Marriage & Divorce: Question: My husband recently started a job and he hasn't worked in 2 years now I feel alone, advice? |
- Question: My husband recently started a job and he hasn't worked in 2 years now I feel alone, advice?
- Question: I want a baby now and my husband doesn't. What can I do?
- Question: How does my essay sound?
- Question: How should a guy deal with an alcoholic wife when there s a child involved?
- Question: My boyfriend has a massive porn collection, it really bothers me but he refuses to get rid of it, what should I do? He won't delete it!?
- Question: Husband is an otr driver. I found a receipt for a nail salon in his truck.?
- Question: Why do some parents pester their daughter to get married, yet hate every boyfriend she's ever had?
- Question: How do I help my friend whose husband is a control freak?
- Question: What's the difference between being in love, and loving someone? Please share your thoughts, experience, and understanding.?
- Question: How to keep my mom out of my marriage?
- Question: How can I stop hating my husband?
- Question: Help...I'm so frustrated at this moment with this man my husband.?
- Question: My husband is a Video game addict seems like I m being ignored a lot lately how do I get his attention to show thiswithout a arguement?
- Question: Relationship Advide?
- Question: Should we tell her?
- Question: Am I being unreasonable?
- Question: What should I do about my husbands disrespect? My husband was an alcoholic when we met. But he still doesn't believe he has a problem.?
- Question: Why would my husband not consult me on inviting in laws over for holidays.?
- Question: What should I do about my husband's disrespect?
- Question: Separated wife doesn't help me with 4 year old son, barely sees him, why?
- Question: My divorce and custody hearing was settled in South Dakota. My ex wife and I have since moved to other states. Where would a new hearing be?
- Question: How do you convince your wife to stop persuing a divorce?
- Question: If I have a hyphenated last name, but only want my fiancé and myself to take one of the two, will i have to get a legal name change prior?
- Question: When one custodian gives the child to other parent earlier than the appointed time,?
- Question: I left my abuse husband recently he is now asking me to come and pay rent for the last 2 years!! what should I do?
- Question: Am I in love with my husband still or ready to walk?!?! I'm so confused!?
- Question: Is it possible to cheat on your sponse without being caught forever?
- Question: How frequently do you and your spouse have skin to skin contact?
- Question: Articles about married couples social security bvenits?
- Question: How can i start to prepare to have a wife and children In future? ?
- Question: Yes or no? Are many married people more?
- Question: Why do so many married people??
- Question: Would I be a horrible parent...?
- Question: Was my husband wrong for kicking me out of the house?
- Question: Have you felt like no matter what you do , your never good enough for your spouse?
- Question: How do I tell my wife that I want to go through male to female surgiry?
- Question: What would you call a marriage where both people yield to each other and neither person takes the lead to get things done?
- Question: Doing our own thing during the holidays with no regrets. How to discuss with IL's?
- Question: I need examples of what "going with the flow" looks like in a typical marriage. What's the right way and wrong way to do this?
- Question: Husband pushed me and now?
- Question: Is this for her or me?
- Question: Christmas gift ideas for my husband! It s our first year married!?
- Question: Do marriage counselors ever suggest a divorce?
- Question: What's the secret to accepting your marriage as it is today and not as it could be tomorrow?
- Question: My husband 1st marriage has ruined him financially?
- Question: Need help in a tough spot here?
- Question: How to get my husband to please me in the bedroom...?
- Question: Why has cheating in a relationship become a popular trend?
- Question: If you found your partner wrote this would you leave them ?
- Question: Are SUCCESSFUL open relationships/marriages the strongest types of relationships?
- Question: What are things I can do to be happy for what I have RIGHT NOW in my marriage instead of constantly strive for an idealistic "POTENTIAL"?
- Question: What would you do if your spouse completely refused to have sex with you ?
- Question: Thinking of surprising my wife when the kids will be with grandparents for the day. Might have a nice lunch and go back to a hotel room.?
- Question: My ex wife got evicted from her apartment and is currently staying in hotels for the past 3 weeks.?
- Question: Single mom who easily provides for myself - Should I get married?? I don t see many incentives or reasons to?
- Question: Why does my husband smell his finger after he fingers me?
- Question: Im being emotionally eaten from inside and out, and now its affecting my relationship with my husband?
- Question: Is it true that many married men forgo their own happiness just to save their marriage?
