Family: Question: Give me a good reason why i should still be alive? |
- Question: Give me a good reason why i should still be alive?
- Question: Why cant women just get along?
- Question: I'm really close with my parents, we're best friends. My younger has decided to move out and my mom offered to let my husband move in?
- Question: Does my mother care?
- Question: My sister has some serious issues. How do I get her admitted into a metal institution or something?
- Question: My daughter is 3 and tells me she isn't beautiful with out make up. Why is she saying this?
- Question: All my friends ditched me because I'm "too poor" for them now. What am I supposed to do?
- Question: My sister in law is evil, cruel and unhealthy. Nobody sees it. help?
- Question: My family is making me work without pay? is it fair or legal?
- Question: Brother resides in our parents 2nd home he does not work, pay anything,and is an alcoholic is he owed anything should parents pass away?
- Question: My older sister is putting too much pressure on me to get into college. What if I don't want to?
- Question: Why is no one ever there for me? (Rant/venting)?
- Question: Im 20 years old and im trying to get into a strip club that's 21 and up, im going with my friend and his dad any advice?
- Question: My mother doesn't want me?
- Question: What to do about brother in law not visiting my child?
- Question: How to respectfully tell my parents no?
- Question: Why do Mexicans talk so loud all the time?
- Question: 21 and still have to ask permission to go places.?
- Question: How to say sorry to someone after an abuser died? Please read for details?
- Question: Uninvolved parent, what should I do?
- Question: I don't want my grandparents to leave me.?
- Question: Read the following sentence and answer the question:?
- Question: My mom doesnt flush the toilet after she uses do i get her to flush it?
- Question: Do i have the right to not allow my wifes side of the family (her grandma, cousins, uncle) to see our new born child..ever?
- Question: So I have currently started to work and a month later my cousin starts to work as well with me. Please read to further understand.?
- Question: What do you call your grandparents?
- Question: What are some questions to ask myself in a personal sdelf examination or reflection?
- Question: I need help for my friend?
- Question: Is it bad that my niece likes me more than her own mother?
- Question: My sister was acting annoying and got both of us in trouble. I'm grounded now and it's not fair, help?
- Question: What to do with my brother?
- Question: My dad was so unreasonable with my money?
- Question: My dad won't get a job or help my family??
- Question: Girls until what age you stayed at your parents house? And why did you move? Did you get married etc?
- Question: William H. Marshall Pastor: St. Peter Baptist Church?
- Question: I don't know what to do!?
- Question: How to tell my parents I'm not going to college?
- Question: Am I being unfair with my stepdaughter?
- Question: I need a French name for Siri?
- Question: Is it allowed to marry mother s mother s (grandmother s) brother s daughter s daughter in india?
- Question: How do you deal with a mother who always complains?
- Question: Why is my mom like this?
- Question: What are your thoughts on this situation?
- Question: Should I talk to the victims family? Please help?
- Question: My Mom said I cause her stress why did she have Me?
- Question: I don't like anyone in my family?
- Question: What do you call your grandma s husbands brother nephew or neice ?
- Question: My mom is pure evil..?
- Question: Girls how attractive are both guys?
- Question: What nice thing can you buy for an estranged dad?
- Question: Should I go to prom with my older brother, my gay friend, this ugly unpopular guy who asked me out, or single?
- Question: My Dad wont talk to me what do I do?
- Question: Hi I'm a little nervous but I saw my sister masturbating with a vibrator and I walked in and she saw me but she just kept going wat do I do?
- Question: Do my older brothers and sister and uncle not want anything to do with me? Should I just forget about them?
- Question: I've got problems with my sister?
- Question: Walked in on my boyfriend cheating??
- Question: Why did these boys bully me SO MUCH in middle school and then started being sweet to me in high school?
- Question: I'm so tempted to take back Christmas presents purchased?
- Question: I see myself with no chance of living. What should I do about this?
