Singles & Dating: Question: How can I tell my friend I like her more than a friend, and I want to start a relationship? |
- Question: How can I tell my friend I like her more than a friend, and I want to start a relationship?
- Question: Ready Player One or The Disaster Artist?
- Question: His friend kept trying to get me to say that I liked him in front of him?
- Question: Can my gf be satisfied after she's had bigger?
- Question: This guy in my class keeps telling me that we should "do it" together But when he says it, I can't tell if he's being serious or joking?
- Question: Girl I was dating puked during BJ. She won't answer my texts what to do?
- Question: He ended things out of nowhere. What happened?
- Question: How come women emphasize their desire for large penises, but admit later it hurts and wish for smaller ones?
- Question: 15M and 14F having sex?
- Question: Should i ask for my friends (Girls) numbers? Im nervous about it.?
- Question: What should I text him?
- Question: GUY BEST FRIEND?
- Question: Why doo we live?
- Question: Does it sound like he's going to break up with me? *Please help*?
- Question: Is it weird that I'm attracted to older guys more often than I am to the same age or younger?
- Question: Girls LOVE to be sexy and show off their sexiness, but HATE to be called sexy by anyone but their bf or girlfriends. WHAT IS LOGIC?
- Question: Mother of my children wont let me see my kids. What do i do?
- Question: What should I do when my boyfriend of four year s younger brother is being rude to me?
- Question: How can I get a boyfriend?
- Question: Why do I not like my boyfriend as much as he likes me?
- Question: What should I do?
- Question: Are there any girls that like short guys?
- Question: Is it possible to like someone who you haven't met yet?
- Question: Help! My friend keeps calling me a retard and every response I say, he makes fun of and he calls me a retard. What should I say?
- Question: Does he like me (at all)?
- Question: How does one talk to someone?
- Question: I like leading people on?
- Question: My crush doesn't seem to have a Facebook account or on any other social websites?
- Question: How do you talk dirty?
- Question: My sister says my penis tastes good, is that normal for a penis to taste good?
- Question: Is it wrong to have protected sex at 13 years old if you feel your mature enough?
- Question: I want to be homeless?
- Question: How can I deal with being lonely?
- Question: Why is social faking so important?
- Question: Should I tell my boyfriend I kissed my friend who is a girl transforming into a boy?
- Question: Why does he contact me when he knows I'm coming to town ?
- Question: Would my boyfriend go back to smoking?
- Question: Have any of you tried the dating website ZOOSK?
- Question: What are some ideas to say to a girl i really liked more then a year ago? and havent seen in a long time?
- Question: My crush when I'm texting him I can't remember my interesting story's what's should I do?
- Question: Help, this girl deserves the world and I can't give her that, but I also don't want to see her with other guys?
- Question: He broke up with me.... what now?
- Question: What to do about my girlfriend?
- Question: My best guy friend texted me saying me wants some loving...?
- Question: I'm 18 and very, very lonely. No social life. How do I come out of my shell?
- Question: When should parents meet your date?
- Question: What's the point of a relationship?
- Question: Why do some small firms remain too small?
- Question: Feeling sad because of a neighbor?
- Question: Is he playing hard to get or not interested? Please help 10 points!!?
- Question: I got offered a job. They said call on Monday and ask for a certain person. She wasn't in, I emailed... nothing for 2 days. What do i do?
- Question: Why would a girl act like this?
- Question: Do she like me ??? Or just friends ?
- Question: How to approach any girl?
- Question: I m with this girl and I told her I loved her, but now I m not so sure.?
- Question: If im in love with my second cousin and she shook my hand and said she felt a shock and felt drained right after what does that mean.?
- Question: Boyfriend tells me he's on the way home so I'm waiting 3 hours later I he went to his friends?! He always does this !?
- Question: I just got friendzoned?
- Question: Why can't I help but still want him!?
- Question: How can I get anywhere with this girl if she doesn't respond to my messages (sometimes)?
