Marriage & Divorce: Question: My mom and dad are getting divorced because my mother is lesbian!? |
- Question: My mom and dad are getting divorced because my mother is lesbian!?
- Question: Inlaws being vulgar around my child?
- Question: Came home from weekend away to find a giant mess?
- Question: Whats wrost Young marriage 18+ or being a young parent 18 and younger?
- Question: Aside from a lawyer or courthouse, which really cannot answer many specific questions, where can I find help filling out divorce paperwork?
- Question: Filing for divorce?
- Question: What kind of things do you like to do in bed with your husband \wife?
- Question: Are your parents divorced?
- Question: What are the chances of a 32 year old woman finding a husband?
- Question: Women would you be with a guy if he said no marriage or kids?
- Question: Indian family counselors ? I need some advice..I am in some problem..anyone willing to hear and offer advice ?
- Question: Why do I feel so guilty that I left my abusive husband?
- Question: I caught my wife cheating 3 weeks ago with a guy named John.?
- Question: What wud u do if ur husband was trying to ruin ur life online?
- Question: Please help!! verbaly abusive husband?
- Question: How to leave my wife with cancer?
- Question: Why is it so hard to talk finances with my wife?
- Question: Would you forget where you ordered dinner from earlier that evening?
- Question: My husband has a court order place and she wants to modify it after 10 years.?
- Question: American woman marries Portuguese man?
- Question: Is it wrong to keep a picture of a guy that looks like someone I'm sexually attracted to on my phone if I'm married?
- Question: Ex husband has new Girlfriend. How should I react?
- Question: Nephew in Law?
- Question: Is it unhealthy for me and my husband to be having so much sex?
- Question: Is it possible for a husband to have a wife that loves him If he isn't willing to always make her priorities his priorities & forget about?
- Question: If your husband is worried about you being attractive, what would you do to ease his worries?
- Question: Last week my wife left me and took our daughter. Can I get her back?
- Question: Is my wife a biromantic heterosexual?
- Question: Should I castrate my ex husband?
- Question: Can a person remarry his/her spouse?
- Question: What if a husband leaves his wife for no reason?
- Question: How Do I deal with living with soon to be Ex-husband in same home?
- Question: My wife wants to do threesome with me and my boss who also for some reason agreed to this nonsense. IDntWant toDoit. how should i tell her ?
- Question: Why is it so hard for people to realize that marriage is a NEED and MUST be met in order to reach self actualization and fulfillment?
- Question: If two men can marry, on what basis can marriage be denied to two brothers?
- Question: Why does wife think it's not her job to clean the house?
- Question: I don't understand why people with "winners mentality" get married. Don't they know that this mentality is poison for a marriage?
- Question: Has your marriage ever suffered a major crisis- but survived?
- Question: My wife and I are in an open marriage she asked me if I found her neice attractive and has been openly encouraging me to go after her?
- Question: Why do people act suprised when they get engaged?
- Question: Why do some people insist on holding to their unhappy marriages when there are lots of options whom they can be happy with out there in the?
- Question: Once my spouse leaves how do I get back to home state?
- Question: Why do feminists give women who accept that they NEED A MAN a hard time for getting marriage TO A MAN? Why is it seen as weakness?
- Question: Sooo bored of sex with husband?
- Question: How to identify your husband?
- Question: My husband never wants to do anything?
- Question: My fiance & I got our marriage license Friday so we can get married today. Who can I call on short notice to marry us? I live in Ocala, FL?
- Question: Why do all progressive wives treat their husbands like they are a luxury not a necessity? Why do they pretend they don't need a man?
- Question: I was married in 2004. It is now 2016. I have been incarcerated and on my own this whole time. how do I find out if I am still married?
- Question: I love my wife but I'm in love with another woman.i have had no contact in months but she's still my first thought in my mind what to do?
- Question: Why do woman who hate men give marriage advice to women who love men? Seems like it should be the other way around, no?
- Question: Which one is more important for a male in a marriage, kids or sex?
- Question: What can I do to feel more comfortable with my long distance fiance continuously bringing up sex on the phone?