Question: Give me a good reason why i should still be alive? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 01:02 PM PST i am 17 i hate my life very much. Nothing goes right NOT EVEN A SINGLE THING. There is nothing 1 i can do right in my life i tried everything soccer gutair piano baseball football swimming track nothing i can do right i suck at everything EVEN my grade is awful 2.1 gpa i get SO depressed when everybody is like i got accepted to so and so college because with my grade i cant even go into any colleges. EVERYBODY in school hates me because i am annoying and joke around in class and teachers telling me i have a mature rate of a ant and nobody wants to be friends with me or even bother talking to me. I cant even get a girlfriend. At home my dad always yells at me calling me lazy trash and look at my grades EVERYDAY. What is the point of me living i prob not even going to mature up and i prob going to fail college and everything in life when i get older. i prob get fired from my job i prob cant even get married. SOMEBODY give me a good reason why i should still be living if life is just going to get tougher when you reach adulthood. And 0 girls likes me. Every girl i like they dont like me back. i love to play video games when i am sad but my parents always tells at me when i play it :( |
Question: Why cant women just get along? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 12:44 PM PST 6 years ago my cheeky daughter in law made a joke about my ex wife. She said she always looks angry (which she does, she just got one of those serious faces) It was said in a harmless way so I didn't think it would be a big deal to tell my daughter. Lets just say I misjudged. My daughter was very angry and took serious offence to it. She told her mother, and then all hell broke loose. I'm not going to sit here and tell all of the things that has happened since then but lets just say nobody talks to each other and my daughter told me that she has purchased a black magic book to find spells to use against my daughter in law. It's all pretty ridiculous. It's been six years. Family gatherings are a nightmare now. I cant believe all of this is because of a small comment. Whilst it is obvious that my daughter in laws big mouth is to blame for all this. I cant help but wonder why this only happens with women. Not trying to pull the sexist card here but you women are bloody petty. Why cant you all just get along |
Posted: 10 Nov 2015 12:43 PM PST Aaron and I have been married for two years. He pressured me into marrying him but he's the only man I could ever be myself and truly love. I still live at home because I'm trying to figure out my major and focus on school while paying off my loan. My mom has suggested my husband move in and get the room remodeled and everything. I love my parents dearly, I'm truly honored that she would even consider living with me and husband under the same roof. I don't know any details other than that. I'm not sure how to respond-two of my sisters are moved out and my younger is looking to move out. I'm the closest with my parents and I genuinely don't know what I should do. I am not by any means a freeloader I pay my share of car insurance, loans and everything. What do I do? |
Question: Does my mother care? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 12:42 PM PST I'm in my mid-30s and wondering if I should accept the fact that I have a horrible relationship with my mom. While I know that right now she is going through some things with her job, she never does and never has really asked me what's going on in my life. I have a friend visiting me from overseas and other than my FB posts, she hasn't called me or asked how's everything going. She never calls to ask - genuinely - about my life and there are never mother-daughter talks. She vents about her own life but really doesn't take an interest in mine. I thought a mother would want to know what her daughter does or is interested in... Should I accept this??? |
Posted: 10 Nov 2015 12:36 PM PST My sister has LOST it. She keeps on yelling and kicking me all the damn time! I'm not even kidding. We live with our grandma, and she's really old, so we always try to do as much as we can around the house to help out. But now I'm the only one doing any chores. Seriously, I asked her to wash the dishes after dinner yesterday and she freaked out on me and threw her plate of food towards me and then started rambling every swear word in the book at me. She barges in while I'm STILL IN THE SHOWER, quite literally kicks me out and then goes in herself, and the other day she actually slapped our poor innocent grandma in the face!! She's 17 years old, is it that difficult to control he temper more? She's never done anything like this before, not even after our parents died. Guys, I'm telling you she's crazy and I'm getting scared of her. No wonder her boyfriend broke things off with her. Are there any mental hospitals available in the state of Pennsylvania or something? |
Posted: 10 Nov 2015 12:16 PM PST I do NOT let my 3 y/o daughter wear make up. Just pretend plastic stuff. pretending chap stick is lip stick or what ever. always pretend. I tell her she is beautiful to many time a day I cant keep track. She sees me put make up on weather at home or on the go. I have self confidence issues and make up helps me feel alittle prettier about myself. I don't cake it on and I go 5 min face. pretty basic. But she tells me she needs make to be pretty and with out it she isn't. what do I say to her to get her to understand its on the inside that counts. I have talked with her about what makes her beautiful is being nice and sharing and talking nice and using our manners everywhere and being funny is what make you beautiful not what our faces or body look like. What do I do???? should I stop putting make on in front of her so she becomes less concerned about it?? |
Question: All my friends ditched me because I'm "too poor" for them now. What am I supposed to do? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 12:16 PM PST So the story is that my family used to have a huge amount of money, but sadly, something happened (I'd rather not go into detail) that made my mother and I kick my father out of the house. He isn't giving us a dime though, so we're gonna have to move out of that monstrosity of a house and get a small apartment somewhere. It's terrible. My mother is selling her things. Her jewelry. For her to pay for this month's electricity only, she had to sell the Harry Winston engagement ring my dad had given her. I can't believe we've turned poor now. I thought I could trust my friends, so I told them, but that wasn't a good idea. They hate me now and keep on calling me dirty, homeless and a hobo. I have to stop myself from crying every time. Funny how they all used to kiss my *ss before. I just hate my dad so much. My life is gone. My friends are gone. Is there even a way to get over this? |
