Family: Question: Yaaaaaas first time? |
- Question: Yaaaaaas first time?
- Question: My mom has me on her boyfriend's insurance? Seeking independence.?
- Question: My mum makes me so angry!!!!!?
- Question: Why do some parents name their children after a deceased family member?
- Question: Mom won't let me read Kisses sighs and cherry blossom pink :(?
- Question: If you had a family member that's brighter than most, is it normal for the family to envy that person?
- Question: 18 year old moveing out?
- Question: My mom is jealous of my relationship with my father?
- Question: My whole family says I'm a bad singer is that true?
- Question: Is the characters on hyrule warriors legands 3ds naked through out the game? My friends think there is. do you know if it's true?
- Question: What to do about terrible neighbors?
- Question: How do I shave?
- Question: ARE YOU HEADED FOR DIVORCE OR ALREADY have. will be nasty or was?
- Question: My aunt died today and i don't feel nothing...?
- Question: How to convince your (unfair) parents to let u get a polaroid?
- Question: To all the step parents how did you feel about becoming a step parent? Did you feel like a parent?
- Question: I dont want my mother in law around my baby!!?
- Question: My brother rages when he is mad. He is 22. Is he past the point of return?
- Question: My parents are divorced and my mother says I should be close with her because my Dad was a liar, is she right?
- Question: Is it OK not to tell my sister about this?
- Question: My mother always let me off the hook as a kid from being punished if I threw a big enough fit. Should I do the same for my kids?
- Question: IS YOUR FAMILY currently TOGETHER OR DIVIDED. why so?
- Question: How should I feel about what my mom did?
- Question: If someone is bad then does that make their offspring bad like my mother believes?
- Question: My mom won't let me have friends or hang out with them?
- Question: Is 14 a young age to start drinking?
- Question: My girlfriend can't get out of her house until 30 and she is 18 and her mother is drunk?
- Question: Everybody thinks I'm stupid?
- Question: I'm a 22 guy and have never had a girlfriend. I am the youngest of four(2 boys and 2 girls). Why do people think I'm a weird person?
- Question: If I am not living with my parents and i'm living with my boyfriends parents, can i apply for food stamps for me being the only household?
- Question: Why doesn't my aunt like me?
- Question: My dead mothers name was used in court for a person to get his case adjourned?
- Question: Please give your opinion on my mom abd what i should do.?
- Question: My mom wants to get a duplex?
- Question: I am the oldest of 11 kids and my family can't financially survive.?
- Question: Do most young women want "bad boys" as their boyfriend? And please explain why they do or do not.?
- Question: Graduation yesterday? Pretty sad?
- Question: My kids see me as their friend instead of parent Their father works 2nd and 3rd shift so it is just us home together. there is no respect.?
- Question: Are some parents too stingy to feed their children properly?
- Question: Zodiac Sign Family?
- Question: I need advice?
- Question: My Mom or family never seems happy for me and constantly put me down?
- Question: Second ear piercings.?
- Question: What would this relationship be (incest)?
- Question: Worried about adult daughter..?
- Question: Should I give out my opinion to my older brother for his unacceptable behavior?
- Question: Is it normal to hear my family talking through the wall?
- Question: I recently discovered that I am a catholic. My whole family is atheist and thinks I am. How do I tell them without disappointing them?
- Question: Should I be worried about my excess foreskin?
- Question: Is it wrong of me to feel this way?
- Question: What s a good lie to tell my parents about money I don t want them to know I spent?!?
- Question: My parents read my diary filled with my secrets about sex, drugs, and love letters from my boyfriend in prison?
- Question: I'm the ugly sister...?
- Question: My mom uses my protein powder without asking me....?
- Question: How to be freed of my mother?
- Question: If you were hanging out with Miranda cosgrove and jannete mccurdy and their boobs was out would you pull their bikini up or stare at them?
- Question: Grandma controls my life and marriage, right ?
- Question: My mother critizes me?
- Question: Should I have said this to my mom?
