an ex who is now "just a friend". Married to a rich guy, but the "just friend" is still in your life? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 05:16 PM PDT |
Question: Tengo 5 aƱos de casada mi esposo es soldado, es mujeriego me a sido infiel varias veces, lo e perdonado y una vez mas me a sido infiel ! :(? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 04:43 PM PDT |
Question: Is it normal for a victim of child sexual abuse to have an issue with husband watching porn? Or at least knowing that he masterbates to it? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 03:29 PM PDT As a child around 8 or 9 my uncle sexually abused me for two years and used porn tapes a couple times to tell me that it was okay and sometimes if I got up to leave he d sit me down and force me to watch the movies or else he d hit me with things. Well now I m almost 20 and still trying to deal with it, he never was convicted because he had bad seizures and I waited until my family moved away to tell anyone because I was scared and eventually he died two years ago from one. But now I m married and I accidentally caught my husband masterbating to porn (I don t really have an issue with him doing it) but I didn t wanna know he did or know what kinds he does it to but now I can t seem to get my mind off it. I wanna know if it s normal for someone with my past to have these issues? I know that it s not a replacement for sex but I can t help but be uneasy now and I m thinking that me knowing about it is making me relive the emotions I felt as a child having to watch that with my uncle then go through the sexual abuse. If anyone can help me understand or give advice I thank you in advanced! |
Question: Porn is ruining my marriage.? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 02:19 PM PDT My husband and I have been married for 3 years, and when our relationship started it was great, we had sex three times a day. We were really into each other. Well as time has worn on it seems that he has a liking to porn. Now I'm not a prude, I used to enjoy porn, but one thing he did destroyed it for me, I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks pregnant with our first child. That very night while I was grieving, he took it upon himself to look at porn while I lay in bed beside him barley able to catch my breath from tears. This hurt me soo bad that I told him absolutely no more porn. He respected my wished for a couple months then he started hiding it better. Being a woman who doesn't like to fight I choose to let him do his thing. Now a year later I am a broken woman, who doesn't want to be touched, living with a man who can't control himself. So my question is, do I stay and try to work out my marriage, or is this the time to call it quits. Is there any hope that he will change? |
Question: Is this normal for me? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 02:16 PM PDT My husband is back from re-hab. we did not have sex before cuz of his alcohol use and we still don't even though he says he tries. Also, he's always been kind of selfish but now it is worse. Anyways, know of a good support group on-line for wife's of alcoholics? |
Question: What am I supposed to pay? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 02:02 PM PDT My wife and I are separated. Im currently paying for her car, car insurance, phone, and giving her $800 in child support. She is saying I have to give her gas money to bring me and pick up our kids at the halfway spot we agreed on. I agreed to if she brought them all the way to me, but halfway is only an hr drive. Keep in mind shes not paying rent or utilities where she is at and she starts working at $12/hr next week. |
Question: How do i tell my wife ive been cheating? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 01:47 PM PDT We got married when we were 18 and have been married goin on 11 yrs but ive been weak and have been living a double life..ive not only been sleeping with her 20 yr old sister but now shes pregant with my kid so now i have to break the news and dont know how... we dont have kids together so thats a plus...whats the chances she will try and take everything i got?? |
Question: How can I get my child support lowered? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 01:42 PM PDT Right now my ex wife is getting $650 a month for our two kids. She has taken me to court to try and get it raised but was denied since my income is so low (I am self-employed so I determine my own salary). My business owns my house so she was unable to take it in the divorce. She is currently living in a 1 bedroom apartment where our sons share a room and she sleeps on the couch. I wanted the kids to live with me, but my ex and the courts decided that they should live with her. Anyway, I want to take my girlfriend on a cruise down south since she is just finishing college. I am going to talk to my lawyer to see if I can classify it as a "business trip" but I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a legal way I could get my child support lowered to free up the cash. Thanks for your help! |
