Family: Question: Do you think my roommate is over reacting? |
- Question: Do you think my roommate is over reacting?
- Question: Am I the luckiest wife ever?
- Question: My sister died in December and my Mom is having a tough time. How do I help her to let it go and be happy again?
- Question: My aunt is a narcissist and I am wondering how I support her kids. What kind of things can I do to make them feel better about themselves?
- Question: My parents don’t acknowledge to what I say?
- Question: My family hasn't been doing well and fights a lot. How do I not be sad all the time because of it?
- Question: I have to see my father next weekend and I am nervous cause I haven't in three years. How do I stay calm and not be nervous?
- Question: My uncle and aunt have marital problems. What do I say when people on the other side of my family ask me for the gossip?
- Question: How can I get my mother to stop forcing me to celebrate my birthday?
- Question: My brother is not fighting to get his kids back from DCF Custody due to drug use?
- Question: How can I deal with not getting to speak to my grandfather who has died?
- Question: Is this a situation that most people deal with regarding their parents and dating?
- Question: Are parents like these normal?
- Question: Help, my husband and I fight everyday because of his parents?
- Question: My mother is crying because of me. What's wrong with me?
- Question: Y am I treated this way?
- Question: I’m the oldest child who is currently pregnant. I am nearly 20. I have a step brother who is 17 or 18 and a sister who is 16. I take things?
- Question: Will my self harm cuts fade?
- Question: Has anyone lived through a family members suicide?
- Question: What if I beat my brothers milestone with a baseball bat?
- Question: Should they have a third baby?
- Question: I am afraid my sister will die.?
- Question: I’m 14 and I’m not allowed on social media, my mom is a consiporcy theorist and thinks will will be kinapped.What do I do, HELP ME!!!?
- Question: Feeling depressed, what to do?
- Question: How can I get away from an abusive father without leaving my mom out of my life?
- Question: My mom is crazy sometimes?
- Question: Does your family do a White Elephant gift exchange at Christmas?
- Question: My brother was an alcoholic and he has relapsed. Do I tell our parents or would I just be a tattle tale?
- Question: My sister dated a serious bad guy with a crominal rap sheet. Does this mean she's a loser also since attracted to this loser (they broke up)?
- Question: My sister is a hateful person. Would you advise letting your children around this person since she is still family?
- Question: I want to go to college for theater or voice, but my parents won't take me seriously. What should I do?
- Question: Why does my mom always blame me for everything?
- Question: Should a parent get involved with an adult who is bullying their child or teen?
- Question: Stepmon problems.?
Question: Do you think my roommate is over reacting? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:30 PM PST one roommate gets mad about everything. 1.using too much dish soap- im not sure why she gets mad about this bc i bought the dish soap.. i cant really control the amount it comes out.. 2. not taking out the trash right away- we have a very small trashcan.. she seems to throw away a lot of stuff than other people living in this house and she gets mad bc she ends up taking out the trash bc she threw away her trash and so.. it becomes full.. she also mostly uses the bathroom trashcan bc she is on her period so it becomes full of course.. but i dont even use it bc.. i dont have to and gets mad about how she always takes the trash out of the bathroom... 3. throwing away big items into the trashcan- im not sure then where else to throw it away.. i threw away a package bag and that was the only thing in the trashcan.. it only made it half way full.. she got mad and told me why i would throw a away whole package bag in there.. so why would i think about taking out the trash when it is not even full and thats the only item in there? its just a waste of a big trashbag! 4. not putting back the pots and utensils after we use them- first of all, its not even dry, im always the one to put back everything at night, if shes going to get mad then she should at least put away and help organize rather than only organizing what she used.. so selfish in my opinion 5. she gets mad when "I" clog the sink- the sinks in this house clogs very easily and drains slow.. she thinks im the one who messed it up bc there would be left over small pieces of food in the sink and gets mad at me for not cleaning right away when i was waiting for the water to drain so i can actually see and clean the food up. she thinks my hair clogged the shower so she got mad bc she had to buy bleach to unclog but it did nothing bc thats just how the house was made. she got mad at me bc the toilet overflowed i didnt even know the toilet was clogged and wasnt even home all day bc i was in class 6. she doesnt even clean after herself but gets mad at me for making a mess! It is her mess! i always clean after myself and ugh i dont wanna argue so i just say okay but its really getting on my nerves.. she would write in a sticky note and tell us to do this and that when she doesnt even do it herself! i wipe the kitchen and disinfect and wipe the floors and vacumme 2 times a week so cockraoches dont come and she never saw me do this so she doesnt know i guess but gets mad with her friend about how we are being bad roommates and stuff! i feel like i also clean the bathroom everday because she doesnt clean.. and i like a clean enviroment too.. i do have 2 other roommates but they barely come out of their rooms and i feel like they make the most mess but she thinks i make all the mess bc i do use the kitchen and she knows they only stay in their rooms. should i fight back? would that be a mature thing to do? i only knew her for a month and im getting annoyed and scared i never argue or tell her when she makes me kinda mad.. i just clean after all my roommates.. |