- Question: My fiance doesn't want kids out of our marriage and has set the condition that the wedding will not go on until I accept his decision.?
- Question: My fiance doesn't want kids out of our marriage and has set the condition that the wedding will not go on until I accept his decision.?
- Question: Was your husband scared to kids at first?
- Question: Married,but separated and baby on the way. Does he have any rights?
- Question: I m in a delemia and need advice?
Question: My mom and dad are getting divorced because my mother is lesbian!? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 08:57 PM PDT So my siblings and I have known for a while they are getting separated and I've being taking it horribly because last year they had already had a miscarriage and I was really horrible off that. My sisters have been okay since they are a bit older but I am 16 and I'm super close with them both and I'm just broken. Last week they told us and my mom explained to us older ones she is in love with another woman and it is completely tearing our family apart. I can't even look at her not because I'm homophobic but because she is tearing us apart. Im sorry if I sound rude but I'm feeling so horrible I want her to be happy but now my life will be so different... Can someone offer advice? How can I stop being angry?! |
Question: Inlaws being vulgar around my child? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 08:56 PM PDT He's only 4 but their talking around him using racist language. I mean they have always been somewhat bigoted towards everyone not White and like them, even making note of my partial Mexican ancestry before they had met me. They had been tolerable these last few years but now it seems they're trying to shape him. He's their first grandchild and I've caught on to them. They say colorful language around him and my wife just says it's how they are and that it's not that big a deal. I can tell they love him and spoil him but I don't know if I should be okay with this. Am I making too much of this? |
Question: Came home from weekend away to find a giant mess? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 08:45 PM PDT Recently my husband and I went away for the weekend. At the airport yesterday we got a message that my stepdaughter who is grown and living a few miles away wanted to bring her family to our pool for the day. Her "family" normally consists of about 6 people to whom she's related and several surprise guests that , play loud music, whine if we don't have dinner or snacks for them, break every pool toy we have and leave the place a shambles with beer bottles on every table, wine on the living room carpet and wet towels everywhere. No one brings their own towel and two have asked to borrow swim suits (no, I'm not kidding). I've asked my husband to talk to his daughter and to watch them when they come. When I heard they were coming this time, I stipulated that there could be no underage drinking (yes, that needs to be stated, sadly) and then found a way to miss the party. I got home last night and the place is a freaking disaster area...again. My feeling is that it is my husband's responsibility to take this up with his daughter or if he prefers, he can put everything back in order. I cleaned nothing last night and went to bed. I returned from an appointment today to find new dishes in the sink from his youngest daughter who eats about 6 times a day. I'm at my wit's end. I love my husband but don't know how to get him to stop treating me like a maid for his poorly trained kids! |
Question: Whats wrost Young marriage 18+ or being a young parent 18 and younger? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 08:15 PM PDT |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:53 PM PDT My wife, and I have been apart for around 5 years. We each left with what we wanted, and remain on friendly terms now. Neither of us plan on contesting the divorce, or seeking anything from the other. Still there are parts of the paperwork I am not sure about. Stuff like do I check off both boxes that neither of us are seeking alimony, or do I simply check off my line as husband? After 5 years it's time to make this divorce final, but I just need a little help to make sure I do the paperwork right. Thanks for any help. |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:43 PM PDT How long after you meet with an attorney and file for divorce does it take to show up as a public record? Illinois case. Husband stated he filed, but nothing is showing up in public record |
Question: What kind of things do you like to do in bed with your husband \wife? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:40 PM PDT |
Question: Are your parents divorced? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:32 PM PDT My parents are getting divorced :( |
Question: What are the chances of a 32 year old woman finding a husband? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:12 PM PDT |
Question: Women would you be with a guy if he said no marriage or kids? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:11 PM PDT |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:09 PM PDT |
Question: Why do I feel so guilty that I left my abusive husband? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 06:29 PM PDT |
