Family: Question: Help please! Me and my son's lives are in danger? |
- Question: Help please! Me and my son's lives are in danger?
- Question: What are my options in an abusive home?
- Question: Why does my crush always avoid me?
- Question: Is bearing your child with a belt against the law?
- Question: How can the parents of two boys have one who is genius?
- Question: My youngest sister is a narcissist and do you have any suggestions on how I can forgive her and move on?
- Question: My mom does not let me go anywhere ever all i do is sit in my room and cry cause i hate it here at my house and i’m never even allowed out.?
- Question: In the scenario below, is this a threat?
- Question: What is the best Christmas gift (under $100) to give to a 12 year old son? He is a bit smart.?
- Question: Why would a mother not love her child?
- Question: What does it mean when a female says you must live with your mother ?
- Question: Were my parents right to ban me as a kid from seeing an aunt who left her husband for another man?
- Question: I am visiting an aunt today and she is going to ask me what my estranged sister is up to not knowing she's estranged. What do I say?
- Question: I need advice...on roommate ?
- Question: How do I get my Dad not to hold me back from my uncle's funeral?
- Question: The girl at the mall at the Chick Fil A asked me out. She has 2 ear piercings. She has makeup on to. I’m 19 and so is she ?
- Question: My son is 27, unemployed, smokes marijuana all day, and is lazy while my 24-year-old daughter works 30 hours a week and will graduate from?
- Question: Child Safety & Welfare?
- Question: I need Tips fo This awful situation?
- Question: Is it bad to plug to much into one power outlet?
- Question: My mom found a reason to argue with my sister & kicked her out despite playing a major role in how my sisters life turned out. Is it wrong?
- Question: Should I tell my parents I'm adopted?
- Question: I can't find a job anywhere else then be an armed security officer as I'm 25 and no college degree but my dad doesn't want me carrying a gun?
- Question: What’s the offspring ?
- Question: Do you think our parents are creepy?
Question: Help please! Me and my son's lives are in danger? Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:36 PM PST Big Cats keep constantly stalking and terrorizing me and my son everyday in the Bronx, New York or America. The thing is they for some strange reason seem to know when me and my son come outside of our apartment building or go to public places. So they appear there and scare the holy crap out of us by threatening to attack us. My family ruthlessly and cruelly mistreated me and my son and brutally abused us and they also starved us everyday. They keep taunting and bullying me and my son with words and death threats. The threatened to behead me and my son for blood money and also eat our remaining body parts raw. They wanted every attractive male in the universe to be attracted to my female relatives and the females from Ghana and Nigeria as well so that I will be threatened, bullied, and envied by every male in the cosmos. People don't like my son for some strange reason and bully him and try to hit him with cars, buses, and trucks when driving over the speeding limit. The same thing happened to me. It turns out my younger self was cursing my son to go through the same bullying experience she went through when he is only a kid. If she isn't a coward and a cold hearted witch what else? |
Question: What are my options in an abusive home? Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:11 PM PST I'm 15 and I live in a home where both my parents and siblings are verbally and physically abusive. all my siblings are above 18. my dad has never contributed to my life, all he does is drink every single night and yell. my brother also drinks and attacks me, my siblings, or my parents. i get no sleep and it's interfering with my work ethic at school. they also give me absolutely no freedom, and i'm basically never allowed to go out. it's been like this my entire life. my parents know about my disorders, such as anxiety & depression. my doctor diagnosed me and referred me to a psychologist but they refuse to take me. I'm trying to figure out all my options before i make a choice... i know i can get emancipated, but i don't have the money. my parents won't let me get a job unless it's during the summer & it's a job they approve of. i want to go to my school counselors and get CPS involved, but i really don't wanna just get thrown into the system and have a shitty next 3 years. My parents are immigrants, i don't have any other family other than my aunt, and they're basically the same thing. I was just wondering if someone could provide me with my options... if i do get pulled out of my home... will i be able to stay with a friend? if that's possible? i'm really scared & i don't know what to do but i cant stay here anymore.. could someone give me a list of my options? |