Question: My sister in law is evil, cruel and unhealthy. Nobody sees it. help? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 12:14 PM PST My sister in law is a soulless demon. No good at all. It started with all the charm, compliments, offers to help, gifts etc way too much too soon. I had a feeling she was up to something but I had no evidence at the time. After yeara of her acting I found out that she said something unkind about my mum behind our backs. This really hurt my mum when I told her. Also, when my dad got sick with terminal cancer, she and my brother were no where to be found. she called me and I confronted her about it. She told me that she was unaware about the condition, even though I know my dad told my brother. So she obviously knew. After the confrontation, she made a complete turn around she called everyday and visited EXCESSIVELY. It was very ungenuine because my brother still wasn t around. If he doesn t care, why would she? She just wanted to maintain her fake caring image that she likes to put out there. Due to this, I cut off her and my brother, deleted them, avoid them and stopped talking to the kids (Which I feel a little bad about, as I could tell my niece was upset when I didn t reply to her hello) My dad passed three months ago. Yesterday, I got surprising text from my sister in law asking me to go out with her, I said cheers but no, she then asked if I have any kind of issue with her, so we can resolve it and come together as a family . LIKE!! EVERYTHING is about her. I m imbetween being silent and violent. What should I do? The anger is consuming me |
Question: My family is making me work without pay? is it fair or legal? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 12:12 PM PST I used to live with my dad as my parents were divorced I knew my real mom and my real siblings but never really lived with them for a long time because I stayed with dad. He just passed away an year ago I'm over it but I had to live with my mom and my older brother and my older sisters. Its a small town but my family owns a shop like they all work there except my brother. I have been getting in so much trouble since I got here some of it was my fault and I got so many punishments suddenly some months ago my mom decided that I have to put in hours at the shop like everyone else because it will keep me out of trouble then and it has because I don't get time. I don't want to do that and I know she can't make me work legally right? but she does. If I'm playing video games she'll pull out the cord and literally drag me to work. I only get sunday for myself other days I have to work after school and then the homework I'm so tired I just go to bed at 8 or 9 at most because I don't have any energy left in me by then. How can I convince my mom that this job is leeching me and I'm not even getting money. I'm 14 so I know that for sure she can't make work. |
Posted: 10 Nov 2015 12:06 PM PST my parents own two homes, one was inherited when my fathers parents passed away, our brother who doesn't work is an alcoholic and basically does nothing was kicked out of his girlfriends house, my parents told him to stay in the empty house because my dad wasn't ready to sell it and didn't want the house to sit .. my question is when my parents pass away the will states the homes are to be sold split 3 ways should he even get his share? someone told us that we wont be able to make him leave and that we would be responsible for the lifestyle he is used to.. just need some input thanks |
Posted: 10 Nov 2015 11:59 AM PST I'm a 17 year old guy from Longboat Key, Florida, and right now I'm a senior in High School and live with my older sister, who's 24. Both of my parents died in a car crash when I was 12, and since they passed away it really hasn't been that easy for us. My sister had gotten into Yale, but unfortunately had to drop out to take care of me once tragity struck. My sister has to work 2 jobs to be able to support us, and it's still nowhere near enough, because of house mortgage etc. Anyway, she's putting FAR too much pressure on me for getting into college. It's annoying. At 17 years old, she still thinks she can confiscate my things when I don't "study snd concentrate" it's just getting annoying and ridiculous. She keeps on saying she's sacrificed so many things for me, and that we've had to be hours away from foreclosures just so she can save up money for my education. I really appreciate it, but I just really don't want to get into college. I want to stay here and help my sister out. It's the right thing to do. How do I convince her? |
Question: Why is no one ever there for me? (Rant/venting)? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 11:52 AM PST I go to school and work. I live with my family, I've got two older brothers, who work and live with us too. They were evicted from their house because all they do all day Is smoke and get drunk and complain. Leaving me to pay for house utensils. I pay for toilet paper constantly. I pay for dish soap and house products.. and ect. And they pay for NOTHING. I've called them out on it but they call me lazy and my mom says, "they're older , and they're going through stuff." But yet I work from 5am till 12pm then off to school till 6pm. And still no one gives me recognition. I pay for gas... And when I ask for bus money or buy myself something the whole family gets mad at me and tells me I'm selfish. I usually walk to work which is 5-6 miles away and when I ask for a ride, they all tell at me and tell me I can walk... But I wanna cry because I do everything it feels. And every time I need something everyone is gone. I have no friends either. I take my mom out shopping or shell treat me really bad. She'll call me names.. And my grandma said, "I tell you how to spend your money." And basically 300$ is gone in one day and I'm just so depressed help please... ;(( idk what to do.. And moving out is not allowed. ;( |
Posted: 10 Nov 2015 11:51 AM PST |
