Question: Marriage by the justice of the peace? Posted: 31 May 2016 08:55 PM PDT I live in Bucks County Pennsylvania and My fiance and I want to be married in the court by the justice of the peace. Who do I contact about this? Do we need an appointment or do we just show up wiht our marriage licences? Any and all information would be very much appreicated because we are trying to do this before June 13th 2016(...13 days away...) Thank you! |
Question: Help! Emotionally torn and don't know what to do!? Posted: 31 May 2016 08:50 PM PDT I'm going to pour my heart out. I have a wife and a 3 year old son. However, I am a military man and stationed somewhere while my wife moved out 1.5 years ago to live with her parents and doesn't want to move back. She also lost all of her compassion from when we were engaged. It's a little her fault but a little mine (no, I haven't cheated on her). I'd have left her a while ago if not for the concern of our son. Recently, she declared that we should make it an open marriage. Soon after that, I met this amazing woman from an adult website thinking to form a purely physical relationship. But after a dinner date and a whole lot of chemistry out of the bedroom (in addition to in the bedroom) I realized that she might be much better for me than my wife. She is intelligent, educated, compassionate and understanding. This new woman doesn't know I'm married and never asked. But it seems obvious that she agrees our chemistry is incredible. If she also might want to have a real relationship with me, what do I do? I suppose I'd have to tell her I'm married with a kid. And being with the new woman would entail a messy divorce and not seeing my kid as much. Would I be making a mistake? |
Question: I m 19 years old and she is 21 years old we both want to marry eachother what should Ido toconvince my parents as I'll join family business? Posted: 31 May 2016 08:44 PM PDT |
Question: How long do you think it will last? Posted: 31 May 2016 08:25 PM PDT So my wife of 10 years left me and the kids to move in with a guy who moved here from another state about a year ago and he has no friends or family and she has burnt all her bridges between me and her family. So, they both have no one and is the real reason why they came to be couple. It was convenient for both of them to end up together because he was lonely and my wife needed somewhere to go since I kicked her out for cheating on me. The big problem is that her and this guy lives 4 houses down and it is really painful to see my wife of 10 years with another man. I am curious if this will be something that will last very long. |
Question: My husband is an addict I don't know where to send him? Posted: 31 May 2016 08:21 PM PDT So he was abused as a child emotionally and physically by his father and I don't know how to help him. He has nervous shakes, night terrors, and he barely ever has time to work on his job. His boss is a good friend from church and he is trying to work with him but I fear that he will lose his job soon. I was forced to explain to his boss when he fell and hit his head and got a severe concussion. He then had to go to the hospital because he was mixing pain pills with alcohol and its just been a roller coaster. He is 23 and I am 21 we've been married for two years but I just don't know what to do. I love him but he has really pushed me I've already talked to the Bishop at our ward as well as his family about it but I just can't come up with what to say to the man I married for all the pain he has caused me... He just drinks and drinks and I need to know what to tell him so that I can have the man I fell in love with back. So I packed up my bags and told him I was going to my parents for a week to reevaluate things.... As I was walking out the door he started to cry and said don't leave I don't want to be alone....he then said that he'd get help but he doesn't want to go to a rehab facility for his drug and alcoholism. While I held him I couldn't help but think how overwhelmed I am... Should he go to a group or does he need to go to a clinic? |
Question: My friend is not making sense to me? Posted: 31 May 2016 08:03 PM PDT My Husband and I only one neighbor where we live. We moved in shortly after Laura had Krista who is going to be 8 years old soon. They also have a baby not yet a year old. I am not bothered by this but a friend of ours who was visitng with her son says we should set some "ground rules". Krista got a spanking on Saturday outside in the paito room cause the baby was sleeping in the house. My friend got upset when she seen Derek sititng with his daughter flat over his lap. . It was a spanking just like what would be done in the house (yeah in private). Our friend is worried about her Son had seen Krista whtie satin panty cause she was half naked. What the heck I know!! She was not half naked but did only had her skirt off so Dad was giving her a spanking in her panty. It was not done hard with the hand but lasted .a minute or two of spanks. Do you feel that being we are very close with them that it is silly to discuss this matter? |
