Singles & Dating: Question: Do you occasionally feel inadequate and less than. Or ever been treated less than which leads to you feeling inadequate? |
- Question: Do you occasionally feel inadequate and less than. Or ever been treated less than which leads to you feeling inadequate?
- Question: Is this girl being overly friendly or does she actually likes me?
- Question: Advice on what to do?
- Question: Should I delete this?!?
- Question: If a girl likes to date internet trolls who’ve got this opinion, isn’t she a subhuman cretin?
- Question: How can I become less of a jingoistic?
- Question: Do you think this guy is hot?
- Question: If a woman tells boyfriend who she treats like crap, “I didn’t grow up with my dad, so I don’t know how to treat men,” is she making excuses?
- Question: Best friend dilemma?
- Question: Am I overthinking this or not?
- Question: Is my friend jealous?
- Question: Does she have a big butt?
- Question: What to do when an undesirable girl is stalking you at the gym?
- Question: He’s always telling me he’s single ?
- Question: Is it concerning that my ex boyfriend of 4 years girlfriend stalks me and copies me even though I have nothing to do with her life?
- Question: Would a guy like this?
- Question: How to sneakily ask for a boys number ?
- Question: Why does she drive and look over at my house when I wave to her two days before after while she drives around my block?
- Question: Why do women get big as they age?
- Question: If a girl is skinny with a 34c or 34d is that bad? ?
- Question: Should I give him another chance?
- Question: It's a woman that I like.. why does she fantasize about me, but doesn't want to have sex with me?
- Question: Have u ever been attracted to children?
- Question: What are some body language cues that a girl does not like you?
- Question: What is it?
- Question: Are you missing someone right now ? But not like bad way, or panicking way ?
- Question: How does one know when cat fight going happen? 1)talking about realtionship w/that person. 2)talk to the guy? Curious?
- Question: I’m 16 and I’m thinking of adulthood ?
- Question: How can i hook-up with donald trump?
- Question: What does it mean when a girl crosses her arms and turns her back on you when you are looking at her?
- Question: My friend is in a toxic relationship and won’t leave him?
- Question: Would it be overly possessive of me to write the words “Property of [My Name]” in permanent marker on my boyfriend’s butt?
- Question: Is she interested or just being friendly?
- Question: What does sex feel like?
- Question: Ladies is this true? Is this how it's going to go down?
- Question: How can I help my boyfriend to stop overthinking about my past?
- Question: Signs he likes me ?
- Question: For men: How do you improve your stroke game in the bedroom?
- Question: I’m in a wheelchair I can’t get a girl to want more with me how can I get over the hump?
- Question: Does she have a big butt?
- Question: He left me for another girl, will he come back?
- Question: Tinder date - Did I mess up?
- Question: What does it mean to be a “traditional woman”?
- Question: How to get a gf fast?
- Question: Is this enough for a girl to date a guy?
- Question: Do anyone has relatives, that dont want to bother with them? I do, my family is gone, they dont want to bother with me? I need someone i?
- Question: What time is it?
- Question: He reminds me that he is single?
- Question: I feel masculine ?
- Question: Why does it seem like pale skinned blonde haired blue eyed women get the most attention from men?
- Question: Does my coworker have feelings for me?
- Question: What does 7*8*777*987654-6666+77777777777^5+666-6969=?
- Question: Help i haave gone hunting and shot a mountain lion. will i get caught. should i eat it?
- Question: Were is the girls?
- Question: The guy I’m interested in was flirting with another girl infront of me and was trying to make me jealous and I was wondering what that means?
- Question: Can I get a beautiful girls?
- Question: Ladies: how and what do you feel when your man climaxes/ejaculates/cums/loads into you?
- Question: I am 20, single, never dated yet. I am very shy, girls, do you have any advice for me?
- Question: Do nerdy but pretty girls in High School get isolated?And the boys chase the sluts?
- Question: ���� please answer: if a guys friends tease him ab liking a girl does it always mean he likes her?
