Question: It seems like everyone is dating but me and having kids but me? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:58 PM PST Please tell me the truth and no lies. |
Question: Im the man right? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:58 PM PST |
Question: Why she keep liking my tinder profile ? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:56 PM PST This girl kept liking my tinder profile after I kept deleting it because of phone issues Every time I make a new account, I be getting a notification that says that this girl liked it |
Question: What Are His Intentions With Me? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:50 PM PST Is my ex done with me or not? He's still been contacting some but not as often lately. I saw him drive by my place several times this morning then texting me. This was after not contacting me for a couple days. His friend who had just gotten married contacted me and told me. I was told by my ex not to talk to his friend until he got married. As soon as his friend got married he called me. He said he wanted me to work with him on a future project. He hasn't mentioned anything about it recently. But did tell me he wanted me at the next meeting. I told him recently that I wanted to work with him on future projects and that I liked him. He said he wanted me to work with him also. But he did not say he liked me. I have been trying to work on myself a lot lately since my breakup with him. Guys have noticed it and have been asking me out. He even said right after the breakup he didn't mind if I saw other guys. After what I said about still liking him if I saw other guys and he found out would it cause a problem with my relationship with him-even on a friendship level? Why has he been contacting me less lately? But still keeping tabs on me? I don't understand what his intentions are or where he is coming from. I don't know if he is still interested in me or not. I feel he sends mixed messages. |
Question: She only charged me $10, but she charged Matt $20. What does this mean? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:49 PM PST |
Question: Why didn’t he text me after this?!? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:43 PM PST My ex broke up with me 3 months ago and Ik that's a long time not ever since then we've been in on and off contact. I know people say that if someone is your soulmate then you always stay together but people break up and get back all the time. He is my first boyfriend but I'm so connected to him and I literally still feel sick that I know I can't talk to him or have him anymore After we broke up I told him I missed him and he told me too and after Thanksgiving we were talking and he found out I got a car and asked to hangout but then a week later told me he didn't really wanna go back to the relationship but wanted to have sex. Which he brought up a lot. Sometimes we'll still have deep conversations and talk like we never broke up and I feel so happy when we talk. He was such a good boyfriend and would drive almost 2 hours to see me and now I wish I could've appreciated him more and it just hurts. I'm so connected to this guy and it's so hard to get over him, what should I do? Should I wait a few months then text him? I already text him so much to begin with and he always answers and is open to conversation. Today is New Years and I'm trying to be strong and wait until the clock strikes 12 so I can leave it all behind for good but I posted a selfie and a video today and he saw and didn't say anything. I don't get if he's not interested in me or my life anymore then why is he looking at what I post? |
Question: Why did this girl heart my message on Instagram ? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:39 PM PST So I followed this girl then she followed me back and liked 2 of my recent pics I posted on ig then I messaged her saying thanks for showing my page love and support. She just heart the message |
Question: Why won't girls date me at all when I have a high IQ, have important positions in school, and am generally a popular guy? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:31 PM PST |
Question: I’m mid 20 he’s early 30s. We’ve been dating a month and he wants to meet each other’s family. What does it mean ? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:27 PM PST |
Question: How long did you date before getting engaged ? Was it long enough ? why/why not ? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:26 PM PST |
Question: How can I get my straight married neighbor to play or jerk off together? ? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:25 PM PST I made a post early tonight about trying to get with my married neighbor. A lot of people were saying don't do it and don't be a home recker. I understand but I really think he's sexy and I wanna try to maybe jerk off with him or maybe more. I know one time I was talking to him and his wife and I was having a serious convo with his wife and he told me to come near him, and he need to show him something and I looked at his phone and it was a picture and a naked woman and I looked him like why would he show me that maybe he was joking around but like idk I need advice to try to get with him |
Question: I asked my crush to stop messing with me and now he's acting protective? Or at least I think? Help? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:21 PM PST Asked him to stop messing with me because I have deep rooted issues with bullies (which I'm getting help for atm) and I was afraid that he wouldn't flirt anymore but like, now he's being strangely protective? I have an injury in which I can't do much work and pretty much all day I felt like he was keeping an eye on me when before, he didn't even do any of that. He used to be snarky and didn't help me with anything but now he's keeping an eye on me as if to make sure I'm okay? Any move I made or anytime he crossed my path (which I also feel like he was doing on purpose) , he always looked at me, even though I was sat down due to my injury. Is it something he held back before or is it new? He's never been like this til now. Note: if you're all gonna say he likes me, i already know this. I just don't know why he's showing this side now and didn't before. He used to act like if I got hit by a bus, he'd laugh instead of help. |
