Family & Relationships: Question: Is it ok to tell ex miss them as a way to move on? |
- Question: Is it ok to tell ex miss them as a way to move on?
- Question: Le dije a mi novia si era mas feliz sin mi en su vida y me dijo tal vez, que significa?
- Question: If the upper lip of a male is covered with his moustache, how can he kiss a female? Why doesnt he cut it properly?
- Question: How to handle disrespectful EX MOTHER IN LAW and family after a break up with kids?
- Question: How many women have ever gagged their significant other with their dirty panties???
- Question: I have a friend with laryngostenosis (narrowing of the voice box) and I'm his only friend. He likes me but I don't. What to do?
- Question: Is this possible??
- Question: How to not let my mother's boyfriend get under my skin? I m frustrated.?
- Question: What to do about a random car parking in front of my house for a couple seconds?
- Question: For girls: Your find more attractive an introvert or extrovert boy? And why?
- Question: Will he want nothing to do with me now? Did I ruin both relationships? If so how do I move on from this?
- Question: What to answer to this?
- Question: My boyfriend is gone on the Witness protection over to England and I can't contact him, he has no phone or social media, I'm heart broken?
- Question: What is this all about I dont know.....please tell me what is this all about is this some black magic effect or my own thoughts?
- Question: 24 about to be 25 male still a virgin here .trying to be mature about it and not let it bother me but sometimes it gets me?
- Question: My ex is trying to say I did things when I didn't?
- Question: How would you sum up how you feel about all your insecurities in one sentence?
- Question: What should i do?
- Question: Good or nah *Btw go to for full story. the story is called pictures of you by Kelsey Noble *Using Grandmas account btw ?
- Question: Which last name sounds the best: Danny Zucco Danny Deluca Danny Cannova or Danny Nolens ??
- Question: Would I exist if my parents had never met...?
- Question: Nervous about transferring from a community college to a 4 year university?
- Question: Why do guys feel horrible after what they done to the girl?
- Question: I am so embarassed, what can I do?
- Question: Hey come back?
- Question: How to look like you do drugs when you really dont?
- Question: Was called a slut by a worker of a hotel chain, should I complain?
- Question: Is it weird that i posted a picture with the guy i like????
- Question: Why are women with small masculine boobs jealous of bigger, shapely, and lush breasts?
- Question: Gift ideas for boyfriend?!?
- Question: Can't stop thinking about farting?
- Question: Are nudists crazy?
- Question: Do you guys think she did this because of me?
- Question: Are you paranoid that todays date has 3 6's in it? 6/6/16?
- Question: Considering putting my 16 1/2 year old son out. One mom's delima.?
- Question: Dating Profile Question . .. for the Gals lookin for a guy?
- Question: How do you handle other people's lack of compassion?
Question: Is it ok to tell ex miss them as a way to move on? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 02:42 PM PDT I just want to say that "I miss you and don't expect anything from this, just wanted to tell you, and hope things are ok with you." We went out for 9 months, and it ended because I wasn't happy in the end and he needed to sort his life out & couldn't cope with things. He didn't want to see me hurt, so we never officially broke up face to face. He even cried once when he thought I was crying. He's a messed up person. He's 32 & I know it's important for him to get things together, but at the same time I care & want to move on by getting this off my chest. Should I tell him this? I'm having a hard time not moving on & I think about him & the fact he has no family around or many good close friends. He said i was the closest person to him, but in other ways he was closed off & wouldnt face hs problems. |
Question: Le dije a mi novia si era mas feliz sin mi en su vida y me dijo tal vez, que significa? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 02:27 PM PDT ayuda |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 01:39 PM PDT |
Question: How to handle disrespectful EX MOTHER IN LAW and family after a break up with kids? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 12:41 PM PDT My daughter was 3 months old when I started dating my ex.. He raised her. We broke up when she was almost 4 years old. He left me for another girl and said he didn t feel like he should be apart of her life any more. However his mom and sister still want a relationship with my daughter and I told them that I didn t feel like it was healthy, so they went behind my back to my daughters bio dad on his weekend.. With out my knowledge or consent.. He told me after and we agreed to not let them have any more visits.. But they are still trying to contact him and I m not sure how to handle this situation. |