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:42 PM PDT |
Question: Is this girl being overly friendly or does she actually likes me? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:38 PM PDT This girl I've been texting keeps saying things like "go off sis" and "bruh" amongst a few. No I'm not going to ask because when we met I used to date someone else and now I ended up moving somewhere far from her but I told her that I'll be back in a year. I don't want to do anything related to being in relationship yet for various reason. When we used to work she would always stare at me even when I stared back. and gives me hugs for no reason. One time she was feeding me some of her food with her hand without me touching it. I can't tell if she was being overly friendly, of she's taking advantage of the fact that I like her or if she does like me but acts like a tomboy. I'm pretty sure I've given her signals that I liked her and even complimented her through text. Idk wether I should quickly stop talking to her knowing that there might be no chance or keep talking to her hoping that we'll both be single in a year. One time I remember before I moved that I asked if someone she was talkinh about was her bf and she said she was single but the way she said it was if I shouldn't worry about her being taken. Idk I'm bad at seeing signals until someone straight up tells me Im cute or likes me. A coworker used to tell me that she always used to ask if Im coming to work or not but people at work always ask each other that. She apologizes when she takes a whole day to reply lol. She gaved me a long hug once but others at work did the same to once. |
Question: Advice on what to do? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:34 PM PDT I'm stuck on what to do. I was at party got really messed up( I was a virgin) and I woke up with a guy next to me blood all over my underwear. He said he used his finger but told all his friends he ****** me What should I do |
Question: Should I delete this?!? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:21 PM PDT I wanna get back with my ex boyfriend ( please don't judge me, it's a long story and we ended amicably ) he noticed one of my Snapchat's where I posted a text convo and ppl said he viewed it out of curiosity because I hadn't texted him in a while and the text messages were the only thing he viewed and to be fair he barely gets on social media Anyways tonight I was watching a movie and I thought one of the characters were cute so I took a pic and put it on my story saying "I might get in trouble for this but —- is cute af" Lol should I delete that? The "I might get in trouble for this" part might sound like I'm dating someone else and I don't want him to think that And I also don't wanna seem thirsty for posting a celeb and saying they were cute on Snapchat. I just don't want it to go too far and make him get turned off. Should I delete it? Would that make him jealous or something? |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:10 PM PDT Opinion: "I'm better and smarter than all who disagree with me!" |
Question: How can I become less of a jingoistic? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:03 PM PDT I have become a person who is jingoistic of my own race and I do not allow my boyfriend on anything of his culture There things I do not like about bf culture and I am not really trying to be understanding. I have become someone who believes my religion/culture is better even know my bf allows it its not fair to him how can I change it ? |
Question: Do you think this guy is hot? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:01 PM PDT |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:00 PM PDT Can growing up fatherless cause a woman to demonstrate the following behavior toward her boyfriend: —At restaurant, he's $2 short, & turns to her for help. She sits there with her arms folded and says, "Don't look at ME." —She hands him a dime as he takes $20 out his wallet to pay for $20.10 order, then says with attitude, "Don't ever say I don't do anything for you." —While they're waiting in HIS car to pick up her little brother from bus stop (she's in driver seat), she's talking to her friend on HIS cellphone, then tells him to step outside of car so she can have "girl talk" (in the cold weather, mind you). —Eventually, she moved a 3-hour drive away. At the time, they were both still living with their parents. One day, she paid him a surprise visit on his birthday, but didn't offer to pay for hotel. And not only did she not offer to pay for takeout that he picked up@restaurant to bring back to hotel... but she didn't give him money for store run (tampons) that she needed. But he paid for hotel, food, and tampons w/o asking. Next day when she was ready to go home, she asked him for gas money. —Another time when she was in town, she called him about meeting up, "You can buy me a cup of coffee" and asked if he can pick up a slice from Junior's Cheesecake for her on the way, "That would make me veeeery happy." —During relationship, she always expected something for their anniversary, her birthday, etc., but nonchalantly said "oh I'm broke" when he asked her what she got him. |
Question: Best friend dilemma? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:59 PM PDT Me and this girl I knew of became best friends 5 months ago. Today she told me she had sex with a boy i extremely liked before me and her for closer. I used to always get advice from her about this boy and the whole time she kept this a secret. I feel like it's wrong for me to be annoyed at her because we weren't friends at the time however she never told me up till now. I understand she didn't know how to say it and felt it would ruin are friendship but i don't know how to feel now. ADVICE?? please no stupid answers just want to pour my feelings out at 4am |