Question: My mother doesn't want me? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 11:51 AM PST my mother used to love me as a child. i always did what she wanted and i used to be a happy kid. now i started smoking weed, quit college, i quit my job and im home with her and she always complains that i dont have a job and when i go smoke weed with my friends and i come back home she cries and makes me feel guilty but in my perspective i dont think im doing anything wrong, she always bugs me for a job but the economy is **** and i cant find a job. how do i make her feel happy but at the same time i still wanna live with my mom but do what i want its not that i treat her bad i treat her good but she always complaining about the actions i do as if she wants me to live my life trhough her, i dont wanna leave home and move out i wanna stay home but i want my mom to treat me good but i still wanna smoke weed and go out how do i tell my mom to stop worrying |
Question: What to do about brother in law not visiting my child? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 11:25 AM PST My husband and brother and law have always been super close, and always made time for each other even though we live 3 house away. In February we had our baby, and although he acts head over heels for him, he rarely tries to visit. When he does see us, it s only for a few hours. Although he s the older brother, he seems more interested in partying with his friends and his new girlfriend than he does spending time with his family. My husbands younger brother visits all the time and is great, but for some reason we feel like we are drifting apart with his older one. Has anyone else experienced this, or is there anything you have tried? It s sort of offending that he would rather see his friends than his nephew. |
Question: How to respectfully tell my parents no? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 11:16 AM PST I'm 18 and my parents are trying to force me to get a christmas job. They think I need something to fill up my schedule when school lets out. I already have a job that pays me well and I really enjoy it. I don't want to add on to my work schedule by getting a holiday job where I get paid minimum wage for a max of about 2 and half weeks only when I am already working year round. But my parents are insistent and they completely lose their temper any time I try to disagree with them about it or anything really. They recently threatened to charge me rent if I didn't get one soon even though I already have a decent paying job and my own bank account, and file my own taxes. How do I tell them no I don't want a Christmas job in a respectful, adult manner and make it clear that they can't make me get one. Again I don't want to sound ungrateful and rude just firm and respectable |
Question: Why do Mexicans talk so loud all the time? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 11:10 AM PST |
Question: 21 and still have to ask permission to go places.? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 10:48 AM PST I'm 21 years old and I still have a curfew. I have to be home at 9 p.m. never past 10 or I'm in big trouble. I still have ask my mom for permission to go places. Sometimes she doesn't let me go too far out of town especially when it's raining. I'm allowed to go out once a week. Her reasons are because i'm a girl. I understand that my mom wants to protect me, but is it wrong for me to think, she's taking it too far? I don't drink, party, or do bad stuff. I like going to church and go to work. I graduated college while having two jobs to support my family. My sister and I pay the bills, because my mom's job closed down and it's hard for her to find a job because she doesn't know English. I pay my own car insurance, phone bill, and i also i am supporting my mom. I buy the food in the house. The house is under my dads name and he lets me out whenever i want, but my mom gets mad if i don't ask her. My parents are not together so my mom is just living there because she has no where else to go. my dad travels so he's never home. I have to ask her if i can go out to eat or pretty much anywhere that doesn't relate to church, my family, or work. If I ask for too much freedom she considers me being rebellious. ....and yes i get grounded. I tried talking too her before, she doesn't understand. I don't want to move out, because my dad is planning to put the house under my name and my sisters. HOW can i convince my mother? |
Question: How to say sorry to someone after an abuser died? Please read for details? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 10:34 AM PST Okay so my moms new boyfriend of one year has a daughter and grandson who were being abused by the father of the grandson. They have finally moved out of the abusers apartment and we're living in our living room for the past few days. Well moms boyfriend, daughter and grandson all went to the apartment to get somethings and found the man dead on the floor. What do I tell my moms boyfriend? How to show sympathy ? I know he abused them but he has been in the family picture obviously for awhile and not really sure of their relationship with the man other than the abuse .. |
Question: Uninvolved parent, what should I do? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 10:20 AM PST I have little memories of my parent throughout childhood. my dad is a gambling addict and mom is busy running a store. So my sibling and I had to live with relatives who sexually abused me. I never received love and tried very hard to get attention. I became the good girl my parents wanted, yet they never cared. I got praised and they brag about me, am I a tool? Now I'm 20 years old and emotionally messed up. I'm unable to form relationships and hated materialistic things. My parents denied they made mistakes and wants me to become my old self.. I want to disown them, but cannot support myself. What should I do? |
Question: I don't want my grandparents to leave me.? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 09:42 AM PST My aunt borned a kid in this summer and my grandparents have to leave me and my parents by moving to Bucharest for helping my aunt, my uncle and their kid. My grandparents are the best and I didn't appreciate them at the right time. When I was a little kid they used to look after me alot. Now it's time for them to help their other nephew. If they move there it will be definitely, they said they will come back to see me and my parents but I can't even think how my life would be without my grandparents. My grandpa was my teacher in general school and I learnt alot of things from him. How can I stop them from leaving? I know this is a bad thing because my cousin need the help but it would mean they will leave me. I'm very attached to my grandparents and it was a shock to me to know they will leave me. How can I stop them from leaving? Please help. |