Question: I messed up, how do I get my wife back? Posted: 31 May 2016 07:58 PM PDT I love my wife. Let me say that first, she and I have been married for a year and a half. So we live in Provo Utah but I have been dealing with some stuff and so I took up very heavy drinking. When I was drinking I would pass out drunk and wake up hung over the next day, shower brush my teeth use mouth wash and go to classes/work. One night when drinking I fell and hit my head and broke both my legs, I fell down the stairs. Anyway I was given some pain medicine and started taking it with alcohol and was rushed to the ER. I guess the final straw was when my wife tried to take my vodka away and I pushed her....I hate to admit that that happened. I do not like to think about what that does to her. I am experiencing night terrors from being abused as a child, was homeless for four years until a family from my church took me in. I am a damaged man wanting to get help but I don't want to deal with these feelings alone how do I get her back? I need her to be there with me when I go to counseling and I need her to be there when I get back. As you can tell from the question my wife left me and went to stay with her sister at her place. She said I need to think about us. How do I apologize and show I want to get better. |
Question: Me and wife separated working on divorce. If she lied about her first husband and his where about, when me and her got were getting married? Posted: 31 May 2016 07:57 PM PDT |
Question: My wife thinks I am an idiot because I had to rip a sleeve off my sweatshirt after a shart on our nightly walk. Why is she so mad at me? Posted: 31 May 2016 07:49 PM PDT |
Question: How do I use my wife's competitive nature to improve my marriage instead of constantly hurting it? Posted: 31 May 2016 07:45 PM PDT |
Question: How long are you allowed to wait before making a decision on offer in divorce in south dakota? Posted: 31 May 2016 07:45 PM PDT |
Question: How long should i let my married cousin stay with me? Posted: 31 May 2016 07:31 PM PDT Recently my cousin had a fight with her wife so he is staying at my place. While I m happy to hangout with him, I m worried my hospitality delays their reconciliation. I m stuck. Don t know what to do. |
Question: I bought some anti-ageing cream for my wifes face for christmas, whats wrong with her skin? Posted: 31 May 2016 07:24 PM PDT It's been nearly six months and if anything she looks older then back then |
Question: Divorcing but don't want to leave stepchild? Posted: 31 May 2016 07:19 PM PDT I'm 23, he's 29, he has a 6 year old from a previous relationship and I have a 6 year old from a previous relationship, and we have a 3 year old together. My husband is in the military and I couldn't be more upset with his hours,temper, and deployments, and I dont want to do this anymore. I haven't officially started divorce precedings but it's practically over. I took my daughters to Virginia for a week to stay with my boyfriend and his kids, who's honestly more of a father to them than he is. When we got back my stepdaughter cried all day because she thought we were never coming back. That was 2 months ago and Ik really ready to leave and move in with him but I'm not sure I can just leave her. Our 6 year olds grew up together and are best friends, but our marriage is just not working out. Is there any sort of visitation for step kids? I know it's unrealistic. Also when he's deployed I can't imagine who'd she stay with if not me but that'd be extremely awkward, and I doubt my husband would let it happen. Am I thinking too much into this? Or should I just stick around for the kids? Also if anyone could give me any information on "visitation" for stepchildren that would be great. Thanks. |
Question: Ideas on spicing up in the bedroom or in general? Posted: 31 May 2016 07:03 PM PDT My husband and I have been together for 7 years and we have a 5 year old. We soon will have a 2 bedroom in a week and I just want to spice things up in our relationship. There is no issue in our marriage. He is still attracted to me as well as I am with him. But we just always have the same sex positions. And I just want to get some ideas out there men or women what would you like for your partner to do. Give me ideas to spice things up. I'm so excited to have our privacy away from our daughter. He's 25 and I'm 22. And I just want to bring back that fun and excitement. Not even in bed just overall in the marriage. We have no issues again. I just want to add spice and some new things. Thanksâș |
Question: What paperwork is needed to turn in with a petition for dissolution? Posted: 31 May 2016 06:41 PM PDT I have the shared parenting forms, separation agreement, and the petition for dissolution and summons forms but want to make sure I have everything before I turn anything in. I live in Ohio. |