Question: Why does my crush always avoid me? Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:06 PM PST I love him so much and every time i see him at youth group meetings he always avoids me and never talks to me, even when i go near him he just stays away! He's nice and talks to everyone else but me and i'm sad. I used to harass him a year ago online constantly because i used to be obsessed with him but i got in trouble after he reported me and i said sorry so i don't know why he's still avoiding me |
Question: Is bearing your child with a belt against the law? Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:03 PM PST My 7 year old daughter is constantly disobeying our rules and doing bad things so I have to beat her with my belt to get her to stop, is this legal? i live in england if that matters |
Question: How can the parents of two boys have one who is genius? Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:03 PM PST and his sibling brother be so stupid? |
Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:04 AM PST My youngest sister took legal guardianship over my dad who died in 2016 of dementia. She had him change his will to put all of his possessions and money in her name after he died. Then she ran off with him and didn't tell us what hospital he went to and made us beg to see him and then when we wanted a few possessions that we wanted back, she made us stand right there and only gave us a few things. The others I refer to are my other sister and brother. About 10 animals of my dads died due to us not knowing about it and I tried to save the animals and she called animal patrol and they ordered me to leave. When I saw the state of the animals, many dead, I cried for a long time. Then with the money she moved to a large house, worked and claimed social security at the same time and owes social security about 60,000 which she never paid back and feels she shouldn't have to. She moved to California but she never would have been able to do this if she hadn't padded her pockets illegally. When my dad willed all of his estate to her, he had severe dementia and wasn't in his right mind at the time. She never apologized and my sister and brother have forgiven her but she doesn't want a relationship with me due to me not letting her off the hook. If she had apologized which she won't, I would find it easier to forgive her in my heart. What can I do to get over this? |
Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:41 AM PST my mom, she doesn't even let me go to my boyfriends house. i can't tell my mom anything without her being annoyed with me and when she comes home she's always in a bad mood and my brother doesn't help with any of this i hate him he gets anything and everything i can't even get a simple hey how was your day from my mom and it sucks cause i love my mom ofc but i can't do anything without them "coming over first" and then im never even allowed there and soon they jus leave cause i keep saying i'll come over soon but i never even can but when i come home from school i jus get yelled at by my family and that i never clean the house and i'm lazy cause that's not the first thing i do right when i walk through the door and it makes me feel bad about myself cause i don't want my family thinking that of me and even when i am in my room i get yelled at for trying to have my own privacy and i just wish i wasn't here or this could be better but with my dads passing 4 years ago i can't do anything and it's back to the same old with my mom never letting me do anything my friend lives 2 mins away and i can't even walk there and it upsets me a lot |
Question: In the scenario below, is this a threat? Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:14 AM PST Parents are divorced. One parent has kids most of the time. This parent let's the other see the kids every weekend. One parent, 6 months ago, attempts to move out of state, half way across the country, taking kids away from support system (other family) and the other parent, where there will be none. This same parent than says "it is only because I am nice, that I allow you to see them" when the other respectfully asked to be treated with respect in regards to plan changes regarding the girls. Is that threatening to you? |
Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:11 AM PST |
Question: Why would a mother not love her child? Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:44 AM PST I'm still a bit hurt from 3 years ago. I don't understand how can a woman not love the baby she gave birth too. I was adopted when I was a 1 year-old baby. I've always referred to them as mom and dad and still do; as my parents. A couple classmates (5th grade) teased me for not having real parents. My parents told me the truth. At the age of 17, I set out to find out who were my birth parents. My biological father was a dead-beat and died in an auto accident months before I was born. Then I finally found my mother. To my complete disbelief, she never wanted me. Her brief explanation is she got pregnant at age 18 and didn't want to take care of me. She still loves parties, drinking and men. We had no connection at all. She didn't even hug me nor smiled. That's all she ever cares about. When asked if she ever wondered about me, this was her reply: ''Not at all. I don't regret giving you up either, never did, never will''. Apparently she seemed annoyed by my visit. When that brief, callous, cold conversation was over she said: ''I assume all has been covered and we got nothing else to talk about.'' Unbelievable how her level of callousness was. I, a guy got rejected by the very woman that gave birth to me. |