Question: Am I the luckiest wife ever? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:53 PM PST My husband's mother Joan (my mother in law) is beautiful and has a gorgeous figure. She sure does not look old enough to have a son my husband's age. I just adore her. She is a great friend, something my other married friends can not understand. Both my husband an I work. Sometimes when we get home from work Joan has a hot delicious meal ready for us or she takes us to a high end restaurant for dinner. On some of my days off from work, she takes me shopping or to see a movie and/or then to a restaurant for lunch or dinner. While shopping if I see something I like she will buy it for me. She will not let me pay for any of the restaurant meals we have. Next week we are going to Las Vegas to see a show we wanted to see and she is paying for the whole thing. I told my husband there is no way we can ever repay her for all the things she is doing for me. He told me his mom was the only girl in her family and she did not have any daughters so consider myself her adopted daughter. She is thrilled to have a female in her life to share herself with. He said she is happier now than at anytime in her life so just please continue to be her friend and if she wants to buy you things, let her. Please give me some advice on how I should feel about this. Should I feel guilty about all the great things she has done for me? I would like to find a way to show her how much I love and adore her. Any ideas? Am I the luckiest wife ever? |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:39 PM PST She gets mad when I tell her she has to let it go. It was a car wreck death. The holidays were the worst so I want to help my Mom be over it by summer and certainly next Christmas. I am 16 and she is in her late 40's. Her father died last August so that didn't help. The sister was 19 and a college freshman. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:38 PM PST One is loved by the mother but the other two are used by her only. One is like an obedient robot and the other argued back and is now insulted and shunned. They children are adults but the two not loved are very hurt by it and the victims. How do I help them? I still see them a little though we are not close cause of the aunt. |
Question: My parents don’t acknowledge to what I say? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:36 PM PST So there's a lot of things I try to tell my parents and the thing i try to talk about most is health problems. For example, I've been getting chest pains in the center of my chest sometimes and I told my dad about it and he just says it's because I lay down on my side a lot. I'm pretty sure it's not because of the way I lay down. Another example is when I try to tell my mom about a certain health issue I think I may have. I've told her several times about it and ways we could possibly fix it but she does nothing to support me. She just talks about something else or doesn't say anything. And I do all the research myself because I need it to go away badly and that's he only thing I can do. And this health issue is affecting my life terribly but it seems like she's not interested. I sure would fix it on my own but I'm not old enough to do that and I can't drive nor do I have a job (because I can't drive!!!) so basically what I'm saying is that whenever I try to talk about something important to my parents they don't seem to be interested about it. But they do seem to be interested in everything else that doesn't matter. I don't know what to do. The only person who seems to care about me is my sister but she doesn't live with me :( |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:31 PM PST I am 16 and the family is always fighting. This was the first year I hated Christmas. My parents have separated and my brother has been sent to a school for bad teenagers. My Mom and her parents are not speaking either and my Dad is always depressed. My Mom gets mad when I see her parents who she says didn't protect her as a kid from her older brother who molested her. I don't speak to the uncle (her brother) and never will again nor his kids however, my grandparents I miss. At Christmas the day was spent missing my grandparents and missing my Dad who didn't come over until the following week. My Mom was crying but I was mad she wouldn't let me see my grandparents so I stayed in my room. Since Christmas my sister got pregnant and my Mom is worried the father won't be there for her. Also I found out my grandfather on my Dad's side is dying. How do I stop feeling so sad about all this? I hate my life right now and worry it will never get better. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:26 PM PST He left 10 years ago for a younger woman and didn't want to be my Dad anymore. My Mom said he stopped loving me when he left us. I saw him once a year later but then my Mom wouldn't let me anymore cause he was mean to her. I did see him secretly 3 years ago but didn't tell my Mom. I am 21 and he is coming to the funeral for my grandmother next Saturday. I am going and my Mom is mad I am since I didn't know his family very well. I feel since they are family I should still go and my grandmother tried to reach out to me and saw me when she could. Since my Dad was mean to my Mom she doesn't want me seeing him or his family. So I am nervous about seeing my Dad and his new family next weekend and equally nervous about my Mom's anger and that she might derail me being able to go somehow. I feel like my Dad might still love me as I found a bunch of stuff he'd sent over the years that my Mom didn't give me so he might not be as bad as she says. I am taking a bus to where the funeral is since my Mom won't let me use her car so I fear something will go wrong. Also I fear being rejected by my Dad and his family as I do feel rejected by them since I am not close though I'd see the grandmother once a year. The funeral is 3 hours from where I live at the famous Arlington Cemetery as my grandmother died last November but the funeral is just now. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:18 PM PST I don't want to displease anyone on the other side of the family but also don't want to upset my cousins by gossiping about their parents. My uncle has a foul temper and so my aunt is having problems being married to him. Also he is an alcoholic which means he drinks too much alcohol. |
Question: How can I get my mother to stop forcing me to celebrate my birthday? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 11:50 AM PST For personal reasons I hate my birthday and when the day of my birthday is near I tell my mother the week before to pretend it s a normal day and NOT wish me a happy birthday, not on facebook or in any way, shape or form and what does she do in my birthday? She says "happy birthday" and kisses me in the forehead (another gesture that I hate and she knows it) and when I tell her not to do that and how I feel about that she gives me her "**** you, I do what I want" face. Please don t say she does this out of love because my mother is a sociopath whose favorite hobby is bullying me. |
Question: My brother is not fighting to get his kids back from DCF Custody due to drug use? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 09:30 AM PST I know this is not of my business. But, I thought my brother would never be in this situation. Yeah, he smoked weed here and there and probably sold it. But he and his kid's Mothers ALWAYS put their 3 kids first when they were growing up and children. YEARS LATER, now, the 3 of them are 15,13, and 8. I feel sorry more for the smallest one because how can he comprehend whats going on? My parents started cutting off support financially from my brother because they saw all he did was take from my parents and not give anything back. He kept selling drugs, brought shady people over daily, stayed up for 3 days partying, and basically live off welfare and food stamps. They rented their own apartment so it's not like my parents were fully supporting them. But something happened in the last 5 years were they COMPLETELY got worse and started getting high on their own supply and moved on from weed to crack last time we heard. We never thought our brother would turn out this day, but it just got worse until DCF took their kids for neglect. My Mom feel sorry for his kids but she doesnt want to take responsibility for them because it would be like enabling my brother not to get better. So currently they're in DCF custody and last time we heard they are NOT following up with their appointments, program requirements, and meetings with the lawyers in order to make the effort to get their children back. We are very disappointed and never thought our brother had this in him. advice? We are not planning on adopting the kids even after pressure from the assigned case manager to the case. Just want to know is it normal for people to get worse as they age? I know there were signs like drug dealing and stuff, but god lee we never thought it would end up with DCF in the picture. |
Question: How can I deal with not getting to speak to my grandfather who has died? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 07:51 AM PST His niece saw my mother a few months ago and told her he wanted to see me. My mother told her where i work to arrange with me because we didn't know his exact address. I hadnt seen him in 15 years since he married a woman i hearing cleaned him out and moved across the street into another house he owned. I tried looking him up but found no contact info. Being caught up in my own problems, work and prwgnancy, i never got to go ask around the area to find him. Yestetday I woke with him on my mind. A few hours later someone came with a leaflet from his funeral. I feel terrible not having seen him before he died and to know now that his wife had treated him badly. He wasnt there for my dad in his early days but he did cone around before my dad died. I feel so hurt like i let him down |