Question: I caught my wife cheating 3 weeks ago with a guy named John.? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 06:25 PM PDT I confronted her about it and she lied about it then I told her I had proof and she lied again, then I read her the e mails aka the proof and she lied again then I showed her the e mails and she lied again. Long story short she said if I tried to divorce her she would ruin my life blaw blaw blaw. We decided to stay together and now today I find out that she's planning on meeting up with John for a threesome with him and another girl. So what should I do now we have a 9 month old son together what should I do |
Question: What wud u do if ur husband was trying to ruin ur life online? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 06:20 PM PDT |
Question: Please help!! verbaly abusive husband? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 06:06 PM PDT So here it goes. Me and my husband have been married 12 years. I m 36 and he is 39. Our marriage has always been hard because I have other children with another man. This was always hard for him. We share a child together that is 11. About three years ago now my husband got injured at work, he has had to have multiple back surgeries and is currently trying to get his disability. I am a nurse in the OR so my job is stressful but I love it. Since he s been out of work he has turned into the devil. He constantly isn t happy, he calls me aweful names and does this in front of our kids. My 19 year old left cause she couldn t take it. But I have a 17 year old daughter and. 15 and 11 year old son. I try to avoid him by going to my room and watching tv. Or I ll go to my parents. I m so embarrassed that my children hear this. I do not want my boys to talk to their wife or gf like that. And I do not want my girls to think it s okay to be talked to like that. I feel he is bipolar. I know he is depressed from what all has happen but I ve tried to encourage him. I ve tried to motivate him but nothing seems to work. I do not know what else to do? He makes me resent him so much. The only reason I haven t left is bc our child together that s 11 cries about it when we discuss it. Please .... Any advice. Men or women. |
Question: How to leave my wife with cancer? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 05:51 PM PDT I know she did it on purpose, she wants to see my wallet suffer, I don't need this right now. But I don't want to seem like a bad guy for leaving her, whats the best way to do it without bruising my ego? |
Question: Why is it so hard to talk finances with my wife? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 04:59 PM PDT She always wants to talk about traveling abroad and kept pushing for a baby. We both had debt coming into the marriage, and I suggested the first couple years we both work and have housemates to quickly pay off my car, her two cars, one at a very high interest that broke and the other we got recently to make sure she has a car. We have a lot of repairs at the house being paid off and some more needed. She always wants to talk about saving up, traveling and having a baby, but I simply wanted to make sure we were stable financially and get these debts paid off faster. She stopped working to go to dental school, which I fully supported, but then she quit as it wasnt her thing and she wanted to start her own online boutique shop which i was okay with, but i mentioned that we still needed two housemates because without her consistent income we would begin to lose money and get overwhelmed. She was okay for a couple months, but began complaining how its not right to come into a marriage living with housemates and said its not her fault or responsibility to worry about my debts, which I found confusing, because when she stopped working I was paying for both her cars, her very old school loan debt, credit card. I work hard and do freelance to help, but I feel she always blames me or says I put her in a trap and is miserable, but I keep trying to tell her that I was trying to explain and sit down with all our numbers of debt, income etc to figure everything but always got frustrated. |
Question: Would you forget where you ordered dinner from earlier that evening? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 03:53 PM PDT My girlfriend mentioned to met she ordered food from a certain plaxe however I found out she ordered dinner form somewhere else. Come to find out her ex husband also came by that same evening to "see his kids" at her place. When I asked her about it she said she just forgot where she got food from and she shouldn't have to tell me every time he comes over to see his kids. Should I be concerned or let it go? |
Question: My husband has a court order place and she wants to modify it after 10 years.? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 03:51 PM PDT My husband took custody of his two boys who are two years apart in 2005. In 2007 he allowed the younger son, who was 7 at the time, to go live with his mother. The agreement at the attorney general office was he would raise the older one, she the younger but split medical bills 50/50. Although she stopped paying for the older son s medical bills, the court order worked for everyone. That is until she filed for child support for the younger don, two days after the older don t graduated high school. She did this because she knows my husband cannot go for child support for his he is financially responsible for. We have court conning up. Is there anyway to keep the current order in place and not have her modify and have him pay child support for two years? |