Question: Read the following sentence and answer the question:? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 09:33 AM PST And then all night we celebrated the birth of my baby brother. T This sentence uses inverted syntax. How would it read if the sentence were not inverted? A. And then, my baby brother, all night we celebrated his birth. B. And then we celebrated the birth of my baby brother all night. C. And then we celebrated all night, my baby brother, his birth. D .And then all night, for my baby brother's birth, we celebrated. I think it is B but I am not sure. |
Question: My mom doesnt flush the toilet after she uses do i get her to flush it? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 09:05 AM PST every time i use it, theres pee and paper in it. i think she's doing it on purpose because she thinks it will save water (she's one of those health nuts who cares about saving the planet--but i think she's just self-important) |
Posted: 10 Nov 2015 09:03 AM PST A select few of her family memebers tried to start drama with me and her mom and dad..because my wifes family started to bring around one of her exes that me and her dont like at all! Ive noticed Her family is liars, manipulators, drug addicts and drunks! The reason why i ask is because my wife is very lenient and might want to allow them around! But i dont want my child around none of them, especially after wishing death on the birth of my child please help |
Posted: 10 Nov 2015 08:38 AM PST So my cousin started to work with me at a fast food place it was coincidental. So it's been a while now and I'm not trying to flaunt that I can do more but u work in a faster pace I'm the type of person to do things quickly the management has tried to move her from serving soft drinks to cashier thing is is that she claims to not know. It frustrates me that she is lethargic and when doing something doesn't preform it well. I've told her to move quicker and she doesn't. It just gets me really mad. She also started dressing like me and tells me about my pay and why do I get payed more than her. This job has really affected our relationship but am I wrong into telling her to move quicker. She also tends to answer me in smart comments wich I think is unnecessary do you guys have any ways to help me out our what my action of plan is? |
Question: What do you call your grandparents? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 08:20 AM PST Both my maternal grandparents died a fair amount of time before I was born. Therefore, it was easy for me to refer my grandparents as grandma and grandpa. But let's say you were talking to both your grandfathers or grandmothers. How do you refer them by name? Couldn't find any relevant information online. |
Question: What are some questions to ask myself in a personal sdelf examination or reflection? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 08:18 AM PST my dad says im a taker and im destroying the family im not a taker i do comunity sevice for my free time and when ever theres a charity event my name is at the top of the sign up list i buy my own **** and my family is living in my house i know hes doing it to make me feel as if i owe him so they can stay ot to make him el better but what gets me is he is filthy rich but he wants me to write down answers to show i did some self reflections |
Question: I need help for my friend? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 07:58 AM PST She lives in another state away from her family. She lives in a house with her baby daddy who keeps her in a room yells at her berates her tells people she is a bad mother and that she is on drugs. She isn t she s a teacher and a wonderful mom. I ve known her for years since we were children. He has his family believing this makes the kids call her a w#@ re . He called DCF on her because she told him that she didn t want to be with him anymore. He pretends to be his 11 year old daughter on Facebook and has caused her mother the child s grandma to think that the little girl was against her. I want to help her but she lives in Florida I m in Pennsylvania. What can I do?? |
Question: Is it bad that my niece likes me more than her own mother? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 07:54 AM PST I see my niece everyday, I babysit her. When her mom comes to pick her up, my niece doesn't want anything to do with her. She's only 9 months. My sister in law will try and take her from me, but my niece refuses to go with her. When I'm holding her, and her mom tries to talk to her my niece completely ignores her, and turns her head the other way so she won't be facing her. My niece sees me and she gets really excited, when she sees her mom she just smiles and switches her attention to something else. Her and I are like two peas in a pod.. I have never had this kind of connection with any of my other nieces and nephews.. |
Posted: 10 Nov 2015 07:49 AM PST My sister(I'm considered the older sister, we're twins) was being annoying while I was trying to study for my science exam. She kept trying to poke me on the back of my neck and kept throwing paper balls at me. She always does this and I told her repeatedly to knock it off. She then forced it by throwing one of my pillows at my head. I get angry and tell her to get out of my room and don't come back. She then tells me to shut up, I yelled and screamed at her to leave; but then she pushes me, so I push her back to get her out of my room. She then hits me on my back, so I slap her on her arm and she bites me on my arm. My mom comes upstairs and screams at both of us. I try to tell her that my sister started it, but she wouldn't listen. She then tells us were grounded for the rest of the week. My sister always plays annoying games and I tell her to leave me alone and she'll start it up again and starts acting like a brat. It's so not fair when my mom heard me a million times yelling at her to stop, why should I get grounded? |
Question: What to do with my brother? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 07:37 AM PST My little brother keeps watching this anime that he isn t allowed to watch- for good reasons.... I ve seen him watching it, but every time I confront him about it, he lowest me. When I push it, he keeps interrupting me every two seconds to say your wrong. Your wrong. Your wrong. And it s pissing me off. I m not telling my mom, because my older sister watches the same anime, and they would probably get into a fight. so overall, i m just really angry because he isn t supposed to watch it but he keeps ignoring me and watching it anyways. Kinda a pathetic question, but what can I do about it? I don t want his childhood to be ruined, and he sure as hell shouldn t be picking up words like those *dies* |