Question: Am I overthinking this or not? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:55 PM PDT So whenever me and my bf are with our group of friends /roommates, if he has a new drink mixture, new liquor, new anything he offers them some . Okay? Completely normal. But I'm either always asked last or not asked at all. And sometimes I feel like he likes me the least of all the people here. Am I being insacure or is this a genuine thing? |
Question: Is my friend jealous? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:55 PM PDT I recently met a guy and early on she mentioned that she was happy for me but anytime I mention anything about him wanting to hangout or go out on a date she acts like its not a good idea and won't really tell me why. She also acts like I shouldn't give him the time of day since we don't talk every day which I'm totally fine with its not sustainable. I can't really figure out her behavior as it seems wishy washy. She also has a guy that she's interested in and they don't talk everyday either. They often go long periods without talking and still hang out every now and than so I don't see how it is much different. |
Question: Does she have a big butt? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:53 PM PDT Does she? |
Question: What to do when an undesirable girl is stalking you at the gym? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:53 PM PDT I usually do the stalking.. well maybe not stalk but i usually go after the girl as its supposed to be in our society.. but there is this girl at the gym i dont know her name but we will just call her WMD. WMD has been stalking me at the gym i was going to for months she always finds excuses to talk to me .. and its so uncomfortable i try to give out unwelcoming vibes but either she ignores it. She clearly likes me but i am not a chubby chaser, or in this case a whale chaser (is there such a thing?) How do i stop WMD from talking to me? i dont wanna make it awkward and tell her off. The gyms are currently closed due to the circumstances we're all aware of, but as soon as its opened the last thing i wanna do is deal with her again. |
Question: He’s always telling me he’s single ? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:53 PM PDT In every conversation I have w/this guy he throws it into the conversation that he's a single man. Or everytime we meet up he reminds me of his relationship status. And he always ask me "when's the next time you're coming over?" Or "when will i see you again?" He never straight up asks me out he always asks me when do i want to see HIM |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:51 PM PDT My ex and I broke up 4 years ago and I never looked back and I initiated the breakup, although it was mutual, we just weren't a good match. He's 35 and his new girlfriend is young, I believe 21 or 22. She came into the place where I work part time, and made it a point to talk loudly on her cell phone mentioning my ex boyfriends name several times in the conversation and saying stuff like "he upgraded to me, I'm 21, I'm younger, hotter and better than she is. I think she was intentionally trying to provoke me, but I didnt care. She came back to my work 2x after that. It's a small local boutique.This was a year ago. Now recently she began liking and then unliking posts on my instagram. I looked at her page and she is copying me now, it appears as though she must have been creeping on my page for a couple of years.I took a trip to England 3 years ago and posted about how it was a dream of mine to live in the english countryside where I visited, she follows the same english cottage page I follow which only has 40-50 followers, which is a highly unlikely coincidence. I studied herbal medicine and she posted that she now studies herbal medicine, I went to a local cafe and then a week later she posted a photo of herself there. I went hiking at a spot that's 3 hours away from where we live and then again a week later she went there. I discovered all of this within 2 minutes of looking at her page. Should I be concerned that she's stalking me or just laugh it off? |
Question: Would a guy like this? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:45 PM PDT Would a guy like the idea of a hot girl who's only ever had sex with him? It seems like all the guys like the girls who sleep around. Do any guys actually like a hot girl who's only been with them and is naughty? |
Question: How to sneakily ask for a boys number ? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:39 PM PDT I met a boy at work, we talk in passing and flirt and laugh. He is incredibly incredibly shy, according to our coworkers I am the only girl he talks to like that in there. ( I am new-is) I need a way to sneakily slide in exchanging phone numbers or snapchats that doesn't seem too forward. |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:36 PM PDT She's an attention seeker..she only likes it when I give her attention. |
Question: Why do women get big as they age? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:35 PM PDT I love slim women. I'm 44 male and would love a woman mid 30s early 40s. However, I'm finding it very difficult to find a woman with the physique I like in this age group. Once a woman heads towards 30 they seem to get thick? |
Question: If a girl is skinny with a 34c or 34d is that bad? ? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:30 PM PDT She has an average size butt but small hips and skinny legs |
