Question: Should I attend my sister's funeral, read below.....? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 07:45 AM PDT So I am 72 and I saw in the newspaper yesterday a death notice for my sister. I saw her last in 1990 and her kids haven't seen me since other then one who ran into me at a wedding some 20 years ago. Both she and I screwed up in the relationship and just stopped talking. She resented my wife because my wife's father had mistreated our father in a business deal. This led to her fueling gossip. On my end I always wanted to get the last say in so I'd go do the same back to her and we became like little kids in our 30's and early 40's. After our parents died we had a screaming fight and never spoke again. She made a jab at my wife after the funeral and I went into a rage and threw jabs about her husband and their son's drug problems. So long story short she died at age 80 of cancer (didn't say what kind). My wife died two years ago. I want to go to the funeral as she is still kin and I was just as much at fault as her. That said, I don't want to add pain to her three kids, now adults. I don't want the day to be about this mysterious uncle showing up. Should I only go to service but not reception? How do I handle this? Funeral is Tuesday. I have just as much apologizing to do as she would if I died so I am by no means the saint here but obviously I had to stick up for my wife and not let her get attacked for what her father had done.  |
Question: My mum and dad have been fighting alot lately and I feel responsible.? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 07:40 AM PDT What should I do? My mum hates me, or she is just pist that I still hang out with my dad. Once it got fiscal, nothing to bad just my dad pushed her around and screamed at her. Everything has been worse after. My mum won t Evan look at me or talk to me... How can I fix this or help them get past this?  |
Question: I caught my autistic cousin peeping at my sister while she was taking a shower? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 07:33 AM PDT It happened last night. My cousin has been living with me and my sister while his mom (our aunt) is out on a business trip. My cousin is 18 and my sister is 24, so they're around the same age, but it was still very wrong what he did, especially since we're all blood relatives. Even though my cousin is autistic, he is not dumb. He knows exactly why he does what he does, and the worst part was that my sister caught him too while she was showering and yelled at him to close the door, but after he closed it, he opened it again and kept trying to watch until I came over, making him run away with his hands covering his ears. The only time he was sad about the whole thing was when I punished him by taking his computer away, which makes me think he wasn't sad/regretful about the incident itself. His mom is coming home Sunday morning and I intend to tell her what happened. I've never dealt with this situation before, but I think I made the best call I could make: I didn't yell, curse, or hit him. All I did was talk to him in a stern tone and take away his computer for a while. But what do you guys think I should have done, or what do you think I should say to his mom?  |
Question: My mother says it will snow tomorrow but it is June and we are in Atlanta. Is she crazy and should I call a doctor? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 07:21 AM PDT Serious question. She is only 61 but has been acting very weird. Yesterday she was asking me about my father's parents and they died in 2008 and 1994.  |
Question: My mother make us go to the graveyard for about 20 minutes every day to talk to our great-grandmother and sister, is this inappropriate? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 07:16 AM PDT My great-grandmother (and great-grandfather) on my mother's mother's side are buried near where we live and my mother was especially close to them. I was alive and knew my great-grandmother until I was 11 when she died. Also an infant sister died at birth before I was born. So daily my mother make us go to the graveyard and talk to them (either silently or allowed). My sister is grounded when she refuses to. Each year at xmas we have to go for 30 minutes and converse before we can open gifts. My mother claims to be hearing their voices and she speaks back and converses with them when we're there. So my question is if this is inappropriate. I am all for sometimes visiting the grave but hearing her voice? Traveling in the summer because our great-grandmother spoke to our mother from the dead and told us where to go strikes me as weird. My grandmother, her daughter, joins us on Sundays but she doesn't hear voices there or anything. My Dad and step-mother don't do this. So is this inappropriate or should I keep doing it and should I speak to my other dead ancestors daily? What do I do if I can't go to their grave because it is too far away? Will my great-grandmother be mad if I don't go daily when I am older to her grave? Please help and this is a serious question  |
Question: My parents want me to drop out of High School. My life is pretty much over and I want to kill myself? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 07:12 AM PDT I'm 18, female, and I'm a pretty good student. But my parents are not very educated so they don't think it's important to go to school. They're on welfare, but it's not enough, and now they're financially struggling. They want me to drop out of school (my last year is starting in September) and get a job to support them. I already have a part time job and work during the summer cleaning. I don't want to drop out because I'll spend my life struggling with poor paying jobs and welfare like them. They said, they'll kick me out if I don't obey them? What do I do? I don't have any friends or family besides them to help me out.  |