Question: How to tell a bbw you are not interested without hurting her? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:04 PM PST Currently dating and I get a lot of bbw women that express interest in me. I am an normal size guy looking for a normal size girl. I am not attracted to bbw at all. I was married previously to a bbw and it did not end well and I do not want to make the same mistake again bc it hurt both of us. So how do I express not being interested in a bbw romantically the nicest way possible being a gentleman? |
Question: What's the best way to do white on white dating? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:03 PM PST After such a bad childhood, I need a partner. And it won't help if she's not white. Where do I find one? |
Question: She isnt ready for a relationship right now ? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:54 PM PST I am 90 % sure this girl likes me. She has done alot of things that support why I think this. We both work in store together. She even brought one of her relatives to get thier approval of me. This girl and I just started talking after weeks of dropping hints to each other. So she is really into Starwars and puzzles. So on saturday I bought a starwars puzzle and asked if her she wanted to help me put it together. I was hoping to use it as an oppotunity to sit down and talk with her. She is really busy since her family just bought the house and they are doing the renovations themselves. So I told her on tuesday when I come into to work to have a date so we can schedule to put the puzzle. Everything seemed good then when I left she had a really big smile on her face. So today when I came into work she was acting different. I asked her for the date we would out the puzzle together and she said mid january becuase of the renovations. Then she asked me what we would be going as ? I said friends what else would it be. Then she said im not really into the whole relationship thing right now. Which confused becuase me we just started talking. I think maybe she thinks im trying to rush things or maybe she considers the puzzle thing as a date. In my mind it was just 2 people hanging out talking and getting to know each other. It seemed like she was questioning everything and she was acting different. |
Question: Why do some people say cleanliness is overrated? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:42 PM PST |
Question: Do a girl I know is interested in me? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:35 PM PST I know this girl and we work at the same place I was only employed for a while and she just outta the blue started talking to me lately she asked about certain questions about stuff and we had a nice long convo about are upbringing and personal stuff and in the past 2 days I started-to wonder if she likes me and what certain steps I need to take to make it work she always says hi to me first |
Question: Can I date my ex's sister even though the family in her think it's weird that where friends? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:30 PM PST |
Question: If you fall going up icy stairs, do you fall forward or backwards? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:28 PM PST |
Question: What do I about my fwb situation ? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:24 PM PST So I just started talking to this girl and I spent 3 days with her , I really like her and she likes me we both like spending time together. The thing is though right now she only wants to be with friends with benefits , she doesn't want an actual relationship right now, I get attached easily to people often so I get jealous when she texts other people cause I do want a relationship with her, I dont want to end up getting heartbroken, but I also really dont want her doing this with somebody else and I just really like spending time with her and I dont want to lose that. Any advice on what I should do. Thank you |
Question: It is impossible for an ugly person is with mental problems just like I got a girlfriend? Am I an incel? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:10 PM PST |
Question: Do women like to be told they a have a nice cameltoe? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:09 PM PST |
Question: As a guy, is it normal to fall deeply in love with a girl where you accidentally forget to pull out during sex? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:08 PM PST I couldn't help it and I have a pregnancy scare right now. is this normal when you love a girl so much?? |
Question: What can a forty year old single male do on new year's Eve? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:06 PM PST |
Question: Was I too harsh? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:03 PM PST So i confronted my bf of 5 months, and I said, "look, if you don't like me or want me around anymore, then say so, but I don't like being played or ghosted. That's really rude." Was I too harsh? He replied back and he had a gentle tone, so I know he wasn't mad |
Question: Do 'nice guys', 'finish last'? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:59 PM PST |
Question: My boyfriend pinches me and puts me in choke holds and calls it playful.? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:57 PM PST He leaves bruises on my arms. Yes I have talked to him about it and I told him it hurts but he continues doing it and I strongly dislike it. I hate going to work and people look down on my arms and think I'm in an abusive relationship. How do I get him to stop? I have cried before and I told him it hurts but he doesn't stop and will never listen to me. |