Question: Yaaaaaas first time? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 01:07 PM PDT Okay so first I would like to say first time ejalculating today so thanks for That I'm amazing I know but what do you do afterwards all anwers I'm thankful for |
Question: My mom has me on her boyfriend's insurance? Seeking independence.? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 01:05 PM PDT My mom has me, my siblings, and I on her boyfriend's health insurance (which I did not know about, I thought I was on my biological dad's insurance). I'm at the age now where I have to pay attention to these things because my mom's partner raped my little sister. My mom knows but refuses to break up with him. She insists that he's a better person now and would never do it again. I'm not buying it. I've talked with many people and have been going with my sister to therapy but apparently nothing can be done about him because it happened so long ago. Can someone tell me how I get myself off the insurance and start moving toward independence so I can pull my siblings and I out of this nightmare. Note: I'm almost done with my engineering degree at school. My mother is unemployed and is financial reliant on the rapist. |
Question: My mum makes me so angry!!!!!? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 01:05 PM PDT She shouts at me so much and she calls me ungrateful when I haven't even done anything. When she tells me to get something and I cant see it when its literally right there , she calls me a dumbass , stupid, etc. She sometimes asks why did she have to have me and a long time ago I was apparently annoying her so she said "I will haunt you when I die." She's my mother and all and I love her but she shouts too much. Sometimes I want to cut myself or maybe even run away because I cant take any of this bullshit anymore. |
Question: Why do some parents name their children after a deceased family member? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 12:56 PM PDT |
Question: Mom won't let me read Kisses sighs and cherry blossom pink :(? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 12:49 PM PDT So I bought a new manga book today, and my mom won't let me read it because I'm just a few years under the puny agerating (16+) and because of at least one page where two maincharacters are nude, I'm allmoste an adult, I'm even attendig junior high, I should by all means be old enough to handle a few pages with nudity! Any tips about how to mske my mom understand that she is supposed to say something like "Whoa, you sure got good taste in girls, go for it pal!" |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 12:44 PM PDT I have a dumb cousin who barely graduated Highschool and for some reason thinks she can be a science major......I looked at her math homework for her freshman year of college, I'm not exaggerating when I say most of the problems were something like, 7654+3456......and she wants to transfer to one of the TOP science school in our state. The thing is, my family non-stop praises her, my grandma said shes the most proud of her and has the most faith in her future. And I'm sitting here, I started taking taking college math and science my junior year of Highschool, I was exempt from taking some freshman math and science courses, and when I tell my family my major is physics they look at me funny, like they're assuming I won't be successful in that area. They usually say "ooooooooh" in a condescending tone, and never look me in my eyes. I have very few family members that went to college, and NONE of them were accelerated in acedemics as much As I was.What gives? |
Question: 18 year old moveing out? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 12:15 PM PDT Should i move out i cant stand my mother boyfriend he is so annoying and dirty he sleeps in the couch comes homes late 11pm ect. and just eat and goes to sleep like that he is not supportive he works and dont even give 1 dollar for the house he literary lives here for free its been 4 years and nothing has change |
Question: My mom is jealous of my relationship with my father? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 12:11 PM PDT I'm a 16 year old female and my mother and I do not get along at all. We always disagree and fight and she calls me a b**** and other names as well. Every little thing we do is an annoyance to one another and I always feel so tense around her. She always says that my dad treats me more like a wife than her and how she knows I'm his favorite and he's my favorite and stupid stuff like that. She is so dramatic and is always yelling and overreacting about things. She's so sensitive and will get upset over the smallest things. And I honestly do just like my dad better. We get along well and he just understands me more than my mom does. My mom tends to favor my younger sister anyway, but gets mad when my dad sticks up for me and treats me like his favorite. I can't stand when my dad goes to work and I'm left with my mom. My dad also has health issues and he smokes and he always says he doesn't see himself being around much longer, which scares me so much. I don't want to be left with my mother. As bad as that sounds, it's true. She and I just do not get along and not having my dad to turn to would be a literal nightmare. But the fact that she's jealous and says stuff like that bothers me. I feel like I'm not allowed to love my dad and have a healthy, strong relationship with him. Why is my mom like this and what can I do? |
Question: My whole family says I'm a bad singer is that true? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 12:06 PM PDT |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 12:04 PM PDT What do they wear when they show undergarments or private parts? |