Question: American woman marries Portuguese man? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 03:39 PM PDT Just out of curiosity I was wondering how the Portuguese naming system would work in this situation. I know typically a Portuguese woman would keep her name after marriage, however the most common tradition in America after marriage is that a woman would take her husband s last name. What would an American woman do if she was to marry a Portuguese man? |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 03:19 PM PDT It is just a silly crush. This guy doesn't have a social network account that I know of. We met at the gym 8 months ago and I have been fantasizing about him ever since. We rarely talk (6 times since I met him) so I don't see any harm in it. I'm in a healthy marriage and I don't plan on cheating. Do you think my husband will get upset? I kept a photo of Mark Ruffalo before and all I got was "Who the heck is that ugly guy?" |
Question: Ex husband has new Girlfriend. How should I react? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 02:58 PM PDT I've been divorced for 9 years after a 20 year Marriage. I have dated through the years But, have not committed to anyone. My two Sons are now young adults and living their own lives here at home with me. My question is my Ex now has a Girlfriend and it looks like it may become a committed one. This is the second Girlfriend he has introduced to our Sons because the first one they were to be married after 6-months of dating, But, they ended up breaking up. This new Girlfriend is divorced with three kids of her own. My ex and i have had a respectful relationship during our divorce. Him and I have been involved in our Sons life and we have attended functions for our sons together after divorce. The thing is I feel he is not engaging anymore with his Sons and is absent. I guess he is preoccupied now with his Girlfriend. My Boys find no problem with Dad not being around as much. I should be happy for him, But, I feel isolated. I think I need to get a life! LOL anyways I knew one day one of us would find a significant other and well here we are. I've seen photo of his Girlfriend and I like her she looks mature and pretty. I guess I'll miss sharing memories or chit chat about our Boys with my Ex. Hopefully his new Girlfriend will allow me to communicate strictly about our Boys. Got to move on with my Life! |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 02:40 PM PDT Actually, he is so interesting and has a strong body, furthermore, he is a personal trainer in gym. Couple of months ago I met him in my sister in law house, so he told me that I became fat a little and I had to go to gym, then he invited me to his gym. I discussed with my husband it was ok to him. By time he became so brave with me, like kissing me as greeting, touching my body it might part of his job, but he carried me couple of times as guessing my weight! last time he asked me to work hard, and to loss my fat in my butt and he touched my butt I admit it was acceptable when he did it. but later I felt badly ... Is it cheating? Did I do something wrong? how should I act with him? or I am overthinking !! PLEASE HELP ME |
Question: Is it unhealthy for me and my husband to be having so much sex? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 02:32 PM PDT My husband and I have been married for 3 years and we just can't keep our hands off of one another. Lately I've been noticing we've been having sex a minimum of 3 times a day. A few weeks ago I noticed we did it 6 times in 1 day. And it's all been super fun. But right after were shot and fall asleep next to one another and then when we wake up we go at it again. But then again me and my husband are wondering if we're doing it too much. Is it normal to be doing this? Or is it unhealthy? |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 02:32 PM PDT his pain & troubles when they are together |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 02:30 PM PDT So I told my husband that I've been hit on at the gym. I told him that it was somewhat annoying but also an ego boost. We left it at that and didn't talk about it for few days. I sent him a selfie yesterday and joked around me looking pretty. Well... He said that is what worries him especially when I go to the gym. I was stunned and I joked even more that I can take them all home tonight. It'sprobably not the best joke for this scenario. However, I don't intend on going for anyone else. What should I do to ease his worries. I love him very much. |