Question: Was this rude of my realtor? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 07:10 AM PDT She had me purge my home of clutter. I did that and she did a walk through and said everything looked great. She brings the photographer over for the virtual tour while I'm at work. I get home and they have thrown stuff in closets, put stuff in my washing machine. It took me a bit to find some things. She sent me a text saying they had to move some things and that she hopes I find things ok. I was sort of upset... Not to mention she hasn't been doing her job lately. She has children and it seems like that takes most of her time.. Should I be concerned?  |
Question: Guyz tomorrow my mom is gonna ask a question, it is do u believe in God, what answer should i give? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 06:53 AM PDT |
Question: My brother is gay and lives with his boyfriend. I am against this relationship. Shall I inform his boyfriends parents? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 06:52 AM PDT I disagree with their lifestyle and wanna save my brother. If I inform his boyfriends parents about his perversion - her mum may die of shock and his father may kick out my brother from their house. I know my brother will be devastated after this and might even get depressed after this 'break-up' but I'm sure he'd come out of it in no time. So shall I just inform his boyfriends parents?  |
Question: I feel very guilty that as a kid until age 14 I believed my mother's negative statements about or Dad not loving us. should I feel guilt? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 04:51 AM PDT My parents divorced when I was 8 and my mother told us our Dad didn't know how to love us and when I was 13 and he remarried that he was picking the new wife over us kids. I feel I let my Dad down and ashamed of myself as I avoided him until I was aged 15. I then got close to him. I am in my late 20's now and he died last year. Should I be ashamed of myself? Am I being too hard on myself? Are kids under 15 supposed to know when their mother is lying? Please help (asking for the last time but wanted a couple different answers from different users) Asked Thurs. in psychology section  |
Question: I am scared because my mother's friend likes to stir up stuff between my Mom and my Mom's sister (my aunt). How do I get my mother to stop..? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 04:36 AM PDT To stop listening to the gossip this friend of hers share. The friend's brother and his wife are friends with my mother's sister and her husband. My mother and her sister have always had spats and so I don't want to lose out on family time by them not speaking at some point. Ten years ago they went two years without speaking because my mother learned my aunt didn't want her moving next door because she thought it would cause conflict (my aunt was right). So now they have this friend and I am 19 and afraid if my mother and aunt having a falling out then I will miss out on family time. Ten years ago when they had the falling out we had to go visit grandparents when my mother's sister wasn't there and couldn't play with our cousins. I am older now but still holidays and all we might not be asked to if they aren't speaking. So how do I get my mother to stop gossiping with this trouble maker friend my mother has who seems to be trying to fuel negative thoughts into my mother's head about my mother's sister (my aunt)?  |
Question: My Mother treats me like a child and I hate Her for it, is it reasonable and justified? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 03:54 AM PDT To make a long story short I have been living at home because I had a massive stroke. Needless to say this has caused a strained relationship with my Parents, where there had been a great relationship before the stroke. I have often complained that living with them makes me feel like a powerless child again, to which my Mother responds that it's because I act like a child. HOWEVER, the Woman threatens me like one! For example(one of many) this morning She threatened me by saying we would not leave for an important event until I ate my eggs and toast. She then proceeded to throw a mini fit when we HAD to leave due to time. Exclaiming that I get to do what I want, when I want. Never mind that I pretty much lost my entire Adult life and have to deal with Her ridiculous "rules." I just sense misplaced resentment. Overall I have come to have little respect for Her and pretty much hate Her... Help and thoughts please!? Thank you.  |
Question: How does one "runaway"? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 03:48 AM PDT Hello. I'm an almost-15-year-old girl. My father is emotionally and mentally abusive to our family, he has been physically abusive to my siblings and mother, but not me. I keep begging mom to leave him, if not for herself, than for me, but she avoids the discussion and says things will get better. They never have. I never feel safe. I feel trapped. I can't think any solution besides running away, but I don't want to become a crack-addicted hooker living on the streets. Though, I would rather it be that than dead or worse. How do people runaway?Any wisdom you could provide? He isn't actively violent, he just has been in the past. We don't have any evidence for the abuse, so telling someone likely wouldn't do anything. I don't want him to have a tap on the wrist, I never want to see him again.  |