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 08:45 PM PST He has just gotten put overnights as well opposite my shift I haven't ever been used to this drastic change and he is my only true friend in life I can't imagine never seeing him :( |
Question: I want a baby now and my husband doesn't. What can I do? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 08:42 PM PST I want a baby more than anything. I try talking to my husband about it and he keeps telling me to be patient. I don't know what he's waiting on but it's weighing so hard on my heart. What can I do or say to him? Help please. |
Question: How does my essay sound? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 08:31 PM PST I'm writing an essay for my English class about why people cheat in relationships and why they should not do it I'm sure about how my essay sounds so far I've written the introduction and the first body paragraph tell me what you think! There are many reasons why people cheat in a relationship, but the main one is because a spouse may feel emotionally ignored. A husband or wife may feel like their significant other is not putting enough effort into the relationship as they are. Their partner is not willing to spend time with them or show any affection towards them. Although cheating is not the answer many partners feel like it will solve the problem or fill the void they feel inside. If a partner feels unhappy or unsatisfied with a boyfriend or girlfriend they should break up with them rather than cheat on them thinking it is the solution. Many people feel like they have the right to cheat on someone because they are not happy about the relationship, but regardless of the situation it does not give someone the authority to commit a selfish act. Although it does not feel good to be emotionally ignored by a spouse the person needs to understand what they are putting at risk when making these types of choices. Instead of finding a good way to solve the problem they use cheating as a way to distract themselves from reality and to help them escape. |
Question: How should a guy deal with an alcoholic wife when there s a child involved? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 07:55 PM PST My brother s wife has been drunk almost every night. He found a bunch of empty packages of cold medicine that she has been overdosing on. She takes care of their baby during the day & the baby is healthy, happy & developmentally on target, but his wife doesnt clean or cook or work. She has no friends & refuses to try to make any. She gets credit cards in her name & racks them up but he pays her bills cuz he doesnt want bad credit. He works full time. She denies she has a problem & refuses help. He wont divorce her cuz he doesnt want to lose his child & he does love his wife. She isnt doing anything that she can be arrested for. He doesnt know what to do. |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 07:53 PM PST I was playing a video game on my boyfriend's xbox and then i noticed the xbox had a flash drive in it. out of curiosity, i went to the videos section of the dashboard to see what was on it. i figured it was gaming videos or something but NO! it is filled with at least 300 lesbian porn videos! then i went to the pictures section and the same thing, just thousands of pics of naked women. I confronted him about it and he said he liked watching it. when i asked him to delete it he said no because he enjoyed pleasuring himself to them and that they actually cost money since they were from websites that require memberships. PLURAL, as in more than one website. He's actually spent money on this filth! And it seems that not only does he have this but he feels the need to watch it while he's on his xbox! yuck! I'm afraid to see how many videos he has on his computer. Anyway we had a fight and now I don't know what to do. It makes me feel uncomfortable that he has this stuff. I mean we have sex AT LEAST once a week and sometimes more. What do I do here? |
Question: Husband is an otr driver. I found a receipt for a nail salon in his truck.? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 07:41 PM PST His logs prove he was in MN that day, the salon is in GA. There was also a receipt for Petro in Ga for the same day, how did these end up in his truck, he claims to have no idea.??? |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 07:37 PM PST if no dude is ever good enough for their precious little princess, how do they ever expect to marry her off? |
Question: How do I help my friend whose husband is a control freak? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 07:10 PM PST So my friend who just got married in the summer is having problems with her husband. We're both in our early 20's going through college. Her husband joined the air force and is stationed a few states from her. It's been a couple of months since they've seen each other. Well anyhow, he's suppose to come back thanksgiving week but things aren't going so well. She says they get into arguments a lot and he tells her that she can't have a social life, use certain phrases when talking to him like "I miss you" or "come home" (because for some reason it makes him mad), she can't talk other guys even if it's about an assignment for class, he has to know whenever she texts someone, he has to know where she is at all times, he says that he'll leave her if she gets fat, |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 06:58 PM PST My mother told me that she's love many men in her life but only really been in love once, with my father (who she hate now after many years of divorce). She said that loving someone is a choice but being in love is something you have no control over, something not everyone gets to experience in their life time. She felt and thought that someone slipped her drugs bc they he made her feel. She said that when you're in love you that person should make you feel like you can be anything anywhere anytime. She said it's almost undiscribable. She said that me and my boyfriend love each other very much. But there's something she feels he can't give me. That he'd be by my side till I die but he needs to make me feel more alive. Add life to my years. She told me to never settle for satisfactory bc there's a difference between it and happiness. It all made me think Just to note. My mother is crazy. But you always learn the most from the crazy most experienced people. She was drunk lol. But still guys |