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:14 PM PDT So I asked one of my friends if she wanted to see a movie (i see her more as a friend), and I want to get the message clear that I like her more as a friend, and I'm asking her on a date. How can I do this? |
Question: Ready Player One or The Disaster Artist? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:14 PM PDT |
Question: His friend kept trying to get me to say that I liked him in front of him? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:14 PM PDT So the guy I like, his friend, my friend, and I were hanging out late at night. His friend said, "so let s go around and say who we like" (remind you we re adults, it was just a joke) but then he keeps interrogating me. The guy I like got up and left for a second and his friend said, "I know you like him" and I didn t admit to anything, and i just laughed and hid my face. He came back in and his friend kept trying to get me to say it the whole night in front of him. Of course I didn t because it was too awkward. I just don t know what to make of that. What do you think that means? |
Question: Can my gf be satisfied after she's had bigger? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:13 PM PDT My gf was previously with a guy who was 8 inches and I'm 6 inches. Can she truly be satisfied with my size? She says it's a okay size but I don't believe it. I agree with someone once that 6 inches was small and she said something like "it really is" so that probably means she thinks I have a small penis right? Tell me truthfully I don't care about someone trying to make me feel better I just want the truth to be honest. Thanks |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:13 PM PDT |
Question: Girl I was dating puked during BJ. She won't answer my texts what to do? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:13 PM PDT I was dating this girl for a while and one night one thing lead to another and we had fun. During the fun she puked on my general crotch area and was super freaked out and self conscious. No I was not being rough and slamming her head down. Infact I did not even have my hands on her when this happened. I don't think of her any less. Do you think she will get over it. |
Question: He ended things out of nowhere. What happened? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:12 PM PDT I've known this guy for years. A couple of months back, we were at a party and one thing led to another, and we ended up leaving the party to hook up. Afterwards, we kind of just went on with our lives. However, a couple of weeks later, at another party, him and I ran into each other and we ended up leaving, but instead of hooking up, we just cuddled. After that, we started texting non-stop and he was telling me how he wanted to spend all of this time with me and how he wanted to take things slow. He made me feel respected. After a couple of weeks of texting and hanging out, he went completely M.I.A out of the blue. We were in the middle of a regular conversation when he just stopped replying. I'm not a naturally clingy person so after he didn't respond to my text, I let him be, assuming he needed space (as we all do). He didn't text me for an entire week, and when he finally reached out to me, all he had to say was "damn lol how you been?" I attempted to keep my cool, but I was irritated that after an entire week of leaving me high and dry with no explanation, that was all he had to say. Once he sensed my irritation, he sent me a message about how we aren't going to work out and how I deserve someone special. He ended things out of nowhere. It hurt me but I respected his decision. Come to find out, he has officially gotten back together with his ex. I don't know if they were working things out while he was talking to me, but now I feel played. What do you think happened? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:12 PM PDT I always have found this fascinating, especially since I started asking. Alot of girls and women say size doesn't matter (haha) yet whenever someone mentions a large dick, you see that eyebrow go, or they begin salivating a little, and you see that thought running through their head. But the same woman, will then complain that it hurts, and they'd rather have an average size one. I don't understand you :| If you know that the big one is going to hurt you, why does it intrigue you so? To look at? To admire lol. |
Question: 15M and 14F having sex? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:12 PM PDT I'm a 15 year old male and I'm dating this girl and she is 14 years and her have been talking and we both have been thinking about having sex but there is no way for us to get a condom and we really want it please help...I know we are too young but we both want it please help |