Question: DID MY BOYFRIEND LEAVE ME AFTER I CAUGHT HIM ON A DATING SITE AGAIN HELP? Posted: 31 May 2016 06:03 PM PDT OK Last MONTH something told me to browse around the site meetme to see if my man was on there BAM I see his profile not only the same profile pic he met me in that site with but he was liking all these 18 year olds pics and he's 25 me and him have been dating since dec of 2014 and mind y'all this is the site me and him met on and them little bitches he was thirsting after lived NEAR HIM I questioned him and he told me he deleted the app off his phone but it never deleted his account and he "doesn't know how " to do that But when i confronted him he claimed he "Found out how to delete it and deleted it " THIS WAS LAST MONTH So a few days ago out of curiosity I check meetme again AND I FOUND HIS PROFILE BUT IT WAS PRIVATE THIS TIME SO I COULDNT SEE WTF HE WAS DOING THEN HE CLAIMED THAT I WAS CRAZY FOR CHECKING AGAIN AND THAT HE "DEACTIVED THE ACCOUNT" If that was the case it would be Totally GONE SHOULD I FINALLY LEAVE ? SINCE HES CLEARLY LYING ALSO HE PUT THAT HE'S SINGLE on there and when i cursed him out he told me "goodbye im tired of dealing with your crazy a$$" and that was a few days ago i havent heard from him SINCE DID HE LEAVE ME??? |
Question: Need some good online journal articles on marriage significance change, cohabitation and it's deinstitutionalization.? Posted: 31 May 2016 05:58 PM PDT |
Question: Why would a woman who had unrestricted freedom as a teen marry a man who was sheltered and controlled almost Stockholm syndrome like? Posted: 31 May 2016 05:53 PM PDT Surely she must have thought about how his controller created a lot of lies to keep him from pursuing power or individuality. So why would she want a husband like that? Easy to control? By the way, this is UV. |
Question: Just found out my girlfriend was never divorced, and went back to her husband? Posted: 31 May 2016 05:49 PM PDT She told me she was divorced in July last year. We are both in the Army. I'm a Specialist, she was my Executive Officer. If you don't know this is completely against regulations. But I loved her and she said she loved me. Our relationship was amazing. We spent all of our free time together. Talked on the phone several times a day including before we went to bed. We never argued or anything. Then out of nowhere she came down on orders to go to a new duty station. The same duty station her "ex" husband was at. But she said she didn't even talk to him anymore. She begged me to try and make things work until I get out of the Army in July. She even asked me to marry her in July. As she got to her new duty station things got weird. Literally the second day she was there she said she had to go to the field, on Easter weekend. Then every night she said she had to go into a top secret room were she couldn't have her phone. None of this made since so I looked into it and found out she was still married. I haven't heard a word from her since I found out and she even deleted her only social media she had, Instagram. I know it was because of me seeing that her husband doesn't even have an Instagram. It's like she is trying to forget and erase me. I don't want her back and I don't want revenge. But I need closure. How could she do this to me and then be so cold afterwards? I feel like her husband deserves to know too but I don't think anything good would come out of me telling him. |
Question: When did your parents give you the "talk" about marriage? Posted: 31 May 2016 05:48 PM PDT My mom told me at 25 y/o after my dad died that she wanted me to eventually get married. Then after my phd she gave me the official "talk." She told me it's time you find a husband. |
Question: Divorce and pregnant advice? Posted: 31 May 2016 04:29 PM PDT My friend has being married for 9 years. However she separated from husband 2 yrs after marriage and had 2 children. After 3 years of being separated they came back together and had another child a year ago. Now a month and half ago she told me that he wants a separation again and finally left the house about a month ago. But she just called me and said that she is pregnant again! how do I help her without sounding judgmental. She blames herself for being such an idiot and knows its a mistake. She has her family support and financially ok but its just the part of having 4 four children and alone again. She had implanted that UDI.. for not having babies for 10 yrs but it did not work again. How do I assist her? |
Question: Do you think this is fair and do you think she is right to be upset? Posted: 31 May 2016 04:25 PM PDT A women who has been dating the same guy in a monogamous relationship for over 2 years, had a little too much to drink and was fooling around with another guy. Her bf saw and was very upset, but they patched things up as he accepted she was drunk and her apologies to him. Her bf and her agreed she would tell the guy it was a mistake and they would not see each other again. She was supposed to phone and tell the guy sorry and it was a mistake and they could never see each other like that again. She ended up having a lunch with him to tell him that. The bf was very upset. She didn't think it matter how she told him, but now understands his feelings. She told me her bf wants to spank her! They have engaged in spanking before. So I said, well I think you probably deserve it. She is now upset with me and accuses me of not supporting her. I support her, but she did kinda deceive her bf and they have done this before. So, your thoughts, am I right? Is my friend right? Is the bf right? |