Question: How to keep my mom out of my marriage? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 06:57 PM PST I feel like maybe my mom doesn't like my husband. We currently live with my mother because I'm in school and my husband collect SSI due to a physical condition. It's hard for him to stand for even three hours. I understand the struggles I will face being with him but I didn't expect so much from my mom. She's thinks he's lazy and that he's doing nothing. She wants to know everything that's going on in our marriage. For example we could be in the same room and me and my husband start whispering to each other she'll ask what are we talking about and if we say nothing she gets upset and says that's rude to whisper when people are around. It drives me insane. She makes comments about him when me and her are alone but never when he's near. I'm trying to look for a job now while we are saving money from his check to move out. I just don't know how to deal with my mom anymore. |
Question: How can I stop hating my husband? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 06:33 PM PST There's nobody I hate more than my own husband and I feel hopeless and trapped because I have no where to go. My hatred of him is getting worse every day. What can I do to control that and/or stop hating him? |
Question: Help...I'm so frustrated at this moment with this man my husband.? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 06:32 PM PST My husband fraustrates the hell out of me and this is because he never fixes anything around the house. This is a man who build houses for a living a jack of all trade great handy man, people call him from everywhere really because the work is so good. I have seen his work and it's the best. The only concern that I have is that my house never gets fixed. I don't want to be a nagging wife so I just don't say anything a lot of the time. Example the bathroom sink is squirting water every time you turn it on, the toilet needs attention stopping up on ocassions, these are small things that will never get fixed, started on bathroom tile been left unfinished for 8 or more years now my yard most of the time looks like no one have lived there in years. If I had the money to pay someone to do it I will but unfortunately I don't. I do my part in the house as a wife so why can't I get something done around my house that takes a man touch. I can't take it anymore someone help with how to handle this situation with an argument. without an argument is what I meant to say. |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 06:28 PM PST |
Question: Relationship Advide? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 06:23 PM PST Relationship advice- So my boyfriend and i broke up. He was acting weird i felt like he was cheating on me so i ended things with him or went on a break as he said. i found him at a place with another girl the following day. he has cheated on me in the past. we were living together. we haven't lost contact as its only been a week weeks and i found out he's talking and taking her out almost everyday. I asked him about it and he denies everything. he doesn't want to let me go and talks about our future together when we speak but he says he's confused about being with me and denies being with anyone. What should i do? I'm crushed and broken i don't know how to approach this anymore. I love him to death. Why is he stringing me along and lying to me. |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 06:10 PM PST My husband and I are in disagreement about whether to disclose to his mother that her husband is having an affair. They have been married for over 20 years and it is painfully obvious that they do not want to be married anymore but will not separate or get counseling. She found out early in their marriage that he was HIV positive so this obviously cut out intimacy, and my husband and I learned about 6 years ago that he had molested my husband's sister and cousin when they were children. She chose to stay every single time. Even through his on and off drinking issues which do not come close to the first two family secrets. My husband naturally feels bad for her, simply because she is his mother. My opinion is that she is an adult and their marriage is none of my business but is now causing conflict in ours. Why would you do? It is causing us conflict because we disagree.WE in a stable marriage have overcome MANY obstacles which have gotten nothing but criticism from both mother/step father. Bc she chooses to stay w/ him thru all of his wrongs, we cannot leave our children w/her unsupervised. She hangs on his every word and puts him on a pedestal. This not only hurts my husband,but her decisions affect our marriage as well as the relationship w/ her grandchildren. Not only will revealing this to her cause drama, but backlash towards my husband should she choose to stay and make her husband faultless once again. We were basically shunned after making the decision not to allow overnights at their home after the molestation came to light. Our only concern was protecting our children. Guess who got the worst of it.. yes my husband. This will do the same to him if not more. |
Question: Am I being unreasonable? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 05:58 PM PST My wife plays a role play facebook game where she has sex with other men. She uses a fake fb account and plays a younger woman. Basically she plays a catfish roll and knows what many of these men look like in real life. They get very intimate and dirty. It is really starting to bother me and I have asked her if she would not be dirty in the game, but she won't stop. Am I being unreasonable? |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 05:55 PM PST He reaches a point where he basically cheats on me whenever he drinks. Hitting on women and endangering people around him. He doesn't know his limit and has no self control. When he's sober, he's a wonderful man. When he's drunk he's a belligerent asshole. Now I'm pregnant and we are living in different towns while he goes to school. We agreed we'd both go dry(duh for me but ok). Then behind my back he goes out drinking and doesn't tell me at all. I have to find it on our banking. He knows we couldn't afford it too. He tried to tell me it was just a beer with his friend, but it was a club. Not a bar. Now I basically reached a point where I said if you drink we are done. But the problem is he conveniently forgot now and I'm now stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I forgive him, I'm a doormat. If I don't I'll be a single mum in a bad spot but if I decided to forgive him, what consequences would even work. I've tried so long and so much to stop his behavior. And I'm tired but divorce is such a huge optic what should I do |