Question: Is this a situation that most people deal with regarding their parents and dating? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:47 AM PST I'm of an adult age. I look after my widowed mother and grandmother. They both need help with some things physically. My mother needs help financially here and there since she's a widow and taking care of her mother that lives with her. Most ladies have both parents and don't seem to have to deal with that situation, so it is foreign territory for them. In her 50's, my mother started having some issues going on where she would ask me to spell simple words for her, can't seem to figure out the most basic solutions to simple issues and asks for my help, is awful with stuff like computers/phones even after years, etc. My girlfriend recently dumped me because I didn't want to talk to her on the phone while at home among family. She also lives with her parents. So basically she wanted me to talk on the phone where my mother/grandmother could hear me and go into their, "Who are you talking to?" thing. I told her that when I knew her more, I would introduce her to my mother and get my mother used to the fact. She said, "You are a nice guy and I hope you find someone!" just a couple of days after we scheduled a date. She was always busy and could only talk on the phone at night, very sporadic with even texts and didn't answer all of my questions even though I answered hers. She claimed to be laid-back, but had like barn chores in the morning, working part-time, going to school 3 days per week and always volunteering time for stuff to stay busy constantly. I don't have a direct boss over me when I do my job. He resides elsewhere in another building all day and I basically roam around and do my job at my pace and only when there is stuff to do. So I could have talked to her at any time during the day hours at work or even during various day hours at home when my family wasn't here. She was "busy" during that time. I tend to joke around and use little expressions in text messages that other ladies haven't had problems with, but this lady had an issue with it, even though she does something similar. I'm never disrespectful and I generally keep conversation going pretty well from what most ladies have told me. How should I handle a situation like this? Is it wrong for me to want to wait a while before introducing someone to my mother or letting her know that I'm talking to someone? It is my life, after all. I offered to go outside and speak to her and she refused for me to do that and said that she "didn't understand why I couldn't speak to her" basically in the presence of family. I don't understand why that was a requirement. I only live with family until I find someone worth marrying and then I will get my own place. I just don't see the point in giving some stranger money when I could help my family in the meantime. |
Question: Are parents like these normal? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:13 AM PST I am 21 years old and I feel like I am completely submissive to my parents. They control pretty much every aspect of my life, including my finances, diet, schedule, free time, what I'm minoring in in college, almost everything you can think of, which I never asked or wanted of them, but unlike my older siblings I have absolutely no spine and cannot tell them no. Every time I try I am only screamed at and forced to do whatever is asked of me anyway. My father is extremely hot-headed and just about anything will set him off into a blind rage, which he always targets at me until I am crying even if I am not at fault, and my mother will always defend him and never speak against him in any situation, even when he is wrong, lies to me about how to spend my finances, lies to me about my own mental health, etc. I am very, very sick of living like this and if it continues for much longer I'm afraid I will seriously start considering options for ending my life. I do have a job and am saving up money, but almost every penny goes to paying back a loan I got for buying my car. I am not allowed to see my own financial statements and I am told that every month the loan is not paid, $100 is added to my debt. |
Question: Help, my husband and I fight everyday because of his parents? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 04:26 AM PST My husband and I have been having this argument for months.I had a strong relationship with my husbands parents and the rest of his family in the beginning,i loved them and they treated me good and just like their daughter.I'd always go over clean and cook for them and help his mother out even though his sister is older than me and lives with them.I sometimes go in the morning make breakfast for them and come back.I would never disrespect them and never hesitate to do what they ask me.I spent months helping his sister study for her courses.Over the months they just started hating me, telling me how horrible i was and they would call me all these mean things and say how I'm the daughter of a prostitute(my mothers not even in my life,because she left us when i was so young)and how i can never be a great mother,they lie and say i never did anything for the.They always bring up my husbands ex wife in front of me and say how shes