Question: What to do about terrible neighbors? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:59 AM PDT Ive lived in my house for over ten years. About 3 months ago, a new family moved in across the street. The woman had 2 little boys, a young teen girl, and an older girl. Right away they started sitting on their porch giving us dirty looks. My son plays with all the kids in the neighborhood and the two boys have started picking on him and saying rude things to him. They use terrible language and have no respect. The young teenage girl, I think she's 14, tried to start a fight with my 19 year old daughter for looking at their house. The 14 year old girl constantly taunts me when I'm sitting on the porch saying things like "is you mad?" Over and over again. I'm a 38 year old adult. The mother has started in on it too. She sits on her porch pointing and laughing at us with her kids. The boys continue to pick on my son and it's gotten so bad that I won't even let him leave the yard. I've tried talking to the kids directly but they use profanities and laugh at what I say. They have no respect. Everytime we go on the porch they start yelling and taunting and saying rude things. Ignoring them does nothing. That's basically what we have already been doing. I don't know what to do but I can't live like this. Any suggestions? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:58 AM PDT So I only live with my mom and sister, and I feel like I'm gonna need to start shaving really soon. I feel weird asking them, and I don't live with my dad (they got divorced when I was a baby and my mom gave up on getting married) so how do I shave? |
Question: ARE YOU HEADED FOR DIVORCE OR ALREADY have. will be nasty or was? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:46 AM PDT MARRIAGE. try to sustain MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. many people really have a tough time sustaining a marriage. its not an easy process. MANY HAVE HAD MULTIPLE MARRIAGE FAILURES. TOO OFTEN, MARRIAGE BREAKUPS OR NEAR ones tend to be nasty. its not pleasant and lots of anger remains after the divorce is finalized FAMILY THREAD TOO- THE KIDS ARE LEFT BEHIND after a divorce |
Question: My aunt died today and i don't feel nothing...? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:43 AM PDT My aunt had cancer for more than 3 years and i wasn't that attached to her because she lived in another country... She was my father's first cousin. I mean,i'm actually sad that she passed away but i know that she's not suffering anymore and now she's in a better place. But she was young,like 43 years old...she never had kids. Now i really feel bad that i didn't cry and i'm so sorry that my father's aunt (my aunt's mother) had to see her own daughter's soulless body... This summer i would have been seeing my cousin (she's my own age,14 years old) becaus e she lives in another town and she would have come this summer in my town...she's my aunt's sister's (my other aunt) daughter.... They were really close and I don't know how to act around her when i see her.... Should i act normally or should i try to make her laugh? I just can't imagine the pain her closest family has to go through.... I mean,when my grandparents died i didn't cry either and now i feel like i'm an awful and a cold person.... Why didn't i ever cry when someone from my family or acquaintance died? |
Question: How to convince your (unfair) parents to let u get a polaroid? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:22 AM PDT I've wanted a Polaroid for a few years. They'd been telling me repeatedly, when you have enough money you can buy it. I'd never taken it upon myself to buy the camera, because I was still not sure if I wanted to. I wanted it as a gift, not really for anything else. Recently a few of my best friends got Polaroids and I used theirs. I was Obsessed. I loved everything about it, so I took one hundred dollars from my wallet and asked my parents to take me to best buy to buy me a Polaroid. They refused, said it was dumb, told me a list of reasons why I shouldn't get it: and then their compromise was final. They wanted me to acknowledge it was stupid by writing a type of contract that said it was the dumbest decision. Then, they'd buy it for me. i was really kind of mad, because it was my own money I'd earned myself. By working at the library and working at Petland and etc. And I have a sense of pride and I didn't want to admit it was dumb. But I did, the very same day they told me to. I put my heart and soul into writing 1000 words why i shouldn't buy it. When I gave it to them, they said, basically, "There you go. It's dumb, you know it's dumb, so you aren't going to buy it." That was not the compromise we reached. When I protested they told me i needed their permission to buy it, and that i needed them to drive me, and that they were involved in the process. it didn't matter if it was my own money. Their decision was mine until I was 18. How do I convince them that its up to me? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:19 AM PDT |
Question: I dont want my mother in law around my baby!!? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:17 AM PDT So, my baby is due in November. This is mine and my husband's first baby! I'm super excited, but really scared. My MIL is a horrible person. When my husband and I first got together, she was super nice.. Or so I thought. I trusted her in the beginning and vented to her about things, and she turned around and told everyone she knew my business! She has spread rumors about me and has said some really hurtful things to and about me.. She told my husband that I wasn't good enough for him and that I got pregnant on purpose... I HATE her! Ever since she found out I was pregnant, she talks about how shes gonna be taking care of "her" baby. And how shes gonna take over. The other day, she hit me! And she pretty much crossed the line! She hates me and I hate her.. My husband and I live with her, which sucks unfortunately. He never likes to say anything because she always turns it into something HUGE and ends up blaming me... She smokes like a pack of cigarettes a day and makes everything and everywhere wreak of cigs. What do i do about her and how do i tell her she cant be around my child?? Shes already got a car seat in her car (an old one that a friend gave to my husband and I) because she says its for when she wants to take my baby out. (which we dont want) her car smells like nothing but cigarettes. |