Question: Should i ask for my friends (Girls) numbers? Im nervous about it.? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:12 PM PDT So this is the last week of school and i been friends with a couple of senior girls, for like the whole year. I mean i dont talk much because i dont want to but in their conversations. But still we had our laughs and good times. I havent hung out with them yet im planning too, by asking for there numbers. I feel akward asking for there numbers but at the same time i want to hangout during the summer with them. And i wont see them again because there going to college next year. They are all friendly with me and im friendly back to them. I like this particular girl in the group and she seems to care about me. Im planning to ask her to hang out with me only, during the summer. I feel akward asking for their numbers i dont know what to do. These were the first friends of girls that have been loyal,trusting, and friendly to me. I gave them cards for christmas and teddy bears for valentines day. And they seemed to love, care, and be thankful to me about it. Should i go for it? Yolo? |
Question: What should I text him? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:11 PM PDT We were friends in English and he would help me out when I didn't get something and we would talk a lot, even though he's a very shy kid. He's a super sweet guy and would help me sometimes when I didn't ask. we were working together on a project and he would tell me my ideas were good, even though I don't do well in school and he's a really smart kid. I asked him if he wanted to hangout after finals, but he said he was busy this summer. I didn't get a chance to tell him I'm probably moving 15-20 minutes away and I want him to come to my new house. He does wrestling (he told me he's wrestling this summer also), he's in mostly honors/AP classes (some have summer work), and he has a job. Even though he may be busy, I want to keep in touch with him over the summer. We don't text, but I have his number. What should I say when I text him? Also, when should I text him? There's also a thing at school tomorrow where we return our books, but I don't know if we need an id. My friend offered to return my book since I only have one book, but my other friend said you need an id. Should I ask him if you need an id for that also? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:10 PM PDT So my guy best friend ended things with his ex a couple of months ago and now he's over her. So I asked if he like anyone now and he said maybe. So I asked who and he said "well she's a guy so". And then he told me there's a reason his ex and him never worked out. And then I asked why and he said never mind and then I told him to explain. And he said it was just a stupid joke. What does he mean by all of this?? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:09 PM PDT |
Question: Does it sound like he's going to break up with me? *Please help*? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:09 PM PDT My boyfriend and I (who are both 18) have a very mature relationship that a lot of people look up to. We've been together for almost one year. I've never done anything bad to jeopardize the relationship but last week I did something (to help the relationship) but it really just backfired, and I ended up lying to protect the relationship. But he found out. Never been dishonest to eachother, ever. We are very serious. The past week he's been back and forth on if he should continue dating me or not, these are some things he'd say: "I still love you, I just hate that you did this" "i'm in disbelief still, I don't know what to do" "Some people are telling me to leave because this could happen again, and some are telling me to give you another chance.." "I just need some time to think" So he's been going out with his friends a lot, drinking, getting his mind off of it. He said he wanted to give me another chance, but he still seems very apprehensive. He still calls me babe, and still says he loves me. Earlier, he said he wants to (probably) make plans for tomorrow (so he can help me find a job) (And so we can stop by a restaurant and visit our friend). I'm afraid he's going to break up with me, and he's just waiting to see me in person to do it. because I haven't seen him since the lying thing happened. PLEASE HELP ME. This has been eating me alive and I can't lose him. I made a mistake but I promised everything I'd do what it takes to earn his trust back. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:08 PM PDT I'm 19 and I don't exactly go for guys who are like 40+, but I think guys in their late twenties mid thirties are much more attractive than guys my age. And I kind of feel weird if I see a boy who's younger than me and is cute. I don't know what it is or if it's even normal?? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:08 PM PDT Also they hate it when guys look at their sexiness. LIKE REALLY HATE IT. idk anymore. I try to do what they want but then they change what they want! I guess i cant generalize girls but I cant have one girl get mad at me for NOT complimenting her outfit and then one get mad FOR complimenting it!!! |