Question: MEN: If you wanted your ex wife back would you tell her u wanted her back even if she ignored you in the past when u contacted her? Posted: 31 May 2016 02:44 PM PDT My ex husband never told me he wanted me back when i left him but he did contact me asking if we were married and thanked me for everything I did and sent me digital pictures of us last year and I never responded. He recently said "he wishes he would of known and felt what he does now back when we were together. He thinks he could of been a more patient and loving partner. That he hopes I am well and still thinks about me often" My ex husband no longer contacts me but he recently told our only mutual friend (priest) this so it kind of confuses me. If your ex wife ignored you in the past would you tell her you wanted her back |
Question: How can you tell when a older man is ready to propose marriage? Posted: 31 May 2016 02:23 PM PDT |
Question: Married Coworker Problems? Posted: 31 May 2016 02:16 PM PDT I have a married coworker who started working with me about a year ago. Working together, you can't help but get to know each other and become friends. We never share anything very personal or ever do anything together aside from business. We are very similar in many ways including our sense of humor so we get along well. He seems like a very honest and good guy so I never even considered his intentions were anything but good. A few coworkers thought he seemed a little too interested in me, but I didn't think so because he has never made any indication of any kind like that. He talks about his family and I've talked to his wife quite a few times and saw her at different events. He recently asked me if I would hang out with him sometime outside of work. I told him I would love to hang out with his family. That I really like his family and think it'd be fun. After that, he's seemed very distant and almost upset with me. Based on his reaction, it would seem he was looking for more than a friendship. That's very upsetting to me because I think he's awesome and I feel like I've lost a good friend. How should I deal with him at work now? Should I avoid him as much as possible? What advice can anyone give me to help me deal with this? Am I being naive to hope that I can still be friends with him? Thanks in advance for your help. |
Question: What if my husband doesnt split our tax refund with me? We are still legally married but seperated we received it in his bank.? Posted: 31 May 2016 01:47 PM PDT |
Question: Why are single/divorced moms so quick to find a replacement husband/father for their kids? Posted: 31 May 2016 01:44 PM PDT Why do divorced and single mothers try to find a man pretty soon to be the replacement husband/father to their children? Do they not realize that the chances of it working out are very slim long term and likely to end in divorce? Don't they realize even when dating you need to kiss a few frogs before you find a prince and most good men will not want to rush into a situation like that and will want to take it slow because of the kids (if they are good men)? Don't you think your kids have been through enough with it not working out with their dad? |
Question: Should i be worried? My wife is only 25 and im 29 but lately she has been deleteing messages and being really secretive with her phone etc.? Posted: 31 May 2016 01:05 PM PDT |
Question: Women what would you be thinking if you found out your friend was marrying an ex? Posted: 31 May 2016 12:56 PM PDT How would you feel if a friend of yours was going to marry a guy you went out with and had a very intimate relationship with 10-11 years ago? Would you be thinking, I made love with him too, now he is all yours for the rest of your a hand-me-down. Or would you be thinking, hmmm your friend is going to be very happy in bed for the rest of her life? |
Question: How often do people find out about people having affairs? Posted: 31 May 2016 11:54 AM PDT Does it depend on how obvious they make it? If the people involved not tell anyone about having an affair, how do you think other people would find out? Are the chances of knowing it very slim or how does it go around? If a person doesn't say anything or "spill the beans" does that mean that people won't find out? |
Question: If you're headed somewhere with your spouse, does the husband typically drive? Posted: 31 May 2016 11:43 AM PDT |
Question: Affair confession? Were you the culprit or victim? Posted: 31 May 2016 11:35 AM PDT |
Question: If I divorce my husband because he wants to open the marriage, he will be left homeless and pennyless? But how can I stay when it's wrong? Posted: 31 May 2016 11:23 AM PDT |
Question: Divorce between parents.. They're trying to dispute my car.? Posted: 31 May 2016 10:55 AM PDT My car has been switched around in the last 3 years, between moms name, dads name, my name, bros name.. etc.. whatever needed to be done to get the cheapest insurance. Long long time ago, before the divorce... I wanted a car because I was 17 and extremely involved in school. So I put 2500 towards a car, and my parents gifted me 2000 additional for my birthday and christmas gifts in order to get the jeep I wanted... A year goes by, and my parents decide to get a divorce. I've moved out at this point and my jeep just kept breaking. It barely was ever running smooth. Soo I traded it for a different car flat out. Now, this car is the one I'm referring to being switched around... At one point, my brother could no longer afford payments on his car, so I took it in and