Question: Should I stay with my boyfriend? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 07:50 PM PDT So my boyfriend and I have been dating (off and on) for a year and a few months. He's cheated on me a few times. Mostly it's been just asking girls to hangout in sexual ways but never actually doing it because i've always found out before ,which i still count as cheating. i've always broken up with him when he does this but he's always talked me into getting back with him telling me he's going to change and stuff. i love him so much and he is nice to me most of the time but i don't trust him at all anymore. i try so hard to but after everything we have been through i just can't. i want to but i don't know what to do. i don't think it's fair to him that i have to always ask if he's doing anything and i don't think it's fair to me that i always have to doubt him and get worried. what should i do? i really want to stay with him but idk how. |
Question: I'm a junior high student and me and my girlfriend want to go on a date but don't know what to do. SOS? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 07:30 PM PDT |
Question: My ex-boyfriend invited me to his wedding? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 07:14 PM PDT One of my longest and most serious relationships was with a boyfriend, who is now getting married to another woman. We dated for 4-5 years, and broke up over 4 years ago. Our breakup was anything but amicable (considering there was some infidelity on his part), and for years after the breakup, he truly went out of his way to say or do anything to hurt me. There was never an attempt at being friends, since we could not even manage to be civil with one another. Over time, his attempts to hurt me, reach out, etc. gradually diminished, until the attempts became virtually nonexistent. I had not heard from him (or even heard anything about him) in 2 years. Just as I began to think that this chapter of my life had closed, I receive a phone call from my mother. She tells me that she received something in the mail addressed to me. (I have been moved out of my parents' home for over half a decade now, so I found that revelation strange, to say the least). I was so curious, I just asked her to open it. Come to find out: it is an invitation from said ex-boyfriend, inviting me to his wedding in September. We are by no means friends, or even on speaking terms, at that. In fact, I changed my phone number shortly after the breakup and he has long ago been blocked on every form of social media I own. He even had to send the invite to my childhood home because he has no idea where I currently reside. I have long ago wiped my hands of him, but I just can't help but wonder: WHY did he do that? |
Question: What's wrong!? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 07:11 PM PDT |
Question: Do moths not go outside at day cuz they will fli into the sun? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 07:04 PM PDT my mom just lafed ween i asked |
Question: Is it wrong/offensive if I pursue my former college professor when I’m 17? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 06:21 PM PDT For some context, I had this professor in the last winter semester and I'm class he was always funny, and he taught a subject I really fell in love with as well. He looks really young, and I would assume he's not even a day over 30. During his class he always would talk to me and I'd ingage in discussion with him during class. I always thought he was attractive, and he always stood close by me during lectures. On last day of the class I was waiting for my ride and we had a pretty deep conversation. Since then, I haven't stopped thinking about him in a romantic/sexual way. I honestly think he might have shared this connection with me. I recently looked him up on Facebook and sent him a friend request for the hell of it, and surprisingly enough he accepted immediately. Honestly I'm just worried that even if he did think of me, he wouldn't go after me because I'm 17. He no longer teaches at the college I attend anymore either. Should I pursue him or not? |
Question: I really like him, but does he like me back? What's your opinion? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 06:19 PM PDT I was at a summer camp and I met this guy. He was mature, smart, and talented. He loved reading, which only made me like him more. I stayed at the camp for a week. The first two days, I was just attracted to him, nothing else. The next few days, I was depressed because I knew it was impossible between us and I must admit, I do kind of get self conscious around him. Anyways, Friday came around, and we were on a bus. The ride was an hour long, plus there was traffic so it was about two hours long. For the first time, we actually talked-talked. I really enjoyed it and thought that it was nice that he could hold a conversation very well. On the bus ride back, our friends decided to play truth or dare, which I learned that there s this secret girl that he s been crushing on this whole time. The next day, we were playing truth or dare again. He opted out and decided to play foosball with his friend nearby. I was dared to flirt with his friend, which I did. Before I got his friends number, he kind of slammed the foosball knob thingy and walked out, saying "guys it s time to go". My roommates and I went back to our room. They told me that they think the girl he likes is me (they have no idea that I m crushing on him) because apparently whenever he talks, he's looking at me. Some time after, I got his number. He's staying for two weeks and I was only staying for one. I texted him, but he never texted back, even though he's been active on Instagram. Does he like me or not? |