Question: Why Doesn't My Mother Respect Me? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 03:45 AM PDT I'm an 19 year old male college sophomore, here's my situation. My grandmother is a very narcissistic, nosy, and judgmental person. My mother has recently started talking with my grandmother on a daily basis, and most of the time, she tells her about me. My mom constantly tells her about my friends even though I always ask her not to, especially about two of my friends that are girls. Next thing I know, my grandmother is calling me knocking down my two friends saying that I don't need to be hanging around them and how I need to find a girlfriend now, what types of girls I can and can't date, blah blah blah. She also makes very rude remarks about my friends even though she doesn't know anything about them. I've repeatedly asked my mom multiple times not to talk about me with this woman but she continues to do it anyway. It's actually almost as if she thinks it's a joke. Also, here's the other side of the issue. Throughout my childhood, my mom has always allowed other grown adults to yell at me and insult me while she stands there and watches the whole thing. One time when I was 10, my aunt made my cry at thanksgiving and my mom yelled at me for crying and being disrespectful. Another time when I was 9, my other aunt was openly rude to me and even told someone in the family that she didn't want her kids to turn out like me. My mom knew about the whole thing and didn't say anything to her. Why does she constantly do these things?  |
Question: Should i call the cops on my dad? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 03:43 AM PDT Here's the deal. I'm 13 yo and i have a sister who's 17yo. My parents are divorced. I love my mother very much, but I've always kinda hated my dad. He's just so narcissistic and arrogant. He thinks he knows everything and is the best at everything. Now let me tell you something. Even though he looks like a nice person, I think he's horrible. He's always shouting at me and my sister for the smallest things and then blames everything bad that has ever happened on my mother, my sister and me, right in front of us. He calls us useless little pieces of **** that use up all of his money and time. And sometimes he even gets aggressive at me, and hits me and pushes me. Sometimes he has these really big periods of rage where he shouts at me and my sister, breaks stuff and and gets physical. One time he broke my phone by slamming it on the table and then threw it at me. I don't know if it has to do with anything, he's addicted to pot (he's 49 yo). I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so scared of him. My mother has suggested for me and my sister to move in with her, but i'm scared that he'll come to her place and be aggressive at my mother (plus they have joint custody so i guess he woul take her to court). I'm just tired of him and I never want to see him again, but i have to every other week. Should i call the cops on him? I mean, I feel threatend by him. Pls help me (sorry if my english is bad, it's not my first language)  |
Question: How to talk at a small party? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 03:31 AM PDT What do you NOT do while at a family part. I have the tendency to show off but it's only because I want to seem cool. If I'm not showing off I'm standing like an idiot and being very awkward.  |
Question: Is it possible to have such a strong connection with a family member that you instantly know of their passing the moment it happens? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 02:52 AM PDT This is something odd that happened when my step mother passed. Me and my sister we're in the living room I was sleeping in a recliner and from what she said at exactly 9:55 pm I sat up eyes wide open and asked 3 times " where's Lori?" ( my step mother's name) my sister replyed "in the hospital" then I fell back asleep when I woke up I had no memory of what I said or that i sat up and said that but what was creepy is that was the exact time she passed from what the hospital said. This happen this year back in February  |
Question: How to be a good aunty? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 02:24 AM PDT I've got 4 nephews and a 2 nieces. All I want is to be a good aunty but not let them be brats. They love me but they don't do things unless I shout. I hate shouting because I have a puny voice. They're all under 6 years old and very intelligent little beings. Where are all my aunties at?  |
Question: How do I stop being a mess up? Is it my fault? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 02:22 AM PDT It seems like all I ever do isn't good enough for my family. Like I'll never the center of attention. I'm not saying I deserve it but I've never had a big birthday, I've never had my whole family make it to my game. I've never got a gift for holidays/birthdays that I actually wanted. I've never been close to anyone in my family. Am I doing something wrong? Is it because I don't do my chores consistently? Is it because I not the best at sports? Is it because I never get honor roll? Am I nothing to my family? 😞  |
Question: Where to buy Haydite along the Gulf Coast? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 12:45 AM PDT |