Question: How many women have ever gagged their significant other with their dirty panties??? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 12:24 PM PDT Cons and pros |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:46 AM PDT He has been through over 100 surgeries throughout his life and never has had much of a social life. A lot of people, women especially, have avoided him due to his voice and breathing. The problem is, he likes me but I don't. He has no friends. I happen to be his only friend. He is taking the rejection pretty hard that he is giving me a gift for appreciation of being his friend, that I do honor. He constantly complains about of being alone and he keeps pushing that he wants to hang with me; I don't mind hanging out even though we live two hours away from each other. He has a feeling that I'm uncomfortable around him, which is not true. I just don't like him more than a friend. I'm just afraid if he, even subtly, pushes for a relationship with me. A lot of his loneliness is due to the negative environment from his family, whom he lives with. He's also a very tense person due to the negative environment from home and work. He notices I'm lonely too, only I don't have laryngostenosis. What can I do if he was to continue to shower me with gifts and letters so I could be in a relationship with him without hurting his feelings? Has anyone been in this situation? I see him nothing more than a friend. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 10:59 AM PDT Can feelings for someone literally disappear overnight? See, over where I work at, there is this security guard that I USED to find very attractive and had feelings for. I would flirt with him, he would (sort of) flirt back, I would buy him things like cookies, or ask him if he wanted anything from somewhere, etc, also, we would sext each other (more me that him). I even lied about myself (how dumb is that?) He does not have a girlfriend and says that he does not want one, but he does "hook up" with people, which I don't like. There were really more CONS than PROS to this guy as far as what I find attractive in a guy, but his looks really got in the way which is not good either. Then very recently, one morning I woke up and I did not think about him at all! I have not sent him any messages since this past Sunday and I don't stay to chat with him for a bit when I see him. I used to think about him all the time, even on the weekends we would chat sending him funny messages and memes. Now Its like I don't want to anymore, and I don't feel ANYTHING for him anymore. Its all gone. I don't even find him attractive anymore. It REALLY feels like that it all went away over night. Is that possible? I always thought that it would take time. He has made it clear how he feels about me, how he sees me as a friend and thinks that I am cute, but would not date me. He does not do that with people that he works with. But we have flirted with each other quite a bit. |
Question: How to not let my mother's boyfriend get under my skin? I m frustrated.? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 10:53 AM PDT So, I have always had a passion for singing since I was 3 years old. I just turned 22 years old. It was sort of my coping mechanism that I had because I was an only child. I also taught myself how to play guitar and piano. When I was a kid I would always sing and record myself whenever I was alone. So for years I was so used to singing when no one was around and I'm really shy about it. I know I need to get out of my shyness If I want this to be my career but it's hard when I've become so used to doing it when no one is around. Now my mother has heard me sing and told me I should really pursue this. My mom's boyfriend has heard me sing to a little and he said I can really sing too. But I've only sung for him one time and when I did I kept laughing and stopping because I got nervous. . NOW here's the twist, my mother's boyfriend is a musician, he's been in the industry, worked with celebs, has plaques. He was in a popular band in the 80's. So he asks me to sing for him again and I tell him sometime this week because I wanted to prepare myself. He says "No give me a specific day". And I tell him "just sometime this week". So he says "you know what I'm done, I don't want to hear you sing now. Don't ask me anything about music" I didn't grow up singing at talent shows or anything like that. I have an audition for a music scholarship on June 20. I'm nervous and need help. I feel frustrated because I feel like he just gave up on me and got mad. Any advice? |
Question: What to do about a random car parking in front of my house for a couple seconds? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 09:59 AM PDT Just now a white car that looked really nice (like it wasn't dirty or anything), parked in front of my house for a couple seconds, then drove off. What do I do? I live in a rather poor neighborhood so seeing a really well taken care of car looked odd, and it parked right in front of my house too, so it didn't look like a coincidence. What to do? My parents are getting a divorce and I heard that could be it, but is that true? |