Question: Mother of my children wont let me see my kids. What do i do? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:07 PM PDT Hello i am a 24 yr old father of twins. Their mother and i split up and she has moved on. My kids are one year old but she has never kept them away from me. All i ever asked was that she consult with me on things on our kids i want to be involved i always have been from day ONE! It seems as if she wants to weed me out so he(her new bf) can be the male figure in the girls lives. Her bf and i got into a disagreement solely on me not feeling comfortable with him around my kids, and certainly not near me. So i understand that while my kids live 2 hours away we are not together and i cannot oversee what she does or who she has around them. The bf comes to a meet up to give the kids back to their mom. We get into really bad. And then she proceeded to tell me shes no longer sending my kids to me and we can delegate in court. She focuses so much more on this man than her kids and i want to know what i should do. Its almost two weeks sense i spoke to my kids or heard from them and I'm defeated |
Question: What should I do when my boyfriend of four year s younger brother is being rude to me? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:07 PM PDT Iv been with my boyfriend for four years now and iv spent a lot of time with his family and kind of started considering myself as part of their family even his mom said that I am but his younger brother who just turned 16 is starting to be well a real ****** to me .. he dropped out of school and stays in his room all day playing Xbox and one day he said something very rude to me and I just said it kinda hurt my feelings and every since then that s all he does is make smart remarks .. should I talk to his mom? All he said to my bf when he brought it up is " oh well " I know he is a teenager but still hurts .. idk what to do. |
Question: How can I get a boyfriend? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:07 PM PDT I'm 16 years old and I feel that I am ready for a relationship,but I am home-schooled so its harder to meet people. I became home-schooled because of some personal reasons so going back to a regular school isn't really in my mind, but I do a sport (Cheerleading) so I am pretty social. I have never had a boyfriend, but have been on a date. It went good ,but the citation with they boy and me was complicated so I ended it. |
Question: Why do I not like my boyfriend as much as he likes me? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:06 PM PDT My boyfriend is the sweetest boy I have ever met. I love how he treats me like a princess. I just, I do not like him as much he likes me. I like him but I do not get sparks when we kiss. He is completely head over heels for me and tells me how I am so cute and how he loves to hold/carry me and play with my hear and kiss my cute face. He is even bringing me treats while I study for finals. Will it take more time for me to like him more? I feel like he is deep in love with me, I can tell. He wants to take me everywhere this summer too and even mentioned us living together... we are juniors in high school..... He feels more like a brother to me and he always kisses my head and pays for every single time (I guess a lot of boys do not pay their girlfriends?) |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:06 PM PDT You live in a place where all the guys don't have any standards period and women are prudish and picky as crap! You are even friendly to a girl and they get angry at you accusing you of flirting with them. You joke around with some girls and guys and the girls start spreading nasty rumors accusing you of getting off of them. Some guys stand there and walk up to me telling me the crap that the girl is feeding them about me and that he said that is just the way I am. Some guys actually believe the girls are try to bully me when I would even talk to them. |
Question: Are there any girls that like short guys? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:06 PM PDT I always hear about how much girls love tall guys but what about us short guys. Are there girls who prefer guys on the short side as well? I'm 5'4 and 24 years old so i'm done growing. Im usually most attracted to girls who are shorter than me (around 5 feet). The thing that really gets me down is that many of the pretty short girls go for tall guys :(. I think tall guys are lucky because they get to end up with a girl who loves their appearance. As a short guy, I cant help but fear that my future partner would always see my height as a let down - that they would have preferred a tall guy, and my height was just something they had to accept. That sucks so much :(. Are there short , pretty girls who also happen to like short guys? Could I actually find a girl who loves me just as I am, height and all? One who adores me completely. Or is that the kind of love that only tall guys get? |
Question: Is it possible to like someone who you haven't met yet? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:06 PM PDT I've been talking to this gentleman for a few months. We are planning on meeting at the end of this month since he lives hours away from me. I just feel like I've known him forever which is weird since I have never met him. It's only been over text, call, and Facetime. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:06 PM PDT |