Question: Should I give him another chance? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:26 PM PDT I been with my boyfriend for 2 years. I recently broke up with him because I am tired of the mental abuse he does to me every time he's upset. It has gotten so bad it got physical twice. I also caught him on dating websites twice. No he hasn't physically cheated but I'm tired of being disappointed by him. We always say it's over and come back to each other, but this time I left for good. He's been trying really hard to express his love to me, saying he learned his lesson and is desperately trying to get me back. Should I give him another chance if he is trying this hard? |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:26 PM PDT |
Question: Have u ever been attracted to children? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:13 PM PDT |
Question: What are some body language cues that a girl does not like you? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:06 PM PDT |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:05 PM PDT |
Question: Are you missing someone right now ? But not like bad way, or panicking way ? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:33 PM PDT Like your pulse rate is kind of slow naturally but you are feeling bubbles in your chest . Maybe from The soda . But haha . |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:32 PM PDT |
Question: I’m 16 and I’m thinking of adulthood ? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:26 PM PDT Should I be thinking about adulthood since I'm almost a legal adult |
Question: How can i hook-up with donald trump? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:19 PM PDT |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:57 PM PDT |
Question: My friend is in a toxic relationship and won’t leave him? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:52 PM PDT I have this friend who has been I a toxic relationship for almost a year now. All of the warning signs are there. He's possessive, gets so mad if she even talks to another guy, wants to spend every second with her, has to know where she is at all times, freaks out if she doesn't respond to his texts, calls her out on things she self conscious about, embarrasses her, make fun of her friends (including me) about literally anything, doesn't get along with her family (his family doesn't like her as well), and so much more. They are constantly fighting and arguing. Usually he does something dumb and then doesn't think it's a big deal. Treats her and the situation like crap and then suddenly come running back apologizing. She doesn't see it as toxic, she thinks he just has problems and that she can help him and that he's trying to change. I need help, I've tried telling both of them that the relationship isn't working but neither of them seem to take the hint. I would never, ever want anyone to break up because it hurts so much, but this just isn't right and I need to do something Please help. |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:48 PM PDT |
Question: Is she interested or just being friendly? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:46 PM PDT What do you think it means if a girl compares sun tans? I was just sitting in a chair watching tv and she comes up and puts her forearm up to my arm touching and says "you may be whiter than me" kinda teasing me and smiles. |
Question: What does sex feel like? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:39 PM PDT You see I'm a virgin and my girlfriend is too I just want to know how it feels,and will there be blood on my d*ck |
Question: Ladies is this true? Is this how it's going to go down? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:36 PM PDT |
Question: How can I help my boyfriend to stop overthinking about my past? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:34 PM PDT I am in dire need of help. I simply don't know what to do anymore. My boyfriend and I are in an LDR. No, he isn't my first boyfriend. However, he was my first kiss, the first (and only) guy I've been with in bed, etc. I've met up with other guys before, but I wanted to save most, if not all of my firsts for my special guy. That person turned out to be him. However, he met me at a crucial time in my life where I was in a really bad, abusive relationship. I was terrified of this guy, and wanted to please him so he wouldn't explode. I never met him in real life; we merely videocalled. I didn't understand. How to get out of an abusive relationship, and I thought that that was my ex's way of showing me he "loved" me. It was hard. It was actually my first ldr, as well as the first guy who tried to be in a relationship with me. I didn't know how to act, nor cope with how he treated me. My boyfriend (who was just a friend at the time) was the one who helped me understand that I couldn't keep living like that; that that wasn't what love is. He showed me what love actually is. Problem is ....he is bothered by my past, and what I said to my ex. He sometimes delves into the past conversations I had with that Ex, and says that it hurts because sometimes I use the same words with him? I don't really see it? I've gotten over my ex; he was a hateful, manipulative guy. He doesn't matter in the slightest, and I just want to show my bf how much I love HIM. How can I help him? Thanks!! Is there anything I can do to just. help him feel more loved? I've never in my life loved anyone the way I love him. I want to marry this guy, to make him smile every day for the rest of our lives. But he's torturing himself with my past, and I don't know how to stop him. The love I felt for my ex is absolutely nothing compared to what I feel for him....and it makes me sad that it keeps bothering him. I really love him.... so how can I help him understand that? That he is the only one? |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:29 PM PDT We hung out on the weekend. He was super cuddly and rubbed my back until I fell asleep. He gave me constant affection. I wasn't really sure about all the affection given to me because I just got my heart broken in January so it's hard to give out affection. He was still understanding. Do you think he likes me? |