Question: Can woman conceal in their emotions like us men? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 06:17 PM PDT Like can they hold in the fact they are going to cry can they hide what they are feeling as well as males can? Or would they explode and can't hold it in anymore. |
Question: He stopped talking to me out of nowhere? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 06:10 PM PDT I've been seeing this guy for a few months. It's been really great. We text all the time and go on really fun dates. We've even had sex a few times and he always tells me he has a lot of fun with me. The last time we saw each other was 2 weeks ago and it was an amazing date that ended with me staying the night and it was wonderful and he said he wanted me to stay over more often. I texted him a few times that day and then I hadn't heard from him. I kept my space not wanting to seem clingy or desperate but after 2 weeks I just said "hey how've you've been?" He's always been the one to text me first. I've only heard from him a few times and he keeps his answers short. I don't know what to think. We've been having so much fun with each other I don't know why he stopped talking to me. What do you guys think ? |
Question: If a girl gives you a silent treatment, are you more in danger of a breakup? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 05:52 PM PDT |
Question: How long do guys usually take to text a girl after she gives him her number? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 05:50 PM PDT I made the first move and gave my number to a guy i see a lot. He checks me out, everyone else always comments on it to me and we flirt a little too. I gave him my number Thursday night. He smiled really big and said thanks. So far, no contact yet. Is the 3 day rule still a thing? Feeling pretty crappy. I only gave him my number, I didn't get his number that night. He was leaving and I wrote it down and gave it to him. |
Question: By the way we are not fat, south est asian girl can be cury, maybe because you guys are aneroxic. why you east asian girls so aneroxic? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 05:49 PM PDT pale, small eyes, small nose, small lips, small boobs, flat as wall, small butt, flat butt weak as **** we win more pageants than u |
Question: Why is Karma said to be a biitch? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 05:43 PM PDT |
Question: Why did my ex boyfriend add me on Faceboom again? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 05:40 PM PDT We dated since we were in middle school... on and off. I'm 21 years old now, and we haven't spoken since summer after high school graduation. He randomly added me around 2 am last night, and I'm just wondering why he would add me because I remember him saying he doesn't think about people in his past back when we used to talk. By the way, I have already accepted the request & no, he has not messaged me. Hence why I'm confused lol. |
Question: Will she come back to me? Please help? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 05:35 PM PDT Long story short I began dating this girl this month 4 dates total. Prior to going out on the dates she had rejected my efforts to got out because she kept stating she wasant ready. So much so that after our first date she said she wasant ready and said if a great guy like you cant get me to want a relationship im not ready. I said ok and walked away. Four days later she hits me saying she wants to try again. Finally today things kinda blew up. On tuesday I mentioned about becoming exclusive and she said she isn't sure if she wants to be in a relationship and that we are moving too fast. We then agreed i have to think things over if I want to keep seeing her. We talked today and she told me she likes me, is attracted to me and has feelings for me. But she wants to be selfish and date around. I said that is ok but that i have to be selfish too and walk away. We agreed we can't just be friends. So everything ended today. Mind you she has been single for seven months. Her last relationship was three years and very abusive and he cheated on her. Now my question is will she come back to me like last time? If not how long should I wait to reach out to her again? |
Question: Is my male coworker into me or is he just a nice guy? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 05:13 PM PDT So I've been at my job for over a year, but recently (3months) we've had a new guy added to the work team. He is handsome, kind, introverted and above all a gentleman. We are desk neighbors and since he's started we've just clicked. It started off with small talk, discussing music, tv etc. Then the conversations got more personal family, past relationships and future goals. He listens when I speak, remembers small details that I told him weeks ago and is always offering a helping hand. He also shares childhood stories and has opened up about a family tragedy which i think is a big deal since he is an introvert. For the past month we been eating at new restaurants on our lunch breaks. Just me and him. We both make an effort to not invite other coworkers. During our lunches it's a lot of laughing, story sharing and chemistry. Besides him being extremely kind he has not made a pass at me. We've never hung out, outside of work. And we don't text. We both are single. In our 20's. Am I just a cool lunch buddy? |