Question: Last week my wife left me and took our daughter. Can I get her back? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 02:04 PM PDT Me and my wife have been together for 5 years. but for the past few months things have been bad. We fight alot about all kinds of stuff and feel like we dont communicate well. The day before she left we got into a massive fight because I was being very lazy etc..instead of me just admitting that she was right I argued with her and it escalated. We both went to get some food and fought the whole way there and back. When we got home I tried to avoid her by going upstairs and she followed me to continue the argument. I went back downstairs to eat my food and it tasted funny and she asked me how it was and if it tasted funny. I got upset because I didnt know what she put into it. she left the room and I grabbed her phone so that I could delete all of the messages that she had been saving up to use against me. (back story here is that we had fought previously and she said some things in text to me that could be considered an offense like suicide notes or threats and she deleted all of them. She kept screenshots etc of things she believed to be offenses committed by me.) At this point she comes up behind me and dumps water all over me and my computer. I got up and we went to the kitchen and she wanted her phone and we both went for it at the same time. I was faster and I got in front and she scratched my back and it hurt so I backed up and my body weight pushed her to the ground. I never put my hands on her. At this point I grabbed her phone and threw it hard and it broke and basically screamed about all the frustrations I have been having with her. Things quieted down after that but three hours later she calls the cops. They came and found no fault with either of us. The next day she came home from work and started packing her things she was leaving. when I walked in the other room she ran upstairs and grabbed my daughter from her bed and tried to leave. I tried to stop her so she ran into my daughters room and locked the door and called the cops. When the cops came I was so upset and tried to plead with them I couldnt understand why she was allowed to take our daughter and why I had no right to stop it. I was very angry and upset I cussed at everyone and the police were ready to take me to jail. Finally my wife came down with my daughter and when she was leaving I said some very nasty things to her. When the door shut I was devastated I just lost my whole family in the blink of an eye and I had no control over it. I had no way to contact them or know where they even were. The next few days I spent alone and it is a feeling that I will never forget. I had alot of time to reflect on everything and I have realized that although it takes two to make a marriage work I knew that it was because I was a bad husband and father to them. played video games all day and night, I stopped working out, I never went on trips with my wife, and I basically turned on the TV when I had my daughter and would play games all day, this is just the start. I took my family for granted and it cost me everything. but this is not the end of the story yet. after waiting 4 days to get a chance to speak with my wife and see my daughter I finally do. She sounded angry and bitter towards me. I apologized to her but I did not beg. I told her how I realized the mistakes I made and that I am not going to tell her what I am going to change but show her instead. She told me that I have alot to prove in an angry way. We then made an agreement for me to see my daughter the next day. later that night she sent a message to my grandma saying that I was a liar and that I reported to her command(she is military) that I was abused by her. I did not do this I merely told my command what happend when they asked because she told hers She then blocked my grandma(who she was close with) and filed an emergency protective order against me saying I could not contact her or my 2 year old daughter for 3 days. This blew my mind I thought we were finally making progress then this happens. At this point I had to get an attorney because I did not want to risk having this protective order going on longer. My attorney suggested that I go and get a protective order against her and file for a warrant for domestic abuse. I went and did it as a defensive measure but I now regret the warrant because I do not want to hurt my wife. so while I went back to try and reverse the warrant they tell me to wait and they arrested me for violating the order. (I had sent a message to her on facebook before I was served). Now I am sitting her with all of these pending legal actions and all I can think about is if I can save my marriage. Am I foolish to think that if I could only sit and talk with my wife that I could fix all of this? I have realized the faults in myself and I am actively trying to change. At this point the things that she have done to wrong seem meaningless to me. Even with all of this going on is there any hope that I can get my wife to give our marriage another chance? We have had fights before but once I sat down with my wife and talked to her, I was always able to fix it. I just dont know what to do. I dont think I can ever give up on my family. I know exactly what I have to do to be a better husband and father and I will do anything to save my family |