Question: My dad was so unreasonable with my money? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 07:22 AM PST This was weird, so weird. One of the extended family member needed a kidney stone surgery and despite insurance she still needs money for her procedure. I wouldn t blame her for anything, but I blame my dad for being so unfair to me. He asked me to give her $200 and I decided to give her $100, then he acted like he was going to disown me. Now, we don t talk and I stop coming over the house. I m so sick of this. Why on earth should I need to give out money to someone that he wants too? |
Question: My dad won't get a job or help my family?? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 07:17 AM PST My mom used to work but a robbery happened at her job and she can't get another one. We have bills and literally no food at all. My dad also has kids in another country he has to help. But he always tells my mom to go get a job and tells her she's lazy and won't do anything. but she can't find one but he doesn't help at all even if it's just cleaning around the house or helping watch my younger sisters. He also borrows money from other people and rarely uses it to pay bills or for a meal. He spends any money we get on weed and cigarettes. They won't let me get a job even though I really want to help. He hangs out with this guy who drinks with him and my dad always comes home drunk, sometimes hitting my mom and always yelling at her. I don't understand why he complains to my mom about our situation and knows he can help. I'm tired of living like this. My mom won't do anything about it or make him get a job. He literally does nothing to help and my mom just accepts it. I'm tired of all of this. |
Posted: 10 Nov 2015 06:57 AM PST |
Question: William H. Marshall Pastor: St. Peter Baptist Church? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 06:56 AM PST |
Question: I don't know what to do!? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 06:22 AM PST I'm going to faint. I lost my metro card and it had 39 dollars on it. I don't know how I'll get home from school, and I can't tell my mom about it. She is severally abusive and will beat me when she finds out. I don't want her to hurt me, and I don't know what to do. |
Question: How to tell my parents I'm not going to college? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 06:03 AM PST |
Question: Am I being unfair with my stepdaughter? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 05:47 AM PST We are discussing budgets for Christmas for each kid. I said that because we have his girls 50% of the time that we have a bigger budget for my kids because they will only receive from us. The girls have their mother and always receive great gifts with her. My husband is not happy I understand that and I never treat the girls unfairly but I feel that because my kids don't receive from their father and only from us that their budget should be a little bigger ($50 more). Am I wrong? |
Question: I need a French name for Siri? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 05:43 AM PST |
Posted: 10 Nov 2015 05:13 AM PST |
Question: How do you deal with a mother who always complains? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 04:56 AM PST I have a test and I was studying last night, and my mother came in there to use my charger and then she asked me what I was doing. I told her I was studying, I then decided to lay down and she told me to go back to studying, I instead just told her I would go to sleep, and she then said I couldn t, because I hadn t studied long enough (she didn t even know how long), then she said she would wake me up early to study, after getting dressed I went to eat and she said I should study while I eat, i was irratated and I took my book with me, but she then said no I should take my sheets and this was already after I had gotten the book. She doesn t even know what I m studying or how I study, how do I deal her. |
Question: Why is my mom like this? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 04:32 AM PST My mom gets so angry and stressed over such little things. If the kitchen is dirty she flips out and bashes me or my brother or my dad. She usually has a really bad attitude towards everything. If we have to wait for a table at a restauraunt and she is hungry she goes on warpath mode and she brings the whole mood down. She just gets annoyed at everything and she s so mean. I can t be myself without her telling me to shut up or if I try to talk to her while she s watching tv she will tell me to leave. There are very rare cases when she isn t like this, like when we are on vacation or when her and my dad are out with one of their friends. Also she is so mean to my dad. He does everything in his ability to make her happy and she still isn t. He said she wasn t like this when they got married and he can t take it anymore either, yet he still bends over backwards for her. When i talk to her It s never a nice conversation it s always about my tasks I have to complete and never in a nice way. Also she is obsessed with our cats and she s nice to them but not to us. It really seems like she doesn t like my family. Some additional info: she has no friends and no job and when we try to get her to do things outside of the house she isn t open to anything. I m 17 and a senior in hs and my brother is 20 and a junior at community college. Why is she like this and how can we change it? |
Question: What are your thoughts on this situation? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 04:06 AM PST I am in college and I am in this organization that allows me to take classes for 6 months and once I finish, I go into internship. When I enter internship, I will have to take classes from 8 AM to 5 PM. I have 2 months to go, counting November. I have a job coach who's purpose is to get me a job and he did, its at Brumos. My dad was happy that I finally got a job and wanted me to take it. Before I even took this job I knew it was a bad move, because my classes would conflict with my job, and in order for me to get the job I had to cut off my dreadlocks which took me 7 yrs to grow. I already had income coming in from another source, so me working at this point felt unnecessary and I could just focus on my school work. My dad and mom pressured me into cutting my locks for the job and now I work there and I hate it. Now what I predicted is happening. Right now my teachers wants me to stay after school until 3pm everyday for now on and I have too or I will lose points and I could get kicked out of the program. I told my parents of this conflict and now they say school is more important and if it comes to it I will have to quit the job. I am heartbroken and furious at the same time, because I lost something I valued for nothing and I told them this would happen before hand. When I got my paycheck I didn't feel any joy.It was just money to me because I already have money coming in. What do you think? Also lets not forget the homework I will be getting from this 8-5pm classes. Also at the end of the program I will get a business degree and they program will help me get into companies to work at such as Florida Blue or even Microsoft. |