Question: Ladies and gentlemen!!!! Give me your interpretation of this text!!!? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 04:50 PM PDT I'm thinking he's just telling me nicely its not going to work having a relationship right now. But other part of me says he's trying to say he doesn't like me in THAT way and is saying we will NEVER be anything more than friends. What's your opinion, being unbiased???? Just got phone turned back on. Left it at my studio Monday night and didn't even bother to pick it up till Wednesday, then service was turned off. Let it go till yesterday so was not able to reply to your message, apologies if it seems like I'm ghosting you. This is just how my life is, unpredictable and I don't always have free time. I'm terrible at staying in touch and I have friends that I hang out with, then don't see again for months. All about hanging out again sometime, I just don't know when that would be. Also I'm not sure where you see us becoming friends is going to go but it would be in our best interests to keep this in the friend zone. As tacky as that sounds, anything past that just isn't going to work out. |
Question: How do i approach his health with delicacy? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 04:19 PM PDT There is a man i adore. He is insightful but has had a hard life. He is in his mid-30's. But he looks very gaunt in the face and he is rail thin. We both like each other but he doesn't initiate much outings with me and he won't give me any photos of himself because he is extremely self conscious of his appearance. I am not afraid of him, but i can tell that something isn't right. I think it may be his smoking and the fact that he is a chef in a busy kitchen running around 12 + hours a day 6 days a week! Im concerned that he isn't eating enough and want to understand if he is ok. Plus, if he and i were to ever become intimate, I'm certain that he would not want me to see his naked body because I'm certain his bones are sticking out. What can i say? is there anything i can do to help him? I don't want to come across inappropriately but we are sort of dating so i want to understand. How to approach this with delicacy? |
Question: No friends or family, no car to drive around small rural town. No luck on dating sites and I am on disability from diabetic complications.? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 04:17 PM PDT |
Question: Anyone Wanna *** On My Titties ��? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 04:08 PM PDT |
Question: What are the common signs that a teenager is lonely ? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 04:06 PM PDT |
Question: How long till my ex stops trying to contact me? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 03:56 PM PDT we dated for a few years, it was a nasty split and i cut contant all together two months ago. Ive not responded to any of his texts or emails. He now lives with another gal that he says is just a "friend" but who knows nor do i glad someone took him off my hands. BUT he still messages me about everyday with how much he misses, loves and wants a family with me etc etc. Its the same bs and manipulative behavior im not into. When will he stop? |
Question: Is my mom crazy? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 03:48 PM PDT She told me to lie to my doctor that I'm a virgin which I'm not because it would make me look bad to be an unmarried guy who isn't a virgin. I just moved to SF and have a new doctor now. I'm 22 male. |
Question: I want to know if someone is sentenced to prison time can they go back to see about getting less time? Is there a chance of getting more? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 03:45 PM PDT |
Question: Why did he ghost me like that? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 03:14 PM PDT I've been texting this guy for a few weeks and we really hit it off. JUST IGNORE THIS POST I'm trying to delete it and start over, but Yahoo Answers is glitching. Don't mind me. |
Question: I'm so lonely...? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 03:09 PM PDT Its summer break for me right now and I spend almost all of everyday alone. I have a girlfriend and things have been going really great with her but today she got mad at me because I couldn't go see her. Shes with her girl friends and I didn't wanna be intrusive to their day plus I didn't have a way to get to her. But I'm tired of always being alone. She doesnt understand how it feels at all. She has a sister and they spend all their time together and she is really close to her parents. I'm just alone, always. Idk why I'm posting this, maybe to feel better idk. But I'm just so sad all the time and idk what to do anymore. |
Question: My girl has another boy and idk how to get back with her tho? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 02:34 PM PDT |
Question: Are there girls that get turned on when seeing a naked man with his dick out and play with themselves? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 02:19 PM PDT Like watching a video of himself do it |
Question: Is it wrong to consistently dm girls whether it may be on Facebook or Instagram? I don't think it's wrong or anything but you be the judge? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 02:18 PM PDT I don t say anything that can be perceived as creepy or weird but I do it when I m incredibly bored. I usually only ever do it when the girl and I share plethora of friends and that she has single in her Facebook bio |