Question: My brother rages when he is mad. He is 22. Is he past the point of return? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:13 AM PDT He has been like this since he was about age 10 when my parents divorced. Is he past the point of changing. He is an *** right now but when he was like 13 I always heard it was just a phase. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:10 AM PDT She says liars don't count as Dads I need to respect. However, I am still having to see my Dad every other Saturday and I don't like it because I feel I am being mean to Mom who I like more. How can I get away from Dad as Mom says I don't have to respect Dads who are liars. He lied about money when married to my mother and I am 15 and a girl. |
Question: Is it OK not to tell my sister about this? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:07 AM PDT I am a big fan of our local sports team. I go to every game I can but I can afford only the cheapest seats. One day at a game, I heard someone say "Hello Ann". I turned around and it was John, my sister's ex husband. We talked briefly and he invited him to join him in his luxury box and I gladly accepted. I had never been a luxury box but they are GREAT. I really enjoyed the game a lot more from his box. He told me that any time I was at a game to come by his box and join him in watching the game. I did and each time I had a great time at the game. He had refreshments brought to his luxury box and we just talked. I had a wonderful time. He was the nicest person ever, very polite and never hit on me. We never talked about my sister, his ex. Sometimes his friends would join us in his box. They were all very nice to me and this just made it more fun. I have never told my sister about this so as not to cause her and me any problems. I don't know many details about their divorce. She never says anything bad about him at family gatherings. Should I tell her or is it none of her business as they are no longer married? Please tell me what I should do. Thanks. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:06 AM PDT |
Question: IS YOUR FAMILY currently TOGETHER OR DIVIDED. why so? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:05 AM PDT |
Question: How should I feel about what my mom did? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 11:05 AM PDT My mom works in sales. She has been trying to get to talk to the owner of a company Mr. X for over a year. She could never get past his secretary to get an appointment to talk to him. She heard that Mr. X was going to be at a charity event. She knew the organizer of the event so she paid her to give mom an invitation to the event. However mom had a problem, she needed a male escort to go to the event with her. Since she is single that was a problem for her. Mom took a bold step and asked my former husband to go with her. He told her he would be happy to help her and he went to the event with her. Mom met Mr. X and got a big order. That was great for her as these are tough economic times for all of us. I did not know about any of this until someone at the event asked me who that hot and sexy guy was with my mom at the event. I did not even know she went to the event so I called her. She told me the whole story. I don't know if I should be mad at mom for not telling me what she did or happy with her for trying not to involve my ex husband in my life. I am confused. Someone please give me some advice on how I should feel about this. THANKS |
Question: If someone is bad then does that make their offspring bad like my mother believes? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 10:47 AM PDT My mother has a cousin she dislikes because his father, her uncle, was a mean guy in my mother's eyes. My mother believes offspring of those she is mad at are people to avoid. I feel this is mean of her but what do you think. Her cousin is a wonderful guy. |
Question: My mom won't let me have friends or hang out with them? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 10:39 AM PDT I'm a 16 year old girl, a junior in high school. I wanted to stay over at my friend's house, but I had to cancel since my mother "didn't know them", and she won't let my friend stay over at my house. I have a few friends, but I don't get to hang out or see them much, because of my mother, and there were a few times when I had to cancel our plans because my mother decided not to let me go. I did have one friend who stayed over at my house and I stayed at hers, but she moved in January. Later, I found out that we got to do this because my mom knew her grandmother from.caring for our neighbor's son. I already don't get to get out of the house unless I go somewhere with her or my grandparents. My cousin, who lives with me with her parents, can have friends stay the night (inclusing her brother's old friends). She can also go anywhere, and it makes me angry. I just want to have friends and be able to hang out with them instead of staying in the house all day long on my phone because there's nothing else to do. All advice will be appreciated! |
Question: Is 14 a young age to start drinking? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 10:21 AM PDT im in 10 grade and I'm 14 but my friends are all 15 or 16 so I'm really involved in that stage age where you could say that 'I'm growing up to fast' or that 'i need to take things slower cause of my age'. I am pretty sure my siblings had a few drinks by than and definitely my parents but like any family ofc are going to tell me that that i am to young to drink and that i need to wait a few years. Basically this 'no you can't drink cause your to young' and knowing that my fam aka cousins aka sibling aka parents have done it at my age is getting me confused wether its fine or not? |
Question: My girlfriend can't get out of her house until 30 and she is 18 and her mother is drunk? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 10:00 AM PDT So just today I found out that when she is at home with her mother is has to get her boobs out and if she shows up at a ball game she has to get them out and when she is at my house and her mother leaves she covers up. I feel bad for her. What should I do without telling the police? |
