Friends: Question: How can I get my Amazon gift card back? |
- Question: How can I get my Amazon gift card back?
- Question: Question about a birthday gift to someone I'm not close with?
- Question: What does this strange behavior mean?
- Question: How do i get people to not talk to me in school?
- Question: To Stay Away From Certain People?
- Question: Why is it funny for adults to give you crap during a dinner discussion, but not funny when you say something witty in response?
- Question: Is it wrong for me to see both of these guys?
- Question: Do you think that friends grow apart?
- Question: How to comfort a friend about a bad grade without coming off as snobbish?
- Question: Why do my friends hate me?
- Question: My best friends being abused and threatened?
- Question: Why do people ASSume things about me??!?
- Question: Qualcuno mi aiuti?
- Question: How much would it hurt to hear this?
- Question: I confronted someone with anger and they responded with kindness. What do I do?
- Question: I need you to tell me how important I am to her?
- Question: Why has my friend been given this nickname?
- Question: Is it normal for a parent to not have friends?
- Question: Girlfriend always talks about friends.?
- Question: How do I deal with the betrayal of a friend? I m a try-hard at education and I try to beat everyone which caused my downfall...?
- Question: Is it weird to go skinny dipping with a friend?
- Question: Should I End The Lifelong Friendship?
- Question: Do you see your male college roommate naked?
- Question: How do I stop smoking pot I’m 14 I lost all of my friends last year none are supposed to even look at me but now my family?
- Question: Is my friend a trouble maker?
- Question: Crossing a new boundary with my friends?
- Question: Could I get her to ever forgive me????
Question: How can I get my Amazon gift card back? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 05:08 PM PST I was walking home from school and realized my backpack was open and that my wallet had fallen out. It was a $25 amazon gift card I had received from a close friend. I questioned the ******* thief who took it and he keeps saying he didn't take it. I got my wallet back from my old 'friend', but she says she got it from someone. I think she is lying to me, or maybe the two are both in on it. I was also very upset because they took all of my money. Is there any way I can track the gift card? I don't believe I have the numbers saved or the receipt. |
Question: Question about a birthday gift to someone I'm not close with? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:56 PM PST If you read all this, thank you. So I'm a nursing student and my class consists of 6 girls total including myself, it's a small class. The other week was one girls birthday. We all hit it off and are super friendly w each other, except birthday girl and I. I get a strong vibe that she doesn't like me much for what ever reason, which hurts my feelings. I'm really shy and quiet in class, I'm also real kind but her and I just don't seem to click. She's more extroverted and had an aggressive type of personality. Anyway, all the girls decide it would be nice if we do a little some thing to celebrate her birthday. I'm broke and just started this new job literally this past weekend, and we'll let's just say I was the black sheep. One girl brought real pretty home made flower cupcakes, another brought actual flowers with a card we all signed, third girl brought candy for her. 4th girl and myself didn't give her anything. We surprised her during class with all her little gifts and she hugged everyone thanking them, including the other girl that didn't bring anything, except me. She looked past me and just completely evaded me and it flushed me with sadness. I was smiling at her and wished her a friendly happy birthday at least 3 times. There's a small awkward tension in the classroom between us, and I want it fixed. I was planning on getting her a cute card with 15$ inside and maybe a flower to accompany it. Should I get her anything after That? What do you think? |
Question: What does this strange behavior mean? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:51 PM PST My boss keeps telling me to text him and call him etc on my free time so we can hangout but when I actually do he ignores it.... Wtf? |
Question: How do i get people to not talk to me in school? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:28 PM PST starting off, im very introverted and don't like to talk to people because thats who i am (have no friends), but some times people say hi to me in the hallways and i just simply not respond, but they may think i am rude. how do i get them to not talk to me so they can't make these assumptions |
Question: To Stay Away From Certain People? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:26 PM PST Why do people in general avoid contact with those among us who are going through lots of personal issues? Is it fear? |
Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:24 PM PST So I am no longer a kid, I'm 22 but i'm treated like a kid when i'm over with my parents. They just don't show anyone younger than them respect in general. They had some church friends over the other night and one of them made a remark about my hair and basically inferred i look like a pretty boy. The whole table laughed. I laughed too and immediately said "Well at least I have hair". No one responded, nor laughed, just went dead silent but I was snickering to myself and eating my food. Then I got a dirty look from one of my parents! I was like well, who was the one that started it folks? He started it, I finished it. Why is it ok for adults to have their fun but frown upon something witty being thrown back their way? |