Question: Mom is jealous of time I spend with boyfriend.? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 12:42 AM PDT Hi everyone. I've been with my bf for 6 years and we're both 23 years old. I am an only child and my parents and I are very close, especially me and my mom. My bf and I have been living separately with our parents since we graduated from college because it's too expensive for us to rent at the moment. I've been trying to split my time up evenly with everyone but no one is ever satisfied. This has been a constant battle of tug of war over the years. For a few months now I've been going to my bf's house on Friday nights and staying until either Sunday or Monday. The rest of the days I'm at my parent's house. My mom keeps stressing me out and telling me that I don't spend enough time at home. She calls me names and tells me things like "just wait until he dumps you, then you're going to need us" or "you're only going to realize that you need to spend more time with your parents when something bad happens to one of us." It's extremely hurtful. I'm frustrated because I feel like my mom clings to me because I'm an only child. I'm an adult, I pay bills, and I work a full time job. I shouldn't have to ask permission to spend time with my boyfriend and I shouldn't be guilt tripped every time I go to his house. On the flip side, my boyfriend thinks I don't spend enough time with him. Everyone is always fighting over me and it frustrates me to no end. Has anyone ever dealt with this and does anyone have any advice for how to deal with this?  |
Question: Will my sister be gorgeous looking when she's in high school? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 12:28 AM PDT I have a sister that's 9 years old right now and I was just wondering that will she be gorgeous girl in high school? (I don't think my sister is ugly,She looks like a normal little 9 year old girl)  |
Question: Could you do with a few more hands or is two enough? Posted: 25 Jun 2016 12:26 AM PDT |
Question: How to help my brother and his wife conflicts? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 11:51 PM PDT My bro has 3 kids under 5 years old with his wife. He's not really happily marry because my sis in law is controlling. Especially with the kids, our family members can't do certain things to the kids but she can. My bro has been the only one bringing in income to his family. His wife stay home to take care of the kids ever since she was pregnant. The other day, my bro was about drinking with his neighbor and his wife showed up and yelled at him for drinking and said that shes not his maid in front of his friends. Its not like they drink often. For one week, she stop cooking for him and only made food for the kids.They barely get together to drink. He said if they didn't have kids he would divorced her already but since they have 3 kids together...its hard.  |
Question: I don't know why, but I really don't like my family to know how I feel? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 11:29 PM PDT |
Question: Is it appropriate that my father is acting this way? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 11:20 PM PDT Okay so before we get into this let me give you some insight. My father has been known very well to get upset at the littlest things and blow it out of proportion. For instance when he was teaching me how to drive I asked if I could drive with my mom while I was still learning. He then told me he wouldn't teach me how to drive or allow me to get my license because he wanted me to wait till I was ready in his mind. Or the time me and him decided on a color to paint my room and when he met with me and my mom at Home Depot and I asked if I could change the colors to something else he turned around and walked out of the store and went home and said he wasn't gonna paint my room anymore. Also keep in mind when reading the question that I will comment below that my mother loves having my girlfriend over and has no problem with her being there. That I'm very responsible and independent. I have a job and have had since I turned 16. I pay for my car, car insurance, phone and other necessities. And that my family sides with me that my father is being ridiculous. Also that the present I gave him was only late because of shipping on Amazon.  |
Question: My sister is selfish? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 11:11 PM PDT She has 3 electronics, an Ipad Mini, an iphone, plus a laptop, all of her very own. I however, have nothing, and when I do use a gadget its always the family's home computer for 30 mins or my mum's phone for 20 mins. When I ask her if I can borrow one of her gadgets, she always screams 'NO, IT'S MINE, AND IT HAS MY STUFF ON IT.' My parents don't care when i tell them, and call ME selfish. While my sister lays around with her three gadgets, and millions of books, I have to pick from my collection of 10 books, including recipe books and weird books from my dad's company. I understand that I should be grateful for what I have, but I really don't think this is fair... Our parents paid for her electronics. She is 17. I am 14. She got her gadgets when she 12  |