Question: I am having trouble forgiving my girlfriend for cheating....? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 02:11 PM PDT Hi Everyone. My name is Tristan and me and my girlfriend recently had a major bump in the road. Last night a guy sent me a message on Instagram. He told me he had met my girlfriend and her friend in a subway at the beginning of June and she told him her name was Taylor and her friend said her name was Savannah which isn t true. My girlfriend gave the guy her number and later that night they had a conversation which around two weeks later ended up being face time calls and texts with words like "baby" and "sweat pea" used by both sides. He send me a video of their texts and told me this exact story. I tried calling my girlfriend however it was 1 AM and she was asleep. In the morning I went to her house and she explained to me that the story was true while balling her eyes out. (Side note: she gave me a promise ring) After about an hour of conversation she promised me that this would never happen again and that she is my one and only forever, again, while crying. I forgave her for more so my sake and we are still together. However, I have been non stop balling my eyes out and listening to sad music. Im not sure what to do or how to feel right now and I really need some outside opinion on this issue. Please help me. 4 |
Question: Help for my story im writing? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 01:42 PM PDT Basically, it's about a girl who realizes her relationship with her boyfriend is toxic and it isn't working out. She's going to meet someone on a trip to a different country with her friend. At this point, the main character and her friend are on a walk and talking about the relationship. The friend suggests a trip to a place of her choosing. The thing is, they can't just randomly leave without telling the boyfriend something. What do they tell him? I'm really stuck on this |
Question: Please help me understand this please men and woman.? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 01:21 PM PDT After 3 years my boyfriend decided he cant cope with me and my children. So after a lot of tears i moved out his house after living there 2.6yrs. Then 2 weeks later he starts talking to me again got invited to his place a few times we even slept together. But he never said he wanted me back. But i got that impression. Then i decided to tell him i am getting off this rollercoaster my heart cant handle this anymore. All he said was cool cheers u must carry afyer 3 years then dragging me along for another 4 months thats all he says. Havent heard from him in 3 days now. But why do men do this to us when they know how much we love them. Please someone explain that to me please. |
Question: Why does my ex block me and unblock me on social media? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 01:12 PM PDT My boyfriend and I broke up a few days ago. It ended really badly. We were together for about a year. Thing is, he had me blocked on all social media. I have his phone number blocked. He blocked me and it's been two days, we have not spoken and he had unblocked me, then blocked me again, now has me unblocked. The thing is I don't think he realizes that I can tell I'm unblocked. Old messages reappear in my inbox once he unblocks me which is why I can tell. But I don't think he knows I still have those messages.. he just messaged me today on WhatsApp asking if I was okay.. when i didn't respond he started accusing me of seeing someone (which I'm not since I still have feelings for him and he knows this) and then I didn't respond again and deleted my whatsapp. I'm still very hurt by the breakup and quite heartbroken. He's 34 and I'm 7 years younger than him. Is he doing this to be childish? try to get under my skin? Because he still has feelings? All of my profiles are on private so he can't see anything anyway. But what's the reason for this? |
Question: Falling in love with Ciri but paranoid you won’t be with a fictional character? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 01:07 PM PDT I'm asking for a friend. |
Question: How often does your ___ not ___? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 01:06 PM PDT |
Question: Are you into scat/feces play? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 01:02 PM PDT |
Question: Ways to get him to touch me? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 12:48 PM PDT He is not my boyfriend yet. (I know he likes me, and has for a while, I just want to get him to make the first move) Any subtle ways? For example, Hey is there something on the back of my top? Can you get it off? (lol) Something like that :) thank you |
Question: Moms would you do this? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 12:28 PM PDT I am a single mom to a 17 year old girl. She had been dating her boyfriend for 7 months so I let my daughter have sex in her room. They are going to have sex anyway so I want her to have sex in her own bed so she can be more comfortable. I got her the shot so she can t get pregnant so her boyfriend never uses condoms. She told me sex feels so much better without condoms and I agree with her. They are in her room now having sex. He is spending the night so I am going to make supper for them. She tells me how happy she Is I let her have sex in her own bed. |