Question: How do I face this fear? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:56 PM PST When I like a guy and he begins to talk to me, I distance myself because I feel he may be interested. I began to be rude and ignored them even when they continue to try. I've always been this way. I thought I grew out of by now (I'm 26). Usually, I try to find something wrong with the guys I like by focusing on their mistakes to get me to stop liking them. Eventually, they leave me alone and that's when I get sad because I know I mess things up. I pushed them away. I'm left wondering what it could have been? Sometimes, I do try to fix things. I start to talk to them again but it's too late because they are dating or like someone new. Although, they'll continue to seek me for friendship. I on the other hand see it's too late and out of respect to their girlfriends, I step away. Recently, I pushed a new guy away. This guy even when as far as to tell me "Come on! (insert my name), I am really trying here". He tried to grab my hand and even asked me to shake his. I just walked away. Now there is another girl that is throwing herself at him. She just wants sex. I heard rumors he was like this too. However, another friend of his said this was not the case (his friend and I are friends). His friend told me that although the guy felt attracted to this girl sexually, he did not want to be another of her conquest. He wanted something serious. I caught him looking at me yesterday but we are currently not talking. What can I do now? Am I too late again or is he not right for me? |
Question: Relationships/sexual advice? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:51 PM PST im 19, hes 21. Dating for almost a year and we've only had sex twice (and it didn't last long.) I really want more out of the relationship but neither of us really make the first move. I get nervous and I can tell he's a bit nervous judging by how he has explained his past relationships (he won't tell me specifics but he's said emotionally its been a lot.) I just want to know how to be more flirty, cute, and specifically more confident and forward about what I want from him sexually. I'm not one to make moves, but I want to hear advice on how I can start being more engaging without going too far or freaking him out lol. I also get super nervous (ust because I don't want to mess up. and its weird because in my last relationship I was never this way and we used to be very sexually active. anyways, thats besides the point. thanks. |
Question: 2020: What will you do different ? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:50 PM PST |
Question: I have some ideas for a new american flag, what do you think? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:40 PM PST |
Question: Let it go? Or not? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:38 PM PST My fiancé and I work together. He works a different department than me. Anyway, we were coming back from break and this female who works in his department was folding clothes and he walks by her and jokingly swipes his hand across her back. I was a few steps behind him and seen him do it. He's a touchy feely person and also goofy to a lot of people, even me and even before we got together. Should I be worried about him doing that or let it go? I trust him and I know he wouldn't hurt me. He's been cheated on before so I don't think he would cheat on me. Any advice? |
Question: What makes girls open to hanging out with a guy like this? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:33 PM PST Say if a guy walks up to a small group of girls at a bar or something, and he tells them he's there alone, and they invite him to hangout with them. What makes girls want to hangout with a guy like that? What could a couple reasons be? |
Question: Is it abnormal to text a 35 year old women saying xoxoxo and muah ��.? Shouldn’t there be some sort of a mature conversation? ? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:33 PM PST I am 35 years old and when a man I am dating text xoxo And muah 💋 it kinda makes me wonder if he's used to dating 18 year olds or what ? |
Question: What would you do if your boyfriend said this to you? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:32 PM PST So my boyfriend and I had a fight a few days ago. He basically overreacted on a thing and then apologized but I'm still angry. Then he left a message saying that today is the anniversary of his brother's death in Iraq,which is true and he can't stop crying today about it and that he feels terrible about having overreacted the other day and he said that even though he knows that maybe I'm still mad he still asked me if I can call him. What would you do if something similar happened to you? Would you call him if you were still angry with him? |
Question: What does my dream mean? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:29 PM PST I went with my guy friend to go get his car.When we got to the house we were meant to go i got out and it was pouring down with rain.We went inside and i went over to him and showed him how wet and cold i was from the rain.He pulled me in for a hug and It felt so good.He instantly warmed me up but in a great way.I pulled away and looked up at him and we were about to kiss when I stopped it.I instantly said "we can't do this" and walked ovet to other ppl at the house (We were at a party).I regretted not kissing him.He went to the bathroom and i went after him.When he came out i put my arms around him and leaned in.We were so close to kissing again but he pulled away and said "no,We can't do this".I felt humiliated and went to sit outside.And i ended up waking up.I really wanted the dream to continue but I couldn't fall back asleep.Do you know what this means..Im really confused. |
Question: Why does my female friend finger herself every time she watches me take a shower? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:18 PM PST Every time I undress and take a shower in front her. She always sits off to the side and fingers herself while watching me. Why? |