Question: Everybody thinks I'm stupid? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 09:43 AM PDT Everybody thinks I'm stupid but I'm not. I'm not genius in a very smart person. I got discharged from the airforce for misbehaving, but I'm no dummy, sometimes I just feel so annoyed at life and it makes me antisocial and stuff, but I'm far from stupid. My dad called me a dumb n word multiple times lol made me want to fight him, I don't really care for him that much anyways, my family isn't even that smart most of them are slower or less knowledgeable then me, I'm better then them at lots of things I'm not slow. I just don't care sometimes. I'm not bragging about my intelligence at all, but I know for sure that I'm most likely the smartest in my entire family. I'm saying they are stupid either, but they definitely arn't the smartest people I've been around. Oh yeah we are black so you know we use the n-word sometimes lol, I just said that so you dont think my dad is white or anything. I'm pretty confident that I'm better at a lot things my family members do, not to say they can't beat me at anything, but just naturally I am, that's why they wanted me to go to the airforce because they think I'm smart at books and stuff. But I'm really not that special I just have a natural level of intelligence, it's always been that way, I've always been the smart one. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 09:37 AM PDT I've had a smog check license since I was 17. I work, go home, watch tv, play xbox,surf the web. I can interact socially normally but I'm more of the type that keeps to himself. I can only blame myself and I think I may just be acting too picky with who I want, but I just want a nice respectful girl. My mom has always wanted a grandson from either my brother or me since we are the boys,my brother has a gf already, so I overheard her saying to my brother that she knows she can get a grandchild from him and that kinda brought me down a little bit. I felt like she indirectly said she can't imagine seeing me give her a grandchild. Its like I don't get full respect for not having a girl and its really unfair. What do you think? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 09:35 AM PDT I am 22 years old and i make 1300 a month |
Question: Why doesn't my aunt like me? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 09:20 AM PDT We're both grown now (in our 20s). But looking back at pictures of us together when we were kids, we were like 2 pees in a pod. I think everything started going downhill between us when i was a teen and she was in her early 20s. i know that we didn't always get along in the past. She treated me badly sometimes and i was no angel to her at times but i thought we were over that. Its the past. My grandma wants for us to get along but she (my aunt) doesn't seem to want to get along. My grandma said that she said I never speak to her but the only reason i'm hesitant to speak to her is because I know she doesn't like me. She used to roll her eyes at me and make me feel left out just to make me feel bad. This was before she moved out. She came back to visit so i thought about what my grandma said and i decided to speak to her and she didn't even look at me when i spoke to her but she did say "hey". This last time she came to visit, i didn't even bother saying anything to her to see if she would speak first (since i made the first move last time) and SHE DIDN'T! I feel like we're too grown and life is too short to be carrying on this way. She has a small son who just turned 6 and she HATES him being around me. Anytime he comes near me she says to her son "Come here!". I don't get it. Why is she like this?? |
Question: My dead mothers name was used in court for a person to get his case adjourned? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 08:52 AM PDT my cousin and his lawyer used my mothers name after she passed just a few week ago, to get his case adjourned, this was done without my dad and my permission. he said he was very upset over her death and how close he was to her. he and my mother never spoke and she hated him. I have seen a message that sent to a family member from him saying "she dead on the chair lol". as you can tell I'm beyond mad as is my father. I have gone to the lawyers office but she wasn't there. I refuse to accept an apologue as how dare they do that to my mother and she barely cold in the grave. is it legal to do this, and what can I do. just want to say thank for your help. |
Question: Please give your opinion on my mom abd what i should do.? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 08:51 AM PDT I'm almost 20 now and in the last year I've grown a lot as a person (due to college and work etc etc) but my mom and i have really been butting heads (especially with relationships) recently she accused my bf of being manipulative but i have been in a manipulative relationship before and i just didn't see it. But this statement comes with every relationship I've ever had (I've had plenty) and i began to think she was the manipulative one so i did some research and i think she is emotionally codependent. Just to throw some info: i drive my siblings to games and practices so she didn't have to get off work 30 min early (we aren't that poor) instead of going out with friends. I have to schedule family time throughout the week or I'm a "disrespectful *****". Whenever I'm home i hate talking to my mom because we always argue lately and no matter how little she knows about a situation and how wrong she actually is she HAS to be right and always wins with me crying. I just barely got my Associates and quit my part time job (health reasons) and am looking for something full time. I feel like i need to get away from my mom but we argued today and she pretty much said "if you choose to be with him you aren't pat of this family any more" and cut me off after she said she would support me for the short while that i job hunted. I dont have a ton of money saved up and i have bills of my own but i want to move out. Will this mske things worse? |