Question: Asking parents about tattoos? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 11:09 PM PDT So, I'm 18 and believe I'm relatively mature for my age, I currently have a job at a semi-large retail store (that I won't be disclosing due to privacy reasons), and I all around have my life pretty much planned out for the next 5 years. To get an idea of who I am as a person I really love pop/punk rock, been listening to it all my life. I have been entertaining the idea of getting a tattoo and whenever I talk to my mom about it she is always very harsh and tells me she'll make me pay rent or kick me out if I get one. I have an older sister that has several and nothing seems to happen to her other than a slap on the wrist, I don't want to go all in and see if my mom is bluffing but I honestly would like to get one both for an experience and to just be unique to the others around me. Any opinions and/or advice is greatly appreciated, thanks  |
Question: My bratty little sister is always getting me in trouble for no reason! It really getting to me though!? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 11:03 PM PDT So I'm 14 and my little sister is 9. I honestly love her to death... Sometimes it's the same for her. You see, she always acts so bratty and spoiled to my parents, and me! But my dad lets her because if he doesn't then my sister cries. He hates crying. She is always mocking me and being rude, also calling me names. But oh, to other people she acts like a sweet little angle and no one ever believes me. Like today, I made a rock. I painted it and all. So I left in in my room. We went on vacation two days ago. Turns out my sis brought the rock in her suitcase!!! Then in front of me, she goes to my aunt and says "here, I give this rock to you as a present from me!" I stopped her there and told everybody that it's MY rock. Then my aunt tells me I don't have any rights to say that because my sister is the one who brought it. **** that ughhh. I didn't tell her to bring it! So do u think it's time for a good silent treatment?  |
Question: Why do single mothers raise their boys to be weak and feminine? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 10:51 PM PDT I see it so often that single mothers want their son to border on homosexual tendencies and be weak, lack masculine traits, be a momma's boy, overly emotional, and overall just sissies. They want their son to be the nice, beta male guy who will amount to nothing in his life because she wants to coddle him. Why do women do this disservice to their sons?  |
Question: Overprotective mom HELP? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 10:41 PM PDT So I'm 16 and I'm about to turn 17 this July. Now my mom and I haven't always had the best relationship and our communication skills suck. Last year I ran away and was gone for about a week bc I couldn't stand living with her bc of her terrible temper tantrums and bipolar issues. Not about to get into that whole story, but basically when u came back she and my gma promised to get help for our family, they promised therapy and counseling but it was bullshit it's been 7 months and I haven't seen 1 person. I've been facing depression & anxiety I'd say since I was 13. After u ran away is when people started realizing how I'm not okay.. "It was a wake up call" But nothing happened when I came back. Actually I take that back, too much happened.. When I got back I found out my mom went through my phone read my text messages and found images of me she wasn't happy with. Now I'm not a slut. But a while before I left I was with a guy I considered to be in a serious relationship with. She blew up on me about it and found out about **** I used to do- which was that I went to a party and lost my virginity- that's it! Ik in a way it's a big deal but compared to what my friends are doing or even what my mother was doing at my age👀 I was still a saint. She held app restrictions on my phone for 7 months now, and I feel like she still doesn't trust me when I go out and do anything  |
Question: What do you think of the situation? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 10:38 PM PDT Okay so about 3 days ago my father got upset because he called me when I was in my room to ask me a question. I was on my game and never actually heard him call me, but my girlfriend told me he was. Eventually I got up and looked for him around the house and he was no where to be found so I figured he left. I then returned to my room and played my game. I later found out he was outside. Anyways he got really angry and told me he wouldn t let my girlfriend stay the night anymore even though she has stayed the night practically everyday for the past 2 months. Also not to mention I felt bad about how upset he got so I put the really amazing and thoughtful Father s Day gift on his seat while he was outside hoping he d see it and feel better after all of it, but he then proceeds to throw it on the floor without even looking at it and it was breakable. I apologized and tried to be the bigger person, yet he s still dragging it out and punishing me over the fact that I "disrespected" him by not going when he called for me. Which is understandable yet is it really appropriate to act this way? What are your guys thoughts? He won t listen to what I have to say and believes that the way he s acting is acceptable. He tries to get everyone on his side when everybody else agrees with me that he s being ridiculous.  |