Question: Why would my husband not consult me on inviting in laws over for holidays.? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 05:54 PM PST I'm a pretty easy to get along with wife I would describe my self as old fashioned I try to compromise with my husband and his family as best as possible. Every now and then it seems like they make plans without consulting me. Today I was informed that my husband invited his family over Christmas morning. In a big way I'm not ok with it the plans are we usually go over Christmas evening about 5ish and stay until midnight then Christmas Day is when my husband and children are at our house opening our gifts as a family. Don't get me wrong but I do believe in extended family as a whole but I also would like private time with just us. Why would my husband not consult me and just not think about how I would feel? |
Question: What should I do about my husband's disrespect? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 05:47 PM PST |
Question: Separated wife doesn't help me with 4 year old son, barely sees him, why? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 05:18 PM PST A quick description, she cheated twice and i left her for having poor family values, drinking and dishonesty last year. She sees her son about twice a month on average for only a few hours. She doesn't call or ask about him. When i confront her she just says that she is so busy and works 7 days a week to support herself which isn't true. Her social media looks like that of a celebrity. She also threatens me that she will take my son away if i don't start paying her child support by saying that i abuse her and that I'm an aggressive person, which i am not. I take care of my son everyday by myself with a little help from my mother. Im a 26 year old Army Vet attending college full time and my ex is a bartender. Can someone explain why a mother never sees her child and doesn't physically help me ? also what are her chances of winning custody in court ( i did retain a lawyer and he said that i will get custody but idk if i trust his words ) |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 05:06 PM PST |
Question: How do you convince your wife to stop persuing a divorce? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 04:25 PM PST |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 04:16 PM PST In california, will i have to get a legal name change prior to marriage? Example: My last name is "Smith-John" but i want my fiancé and my self to only go by "John" Or will we simply be able to pick which last name we want and put it on our marriage certificate? |
Question: When one custodian gives the child to other parent earlier than the appointed time,? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 04:14 PM PST what does it show? I am prepping for divorce trial I need it against my ex. I would assume it shows s/he doesnt want a child |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 03:59 PM PST |
Question: Am I in love with my husband still or ready to walk?!?! I'm so confused!? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 03:25 PM PST My husband and I have been married for 7 years. For 7 years he hasn't been able to keep jobs. We have been evicted twice due to him constantly getting fired. We got married very young (18) and have surprisingly stuck it out through all the garbage he has put us through (cheating, job loss, living with parents.) He hasn't cheated in years but still loses jobs here and there. I finally moved us out with our two children (that I had knowing what I was dealing with..I know this is coming) and have managed to take on the bills and rent by myself since I moved in. I feel like I'm ready to walk but I enjoy his company. It's weird I know. I know that I would probably be much happier on my own and doing what I am now (paying all the bills) but I am too scared to do it. I am no longer sexually attracted to him. I've felt like we were over and good friends for a while now and have spoken to him about separating. I don't know why I am scared to make the move to move on?!?! After we moved out into my own place I started grabbing more self esteem and realized I am way too good for him. I am a college grad. who has a great job that I work from home. I maintain the house, cook and clean everyday. He is the opposite... lazy, a horrible provider, has no patiences with the children, never cleans, and works at a restaurant because thats the only job he can get at the age of 30! |
Question: Is it possible to cheat on your sponse without being caught forever? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 03:17 PM PST anyone carried long term affairs without ever being caught? |
Question: How frequently do you and your spouse have skin to skin contact? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 02:58 PM PST My wife and I rarely touch. It isn't that we have a germ thing or anything like that, it's just that we are never around each other. And when we are, we rarely ever have an embrace or hold hands. We grew up in families where public displays of affection and signs of formal gratitude were discouraged, and I think we both never had a drive for it because it was shamed so much that we just stopped doing it. Even when we first met we weren't very touchy feely and only cuddled in during the honeymoon phase of our relationship. Science says that touching is actually important though. Serotonin, Oxytocin, and other hormones are produced that provide a sense of love, trust, and connection; so I know we are doing each other a disservice not doing it, but that doesn't mean breaking this abused habit is going to be easy. Besides, there's not always time to do it. But what about you? |
Question: Articles about married couples social security bvenits? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 02:53 PM PST |
Question: How can i start to prepare to have a wife and children In future? ? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 02:38 PM PST |
Question: Yes or no? Are many married people more? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 02:20 PM PST lonely than many single people? I say yes. They make their marriage their life, saying my spouse ism y other half and other such stuff, and forget whoo they are. |
Question: Why do so many married people?? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 02:18 PM PST Think that they are better than single people or love bragging to single people about how great their partner is? They always flaunt it. Not all married, ppl, but many of them are this way. Why? If they were truly happy about their partner or marriage, why the need to brag? Even many ppl who've boyfriends and girlfriends but are not married too the same thing. What/'s bad about being single? How come bracing about being single is not accepted, since married ppl brag and nobody says a thing about it? |