Question: My mom wants to get a duplex? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 08:32 AM PDT We were talking about me moving but she wants to get a duplex with me I said I always wanted to live in a apartment by myself she said ok, when I move I am tryin to get away from her and my brother not to be mean but I feel like they don't care about me often just trying to get away from the negativity in my life and I could see her still trying to tell me what to do if we got a duplex home |
Question: I am the oldest of 11 kids and my family can't financially survive.? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 08:26 AM PDT I'm the oldest of 11 kids in my parents family. My dad, and I work full time for the fire dept. my brother works part time. My dad's entire paycheck goes to bills, so me and my brother help out. We give portions of our paychecks, while still trying to have our own lives. The problem is, Im 22 and I want to go out on my own but I know they won't be able to survive as they can barely make it as is. They don't want me to leave. What can I do? I love my family but how can I get them financially stable? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 08:00 AM PDT |
Question: Graduation yesterday? Pretty sad? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:58 AM PDT So I graduated yesterday which is awesome and I'm super proud of myself but I just felt so sad. ALL and I mean literally all of my family members live in different stages than I do and it really sucks because not even my brother or sister could come to my graduation. I'm blessed that my mom and dad could come but my mom didn't even want to celebrate with me after and it just made me feel pretty sucky because all of my other peers have so much family that care and decided to celebrate for them |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:58 AM PDT |
Question: Are some parents too stingy to feed their children properly? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:52 AM PDT My cousin said that his mother feeds him 7 grapes for breakfast. Also, he said he hated his mother. He admitted she doesnt feed him and his sisters properly becuz his mother was stingy & that she doesnt buy proper clothes for them. She lets them wear the same clothes until they are worn out. I suppose that she doesn't let them get regular medical checkups. Becuz one time my uncle had a seizure and she didnt want to call the ambulance becuz hospital services cost money |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 07:01 AM PDT Okay so I just want you to describe how this family would interact with eachother, which siblings would be close to eachother, which parent would get along most with which sign or signs, etc..... Mom- Virgo Dad- Leo Me- Pisces( female and oldest sibling,18) Sister- Taurus( second oldest, 15) Brother- Leo( youngest, 11 oh and my mom and dad are divorced but we live with our mom |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:56 AM PDT I am 35 years old. I ve helped my mom raise my 5 younger siblings since I was 17. I dropped out of school and got a job. My father or step father never really helped us, and my mom has never worked; she doesn t drive either. So needless to say for the past 18 years I ve been the driver to doc appts, schools, store, softball practice, band practice, you name it. The first vehicle I bought a age 23 was a mini van to accommodate my family. My youngest brother is now 18, so I ve got more freedom lately than I have had in the past. My boyfriend and I can actually leave town and go on trips without worrying about picking someone up from school. Now my mom was given custody of my niece and nephew because CPS found out their mom and my brother were using drugs. I know this probably sounds terrible, but the first thing I thought was "here I go again". My mom still doesn t drive or work. My niece and nephew are 2, she had custody since they were 3 months old. Yesterday my mom got upset with me because I never take my niece and nephew out with me like I did with my sisters anf brothers. I have a very demanding job, so I work a lot of hours. My mom told me it s not normal for me to not want to take them out. Even though I don t really live ate home, but I still pay $900 for rent and a $320 suv payment for my mom, which puts a strain on me financially. What should I do....I m in the wrong? I need advice. Thank you. |
Question: My Mom or family never seems happy for me and constantly put me down? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:55 AM PDT Every accomplishment i make no one seems happy for me. I just got acceted in college even though I'm now 25 amd everyone has been downing me and haven't been happy at all. Any advice? |
Question: Second ear piercings.? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:44 AM PDT Hi. I asked my mom if I could get a second ear piercing for my birthday. She said no because it means im lesbian and people will bully me for it. But almost all the girls at my school has two in each ear. But that's not the reason why I want one. My mom is loud and yells alot so I dont know if talking to her is gonna work. She gives me these large ear cuff things to put on my eat but they hurt badly and my ears are too small anyway. I asked her about 3 times and she still said no so I am probably going to do it behind her back because she is always coming up with fake reasons why I cant do something. I hate talking to her. So what now... |
Question: What would this relationship be (incest)? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:43 AM PDT Okay, let's say Jimmy has two siblings, Carlos and Lisa. He is 20 years older than Carlos and 10 older than Lisa. He is 22 now. Jimmy has a daughter named Annie who has a baby with Carlos. What are their relationships? @PMack: Don't fret, none of these people are real in the slightest. I know it is incest, I put it there so it wouldn't put it in dating. Thank you. |