Question: Does he like me? I’m so confused! So basically there’s a guy I work with and he text me a lot and at first I just thought nothing of it? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 12:19 PM PDT Then one day he told me he has two Disney tickets and pretty much asking if I wanted to go. I never really said yes or no and at the time I was obblvious to what he ment. The next day he asked me should he give the tickets away and I told him I don't know. I said that mostly because I started to freak. Plus the moment he chose to tell me that made me uncomfortable. He's told me my hair was beautiful. He's pointed out people we work with thinks he's strong and showed me his muscles. He's always starring at me. The day I told him idk about the tickets he didn't text me that day. And when I left I just had a feeling immediately after that I hurt him so moments later when I was leaving I stop walking and turned to look at him hoping he would look back and he did! I waved bye and his was weak. We work at a summer camp and my nephew attends and he's always super nice to him. One time a student even pointed out what does he get to do everything. The last time I saw him was the day after what I'm now assuming way my "rejection" witch I didn't really mean and I worked super hard that day so he knew I liked him. And that evening he reached out his arm and hugged me with one arm. His other had had stuff in it. I told him good bye and I was about to pull way, like I was moving slowly and he kinda pushed me back closer to him and rubbed my back. All while squeezing me tight. Then adding hopefully I see you next week(we're off that week) I told him yes for sure just let me know. |
Question: Will not get? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 12:18 PM PDT |
Question: Is it okay for me to date a 18 year old, and I'm 23? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 12:17 PM PDT He has a crush on me, and all, and for some reason has fallen in love with me, he's tall, yes handsome, blue eyed, and blonde, and has a nice personality, he's the most caring, understanding, even understand my dating past, etc, he's told me why he's in love with me, it's been months now, he says, he's willing to wait for as long as he can, we both have the same understanding of each other, and last, he loves me for the right reasons, not for the wrong for the reasons? We're waiting for each other right now, his birthday is in two months in September, so I'm wondering should we wait longer, until he turns 20, I want to get to know him better, or wait till he's 18? I'm a girl by the way. By the way, I'm not trying to sound like a pedophile, or anything, I did say we're waiting until after he turns 18. And what age should I wait for him? I was thinking 20. |
Question: Will not get? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 12:16 PM PDT |
Question: What does it mean she did all this? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 12:06 PM PDT I saw a woman in a gas station with her friend.She made eye contact with me then kept looking at me her friend didn't acknowledge my presence. She was staring at me and I looked back making eye contact she continued didn't stop but we were a little distance away so she was open about it. Then kept on glancing back at me and making eye contact and looking at me but not as open but we were closer. This was the first time I saw her and she was doing that. What does this mean because this was weird. We had eye contact and she stared She looked at me 3 times in a short period of time, I had a hunch something is up. Then when I leave the store she's in her car with her friend. Just when I leave she leaves behind me and I see her right behind my truck as I'm pulling out. ☆ Sent from iOS Dr. Know! 1.1.04 |
Question: What’s wrong with him? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 11:58 AM PDT Have I hurt his feelings? I started dating a guy and I was given to understand that he was with someone else. His behaviour wasn't the one that I'm used to when a guy is into me, which made me think he really was with someone else and ditched him on a date. Since then he doesn't speak to me like he does with anyone else, though I can see that he wants to as he's always looking at me and sometimes he comes in my direction but if someone is near he just goes somewhere else. |
Question: ADVICE NEEDED TOXIC RELATIONSHIP? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 11:49 AM PDT |
Question: Hey guys, is dominos pizza good? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 11:41 AM PDT |
Question: Hey! I need advice and suggestions from a teenager or anyone tbh.? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 11:36 AM PDT So basically, this guy started liking me like he asked for my snapchat and my number a couple of months ago. We started talking and it was cool until he kinda did something that upset me so I stopped talking to him. He told me that he liked me and that he wished I could forgive him, which I eventually did. A couple times he asked if I liked him and I said no, even though I kinda did like him but I just wasn't sure. Now, I blocked him on snapchat and he never tried to contact me, and he has a gf which I found out he was dating while he was flirting with me. I really like him. Should I text him and tell him that? Idk what I should do right now. |
Question: What is my URL? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 11:26 AM PDT |
Question: My dad loves his girlfriend more than me? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 11:20 AM PDT Basically my parents divorced in October, I live with my dad 24/7 now and only see my mum for about 20 minutes a week, sometimes less and sometimes more. My dad got a new girlfriend and either she is always here and my dad doesn't really speak to me because he's too busy talking to his girlfriend, or he's at her house and so me and my sister are just at home by ourselves. Im 17 and my sister is 14 so leaving us alone isn't the issue, it's just the fact that he seems to love his girlfriend more than us. And also, he only makes dinner when his girlfriend comes round, if she isn't coming round then we have to make our own dinner which is fine because I can cook, but he only cooks because his girlfriend is here which means he cares about her more. Also, they're going on holiday for a week without us so me and my sister are home alone for a week. I miss how things used to be, I barely ever speak to him now because he's never here anymore or if he is he's with his girlfriend. He always sleeps at her house too or she sleeps at our house and it's just weird. He's started drinking alcohol every night as well. Sometimes he gets properly drunk and other times he just has a few drinks but I'm not sure if this is normal. |