Question: Should I talk to the victims family? Please help? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 02:27 AM PST I'm a 15 year old girl And my dad is in jail because he was in a car crash and 2 people died in the other car. I want to apologize to the victims family but I have no idea what to say, I know nothing I say will help them, they hate my dad and our family but I don't blame them. Idk it doesn't feel right I need to apologize to them on my dads behalf, Do u think its a good idea to talk to the victims family ? please don't write anything bad about my dad on here, on YouTube people commented so many hurtful things about my dad how he should of died instead and stuff, please don't write any of that here, I love him so much he's my everything he's my bestfriend he's all that I have, he cries all the time about the victims dying, it hurts seeing my dad like this, he never even had the heart to kill an animal, all he did his whole life was help people, and now this happened, I see the victims family in court all the time, I can't even look them in the eyes, I feel so terrible. Idk what to do, should I write them a letter? I don't even know what to say, what do u think I should do? |
Question: My Mom said I cause her stress why did she have Me? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 02:20 AM PST |
Question: I don't like anyone in my family? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 01:33 AM PST i come from a family that is very disfunctional. my sister is moody and talks crap, my nephew and his fiance are pot heads, my little nephew seems to be growing up to be confused and angry, my older brother is in jail and homeless, my other brother is in california somewhere and changes girlfriends like underwear, i have a sister who was the only sane person in the family but she ran away , my neice ran away too (they both married rich men) my family never comes over for the holidays. they never even call to say happy halloween or anything like that . nobody visits my mom and I the only person i talk to is my mother -__- is this bad? anyone else ever have experiences like this with family? |
Question: What do you call your grandma s husbands brother nephew or neice ? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 01:32 AM PST |
Question: My mom is pure evil..? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 12:58 AM PST HALP ME MOMMY IS SO MEAN TO ME :( |
Question: Girls how attractive are both guys? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 12:23 AM PST |
Question: What nice thing can you buy for an estranged dad? Posted: 10 Nov 2015 12:14 AM PST My whole life (27 years) my dad had been a jack@ss to me. Overly critical, dominating, dismissive, angry, etc. But over the past year or so he changed. He's nice now, he's calm, he's a normal functioning human being with consideration. I hated my dad for 26 years. But I feel I owe it to him to have had the committeemen to change. I want to buy him a gift, but I don't know what to buy. I don't know him well enough to know, what do i do? @bette: Because your guess is as good as mine..... :(...... |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 11:20 PM PST |
Question: My Dad wont talk to me what do I do? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 11:15 PM PST So I was robbed 2 weeks ago. Its a long story but I saw this little kid being attacked I stopped my car to help him and instead the guy saw the opportunity to take my phone which I idiotically left in my car. I stepped away from my car to ask help from on coming traffic but no one stoped so I guess I was far away enough that he could do that and bolt. Then the kid ran away because he was scared. I was really bummed that I lost my phone and that nobody helped but in a way happy I didnt get stabbed. Anyway when my dad finds out he was angry that I didn't punch the guy that stole my phone. It wasnt really an option and we werent near each other and he just ran off. Plus I was a little worried he had a knife so I never approached him. So being in an emotional state I yelled at dad. I mean thats a pretty thoughtless thing to say. After that he doesn't want to talk to me. The price for helping someone was too high I feel. I know this is probably not the best place to share your problems. But hey maybe one of you can give a unique perspective. What should I do about my dad? |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 11:03 PM PST |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 10:52 PM PST I got in touch with my biological family a few years ago back in 2011. So far I have talked to a handful of family members who are my cousins and grandparents and are very welcoming,loving and accepting of me, however my older half brothers Jeremy is the oldest and wont return my messages although he already told me I could ask him anything about our father. The other brother doesn't return my messages either, nether does my uncle but my unlce talks to everyone else in the family just not me and my older half sister just blocked me completely from facebook after I introduced myself as nice and respectfully as I could. Its been 4 years now and so far im the only one who has made any effort into trying to be apart of their lives. I understand that im the one who has to do all the work but they don't meet me half way at all and make me feel like **** cause they make me feel like I don't belong in the family. Im just angry and hurt because im rejected not only by my dad but by the rest of my immediate family too. Should I just forget about them? |
