Family: Question: Am I spoiled? lately certain people (namely family, and kids at school) have been calling me spoiled. I know I have alot, but I'm grateful? |
- Question: Am I spoiled? lately certain people (namely family, and kids at school) have been calling me spoiled. I know I have alot, but I'm grateful?
- Question: Moving out of parents house again?
- Question: Why can't my husband's family mind their own business and stop making comments at me?
- Question: Grandma in medical rehab place. She is getting discharged soon?
- Question: Should I seek help for nephew?
- Question: I (21, stupid) almost fell into a well and my mom smacked my butt. We have not talked jet. What do I do?
- Question: Me and my wife both work?
- Question: Why do all families always consider the first born child better than their other children?
- Question: My 8 yo cousin starting to ask money from his mom and grandma. Should I be worried?
- Question: Am I selfish?
- Question: How do i deal with Uneducated parents?
- Question: Is my mom abusive or am I just to emotional?
- Question: Have you ever had a mentor, and then it crashed down on you?
- Question: Help i’m being abused:///?
- Question: Why do I feel do mad?
- Question: Why does my family freak out whenever I tell them verbatim what they said when I was 4, 5, or 6 years old?
- Question: How long i have to wait to be a dad?
- Question: Does your family and extended family all gather for Thanksgiving and Christmas each year?
- Question: What to do if your mom likes and you live with a bad person (bipolar)? Any advice?
- Question: How do i make sure that a family friend doesn’t tell my mom that my brother and I accidently catcalled her?
- Question: Is it normal for 10 year old boys to catcall?
- Question: My parents do not understand me, and punish me for doing the slightest things. I feel terrible, and depressed but they dont seem to care.?
- Question: I'm 21. Everytime when i'm with my dad for weekend. He spanks my butt every time i walk by. i told him to stop but he won't stop.?
Posted: 06 Feb 2018 01:35 PM PST My parents combined make just over 4 million a year. My mom is a well respected celeb make-up artist and author. My dad owns, and runs his own company. I live in a large beach house that has 6 bed rooms, and 8 bathrooms and a pool (I m one of 6 girls). I ve always gotten everything I want for Christmas and my birthday (including a party, if i want one). I have a collection of designer handbags, shoes, sunglasses, and jewelry. For electronics I have my own macbook, and iPhone 7. My family also owns a house up in the mountains, and we go on vacation several times a year. I ve been to almost every continent and over 14 states. |
Question: Moving out of parents house again? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 12:50 PM PST i am 22 , i decided to move out my moms back on october to live at my boyfriends house but recently decided to move back in my moms for certain reasons . i've only been here for 2 days now but already feel as if i have made a mistake . i do not like the living situation i am in now and feel that i was better at my boyfriends. would i be wrong to move out again already? his parents don't know i left they just think i went on vacay so it'll be like i was never gone . (no negative comments ) yes i know we need to save to get our own place |
Question: Why can't my husband's family mind their own business and stop making comments at me? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 12:36 PM PST My husband's family can really get on my nerves sometimes. His family are all really close, from his siblings to his aunts, uncles and cousins. We just started IVF treatment yesterday because I've been having trouble getting pregnant and you'd think they would be more supportive towards me, but instead they've been nothing but rude. Saturday night I had a night out with my girlfriends and obviously I'm going to drink and want to have fun. Sunday we had to go to my husband's mom's place for lunch but I was really hung over. So my MIL told me and my husband off, saying what is wrong with us and that I shouldn't be drinking before IVF treatments. My doctor never mentioned such a thing to me. She is so ignorant it makes me so angry. I never say anything because if I do then everyone gangs up on me including his sisters. A couple weeks ago we had a house party at our house and a bunch of my husband's friends were there. My hubs has a tendency of exaggerating every single time he tells a story and it really gets on my nerves so I always correct him, but then when I corrected him, his noisy sister had to bud in and say "why do you always find the need to put down your husband in front of people? Don't you think it's disrespectful and maybe you should learn to not say something if you have nothing nice to say?". Of course my husband didn't say anything and just went out for a smoke with his friends. Should I have a talk with my husband about their behavior? |
Question: Grandma in medical rehab place. She is getting discharged soon? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 11:42 AM PST My grandma had to go a medical rehab place after her stay in the hospital with pheunumia. When she is in the wheel chair she will let them take her to the bathroom, but they help her. If she is in bed she will use the bed pan. I am worried about her not being left along for a few hours, or me being alone to go into my own room and sleep at right. Family remebers are telling me not to worry, and she will get better, but they are all out of state, about a 1000 miles away. Everything just about taking care of her falls into me, and that worries me Espically since I have a 5 year old I need to worry about. I also don't have any of information such as bank info. She never let me have access to any of her personal information. Her niece might have the information, but she just tells me not to worry she will be okay when she comes home. She a week left, and I'm seriously starting to stress over everything. I honestly don't know how to do everything on my own. Espically if she can't be left a alone for a few hours, or during the night so I can sleep. I already hardly go out as it is..I'm lucky to get out for 2 hours. I couldn't even find a job before, and now I might have a chance at a little pt job. Its only 4 hours away, and I would work when my childs in school only. We would have the same days off as well because its through the school distract. I cant even do that now. I'm just seriously stressed over everything, and I have 0 help |