Question: Does he like me (at all)? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:05 PM PDT High school gym class- there's only three days left until summer :( I sorta asked a guy a grade younger than me (I'm a girl) to a dance a while ago and he DMed me on Instagram saying sorry and that he was going to be out of town (haha probably a lie) But a lot/nothing has happened since then (February) Today i went to school and my usual dirty-ish blonde hair was half dyed purple (the bottom half) so I kept waiting to see if he'd have a reaction but for most of the hour (this is gym class so we were all moving around between rooms and stuff- not just sitting in desks) it seemed like he was looking everywhere but me and I was wondering if he even knew my hair was flippin PURPLE. but then we were playing Big Base and we were on opposite teams and he was at second base and I was off to the side behind second base and when I glanced at him he was intensely staring at me over his shoulder. UM? Cool. I'm lost. |
Question: How does one talk to someone? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:04 PM PDT How does one approach a (previous) friend that she had a fight with? She deleted me off of snapchat and we haven't talked for over 2 months. There will be a situation coming up where I may see her in person. I sent her a text asking something not related to the fight, but she ignored it. There is a chance she hates me. I want to make amends. We don't have to be bff's or anything, but I want to settle things and be nice to each other. How will I approach her? How do I start a conversation with her? Should I act super sweet like nothing ever happened? Should I suggest we have a chat? If we make amends, do we do it right there and then? This will be awkward, won't it?!? |
Question: I like leading people on? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:04 PM PDT I like making people fall in love with me, then telling them I am not interested. It's a huge ego booster. But, I wish I could get my attention elsewhere. You know, without hurting other's feelings, but this is very, very satisfying. I feel so desirable and hot. Should I stop doing this? |
Question: My crush doesn't seem to have a Facebook account or on any other social websites? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:04 PM PDT Yes, I tried looking for my crush on the websites I use to socialize (Facebook), but he doesn't seem to have one. I COULD ask for his number, but it would be super awkward! Is that the right way to go if I can't contact him through other ways?! Should I even risk being like a total creep?? (My crush is a bit shy, but I am too) |
Question: How do you talk dirty? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:04 PM PDT I'm a female and I don't know how to please a man in "sexy talk" or dirty messages? help |
Question: My sister says my penis tastes good, is that normal for a penis to taste good? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:03 PM PDT |
Question: Is it wrong to have protected sex at 13 years old if you feel your mature enough? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:03 PM PDT |
Question: I want to be homeless? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:03 PM PDT I don't want a Smartphone. I don't agree with most of society. I don't see how else to live truthfully but to give up everything |
Question: How can I deal with being lonely? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:02 PM PDT I am 17 and have never had a true boyfriend. I have yet to have my first kiss and it hasn't ever bothered me until recently. The last boy I liked (about 8 months ago), I liked a lot. He liked me back but didn't have the time or effort for a relationship. The last couple days I have really been craving that same feeling I got around my last crush. I want to like someone as much as I liked him. I know I should focus on school, work, and my friends but how can I stop feeling so lonely? I know of boys that like me that I don't like, so I know I don't just want a relationship but rather real feelings. I just don't have anyone to talk to about it right now and I need some advice. So, how can I stop craving this feeling? |
Question: Why is social faking so important? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:01 PM PDT Social faking is LYING to impress people. |
Question: Should I tell my boyfriend I kissed my friend who is a girl transforming into a boy? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:01 PM PDT So I was at Disney and I was dared to kiss my best friend I was like yeah whatever and after I didit I felt bad cause i kissed someone else besides my bf and I don't know if he will be mad or not because she was born she but he wants to be he we call him Justin so should I tell him? Or would he be turned on because she's a girl or hes a boy? |
Question: Why does he contact me when he knows I'm coming to town ? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:01 PM PDT This older guy I've been taking to for a while always seems to contact me every time he knows I'm coming to his state to visit my sister and her husband, who's his brother. So yeah he contacts every time he knows or hears that I'm coming. So I'm wondering why he does that?? |
Question: Would my boyfriend go back to smoking? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:00 PM PDT He smoked for 5 years, but less than 10 a day. I got him vaping last summer. But if we broke up, would he go back to smoking? Because quite a few of his friends smoke. So I'm worried about him. |