Question: Would I be a horrible parent...? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 02:08 PM PST My husband and I are having very serious marital and financial issues. I am ready to leave because he is unwilling to seek help for us or to even talk to me one on one without arguing to try to find solutions for our issues. My dilemma is that I am not financially able to live on my own, I just don't make enough money on my own. I have no family here. My dad who I could stay with is in another state about 6 hours from here. My daughter who is 15 does not understand the magnitude and severity of the situation here with us because I don't relay all the details to her...shes just a kid afterall. So, she refuses to move with me to my dads. So should I make her move with me, or should I allow her to stay here and live with her dad and visit her as much as I can? As I said, its only 6 hours away. Idk which is better. I wanna do whats right for her but idk what that so confused and upset. Advice??? |
Question: Was my husband wrong for kicking me out of the house? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 02:07 PM PST So I have been having affair with a man who has really been a life long friend. I must say I did a pretty nice job of covering up the affair for five years. My husband has treated me like a queen during our twenty two year marriage,, however I needed a change. So I decided to spice things up by having an affair. Initially it was going to be a short term things, but I fell head over heels for this man. When my husband goes to bed I often send text messages and fb messages to my lover, sometimes we send naked photos of each other on our phones. One day I told my husband I was going to the grocery store i was really going to meet my lover, while my husband stayed home to work on bills and do some housework. When I returned two hours later, my husband discovered the various fb messages I sent to my lover, apparently I left it open (woops) He became enraged at me for cheating on him, the FB messages were definitely incriminating. He told me to pack a suitcase and kicked me out of the house and said he is going to file for divorce. Was he justified in kicking me out, I mean both our names are on the lease so it's illegal right? |
Question: Have you felt like no matter what you do , your never good enough for your spouse? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 01:46 PM PST I have tried to be understandable even when he told he had feelings for someone else. I try to do my best for my daughter to be taken care of. I give him space. I have not gained weight . I fong taken back . I don't know what else to do but he always ignores me. |
Question: How do I tell my wife that I want to go through male to female surgiry? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 01:35 PM PST |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 01:35 PM PST I'm talking in reference to all decision making. If neither spouse takes the lead to get something done, maybe out of fear of retaliation or out of fear of making mistakes, then what would you call this kind of marriage? What if both people had their ideas on how things "should" be but neither person was willing to cooperate with what the other person has in mind (creating essentially a status quo - nothing changes situation). Regardless of what version of "dysfunctional" you call it, how would you fix it? Something has to budge. Should one take charge? Should they have a long talk about apathy, depression, and lack of motivation? What should they do to put a stop to doing nothing and letting time just pass without making any decisions (because that's what is happening - the days just go by)... |
Question: Doing our own thing during the holidays with no regrets. How to discuss with IL's? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 01:04 PM PST Holidays have been a hard time between my husband and I for many years. My parents are deceased and his live about a mile down the road. Ever since I can remember we have always done every holiday with my husbands family - even when my parents were alive. They lived about 1000 miles away so it wasn't as easy to travel. But over the years, we've had our own children who are now beginning to find magic in the holidays. Besides the fact that we want to create memories in our own home with our boys we simply don't wish to be around my husband's brother and wife. Both of whom have had big problems with my in laws - so much so that my father in law once told me that he doesn't trust sister in law around my children. She's unstable. I also hold a major grudge that they didn't even so much as send a congratulations when my youngest was born (FWIW, they DO have their own children) and never acknowledged the death of my father. For me, I simply cannot sit down and break bread during the holidays with folks who cannot acknowledge such big life events. While my in laws sometimes make me sour, I do genuinely love and care for them, but I simply cannot do it this year. Maybe next year but my feelings are too hurt to sit down during the holidays with people who obviously want nothing to do with me or my children. I cant come up with a gentle way of addressing this with the ILs and my husband is pretty blunt. I don't want to make them feel bad but I don't want to regret another holiday. |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 12:40 PM PST My marriage is leaderless. Well, kind of; over the weekend my wife jokingly "knighted me" the "king of the castle" and acted like she likes the idea of me taking charge. But if I don't choose to give orders, we are a leaderless marriage and trying the whole "equal" thing. But this "equal" thing never worked in my marriage; there's NO dominate culture or practiced religion to keep us "in check". By my observation, it seems to me that "the flow" is more about what "mainstream society" is doing and less about what you as an individual want to do. And since my wife and I refuse to do things just because other people do, this relationship is very "driverless". And because there's no driver, we often just end up doing nothing. --"Bedroom needs de-cluttering? Wait, who's in charge of that? No one? Should I do it? Well, who's going to yell at me if I don't? No one? Okay, well, I guess it waits until something is lost." -- is a prime example of how our life works when we "go with the flow". The flow has no direction in my marriage; the flow is grounded in negative reinforcement with no real desire to earn positive reinforcement (since you probably won't get anything in return). It's selfishness and hitting minimums instead of selflessness and striving for excellence. I don't do it because not enough time to make it perfect; she doesn't do it because why fix what ain't broke? This is obviously dysfunctional; what's the right way though? How is the flow supposed to work? |