Question: Why do some men kiss you in the mouth while having sex and others don't? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 11:01 AM PDT Is it because they're in love? |
Question: Why did he do this? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 11:00 AM PDT met this guy on a climbing site and we made tentative plans to climb. They fell through and we never met in person but chatted on facebook messenger while he has been guiding in another country the past month. He seemed to have ghosted me cause he stopped responding last week, so i let it go. But then days later he "liked" an instagram picture of mine from last random and weird. why? |
Question: Should I never see him again? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 10:57 AM PDT Met this guy on a dating app and went out on four dates. Kissed him on the first. By the fourth time he said he didnt want a gf but asked what was going on with us because he likes me and im hard to read. I explained my situation how i recently came out of a bad longterm relationship and needed time, he said he wouldnt pressure me. Then we go back to his house and he was upset i wasnt more affection and didnt stay the night so he said we shouldnt see eachother again and shut the door on me. Havnt heard from him since |
Question: Why is my boyfriend acting like an as*hole? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 10:53 AM PDT I live in NY and went to California for a wedding for a week. My boyfriend and I usually spend almost every day together. He hasn't called once this whole week in Cali. It's been a constant heart wrenching chase across country to get him to call me. It's impossible to reach him. I messaged his sister and mom, they don't even know where he is or what he's doing. He works at a catering company a few hours a day but that's no excuse not to reach out. I'm just so heartbroken. All I wanted was him to reassure me that he loves me and tell me he misses me but I guess that's just too much these days. Guess I'll just carry on my day with this heaviness in my heart. |
Question: CpDNA de eucalipto é herança materna ou paterna ? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 10:24 AM PDT |
Question: Is my dad creepy or am I overreacting? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 10:23 AM PDT I m 16 and sometimes my dad says or does things that make me uncomfortable but I don t know if I m just overreacting. Some things are like, he always tries to kiss my neck or my lips and I feel like I m too old for that so I tilt my head so it lands on my forehead, and he gets really upset. Other times he will like squeeze my thigh or massage my feet or something when he s sitting next to me and I always pull away and he acts like I m being weird. He also talks about me having my period an unnecessary amount, and one time said "we need to have the sex talk" but like just us two and I insisted I wanted my mom to be there too, idk why he wanted it to be just us. Earlier today he said "you re getting really nice and curvy!" and I said it made me uncomfortable but he said he didn t mean to make me uncomfortable so I dunno. Finally, my sister is 27 and he always jokes he wants to leave my mom for someone her age (he s 50), even specifically one of her actual friends, even a couple years ago when they were like 24. He also always wants to cuddle with me or like lays in my bed next to me and I have to tell him to go away. I think I m just overreacting and overanalyzing it but idk, and I don t want to make it something it s not and mess up like my whole family. I ve never seen him as a creepy guy, I just feel like maybe I m getting older and he s not realizing my behaviors need to change??? Please help, I feel like I m being ridiculous. |
Question: Why cant I Sign In? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 10:13 AM PDT |
Question: Who sold me out? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 10:07 AM PDT |
Question: What's the difference between marriage and a long-term relationship besides legal contracts? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 10:02 AM PDT |
Question: My girlfriend is acting strange or am I over thinking!? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 09:58 AM PDT So I woke up this morning too a strange text from my gf she wrote "hi babe I'm sorry if I don't get in contact with you today it's because I'm having a bad day" now I wanted know why & she she told me she woke up to her guinea pig dead & she feels lost & broken cause of it. She is attached to her animals but I found it odd that she can't talk to me in all day cause of it? Not to mention I caught her talking to another guy sexually & she was begging me to believe her it was b4 me & her started going out & she will delete all of it and she's knows I'm busy today I have to attend a baby shower , wich I invited her to but she was hesitant on the answer & yesterday she gave me the firm no she can't come , and now today she can't talk to me ? |
Question: Is dating mostly a waste of time as a man? Should you just let women come to you? Posted: 30 Jun 2018 09:57 AM PDT Courtship is dead, dating is mostly about agreeing to be a paycheck while the woman shows half interest and has 5 other suitors lined up to take her out. Unattractive women don't have this opportunity but I'm not attracted to fat women. So ultimately I'm wasting my time taking women out who have several other options and I'm just a meal ticket |