Question: For men: How do you improve your stroke game in the bedroom? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:28 PM PDT |
Question: I’m in a wheelchair I can’t get a girl to want more with me how can I get over the hump? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:25 PM PDT So I'm 25 years old I have muscular dystrophy I can't walk anymore.. I talk to girls that I meet online we talk for 4-6 months then it ends.. they all talk about how I'm such an amazing guy how they want everything with me and that they are coming to see me.. but it always seems like the wheelchair thing is the problem they don't admit it but it feels like that. I hate being alone I want something real how can I get over that get someone who will accept me for me how can I get someone to be ok with it. I'm not trying to complement myself but I feel like I'm a great guy who would do anything for anyone girls how say I'm hilarious. Thanks everyone! |
Question: Does she have a big butt? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:23 PM PDT Does she? |
Question: He left me for another girl, will he come back? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:11 PM PDT I've been involved with this guy for almost 2 years. He's much older than me. I'm 20, he's 28. He's always said he fears commitment so we've never been official, but he always claimed he wanted to be with me and I was the only girl he was involved with. I start to notice over the last several months this girl that keeps reappearing in his life. He told me she's just some homeless girl he's helping out, then I find out he's having sex with her and she's constantly over his house. He said she's a psychotic, crazy girl who's obsessed with him. He told me if I knew half the things he's been through with her, it would make me sick. He said she's a prostitute and whore and is just extremely toxic. She's also younger than idk why he's letting her control his life so much. Basically, we found out about each other and she started going crazy threatening to ruin his life and kept messaging me too harassing me. He blocked her for a week, he told me he's done with her and he loves me and wants to work our way into a real relationship. He has no car, he acts broke all the time so I had to pay for everything. Just 3 weeks ago I even gave him $400 for his rent. Everything seemed perfect between us. I thought he had finally came to realize she was toxic and bad for him. I gave this man everything I could. Moral of the story, we were fine up until 3 weeks ago, he said he loved me and the next day I am suddenly blocked on everything. Now he's back with the other girl. Will he come back? |
Question: Tinder date - Did I mess up? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:10 PM PDT Long story short, I met a girl on tinder. Due to the lockdown I went to her house. We both drank a combined 5 bottles of wine over a 10 hour period on her couch, which led to the bedroom. It didn't last long, as the alcohol caused me to go soft and I was exhausted so I didn't do anything to finish her, we went to bed. The following morning, probably 7 hours had passed and I felt sick. She tried to sleep with me again and the erection went away a second time. Besides that it was all good. We are both in our mid 20s. We exchanged a few texts after hanging out and she told me to sleep well, I didn't respond. here it is the next day and I snap chatted her a pic and video, not necessarily inviting a response but she hasn't responded or texted me at all. Should I text her? I feel like she might've been disappointed by the issues I had from extreme exhaustion and alcohol consumption. At the time I mentioned that I don't have ED jokingly and said that sometimes it happens when I meet someone new, maybe because of nerves. Should I write her or not? Should I bring up the issues and tell her that isn't me and it was due to exhaustion and the alcohol or what. The only reason this bothers me is because she impressed me a lot with her intelligence and appearance. It's 7pm and I haven't heard From her since we texted a few times last night. |
Question: What does it mean to be a “traditional woman”? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:02 PM PDT A woman that I am dating just told me that she is a "traditional woman". What exactly does that mean? She's 28 years old. |
Question: How to get a gf fast? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:58 PM PDT I know it may sound stupid but I am tired of trying to talk to girls and get rejected and sending them requests and texting them social media and get nothing. I wish I could get a girlfriend soon. There was a girl I like that liked me but she cut me off all I know is her first name and where she works and the city she lives in but I tried to find her on social media but that's not enough information. I want to try again with her since she the only girl with mutual feelings even through that's not any more. I don't know what happened with us why she lost interest. I want an other chance. Or to find another girl with mutual feelings. I feel like that's one in a million I haven't had luck since her. I wish I could work on myself but with coronavirus pandemic and other situations it's hard. Maybe improving my self would increase my luck in finding a girl that likes me back. I will try to work on myself any ways.I don't know what to do to meet another girl that likes me back need advice?? I use to have her number but got rid of it because she wouldn't text back to my last messages. I thought she was going to be my first gf. Please don't say hooker escorts or strippers. There all ugly I bet usually. Strippers are probably alright looking a lot of them but it's probably rare to get really hot one. You most likely have to travel for that. But I am interested in paying for hot females any ways. I have tried talking to girls in person dozens over the years too but doesn't work out I meant to say I am not interested in paying for girls |