Question: Have any of you tried the dating website ZOOSK? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:00 PM PDT Did you have problems deleting your account, when you wanted? I have had horrible experiences with OKCUPID even though it's free.. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:57 PM PDT i have her on facebook i i tried talking to her but it didnt last very long we just said hi and bye and how is our days going and how were doing in school and thats about it. I think she used to like me because she smiled at me but i dont know if she lost interest by know because its been more then a year. what are some ideas to say to her? im too scared to ask her out yet. |
Question: My crush when I'm texting him I can't remember my interesting story's what's should I do? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:57 PM PDT He's already stopped responding to heys and stuff what is some interesting stuff I can text him (we're best friend but I personally think texting him Is boring and we tell each other everything) |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:56 PM PDT I've been casually hooking up with this girl for a couple of months now. We met in September at the college we attend. After a bit of pursuing, she gave me her virginity and we've been hooking up ever since. But now, months later, I'm getting to know this girl and I'm realizing that she deserves so much better than me. She's beautiful, has a banging body, is incredibly smart (she's in a pre-med program and plans to become a PA), funny as hell, and the kindest person I've ever met (she works at a nursing home and volunteers her free time to working in animal shelters). She's an absolute freak but the most classy woman in public (so classy that even I assumed she was going to be prude in bed). She has this little quirk where she cleans when she's drunk, which I find so adorable. She cooks for me. She's down for anything. She's an angel and a sexy devil all in one. She is the type of girl you're proud to bring home to your mom. She's the type of girl you see yourself marrying. What started off as a challenge to take this girl's virginity turned into me falling for this girl. Hard. But I'm not at that age where I want to settle down in a relationship. We continue to hang out and hook up at least once a week, but I'm beginning to feel guilty. I think she's perfection and deserves a man who wants to give her the world. I intend on ending things with her but a small part of me knows that I'm going to lose it when I see her with other guys. It'll kill me actually. Help what do I do? |
Question: He broke up with me.... what now? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:55 PM PDT My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday. It was very surprising. We were fine the day before he did, but I guess something did seem wrong. But only to him. Anyway, we were very close, I told him everything, we were like best friends. The thing is, I still love him. And I really want to get him back. Even if I don't get him back, I just don't know what to do. How can I get over this? What should I do? I just want to be friends with him, but I'm too scared to talk to him, or even see him to be honest. I just need some advice. Thanks. |
Question: What to do about my girlfriend? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:55 PM PDT Although I know yahoo answers is no consoler I really need some advice right now. This may sound stupid and exaggerated but basically my girlfriend has this friend and the friend of hers does tons of drugs (Not like light weed or anything) I'm talking crushing up pills and snorting them and even trying cocaine. This girl in question I feel is not only becoming a terrible influence on my girlfriend but is also taking away my time from her. I don't really know what to do in my situation because this girl has recently resurfaced after I asummed she was gone for good. Just help me out here, My girlfriend doesn't have many friends but I don't want this girl to be one of them. Thank you for your time. |
Question: My best guy friend texted me saying me wants some loving...? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:51 PM PDT We are only friends what does he mean by this... |
Question: I'm 18 and very, very lonely. No social life. How do I come out of my shell? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:50 PM PDT I've been very really lonely ever since entering high school. It's sucks. Every weekend is the same. My birthdays only consist of family. Never friends. Haven't been to parties or hang outs because I cannot make friends I'm recently finished my first year of community college. Didn't make friends. And I do talk, but people don't really seem interested in being friends with me. I'm have no girlfriend, never had. Still a virgin. And now it's summer. It's summer and I certainly don't want to stay home everyday. It'll only make my sadness even worse. Might become suicidal if I do. I was thinking about getting a job. Should I? Where should I start? I have no prior experience and I have no good social skills obviously. Advice? I'm really just sad and lost right now. Feel like my loniness is permanent. |