Question: Should I seek help for nephew? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:29 AM PST My nephew is 28 (I am his aunt) and he only prefers hanging out in small groups. He only has 3 friends and a girlfriend and very rarely hangs out with anyone else. He never goes to parties, large gatherings and will never start a conversation with a person he sees on the street or on the bus. Even at family gatherings he will only take to one other cousin and is very much quiet at the rest of the day. I think he is either rude or has a mental disorder (like autism) he insists he is fine the way he is but I think he needs help to be more confident, everyone else is very extroverted and to be that shy and quiet is a sign that something is wrong, I have asked him many times about his feelings and he gets irritated at me (could this also be a sign something is wrong) Should I get a therapist or just try and make him more talkative myself? |
Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:59 AM PST I'm a 21 years old woman. I don't live with my mom. We went to the mountains for a hike and there was a well. I climbed up the well and danced on it (I'm not joking, just dumb sometimes). Then I slipped and almost fell into the well. My mother saw this, came to my side and smacked me on my butt. I didn't say anything and just went back to my motel room. I feel humiliated. Do I say something when I see her again? Pretend like nothing happened? Tell her off? |
Question: Me and my wife both work? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:35 AM PST I recently text my wife some good news about the interview with a local utilities company that pays real well getting back into the field of pipeline construction it would give me back my day shift job and have my Sundays off to be with my family she text me back in this manner oh okaaay. Do you guys think that was an excited response or a annoyed response because of the few texts I already sent her |
Question: Why do all families always consider the first born child better than their other children? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 07:32 AM PST |
Question: My 8 yo cousin starting to ask money from his mom and grandma. Should I be worried? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 07:02 AM PST So he learn how to buy stuff from the store and now he love to buy toys and stuff. He always use the pocket money we gave him. His dad is irresponsible and never care about his family so I've been taking care my cousin for almost 3 years. So when I am around my cousin he is really nice and listening to me without a problem but when I'm not around he can sometimes be quite aggressive. They live in a very horrible neighborhood so I think the environment kinda affect his behaviour. Recently he is starting to ask more money from his mom and gandma. When his dad is around he will behave the same and his dad never give any attention to it so this make them reach me for help. The problem is I'm a college student and busy with college life made me not always available there. It makes me worry because I'm afraid this behaviour will stick to him until his teenage years and his aggression will turn into an assault. These kind of things happen quite frequent around that neighborhood. |
Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:46 AM PST I get given £30 every wekk for college I use my £20 to go to college and have a tenner for lunch. I don't eat lucnh so I help my friends out as many of u know valentine's day is around the corner so I spent £3 of my lunch money on a photo frame and 30p on the photo. I bought my mum her faverout snack and she just screamed at me saying I'm Wasting money on things I don't need. She kept the snack and took my photo frame away and said she's getting rid of it. I never spend money on myself I always spend it on others but she always says I'm so selfish and always think of I really selfish? |
Question: How do i deal with Uneducated parents? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 11:43 PM PST My mother pays lots of money to Cigarettes per month. She just sits on sofa and watch TV all day. When i ask her about money to go to a GYM; she says "Too Much!". But she gives 7 times more money to Cigarettes. It s so annoying to have an Uneducated parent. She has diabetes, hypertension. While i was best athletician in GYM i felt so confident none of my friends couldn t attempt to disrespect me. I ve never felt that powerful. But when i graduated from high school she gave me no money and i couldn t afford to buy nutritions. She made me quit and I became a slob. I want to start again but she doesn t let me. How do i deal with her? |
Question: Is my mom abusive or am I just to emotional? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 10:01 PM PST My mom has said and done stuff that sounds similar to abusive behavior but when I ve reached out to people to help me, no one seems that concerned? I m going to make a pro and con list of her behaviors: Pro: She can be nice to me She makes dinner She helps me pick my brothers up so I can go to school and work Cons: She ll tell me I m the reason she s dying from diabetes That I m too fat to eat She made fun of my suicide attempt and said I was just looking for attention She steals my mail and hides it from me I m not allowed to spend money on me because then I ll be selfish I m not allowed to ask my friends for advice because they have a different opinion than her She always says that I m a liar and won t go anywhere in life She won t let me use my car to get to work (we don t have buses in my area to take me to where I need to go) She s threatened me with knives and said she was going to kill me She calls me a ***** and **** constantly If she is abusive what do I do? I have no money or place to live, I ve lost my job because of her so I have no income coming in and she has everything I own under her name so I ll have nothing. |
Question: Have you ever had a mentor, and then it crashed down on you? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 09:27 PM PST I had this boss once. People said we were like father and daughter. I even bought him a fathers day card as a joke. I loved that he was my boss because he was a father figure to me. Then we got into an argument, and he reported something I said. Just me being angry. I didn't get fired, and he tried to apologize, but I had to quit. I felt so betrayed and hurt, that it could never get better. It still hurts now. I've seem him since I quit, but things will never be the same. I think I will always feel hurt, and bad inside. |