was driving that car because I was making the payments. I left the other car sitting in a parking lot because the battery died, but it was at my school so it was safe. Then i ended up storing it at my moms house because I left school for the summer. Eventually, I felt bad for my brother because he didn't have a car and couldnt do much. Mind you my car is very tiny and my brother can barely fit.. but it'd get him around. So my mom and I signed the car over to my brother. Then my mom needed to get rid of the car I was driving (originally my brothers) because she was trying not to go into bankruptcy and therefore I needed my car back from my brother. He gave it back to me, him and I became cosigners on it. At one point of my brothers ownership however, he signed my dad on the car. So now at this point, everyone has been on it. When I got it back, I was told that I had to keep brother on it to get cheaper insurance, so I did. Now, I've switched to my own insurance policy. I've also paid for registration, etc. However, now my dad is trying to tell me that in the new court case for the car, my car will be thrown into the mix to be debated on, and I will likely loose it. What can I do? My boyfriend offered to buy the car from me, to clear the car from the family. But I don't know how that would work in regards to how much I sell it for vs how much it's worth, and my parents will try to take from me... Technically, if you consider the jeep, we paid 4500 for the car. You can't kelly blue book it because it's too old. Right now, the only people on the title/registration are my brother and I. Neither parents, but since it's been within the last 2 years that both my parents have owned the car, they can technically still use it from my understanding. I'd love to agree that "since my name is there and they know its mine, then it's mine", but to be honest they're both at the greedy point. This divorce has gone on for 3 years, and when my dad had me under his insurance, he randomly towed my car away out of anger. |
Question: Is this rape? Posted: 31 May 2016 09:48 AM PDT I don't usually drink but we played kings up and my husband and I got drunk. I was way more smashed than he was. I threw up on the bathroom floor and in my bed... Didn't even get up...(nasty I know. I don't remember it). I woke up the next day and noticed I was 'wet' down there and asked my husband if we had sex. He said we did and he said I had said yes and helped him put it in. This was after I threw up twice and I apparently was passed out during th actually sex. |
Question: My husband told me that he wanted a divorce and i was told i would be served, but he has yet to file and process paperwork...? Posted: 31 May 2016 09:39 AM PDT My husband told me that he wanted a divorce and i should be geting my paperwork from a sherriff this week. I looked up court cases on the docket but i have yet to see papers filed by him. When i called the clerks office they stated no such paperwork has been processed, therefore you will not be served until that is complete. Has anyone else had an issue like this? Why would he say that, but then not file the paperwork neccessary to move foward with the case? I have tried to reach out to him, but he is refusing to communicate with me and moved out two weeks ago |
Question: Why do Atheists get married? Posted: 31 May 2016 09:32 AM PDT If I were Atheist I don't really see what the point would be, maybe an atheist can shed some light on this. If I were atheist I would just shack up with someone, fornicate for a while and then move on to the next person when I got tired of them. |
Question: How can a person heal from an affair that people don't know about? Posted: 31 May 2016 09:27 AM PDT I had a secret affair with this person before and i made my decision that I will not see this person again, I won't converse wit them or have anything to do with them. I dont think this person had any respect for me because of my young age.I feel like I'm making a good decision to not remain friends and to get out of it altogether.I won't tell this person how i really feel after what's happened. Im just going to leave him and i think he will "get the message".He knows what he did was wrong and Im guilty of this as well. Yes i chose to do something like this and so i need space away from everyone for a while and heal in my own time. People do not know about this and I don't want people to find out.I just want to get passed this. I don't want to upset anyone or to anger anyone. I just want to get passed it, put behind me and move on with life. if you never knew or found out that someone was having an affair with a married person, how do you think that person would heal after the damage? |
Question: For the past year I have been down on myself a lot. I am 30, married and have kids. Life should be great. However I feel stressed a lot.? Posted: 31 May 2016 09:22 AM PDT Like others my job is stressful and financially I have a lot of debt even though I make good money. Other issues is my wife and I have a good marriage, but we are rarely intimate. I feel at times my life is a chore. I do not want to work and at times I want to just sit around. Anyone else feel like this? |
Question: How long do you have to married before you can collect your deceased husbands benefits? Posted: 31 May 2016 08:57 AM PDT |