Question: Is my wife a biromantic heterosexual? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 01:58 PM PDT We married in January and have a good marriage so far. She's in her mid-20s. I'm in my early-30s. She came from a conservative background. Her sexuality was completely suppressed until we met. She'd never been in a relationship, kissed a man, experimented with her body, overtly masturbated, watched porn... nothin'. In high school she'd get very wet and couldn't understand what was going on or why. Again, her sexuality was completely suppressed. During our conversations, however, it has become clear she was in an implicit same-sex relationship with her best friend in high school. It was never acknowledged overtly, but there was mutual romantic love there. She recalls one time when they were cuddling and she very nearly initiated a kiss, but it never went anywhere. Now she's wrestling with her sexual identity. She finally shared with me that she thinks she might be bisexual. But when I've gently explored it she expresses no sexual desire for women whatsoever--just talking, cuddling, and kissing. So, I'm wondering, is my wife a biromantic heterosexual? Or is it more plausible she does have sexual attraction as well but is suppressing it? Or has she never had such an experience or watched porn so she doesn't even know how to fantasize about it? I'm trying to understand. Of course, then comes the huge question. What to do about it? Dunno. I want to be loving, encouraging, supportive, and understanding toward my bride. I'm just confused and uncertain about what to say or do. |
Question: Should I castrate my ex husband? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 01:45 PM PDT I got married awhile back and my husband is apparently the most potent man on the face of the earth. We only had sex maybe 6 times and I got pregnant twice. We have two girls. Then after the 2nd one was born he didn't want to talk about protection and I decided to get on the pill since he was too lazy to get fixed but it solved other issues except our sex life as he decided to go out to a bar and knock up a waitress the one time they had sex and supposedly she was on the pill like I am. I divorced him and he had a son by that woman. They broke up then he immediately got remarried to his realtor when he bought his house and right after the sale he did it in the empty house and got her pregnant. That was a daughter. Then they were going through a tough time and my ex sister in law calls me and it turns out my husband slept with his sister and got pregnant. She decided to have the baby and is a little retarded boy. Now he won't pay any child support or talk to me. I can't afford a lawyer but I want to castrate my husband. We can't afford to get someone else knocked up. |
Question: Can a person remarry his/her spouse? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 01:22 PM PDT Say for example if a young couple wanted to get married but couldn t afford a "traditional" wedding in a curch so they get married in a court room. A few years later they have enough money to throw a "traditional" wedding and invited all their family and friends. Can they still do so? |
Question: What if a husband leaves his wife for no reason? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 01:00 PM PDT The husband is a US citizen. He and his family liked a girl back home, where he is originally from (he moved to US several years ago), then went back and got engaged, then came back to US, stayed in touch with his then fiancee, went back again after about 6 months and got married. Stayed in touch. Immigration process took about a year and half before wife finally got visa. Lived together for a year in US before going back home for a vacation with wife. However, 2nd day of the vacation, the husband disappeared. He actually left his wife there, took a flight back to US. Asked his brother to informed his wife that he no longer wish to be her husband because she is not "compatible" to him. The wife attempted a suicide but survived. Wife does not want divorce. But husband said he is under any circumstances not going to accept her wife. What legal action can be taken against this husband? |
Question: How Do I deal with living with soon to be Ex-husband in same home? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 12:56 PM PDT I would like feedback on my situation. Been married many years and husband & I have gone back and forth. Now he tells me he has been done with me yet he took me out last week to celebrate wedding anniversary. Now suddenly he says he just took me out to be "cool" and can we be friends? But don't forget to get a job quick & leave or he is leaving. He defriended me on Facebook and the way he is doing this makes me not want to be friends. He brought up old stuff & said he tried to forgive but he can't. I feel like he just played with my head and now that he has everything financially he does not care. What's worse is how he is carrying on all happy and asking me why am I sad? Then he asks if I want to do this or that & I'm just repelled. What do I do? This is so weird! |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 12:17 PM PDT |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 11:53 AM PDT Maslow was a brilliant man. I'm not going to be able to share with you his pyramid but at the bottom I'll give you a youtube video that explains it. Here's why marriage is a NEED and not a WANT: While human needs are air, water, shelter, food, sex, sleep, excretion, and homeostatis; these are JUST our needs to NOT DIE. Doing just these things would not satisfy a human, it just keeps them from DYING. In other words, it satisfies the reptile/primal brain NEEDS. Our 2nd brain, the emotional brain, will have a wide range of emotional needs too. Without