Question: When should parents meet your date? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:49 PM PDT I had a mild argument with my mother over this earlier. This weekend, I'll be meeting up with a guy at a big event. I'd really only call it a meet-up because we haven't exactly called it a 'date'. We've flirted a small bit but the rest has just been talking and getting to know each other a bit more. There was never a 'I like you, let's go on a date'. It was more of a 'you're a cool person and fun to talk to, let's hang out sometime'. Either way, my mother is completely terrified with the whole thing if she doesn't meet him first. Personally, I feel like it would be way too awkward and may come off wrong if she does. This is a guy I've only known for almost a month and as I stated before, I'm not even sure if it classifies as a date. When is it the right time for parents to meet your potential 'date'? I just feel like it would make the whole thing super uncomfortable not only for me but for him as well, if she met him right away. Especially because it's the first time he and I are meeting in person as well. I just don't know how to feel about the whole situation. I'm 18, by the way. If age matters at all with this. |
Question: What's the point of a relationship? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:49 PM PDT I'm in a relationship with someone but I often feel like a burden to him. I don't know why he is still with me. Apparently I am selfish, clingy, and stubborn. I think he is a bit cold, uncommunicative, and impatient. The only thing I can think of is letting him do his own thing and me do my own thing from now on, in order to prevent misunderstandings. He hates drama, but come on, relationships are not perfect and that's why you work problems out, but it seems like he's too impatient and he even told me he would have broken up with me instantly had I walked away from our gym session because I embarrassed him by refusing to continue working out with him. |
Question: Why do some small firms remain too small? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:47 PM PDT |
Question: Feeling sad because of a neighbor? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:46 PM PDT I have seen a neighbor girl that used to walk her dog past my house and everytime she saw me she would always wave and smile and was so nice.She walked by for about 5 months and I know it may sound weird but I really enjoyed talking to her.She lives around the corner so I never know when she will come but when she did I would walk out the door and talk to her,mainly about our dogs and yes she did seem very shy the last time we talked.We said bye and have a nice day.I don't even know her name.She has not walked by in almost a month and I don't know if it's cause of me or maybe it could be something else.I see her sister walking her own dog still but not her.Could it have been me?I didn't say anything weird |
Question: Is he playing hard to get or not interested? Please help 10 points!!? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:46 PM PDT Me and this guy have been talking on snapchat for the past month. He's always shown a lot of interest but sometimes, he almost stops sending me anything for maybe 2-3 days. We've recently met 2 times. We met last night, he asked to see me and we went for a 2 hour long ride. When I was about to get out of the car to go back home he asked if he could kiss me and I said yes. I stopped him after maybe 2 minutes and told him that I was a virgin and I didn't have much experience but he said he wasn't expecting sex yet and that it was ok and kept on kissing me. He told me I was a good kisser and then I went home. Today, he's only sent me 1 snap. Im starting to freak out because Im afraid he's lost all interest. Is he just playing hard to get or just doesn't like me anymore? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:46 PM PDT |
Question: Why would a girl act like this? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:45 PM PDT Like when when we see each other she smiles really large and says hi in a flirty voice, but after that, always stares at me and says nothing and looks aggravated. She looked aggravated all the time and the only time I see her smile is when she talks to me. But after that, she just goes back to being pissed off. |
Question: Do she like me ??? Or just friends ? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:44 PM PDT Ok so I have been hanging out with this girl basically EVERYDAY for the past 7 months we are practically best friends . The problem is of course that I want to be more than that I ve expressed it 2 or 3 times . Every time she s not with it . She s said one of the times that she was "attached to me as well" after I had said I ve gotten attached to her . That s good and all but at the end of it it basically ends with her just wanting to be friends . She says just wants to be single and date around . (Not like a hoe she says, which considering we ve been hanging out everyday for the past 7 months I can agree but you never know lol) says I m too important as a friend and she doesn t want to treat me like the other guys and some other things along that line . We literally started hanging out out of nowhere and we worked at a job together in high school 5 years ago and ran back into each other that s how we stared hanging out . Now MY QUESTION IS why is she still around ??? Does she really enjoy our friendship because I have never really had a girl stick around to be a "friend" and we eventually not spark something up especially after 7 months . And as many times as I have came out to her telling her how I feel I would think she would of been tired of it by now and stop hanging out with me. I don t know whether to keep trying or just leave her alone and do my own thing because it s beginning to be torture I m with her EVERYDAY . |