Question: Am see things that are not ther good thing am see a doctor soon? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:16 PM PST |
Question: Is my boss being nosy ? ? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:13 PM PST I worked for this male boss for two years I left he got cold , he wasn't happy but he would view my stories a lot in the weirdest patterns. Into about 8months when he found out I was engaged , I made a story on a Wednesday but he never saw the story I deleted it the same day I made it , he's sick and away from work he messaged me on a Friday I'm guessing someone from work told him and messaged him it was a Friday night : he said: hi Maria I heard you got engaged..congratulations I said : hey john thank you how r u, he said : I'm okay..when did you get engaged recently?i said: yes recently few days ago he said: you must be so happy how did he purpose I said: at an event he said : oh wow nice he said : when r u getting married and I said next year he's like that's good good for you he also said that's one big *** ring he asked why I deleted it and said makes sense after |
Question: Why would my boyfriend tell this girl that he’s single and give her his number? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:03 PM PST My friend saw it happen. Does he want that girl?? |
Question: How many hand grenades does it take to blow up a tank? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:02 PM PST |
Question: Does the new year mean anything to you anymore? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:40 PM PST |
Question: Is it ever ok for my cousin to beat me up because I DITCHED him to hang with my girlfriend on new years eve? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:36 PM PST |
Question: Describe what this girl would be like in words? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:36 PM PST |
Question: Was this a somewhat cold new years text or am I overthinking it? ? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:33 PM PST I have been talking to a girl the past weeks almost everyday, and lately we fairly flirt. We both look interested but I don't want to get too excited. We didn't speak yesterday at all for some reason. So today 15 mins after it turned 12:00 she wished me happy new year and said "Happy New year, wish u all the best 🥰" Was this a somewhat 'cold' text or am I overthinking it? Like, did it show lack of interest? (too short maybe etc) |
Question: Is it bad that I'm jealous of my girlfriend's friends? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:31 PM PST My girlfriend, who I've been dating for a few months, hangs out with friends on online games often. I want to hang out with her and play games with her as well. I get very angry, when I try to hang out with her and her friends and she straight up leaves. It's annoying how she really doesn't ever want to hang out with me. I'm extremely jealous of her friends because they hang out so much. Is that so wrong? |
Question: Why people like to ***? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:27 PM PST |
Question: Can you tell when a guy only wants to be your friend? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:24 PM PST I know this guy from uni. Campus is huge so it's hard to see one another. I am confused by his interactions with me, I'll try to summarize them: - I see him at least once a week, he always goes "Hi (my_name)" sometimes followed by "How are you?", but we're always going on opposite directions so that's pretty much it. Sometimes I am with friends and they tell me he was smiling, but I'm always looking down so not sure if they're only teasing me haha. - The only time we weren't going to opposite sides of campus he came out of nowhere to talk, ask some stuff (you know, the type of conversation you have when you don't really know the person) - One time I was sitting alone and he was with some friends, I decided not to bother him, but was somewhat expecting him to come and say something, but he just left. I was like "Okay I guess..." I only noticed this guy like, some weeks ago. He seems really nice. I'm not even sure if I have a crush or not. Honestly I just want to hear an opinion from someone who isn't my friend. |
Question: I'm 17 and there's a guy at school that I like. I want to DM him. Guys: How would you feel about receiving this DM from a girl? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:13 PM PST "Hi there :) I'm not exactly sure how to word this lol. But I've seen ya around and I wouldn't mind getting to know you better. I think it would be pretty cool if we went out sometime. What do you think?" Should I change anything? |
Question: Is Sofia Richie more attractive than Kourtney Kardaahian? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:07 PM PST |
Question: I like a friend but she talks to somebody else. Help? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:01 PM PST So one day I was extremely down and a classmate offered to talk if I needed somebody to talk. Seeing as she was somebody I didn't know that well I honestly didn't feel too weird to talk about some of my personal issues. This was the day before a long winter break and I was also fully aware that she had somebody before I talked to her... I'm not too sure how but we clicked quite well and I caught feelings for her Bc I guess I felt some sort of connection. Despite her not being the type I usually go for. I told her how I felt through the phone however she didn't seem to mind. As the month went on I felt like we got really close and we would tell each other about our personal issues and text almost everyday for hours until she fell asleep. I personally feel bad when she mentions his name, she talks about how he doesn't necessarily text back quite often an how it takes him a few hours to catch back to the guys busy life. And how he's supposedly worried that she's getting overly attached.. As the month went by my feelings for her grew however, I couldn't help but want her around because she was such a good friend. I care for her so much, even things were to end with the guy I would just feel bad and make sure she's ok. I feel bad that I'm even telling her how I feel even when she's in a relationship. She tells me she doesn't want me to feel like she's taking advantage of me and that she would've been interested if she was single. She such a good friend an I'd hate to lose her. |