Question: HELP ME PLEASE? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 10:25 PM PDT Firstly, I am 10 ( I know I am too young but I'm using my moms account ) I was at a sleep over with my best friend Amber and my little sister and my older brother stayed home with my mom and my dad. Apparently my brother passed out so my sister mom and dad rushed him to the doctor and my best friend Ambers mom Kelly rushed me and Amber to the hospital to the rest of the family. A while after we arrived at the hospital the doctor told my mom and dad my brother died from an undetected heart condition and my parents told us. :( we recently left the hospital and I'm in my room brothers room right now with my whole family and I'm so depressed :( He just died a few hours ago.. He was 13 and my sister is 6 also his name is Jason and my sister is Janie and I'm Jasmine I JUST CANT BELIEVE MY BROTHER JUST DIED :( I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO I WONT BE ABLE TO SLEEP IM SO DEPRESSED I JUST WANNA DIE TO SEE HIM AGAIN  |
Question: I want to kill myself? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 10:23 PM PDT The other day, my aunt moved in with her two children. They moved in before and the outcome was terrible (her kids would call my sister and I names, disrespect my mom, etc.) Anyways, she never paid my mom last time and we eventually downsized because she was also out of work at the time. So my younger cousin and I never got along and would make up lies about me and act buddy with me but I knew because my sister would tell me (she also puts stuff in my sister's head). I'm kind of mad that my mom let her sister move in after she hurt her before but I understand that they are sisters and all but she pratically uses my mom. My aunt never worked before she moved with us and would always party and sleep with rich guys as they would give her expensive gifts in return. I tried telling my mom but she's already stressed with work and I tried telling my grandmother but she said that they act that way because they're "depressed." My grandparent's have a huge house so I was wondering why they wouldn't let my aunt and cousins move in. I'm just in a really bad mood and feel like I have nothing to live for.  |
Question: How can i convice my parents to let me have my xbox while in summer school,im a senior? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 10:15 PM PDT My name is Derrick, im 17, and i am going into my Senior year of high school. i have all my credits awith a 3.4 GPA. This summer i decided to Summer School Courses so i can graduate early. My parents dont allow me to play my Xbox during the School year (I bought the Xbox), only in the summer. My stepdad had told me i cant play my xbox since i am in summer school, Which i dont understand because Summer School is nothing like regular school. AND Last year they didn't even take my Console when i was in summer School and i passed all my classes. I wanted to know how can i convince them to give me my console back because im really tired of being treated like a little kid.  |
Question: My uncle just killed himself? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 10:09 PM PDT i was just playing terraria on my computer and then my mom came into my room. she had a serious look on her face and i thought i was in trouble or something but then she said "uncle (not gonna say his name) just killed himself." i don't see him much (maybe twice per year), but i still feel so bad. he was a peremedic and so he saw a lot of car axidents and he's seen a lot of death, and it had an effect on his mental health. the last time i saw him, he made me pinky promise him that i would put my seat belt on from now on. he used to weigh like 400 pounds and he lost 150 pounds in a year, and i thought he was feeling good because of the weight loss. i just don't know why he would do this, he knew it would hurt all of us. it's weird to think that next christmas he won't be there. i just don't know what to do.  |
Question: My moms roommates daughter and her boyfriend moved in a week ago? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 09:50 PM PDT And today I woke up (after sleeping in late) to find some of my stuff had been moved and opened. I asked my brother and sister and they said they didn't do it so I am really worried. The daughters boyfriend has mentioned that he dislikes my rats and snakes that I care for and absolutely despises them. He came into my room trying to bother me and I told him to **** off and I got in trouble over it so I don't want to go confronting them over my suspicions. Should I set up a camera or something?  |
Question: My mom doesn t believe me? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 09:46 PM PDT I m 13 and my mom makes these accusations at me. Sometimes there inappropriate and sick. I tell her it s not true and that she never listens to me. She tells me ur lying u aren t normal. BUT ITS NOT TRUE. She makes me cry sometimes and tells me " ur crying because your lying" which makes me more upset. I tell her every time I m not, and she dosent believe me she makes me so angry inside and it hurts. I ve been going through this now for 3 years and it s getting worse. At this point I don t want to be near her. What do I do to make her listen?  |
Question: Why do I dislike affection from my parents? Posted: 24 Jun 2016 09:25 PM PDT I'm 17 and never really built communication with my parents. My dad never really joined us when we did things, my mom seemed annoyed when my dad showed affection towards her, my dad SOMETIMES showed affection towards me, my mom did, even tho I found it annoying. Now, I find any affection from them annoying. They say why I get mad. I didn't really think about it when I was little, but now that I'm older, I'm thinking maybe it affected me. It's strange, because my brother is 16 and does show affection towards them, hugs and kisses them. I couldn't see myself doing that.  |