Question: My wife took our daughter out of state for a week against my will... Is this kidnapping? Posted: 31 May 2016 08:55 AM PDT |
Question: Do husbands "pimp" out their wives? Posted: 31 May 2016 08:24 AM PDT I was reading a book this past weekend that was a history of the local area. It told stories of the rural area and the tourist who came there to hunt and fish in the depression years. There was one line I found to be almost shocking. The comment was that one of the local establishments would run off men trying to pimp their wives. That was 80 years ago when life was pure and people were respectful. I get that prostitution is the oldest profession. I just could not believe husbands would pimp their wives in such a small town setting. Is this still very common today? Do any of you know men who pimp their wives for money? Fantasy? |
Question: My wife and I have different life tempos and different energy levels. What can be done to improve our marriage at this point? Posted: 31 May 2016 08:23 AM PDT My wife and I live life at two different speeds. I'm a pacer, she's a sprinter. Sometimes I work fast, but sometimes I work slow. I like to go at my own pace so I can stay healthy. If I am going to do something or she expects me to get something done, I'm going to do it without putting stress on my body. This keeps me from getting hurt and from wasting precious time recovering. This also gives me the energy I need to not neglect other people's needs that I'm responsible for (her, my kids, my animals, my parents, etc). In other words, I strive for a healthy work/life balance. It might take me longer than it takes my wife, but I'm also not having a roller-coaster of emotions. My wife loves to rush around and get things done fast. As soon as she realizes something needs to get done, she treats it like it has "priority zero" and is above all other things. She complains about vacations, not having enough time, and me picking up the slack, but even if she slowed down everything would be done on time because I contribute in all parts of life, not just the facets she's anxious/concerned over. Her brief therapist said she needs a healthier work/life balance, but she thinks the world is full of lazy people. Her moods change depending on everyone' cooperation to get "all the work done". Being mismatched hurts our marriage. We argue a lot. She wants me to work faster and get more done, I want her to slow down and stop being a chaotic mess and forcing us to accommodate her moodiness. |
Question: Should I stay with my boyfriend after he's had a baby with his ex? Posted: 31 May 2016 08:18 AM PDT Hello I'm having a very difficult time dealing with this situation. Ive been with my boyfriend for about 7 years now. Its been a long time coming. we have a 4 year old daughter together and my daughter loves her father. About 2 years ago I found out that he got his ex pregnant and since then things have been very hard for me. the child is now about to be 2 years old . And me and him are still together but at this point in my life I think I'm over it completely. since everything happened I feel as though ive been very down and depressed about him visiting the child and not knowing whats really going on between him and the mother. he sneaks over to her parents house after work saying he's just visiting the child. and as of now I'm over tired of being hurt, and I'm tired of dealing with the stress of everything. He's known to be a cheater so that's basically how he got the girl pregnant. and word is he has two other kids outside of our relationship. I'm tired of the disrespect I'm tired of the females. I'm tired of being insecure! I'm sick of it all because its not fair. I do everything right and I feel like I deserve better. sometimes I wish it would all go away but it wont.... the child wont go away and the mother wont either. its not their faults... its basically his and I'm over it! I know he loves me but the respect isn't there... obviously ! I need positive advice ! please and thank you |
Question: Help with divorce ? Posted: 31 May 2016 08:05 AM PDT I been married for 23 years . I decided i want to end the marriage due to lack of respect, cheating and bad treatment. basically im tired on being cheated on abused mentally, his bad influence friends drinking on bars strip club and so on . I lost my job 4 months ago .My husband has taken all the financial obligation, which i try to help on occasion . We have 2 kids one is 22 and the other 14 , he is very stable he is self employed he makes very good money , we have an apartment under both our name and 2 cars under his name,. my question is how do i go about a divorce how much does it cost , i have no money for a lawyer how the child support works i live in Florida, and i also want to ask for a alimony support any additional information please post thank you |
Question: What is the yelling cap in a relationship? Couples communication? Posted: 31 May 2016 07:53 AM PDT I have heard the advice on more than one occasion that if your wife or gf is upset that you allow her to vent and fully hear her, even asking for her to explain more. Yelling back or walking away ( fight or flight response ) makes the problem worse. However at what point when it becomes so overpowering that it's hurting communication rather than enhancing. I know you are supposed to also put on the brakes and remove yourself if they are being overbearing. What are some guidelines to give her freedom to express stress vs not allowing her to go off the handle too far? |