these needs being met, we will fall into depression, anxiety, and may even be driven to do things that harm us or others. These NEEDS would be stuff like safety, belonging, livelihood, intimacy, property, status, power. But these NEEDS don't kill us if we don't get it, it just makes us depressed and neurotic. Marriage fits as one of these NEEDS. That's why you NEED a man (or woman). The 3rd brain, our neo cortex, have needs too. It NEEDS self esteem, confidence, achievement, respect, facts, creativity, morality, lack of prejudice/judgement, problem solving, etc. These things aren't going to KILL us if we don't get it, but it feels great and helps us become the REAL us. So why is it so hard for people to understand the necessity of Marriage? Have they really gone without for so long that they forgot that these ARE needs? I see this an issue with poor families, not middle class ones. |
Question: If two men can marry, on what basis can marriage be denied to two brothers? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 11:34 AM PDT |
Question: Why does wife think it's not her job to clean the house? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 11:31 AM PDT |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 11:21 AM PDT There are no winners in marriage; only sacrifices, compromises, favors, entitlements, and obstructions. Okay, I guess entitlements are kind of winning, but you really have to fight for those things. But having a winner's mentality only creates power struggles and/or a NEED for politics/boundaries in your marriage; which is just poison at its darkest roots. People on this page can't tell mockery or satire. |
Question: Has your marriage ever suffered a major crisis- but survived? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 10:46 AM PDT Major issue with my wife and me involving family but I'm optimistic we can overcome it and be closer then ever. My mother and wife had a big fight and are finished with each other until further notice- at least my mom is in Florida and we are in NY!!!! Last week my wife was ready to leave me over this blaming me for me mothers actions. She seems to have forgiven me. |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 10:36 AM PDT Her neice is 22 and I'm 32 my wife being 33 she invited her to spend the summer with us all she wears around the house is yoga booty shorts and tube tops I'm pretty sure she has been flirting with me too I work a lot at home and she will lean over to see what I'm doing on my laptop and we had a movie night she sat in my lap I flirt too like when she bends. Over and I have to get by I grab her hips touch her thigh under the table and such what else can I do the help make a move she's my wife's half brothers step daughter we get along a lot because of common interest there is no blood relation between us so don't call me the creepy uncle |
Question: Why do people act suprised when they get engaged? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 09:45 AM PDT Don't you normally go ring shopping, discuss being engaged etc. shouldn't it come as no surprise when he pops the question? Just curious |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 09:01 AM PDT world? Why cant they accept that just like marriage, divorce is normal too? |
Question: Once my spouse leaves how do I get back to home state? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 08:52 AM PDT |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 08:50 AM PDT No one does anything without a need. Even "wants" are actually hidden needs. No one gets married unless they NEED something the other person is providing. That's why people divorce, because whatever NEED that person satisfied is no longer NEEDED. Otherwise, why would you divorce? Even abuse can be overlooked if you are still getting something you NEED from the other person. Let's face it, feminism is just an excuse to form a man hating group. This is not a woman's rights movement, it's just "payback" for cultural trauma towards women. It is a sisterhood of misandry. |
Question: Sooo bored of sex with husband? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 08:41 AM PDT My husband and I have been together for about 7 years. I have suggested several things to spice up our sex routine from bringing in another man or woman, lingerie, name it, Ive suggested it, and tried the few things he's agreed to. Unfortunately, my husband agrees to try( no extra people) but there is never any follow through. Ive taken charge so many times, Im extremely tired of it. I want him to dominate for once without me having to prompt him. I cant even orgasm anymore, Im bored beyond belief. I want to cheat, but I know its wrong. What should I do? |
Question: How to identify your husband? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 08:18 AM PDT |