Question: Is it wrong for me to see both of these guys? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 03:08 PM PST I've been hooking up and having sex with this older guy who lives in another state. We've only hooked up a few times though I'm 30 and he's 43. He doesn't have his own place and he's been living out of his car. I send him money sometimes to help him and for his services. (He helps me with my academics and I just help him being a friend). This 30 year old guy at a store that I go to sometimes asked for my number awhile ago and today he called asking to hang out. I told him I would think about it I'm rushing anything with him though. He knew that I had gone to school for Massage Therapy. So he's been asking for a massage but he wants to go out to eat or something. Anyway should I stop talking to the older guy? |
Question: Do you think that friends grow apart? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 03:01 PM PST Hello My friend and I have known eachother for 20 years, through school. We lost touch but found eachother again. She helped me out when I was having a hard time. Just talking and texting as we do not live in the same area. But lately things seem different, I used to chat to her but she seemed to just answer me days later or not at all, the conversations are not the same. I have come out of one illness and am back with another and I held out telling her but when I did she was simpathetic but she does not ask how I am. I asked that we should have a chat soon that I missed her. She said she promised and that she has been really busy which I understand. That was two months ago and I opened the conversation twice. Last year she was having a hard time and I would always check in on her. But now it seems hurtful that she is posting lots of photos of her with friends and completely ignores my messages. There were times we talked into the night. She was not very nice to me in school but I forgaver her and let things pass. I dont know maybe its me but I feel really stupid and hurt. She seems to act like I did something wrong. And I thought she was a genuine friend. |
Question: How to comfort a friend about a bad grade without coming off as snobbish? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 02:56 PM PST I have this friend who usually did extremely well in all his classes last year (all high A's). This year he's been doing fine in most his classes but for chemistry, he's gotten a row of B's and C's on tests. The first few times that happened, he was upset about it but it was okay since it was just the beginning of the year. I've still been doing pretty well (getting A's), but my friend recently got another C on a test (so he's starting off the third marking period with a low average). He's worried that he won't get an A for the class this year, and I don't know how to support him without seeming snobbish (because I still have good grades and he knows) or insincere (if I'm honest, it seems a little hard for him to get an A at this rate, but I don't want to discourage him either). My friend's the type of person who can't really just laugh off a bad grade. He gets really moody and untalkative, and I don't think he really likes it hearing other people say generic things like "You'll do better" or "it's okay, we all get low grades sometimes." Any advice guys?? He's really one of my closest friends but I feel like we've been drifting off a little lately because he's been so depressed over his chem grade... |
Question: Why do my friends hate me? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 12:14 PM PST |
Question: My best friends being abused and threatened? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 11:54 AM PST So I'm 18 years old and my best friend that recently got a boyfriend is 17 year old girl, recently I noticed that she had bruises on her arms and face and back. and I just had to ask "god what happened?!" And she didn't tell me at first but then I kept asking her to tell me then eventually she said " boyfriend got alittle crazy and hit me..he then threatened to kill me and to kill you even if I keep talking to you, so I shouldn't even be talking to you but I can't stop spending time with yoou bc you're my best friend" I was freaking out but then she said "plz don't worry about it, he was just really upset I'm sure he didn't mean it" i didn't wanna upset or scare her anymore so I just said "ok.." now I'm really scared bc I remembered the movie "no one would tell" and I REALLY don't want that to happen to her! I HAVE to do something! But idk what to do though, I'm really scared and I don't wanna just stand and let this happen to her, NO ONE knows but me who should I tell immediately? Her parents? Her friend? My friends? And what can I do to project her and to maybe save her life? He threatened to kill me and her this is really serious what should I do? I really need help |
Question: Why do people ASSume things about me??!? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:17 AM PST I'm so fed up w/ people making assumptions about me. People think I don't know anything about American culture. Ok, part of it may be cuz I'm Asian American. For those of you who don't know, when you're an Asian American, other people are often "unsure" of how Americanized you are. But I never said I DON'T listen to music, watch movies/tv, etc.. why do ppl just ASSume I don't?? Sure, I don't look "hip", but I don't think I look "fresh off the boat" either. Does this happen to others? |
Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:37 AM PST Un paio di mesi fa ho litigato con la mia migliore amica. Lei è tutto per me, mi da la forza per andare avanti, mi mette il sorriso ogni volta che la vedo. Qualche mese fa abbiamo avuto una specie di discussione e non ci siamo più parlati fino a qualche settimana fa quando ci siamo riavvicinati. Ora ci parliamo quasi ogni giorno e io non voglio correre, voglio ristabilire i nostri rapporti con calma, lei quando noi abbiamo smesso di parlarci ha stretto amicizia co un altro e questo ci prova con lei. Io non ho niente in contrario, anzi se a lei le piace lui io sono il primo a supportarla, ma il fatto è che lui la prende abbastanza per il culo. In più non mi considera più molto. |
Question: How much would it hurt to hear this? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:29 AM PST You try ending a friendship with a friend. In angst, they say (which is true) "all my family hates you. My parents think you're weird and ugly" |
Question: I confronted someone with anger and they responded with kindness. What do I do? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:18 AM PST |
Question: I need you to tell me how important I am to her? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 08:24 AM PST So yesterday was my 16th birthday and I went on a field trip. However my best friend who's in college texted me long paragraph on how much I meant to her and such (she lives an hour and a half away from me) and then when I got back from my field trip I got called to the office. Where I found a pot of lily's, candy and a handwritten card telling me the great things about me and things like that (I have depression and anxiety and often have a really hard time) That was the best thing I got all day...So how important would I be to her? |
Question: Why has my friend been given this nickname? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 06:16 AM PST So, here we are. I am on the right, wearing glasses. As you can see, we are about the same height, around 5'3" (both of us are a little below the average height for women here). Still, my friend on the left has been given the nickname "Massive" and has had it since her teens? |
Question: Is it normal for a parent to not have friends? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 05:31 AM PST My father doesn't have any friends. He goes to work and comes home every single day. He doesn't hang out with his coworkers outside of work. He has no buddies to go out and grab a drink with. The only thing he does is take my brother and I out for car rides every weekend. He will chit-chat with our neighbors though. He's 52 years old if that helps. Is this normal for a parent? |
Question: Girlfriend always talks about friends.? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 03:27 AM PST My girlfriend of 5 months always talks about her friends and their relationships. She always compares ours and their. When we're on the phone, she'll literally drop everything we're doing just to talk to her friends about their drama and she'll tell me it'll only take an hour and 3 hours later when I've pretty much decided I'm going to do my own thing, she gets mad and bitches me out on it. I always bring it up that she talks about her friends and is all up in her friend's lives. She tells me they're like family and she gets so bent out of shape when a riff in their relationship happens because they're family and you just put up with your famliy's **** instead of letting them make their own mistakes and learning from them. I get that we're both boring people, but I really don't want to talk about her friends all the time we're together. She's a bit older than me and I never expecting a 32 year old woman with kids to really be involved in people's drama. I'm 21 Andrew I could really care less about my friend's drama. I continually talk to her about it and she says "You're a typical guy" or "It's because you're so young and just don't get it". Should I just end it now? |
Posted: 06 Feb 2018 12:19 AM PST One summer, I attended a math camp and never told my best friend(who also is really good at math and my competition) about it so I could get ahead and be smarter than him. During the school year, I betrayed my best friend again by lying to him that it was impossible to skip math courses. I then skipped Geometry and took Algebra 2 while he still took geometry. He was mad at me and I never apologized. Then, there s a huge math competition called AMC and since our school doesn t offer it, so we had to take it at other schools that did offer the exam. He asked me whether I was taking the exam and I told him I wasn t, when I actually did. He got mad at me again because the AMC is so important and he didn t take it cause he thought I wasn t going to. I still never apologized. When the school year ended, I told him I wasn t going to attend the math camp last summer, and lied to him the third time. Secretly I attended and so did he, so we met at the camp kinda surprised, and he got mad at me again. I did this cause of envy and I sacrificed my diginity... All these times, I justified my actions to him and told him that he should do things independent of me, but secretly I know I ve committed many sins and I know karma will get me on the next AMC exam. The reason why we are still best friends even though I have betrayed him so many times is because our friendship is so strong. I wish to apologize but I don t know how... |