Question: Help i’m being abused:///? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 09:12 PM PST what do i do if my parents AND grandparents are really abusive?? i have no other family around. if i call cps my mom said she'd kill me. and, would they put me in an orphanage? my mom said that. is that true? idk what to do but i'm being really abused. |
Question: Why do I feel do mad? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 07:30 PM PST My younger sister just admitted that she s been having an affair with my daughter s best friends Dad. I know this couple, and while we re not great friends, we get along. I told my sister to end the relationship, especially because if they find out she s my sister, they may have their daughter end her friendship with my daughter. She doesn t understand why I should be mad about it. I honestly don t know myself. Help. |
Posted: 05 Feb 2018 07:00 PM PST I'm the youngest in the family. My grandmother, parents, sisters and cousins, freak out whenever I remind them stuff they said when I was 5 years old. I remember ALL conversations my family had in front of me. What my grandmother talked with my mom, what my parents talked about, what my sisters talked about, what my cousins talked about. I used to be quiet playing with my toys, so basically my family used to talk about things as if I wasn't even there or if I couldn't understand what they were talking about. Sometimes I bring up things my family said in front of me back when I was in kindergarten. They tell me I could not remember that. So I repeat verbatim what everyone said as if I had it on a writen script. My family always freaks out. I just happen to remember everything. Why does my family freak out whenever I tell them verbatim what they said when I was 4, 5, or 6 years old? |
Question: How long i have to wait to be a dad? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 06:20 PM PST I'm actually on the 2nd year of my bachelor, I have a job, and I'm single. I want to be a dad but I'm afraid i get too old to play with my child and spend quality time with themthem. I'm 19. How long do I have to wait? |
Question: Does your family and extended family all gather for Thanksgiving and Christmas each year? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 04:49 PM PST |
Question: What to do if your mom likes and you live with a bad person (bipolar)? Any advice? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 04:34 PM PST I'm 13 and we got a room mate about two years ago. He moved in at first because my moms friends were sick of him (should've been the first red flag right? but no). My mom knew this guy from her childhood supposedly and felt bad for him, so she let him move into our guest room, I've never met this guy before until two days before he moved in and my mom told me "a guy named john is moving in" then he brought in his stuff. Ever since he has moved in, we have a constant fridge full of beer, vodka, and wine coolers that are drank more than probably should. We also have had cigarette buds found all around the house and my asthma has gotten increasingly worse to a point I could have a difficult time breathing after leaving my house and all day in school until i get back to my house to my inhaler. He has also went on a rampage where he broke down his own door, punched multiple holes in the wall, thrown pictures off the wall, hurt my mother, and threw bar top chairs across the room. while i was upstairs under my desk crying because all I could hear were crashing sounds and screaming and was told to stay in my room. and that all happened, because his friend didn't pay him on time. He also constantly screams at my mother for stupid things and ignores her whenever he wants. Last year after new years my uncle and sister told her to give him a month to move out, but she didn't listen, and just yelled at me for "opening my big mouth" and "not letting her be happy". If you have Qs ask. |
Posted: 05 Feb 2018 04:26 PM PST I'm 15 and my brother is 9. We were having fun doing our own business until my brother screamed at a lady with nice ****. She turned around and I realized it's my dad's fishing buddy's daughter. We ran to the isolated area and I don't know if she realized it was us! My parents are planning a BBQ with other people and it's very likely that she (or her parents) will be there. I could lie and say she mistook us since there's a lot of guys that look like us, but my mom seems to know when we're lying. Advice? |
Question: Is it normal for 10 year old boys to catcall? Posted: 05 Feb 2018 04:02 PM PST I live near the schools, and high schoolers end school a bit sooner. They often bypass the elementary school. There's some kids, around 9 or 10, who make objectifying comments about high school girls' bodies as they walk by. Most of the older kids just laugh or ignore it. We never had this behaviour as young children and yet we were a lot less segregated in terms of age group. A 10 year old was around 16 year olds quite often but it rarely happened. Is this "normal" for that age group? |
Posted: 05 Feb 2018 03:37 PM PST I tell them about how I feel, they say video games are the problem. My mom has always denied my hobbies, and always claims she is right (I have proved her wrong many times and I end up getting grounded for it). My mom is never wrong according to her, and Im always the one apologizing for her wrong doings. Im a good kid that was raised well, I get good grades, the only thing i could only do wrong in her eyes is not clean my room once a day (i do it once a week). We had a talk just now and i told her about how yelling at a child making them feel dumb is not how to discipline them.. As what she calls discipline, makes me feel like an idiot and does not teach me a life lesson. She does not understand anything I say and chooses not to because everything is correct in her world. I truly love my parents and cant hate them, its just the reaction from this is I get sad and depressed. Im asking what should i do/what is the right approach |
Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:30 PM PST |
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