Question: Worried about adult daughter..? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:36 AM PDT My husband and I are very worried about our single daughter. She is going to be 35 soon, and she still doesn't have a boyfriend. All of her friends from HS and college (including same-sex couples) are engaged or are married. Even the girl she was a Big Sister too a few years ago is getting married this fall. She told me last week she was not attending the wedding of her friend in Texas not because she didn't want to make the trip, she said it is too painful now to see another couple happy and moving on with their lives. Most of her relationships over the last 6 years have been about 1 to 2 months, and she is always the one that gets dumped. She doesn't really date, and she was seeing someone this Jan., but he ended it because "he didn't want to date anyone". She is overweight, so maybe guys don't really like this. Any truth to this? Any advice on how I can help her? I have lost my happy go lucky, adventurous daughter to this black hole. |
Question: Should I give out my opinion to my older brother for his unacceptable behavior? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:05 AM PDT My older brother hasn't been respectful to mom. Last month, mom told me that he didn't send her a Mother's day message and I found that disrespectful and offensive. So the next day I text messaged him and told him how angry I was with him. Then he responded saying I should keep my opinions to myself. I was only trying to help him see the error of his ways but he's not interested in what I have to say. And I heard that he was using her credit card information on ITunes and I find that unacceptable. I was going to say something but I decided to keep quiet. He doesn't want to hear anymore of my opinions. Because if he does, he'll get more angry. |
Question: Is it normal to hear my family talking through the wall? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:01 AM PDT Whenever my parents have friends or family over I can hear them talking even though I sleep in the room furthest in the house from them. Specifically it is my mom who talks so loudly that I can hear her voice quite clearly from the back room, other voices are much softer to the point that I can barely hear them. The voice seems to echo and vibrate multiple sections of the walls around me. Is this normal for families to not be able to have peace even in their own rooms? I can't tell if either a) my family is just very obnoxious or b) I need to see a doctor for hearing sensitivity. I am worried for my health. I cannot sleep because of this. I have only had 3 hours of sleep in the past 2 days and now I am crying because I feel so exhausted but they just won't stop talking. If the walls are the issue why is it only my mom who keeps me awake? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 05:58 AM PDT |
Question: Should I be worried about my excess foreskin? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 05:50 AM PDT Hi, so im 13 and i was circumcised 2 years ago and i noticed that i have an excess foreskin. I havent told anyone yet and im starting ti get worried about it. Is it going to be gone as i grow older? Its like half an inch when stretched and when im erected, its not really that much. The link is above this detail. Please help. Thank you. |
Question: Is it wrong of me to feel this way? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 05:07 AM PDT I'm 22 and I'm dating this girl whom I ended up having a baby with whom is now 1. We had our ups and downs and etc and we both work ok jobs. Particularly through and after her pregnancy we fought a lot but we want to work it out. We are interracial and my mother is pretty racist toward her, my family mean the world to me and they are moving to Texas July 3rd I can stay or go and get schooling paid for etc and focus on my life instead of working so hard for little money. (She makes more than me) I don't want to leave them but I really want to be near my family. The mother of my child whom works, is a full time student and does a bunch of other side projects is angry and hurt even though I said I'll send money back home to help support our 1 year old while I'm in school in Texas. She says I'm putting my immediate family over my new immediate family and leaving her with all the work when I really just want to take time out for me because I am beyond stressed out from work and my family being against her. I plan to keep in contact here and there. Is it wrong of me to feel this way? |
Question: What s a good lie to tell my parents about money I don t want them to know I spent?!? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 05:06 AM PDT Ok I told my parents that I had to go to College for my last exams, but I already did them all, instead I went to the beach with my friends. I know it sounds stupid to lie about but I know they wouldn t let me go, so anyways they found my bank statement and it shows it was charged at the beach and they want to know why if I was at exams! Please help, I know not to lie or tell the truth but I just need an excuse! |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 04:51 AM PDT While I was gone my parents read my diary/letters, which detailed how I have used harder drugs to deal with my depression, made love with my boyfriend (he's 21 I'm 18) (and fooled around kinkily with a random guy, which I deeply regret), snuck out last summer all of the time to see my bf. They also read the letters my boyfriend in prison, who was arrested for drug related crimes last year, who I am deeply in love with and who helps me immensely with my depression, wrote to me. We care about each other more than anything, it really is true love and care about each other deeply. Also, he is getting his life back around, definitely not going to use drugs again, and has found God. Prison has helped him immensely, really. My parents now know my specific sexual fantasies, drug use, and other deep secrets. I have essentially been caught with every bad thing I have ever done. They've taken the love letters my bf wrote me, made me write a letter to him breaking up with him, won't let me leave the house, and are threatening to not let me go back to university in the fall. Any advice? I've been very depressed for a while and this is making me suicidal. Luckily, I am getting a therapist out of this, which I asked for a year ago for help but my parents refused. Yesterday when I attempted to take back my journals and run upstairs, both my parents physically came at me, restrained me, and fought with me for a long time to take them from me again. I now have marks and bruises all over. The problem is that they pay for my university. I go to a very good school and it is very important for my success.... I am totally focused on college and I am trying. A lot of this stuff was from a year ago, I'm trying to get into a prestigious business school now. Also, my boyfriend was given some sort of thing that removes this charge from his record. This is because the judge believed he truly would change, which he has, so he'll be given a second chance. |