Question: I've got problems with my sister? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 10:31 PM PST I'm 20, she's 17 and about to go to college. I did two years and then quit, opting for an apprenticeship instead so I could be close by, but my sister has changed in those two years. I really don't get it and it's starting to scare me. Besides me going away, my mother and sister moved twice in the last 3 years, but finally they settled in one spot. I realize she's in a new place and her friends are now halfway across the country, but she's made zero effort to go out and make more than about 2 friends, let alone come and hang out with her big brother. The fact is this, we were close before but I'm starting to feel like she is struggling socially and internally. Something's wrong, but whatever it is, she's suppressing it and this is scaring me to death because my "brother senses" are tingling, if you will, but I can't figure out what the true problem is. She'll be off to college next fall and I have until then to help her anyway I can. I'm starting to feel like I've failed as a brother. I could just be imagining things to be worse than they are, but I do feel, at a minimum, that my little sister and I have drifted apart, and I partly blame myself. I've actually got some tears in my eyes as I write this, and I don't cry often. I need ideas on what the problem is, or at least how to get it out of my sister so I can help. Thanks! |
Question: Walked in on my boyfriend cheating?? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 10:26 PM PST I don t know what to do I m 16 and I have a identical twin sister and people can tell us apart cause I have short hair and she has long hair But something crazy happened I left the house to go shopping with my aunt and my sister said she wasn t feeling well so she stayed home I guess she got ahold of my boyfriend (who I ve been with for a year) She then invited him to the house posing as me Telling him that she was home alone and wanted to have sex right now And earlier I said my sister has long hair and mine is short So you would think once he got there he would see it was actually my sister and wouldn t go through with it But she actually went to extream to cutting her hair the same length as mine and putting on my clothes just to sleep with him. I got home and I caught them in my bed I was immediately pissed off at him and attacking him until I saw what she did. I m still angry with him idk what to do I know I shouldnt be mad him he didn t know but I m still upset with him and extremely disappointed |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 10:09 PM PST There was a group of boys. Mark spit on me when i was walking back from the restroom but his spit was inches from my shoe. Ivan told everybody I was ugly. Elion i think, made fun of me each time i was around him. Another hispanic boy i forgot who he was, he pushed me when I was walking ot the door and kicked me then I kicked him back and he told me if I ever did that again he would beat me up and his friends behind him laughed. They had no beef with any of the other girls and singled me out because I was the only islander in our grade. A girl name Selena was islander also but she was always hanging out with the Mexican girls so they left her alone. I remember on my way to lunch in 7th grade the same boy that kicked me pretended to shoot me and said to shoot the asian girl to his friends. I looked asian but not anymore. It was mainly the boys who treated me this way and even boys i dodn't know were embarassed to sit next to me. I am 16 now in HS and those same boys who made me cry each night smile at me and talk to me and everytime they did this i would just look at them and ask in my head if they even know i am. "Do you even know who I am? How come you're not embarassed to talk to me? Why are you treating me as decently as you treat everybody else now? Again, do you even know who I am?" After everything that happened in middle school.. Why do these boys smile at me now, after everything that happened in middle school. |
Question: I'm so tempted to take back Christmas presents purchased? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 09:37 PM PST I'm at my wit's end with buying presents. I spent a small fortune, like every year, and I'm tempted to take it back. For example, my sister treats me horrid, like she hates me, picking on me and giving me death glares. Yet when the concept of a gift she really wants comes up, she is nice as can be, buttering me up. Another would be me getting little things like gift cards for my father who I never see, just so he knows I still exist I guess. I know he doesn't really acknowledge it (or he just uses the gift on his stepchildren). Now lastly, my boyfriend I care about a whole lot, and I don't want to sound greedy or materialistic, but he doesn't make an effort. I'll get him a great gift, he'll usually do nothing in return. He claims he's uncreative, but I don't know, maybe I'm overthinking it. I'm just burned out because the people I care about don't seem to return the feelings. Please give me some serious insight...should I just stop giving? |
Question: I see myself with no chance of living. What should I do about this? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 09:36 PM PST Every day is another hell. Life itself only repeats itself endlessly. I've ****** it up every time I got the chance. In case you want information on who I am, I'm a 15 year old girl. Or at least I wish I was a girl. Every part of my body tells me am a girl except for my exterior. Life's kind of depressing that way. You either get called a shemale forever or you end up committing suicide. But that's not even my main problem (I know. It's surprising). My main problem is my parents. The constant beatings, put downs, nagging, and their disapproval towards my existence. I've never seen anybody else as hateful as them. I want to leave but I know I'll feel guilty for it. My siblings don't want to leave because they think that they're too terrific for foster care. I know they if I leave home then they'll have to leave. Not only that, but my parents have done enough harm to put them in jail for a long amount of time. I know that I'll never forgive myself for leaving but if I stay I'll be miserable and regret that too. I just want to find a place where I can help myself without harming others, like my coffin once I commit suicide. The problem with me is that I am not only gentle and miserable and a freaking closeted shemale but I'm also a freaking coward. I have posted over 80 damn questions on this topic in the past ~60 days and I still don't have the guts to confess what's going on. What should I do now and why should I live? Please help me. How do I gain courage? |
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