Question: Im still in love with my wife but shes seeing someone else. Can I really get her back? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:00 PM PST Our breakup seemed like a long time coming, I did not treat my wife right at all, possessive, a bit controlling, anger outbursts, and i didnt put her needs before my own. Theres more to it, but I know I messed up. We both realized that I was the problem, Im going go therapy. The problem im facing is that, she left me for someone else. She was talking to him before she dumped me. Now theyre in a "relationship"(both me and the other guy are deployed, she cant and hasnt been intimate with him). When we broke up, she said we might have a chance to work it out again but only bc we had to live together after my deployment, shes since changed her mind. She still tells me she loves me, she still uses her affectionate nickname for me. Weve talked pretty much everyday since the breakup. I even tried to cut ties completely, she said i was being dramatic bc we were best friends before. Shes talked to me about the other guy, she seems to have a lot of doubts. She even said that she hope she never loves again bc of how much shes been hurt, not just by me. She vents to me. Shes been changing her mind about things with the other guy a lot. They plan on moving in together once he gets back him his deployment. Its funny bc she still diesnt want a divorce just yet. Theyve even talked about kids. Its funny, she says hes great but then, "f** him, im doing x or y". I just want to know if I even have a chance to get back with her once ive healed from therapy. I love her deeply. |
Question: ARE MEN REALLY BAD AT COMMUNICATING OR DO WOMEN JUST NOT LISTEN ? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 03:58 PM PST ME: I've been given a new assignment at work effective tomorrow. HER: aww that sucks I really wanted to see you tonight ME: I still want to come. HER: It's Ok, I understand, we can see each other on the weekend. You should stay and prepare yourself for work tomorrow. end of conversation. 6hrs later HER: I can't believe you didn't come, I went and cooked for you thinking you were coming...why didn't you call you say you cancelled !! ME: >confused< but we discussed this earlier...of course I want to come but I am preparing myself for my new assignment tomorrow. You yourself said I should stay and prepare. |
Question: What is a massive ****? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 03:57 PM PST (cu*t) |
Question: Are there any american girl around here interested in marrying me? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 03:49 PM PST |
Question: Why when a guy gets **** in the *** he cums from his dick ? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 03:47 PM PST |
Question: I was wondering is there any nice girls on here that would like to chat with me? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 03:46 PM PST |
Question: Repost: I caught her in a lie (I want more opinions)? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 03:42 PM PST Background: This girl and I started dating each other a little over a month ago and we agreed that the relationship would be a more easy-laid back one, but I clearly still show a bunch of affection. Situation: I asked what she was doing for new years eve, and she replied working in the evening, so a friend of mine wanted me to go with him to surprise her at work. However when we got there, the place was closed and when I looked online, it said it was closed all day. Question: I don t know how I feel since I did agree to a laid back relationship, but I have a strong distaste for liars since I have had a history with girls who have cheated on me and I have told her I have a strong distaste for liars.Let it be known I don t care that she didn t want to spend new years with me since she and I had a date planned for new years day at a restaurant, it the fact she lied about what she was doing and it has been barely a month. What should my next move be? By easy/laid back, I mean we weren't going to like every couple when they start dating and spending every waking moment together, we would have our own lives and we would just make time to see each other every so often (since we go to different colleges) and we would be respectfully to our friends making sure they never felt like they were 3rd wheeling. I did not mean being in an open relationship with seeing other people. I most definitely make sure exclusivity was mentioned when talked it. I appreciate those answered before, but I feel like I need more opinions before I know for sure what I would like to do. |
Question: Would you leave your ex gf crying?? We were just hugging yesterday!? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 03:38 PM PST I was crying and devastated coz we are ending the relationship, but he wants to stay with his friend who's at his home.. I left him for a while, called again after an hour and half, and he still wants to go. I imagining stuff that he never cared about me?? Would any one do that to someone he cares about..I just wanted to hear his voice.. Was hanging out by myself crying at our favourite place, while he was having dinner , watching a movie.. watching a match for hours.. What do you think |
Question: How long into dating do you guys consider it a relationship? Posted: 31 Dec 2019 03:32 PM PST This is a curiosity question. |