Question: For girls: Your find more attractive an introvert or extrovert boy? And why? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 09:47 AM PDT Application dry, I recommend serious answers. Have your say. Kindly, could you tell me the country from which he came after finishing the comment? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 09:21 AM PDT I met a man & we became acquaintances and eventually it turned sexual & it was just that. Which I was okay with. After awhile we started seeing eachother more. He would text me throughout the day, stop by for lunch. i would go to his basketball games he bought me gifts.we just started building a friendship. Over this year&half period obviously he grew on me & I caught feelings. we continued & the day of the Super Bowl I was texting him about the game laughing betting on who would win and he Calls me. I could hear the woman and she was asked me woman to woman who I was.. I said look I didn't know that was your man I don't want any part of this I'm sorry & I hung up. The calls continued and I ignored and she called me off her phone and I had a brief conversation with her finding out he's been with her for 5 years married for 1. All she wanted to know Is if we had slept together. After that the he called me from different number, came to my job.Of course I was hurt. He told me that they have been separated for a while and that he married her because he thought she was pregnant but she didn't have the baby and she changed after they got married. He was pretty much begging me for help He said he wanted to gain the upper hand so he didn't loose half of everything and then HE would initiate the divorce. After a few weeks they were ok..Since then he hasn't made any attempt to end the marriage. 3 months later & I decided to tell her. i now feel horrible. Like I ruined so many lives. |
Question: What to answer to this? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 08:14 AM PDT I was always honest with you but you keep pushing too much. Idc what others think since they have only your side of the story and i don't know them. Please move on and leave me be. I have too much to worry about to care for another person. Take care. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:56 AM PDT |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:25 AM PDT i was living with my uncle's,one fellow came to live near us.he is something like always sex minded...he always took girls,womens for his pleasure.and I dont like this person from the begg...I also somewhat fearing him.and at that time I used to watching porns most of the time.after many months my mothers sex thought came with that person in my mind.he already told me his friend is a tantrik.there is not good relation between us so I fear this thought is a tantrik effect or my own thought? so I fear how this thought came to my mind .....I am feeling very much pain and guilty myself how it came to my mind i dont find any reason... your answers are welcome please help me ....this matter |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:14 AM PDT what do you girls expect in a guy?..will it bother you if a guy is a virgin and doesn't tell you he's a virgin at least in the beginning because he doesn't wanna freak you out? no way i can be honest about it i hate lying to you but i will.... god help me i have so many embarrassing relationship questions i feel like a total freak asking them so i''m not gonna...just hope life will find a way for me to make everything turn out alright i swear to god after i climb my way out of this rabbit hole of shame and embarrassment i will make up for everything i've missed |
Question: My ex is trying to say I did things when I didn't? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 01:30 AM PDT I work w/ him & we haven't spoken to each other since we broke up, except today he thought he should message me, and then got pissed off at me when I replied. He claimed that I was telling co-workers about our sex life & my fetishes when I was w/ him, when I said no such thing to anyone I work w/ but I was told that he was telling people about our sex life when we were together, but when I mentioned that he denied it all. When I denied all accusations, because they were all simply untrue, he said I'm a dumbass for trying to lie and deny it all and called me crazy. He was like "they don't care about you else why would they gossip about you", they are my co-workers, I don't need them to care about me and people gossip all the time, if that were the case then NONE of them like him because damn do they talk a lot of crap about him. I blocked him on everything. Made sure of it, as well. If he spreads more rumors about me at work would it be OK for me to speak to my manager? It's getting old and he had no reason to bother me. |