Question: Husband pushed me and now? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 12:26 PM PST My husband and I got into a fight the other day over something really small. He was helping me clean and I was busy with something else but I asked him if he needed any help and he said no "I got it" was fine but then when he got frustrated and didn't want to clean anymore which was all of five minutes (he hates cleaning or any sort of home responsibility he is a procrastinator anytime he offers help he spends an hour on his phone ) he started yelling at me saying all I do is sit on my as-s and tell him what to do. ( I mean really? where did that come from ) Sometimes I swear he is bipolar he is nice and sweet one minute then next he is yelling at me and calling me names. During the fight he called me a stupid B-itch and he started pushing me out of his way. I got up and started to clean so every time we crossed paths he was shoving me around. When he was coming out of our bedroom he grabbed both my arms and slammed me a few times into the wall first I hit the corner and then directly against the wall almost fell over our laundry baskets. But after that happened I sat down because I felt like the wind got knocked out of me my lungs were hurting so I went to use the laptop and he quickly came to take it (probably so I couldn't talk to anyone) he said I could have it back when I cleaned the rest up and put some effort into the house. But since that night my back has only felt worse more on the back left side. It hurts to breathe I'm pretty sure my lower rib is crack and/or Bruised there's no way for me to get to a hospital or doctor to find out. Is there a home way to tell? I've broken a rib before and it feels very similar. Sore to the touch, aching breaths and my movement is restricted. He wasn't always this person. I've been with him for years the physical violence started after he cheated on me for a year. He wanted forgiveness I figured one more chance he says he has anger issues and doesn't know why. Before we were married and even when we first lived together he was kind, caring and sweet this is all the past three years Yes I know it's classic abuse he's only violent in private controls our private life from public I just still have hope for the person he was. I'm sorry if I insulted anyone with Bipolar disorder but I have a brother who has it and it's the best way I could describe the random outbursts. A single thing he gets upset about he explodes on me. I do my best to avoid situations he will be upset with but he just tells me how I do everything wrong. I do love him and thinking of letting go would be hard but I am scared. I do sit and wonder how far he would go But aside from my relationship troubles there really is no way for me to get to a doctor right now I live more then 20 minutes away from the nearest one he is the only person with the ability to drive back and forth and he takes the car to work and when he is not at work he is home with me. I am home careless and far from a hospital so I just need to know of some home ways to tell or anything I can do at home to ease pain |
Question: Is this for her or me? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 12:16 PM PST So my birthday is coming up. My wife always gets me the coolest gifts, hands down, from concert tickets to smartphones. She even got me a car once to commute to my train station and back which I still have. Anyway, she said wanted to do something way out of the norm this time. She was very hesitant to suggest it, but anyway here goes. She wants to find a woman, in a certain business(wink wink) that looks just like her, height, weight, hair, etc. and have her over for an all-night threesome. They would wear the same make-up, dress and every underneath of course. My wife is 5,3, red hair, about 115 lbs. She's absolutely stunning. To think I could have my way with two of her for a whole night, is every married man's wet dream. I'm wondering if she's doing this really for me or her. She has the whole thing planned. It is even making her more creative in bed, and my birthday isn't for two months. She is doing all sorts of unmentionable things to me in a kind of louder and crazy way. All she talks about is this birthday present. She is buying two of everything at Victoria Secret. She even bought some toys for them to use on each other...I guess. I am starting to wonder who this is really for, LOL. I'm also nervous. Have any of you ladies ever done something like this for your man? |
Question: Christmas gift ideas for my husband! It s our first year married!? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 12:00 PM PST I want to get him something really meaningful this Christmas since it is our first Christmas as a married couple. I am clueless though. Any ideas are appreciated! |
Question: Do marriage counselors ever suggest a divorce? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 11:57 AM PST Aside from ethics or professionalism or whatever, is it legal for them to suggest a divorce to a couple? Can a marriage counsellor say divorce if that is the very best option? |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 11:43 AM PST I already asked this question but I didn't get a lot of responses. The only meaningful answers I got was "go with the flow" and "take an inventory of what you do have". And those are great when I (or my wife) am being pessimistic, but I need help on putting my blinders on. I'm not stupid, I know the potential is there; it isn't a daunting thing either, I can just work towards it and POOF it happens. But in my marriage, there is no tomorrow; all we have is today. Because if you look at tomorrow, you start to get idealistic and try to "eat an elephant whole". There's an impatience problem (instant gratification syndrome) and there's a boundaries problem (making each other do things against our will). So how do we keep our mind, our heart, and our souls in the present day marriage and not the marriage we "could have had"? |
Question: My husband 1st marriage has ruined him financially? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 11:21 AM PST |