Question: My husband never wants to do anything? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:57 AM PDT I'm a very outdoorsy person, I like roadtrips and going to parks and spending time outside. My husband has always told me he enjoys it also but every time I want to go somewhere, he seems to be against it. He always has an excuse to not go, either it's too far, or he doesn't feel well or he's too tired.. I always end up spending my day at home watching tv because as much as I want to go out and have a nice time, I also want to spend time with him. Any tips on getting him out more or just managing time so that I can do both? |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:52 AM PDT |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:51 AM PDT This is not about my marriage, this is a question about the progressive movement. Why do you women lie to yourselves by saying you don't "need a man" when everyone knows that only a person who "needs a man" gets married TO A MAN! If you didn't "need a man" then why did you even get married TO A MAN? Why not stay single or prove to the world you "need a woman"? Based on progressive's logic - Marriage is not a necessary part of life and people can "go their own way" and still be happy without being partnered. So just based on this logic, if you "didn't need a man" why the hell did you find a man and get married? For those who pretend that a "want" isn't a "need". If you didn't NEED a husband, why did you GET a husband? I "want" a million dollars, but because I don't NEED a million dollars, I settle for my meager salary with my employer instead of the pursuit of wealth. |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 07:28 AM PDT |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 05:37 AM PDT |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 04:59 AM PDT Seems to me that bad men is a personal taste problem, not a problem with ALL men. So why would a misandrist give bad advice to a person who loves men? Can't they see that the person who really needs advice/therapy is the misandrist? |
Question: Which one is more important for a male in a marriage, kids or sex? Posted: 06 Jun 2016 02:04 AM PDT |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 01:18 AM PDT Soon they'll be moving in with me and we'll be in the same bed every night. I don't want them to think I want sex necessarily. |
Posted: 06 Jun 2016 12:11 AM PDT We are financially sound. He wants to spend his money in educating the already existing generations of the world. He wants to sponsor students for higher education and that's why doesn't want kids of his own. I have agreed to his decision but then he doesn't trust me on this and thinks that I will force him into procreation after the wedding. He wants both of us to go for permanent fertility destroying medication. He is a logical thinker and always have a plan for every single step he takes in his life whereas I am mostly ruled by my emotions which makes him think that I will convince him emotionally after the wedding. We are deeply in love with each other but still he wants some kind of assurity. P.S: He is a virgo and I am a cancer-ian. |
Posted: 05 Jun 2016 11:49 PM PDT |
Question: Was your husband scared to kids at first? Posted: 05 Jun 2016 10:24 PM PDT My husband is afraid to have children. He's afraid financial, etc. Yet he's not afraid to by musical instrument for himself. We love each other a lot. He so scared to have kids. |
Question: Married,but separated and baby on the way. Does he have any rights? Posted: 05 Jun 2016 10:13 PM PDT So my ex husband and I separated when I was a month pregnant. We didn't end on good terms at all. He cheated on me with a ex and she is also married. I tried to fix things and I told him I would forgive him but we would have to work on our relationship because we have a baby on the way. He didn't want to he is completely in love with this older lady who is married and has 3 kids. Anyways I moved out and I told him about my appointments and he never wanted to go. Finally about 3 weeks ago we went to buy the stroller and car seat he only gave me 60 dollars. I was very upset because this whole time I have bought everything for our son and am still working and due in 3 weeks. He pays 1,200 for child support for his two other kids from another previous marriage and only gave me 60 dollars for our son I couldn't believe it. This person doesn't care for our son and me he has told me many times that we aren't his responsibility and that I needed to move on with my life just like he did. He knows Im due in 3 weeks. In case he calls and wants to see our son do I have to? I just want to move on with my life and enjoy being a mother!! I figure this whole time he doesn't want anything to do with my son so Im just planning of not even answering if he ever does call. I file for a divorce months ago so unless he files for some kind of custody technically he won't have any rights? My son will not have his last name and I will not put him on the birth certificate. |
Question: I m in a delemia and need advice? Posted: 05 Jun 2016 10:03 PM PDT I want to have children and my husband is on the fence about it. He s afraid, doesn t like the area we live in and is scared to make the plung. He loves me a lot and I really love him. He wants me to finish school to be a teacher. I need to take a bunch of test and do the crediential program. We have been married 4 years. The first year of marriage we were fixing up our place. Then I started studying. I take forever to study due to my learning disability. I m having hard time trying to finish my goal. I want kids too and I also don t want to wait. I m going to be 37. I m scared that my husband won t ever want kids. What should I do? Have you ever been in a pickle like this? |
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