Question: What does it mean when a female says you must live with your mother ? Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:05 AM PST I usually say no and leave it alone because she has been dead since June 4, 2004. Just because I speak well, I do not use foul or vulgar language, I don't lie, I don't drink, I don't do drugs. I work . If that is what they take living with me living my mother well that's their issue not mine. |
Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:55 AM PST I wanted to play with my cousins and another aunt offered to take me but my parents said no. They condemned what this aunt had done and made friends with the husband over their marriage. When the affair happened I was only allowed to see the cousins for a few years when they were with their Dad. I remember being so mad that i was being used to make a statement. So my question is were my parents right or wrong here? My parents hearts softened after a few years and I was allowed around the aunt again and was still a kid so there was obviously no threat. The man she went off with was obviously immoral to let the affair develop and not walk away but he was not a physical threat. That couple later divorced. I understand my parents privately telling my aunt to think about the fact that she is married, but otherwise felt I was used for 3 years and also wonder why I was even told she was leaving her husband for someone as I was 8 at the time and 11 by the time my parents grew up and let me see them all again. |
Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:36 AM PST Do I tell her how cruel my sister has gotten or do I just fib and say "oh she is fine"? It is the aunt who is estranged from 2 of her 4 siblings (my mother still talks to her) and so she is not going to judge estrangement. Estrangement is actually a family tradition in my mother's family. |
Question: I need advice...on roommate ? Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:58 PM PST Soo, February of 2018 my 24 year old self, my mom, dad and younger brother moved into my oldest brothers (31) condo which only has two rooms. My parents and younger brother share a room which left me sharing rooms with my older brother. We were all struggling financially so this move was supposed to be temporary but it doesn't seem that way anymore. At first it was frustrating because I was just moving into my brothers room, meaning there's no space for my things and I got rid of a lot. The room is big but pretty much all that's mine Is my twin bed and a couple of cabinets in the closet. I felt so trapped with nothing for myself. I dealt with it and the mess. However now he's had a gf for 8 months, at first she would spend the night here and there but now that she's PREGNANT... she's here almost every night. It's like we have another roommate. She leaves her things around, the room is constantly a mess. And they have been respectful enough not to fool around while I'm in the room but what triggered me today was that they shower together and I THINK I heard some things coming from the bathroom. I'm extremely disturbed. And I'm just sick of not having space of my own. I'm in college and I only work a part time job. My brother doesn't plan on moving out with his gf because she has 2 other kids and doesn't want to live with them. Pretty much I move out and work more less school or I deal with 2 roommates and a future baby. Or he moves out and makes everyone life easy. Idkkk Sorry I mean February of 2019 Right now I only pay $300 rent and barley make it; if I move out I'll be paying probably double...I wish it was easy to move out |
Question: How do I get my Dad not to hold me back from my uncle's funeral? Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:06 PM PST My Dad is very ignorant and cold to family and very ignorant of my needs. he has hurt me, how do I get him not to hold me back from my uncle's funeral when it happens? The uncle is terminally ill. It will be a flight ticket or 7 hour drive. My Dad will be going but will hold me back. |
Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:02 PM PST |
Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:35 PM PST The BSN program in May 2020. How do I motivate my son to get a job and move out? His sister, his dad, and I give him money for marijuana because he claims it helps his anxiety but instead he is too high to do anything. His sister works 30-40 hours a week as an assistant manager at Denny's and is in the BSN program. She decided not to live at home with her parents and brother and instead lives with her roommate. I really don't want my son to live here at 40,30, etc. He never helps around the house but if I kick him out what if he gets kidnapped and killed? |