Question: Need help in a tough spot here? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 11:19 AM PST My husband grow up in a very small, simple family 4 or 5 people for Thanksgiving. Then I have my family which is a huge family usually at least 10 people. So we were talking about Thanksgiving yesterday and realized it was only going to be my mom and step dad and my husband and I. My mom is like maybe we should go out to eat and not cook. My husband got offended by that thinking she should be willing to cook for the little group. then now my is offended by my husbands attitude about the holiday. She was thinking about taking us to a country club and my husband and I don't really have anything nice enough to wear. He said he will fake being sick before he steps in the club. What do I do? Please advise? I have offered to help my mom cook and set up the dishes and all for Thanksgiving so i could learn the ropes and when i get a house. We can do Thanksgiving at our house I have posted a similar question in another category and no answers. That is why i am posting in this section |
Question: How to get my husband to please me in the bedroom...? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 11:04 AM PST Ok so my husband and I started out with sex literally everyday when we first met but I was always the initiator. I then got pregnant and then got married. At that point I rarely wanted to have sex. After the baby was born 6 months later i got pregnant again. So for about 2 years our sex life has been, me not being into it and him jus getting his rocks off. -___- we have sex about 2 times a week and both times I'm silent and uninterested. I know how to please him but he doesn't know how to please me. We've been married for 3 years and he just found out where my clitoris was.😑 I tried to instruct him during sex on what I want and what to do but then he tells me not to do that and that it makes him not want to have sex with me because it's makes him less confident. I worked out to get my body back in shape and he just lounges around and thinks that's going to help him feel more confident.. . What do I do? My past relations knew exactly what I wanted and was OK with addition I'm always stressed because i'm always cleaning(rarely any help), cooking, working, going to school.. help!!!! |
Question: Why has cheating in a relationship become a popular trend? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 10:57 AM PST I understand people have been cheating on others since the dawn of time. But it seems in todays age it has become a sport or trend. I see gifs and memes all the time on the internet of people trying to unlocks their lovers iphone so they can see who they are cheating with. And when i googled it, all these sites came up talking about how cheating is good for a relationship. I do not understand this. Someone explain to me why cheating has become awesome. |
Question: If you found your partner wrote this would you leave them ? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 10:33 AM PST Has an anonymous facebook and writes to a woman " My grandfather always said if you let go of a good pieceofass you are never going to see it again. " What would you make of this ? Was he letting her know he wanted to phuck her ? She never responded back to his comment, but what's the point of making those types of comments from an anonymous account ? He said he went out on a date with her a few years ago... like 6 years ago. He had sent her a message then waited 4 years to send her another message on facebook and it was to say that quote. Another thing he does is give women his advice on the guys they are going to marry. He wrote one girl a full page huge wall of text advicing her not to get married with the guy she was going to marry because she was hot and young and could do much better than him. He tells other women that they are good looking, and others he bashes on for having been promiscuous when they were teens. Gives them a hard time for things that are none of his business. He uses an anonymous account to do it. |
Question: Are SUCCESSFUL open relationships/marriages the strongest types of relationships? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 10:27 AM PST Like, are successful open relationships (only sex with other people) stronger than a successful closed relationships? Someone told me it's the ultimate sign of trust, strength and communication? Your personal opinion? Yes or no? And please be as descriptive as possible. |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 10:22 AM PST My wife and I have big ideas. No, I mean BIG ideas on how my life should be. We really don't pay much attention to the life we are living right now, because the life we are living right now is so... I don't know... flawed... So we get stuck on these grandiose thoughts of how we can change EVERYTHING and EVERYONE to make it all better. You know, like those essays you used to do in school about "if you could change the world, how would you do it?" or "the world is ending, how would you save it?"... So we think deep about the problems, and we think about the changes we think will improve our situations and we influence people to make it happen. Forget about the notion that my son is just not a straight A student kind of kid, or forget about the fact my wife would rather cling to her social phobia than overcome it, or forget about the fact that I never attended college so that dream about being a stay at home mom is never going to come true, and forget about the idea that our children are diagnosed with ADHD and we are trying to force them into a normal public education program instead of an IEP... The point is, we get this big idea, then we convince ourselves that this is the way life has to be, and we push ourselves (or each other) to satisfy these desires/needs/wants because we believe it is the solution to all of our problems... Clearly this isn't working. Nothing I try is making me happy or fixing the issues, and I think I just need to accept what I have. But how? @Anonymous (Starfish?) - I don't think that's the case here. We get along just fine. We are just aimless until we are super passionate - then we fail and go back to being aimless. |
Question: What would you do if your spouse completely refused to have sex with you ? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 10:11 AM PST My wife won't sleep with me, and won't tell me why. I tried talking to her, being more romantic, spending more time with her. Given the circumstances what would you do ? |