better than me (but from their words,she treated everyone badly) they treated me soo horribly,his dad almost wanted to hit me.Anyway i haven't talked to them in 4 months and planned on not having anything to do with them.My husband fought for me in the beginning but now is telling me to forgive them and tells me lets go visit them just once to talk things out.He just recently started talking to them and his family thinks I've banned him from them even though i encouraged him to go see them and talk to them and check up on them but just dont involve me. He tells me to just go visit them for one day and he cant keep going alone because im not with him. He tells me they want to see me but i just have this feeling they are lieing and still full of hate. My husband is a kind and forgiving person and doesn't want hate between us even if its only a fake smile in front of them but I've been stubborn about this and have grown to hate them. I just dont want to go and talk to them again after how they treated me. I'm been just miserable fighting over and over about this with my husband, when my husbands miserable theres no love from us all. He grew up being the hated one out of the children, for some reason his parents always treated him differently but hes so forgiving he doesn't care , me on the other hand, i want him to have a relationship with them, i just dont want to be in it but it's not going to work out. Ugh |
Question: My mother is crying because of me. What's wrong with me? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 04:10 AM PST My brother abused me since childhood. If I reply him.. he'll beat me. When I complain about this to my mother she doesn't care about it and behaves like it's not a big deal. I get very angry and argue with her. Then she'll start crying and tells me to shut up because my voice is unbearable. And she also scolds me saying... "should I leave my son for you"... I'm angry with her only because she's taking my brother's behaviour very lightly not to upset her. how should I deal with this situation? Am I really an awful person? |
Question: Y am I treated this way? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 04:06 AM PST I moved back home almost a year ago to help my mom and making sure she was ok. I left behind two good jobs.. well time passes I find a decent job back home and I'm working.. my younger sister moves in and everything jus goes downhill..she's nothing but a manipulator that uses my mom and abuses her.. she has no respect for my mom at all whatsoever and is constantly thinking she's the **** and threatens me all the time... I let my mom know and she tells me to ignore her.. then my tags go expired and I don't drive my car.. my sister threatens to key my car if she finds out I take it to work which I don't.. well my mom gives my sister 30 dollars for Uber for her to get back and forth to work. She knows I have no money nor any transportation to get to work but tells me I'm old enough to figure it out so I walk to work.. well one nyt my sister is on her way home from work and she calls my mom saying someone is following her home so my brother decides to meet her halfway while my mom is trying to call 911 all in the meantime while I have walked home alone in the nyt twice and she never calls me to check up on me only my sister.. I have never asked my mom for money while I have been home and my sister encourages my mom to buy things and it pisses me off..I'm respectful to my mom but don't understand why she treats me the way she does.. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:21 AM PST Close to heart and get upset easily and just get lost on what I have to say. But anyway ... both of them think and act like they are older because they are taller than me. They think if I say anything back or tell them what's bad or wrong they will hit or swear at me. They always want to be the ones winning arguments and the last ones to say something. My step brother who was adopted when he was about 3-4 years old always thinks he is right and ALWAYS thinks he's the boss and talks back .. even to my parents. My sister is almost the same. She always likes to start an argument and likes to finish with the last sentence. It really hurts me and my feelings because sometimes I don't even know what to say and if I don't say anything back that makes me feel low like I'm actually the youngest or nothing to them. I don't know what to do. And also if he hits me can I get him arrested? He likes to talk back and fight. With everyone. Even girls.. he had a fight with my boyfriend but got battered. And because he got battered he got his "friends" to fight my boyfriend.. who he battered too.. I know.... my boyfriend is hench. |
Question: Will my self harm cuts fade? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:13 AM PST |
Question: Has anyone lived through a family members suicide? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:45 AM PST I went into my brother's room when I got home from school and found him after he committed suicide. My dad (single dad) reacted really coldly in my opinion. He actually got mad at my brother, who is dead now, for doing it and letting me find him. I don't even understand why he did it, he didn't leave us a note and my dad refuses to talk about it. He acts like it never happened, trying to cook dinner and act like it's just life, which I know it is but why doesn't he care? I guess the point of my question is, has anyone else experienced anything like this when someone died? And what are other people's experiences? |