Question: How would you sum up how you feel about all your insecurities in one sentence? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 12:14 AM PDT I m trying to write about how insecurities play into day to day lives. Need from both men and women. |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 11:41 PM PDT I have a boyfriend I've been dating for 1.5 years now. Been best friends for 2 years before that and friends for 2.5 years before that. I live at home and am the oldest of 6. (Im 20) i never brought friends over Becayse my siblings were babies/toddlers while i was in high school. I brought my boyfriend home a couple times at the beginning of relationship but my mom made jokes about him being fat (he's just built bigger abd was in prime health at the time) so he stopped coming around. For a year this was an issue until recently he started wanting to come around more. My mom and i have been in many arguments and now it pretty much came down to i choose him or my family. She is not open to second chances and thinks he is manipulative and when i said she was manipulative fir trying to break he and i up she flipped out. I don't have that much money and just quit my job (mom said she could support me so i could find something full time but now says she won't) (work didn't allow time for job hunting) i love him and want to mske it work. Any advice? I've always had a plan for life but now I'm just completely lost. |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 11:20 PM PDT "Hey Tyler, come over to my house" texts Cara on her IPhone 6. "Ok be there in 10 minutes" replies her lovingboyfriend Tyler. Cara Ried was an adventurous girl who loved outdoors and herboyfriend. Five minutes later Cara received a call that her boyfriend was killed by a drunk driver. "I love you Tyler" said Cara even though she knew her boyfriend wasn't coming back Cara's best friend Lexa tried talking to her but Cara refused to talk. "Cara, please say something". Cara shook her head no, she felt like vomiting. Minutes later the bell for 4th period rings, but instead of going to science she rushes to the office to ask if she can call home, seconds later, Ms. Aronson, the vice principal ask Cara a few questions, but Cara doesn't answer, she feels dizzy, her arms and legs as wobbly as noodles, then she faints. "where am I "Ms. Ried t.p'ing the professors house is unacceptable at Harvard , so as of today you are expelled from this school" said the dean very sternly". "but--" "get out and take your stuff with you". Cara doesn't remember anything from last night, all she remembers is passing out . Car had a crush, His name was Evan Hale, one of the more advanced students at Harvard. Cara finally left after 30 minutes packing and walked to her apartment by the grocery store, but what she didn't realize is that she dropped the paper that had her adress on it. After she got home she relaxed and watched some tv. The end |
Question: Which last name sounds the best: Danny Zucco Danny Deluca Danny Cannova or Danny Nolens ?? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 10:55 PM PDT |
Question: Would I exist if my parents had never met...? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 10:40 PM PDT Would I be born to the different mother or father? |
Question: Nervous about transferring from a community college to a 4 year university? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 10:32 PM PDT I just finished my second year at a community college and I'm transferring to a 4 year school in the fall. I'm super excited but also a little nervous about living on my own. I mean I'll be a junior but I'll be as clueless as the freshmen and peers in my graduating class will already have it together and have their friend groups and such. It sounds silly but I just want to have fun and do well in school the next two years. How should I ease my nerves? |
Question: Why do guys feel horrible after what they done to the girl? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 10:31 PM PDT For example my old boyfriend felt horrible of what he had done to me when he apologize which I don't get why he would actually feel bad after all if he truly did really cared .... |
Question: I am so embarassed, what can I do? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 10:02 PM PDT I have this see through top and I usually wear a black Cami underneath. Tonight, I decided to just wear the see through open knit top without the Cami and this guy saw me coming back from the laundry room. It was dark , its night right now but there is a pathway that is dimly lit but he was standing far back so maybe he didn't see. I then said hi and he said hi but was looking at my face the whole time. Do you think he noticed? I am so embarassed! |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 09:39 PM PDT |
Question: How to look like you do drugs when you really dont? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:42 PM PDT want to look like i do drugs on social media, please help give some tips please :) |