Question: I forgave my husband from cheating but how do I forget? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 12:57 PM PDT my husband cheated on me and had a little girl. I forgave him and still with him, but I'm having a hard time move on with my life I can't forget what happened and don't know what to do. I have a shield around my heart and am afraid of being hurt again. any advice? |
Question: What can I do about my husband? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 12:21 PM PDT In my opinion I am a good wife. I cook for him, clean for him, if I can afford I buy him whatever he wants and needs, he is really into these RC Trucks and I'll help him fix them, help him find spots in the area where he can ride his RC Trucks, I even bought him a E-Revo, I am very intimate with him I try to please him in any way I can. And all I ask for is for him to talk to me and he always says "we have the rest of our lives to talk" or he says "it's not good to talk because then I'd get bored or you" he only has time for his own hobbies, and doesn't want to spend time with me. And he's very judgmental. |
Question: My wife is annoyingly obedient, She literary worships me. Should I divorce her or force her to become independent and autonomous woman.? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 11:50 AM PDT She has sex with me on demand, she will walk into "our" room and give me that slavish grin and will put her hands around my shoulder trying to pacify me. It's a real turn off. She cooks for me, does all the chores, takes care of our 3 young children. I feel guilty for not appreciating her. She's physically very beautiful. Sometimes she gets so annoying that I want to kick her out of house so she can sleep on the street. Maybe then, she would learn how to act like a real person not a slave. P.S. I am the ONLY wage earner. |
Question: Do you ever wish you lived in the 50s so you could just be a wife and mother and be happy? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 10:54 AM PDT I have thought about this so much and I wish I could just be born in the 50s. I just feel like nowadays people feel like as a woman you are expected to do the same stuff as men, like go to school and work an actual job But who would willingly want to do that? I wish that women didn't have expectations that we could just be married and have lots of babies and never work or anything just raise families. My perfect vision and dream life would be to get married and have a hubby who works and I would stay home with our babies and cook and clean for my husband and when he got off of work like taking his briefcase and rubbing his back just being everything to him. I don't want to have to think about my future plans I want to just do whatever he wants. I feel like ok it's good that women have rights but it has kind of Hurt society that women have so many rights. As a woman I don't want all these rights and choices |
Question: Why do husbands always ask their wives for permission to hang out with their guy friends? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 10:48 AM PDT I mean, he did not come out of his wife's uterus. He is his own man and he can make his own decisions. Most girls don't ask permission except from their parents. Why do wives treat their husbands like their own children? If you're out of your parents house, you make your own decisions. What do you think? |
Question: Ladies this question is for you? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 10:12 AM PDT My wife's doesnt work, shes quit jobs, she's dropped out of college a handful of times, and she married a man whom everything she and her daughter has comes from him and has supported her every way that he could so that she could have her own choice of working a basic minimum wage job, more, or staying home and literally doing nothing but school while her husband is at work and daughter is in school. She doesn't think we are a team because we aren't 50-50 and her husband isn't fair because he doesn't think we are 50-50. I made an untimatum for her and I don't think I got it across the way that I wanted to. How should I tell her that I'm not supporting her anymore until she understands what a team actually is. In fairness I don't give a damn whether she works Walmart or a business woman. Just do something and stay committed to it is all I ask. I'm not a douche ya know. I know y'all don't have the FULL picture but she doesn't offer anything and that is due to her own choices. Yea she's trying to get herself together now but as soon as she deviates from that am I wrong for throwing in the towel. I've held her to a standard that I have for myself that she may not even want or have the mindset of doing. Am I wrong? I'm not looking for permission to leave her of course. I'm just saying if school or work doesn't work out for her this last time I'm perfectly fine with walking away. I DONT WANT TO but what in her mind thinks we SHOULD be 50-50? Just because we are married? |
Question: How would most church going Ladies react if their guy came home with a cute French Maids Outfit and Blonde Wig ? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 09:59 AM PDT |