Question: What if I beat my brothers milestone with a baseball bat? Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:29 AM PST I recently found out my little brother was molested by an older cousin. My younger brother was 2 at the time and the cousin came out and admitted to touching 5 children, including having sex with my female child cousin. He said he thought about touching children yesterday at a fair, and is almost certainly insane, calling himself the devil and saying the holy war is now. What would I get for really just laying into him. I have a juvenile assault charge from when I was 17 but it isn't on my record. I'm 20 and a military Vet. Any help on the laws would be much appreciated. |
Question: Should they have a third baby? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:23 PM PST My sister is 26, works as a nurse full time and goes to school. Her husband works in electrical engineering and custodial work. They got engaged months after my sister was pregnant, which is likely why they married in the first place despite being near opposites. Their kids, 1 and 2 y/o, spend a day overnight and half the following afternoon every week, along with occasional babysitting and multi-hour visits almost daily. Neither of them are engaging of parents, make empty threats of soap-in-mouth, and neglect them. My sister is already trying for a third, "as many until I have a girl". Currently the parents seem to be incapable of handling one kid, let alone two, with their schedules and with temperaments. Would you want them to have a third child, and ultimately a third child to oversee? |
Question: I am afraid my sister will die.? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:14 PM PST My parents have been taking care of my sister financially for over 20 yrs since her divorce & I knew the money would run out one day. Last May she told me she was thinking of nannying to earn money. I said it was a bad idea b/c she has a ton of chronic health problems, is very overweight, always tired, has an aggressive dog, & should not be taking care of babies because she can barely take care of herself. A few months later she admitted she lied & was already taking care of a baby. By now she has taken on 2 more babies. She always came every week to get her nails done (I'm a nail tech) but by now we go months before we see her and she only lives down the street. We aren't allowed in her house. But, she still has time to go to her doctors, pilates, & hair appointments. She always complains she is exhausted and can't make her bed, take a shower, or go to a grocery store. She never answers the phone when I call and she barely calls me. She is now controlling whatever money my parents have left- which she lied about for over 6 months. Her ex moved in my parents and is paying her rent + health insurance, & her daughter gives her money, but somehow this still isn't enough. I am never told anything that goes on. Just last week one of the babies got sick and she caught it too which they thought was the flu. Her doctor enables her and continues to give her more drugs which makes her sicker. I texted her to check on her but she told me to worry about myself. I don't know what to do. I just want to be close to my sister and I feel like all she does is push me away. I love her and want the best for her. |
Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:10 PM PST I'm 14 and not allowed on social media, my mom has weird theory's about the government and stuff watching me(I think it has some truth but come on I live in the country I'm not illegal they already know about me). I'm homeschooled and I'm haveing trouble meeting new friends and friends I haven't seen in a long time, I also know no boys which is sad for a teen. I just want to be normal.....I'm stuck......Please help❤️ ty |
Question: Feeling depressed, what to do? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:30 PM PST I'm a 25 soon to be 26 female and I just finished university and still job hunting so i currently live with my mother . But the problem is her church, they go to church everyday and she expects me to go everyday as well, it's very tiring. I don't like the church at all but I have to be there everyday it's so draining, I would understand if it was only Sundays. And i did tell my mother about how I feel about all this but she doesn't care really.. i've had enough but I don't know what to do. |
Question: How can I get away from an abusive father without leaving my mom out of my life? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:40 PM PST I am 25 years old, and a female. I was taught that women are supposed to be submissive under men in some ways and my dad forced that rule especially as I grew up. My father is an angry man. He will make mine and my mothers life miserable simply if he wakes up in a bad mood. He will seek me out to make me feel bad about my life. When I was working and doing school at the same time when I was 18, he kept telling me that my efforts were stupid and pointless, so after months of not being able to escape, I gave up on school and have only been working ever since. When I was a toddler, some of my first memories were of my dad beating me before bringing me to my daycare. I was so afraid of him and I still am. It was only last year that I finally told my mother this happened as she did not know he used to beat me, and only said "You know he loves you." She did not defend and never has. My dad is a monster to his child and his wife. And my mom cannot see it. Or denys it in her own mind. Or she is afraid. But I wish I could have just my mother and not him. |