Question: My husband works at night and a lot of times its hard for me. I am a student and have two kids. Am I wrong to feel this? Posted: 31 May 2016 07:41 AM PDT |
Question: When you and your spouse want totally different things in life, how do you find a compromise? Posted: 31 May 2016 07:38 AM PDT I want a healthy home life. I want my wife and I to have a healthy relationship, I want us to have a healthy relationship with our kids, I want a healthy relationship with my parents and hers (while they are still alive), I want a healthy relationship with the few people we still call friends, and I want a healthy relationship with ourselves. In other words, I want to work on the chaos in our house and she doesn't. My wife APPEARS to want a higher education for herself, more wealth/income, more upgrades done to perfect the house, more upgrades done to perfect the yard, more upgrades done to perfect the interior design and layout of the house, more upgrades done to improve our vehicles, more vacations so we can clear the (her) bucket list, and to retire before we are are in our 50s and too old to enjoy it. Obviously, we are in two COMPLETELY different modes. I'm focused on health, she's focused on wealth; the only way we relate is that "ealth" part, everything else is just her efforts vs my efforts.... I've tried talking to her about this and explaining to her that the chaos is putting her and the rest of the family through too much stress, but she gets angry at me because she thinks I should be doing my part to get all these upgrades (follow her dream). She has anxiety issues, eczema (which is an auto immune thing - probably stress related), and she can't relax like I can. She's always on edge and ready for a fight. Signs she needs what I'm offering... How to compromise? |
Question: How come women and men have opposite views when it comes to sex after kids? Men say sex dies and women say it's little change.? Posted: 31 May 2016 07:13 AM PDT |
Question: Men why don't you last more than 10 minutes in bed? Posted: 31 May 2016 06:25 AM PDT you do a little foreplay, and then when it's time for the sex, it's like wham bam, and it's over. Why don't you last long enough for your woman to hit the big o? |
Question: My sister is getting married in a few weeks and how do I stay relaxed at her wedding, I normally would get anxious due to.........? Posted: 31 May 2016 06:20 AM PDT Due to family dynamics. |
Question: How can I stop being attracted to white men? Posted: 31 May 2016 06:05 AM PDT I'm a black girl, and I've been attracted to white men for as long as I can remember. However, most of them only seem to be interested in ating white, Hispanic, and Asian women. I feel like a complete idiot for liking them, as they're almost never romatically interested in me. How can I get rid of my attraction to them? |
Question: Should being ask for nudes higher or lower a persons self esteem? Posted: 31 May 2016 05:53 AM PDT |
Question: Why is my girlfriend saying she feels overwhelmed? please help me? Posted: 31 May 2016 05:17 AM PDT me and my girlfriend have been dating for 4 months everything is fantastic she has a very strong attitude and ive grown to learn how to let her act a certain way because its just her way of coping with things . we both love each other deeply and things are honestly perfect we have big plans together and are truly a unit. recently she has been feeling overwhelmed with having to cope with the idea of being basically "married" quote unquote because right now due to a life situation we are living together but that isn't the only reason she feels this way we conduct ourselves very seriously about our bond an relationship . she claims that its her own issues she has to work on. I truly don't want this feeling to change our relationship I love this girl to death and I don't know how to help her and I don't want to lose her can someone please tell me what to do or how to help her this is truly all I got I don't want to lose her. |
Question: When I will finish hating my ex? Posted: 31 May 2016 03:15 AM PDT We dated for five years but he married an other girl who his family said. I hated him with all my heart and whenever I remember his doing, I feel that hate again and curse him. It's been a year passed I broke up with him, and I made myself very busy. But I still hate him when I remember. When this my hate for him will end? |
Question: If my husband was secretly video or audio recording or live streaming me is there a way to find out for sure if he is? If so then how? Posted: 31 May 2016 02:22 AM PDT |
Question: In titanic what is roses last name? before she gets married? Posted: 31 May 2016 02:15 AM PDT |
Question: I have a VERY high sex drive, but instead of having sex my NEW husband masturbates daily?! I m 28yrs (120 pounds) and he s 32yrs old HELP!? Posted: 31 May 2016 01:58 AM PDT |
Question: I dont know if im being emotionally abused or if im crazy? Posted: 31 May 2016 01:20 AM PDT |