Question: Is it weird to go skinny dipping with a friend? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 10:52 PM PST Me and my friend are 16 and we're both guys. We overheard two girls our age saying that they're going to go skinny dipping at Mexico. They're friends and not lesbians. Is it weird to go skinny dipping with my friend. I've always wanted to skinny dip because bathing suits are soooo uncomfortable. |
Question: Should I End The Lifelong Friendship? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 10:47 PM PST I have known her since I've been a year old. I don't know if I want to be friends with her anymore. I haven't contacted her in over a week. She is materialistic and stays in a marriage for financial security. Which I understand to an extent. However she tends to look down on me and make comments that I don't drive an expensive car or take trips like she does. She acts like her marriage and life are perfect. However I suspect her husband cheats on her. She admitted her family asked her if she is having problems in her marriage. She makes comments cuz I'm single saying I need a man. She acts like it's so easy to find a guy like hers who makes good money. I've known her a long time and would feel somewhat of a void if I stop talking to her altogether. I don't like her attitude regarding things. Acting like her life is perfect and saying how I should improve mine. If you were in my situation would you end the friendship? |
Question: Do you see your male college roommate naked? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 08:22 PM PST If so, how often? I am going to college soon and a little nervous. |
Posted: 05 Feb 2018 06:18 PM PST Wants to put me in treatment because I might be getting taken away from my house cuz I don't go to school much but I really can't just stop smoking pot im so depressed and it's the only thing that gives me a break |
Question: Is my friend a trouble maker? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 06:01 PM PST *Serious question* I think my friend (Lauren) she mite be jelous but, I live in a council flat and im not allowed visitors more than three nights. My other friend (Chloe) stays sometimes 5 days a week, and when she gets her job shell be staying more often. I dont see Lauren often, maybe once every2 months because she lives a hour away in the car. Lauren said to me yesterday ''your not allowed people staying more than 3 nights'' She said to chloe today on the phone ''how long are you staying because ur not allowed to stay more than 3 nights and stuart mite get in trouble'' I was annoyed because i want chloe to stay and im worried lauren has put her off, the council wouldnt find out nyway but she acts like its concern idk what do u think? |
Question: Crossing a new boundary with my friends? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 05:54 PM PST My high school French club is going to France for a week. My friends from the club are talking about going topless when we all go to the beach, since apparently it's socially acceptable there. There are six of us who hang out primarily, four girls and two boys, including me. I'm fifteen. I'm not really worried about other people. My friends are confident that they won't stare, and it'll be a nice change to feel free with my body since I normally get attention from strangers. Little bit of context, I'm Indian, the only Indian girl in a group of white friends. Not saying that means anything, just that I stand out. I guess what I'm uncertain about is the two boys. Don't get me wrong, I do trust them and I know they're good guys, I know they're respectful. But I don't want to blindside or fluster them. Like to be honest, I get a lot of unwanted male attention back home even when I'm clothed, so if they stared at me topless I wouldn't blame them. Cause I've got pretty large breasts, and most of my girl friends are petite or totally flat. I'm willing to bet neither of them have seen a girl topless before, and I know with 34DDs, I'd draw the most attention. Plus they tend to bounce a lot and I wouldn't have a bra or anything. It's not like I feel threatened by them. They're not the type of guys to stare. But I s'pose it would just be a new level between all of us. I want to do it, especially if the others are too. It seems exciting, but I dunno...should I? |
Question: Could I get her to ever forgive me???? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 05:54 PM PST Hey guys, I used to have a close friend Chelsea. We were friends for over 4 year and she was always there for me. But in March of last year she came to my appartment because she needed to talk to me about a situation. Eventually we began arguing because she thought I was lying to her, she suddenly walked out the door and told me to never speak to her again. I softly held her trying to explain my side of the story. But that night she blocked me from Facebook, I tried talking to her by sending her a long letter to her house and I even sent her a teddy bear. But a cop came to my house giving me a warning to leave her alone or else I could get in trouble. I really miss our friendship, is there a way to ever getting her back????? ?????? I'm a 22 year old guy and we were NOT being violent !! I just didn't want her to leave my appartment without hearing the truth. But she said I crossed the line when I didn't let her leave! |
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