Question: My mom is crazy sometimes? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:10 PM PST So about 3 month ago I got in a fight with my sister and coincidentally there was a salad on the floor which I fell onto and the case broke and it spilled everywhere. My mom then rushes in and instead of talking it out tells us to go to the basement or she will kill us. I sat on my bed for a few moments and my sis starts taking a shower. My mon then rushes in with a fruit knife and goes into the bathroom and points it at my sis before hurrying to me and threatening me with it before throwing my pet turtles heater, lid and food from the top floor to the bottom. A few days later her explanation for it was that she thought we were 'fighting over food'. Last month she got into a fight with my dad about how he was late to pick her up from the airport and something and that very night I hear screaming in their room which I go see. She was pouncing on him hitting him. I pull her off of him and my sister makes my dad go into another room. This time she tells me "you should've held him down so I could hit him you ungrateful brat". And her explanation for all of this is that he scratched her (because he was trying to take away her phone because she wouldn't lower the volume of the video she was watching). He did hit her like once or twice but not as hard as her and only because she was scratching at him. Now she is telling us about how she should just retire (she is 48) because no one cares about the family and it was all because I left a cabinet open. What should I do? |
Question: Does your family do a White Elephant gift exchange at Christmas? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:00 PM PST |
Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:03 PM PST |
Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:59 PM PST Meant to say criminal, not crominal |
Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:53 PM PST |
Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:51 PM PST I've been singing and acting since I was a little kid, and I want to go to college for it and become a performer. Everyone tells me I have an amazing voice (including my parents). But my parents only want me to go to school for something academic, and they say that theater is too much of a risky career. I know they have a point, but this is really what I want to do. What can I say or do to convince them? |
Question: Why does my mom always blame me for everything? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:45 PM PST I'm 15 and examples: in 6th grade I was bullied at school. My mom was upset at me for defending myself and grounded me. She said I shouldn't have reacted at all. Then sometime in 9th grade I had a teacher who was nosy with family life. She filed a false complaint to the principle, who suspended her for inappropriate involvement with kids. My mom questioned ONCE and lectured how not everyone will like me. I told her I was afraid that they suspect abuse due to exaggerations. She said I shouldn't have gotten involved at all. The adults wanted me to so I had no choice! My mom just screamed that I'm not 8 years old anymore so stop listening to whatever they say. Throughout the years I already figured that out and made the best decisions possible. Plus I didn't do anything wrong in these situations. My mom just finds reason to blame ME and tells me what I could've done BETTER! Half the time she doesn't want to hear the whole story. She only wants to focus on me, not what the situation is. I didn't start these situations. |
Question: Should a parent get involved with an adult who is bullying their child or teen? Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:33 PM PST Let's say if it's a teacher or something. This happened to me when I was in 8th or 9th grade. My mom just questioned the school once and they gave her a brief summary. Then lectured about how not everyone will like me. As a child I explained that I didn't do wrong, the teacher was also quite nosy with family life. I'm not sure what happened but it did feel like my parents acted as if I could've done better. They were the kind that found more fault in me than other people who did wrong (how I should've done even if that was already the best situation). |
Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:30 PM PST I live in between my stepmom's house and my dad's house, but unfortunately mostly at my stepmoms because my little sister stays there. My stepmom yells at her, insults her, doesn't help her with doing anything. I found a notebook in which my stepmom writes about me, my sister and my dad. She writes all bad things about us. Lies. And specially about me. She says we are bad people because we don't go to church. I want to burn the notebook. What would you do in my situation? |
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