Question: How to approach any girl? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:42 PM PDT im 20 and im a really good looking guy, but I haven't been in a relationship in over a year. ive noticed girls on the street looking at me, But I never know what to say. I get scared 1 day I went up to a girl who was staring at me... and i said hi, She told me to get out of her face and Fu*k off. ever since that incident my confidence whet DOOWN.......Any advice please |
Question: I m with this girl and I told her I loved her, but now I m not so sure.? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:42 PM PDT I ve been going out with this girl for a month now and I think I told her I loved her too fast because now I m not too interested in her and I keep saying " I love you"even though I don t really love her. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:42 PM PDT |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:42 PM PDT Why does he always do this to me I go over to wait for him to come home he says he's on the way and doesnt tell me he goes to his friends house to chill |
Question: I just got friendzoned? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:41 PM PDT My girlfriend left me for another guy and I finally found another girl. We hung out a few times and had a blast together. Things were really progressing and then she says that I should get back with my ex girlfriend who we often make fun of together. (I know it's terrible to make fun of your ex girlfriend) I don't know if this was a joke or if she was serious. Because we are planning to see a movie together this weekend and I don't want it to be as "friends". |
Question: Why can't I help but still want him!? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:41 PM PDT Long-story-short, I fell for this a$$h0le who is 3 years older than me when I was 12. It started out as a crush and ended as love. I'm 16 now and still think of him constantly. Nowadays, it's less frequent but I still think of him. We have a lot of history (a LOT). We ended things with a fight two years ago and never contacted each other again. Not long ago, I reached out to him on Facebook to get a proper closure and actually move on. I had things to say and wanted to call him (not message). He made up stupid excuses for not calling so things stopped after that. I've been telling myself that I moved on and that I have no feelings for him anymore but I'm lying to myself. I just want to cry. I feel so stupid, so dumb and so worthless. Our parents know each other and I fear for the day our family organizes something and I'll have to see him. I feel like when I see him sometime in the future, all the memories and feelings will come rushing back and I don't think I can handle that. Not again. It hurts. It hurts so badly. I want it to stop. Please make it stop. |
Question: How can I get anywhere with this girl if she doesn't respond to my messages (sometimes)? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:41 PM PDT I messaged her last week asking how her summer is going. We ended up having a pretty nice conversation, but then she said she was tired. We both said goodnight afterwards. For a while, I thought she was ignoring me because I messaged her on Tuesday asking if she did anything special for memorial day. She was online, but the message wasn't seen (or at least marked as seen). Then on Thursday, i sent another message asking her a question about whether or not I should change departments at my job (at a store). She DID see it, but it had no response.I thought "oh no, she is definitely ignoring me", BUT she ended up replying at almost 10:00 pm saying sorry, and that she was busy lately. She also said I should change departments. We talked a bit, then she said she was tired again. I ended up telling her "maybe we can talk when you're not so busy." She responded with "I'd like that!". Yesterday, I saw that she was online and sent a simple "what's up" and it was immediately seen, but got no response. What really *confuses* me, is that she usually gives a pretty good response when/if she decides to respond. Almost a full paragraph sometimes with smiley faces and whatnot. I'm beginning to think I may need to throw in the towel. I'd rather not ask her out or anything if we don't talk much. I don't want to screw this up, this girl is the best girl I've met in a long time (and if it matters, she was homeschooled) |
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