Question: I'm the ugly sister...? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 04:10 AM PDT Well, I wouldn't say people call me ugly or anything, but I'm just really tired of people telling me how pretty my sister and how I look nothing like her... which I feel is their way of saying I'm not as attractive... I'm a bit old for this sibling rivalry thing, but it's making me so insecure. She significantly older than me, but people never know who's the older sister. I try to focus on things that I feel like I'm better at, which is a lot actually. I'm friendlier, more successful academically and career-wise, and I have a great sense of humor. But I feel like none of that matters. My sister is a GREAT sister, but she's shy and even a little homophobic, sexist, and racist yet she has so many friends and men shower her with gifts. Here I am all by myself... I can't help but think looks are everything... |
Question: My mom uses my protein powder without asking me....? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 03:49 AM PDT This is a stupid question but I'm Annoyed I work everyday to be able to pay for things I need and I'm training for the army right now so I need protein powder and mind u it's very expensive for me. Last month she used it like everyday I hardly even got to use it and when I confronted her it was almost gone and she said she didn't touch it... But I know she did I saw her! I tried hiding it but she keeps finding it. What do I do? She says " I pay for all the food" i dont know its Just rude and doesn't even ask me ! I may seem selfish but I'm sorry it's annoying |
Question: How to be freed of my mother? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 03:08 AM PDT I'm almost 20 now and in the last year I've grown a lot as a person (due to college and work etc etc) but my mom and i have really been butting heads (especially with relationships) recently she accused my bf of being manipulative but i have been in a manipulative relationship before and i just didn't see it. But this statement comes with every relationship I've ever had (I've had plenty) and i began to think she was the manipulative one so i did some research and i think she is emotionally codependent. Just to throw some info: i drive my siblings to games and practices so she didn't have to get off work 30 min early (we aren't that poor) instead of going out with friends. I have to schedule family time throughout the week or I'm a "disrespectful *****". Whenever I'm home i hate talking to my mom because we always argue lately and no matter how little she knows about a situation and how wrong she actually is she HAS to be right and always wins with me crying. I just barely got my Associates and quit my part time job (health reasons) and am looking for something full time. I feel like i need to get away from my mom but we argued today and she pretty much said "if you choose to be with him you aren't pat of this family any more" and cut me off after she said she would support me for the short while that i job hunted. I dont have a ton of money saved up and i have bills of my own but i want to move out. Will this mske things worse? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2016 02:43 AM PDT |
Question: Grandma controls my life and marriage, right ? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 02:14 AM PDT My grandma bossed my first husband around and seems to believe she's the boss over my kids and makes my household rules too. The other day she told me again that she's not to hear of us disciplining our kids in any way- they are to never be corrected or she will turn us in. She called my husband an Abuser for correcting his kids. I'm grown, live across town on my own, and am sick of her abuse. I told a therapist yesterday and she said this was ridiculous. I can't even call and check on my grandma without it getting into my marriage or her telling me how to run my life . My mom has fussed at her dozens of times and told her to butt out, but she won't. What can I do? |
Question: VOGLIO TRASFERIRMI A NEW YORK!!!? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 02:09 AM PDT Ciao a tutti mi chiamo filippo ho 17 anni e ho un sogno cioè quello di trasferirmi negli USA a NY solo da quello che ho capito l' affitto costa molto , è molto difficile trovare lavoro per gli stranieri e soprattutto la vita costa molto, aiutatemi vi prego..consigli,suggerimenti ecc.. |
Question: My mother critizes me? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 01:40 AM PDT every single morning. she tells me that I'm ugly, look like a grandmother in my face , When I dress the way I want and express myself the way I want she accuses me of being a whore. Why would she do that im 19 |
Question: Should I have said this to my mom? Posted: 07 Jun 2016 01:24 AM PDT My 11 year old is out of school and we were visiting my mother yesterday. I brought food and explained to my child grama is getting older and can't run around after her all day. (My mother's words). At lunch, I was working on my car and came inside. My daughter asked for a fork, for ketchup, for her food to be cut up and a napkin all in one breath. I told her to get up and get it herself. My mom said no no let me and I said to her "this is why you say you can't keep up anymore". My 11 year old likes to make her jump thru hoops because shes lazy and wants waited on. My mom said not to bring her over anymore because she can't keep up but in reality she won't tell her no, right? |
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