Question: Is this enough for a girl to date a guy? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:56 PM PDT Six pack, muscles, drives a Mercedes Benz, has investments, wears expensive clothes |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:49 PM PDT |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:47 PM PDT |
Question: He reminds me that he is single? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:44 PM PDT In every conversation I have w/this guy he throws it into the conversation that he's a single man. Or everytime we meet up he reminds me of his relationship status. And he always ask me "when's the next time you're coming over?" Or "when will i see you again?" He never straight up asks me out he always asks me when do i want to see HIM |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:40 PM PDT ok so i'm a girl but i'm taller than almost every guy in my grade (their all pretty short) 😂 i honestly hate it and wish i was shorter it makes me feel masculine and my body doesn't help even it out i'm skinny and my curves are non existent i have the body of a little boy 😢 |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:40 PM PDT |
Question: Does my coworker have feelings for me? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:31 PM PDT I've started to become friends with a girl from work. We talk a lot at work, and we've started talking a lot outside of the office. She's asked about my previous relationships, and has brought them up randomly at times. Even cracking jokes about those relationships from stories I've told her. When I post pictures or just random stuff online she always seems to be one of the first people to see it, and ALWAYS has something to say about it, and sometimes comments with pictures of herself. We haven't hung out much outside the office, but she's brought it up on occasion that we should go to a bar or go do something after work. I've even posted pictures from home onto social media, and her response has been "OMG invite me over". I've had other coworkers who I don't typically talk to except at work ask me about the conversations her and I have had, which was surprising to me because I've never discussed these conversations with anyone but her. She laughs at all of my ridiculous jokes and every other text is a "hahahahahahaha" (I'm funny, but not THAT funny) She talks a lot about being single and trying to find the right guy, and asks if I've gone on dates with anyone recently. I know nobody can say for sure, but does it seem like she might have feelings for me? She's really nice, and beautiful, but because we work together I don't know if that type of relationship would be a good idea. If she even feels that way. Just wanted to get someone's opinion. Thanks! |
Question: What does 7*8*777*987654-6666+77777777777^5+666-6969=? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:24 PM PDT |
Question: Help i haave gone hunting and shot a mountain lion. will i get caught. should i eat it? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:22 PM PDT |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:17 PM PDT |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:13 PM PDT and why he was doing that? |
Question: Can I get a beautiful girls? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT |
Question: Ladies: how and what do you feel when your man climaxes/ejaculates/cums/loads into you? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:09 PM PDT |
Question: I am 20, single, never dated yet. I am very shy, girls, do you have any advice for me? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:49 PM PDT I tryed asking girls out, in high school, always turned down. I never really liked myself, can that be it, or can it be, i dont dress good? If anyone wants to really help me, let me know? I can give my email address, i hope to hear from someone? Please no bad commits, thank yous all |
Question: Do nerdy but pretty girls in High School get isolated?And the boys chase the sluts? Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:49 PM PDT |
Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:41 PM PDT i'll try to keep it short. i thought this guy liked me like he showed all the signs my friend and family agree. he stares at me and he always compliments me and we don't talk much but when we do we always make eye contact even from across the room in class. he defends me too. but two years ago he used to like this girl at this other town. they never dated but his friends always tease him saying he likes her. he used to deny it and say he hated her but now they're best friends. my friend told me it didn't look like he liked her it was more of a friendship but ppl still tease him ab it and he was thinking of taking her to a dance but said he didn't care and if anyone else wanted her he'd be fine. i can see them just being best friends but i'm scared that he likes her. there's rumors she's called him hot and stuff too but nothing ever happened. me and him don't talk much tho and we're not in school now and i have his snap but have never texted him ever. if he did like her tho then good for them and i wish them the best. it's just sad if he does. thanks for answering! |
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