Question: Child Safety & Welfare? Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:56 PM PST This is kind of a confusing situation. I have a child with a someone who has two other children with her previous ex. She just caught him (the previous ex) having sex with her other two children (ages 4 & 7) in the same room as him and his current girlfriend. Today she told me he occasionally watches my son as well. I asked her to not let this happen anymore but obviously I have no say because he is not in my custody at the time and it is her responsibility to find a babysitter. She disagrees and says he's a good man. Am I wrong to ask this for him to not babysit my son? I would like my son to be around people with better character than that. Am I wrong to think this? Also I have never met this guy and he refuses to meet or talk to me. |
Question: I need Tips fo This awful situation? Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:42 PM PST my dad hits me with a belt according to him to discipline me when something he doesn't like and usually threatens me, I'm 15 years old and intimidates me all the time / My sister is 21 years old and one day she arrived at 11 pm and my father hit her the same way being an adult, I don't know what to do ("my mother sees that too normal I think") |
Question: Is it bad to plug to much into one power outlet? Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:25 PM PST I have a power strip and a surge protector connected to each plug and the things connected are 4 imacs, a gaming pc, an xbox, and chargers for speakers and phone and a hard drive ac adaptor plus some random cables i don't know where they go, could it cause a power surge or shut down or something |
Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:14 PM PST My mom & dad never supported my siblings & I on an emotional level, often degraded us, & used us as bait to fight with one another amid their divorce. It's safe to say that our adolescence engrained a certain level of dysfunction in all of us. Anxiety & mental illness runs in the family, my moms dad for example tried to kill her when she was a child. Despite my moms narcissism & emotional negligence of my older sister while growing up, my sister did a lot for my mom. She did nearly all my moms schoolwork online so my mom could get her masters degree & gave my mom over $10,000 because my mom convinced her to take out school loans. That merely scratches the surface of our family history. My oldest sister and I are both working towards moving out. My oldest sister is 27 about to get her associates degree. A year ago my mom eagerly allowed my sisters boyfriend to move in because his family lost their business & moved to Chicago. He pays rent to stay in my sisters room, has a job & is doing a construction program. My mom bought this nice 4 bedroom house by herself, but with all our help. My sister & I have had hard time findings jobs in this deserted are. Anyways. Is it messed up of my mom to abruptly kick my sister out, even though my moms the one who heavily suggested her BF stay here? My sister is already in the process of trying to move out & I feel bad my mom manipulated the situation to where she acts like she's played no part in how my sisters life has turned out |
Question: Should I tell my parents I'm adopted? Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:02 PM PST well you see, it has come to my attention that I'm adopted. but my parents seem blissfully unaware of this fact. i realized this when i saw that i am black but my parents are painfully asian. so i figure, unless my mom is hiding something, like a mutated gene, i must be adopted! however, i am worried that telling my parents this will devestate them. so i dont want to ruin their christmas by telling them that im adopted and not their's. i know they dont know because they have never talked about it. and if they did know, surely they would tell me. anyways, should i ruin christmas? or should i let my asian parents enjoy themselves? ps: my mom didnt cheat, because i am very dark and she is pretty pale. that is all |
Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:34 PM PST My dad is worrying and unhappy about it because of how gun violence has bnt for me as nowhere else gives me jobs but my dad has a problem with me holding a gun. It frustrates me because why would he be afraid of me with a gun - makes me think he lowers my regards as someen a big problem in this world. This job pays very good and is for my community building . It's very convenieeone is potential of violence or suicide. |
Question: What’s the offspring ? Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:49 PM PST Im a fraternal twin and I have a twin sister and I'm the brother. My grandma is a. Identical twin With a sister I'm guessing twins run in the family. So if I have sex with a girl who is a identical twin (two girls ) what are the odds our baby will be twins or worse triplets just curious |
Question: Do you think our parents are creepy? Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:05 PM PST I'm seeing this guy and my mom was meeting his parents, while I went up to his room to "hang out". Our parents were totally aware we were having sex and carried on as normal. Is that creepy? One time his mom walked in and started talking to him while I was laying in bed with him naked under the covers. She's not nice to me, she'd glare at me as if she doesn't like me and is only tolerating me for him. |
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