Question: Was called a slut by a worker of a hotel chain, should I complain? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:29 PM PDT My boyfriend is a manager for a popular hotel chain in a larger city with a small city feel. THey have treated him awfully (bad GM). One day we were off work at the same time and road together so I went to his work so we could leave. He needed to quickly finish some paperwork so he took me to his office while he finished it. His office is in open view for any employee who walks by (it s not tucked away in a corner) and he was behind his desk while I was seated on a bench on the other side right next to the door, which anyone could see into and which we left open. Another employee lied to his GM saying we shut the door, which we did not. His GM called him in and told him this and they both went back to look at the cameras and see that we never shut the door. My boyfriend was going to get in trouble but when the GM found out the girl lied he did nothing (he is very sexist against men and loves women, it was a pretty well known that he was sleeping with his assistant) So this employee basically called me a slut, insinuating that I would sleep with my boyfriend in his office during the day with employees everywhere. Should I complain to corporate? I don t work for them and am basically just like any other resident of this city or possible customer of this hotel and was basically called a slut. I would never do anything like that and I m offended that anyone would even say that or have that associated with me every time I walk in there! What should I do? |
Question: Is it weird that i posted a picture with the guy i like???? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:08 PM PDT |
Question: Why are women with small masculine boobs jealous of bigger, shapely, and lush breasts? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 06:32 PM PDT I am very beautiful with the perfect hour glass shape, but sadly while I'm extremely nice and friendly I have to deal with pathetic jealously all the time. I love women, but I truly believe there is a special place in hell for women that are jealous and haters of other women. I mean it's got to be cool to have nipples and no boob right? They can pull off the boyish tom boy look, or immediately put on men's clothes and be transgender. I mean seriously why the jealously. I've seen all kind of jealous trash on here talking about they look gross without a bra saggy ect. No, mine aren't saggy at all and look great without a bra because they are shapely unlike when you have nipples or tiny triangles only and look like a dude. |
Question: Gift ideas for boyfriend?!? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 06:22 PM PDT So I have many ideas in mind but I'm still stressed about it. I have thought about Bluetooth speakers, a watch, a fishing knife engraved, and even naming a star after him. I'm not sure why guys really want. he's really difficult to buy for so anyone have and suggestions?? |
Question: Can't stop thinking about farting? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 06:10 PM PDT I have OCD: Once there's a thought in my head it's hard for me to get it to go away. Lately, all I think about is how everyone farts. Like even the prettiest girl or the hottest guy, farts. The guy I have a crush on, I actually think in my head how he farts too and it kind of grosses me out. I don't know. I have very obsessive tendencies and this is the newest one. How do I stop thinking about this? |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 05:55 PM PDT |
Question: Do you guys think she did this because of me? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 05:47 PM PDT today I added this girl i liked in snapchat & she didn't add me yet but then on Twitter she deleted some followers & I think she hasn't been going on Twitter either but now she's been getting some followers on Twitter . But then I search her on google & I saw that it only shows her Facebook profile which it takes me to right to her account but it didn't show all of the people in that name it only takes me to her profile but now it shows all of the people in that name & on instagram she deleted some followers But now she's been getting some followers |
Question: Are you paranoid that todays date has 3 6's in it? 6/6/16? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 05:04 PM PDT Wrong category Yahoo! |
Question: Considering putting my 16 1/2 year old son out. One mom's delima.? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 03:53 PM PDT He has gotten to the point where he does not listen and feels as though he can do his own thing. I've sacrificed so much for this young man and he in term shows not gartitued. His dad has convinced him that there is another "easier way". So much has gone on in the last 3 years and I will not bore you with the details. He is my only child and I hate to put him out but I see no other way. I know I would be throwing him to the wolves but I can no longer live in hell because of him. HELP. |
Question: Dating Profile Question . .. for the Gals lookin for a guy? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 03:46 PM PDT Say you come across a profile that seems great. Until it says you should message me if "You re not crazy and enjoy good beers or any other alcoholic beverages ". My emphasis is more on crazy comment . ...would you message him still? Thoughts...opinions.... |
Question: How do you handle other people's lack of compassion? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 03:42 AM PDT |
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