Question: Is my wife taking me for granted? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 09:57 AM PDT My wife hasn t offered job, income, or savings in our marriage for awhile now. Been married 1.5 years. She has a daughter also. I gave her an ultimatum that she s not taking me for granted again. I just want to know if I m overreacting to her saying that she "hasn t felt as if we were both partners for a long time" due to most decisions being in my favor. But when you look at my wife and her not offering anything to go 50-50 on how can she say that? We don t have kids together either. Roof over her head, Her $560 car payment I ve paid for, her medical bills, her clothes, etc I ve taken care of that because I m a team player. I don t ask for any special recognition or favors. It s my job and I also take 1 or 2 online college classes when I m not overloaded. She s 29 and she admitted to being wrong for comparing her grandparents marriage to ours. Her grandparent make decisions together and her grandpa works and her grandma doesn t....ironically. Her grandmother used to until she couldn t anymore. But my wife said "I guess we re just two different people than them" well no really ya think? I get she had her idea of what marriage is in her mind but in my mind even though we werent 50-50 with mostly finances she still received the benefits of being my partner. So pretty much what I got out of her comment was that the things I do for her isn t as important as making choices together and because of that she doesn t see us as a team. Should I just stop what I ve been doing then? |
Question: Should we wait 365 to get divorce ? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 07:59 AM PDT Me & my wife living separately and decided to get divorce. we both signed the agreement and given to my lawyer but still my lawyer has not filed the case , just curious to know, should we wait to complete 365 days to file a case or can we file it before that to get hearing date etc.. ? |
Question: Is my husband abusive to me? He says he is not? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 06:01 AM PDT I was in an abusive married the 1st time (divorced him). I became engaged to a man I met online within 2 mos of being divorced from #1 and hardly knew this person. We now have 2 kids together (married nearly a decade) and I am miserable. I have a mental health degree & red flags are going off from my training about abuse. 1) He monitors EVERYTHING I do. He has to share location on our phones, looks at my Facebook messages, texts, YA questions even. 2) Yesterday, I was in the bathroom cleaning up because the dogs were being loud and a girlfriend called me. He went NUTS when he came home and began screaming and pounding on the door asking if I was talking to his "sleazy friend Tom " (who recently divorced his wife and admitted he has feelings for me, but I have never even met and who lives thousands of miles away). I was embarrassed and told my friend I had to go, because he was going crazy outside the bathroom door. 3) He calls me vile names (worthless POS, b word, etc) in front of the kids or other family members. 4) My bosses have told me that he is NEVER allowed to come to the office because they are worried about his mental stability and that I would be in jeopardy of losing my job if he came up there 5) He accuses me of having affairs or crushes on ANYONE I talk to 6) He thinks everyone is out to "break us up" I have tried to get a divorce and he refuses to sign papers and insists on contesting. Is he abusive? He said that "the Bible says marriage is for life and there will never be a divorce"- I own my house (my parents bought it for me outright and he demanded they put his name on the deed and manipulates them that way). He runs and tells ALL HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY every spat we have and they have all believed its "her with the issues not me" (he tells them this, but he does not tell them how he cheated on me last year while out of town for business). He says he is not abusive. He always says "if anyone is controlling and abusive its me, everyone knows I would never hit you or harm you and that you have the temper, not me. This all your fault, you MAKE me insecure and possessive". Yes- I know this but he claims that since he doesnt want a divorce he doesnt have to pay CS or get it (I got my frist one by default and explained this) |
Question: I just caught my wife in bed with another man. She was right in the middle. It turned me on. Is that bad? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 05:59 AM PDT |
Question: What should I do with my African husband? I cook for him, clean for him, give him oral sex twice a day, don't argue? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 05:33 AM PDT But he is demanding my salary from work? |
Question: How come my wife never even bother to complain even if I snore too loud? Posted: 30 Apr 2017 12:27 AM PDT She sleeps on my chest most of the time though she sweats a lot during hot summer nights. |
Question: What should a married woman do if her husband can't afford to provide for their separation or divorce, or for her needs should he die? Posted: 29 Apr 2017 11:54 PM PDT If a husband cannot or does not provide for his wife's subsistence in his absence or death (e.g. a trust or life insurance policy), does he have the right to complain that she's not a stay-at-home wife/mother? Having a career might come in handy for her, later! |