Question: IS HE GAY AND IN DENIAL, WHAT DO YOU THINK? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 09:02 AM PST Hello everyone, I have been married 5 years and met my husband in 2006, all through our relationship he has had to use Viagra etc and self medicated as he found it too embarrassing to see a doctor, ever since we met he has made excuses up not to have sex with me, too many excuses to remember, he also drinks very heavily at weekends and also after work. I have more often that not beein the one who initiates sex and in the past when I ve told him I don t get enough he has labelled me as desperate (too right I am!!!). Before we were married we used to have sex maybe once a week or a fortnight but he has always only seemed interested in me giving him oral, he has no idea of foreplay and seems bored when he tries to have sex with me. This year the medication stopped working and he eventually went to see a doctor who after various tests ruled out any health issues and gave him Cialis on porescription which we niow have a drawer full of as these dont work and he wont revisit the doctor. He is always full of good intentions lol of having sex with me but the plans always change or something crops up, ever since we married he no longer makes any effort at all, I ve tried everything. All this has affected my confidence and I too have now given up trying, I feel stupid and even when I do get him in bed with me its always a failure. He says he ended up in bed with 2 men in his youth just after he had left school as he was working away and they all had to share a bed, he says he was touched in a gay way and had to ring his father who came and took him home. I am 52 and he is 48, hes also said that for the last 3 years of his previous marriage him and his ex didn t have sex. I feel I have been duped into marriage and the man who I thought I married doesn t exist. Help please. |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 08:52 AM PST Women would you like if your man did this? I only have a few hours during the day where someone will watch the kids. Maybe a massage and then a room to have fun? |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 08:46 AM PST We have joint custody of my son with primary custody being with mother. She got evicted from her apartment and for the past 3 weeks she is staying at different hotels. I only see my son every other weekend. I dont know what her plans her but my son is most likely tired of this. He is 9 years old. We also go to court ordered counseling but she cancelled our last appt and told them she cant make it..Counseling has no idea about this. I have told her many times that I am willing to cosign for her to get an apartment and she has declined this and instead asking her friends to sign for her etc..Another thing she told me is that she has applied for a mortgage for a small condo and is waiting for that to get approved so thats why she is staying in a hotel....There is no way she will get mortage approved as she has no income plus horrible credit! Should I inform counseling about this? so that they can set up a urgent appt? I am just worried for my son as for the past 3 weeks he is going to these cheap dirty hotels!!! |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 08:34 AM PST I am engaged to the father of my son, who is a little over 1 year old. I am the breadwinner, a professional, who makes 3-4 times my fiancés salary. He has helped some with caring for our son, but I am still doing the majority of our sons care - bathing, nighttime stories, preparing and feeding him his dinner, brushing his teeth. Many times I don t see many incentives for me to get married, other than fulfilling the holy sacrament of marriage and my son having a married mother and father. Since most marriages end in costly divorce anyway, I have so many second thoughts related to marriage and think am better off remaining a single mom. Other things factor in are that I do not care for my husbands family whom he is very close to. They are largely uneducated and have stark opposite views of me when it comes to diet (they could live off of Barbacoa), exercise, financial responsibilities. His mom is applying for disability at the age of 50, when she is clearly not disabled. They re not the kind of people that I would consider a valuable way to spend my limited amounts of free time with. I am torn, as a person who has worked very hard to get to where I m at. My fiancé would like to wed in the next 6-12 months but I really don t see a reason. I love him, but feel I have more to loose than to gain by marriage. What should I do? |
Question: Why does my husband smell his finger after he fingers me? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 08:29 AM PST I've aways thought it was strange, but he says he likes the smell of it......but I honestly can't smell anything? |
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 08:26 AM PST How everything started, was when he secretly texted another woman, became abusive to me, lied to me, and claimed he was single. I decided to leave him, when he began threatening me. When i left, he began blaming my parents that they were leading me to a divorce, when the problems we had were what he did. I decided to try and move on, so i decided to online date and met a guy on there. That guy and i only met once and online dated for no more than 3 weeks, and then i found out that he had a girlfriend on the side, so i ended that relationship with him. For the next few months, my husband kept contacting me, and seemed like he was apologetic for everything that has happened. He did change, no more threatening me, no more hitting anymore. But he began threatening himself saying he was going to kill himself, he began saying that what he did in the past was not as bad as what other couples did. So i left him again. That gave him an opening and he went and dated another woman for a month and they (ofcourse) were having sex. A month later flew by and he contacts me again and wanted to work things out. I didnt know that he was two timing me and the other woman for 2 weeks straight. I'm so heart broken, even though it's been over a month now and he hasnt contacted that other woman anymore. It's killing me and im having nightmares every single night. Im afraid to go places because im afraid he's already been there with her. Im jealous in all honesty. help? Why would he come back to me? |
Question: Is it true that many married men forgo their own happiness just to save their marriage? Posted: 09 Nov 2015 08:07 AM PST You know, to keep the wife happy so she doesn't file for divorce. |
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